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Knights, Skyriders, and Sailors

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[Rynmere] The Iron Hand

The Iron Hand

Story Credit: Malcolm

Twelve generations ago, a fleet of foreign ships sailed up the river from the east. They docked in the depths of Lake Krome and attacked the small settlement nearby. A tribe of three hundred trained warriors, most of them young boys, pitted against Rynmere's farmers and fishermen, but they did not end a single life. Instead the foreigners turned the village upside down in search of Zor, a gifted peasant boy they claimed had the ability to see the future and had been taken from them by the knights of the dragon.
After three days of searching and with the foreigners finding no sign of the boy, they turned their eye on the noble family of Krome and stayed in the village for an arc. Tired of waiting and fighting for the boy, Zor, they moved on the capital and ten days later arrived on foot at the gates, demanding the safe return of the boy in exchange for a daughter of Krome, but not just anyone, no, this girl was said to harbour the blood of an immortal. Avari Krome.
The Knights of Rynmere were set upon the foreigners by order of the King. Almost nine hundred Knights died that day while the strangers from the sea suffered zero casualties. Displeased and fearing another wave of attacks, the following morning the King struck a peace deal with the sailors in which they agreed to return to their ships and sail around the coast to dock in Cyrene Bay where the boy Zor would await them. Before the Warriors could return to their ships, however, the men of Burhan and Warrick had taken a pass through the Burning Mountains and sailed down the river into the lake where they proceeded to torch the foreign ships.
When the warriors finally arrived, the lake looked as if it had erupted, black smoke billowing skyward, a wall of men lined the shores, ready to take the lives of the men who had attacked the City of Andaris. It was a bloodbath, and those who weren't cut down in battle were later hunted like dogs, marked with the King's brand and thrown into the pits to fight each other to the death for entertainment and sport. Avari was taken back by her people and sailed out around the coast to Cyrene Bay where they had strung young Zor up by his hands and left him to die. Greeted by such a sight, the daughter of Krome bit off her own tongue and refused to tell the King what she had learned from the foreigners about their homelands.
The people of Krome named the rivers either side of the lake after the two children and arcs later when the noble woman was grown, she paid for the freedom of the last remaining slaves of that raid.
Today the attack is not only remembered for Rynmere’s loss or victory, but for the acts that followed. King Dedrick Gawyne united the individual armies of sailors in Burhan and Skyriders in Warrick, along with his trusted knights, to form a collective force called The Iron Hand, which is yet to be defeated in battle, rulers of land, air, and sea.
Below are the lists of the separate factions that make up The Iron Hand and the armor they are issued.
Note: All armor sets include chest, gauntlets, greaves, fauld, padding or pauldron, and helmet (great helm or barbute in design).


Chest Plate: Designed to protect the torso.
Gauntlets: Designed to protect the arms.
Greaves: Designed to protect the legs.
Fauld: Designed to protect the waist area.
Pauldron: Designed to protect the shoulders.
Helmet: Designed to protect the head.

Banners and Cloaks
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Andaris: Black (strength and authority). Warrick: Red (loyalty and battle). Venora: Pink (beauty and roses). Krome: Gold (wealth and passion). Endor: Green (growth and harmony). Burhan: Blue (water and stealth). Gawyne: Purple (wisdom and peace).

Cloaks: A cloak in the colour of the individual's region is issued to them when they graduated beyond the rank of squire of equivalent. Cloaks are worn with pride and are to be cared for and respected at all times. One of the biggest insults to a knight, sailor, or skyrider is to take and destroy his cloak in front of him. If a cloak if destroyed, the individual is responsible for replacing it (50gn paid to the city).

Banners: Are flown on the walls of royal or noble houses. They are also carried into battle or set up at campsites where members of The Iron Hand are carrying out missions. The Iron Hand's banner is black with a white hand. Any destruction or vandalism of a city emblem, banner, cloak, or property is an offense that will earn the individual or group jail time and a fine of up to 500 gold nel.

Draketh: A language of old spoken by the original settlers of Rynmere. Draketh is still used today by high ranking members of The Iron Hand (captain and above). It is also spoken by history experts from the University of Rynmere.

Regional Emblems
Andaris: Dragon. Warrick: Lion. Venora: Rose. Burhan: Compass. Gawyne: Scales. Endor: Bear. Krome: Wolf.
Moseke Knight Ranks (Knights are usually from Krome, Andaris, and Venora. Knights are the only men and women who can work their way up to the rank of Knight Lord Commander).

Knight Lord Commander: The Lord Commander is the highest ranking knight in Rynmere, a position currently held by Thomas Endor. Thomas Endor is in charge of Rynmere’s army and naval fleet, answering directly to the king.
Lord Commander: Dressed in black and silver, the Knight Lord Commander’s armor is made from a lightweight but durable metal formed when a Jacadon turns to stone (the heart forms this metal), and can only be collected by monks with the blessing of the King. The plate, arms, shoulders, and legs are intricately decorated with markings of symbolic and historical design. The chest piece tells the story of the first seven, sailing their ship and following the Scar in the Sky to the home of the Jacadon, Rynmere. On the breast the clouds are circling and below the waves are churning while from the depths the mighty dragon Rynmere lifts his head. The Lord Commander is the only man in Rynmere who is able to keep his armor after he retires, worth one hundred onyx nel (50,000 gold nel)
Squire or Equivalent: Provided to all new recruits is a simple, padded tunic and leather belt. The belt buckle is round, silver, and has the member's regional emblem printed on the face of it, a dragon for Andaris, a lion for Warrick, etc. The symbols are also stitched into the top of the tunic, mirrored on either side. A first arc (year) squire is issued with a white tunic matched with their regional colours and any who stay on after their first arc are given a black tunic with the same. All armor issued to combative forces is black and free to use until they leave The Iron Hand, or are promoted. If a tunic if destroyed, the individual is responsible for replacing it (10gn paid to the city).

Lord: Golden Shield. An honoured title for a knight who has seen war and defended the realm. Knights honoured with this award are gifted land in the region of their choice (up to ten acres) and offered the title of baron/baroness. These men and women oversee larger armies anywhere from 100 to 1000 strong.
Warden: Four Swords. Charged with overseeing smaller armies of at least one hundred men. A warden answers to the Duke that oversees their region, or any higher ranking officers.
Captain: Three swords. Oversees a group of ten knight stewards, usually tasked with watch duties or small missions. (Players can make up to ten NPC knights).
Steward: Two swords. Tasked with taking care of new knights, teaching them the ropes and leading small patrols, usually in the city or any one of the outposts. (players make five NPC knights for their group)
Knight: One sword. Any man or woman who has earned a knighthood.
Squire: A person training to one day become a knight, usually ages between 15 and 22 years old. These young men and women are trained by knights and stewards.
Leather: Knights and Stewards are kitted out with black leather chest, gauntlets, greaves, fauld, pauldron, and a cloak in their region's colours. Replacement of cloak is fifty gold nel so individuals are encouraged to take care of their gear. Helmets are not provided to either of these ranks but knights and skyriders are expected to acquire a helmet for themselves in the Kingdom’s preferred styles of the great helm or barbute. There is no replacement of armor for damaged or stolen pieces; a second set must be paid for out of the knight’s own pocket. Knights are expected to wear full armor whenever they go on patrol and straying away from the appropriate dress code can land them in hot water with their superiors.
Chain: Black chainmail is provided to knights who meet the requirements for the rank of Captain and Warden (captain and colonel within the Xiur Skyriders). They are also given a great helm, though individuals have the option of purchasing themselves a barbute if they prefer in an open or closed style. Leather armor can be worn over chain mail or Knights can purchase their own plate armor. They are awarded a new cloak for each rank, even if their old cloaks are in good shape. Padded tunics are also available to Captains and Wardens to wear under their chainmail, and for those who have served at this rank for at least an arc (year), they are awarded a black chest plate for their dedication to The Iron Hand.
Plate: Black plate armor is bestowed to any who make the rank of Lord, considered to be one of the most renowned positions to be in within the Moseke Knights, and in turn, The Iron Hand. The knight will have his regional emblem tooled into the chest piece, and is kitted out with chest, gauntlets, greaves, fauld, pauldron, and a great helm. This plate armor is designed for maximum comfortable and flexibility, freeing the knight’s movements up a lot more than a traditional, full suit of armor. The armor is lightweight, but strong, and is comfortable to wear while riding or sitting for long periods of time. For those who serve at least an arc at this level, full plate is offered for their mount of choice as well.

Xiur Skyrider Ranks (Skyriders are usually from Endor and Warrick)

General: Golden Wings. Awarded the title of ‘Blazer’ and permission to visit Sunset Isle in the attempt of forming a bond with one of the Jacadon, Generals command a wing of 100 to 1000 Volareon fighters. Generals only answer to the Knight Lord Commander and the King of Rynmere.
Colonel: Four wings. Answers to the Duke that oversees their region, or any higher ranking officers. They oversee a wing of 50 to 100 men.
Captain: Three wings. Responsible for a wing ten men strong. (Players can make up to ten NPC officers and are awarded with a full set of armour). Must answer to Colonel.
Major: Two wings. In charge of five Sergeants. (Players make five NPC knights for their group and are awarded with their first Volareon)
Sergeant: One wing. A man or woman who has earned their first silver wing.
Airman: Squire equivalent, generally aged between 15 and 22 years old. Airmen are trained by Sergeants and Majors.
Leather: Just like the Moseke Knights and Stewards, Xiur Sergeants and Majors are also rewarded a set of black armor, with chest, gauntlets, greaves, fauld, pauldron, and a cloak in their region's colours. Their armor is a lot different than the type that is given to the knights, however, as it is designed for aerial combat, cut into special shapes that allows them to move with their Volareon training mounts until they have reached a high enough rank to train a Volareon of their own. Sergeants and Majors are expected to buy their own helmets in either the great helm, or barbute style, but are also given a third option of acquiring a leather helmet, making them lighter for flying.
Chain: Rewarded to Captains and Colonels for their service to the Xiur Skyriders, dragon-mail is the term for the black chainmail these fighters are given upon making rank. The metal, like the plate metal used for Lords, is lightweight but extremely strong, and can withstand cutting, and very rarely, stabbing motions from a sword or dagger. This black dragon-mail looks almost like fish scales and is worn over a padded, leather tunic or tabard with long or short sleeves depending on the region (long for northern regions where is can be very cold, and short in the southern regions where it is a lot warmer most of the arc). They are also given a new cap in their regional colours.
Plate: Lightweight, black plate armor decorated with rare dragon hide is offered only to Skyriders who make the rank of General. This is also the only title that allows individuals to choose a different type of helmet to the preferred great helm or barbute styles worn by everyone else within The Iron Hand. A General’s helmet can be and often is decorated with horns, spikes, or the baby teeth of his Jacadon, with a strap that fastens below the chin to keep the helmet in place while in the air or diving into the sea as their Jacadon mounts are known to do in order to activate their ability to fire hot steam at enemy targets. After at least an arc of service at this rank, Generals are awarded full plate armor for their mount.

U’frek Sailor Ranks (Sailors are usually from Burhan and Gawyne).

Admiral: Golden Cross. Awarded with a Tall Ship, admirals command a fleet of ten Galleons, each manned by their own lieutenant. Admirals answer only to the Knight Lord Commander or the King of Rynmere.
Lieutenant: Four gold stars. Answer to the Duke that oversees their region, or any higher ranking officers. Awarded with a Galleon ship, overseeing a crew of 50 to 100 men.
Captain: Three gold stars. Responsible for a crew ten men strong. (Players can make up to ten NPC officers and are awarded with a two mast Schooner). Must answer to Lieutenant.
Officer: Two silver stars. In charge of five seamen. (players make five NPC knights for their group). Must answer to Captain.
Seaman: A man or woman who had earned their first silver star.
Recruit: Squire equivalent, generally aged between 15 and 22 years old. These recruits are trained by Seamen and Officers.
Leather: U’frek Sailors don’t have much to choose from when it comes to uniform and they aren’t offered chainmail or plate (though at later levels they are given decorative plate for visits to other shores and work on land). On the sea, it makes more sense for them to wear clothes that keep them as light as possible in case they are forced overboard, but also hardly enough to protect them from any injuries they might sustain during sword fights or run-ins with other ships. The leather of their coats is flexible but robust, made from rare dragon hide, just like the armor offered to Generals in the Xiur Skyriders. As well as this, they are also gifted a cloak in their regions colours and a number of long-sleeved shirts.

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[Rynmere] The Iron Hand

Ouroboro Guard
The Royal Guard
Motto: One Is All
The history of the Royal Guard began in the 197th arc, in which Queen Nora Warrick hired various mercenaries to pledge their full loyalty to her, and be unhindered in their capacity to serve and protect their Queen. This relatively small faction did not see many improvements or enjoy privileges for the next 150 arcs, not until Victor Vladimir, popularly known as ‘The Common King’ and his infant were struck down by Oberon Andaris’ own men. The men, responsible for Oberon Andaris’ successful claim to the throne, were immediately bathed in multiple treasures and admitted into Oberon Andaris’ Royal Guard. Only then the Ouroboro Guard was established as a proper faction, and ever since it has been used to do the King and Queen’s bidding, be it for good or evil.

The Ouroboro Guard pledge their loyalty and services to their King and Queen. They become their personal guards, their advisors, and anything else their patrons demand from them. Their main use throughout history is simple protection to the Royal family, although it ranges all the way to include the elimination of rivals to their reign, be it specific foreign threats or family members with a legit claim to the throne. Due to the nature of their duties, which are occasionally of dubious moral alignment, they swear loyalty to no other than their King and Queen. The Oath of the Ouroboro was eventually implemented, consisting of a sacred oath that justified every action taken by the Ouroboro Guard as the King's will and demanded complete loyalty towards the throne. Ever since, the Ouroboro Guards have enjoyed increased privileges, prestige, and plenitude due to their commitment.

The Oath: Blood In, Blood Out.

The Oath of the Ouroboro, blood in, blood out, is a contract signed in blood. The newly appointed mem per cuts their thumb to sign his contract and if he breaks the contract in any way, shape, or form, the 'blood out' payment is taken, this usually ends in the member's death.

Evolution and the present

The Royal Guard serves only the King, his Queen, and their children. Thus, their duties often shift with the ascension of a new King. Unlike the Iron Hand, which values personal skills and accomplishments, the Royal Guard is slightly more whimsical in terms of duties. In the past, the Royal Guard had held more jesters and comedians than actual warriors, usually in peaceful and prosperous times. In others, the Royal Guard was formed by ruthless individuals that murdered and intimidated citizens by order of their King. Their actions, justified by the Oath of the Ouroboro and their King’s favor, left the people defenseless by the decisions of their King. Kidnappings, torture, and assassinations are as possible as diplomacy, negotiation or intelligence. For this reason, the Ouroboro Guards are sometimes considered nothing but brutes and a bad reputation has befallen the faction instead of the King that controls them.

Due to their rarity and the high range of tasks assigned to them, the faction is formed by elite men and women, their window for error being minimal. In exchange, they enjoy the prestige and riches provided by the King, along with a moderate impunity in the eyes of law during the completion of their duties. It is of popular belief that whatever it is said to the members of the Ouroboro Guard will reach the King's ear, and so currently the faction is seen with mixed opinion.


The Royal Guard tends to be a rather small faction, as it’s more convenient to have fewer guards that can be trusted and relied on rather than an army of strangers. Due to their presence around the Royal Family and the possible scandals the Royal Guard is usually witnessing, the number of warriors is always closely controlled.

For this reason, there have only been two ranks in the Royal Guard.

Ouroboro Guard: An individual chosen by the King or Queen that has sworn the Oath of the Ouroboro to do their bidding to them and their children.
Commander of the Ouroboro Guards: A single individual charged with the organization of the other Ouroboro Guards. The King’s trusted advisor, which the King often relies on for advice or personal issues. Along with the Iron Hand's Lord Commander, the Commander of the Ouroboro Guard is usually trusted with a great deal of information, but is considered less powerful than the leader of the Iron Hand. Whatever the rank, the Ouroboro Guards are undistinguished from one another. Their armor is identical, just like their wages. The only difference is the prestige of the title itself.

Is it believed that many of the Ouroboro are descendants of the Andaris line who have always been loyal to the royal family. But for a line who has had a longstanding as being the most honourable in the kingdom, the publics perception of the line has slowly changed, and House Andaris has earned itself a bad reputation for being intimidating and cruel, a perception some are fighting to change.


The Ouroboro Guards are dressed with excellence to represent the power of their King wherever they go. Their armor is far more ornate than the Iron Hand’s, although it is still designed for use in battle. Their attire is crafted from scratch for each Guard and fitted to their body measures to ease the mobility and comfort of the individual, especially due to the long amounts of time they are confined within and the multiple guard duties they have to endure during a single trial. Behind them, a silver cloak tailored with the symbol of the Ouroboro (a Jacadon eating its own tail) represents the neutrality and the allegiance of the individual to the Royal Family and the King.

Armor set includes breastplate, gauntlets, greaves, fauld, pauldrons, and a helmet. All armor is of Extravagant quality.
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