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The Mud Flats
Located somewhere northeast of Nashaki, deep within the Hotlands is a location known to very few called The Mud Flats, a sheltered little oasis with green vegetation, trees, and even the odd species of exotic flower or two. Here the ground is wet but free of any small bodies of water, making it useful only to the true survivalist who has the knowledge to extract water from mud and sand. Perhaps the most odd, but interesting thing about The Mud Flats, is the large, half buried tall ship miles and miles away from any kind of ocean, leading historians to argue that the Hotlands had once been covered by the sea with salt water. Others say that a wild wind storm or divine act placed the stray ship there, one which has been left unexplored for many arcs as getting anywhere near the ship is impossible, seen as The Mud Flats are really just one mass field of sinkholes, home to a strange race of sandmen known only as the Thray.

Credit: Nefere
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Konkaro Sky Caves, Ghost Gate, and Bone Yard are approved. :3
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Name: Scorbon

Quick Facts:
Height: 6"
Width: 4 to 6"
Length: 12"
Weight: 4 lb
Native to: Hotlands and Nashaki
Locations: Eastern and some parts of Central Idalos.
Appearance: The Scorbon Scorpion is indigenous to the Hotlands of Nashaki and appears to be built up entirely of bone, with thin, wiry tendons holding it together. It has a sharp, black claw on the end of its tail which it uses to sting and quickly paralyse its victims, able to drop a horse in less than ten bits (minutes). The Scorbon can be found in a small variety of colours including sun-bleached white, pale yellow, a light tan, grey, and in some rare cases, black. The claw on the end of its tail is always black but glows a fiery red during the mating season in Ashan when Scorbon become extra territorial.

Habitat: Unlike most species of scorpion, the Scorbon makes its home in trees where it can pinch unsuspecting prey, such as birds, from under the palm leaves. It is fantastic at camouflaging itself in the sands and often people realise too late that they have stepped on one of these creatures which usually results in a nasty sting. The debilitating toxin they inject into their victims is not powerful enough to kill, but instead paralyses its prey for up to five breaks, leaving it open to attacks from a range of creatures often out hunting for a meal in the desert, and more often than not, large targets of the Scorbon’s sting are used as bait for the Scorbon’s preferred meal, Hotland birds, bugs, and even snakes.

Lifespan and Development: Scorbon live for as long as thirty arcs (years) but can take up for eight arcs to mature. Fertilized eggs are held within the female’s body where they remain while the young develop until they are strong enough to hatch. After hatching the young climb onto their mother’s back where they remain until their first moult. This species, unlike their nocturnal cousins, like to hunt during the day and sun themselves on hot rocks until their bodies are warm enough, enabling them to move much faster than the average scorpion. The Scorbon doesn’t have many natural enemies as it has very little meat on its bones and is difficult to kill, with decapitation or fire being the only two methods of ending its life.

Diet: A Scorbon can go up to two whole cycles without food, but must drink water every ten trials (days) to survive, making them ideal for tracking water sources in the desert, and often, they are captured and sold for this purpose exactly. The Scorbon Scorpion eats a variety of insects, spiders, lizards, rodents, small birds, and even other scorpions. They are excellent at waiting in ambush and sometimes even stalk their prey until they are ready to eat.

Temperament: Volatile and extremely territorial, the Scorbon does not like anyone or anything getting too close to its home and will often attack anything that ventures too close, stabbing with its tail or clicking its chela (pincer-like claws) together loud and fast as a warning. These creatures can move very quickly, especially across hot sand or rock walls and have been known to coexist peacefully with each other without any trouble outside of the season of Ashan, and though it is rare for them to work together, there have been reports of attacks taking place where more than one Scorbon was involved.

Abilities: With a powerful bone hide, the Scorbon is almost impossible to crush, even with the use of heavy instruments. Short of being stepped on by a horse, these creatures can be tricky to slow down and can squeeze their bodies into very tight spaces, often taking shelter under heavy rocks or piled man-made goods such as clay pots and roof tiles. Their red hot tail points can burn through a man’s flesh and bone during the season of Ashan and they leave a sticky residue with the consistency of honey wherever their small, pointed feet touch that has been known to irritate the skin or even cause painful rashes that last up to six trials (days).

Credit: Nefere
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Name: Thray

Quick Facts:
Height: Up to 8'5"
Width: 2'5"
Weight: Up to 300 lb
Native to: Hotlands and Nashaki
Locations: Eastern Idalos.
Appearance: Standing anywhere between five and eight and a half feet tall, the Thray are an intimidating sight, men made of clay body shells and when cut open, bleed dry sand. Their facial features aren’t very detailed or animated, but they do look rather sinister with knitted brow and narrowed, black, empty eyes. Rather than working by sight these abominations seem to rely on their sense of hearing, or perhaps the vibrations they feel in the sand or rock through their feet. They look chiselled, muscular and strong, and though they move relatively slowly, these sandmen pack a mean punch.

Habitat: The Thray are found nowhere else in Idalos but the Hotlands of Nashaki, specifically in and around The Mud Flats, though they have been known to move about. They need water to form their clay-like, protective outer shell and have the ability to reform their limbs or even build duplicates of themselves in the right conditions. They are most likely to attack during the day when the heat of the sun is available to help them form, but night attacks are not unheard of. Thray do not speak and cast no shadow on the sands, seemingly defying certain laws that apply to the rest of the world.

Temperament: These clay warriors of the Hotland sands are particularly aggressive towards all races excluding Qi’ora, Sev’ryn, and (still in development). No one knows why these sand guardians stalk the sands, what purpose they serve, nor for whom, but they won’t let anyone near the wrecked tall ship beached on The Mud Flats, and don’t attack unless they deem someone or something a threat. Often the Thray can be seen standing like tan statues, unmoving and ominous, almost cryptic in their existence. Thray men will give chase if someone trespasses on their turf, but usually don’t stray too far from their territory unless provoked.

Abilities: Made of sand and held together by clay. Thray cast no shadows on sandy ground. They have no eyes but are believed to hear and feel vibrations through their feet and limbs, acting on these quickly. Thray can sense the difference between a hostile and nonaggressive target and will tolerate certain races more than others. Thray are also resilient to arcane and can only be incapacitated by physical force, usually with sharp or heavy, blunt weapons.

Credit: Nefere
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Glass Fields

This is a moderated location
Located in the interior of the Hotlands, the sun is so hot that glass is formed out of the sand in sharp lumps, making the venture through the sands dangerous for any animal or person. This glass is difficult to acquire as it only forms in the hottest part of the desert in the heart of the Hotlands, and even when one knows what they're looking for, it is near impossible to get close enough during any part of the arc (year) other than Cylus. Hotland glass is used for a number of reasons, but the most secretive and unique of these is its ability to reveal a certain truth no one else can see, exposing the Yludih race for who they truly are.

Credit: Shards & Maltruism
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Nashaki Development
Name: Doctor J. Hizin
Created by: Hud Ashraf
Race: Human
Age: 65
Born: Korlasir; Saun 7, 650
Title: Military Doctor
Skills: Medicine (55) Surgery (52) Gambling (33) Torture (27)
Current Location: Imperial Border Fortress (Is attached to the Legion and will follow with the support unit)
Other Information: Dr. Hizin has served the Eternal Empire for the last five years after incurring serious debt due to a serious gambling problem. Getting great pay from the Empire for his services, Dr. Hizin only needs one more tour of duty of before he can return to Korlasir honorably. The human is bitter about his being stuck so far away from the luxuries of city life and detests working in the military environment. Dr. Hizin can still be found shooting dice and playing cards with the soldiers. He is known for his monotonous antics, the torture of new recruits during physicals, and his lack of emotion when dealing with injured soldiers. Attached to the Legion's support unit in the Nashaki Campaign Front, Dr. Hizin prays to Raskalorn that the campaign will be short and sweet so he can return home debt free.
Note: Feel free to change the word "doctor" to anything else more suitable to the lore if applicable.
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Nashaki Development

Mud flats, Glass Fields, Scorbon, Thray, and Doctor J. Hizin all approved with some minor spelling corrections.
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Nashaki Development

Hunter's Guild
The Hunter’s Guild is a prominent location near the trading districts of Nashaki. It consist of two sturdy structures, built out of stone, just like any other building in the city. The larger of the two buildings houses the main headquarters of the community of all huntsmen within the desert city. The guild serves as a meeting point for all hunters to congregate, relaxing on comfortable chairs as they carry out hearty discussions with their fellow huntsman about their recent kills, perhaps even share tips with one another, or organise and plan hunting trips together. Some would even show off their most proud accomplishments with their peers. Training for desert hunting and survival is also conducted here by the head of the guild when he pleases.

Any grievances or disagreements with the hunting community are also settled here before the leader of the guild, and the rest of their peers. An assortment of sofas, and two sets of tables capable of seating six people each, fills the establishment along with other forms of hunting-themed decorations. The smaller building next to the headquarters is mainly used as a storage area by members of the community. Storage space is allocated on a first-come-first serve basis, and must be vacated every night to create space for others and also to prevent members from using it as a long term storage place. The guild’s finances are mostly contributed by head of the guild but members are encouraged to donate as well, but it is not mandatory.


Name: Zaheed, Leader of the Hunter's Guild
Age: In his late fifties to early sixties.
Born: 20 Vhalar 654
Title: Faction Leader
Skills: Hunting: 60, Leadership: 55, Shortbow: 45, Business Management: 50, Tracking: 40.

An experienced hunter, Zaheed was born in Nashaki, and had spent more than half of his life as a hunter. As old age approached and the old man realised that he was no longer as physically fit to wander the desert as he used to be, he decided to embark on a different approach instead. A single man, he had no real family to take care of, and so he pooled his money together and formed the Hunter's Guild. Inviting all huntsmen within the city to join, soon enough, the community rallied behind him and filled the establishment with hunters of varying skill and expertise lending their aid and skill to the common cause. When he pleases, or if someone interests him, he might even take that particular someone under his wing and teach and guide them in the ways of both the desert and hunting.
Credit: Hu'yana Gray
Last edited by Hu'yana Gray on Thu May 05, 2016 4:14 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 447
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Mole Cactus
Quick Facts

Height: Up to six inches.
Width: Up to six inches.
Fruit: Small red flowers, inner flesh is edible.
Poison: Red flowers are poisonous.
Native to: Nashaki, hotlands.
Locations: Eastern Idalos.

Appearance: Ball-like cacti covered in small, sharp barbs. Their skins in a pale, sickly green colour as most of their energy goes towards preserving the water their inner, white flesh contains rather than maintaining their colour. They generally fit comfortably in the hand and the barbs are soft but prickly and often easy to remove. They are, however, difficult to get a hold of as they have little fury sensors on the ends of their bards that can feel when there is a shift in the air or sand, alerting them to the approach of an animal which sees them quickly burrow into the sand for protection, often before they are even spotted.

Habitat: Native and confined to the Hotlands near the City of Nashaki, the Mole Cactus prefers hot conditions and will not grow in anything but sand. They are a moving plant who go in search of water and can hold and purify water, processing it slowly to filter all of the chemicals and minerals out of it (such as salt). Commonly found between the city and the Salt Lakes, Mole Cactus are an excellent source of water to those lost in the desert and their white, fleshy insides are good to eat and free of poison.

Lifespan and Development: The inner segments of a Mole Cactus are broken down into six chamber, somewhat like an orange, each holding a single seed. At the end of the plant's life cycle, usually up to five arcs, the Mole Cactus dries up and splits open, and the seeds fall into the sand and germinate, or are pecked out by birds and scattered far and wide across the desert.

Uses: A survival plant, often plucked up and stored in a bag for travel so that a person can eat the flesh and drink the water when they need it, the Mole Cactus can live up to one hundred trials without touching the sand as long as it had refilled with water recently. The small red flowers that bloom once an arc are mildly poisonous and often used in sleep remedies, able to knock out a full grown man within seven bits.

Abilities: Burrows into the ground when it senses movement in the air or surrounding sand. Mildly poisonous flowers are used to knock people out.

Credit: Kingdom
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Spider Cactus
Quick Facts:
Native to: (aka Nashaki, hotlands)
Locations: (For example: Eastern and some parts of Central Idalos)

Appearance: (Be specific)

Habitat: (Where does it grow, what conditions do they prefer weather wise? What parts of the world have the spread out to?)

Lifespan and Development: (From germination to death)

Uses: (What is this plant used for?)

Temperament: (Only if it’s the kind of plant that wants to eat someone)

Abilities: (Healing properties, poisons, etc)

word count: 83
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