60th of Ashan, 716
Vivian sighed as she looked out the windows of House Warrick. She didn't much enjoy the capital city, the crowded streets and general air of political jockeying and corruption that covered the city like a poisonous miasma making her almost feel like she was suffocating. Of course, the reason she was here was even more annoying. Her mother seemed to have gotten into her mind, again, that Vivian needed a husband. She had delayed joining the Skyriders for four years to indulge her mothers attempts at this already, but this time she had made it quite clear that she not only had no intention of marrying, anyone her mother tried to set her up with would live a life of misery and sorrow until they backed out of it and left her alone.
Sighing, the soldier turned away from the window and started to walk aimlessly through the halls. She had been told, in exchange for the dropping of the arranged marriage attempt, that she was to stay for a party hosted by some son of the Andaris. She supposed she should attend a social function every so often, but she wasn't a people person. Stopping another sigh before it escaped into the world, Vivian passed by a pair of the family maids, ignoring them until a particular snipped of conversation caught her ear. "And those children saying they found the Krom treasure, how silly..."
Abruptly turning on her heel, Vivian looked at the two maids. "You there! What is is this about the Krom Treasure?" she asked, her tone as much a demand as a question. The sunken treasure of Lord Gerrard Krom was a popular legend, but no one had found any in decades. Some had been recovered by divers, or recovered from Mer, but if this was true...
"W-well, milady, some of the children living on the city outskirts were squaking about having found some of Lord Krom's lost treasure. It's doubtful, but if they did, they likely hid it on the beach, near the docks. Knowing them though, it's nothing but some old rubble." one the maids said, nervous under Vivian's stare. Vivian nodded and let them return to their duties, altering her course to take her to her room. Once there, she changed out of the dress her mother had talked her into wearing and into her street clothes, throwing on her favored red jacket and belting on her rapier. A search for a lost treasure of the Seven, even if on a simple beach as opposed to a more grandiose location, was the kind of adventure she'd dreamed of even as a child. However, she paused before she left, considering her options. After a moment, she picked up her bow and quiver as well, figuring it was better to have it and not need it, then wind up to need it and not have it.
Now properly geared, Vivian left the Warrick House and made for the docks. She knew she could get to the beach from there, and it seemed like close to the docks would be the best place to start looking. She doubted that children would go very far from the docks, but she widen her search if she had too. She felt confident, certain that she could find the hiding place of a pack of peasant children. Though she'd have to make sure they got compensated for having originally located the treasure, if such it was...
Vivian sighed as she looked out the windows of House Warrick. She didn't much enjoy the capital city, the crowded streets and general air of political jockeying and corruption that covered the city like a poisonous miasma making her almost feel like she was suffocating. Of course, the reason she was here was even more annoying. Her mother seemed to have gotten into her mind, again, that Vivian needed a husband. She had delayed joining the Skyriders for four years to indulge her mothers attempts at this already, but this time she had made it quite clear that she not only had no intention of marrying, anyone her mother tried to set her up with would live a life of misery and sorrow until they backed out of it and left her alone.
Sighing, the soldier turned away from the window and started to walk aimlessly through the halls. She had been told, in exchange for the dropping of the arranged marriage attempt, that she was to stay for a party hosted by some son of the Andaris. She supposed she should attend a social function every so often, but she wasn't a people person. Stopping another sigh before it escaped into the world, Vivian passed by a pair of the family maids, ignoring them until a particular snipped of conversation caught her ear. "And those children saying they found the Krom treasure, how silly..."
Abruptly turning on her heel, Vivian looked at the two maids. "You there! What is is this about the Krom Treasure?" she asked, her tone as much a demand as a question. The sunken treasure of Lord Gerrard Krom was a popular legend, but no one had found any in decades. Some had been recovered by divers, or recovered from Mer, but if this was true...
"W-well, milady, some of the children living on the city outskirts were squaking about having found some of Lord Krom's lost treasure. It's doubtful, but if they did, they likely hid it on the beach, near the docks. Knowing them though, it's nothing but some old rubble." one the maids said, nervous under Vivian's stare. Vivian nodded and let them return to their duties, altering her course to take her to her room. Once there, she changed out of the dress her mother had talked her into wearing and into her street clothes, throwing on her favored red jacket and belting on her rapier. A search for a lost treasure of the Seven, even if on a simple beach as opposed to a more grandiose location, was the kind of adventure she'd dreamed of even as a child. However, she paused before she left, considering her options. After a moment, she picked up her bow and quiver as well, figuring it was better to have it and not need it, then wind up to need it and not have it.
Now properly geared, Vivian left the Warrick House and made for the docks. She knew she could get to the beach from there, and it seemed like close to the docks would be the best place to start looking. She doubted that children would go very far from the docks, but she widen her search if she had too. She felt confident, certain that she could find the hiding place of a pack of peasant children. Though she'd have to make sure they got compensated for having originally located the treasure, if such it was...