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Name: Senoki Mushroom
Frequency: Senoki forests- as they are often called due to their resemblance to trees- often grow in clusters of fifteen to twenty mushrooms. They don't tend to be found growing on their own. There are a few small forests of these mushrooms scattered around, but not enough to be common. The most common would be one particular area not far out of Nashaki that holds over forty mushrooms- The Senoki forest, often the one referred to when someone talks about Senoki mushrooms. Spanning the hot desert land, this is the place many would go if they wanted to find the Senoki. However, other areas of Senoki mushroom trees are classified as uncommon, due to the very specific conditions they grow in and their tendency to grow in clusters instead of spreading out.
Toxicity/Hazard: Senoki mushrooms are extremely hallucinogenic- but only if you smoke them. Just walking through the Senoki won't cause any harm, and their hallucinogenic properties aren't fatal unless you overdose yourself or do something stupid while under their affects.
Appearance: The Senoki mushrooms are very distinctive and hard to mistake for anything else. The smallest Senoki ever recorded was 50 feet tall, while the tallest was around 400 feet tall. That tallest Senoki tree is still a massive landmark that stands in the middle of the Senoki Forest outside of Nashaki, and is rumored to be hundreds of years old. Senoki mushrooms have slender, tree-like bases in a pale white color, their roots often large and stretched out. The further up their trunk, little Senoki mushroom caps begin to spurt out in perfect half circles, getting thicker until you reach the large canopy cap at the very top of the tree. The caps of this mushroom are a light orange, cream color, and are rather flat and round. The older a Senoki is, the more rings will be indented on the bottom of their large top cap.
Properties: Senoki mushrooms were once used by the Sev'ryn, favored for the visions they gave when smoked that helped in particular on the journey for their animal familiars. Senoki mushrooms are often said to reveal someone's deepest thoughts, and point them in the direction of that which they are seeking. Of course, these could just be what they are- hallucinations- and not actually true. Each story of smoking Senoki is different. Senoki also has healing properties when eaten, particularly helping in stemming headaches, migraines, and afflictions of the brain. However, keep in mind with how big Senoki mushroom trees are, they're usually cut down one at a time and can be kept for years on end and used from just that one tree.
Other Information: Senoki mushrooms can only grow in the hottest, driest conditions- thus why they thrive near Nashaki's famous desert landscape.
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Nashaki Development

This was going to go in Rharne but I think it would be better in Nashaki. I'll update the information and the template when I am next on a computer (hopefully this weekend).
Harem Hall
Slavery is big in Nashaki, and though all the girls working at Harem Hall tell the customers they work here of their own free will, this is very far from the truth. Many of the slavers across the Hotlands seek out the most exotic and beautiful girls to sell to the merchants who own and run the halls, where dancing, drinking, and other pleasures are at the top of the menu. Belly dancing is a popular pastime amid the slave girls, and the key form of entertainment. Servers bring drinks around all day and go the extra mile to make sure patrons are enjoying themselves. The lavish halls are painted cream and gold, and the candles burn all night.


Belly Dance: 10gn
Companion: 30gn

Location NPC List

Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.

Alba Bohar

Race: Biqaj
DoB: 19 Saun 697
Title: Belly Dancer
Skills: Dancing: 70, Blades, Daggers: 55, Seduction: 50.

Alba grew up in the halls, her mother was a dancer, as is her sister Marley. She has never known any life outside of slavery, but unlike the other girls who were captured and sold to the merchants who own the halls, Alba has no desires to leave. For this reason she is the most treasured slave in the halls, with many more privileges than the rest of the girls. She is an excellent dancer, and most men like her because she never has very much to say.
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Sulley's Sellswords
Tucked away in the roughest corner of the city, Sulley’s Sellswords are up for hire. Their system is simple, you attach a notice to their work list and pay Sulley, if the job isn’t done within a season, your coin is returned, with interest. Sulley’s Sellswords are responsible for many of the most noteworthy deaths in Idalos’ history, but no one can ever pin the crime on them, all they know is a note was dropped in, and within a season the deed was done.

Sulley’s building poses as a tavern by day, but there are no rooms for rent, and all of its occupants are kicked out before the eighteenth break. It is a small sandstone building with offices upstairs, decorated with gambling tables for cards and other such games. The bar takes up the length of the room, and a circular pit in the centre of the room boast an open fire tucked away safely behind a low brick wall.

Sulley hires only to replace the men she loses, and she only ever hires men. Being the youngest of three sisters, Sulley knows how manipulative women can be, and prefers not to work with them. To be considered for hire, there are only two requirements, firstly and most obviously, one must be male, and second, they must be an expert in their chosen weapon class. Once a season Sulley gives her workers a name, when that person is killed, the employee’s cut of the gold is then exchanged.


Cost of Contract
Commoners: 150gn
Merchants: 300gn
Government Workers: 500gn
Government Officials: 1000gn
Faction Leaders: 2500gn
Nobility: 5000gn
Royalty: 10,000gn

Location NPC List

Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.

Sulley Hize

Race: Biqaj
DoB: 1 Ymiden 687
Title: Assasin
Skills: Unknown.

A woman with ties to the pirates of Blackbrine, with Sulley one thing is always clear; people know where they stand with her. She is upfront, and quite frankly, terrifying, despite her charming appearance. Her territory in the city is marked with a black and tan eye, usually etched into the sandstone walls, her men are also marked with this symbol, usually found behind their right ear, hidden beneath their hair.

Stan Den

Race: Human
DoB: 45 Vhalar 662
Title: Assasin
Skills: Blades, Daggers: 90, Tactics: 85, Teaching: 70.

Stan worked for Sulley’s father, and after the man’s death in 705, took over the role of teacher, coaching Sulley in the ways of their business. He is semi-retired now, but continues to train most of the new recruits. Some say Stan was the man who killed Sulley's father out of jealousy, but only Sulley knows the truth.

Hal Rafe

Race: Human
DoB: 8 Ashan 655
Title: Barman
Skills: Storytelling: 75, Stealth: 45, Blades, Longsword: 50.

Hal works as the bartender in Sulley’s headquarters, and he has a few good stories to tell. He’s a comedian, and it’s often difficult to distinguish whether he is having a laugh or being serious. He can be very sinister, and his torture tactics are top-notch.
Credit: Kingdom
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[Nashaki] Development and Requests Thread

Tamo Anguis
Developed by Avrae Kyric
Details: Tamo Anguis- often just called the Tamo Snake, as Anguis means snake- is an uncommon but not unseen creature of the hotlands. Being anywhere from twenty to fifty feet long, the longest Tamo Snake ever found was nearing sixty feet. Instead of a tail, the Tamo Anguis has a second end- meaning, a head on either side of it. Both heads are flat with long forked tongues, sharp venomous fangs, and deep set snake eyes that are usually bright colors. Both heads also tend to have forked horns- usually four that sprout out in a wavy pattern, and are nearly as sharp at the tips as their fangs are. However, the first head- also known as the top head or dominant head- has some extra perks. The first being its two feet, with five sharp talons. These can be used to hold the other half of its body while flying so it doesn't dangle, or picking up its prey. They can even be used for fighting. The top head also has large, thin wings. These can stretch out on either side of it a good eight feet, and are powerful enough to carry the Tamo Anguis and help it to fly. The Tamo snake is usually a soft golden yellow color, with white underbellies. They often have white rune symbol like markings on its body and wings.

Lifespan and Development: The Tamo Anguis lives short lives, unfortunately. There are typically four to each litter, born as eggs and abandoned at birth, hatched by the hot sun (if predators don't find and kill them first). The eggs are considered a delicacy in some places, so people may wish to find the eggs- which are the size of regular chicken's eggs but are a shade of gold- to cook. A Tamo snake grows rapidly after birth, to full size by one arc. They then may reproduce themselves, and usually do, since a Tamo Anguis only lives to the age of six arcs. Since they're abandoned by their parents, some Tamo snakes fight and kill their litter mates for a first meal, and then survive on insects and small, weak prey until they grow big enough to take on bigger prey. Other Tamo snakes, however, may survive the initial fights together and, once they're old enough, they'll mate with their own litter mates to bring about more children. To be inbred for a Tamo Anguis is to be a pureblood and, among Tamo Anguis breeding circles, this is considered the best thing.

Diet: The Tamo Anguis will prey on any type of meat that they can defeat. They're voracious eaters, and if they don't find enough prey, they tend to eat other Tamo Anguis that they can find. If their hungry is truly dire, they may even try to eat their own bodies, the two heads battling and eating each other to death.

Temperament: The Tamo Anguis' temperament is very unpredictable. This is a snake that is... well, a snake. They'd backstab each other for the best prey, the best nest, the best everything. This is a very violent creature, who attacks on sight and won't stop until either it's dead or its target is. It's a stubborn, very hot headed creature. Whether it's intelligent or not is debatable. Many say it's stupidity is clear, others say it could only be clever to survive the Hotlands.

Abilities: The Tamo Anguis' biggest ability is its flying. That's its greatest advantage. However, its fangs are also highly venomous. It's the type of venom that, if not treated within seven trials, WILL lead to death. Luckily, Nashaki has plenty of antivenoms that will cure the Tamo Anguis' venom, provided you can get there in time and afford it.

Weaknesses: The Tamo Anguis has very few weaknesses. However, its underbelly is very soft, and very vulnerable. Because its head is so flat, it is also a vulnerable spot if you can avoid the fangs long enough to stab it. The Tamo Anguis is also very heavy and unstable while in the air, so it's very easy to trip up and make it fall out of the sky.

Art Credit: Michael Anthony Gonzales
Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:48 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 719
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[Nashaki] Development and Requests Thread

Name: Sarethi Tawfeek
Created by: Avrae Kyric
Race: Ithecal
Birthday/Age: Vhalar 62nd, Arc 690, Age 26
Title: N/A (Courtesan)
Cosmetology - 24/100 - Novice
Dancing - 22/100 - Novice
Seduction - 54/100 - Competent
Empathy Magic - 24/100 - Novice
Details: Sarethi has always found power in seduction- in controlling men by their most easily controllable spot. She came to Nashaki to practice this, and has taken up the role of a courtesan. (Note: Idk if she can because she's not a slave, but if it's possible and if it's okay, maybe she can work in the new Harem hall?)
Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:16 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 109
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[Nashaki] Development and Requests Thread

Developed by Avrae Kyric
Details: The Sandatrice is an ugly creature, at least by most standards. Standing around seven feet tall, it greatly resembles a mix of a snake and a rooster. With a large rooster head, it has a sharp beak and a rounded gullet, and frills going along its head like a mohawk. It's long neck leads down to a plump, curved body, and an even longer tail resembling that of a snake that gets thinner the longer it gets. Often this tail can grow as long as twelve feet, and drags behind it. Sandatrice chew off their own tail to get rid of the dead weight about every three seasons, but their tails grow back naturally every three seasons anyways, thus beginning the cycle again. The Sandatrice has long, thin wings with faded red feathers, and chicken-like talons at the end. It often has scales of green, yellow, orange, or brown, and it also has chicken-like legs and feet. It's eyes are slitted and glow red, but are entirely blind.

As for the Sandatrice itself, well... this creature is certainly unique. The legends say it just appeared out of the sand itself, but many believe it is a creature created by magic. Of what kind, no one is exactly certain. You see- the Sandatrice is made of sand and illusion. If a sword is swung through its flesh hard enough to break a normal creature's skin- then instead of blood, the Sandatrice bleeds sand, spilling out of it like a pouch. In the same way blood coagulates, Sandatrice sand turns to a strange mud like substance when healing and closing its wounds. When its tail gets cut off, for example, the broken off part dissolves into sand. The stump, however, will close with that strange, oozing mud. The only part of the bird that won't do this is the head and the feathers. Many people consider having a Sandatrice head to be quite the prize. The feathers are often used as decoration or in jewelry.

Lifespan and Development: Sandatrice live a total of ten arcs. After mating, the male dissolves and dies. The female carries typically three in a litter, and gives birth to them as eggs after four seasons. She usually stays for the first ten trials, but after that these ugly little critters are on their own, forced to squabble over bugs and teach themselves to hunt. This is the most dangerous part of a Sandatrice's life. In the first arc of life, Sandratrice are quite small. They don't reach full size until their third arc, and aren't fertile to mate until their fourth. They're no longer able to mate by their ninth arc, and live their last arc as an elder.

Diet: The Sandatrice have high protein diets- often in the form of small prey. They're especially fond of children and snakes. They're quite the predator when hungry, and are voracious hunters. However, they also tend to eat a lot of sand. It's like a snack for them, adding to their body's supply of sand. It helps the process of re-growing lost body parts like their tail.

Temperament: Sandatrice are incredibly intelligent, territorial creatures. It's their one redeeming quality that they could probably outsmart a full grown man. They're manipulative and they fight dirty. Their hunt is a game to them, and they will play with their prey. Not only are they selfish, greedy creatures, but they have a fierce need to be the strongest. It's why Sandatrice typically live alone and don't get along with other Sandatrice unless they need to for mating. They will attack on sight, but often it'll be a chase, trying to play with them, before they devour their prey.

Abilities: The main ability of the Sandatrice is its sand blood. However, it can also see in the dark. It can't actually fly long distances, since its wings are too small for its heavy body. But it can hop up and use the wings to give a boost, gusting itself forward like a chicken. Like a snake, a Sandatrice tends to eat its prey whole, swallowing it slowly. Its beak is particularly sharp, and its tail- when it has one- is quite strong. Strong enough to be used as a pretty good weapon when whipped.

Weaknesses: The Sandatrice can't hear very well, and its heavy body gives it quite the disadvantage. Its greatest weakness is the fact that it can't fly properly and its blood is sand- which is easily drained from his body if stabbed in the right spot.

Note: Some collaboration with Faith.
Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Thu Mar 09, 2017 1:11 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 790
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[Nashaki] Development and Requests Thread

Developed by Avrae Kyric
Details: Vipebrella are a small breed of flying snake, primarily living in Nashaki or other warm climates. With a three foot wingspan and a leaf-shaped body, it's pretty easy to recognize. Vipebrella typically have leathery skin in shades of dusty maroon, blue, or gold, with eyes typically blue or green. Their fangs are usually two to five inches, and can retract.

Lifespan and Development: A Vipebrella mates for life- all ten arcs of it. After a season-long pregnancy, a Vipebrella usually only has one child in a single litter. But they are of age to mate by three seasons, and can continue having children all their lives, usually with only three seasons between each litter. As a result, Vipebrella are a common species in the vast deserts of Nashaki, and can often be found in other warm climates, too.

Diet: The Vipebrella, luckily, doesn't eat much. Because of its small body, it doesn't need much to sustain its appetite. As a result, it often feeds on small rodents like mice that it can find. The Senoki Mushroom forest is the hunting grounds for many Vipebrella, as there's plenty of life there. However, they also find prey in any rock formations or burrowed in sand dens.

Temperament: Have you ever heard the phrase, "They're more scared of you than you have of it?" That's very fitting for the Vipebrella snake. A timid, shy creature, it doesn't like anything coming too close other than other snakes. If anything comes too close, the Vipebrella will often curl up and try to act harmless. It doesn't usually attack unless it feels threatened. When it's threatened or attacked, however, the Vipebrella is vicious. They fight hard to survive, as it's their primary instinct. Vipebrella are selfish creatures, however- they'll let their children and mates die before they let themselves be killed, and will often do anything for themselves over anyone else.

Abilities: Have you ever seen a fallen leaf floating from a tree, catching the breezes to gently reach the ground? That's basically how the Vipebrella flies. Flapping its wings- which make up each side of its leaf-shaped body- it uses powerful flaps to gust itself up into the air as high as it can go, then uses the wind currents to glide. Eventually, it ends back on the ground again and redoes the whole process. This is its go to ability. However, it can also roll itself up into a ball or a wrap-shape and hope that its predators sees it's not a threat. Vipebrella also has fangs, though small, that have an incredibly potent venom. Without a cure, a dose of Vipebrella venom will kill a full grown man in three days. It will kill a small child within six breaks. A Vipebrella's usually style of fighting is the fly into someone- or something-'s face and curl around its head, then bite into the neck or shoulder.

Weaknesses: The main weakness of a Vipebrella is the fact that their wings make up most of their body. Their wings are made of thin, easily torn skin that often catches on things. If they get too many cuts and rips, they're unable to fly, which is their biggest vulnerability. Their wings are easy targets if you want to take down a Vipebrella. Another interesting weakness is that- unlike most snakes, the Vipebrella can't see well at night. Their ability to track heat and movement is less capable at night, leaving them almost blind. As a result, you won't often see them at night, as they find safe places to hide until daylight.

Image Credit: Anne Stokes
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