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Map and Locations

Slavers Corridor
Slavers Corridor is located south of the City of Nashaki within an area of secluded land, walled off by high cliffs which protect the canyon below from the harsh desert conditions, including the fierce heat of the noonday sun, common sandstorms, and stray, dangerous hotland beasts. Slavers call this canyon home and outsiders from the city and all across Idalos come here to trade on the third day of every season, making camp within the safety of the cliffs. The floor of the canyon is thick with green trees, uncommon in most parts of the Hotlands, and herd animal tracks, the vegetation here attracting many different types of wildlife, including wild desert horses, goats, and cattle.
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The Gilded Hand
Said to dwell at the centre of the desert, the Gilded Hand is believed to mark the place of a fallen warrior, long lost to history. The thumb points directly in the direction of the city of Nashaki, and has saved the lives of many a lost traveler. Leaving gold on or around the statue brings good luck (one off +10 fame), and bad luck to those who take from it (one off -10).
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[Nashaki] Map and Locations

The Waterhole Corral
Often nicknamed the "Watering Hole" by the locals. Located just within the high walls of Nashaki, in the outskirts it's easy to spot upon first entry to the city and pertains to all of the city's stabling and riding requirements. The Corral premises consist of a collection of several buildings and two large open, fenced pens for training and breaking their mounts. The series of sheds, stables and huts are built from a mixture of stone, mud and wood. All of the buildings emanate an old, rustic feel, with low ceilings to reflect the Corral's social standing within Nashaki culture.

With two large, spacious stabling barns the Corral has the capacity to facilitate a copious number of mounts. Inside each barn, a grand open room houses stalls, upon stalls kitted out with a multitude of feeding troughs and water containers for all kinds of mounts' needs. The floor is often dirty, covered in hay and scat, so one must be cautious where they step.

The biggest in the collection of sheds, is the Equipment shack and it is here all business dealings with the Stables is conducted. As one steps inside the low ceilinged shack, they will notice a bench blocks their path, lining across the expanse of the giant one roomed building. Stationed behind the pew stands a young woman, Iris, messing with a bunch of papers and a small collection of coin, her work sprawled out over the wooden counter. Behind her, shelves nearly as tall as the ceiling, stretch far back into the depth of the shed. The crooked looking shelves adorning all kinds of gear, supplies and grooming equipment one would ever need.

If you have any business with the stables Iris is always stationed behind the pew and she will deal with your transactions. If you'd prefer instead to deal with the owner, Seb'ma can be found teaching in the training grounds around to the back of the small complex.


Name: Seb'ma
Race: Qi'ora
Date of Birth: 76th Ashan 684
Job Role: Owner / Riding Teacher
Skills: Animal Husbandry 60, Animal Training 55, Appraisal 34, Mount 65, Business Management 40, Leadership 30, Mathematics 25, Teaching 52,
Appearance: Skin as dark as coffee, Seb'ma often adorns a loose, flowy blouse and silken bohemian style pants.
Personality: Seb'ma is a woman who is always grinning. Her voice is deep, husky and she is very direct when she speaks, not one for idle chitchat. Preferring to get her hands dirty and work with the animals she breeds and keeps, Seb'ma teaches Riding for beginners up to Expert. A bit of a mama-bird, she is naturally drawn to taking her students under her wing in more ways than just what her lessons teach. Wise and soulful, she has a soothing aura about her.


Name: Iris
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 40th Saun 687
Job Role: Accountant / Receptionist
Skills: Animal Husbandry 24, Appraisal 32, Business Management 55, Intelligence 39, Logistics 49, Mathematics 50, Mount 35, Writing 26
Appearance: Iris is nature's canvas and is decorated in a wide variety of tattoos all over her body. Long, wavy hair is a spectacle of browns and auburns mixed together.
Personality: With a natural affinity for numbers, Iris fell under Seb'ma's apprenticeship with the dream to one day run her own business. However as the pair's relationship developed into something more than just friendship, she remained at the Watering Hole, taking care of the actual running of the business.

Stable Hand

Name: Ben
Race: Yludih
Date of Birth: 17th of Vhalar 692
Job Role: Stable Hand / Husbandry Teacher
Skills: Animal Husbandry 65, Animal Training 55, Deception 28, Disguise 26, Mount 45, Medicine 26, Surgery 15, Teaching 50
Appearance: Ben is currently disguising himself in the form of a human in his mid-twenties. With sandy hair, bleached by the Hotland Sun, he always adorns a couple of days stubble. His hands are calloused and rough and his muscular frame is covered in a plaid shirt and brown pants.
Personality: Shy, quiet, secretive, Ben had originally intended to train to become a doctor in Korlasir. However his idenity as a Yludih was discovered and he swiftly made his escape to Nashaki. Instead opting to work away from people, Ben joined the Water Hole family originally as just a stable hand. Seb'ma, though, always encouraging him to break out of his shell, inspired him into caring for the mounts and gradually coaxed him into agreeing to teach his husbandry skills to others. He is a gentle soul, with a hard time being assertive.


Name: Boon
Race: Qi'ora x Human Mix
Date of Birth: 26th Zi'da 687
Job Role: Stable Breeder
Skills: Animal Husbandry 67, Animal Training 65, Mount 40, Medicine 55, Surgery 62, Leadership 30, Teaching 34
Appearance: Long whispy hair flows to his slender shoulders. Boon is never seen without his top hat, the prized possession having belonged to his deceased brother. A plain white tee adorns his skinny frame, with a light grey overcoat over the top and black leather pants.
Personality: Seb'ma's nephew, Boon is the jester and practical joker of the Water Hole family. He has an issue with adhering to people's personal boundaries and is very rarely serious. Although when it comes to his animals, be forewarned of his temper. No one is to interfere with his breeds and quite prideful of his work, he doesn't take too kindly to critique.
Price Modifiers
(x.6) YOUNG -
Horses: Between one and four arcs (years) old, are not fully mature physically and are considered too young to be breeding or riding stock.
Camels: Between one and seven arcs (years) old, they are not yet suitable for packing or riding, but can begin their training.
Poko: Between one and two arcs (years) old, they are not yet suitable for packing or riding, but can begin their training.

(xN/A) ADULT - A fully grown mount perfectly viable for riding, breeding and work etc.

Horse: In its late teens or early twenties which will begin to show signs of aging.
Camels: In their mid to late thirties Camel's will begin to show signs of aging.
Poko: By the age of ten, they can begin to show signs of aging. (Warning, these creatures have a natural urge to return to their nest when they near the end of their life span)

(At the Geriatric age both Horses and Camels may develop age-related disorders such as kidney or liver failure and if worked hard the animal's health will rapidly deteriorate, which could lead to death.)

Price = Untrained.
For Trained x2 after age factor



Brief: The Badu generally possess a fiery temperament and an atypical sport-horse conformation. They have a powerful front end, high withers, short back and a sloping croup. They don’t necessarily have great gaits, however are natural born sprinters.
Abilities: None.
Size: 14.2 to 15.2 hh
Pallet (colour): Predominately Gray, however can be bay, black, chestnut, and brown.
Purpose: Riding, Racing, Cavalry, Drafting
Stock: Common
Price: 50gn

Brief: They are noted for their vigorous, excitable and restless temperament so can be a struggle to control. They have a refined head with a predominantly straight or slightly convex profile and long ears. The mane and tail are usually sparse. The long back is lightly muscled, and is coupled to a flat croup and long, upright neck.
Abilities: Via their elongated ears, the Apanie possess a "sixth-sense" when it comes to detecting predators and enemies. Veterinarians believe the Apanie listens out for their foes by the vibrations in the air.
Size: 14.2 to 16 hh
Pallet (colour): Buckskin, palomino, bay, black, chestnut, and grey with a natural metallic sheen to their coat
Purpose: Riding, Show Jumping, Scouting, Hunting
Stock: Moderately Common
Price: 65gn
Etan Pony:

Brief: They have heavy heads, short, thick necks, with inharmonious conformations. The pony is able to carry heavy weight very well and for long distances. Though, if ridden, they are quite slow.
Abilities: They can go three days or longer without water and require virtually no care.
Size: 13 to 13.5 hh
Pallet (colour): Usually chestnut or gray
Purpose: Short burst Riding, Packing
Stock: Moderately Common
Price: 70gn

Brief: They are noted for both their intelligence and a spirited disposition. They have refined, wedge-shaped heads and a peculiar broad forehead, with most displaying a distinctive concave, or "dished" profile.
Abillities: Within their broad foreheads rests an abnormal organ which allows the Neeraja to detect sources of water from as far as 300ft away.
Size: 14.1 to 15.1 hh
Pallet (colour): Usually bay, gray, chestnut, black and roan.
Purpose: Riding, Show Jumping, Dressing
Stock: Moderately Rare
Price: 90gn

Brief: The Namib are one of the native wild horse breeds of the Hotlands. Feral and spirited it takes immense training to break these horses; though once you do, they become the fiercest of all mounts. They are athletic, muscular, clean-limbed and strong boned. They are short-backed with oblique shoulders, good withers and overall, they have good conformation.
Abilities: Their coat is an odd combination of tough hide and a semi-permeable membrane. Their skin is hard to cut, though it is breathable to allow the Namib a tremendous resistance to the scorching climates of the Hotlands.
Size: 14 to 14.3 hh
Pallet (colour): Usually bay, chestnut or dun
Purpose: Riding, Packing, Racing, Combative
Stock: Rare
Price: 100gn

Brief: Their coats are ridiculously short and strangely smooth, etched with odd markings. Though the animal bears ridges and “rosettes” upon its face and ankles, where the fur is slightly longer. Great care must be taken to keep the coat clean and free of dirt. Commonly of a gentle, willing and able temperament, they make for the perfect work mount.
Abilities: The Katura sleeps for the better part of the day outside, beneath the excruciating heat of the sun. As it sleeps the Katura churns the power of the Sun's rays during the day into energy, through its luminescent coat. At night, the mount's coat "glows" allowing the animal to work throughout the night and to light the way for its rider.
Size: average 13.3 hh
Pallet (colour): Predominantly white, though can be dun and grey.
Purpose: Farming, Riding, Packing, Drafting, Search and Rescue
Stock: Extremely Rare
Price: 120gn
Hotlands Thorned:

Brief: The Thorned Horse is tall, thin and covered in thorns. It also has a long tail that retracts and splays like a fan to shield itself from the sun. It is the oldest breed of horse in Idalos. They were selectively bred for certain traits such as actively cooperate with their rider, to be high spirited and alert and to survive the heat of the Hot Lands.
Abilities: They are well suited for desert travel allowing them to survive weeks without food or water. Their body is made up of a layer of rubbery skin which contains an insulated layer of fatty deposits. The skin has small thorns throughout that limit evaporation from the horse's body - allowing them to retain fluids from escaping. Their eyes, nose and internal organs are adapted to be protected from dust and to reduce water loss. Finally and most uniquely, their tail can fan out to form a canopy above, protecting it and the rider from the searing suns above.
Size: 15 to 17.3 hh
Pallet (colour): Unknown
Purpose: Riding, Packing, Combative, Drafting
Stock: Extremely Rare
Price: 150gn



Brief: If well treated, they are well tempered, docile and easy to manage. If ill-treated, they can become very stubborn. They have long, curved necks, a narrow chest and a single hump. They have long hairs on the throat, shoulders and hump. They have sharp vision and a good sense of smell.
Size: Average of 6ft at shoulder, 7ft at hump
Pallet (colour): Usually brown but can range from black to nearly white.
Purpose: Riding, Packing (up to 200 lbs)
Domestic Uses: Milk, food and transportation.
Extra Notes: Their dung is so dry that it can be used to fuel fires. They can reach speeds up to 40 mph in short bursts, 25 mph for longer periods of time. They can carry their loads for up to 25 miles a Trial (day)
Stock: Common
Price: 55gn

NB: Camel vs Horse


Males Only:

Brief: Insect Desert Land Mount, with some water capability. Ideal Pack mount. Not only is their gait smooth, and their back wide and flat, they can carry 3/4 ton, or drag two with a wagon on flat land. The Po'Kropola'ax is like a 4-segment centipede, with an ant-type head. It has alternating sets of legs; one set jointed high above its back, the other firmly supportive underneath, as well as the specialized front and back sets. The Poko is not an aggressive insect, though, if provoked enough it will flip and attack. While not truly "loyal", they are cooperative. This has the drawback of making them easily led away by an enemy.
Size: 8 to 12 feet long, with the rider sitting 3ft up.
Purpose: Riding, Packing
Stock: Somewhat Rare
Price: 150gn

Poko Gear:
Item: Description: Price:
Tie-Down ring, cinch and strap array 20gn
Tie-Down, Heavy Duty reinforced, so it can't be easily cut from below 40gn
Reins specially made to accommodate the odd mandible array of this giant insect 20gn
Seat this is not cinched around, like a saddle. It sits atop like a chair, with flayed supports that have soft, hook ends to catch on the many handy points and flanges of the creature's carapace 30gn
Seat, Luxury extra padding and added comfort 50gn
Crop A poko is not struck on the flanks, but rather tapped on the head or antennas. This also has a hook on the tip to "pull" the antennas back to slow down and/or look up. It has small holes to whistle in the air as it moves, so often contact is not even required 5gn
Pad Just what it sounds like, but is more to protect the cargo. The creature's carapace is sufficient for it's own 5gn
Height Prod a rack-and-pinion affair that allows the pilot to shift a lever and cause the poko to receive a light upward poko on its underside to prompt it to lift its body higher, for whatever reason 10gn
Block and Tackle regular tool, often provided with rope for unforeseen loading needs 10gn
Canopy Overhead frame w/attachable shade cloth (connects to Seat) 20gn
Underbarding, Hardened Leather an armor chassis to guard the softer belly of the Poko, when it turns on its side to attack with its legs. hooks with loops onto the carapace flanges and points. 100gn
Underbarding, Heavy Duty reinforced with metal-bands 150gn
* Note: Underbarding is never included in the Gear Sets.
Poko Gear Sets:
  • Basic: - 65gn
(Set Includes: Tie Downs, Reins, Pad, Seat & Crop )
  • Special: - 90gn
(Set Includes: Basic set w/Heavy Duty Tie Downs plus Block and Tackle & Height Prod )
  • Luxury: - 115gn
(Set Includes: Special set w/Luxury Seat & Canopy )
For More Information: The Poko
Credit: Maltruism


To Purchase:

Horse Gear:
  • Lead Rope - 2 gn
  • Halter - 6 gn
  • Leather Reins - 8 gn
  • Chain Reins - 10 gn
  • Harness - 30 gn
  • Crop - 3 gn
  • Saddle - 25 gn
  • Bit - 4 gn
  • Leather Bridle - 15 gn
  • Blanket Small - 10 gn
  • Blanket Large - 20 gn
  • Saddle Bag, Small - 6 gn
  • Saddle Bag, Medium - 9 gn
  • Saddle Bag, Large - 12 gn
  • Thorned Horse Saddle - 35 gn
Camel Gear:
  • Lead Rope - 2 gn
  • Saddle - 30 gn
  • Two Seated Saddle - 50 gn
  • Steel Bosal Bridle - 20 gn
  • Rope Bosal Bridle - 5 gn
  • Nose Peg - 8 gn
  • Harness - 30 gn
  • Crop - 3 gn
  • Rope Halter - 3 gn
  • Chain Halter - 8 gn
  • Hobble - 2 gn
  • Decorative Bells (10) - 5 sn
Poko Gear:
  • Please see Poko tab!
  • Dandy Brush - 4 gn
  • Body Brush - 5 gn
  • Curry Comb - 2 gn
  • Mane and Tail Comb - 1 gn
  • Hoof Pick - 6 gn
  • Hoof Nipper - 12 gn
  • Hoof Knife - 4 gn
  • Hoof Rasp - 10 gn
  • Hoof Scraper - 7 gn
  • Shedding Block /Grooming Stone - 8 gn
  • Woolen Mitt - 10 gn
  • Sponges (A variety of small, medium and large) - 2 gn

To Rent:

Horse Gear:
  • Full Set of Tack - 5sn / Trail (day)
    Note: Requires a 10gn deposit which you will receive back after equipment is returned in the same condition it was given out. Your deposit will be lost however, if the equipment is damaged in anyway.
(Set Includes: Leather Reins, Bit, Saddle, Leather Bridle and suitable sized blanket for your horse)
Camel Gear:
  • Full Set of Tack - 4sn / Trail (day)
    Note: Requires a 10gn deposit which you will receive back after equipment is returned in the same condition it was given out. Your deposit will be lost however, if the equipment is damaged in anyway.
(Set Includes: 1 or 2 seated Saddle, Rope Bridle and suitable sized blanket for your Camel. Hobble and Picket Line can be included upon request.)
Poko Gear:
  • Basic - 1gn / Trail (day)
    Note: Requires a 10gn deposit to rent, which you will receive back after equipment is returned in the same condition it was given out. Your deposit will be lost however, if the equipment is damaged in anyway.
(Set Includes: Tie Downs, Reins, Pad, Seat and Crop.)
  • Special - 1.5gn / Trail (day)
    Note: Requires a 10gn deposit to rent, which you will receive back after equipment is returned in the same condition it was given out. Your deposit will be lost however, if the equipment is damaged in anyway.
(Set Includes: Basic set w/Heavy Duty Tie Downs plus Block and Tackle and Height Prod.)
  • Luxury - 2gn / Trail (day)
    Note: Requires a 15gn deposit to rent, which you will receive back after equipment is returned in the same condition it was given out. Your deposit will be lost however, if the equipment is damaged in anyway.

(Set Includes: Special set w/Luxury Seat and Canopy)



  • All Mounts - 6sn / Trial (day)
  • Tunawa Mounts - 3sn / Trial (day)

Note: Service will include the daily feeding, grooming and general maintenance of your mount.

Rent a Mount:

  • Horse - 10gn / Trial (day)
  • Camel - 8gn / Trial (day)
  • Poko - 12gn / Trial (day)

Riding Lessons:

  • Beginner - 4gn a lesson
    Lessons at this level are for Unskilled-Novice learners. Teaching the basics of how to attach equipment, mount, walk and direct your animal, as well as teaching proper posture and balance. Lessons at this stage can not put you above 10 skill points.
  • Novice - 6gn a lesson
    Lessons at this level are for Novice-Competent learners. Teaching how to trot, canter, improve balance whilst riding and knowledge of footfall, gaits, rhythm and rising diagonals. Lessons at this stage can not put you above 26 skill points.
  • Competent - 8gn a lesson
    Lessons at this level are for Competent-Expert learners. Teaching how to canter, gallop, how to ride without a saddle and dipping into the correct procedure and position for jumping (approach, takeoff and landing). Lessons at this stage can not put you above 49 skill points.
  • Expert - 10gn a lesson
    Lessons at this level are for Expert learners. Improving jumping techniques, training over harsh terrain in all gaits, how to direct and aid mount with natural aids. Teaches how to school mounts who rear, buck, misbehave and who are nervous or unpredictable. Lessons at this stage can not put you above 60 skill points.

Animal Husbandry Lessons:

  • Beginner - 3gn a lesson
    Lessons at this level are for Unskilled-Novice learners. Teaching the basics of how to approach mount, the tools needed for grooming, safety awareness and tying up (safety knot). Lessons at this stage can not put you above 10 skill points.
  • Novice - 6gn a lesson
    Lessons at this level are for Novice-Competent learners. Teaching what to check for when grooming, i.e. girth galls, bridle rubs and how to prevent and control these. Novice learners also begin to learn breeds, feeds, signs of illness, bathing. Lessons at this stage can not put you above 26 skill points.
  • Competent - 8gn a lesson
    Lessons at this level are for Competent-Expert learners. Teaching very basic veterinary care, identifying various injuries and illnesses. Learn the correct temperature, pulse and respiration for your mount at rest. The importance of exercise programs, schooling and learning about conformation and the proper dietary requirements for your mount. Lessons at this stage can not put you above 49 skill points.
  • Expert - 10gn a lesson
    Lessons at this level are for Expert learners. Teaches the very basics of mount anatomy, recognise signs of parasitic infestations and skin disorders and the student will be well and truly able to care for their mount. Lessons at this stage can not put you above 60 skill points.

Credit: Yuli'anyh

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[Nashaki] Map and Locations

Sulley's Sellswords
Tucked away in the roughest corner of the city, Sulley’s Sellswords are up for hire. Their system is simple, you attach a notice to their work list and pay Sulley, if the job isn’t done within a season, your coin is returned, with interest. Sulley’s Sellswords are responsible for many of the most noteworthy deaths in Idalos’ history, but no one can ever pin the crime on them, all they know is a note was dropped in, and within a season the deed was done.

Sulley’s building poses as a tavern by day, but there are no rooms for rent, and all of its occupants are kicked out before the eighteenth break. It is a small sandstone building with offices upstairs, decorated with gambling tables for cards and other such games. The bar takes up the length of the room, and a circular pit in the centre of the room boast an open fire tucked away safely behind a low brick wall.

Sulley hires only to replace the men she loses, and she only ever hires men. Being the youngest of three sisters, Sulley knows how manipulative women can be, and prefers not to work with them. To be considered for hire, there are only two requirements, firstly and most obviously, one must be male, and second, they must be an expert in their chosen weapon class. Once a season Sulley gives her workers a name, when that person is killed, the employee’s cut of the gold is then exchanged.


Cost of Contract
Commoners: 150gn
Merchants: 300gn
Government Workers: 500gn
Government Officials: 1000gn
Faction Leaders: 2500gn
Nobility: 5000gn
Royalty: 10,000gn

Location NPC List

Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.

Sulley Hize

Race: Biqaj
DoB: 1 Ymiden 687
Title: Assasin
Skills: Unknown.

A woman with ties to the pirates of Blackbrine, with Sulley one thing is always clear; people know where they stand with her. She is upfront, and quite frankly, terrifying, despite her charming appearance. Her territory in the city is marked with a black and tan eye, usually etched into the sandstone walls, her men are also marked with this symbol, usually found behind their right ear, hidden beneath their hair.

Stan Den

Race: Human
DoB: 45 Vhalar 662
Title: Assasin
Skills: Blades, Daggers: 90, Tactics: 85, Teaching: 70.

Stan worked for Sulley’s father, and after the man’s death in 705, took over the role of teacher, coaching Sulley in the ways of their business. He is semi-retired now, but continues to train most of the new recruits. Some say Stan was the man who killed Sulley's father out of jealousy, but only Sulley knows the truth.

Hal Rafe

Race: Human
DoB: 8 Ashan 655
Title: Barman
Skills: Storytelling: 75, Stealth: 45, Blades, Longsword: 50.

Hal works as the bartender in Sulley’s headquarters, and he has a few good stories to tell. He’s a comedian, and it’s often difficult to distinguish whether he is having a laugh or being serious. He can be very sinister, and his torture tactics are top-notch.
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[Nashaki] Map and Locations

Harem Hall
Slavery is big in Nashaki, and though all the girls working at Harem Hall tell the customers they work here of their own free will, this is very far from the truth. Many of the slavers across the Hotlands seek out the most exotic and beautiful girls to sell to the merchants who own and run the halls, where dancing, drinking, and other pleasures are at the top of the menu. Belly dancing is a popular pastime amid the slave girls, and the key form of entertainment. Servers bring drinks around all day and go the extra mile to make sure patrons are enjoying themselves. The lavish halls are painted cream and gold, and the candles burn all night.


Belly Dance: 10gn
Companion: 30gn

Location NPC List

Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.

Alba Bohar

Race: Biqaj
DoB: 19 Saun 697
Title: Belly Dancer
Skills: Dancing: 70, Blades, Daggers: 55, Seduction: 50.

Alba grew up in the halls, her mother was a dancer, as is her sister Marley. She has never known any life outside of slavery, but unlike the other girls who were captured and sold to the merchants who own the halls, Alba has no desires to leave. For this reason she is the most treasured slave in the halls, with many more privileges than the rest of the girls. She is an excellent dancer, and most men like her because she never has very much to say.
Credit: Kingdom
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