Peake Andaris

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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals



Peake Andaris

Peake Maxos Andaris

Born 33rd of Vahlar, 688 Arc. (29) - Fluent Common / Basic Rakahi.
With dark hair and brown eyes, Peake's face shows a calm, cool and collected poise. Scars creep over his otherwise well-formed, regal features, mostly in the form of some scratches over his lips, minor marks of scratches over his bearded cheeks, and the fact that his left ear is completely absent - giving him that slightly uneasy and intimidating edge. Beneath the gorgeous and well-groomed beard, whose hairs reach a length of ten inches in their largest stretches, Peake's white and regular teeth are often there to break the monotony with a charming gleam.

Standing at 6'5, and with an imposing weight of almost 350lb, Peake is as wide as he is tall. There is a great base of muscle safekept by a layer of fat. His casual clothing often reveals an unevenly hairy and wide chest, scarred beyond anything remotely noble. Deep gashes and cuts show great injuries sustained with his battle with a Sessfiend. The fact that his lower left leg is missing below the knee reinforces this concept, said limb now replaced by a fancy black metal prosthetic shaped like a dragon. Although moved by a broken gait, his shoulders do not sag, his head remains tall, and his aura warns of danger.

The former nobleman shows no inhibition to display what he believes is true. Power, control and an earthly attitude makes him a reliable man. A man of action, neuroticism is absent from an proactive and goal-oriented approach to everyday life. Besides shown in his appearance, this confidence in himself extends whenever interacted with, as if blessed with the aura of a great leader. However, this need not apply to every aspect. He too shows irrationality and a loss of patience, a foul word or a derogatory approach not being out of norm.

Peake is not a man of subtlety. Brute force and a head-on approach tend to be his method, although his Ryn upbringing enable him to tackle delicate matters with tact and care. Furthermore, in spite of his appearance, Peake’s way of navigating the world is either charming, disarming, or too intimidating and thus rarely disputed. Finally, he has a way to draw people into his way of life, making them operate out of his frame as guests, even when standing before people of higher authority. He can speak life into defeated men or turn their world upside down.

Highly passionate, Peake is, first and foremost, a family man. He’s not driven by egotistical purposes nor any attempts of personal gain. Instead, all the deeds, good or bad, are made in sacrifice to this family ideal – or contorted as to suit this agenda. He’s a proud man, and rarely allows insolence be it from a King or a bum. He is an honest man, a rugged man, and yet can be as common as the men around him.

Born the eldest son of Benji Andaris, Peake was groomed to lead the powerful Andaris House from an early age. Much of his childhood was spent in academies, advanced education and the uptight etiquette mandated in the decadent Ryn society. Talented by nature, his path was clear, and his destiny set in stone. Somewhat isolated from other children due to this harsh education, Peake was somewhat distanced from everyday lessons and made his vision of the world somewhat distorted and unfitting. Never pampered by his father and grandfather, his privileged birth was another obstacle he was to conquer through merit.

After his first decade had passed, Peake developed some violent tendencies. His attitude became that of superiority and insolence and retorted to violent outbursts in all directions. The only exception was his family, more specifically that of his brothers and sisters. The coldness and distant attitude of their father he compensated himself. Quincy, Celeste and Lesson became like dolls to a girl, vessels in which to pour his unconditional love, pampering them and loving them like their father would not. At age sixteen, he became a squire for the Rynmere Knights, and became a knight two arcs later, all the while pursuing advanced studies in the university.

Life in the knights opened a new world for him, a doorway for a beast living inside him. Under the guise of a corrupt but wise mentor, Peake learned to bend morality or discard it all together, be it for the pursuit of pleasure or personal gain. His violent nature found a place to be released, and yet he never managed to wrestle his conscience into submission. The talented and educated mind became thus broken, distorted and wounded and in need of healing. Part of it was poorly sealed through growing alcoholism and whoremongering, and the remainder of the wound sewn through forbidden love.

Unlike Benji, Mary Andaris, Peake’s mother, saw what her eldest was becoming. Unlike her husband however, her moral compass was not willing to compromise. She confronted Peake. Peake, out of his mind, forever loyal to his family and forever adoring of his mother, took her in his arms and laid her – as if such could heal the growing gash in his soul. Mary did not fight him, but whatever remained of her love for his son and this world was killed. After that night, she stopped living. She did not eat, she didn’t talk, and she didn’t even bother to get out of bed. Her body died in time as had her will. Her eldest, however, never managed to see it was his rabid nature what killed her, blaming his father instead and bowing to protect his brothers from such a poisonous man. He then sought mending from his sister Celeste, and she gave it to him,

Arcs later, Peake was an authority in Andaris. Still a knight, and working as a tax collector, his downfall came with a marriage set by his father to one Gojira Godmounter. To escape this compromise, Peake publically declared he’d marry a biqaj called Syhera Ki’hadi. Civil unrest in the Kingdom during the 717 arc hinted at civil war, and so Peake decided to make his play and seize the throne form Cassander – blaming him for the troubles of the land. Who better to take care of Rynmere but an Andaris? The ruse of his marriage continued, and his father abdicated his Baron title to Peake. With this new title came a new position as the commander of the Ouroboros guard, and with no Lord Commander for the Knights, it was Peake who had to organize the Kingdom for the coming war.

The war reached Andaris, and the defenses were in place. As a twist of fate, a Sesserfiend was released, and Peake decided to sacrifice himself to draw the best away from the defense. Cowardly, however, he first killed an innocent child to dissuade the beast. In some forgotten alley, Peake lost his leg, his beard, and a piece of his soul. When he woke, Syhera, who had become his only ally, was gone. The kingdom was in ruins, and the world seemed gray and hopeless. Unable to deal with the rift inside him, Peake faked his death and left Rynmere, his family, and everything that he was behind.
"I’d like to name a multiple orgasm after you."
Last edited by Peake on Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:20 pm, edited 27 times in total. word count: 1239
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Peake Andaris - Apparance and Personality


Fast Track: Intimidation
Racial Bonus: Unarmed Combat [Wrestling]
Quick Note
This character was created and played before the major update. As such, not all his current skills were purchased with skill points. Here's a list of all his skills earned until the update. Please don't ask me for proof because I'd have to spend seven days gathering it.

  • Intimidation: 43
  • Unarmed Combat [Wrestling]: 25
  • Strength: 23
  • Bludgeons [Morning star]: 11
  • Detection: 13
  • Seduction: 6 [5 KP]
  • Investigation: 5
  • Mathematics: 4 [4 KP]
  • Appraisal: 4 [3 KP]
  • Torture: 4
  • Rhetoric: 6
  • Teaching: 3
  • Leadership: 3
  • Tactics: 5
  • Mount: 1
  • Interrogation: 1
  • Running: 1
  • Stealth: 1
  • Navigation: 1
  • Politics: 3
  • Storytelling: 2
  • Etiquette: 2
  • Negotiation: 1
  • Acting: 1


Notable SkillPointsProficiency
Intimdation (43) + 57 Expert
Unnarmed Combat [Wrestling] 25 Novice
Strength (23) + 2 Novice

Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Agent 007: GoldPrinter10/15 10
Courtship Rituals15/15 25
Forest of Masts15/15 40
Daddy's Home15/1555
Professor Peake 9/1573
Neighbourhood Watch15/1588
Burning Tantrum15/15103
Rynmere's Worst Burglar15/15118
Birthday for Baroness15/15133
Just like the trial before10/15143
Wyrd vs Byrd15/15173
Black Mail 15/15129
Thread name0/150


Acrobatics: Balancing someone above your head
Appraisal: Requires attention and emotional detachment
Architecture: The Beauty of Andaris Manor
Armour: Full plate requires assistance
Armour: Put it on once; put it on right
Blades: Backstab
Bodybuilding: Deadlift (SP)
Brewing: Ice Wander Cocktail
Bullwhip: Overhand Flick (SP)
Business Management: Beauty Sells Product
Combat: Armour is heavy and can cause fatigue
Combat: Armour will only protect for so long
Combat: Morning star: Attacking a large opponent from the ground
Combat: Morning star: Keeping a tight grip
Combat: Shield: Can be used as a weapon when slammed into an opponent
Combat: Shield: Can be used to break through a window
Cooking: How to Press Garlic
Cooking: Texture and Taste of a Kiwi
Deception: Body language can give you away
Deception: Tell convincing lies
Detection: Recognizing faces from a distance
Detection: Saun sands are hot
Detection: Tasting an unknown liquid
Detection: The city is nothing like the beach
Detection: The thunder of hooves
Discipline: Banishing fantasies
Discipline: Dedicating extra time to work
Discipline: Doing what is Necessary to survive
Discipline: Focus on the promises you've made.
Discipline: Holding your tongue
Discipline: Looking at the big picture to make petty grievances insignificant.
Discipline: Overcoming unspoken barriers to apologize
Discipline: Resisting temptation
Endurance: How to endure the pain of sore muscles
Endurance: How to push past shattered pride
Endurance: Long horse rides
Endurance: Repetition requires Strength
Endurance: Running whilst wearing Armour
Endurance: To the Final Limit
Endurance: Working past little pains and inconveniences
Endurance: Working with little sleep
Etiquette: Don't be too affectionate in front of prying eyes!
Etiquette: Stepping aside to make room for others
Fear: It will paralyze you
How to crack a whip (KP)
Intimidation: Channelling violence into the surroundings.
Intimidation: Control a woman by controlling her hair
Intimidation: Delivering powerful ultimatums to coerce.
Intimidation: Don't show weakness
Intimidation: Feigning imminent physical combat.
Intimidation: How to command a menacing presence (KP)
Intimidation: How to use physical gestures to intimidate
Intimidation: How to use silence effectively
Intimidation: Impose your presence by taking up space
Intimidation: Keep your target on the back foot
Intimidation: Make their body submit and their mind will follow
Intimidation: Scaring Someone Unconscious
Intimidation: Scream tactics.
Intimidation: Social and Military Rank
Intimidation: The quiet steam of barely-concealed rage.
Intimidation: The weakest party is the one who speaks first
Intimidation: Throwing things to scare off servants
Intimidation: Turning your back to let your body do the talking.
Intimidation: Using armour to appear larger.
Intimidation: Using powerful bluffs on large audiences.
Intimidation: Words, Gestures Make Threats
Intimidation: Unannounced arrival
Intimidation: Painting a hopeless picture
Intimidation: Crude language
Intimidation: Overt demands
Intimidation: Using status
Intimidation: Dangerous-looking stare
Investigation: Awareness of Surrounding Factors
Investigation: Don’t go into the dark aloneCombat: Using Whatever is Available
Logistics: Preparing for war
Medicine: Eating the right amounts
Meditation: Focusing on death makes everything else seem much less significant.
Melee: Improvised weapons
Mount: Attacking from horseback
Mount: Carriage Maneuvering
Necromancy: A host of bodies, in Ogar Trevsonny’s basement
Necromancy: No one with a knife in their skull, should be up and walking around
Necromancy: Reported in the Low-city
Necromancy: The smell of rotting flesh
Persuasion: Blunt Truth Can Work
Persuasion: Honesty can be more powerful than lies
Persuasion: How to use promises to persuade
Persuasion: Posture and Bearing can be Enough
Persuasion: Weaving A Story to Persuade
Philosophy: A woman is like a piece of art
Philosophy: Chase your dreams, make them a reality
Philosophy: Family isn’t always family
Philosophy: Incest is a societal construct
Philosophy: Like a window, the sight of the ocean may provide escape
Philosophy: Live a life without regrets
Philosophy: Staring out windows as a means of escape
Philosophy: The ocean is like an hourglass
Politics: For nobles, a well-planned marriage brings power
Politics: The importance of alliances
Politics: The taxman is not always well-liked
Politics: War requires sacrifice
Psychology: A woman can change a man's mind
Psychology: An apology takes courage
Psychology: Blushing
Psychology: Recognizing Personal Triggers
Psychology: War causes melancholy
Research: The works of The Veteran of Venora
Rhetoric (Logical Fallacy): Loaded question
Rhetoric (Rhetorical Device): Hyperbole
Rhetoric (Rhetorical Device): Logos
Rhetoric (Rhetorical Device): Pathos
Rhetoric: How to set a verbal trap
Rhetoric: The power of a well-placed curse
Seduction: Flirting through Exaggerated Roleplay
Seduction: Gifts are One Way into a Woman’s Heart (And Pants)
Seduction: Romantic Scenery Helps
Seduction: Size matters
Seduction: The right touch says more than the right word
Seduction: Women Love Sweets
Seduction: Women love men with power
Seduction: the use of metaphors to entice others
Storytelling: How to tell an outrageous lie
Storytelling: Incorporating Fantasy into Real Life
Strategy: Remaining Calm
Strength: Lifting someone above your head
Strength: Maintaining muscle requires a lot of food
Strength: Making full use of your muscles is good exercise, even if it destroys rooms.
Strength: The Art of Training
Strength: Training to get into shape
Tactics: Burn the dead
Tactics: Check the surroundings
Tactics: Force immediate close-combat.
Tactics: How to use marriage to gain allies and protection
Tactics: Punch first, talk later.
Tactics: Quick In and Out
Tactics: The shock and awe manoeuvre.
Teaching: Be truthful, know the facts
Teaching: Sex education
Torture (Method): Dunking
Torture: Force obedience by controlling when your victim breathes
Torture: Make them wait
Torture: The power of a broken promise
Torture: You can turn your own mind inside out
Unarmed Combat: Arm-bar grip.
Unarmed Combat: Brute-force punch.
Unarmed Combat: Overarm toss.
Unarmed Combat: Sharp jabs break noses.
Unarmed combat: A well delivered strike, might be all that is needed


Foreskin: A High Class Lady’s Pet
Foreskin: Hairless Cat
Gwynthera: Didn't take good care of Syhera as a child.
Gwynthera: Doesn't harbour anything against you, even though she acts otherwise.
Gwynthera: Potentially the key to trust, amongst other things, in Syhera.
Gwynthera: Pragmatic and Practical
Gwynthera: Slaps her daughter, so it's not so bad for you to do it either.
Gwynthera: Syhera’s Mother
Location: Gwynthera’s Shop
Micah: Syhera's old fiancée.
Syhera Ki’hadi: Fiancée
Syhera's family: Mostly unwelcoming towards you
Syhera: A Biqaj
Syhera: A good fuck, probably, but nothing else.
Syhera: Aware of her Poverty
Syhera: Born on the 25th of Saun
Syhera: Cares more for Gwynthera than you.
Syhera: Climbing the Ladder of Success
Syhera: Got away with murder, nearly.
Syhera: Has a very different style of acting to you.
Syhera: Has some hardship after all, even if it's not one you can understand.
Syhera: Her life is always at risk.
Syhera: Is prepared for the war
Syhera: Loves Foreskin
Syhera: Might not be imposing, but can ruin your life in a single trial.
Syhera: Navigator
Syhera: Never fails to vex you
Syhera: Not your fiancée for long.
Syhera: Still engaged to you
Syhera: Struggling with depression
Syhera: Wanted to leave Andaris, not you
Syhera: Will date you
The Shark's Prey, Syhera Ki'hadi


Alistair: A Pawn in the Game
Alistair: Ally, or Even Friend
Anessa Ieness: Furious when betrayed
Anessa Ieness: Unlikely to share your bed again
Anessa Ieness: Would sleep with you to avoid taxes
Baby Andaris: Deceased
Benji Andaris: Does not like The Beard
Benji Andaris: Refers to You as Maxos
Benji Andaris: Willing to do anything for a grandson
Brothers: Undeserving of love
Celeste Andaris: Engaged to Alistair Venora
Celeste Andaris: Loves you
Celeste Andaris: Proud, loyal, weak, and beautiful
Celeste Andaris: Sister
Celeste Andaris: To wed Alistair during Saun 716
Celeste Andaris: Your weakness
Damian Noch: Alistair’s Spiritual Guidance Trainer
Damian Noch: Court Theologian
Don and Duro: Personal Trainers
Don: Twin of Duro
Duro: Twin of Don
Father: Benji
Father: Resolves problems with violence
Father: Short temper
Gojira Gorgona Godmounter: Enemy
Gojira Gorgona Godmounter: Gold Digger in Andaris’ Underground
Gojira Gorgona Godmounter: Knows where you live
Gojira Gorgona Godmounter: Nymphomaniac
Gojira Gorgona Godmounter: Probably a psychopath
Gojira Gorgona Godmounter: Prominent Businesswoman
King Cassander: Has a lot to learn
Koalus Ieness: Coward
Koalus Ieness: Dishonest
Maxos Andaris: Alternate Identity
Mazia: Friend and Whore
Mother: Comfort
Mother: Mary
Mother: Perfect protector
Ogar Trevsonny: Acting strangely before the knife struck
Ogar Trevsonny: Dead
Roxanna and Sasha: Give massages
Roxanna and Sasha: Prompted you to apologize to Hera
Roxanna and Sasha: Syhera's twin cousins
Sessfiend: Apparently remourseless
Sessfiend: Appeared to be stunned/scared by its own reflection
Sessfiend: Can breathe fire
Sessfiend: Eats human flesh
Sessfiend: Has two heads
Sessfiend: Mirrors can be used Against It
Sessfiend: Possibly Zvezdana Venora
Squires: Easy Prey
Zannifer: Deceased


Alcoholism: Removing Logic from the Person
Alcoholism: Withdrawals Suck
Andaris: The city will swallow you
Dating: A game of power and strategy
Even the most intimidating individual can't turn a woman scorned.
Fear can cause temporary paralyses
Gold Printer: Carves the Letters 'GP' on Victims
Honest Taxman: Take the taxes, not a copper nel more or less
Invisible Armor: Mana-Infused Particles
It is cold when you are near to death
Knights: Generally don’t live beyond 30 years
Knights: Rescue will come when you’re on a mission
Location: A sewer entrance
Location: Andaris Gala & Winery
Location: Andaris Manor
Location: Andaris coastline
Location: House of Ogar Trevsonny
Location: Malcolm & Elyna’s House
Location: Sabaissant du Cristel
Looking out of windows is really calming.
Marriage in Rynmere: A Business Transaction
Marriage in Rynmere: Nobles must have heirs
Nobility: Difference in Rank
Nobility: How Other Nobles Live
Noble Greetings: To Lick the Wrist
Ouroboro Guard Armour: Oppression
Ouroboros: Duty over Pleasure
Password: Collecting Unit Base
Peake: Afraid of crabs
Peake: Apologized to Syhera
Peake: Class clownLocation: Sabaissant
Peake: Ignored invitations from both father and the Duke
Poverty is not simplicity.
Religion: Immortals (SP)
Ryncest: The struggle is real
Rynmere: Court Politics
Rynmere: Geography (SP)
Rynmere: Royal Family History (KP)
Rynmere: Solidarity Between the Houses
Rynmere: The Noble Houses (SP)
Rynmere: The Sacred Seven, a prayer
Rynmere: The rebellion is losing support (Saun 716)
School: You're on the outside looking
Taxman: Everyone hates the taxman
Teenagers: Full of hormones
The Collecting Unit of the National Tax Service
The Iron Hand: Rynmere’s military force
Trust is one of the greatest, and most painful illusions.
Words: Weapons
Your first, but likely not your last, suicidal thoughts.
Fame & Injuries

Fame Ledger

Fame LedgerPoints AwardedRunning Total
Starting Pre-set-40
Agent 007: GoldPrinter-2-42
Forest of Masts-1-43
Justified +2 -1 -42
Professor Peake +1 -1 -1 -1 -44
Daddy's Home -3 +2 -45
Neighbourhood Watch -3 -48
Rynmere's Worst Burglar -12 -60
Birthday for Baroness +5 -55
Wyrd vs Byrd -5 -60


  • Small half-moon shapes from Anessas’ nails mark the wrist of your right arm. They will sting, but soften and heal within two trials. (Heals the 4th of Ashan, 716) [Link]
  • Your muscles will continue to be sore from exertion for the next 2-3 trials. Remember to stretch! (Heals the 5th of Saun, 716) [Link]
  • Permanent loss of lower left leg just below the knee, cauterized by Sessfiend. Cracked ribs, whole rib cage. Gashes in the chest from claws, deep causing heavy bleeding. All these injuries could prove fatal due to loss of blood or serious infection if not treated. Loss of ear, not as serious as other injuries. [Link]

"If I don’t get my cock drained… I might die."
Last edited by Peake on Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:51 pm, edited 14 times in total. word count: 2119
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Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:17 am
Race: Human
Profession: A**hole
Renown: -60
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals



Peake Andaris - History and Evolution



Image Name Origin Notes
Image Bone Pendant Prized Possession (SP) A bone carved into the shape of a spiral hanging from a simple leather lace.
Image White Shirt (SP) A simple white shirt. It tends to be partially open, proudly displaying chest hair and scarring.
Image Leather Pants (SP) Black and loose, very well fitted for Peake's legs.
Image Leather Boots (SP) A comfortable pair of boots. They smell like blue cheese.
Image Cloak (SP) Only worn in the cold and rain.
Image Undergarments (SP) Is it a slip? Is it a thong? Only YOU can find out!
Image Pouch (SP) Contains 25 SN.
Image Swordcane Bought Black and shaped like a dragon.
Image Prosthetic Leg Bought Fancy prosthetic leg. Shaped like a swirling dragon. It was stolen once. Once.

Abandoned Items

Peake left Andaris in secret, and abandoned most of his posessions there.

  • 20x20 Cottage in Andaris, Rynmere
    • 1xBed
    • 1x Table
    • 2x Chair
    • 6x Plates (Assorted)
    • 2x Knives
    • 1x Chest
    • 1x Fireplace
    • Tinderbox [SP]
  • Full set of Ouroboro Armor [Ruined]
  • Full set of Steward Armor [Standard]
  • Full set of Armor [Decorative]
  • Morning Star [Good]
  • Kite Shield [Medium]
  • Black Silk Cloak
  • Arming Sword [Standard]
  • Long Sword [Standard]
  • Trained Horse
  • Waterskin [SP]
  • Bullwhip
  • His pride

Old Ledger (NOW VOID)

Starting Package +100 GN 100 GN
Bullwhip -20 GN 80 GN
Ashan 716 Wages (Tax Collector) +457 GN 5SN 6CN 537 GN 5SN 6CN
Horse (Trained) -100 GN 437 GN 5SN 6CN
Spiked Mace (Good Quality) -40 GN 397 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Kite Shield (Medium Size) -15 GN 385 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Plate Armor (Decorative) -20 GN 365 Gn 5 SN 6 CN
Plate Gauntlets (Decorative) -10 GN 355 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Plate Greaves (Decorative) -10 GN 345 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Plate Fauld (Decorative) -10 GN 335 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Plate Pauldron (Decorative) -10 GN 325 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Plate Helmet (Decorative) -10 GN 315 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Guard Bribe -15 GN 300 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Cloak (Silk) -50 GN 250 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Black Dye (For Cloak) -15 SN 249 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Arming Sword (Normal) -20 GN 229 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Long sword (Normal) -25 GN 204 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Ashan 716 Wages (Steward) +223 GN 427 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Guard Bribe -15 GN 412 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Gift to Squire -1 GN 411 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Ymiden Wages (Tax Collector) +302 GN 713 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Ymiden Wages (Ouorobo) +302 GN 1015 GN 5 SN 6CN
Saun Wages (Ouroboro) +218 GN 1233 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Sword Cane (Masterwork) -320 GN 913 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Prosthetic Leg (Masterwork)) -300 GN 613 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Various Debts from Threads -300 GN 313 GN 5 SN 6 CN
Total Currency: 0 ON, 313 GN, 5 SN, 6 CN

Wealth Ledger

Item +/- Tier Total
System Conversion+71571
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
Professional Information (NOW VOID)
  • Tax Collector: 2 GN Base + 3 Job Threads + 2GN Intimidation Bonus = 8 GN per day
  • Knight: 2 GN Base + 3 Job Threads + 2GN Intimidation Bonus = 8 GN per day
"It’s because of you that I have nothing."
Last edited by Peake on Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:15 am, edited 19 times in total. word count: 549
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Approved Character
Posts: 333
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:17 am
Race: Human
Profession: A**hole
Renown: -60
Character Sheet
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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Peake Andaris - Skills and Knowledge

Thread List

Ashan 716

Link Timestamp Thread Name Thread Type Thread Status
1st Mr. Taxman Job Thread (Tax Collector) Graded.
3rd The Drunk Hand With Ciarán Abandoned.
5th License to Thrill Solo Graded.
6th An Itch For Your Scratch With Kala Abandoned.
15th Business Arrangements With Hera Graded.
16th Forest of Masts With Hera Graded.
33rd Tacticool Super-duper Strategy RP, with Skyard Abandoned.
64th Honoring the Andaris Open Thread Abandoned.
80th Mission: Implausible Sabine + Elyna ????.
111th Stairwell to the Kingdom [Part I] Solo Graded.
111th Stairwell to the Kingdom [Part II] Solo Pending Moderation.
111th Stairwell to the Kingdom [Part III] Solo See above.
111th Stairwell to the Kingdom [Part IV] Solo See above twice.

Ymiden 716

Link Timestamp Thread Name Thread Type Thread Status
1st Professor Peake Job Thread (Ouroboro) Graded.
1st Courtship Rituals With Hera Graded.
20th Agent 000: GoldPrinter Job Thread (Tax Colletor) Graded.
43rd Do we whisper, or do we shout? With Elyna Graded.
70th Daddy's Home With Hera Graded.

Saun 716

Link Timestamp Thread Name Thread Type Thread Status
1st Chorus With Alistair Graded.
3rd Neighbourhood Watch With Celeste Graded.
6th Cause of Cousins (Tax job) With Daliane ???
8th Rynmere's Worst Burglar With Rafael Graded.
10th Burning Tantrum With Hera, duh Graded.
17th I'm Bored With Leeson Abandoned.
18th Woven Talent With Vera Abandoned.
20th Will There Be Cake? With Celeste Graded.
23rd Birthday for Baroness With Hera Graded.
27th For Andaris! Lots of people! Graded.
27th Wyrd vs Byrd Zvezdana and Vivian Graded.
30th Left Unfinished With Hera In progress.

Zi'da 716

Link Timestamp Thread Name Thread Type Thread Status
50th Just like the trial before Solo Graded
85h The Family Tree With Tristan To be resumed


Link Timestamp Thread Name Thread Type Thread Status
33rd Saun 700 Crude Solo Memory Graded.
78th Ashan 704 Of Baby Dragons and Blooming Roses With Zvezdana To be resumed
20th Ymiden 711 Disregard Females, Acquire Currency Lorena Abandoned.
12th Cylus 716 Black Mail Mature Thread with Ayda On-going.
"You’re not a real dragon - you’re just a snake."
Last edited by Peake on Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:06 am, edited 28 times in total. word count: 358
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