Honoring the Andaris

A party for all to attend! Celebrate until Dawn!

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Honoring the Andaris

Most of the time, Lei'lira was barely aware of the fact that she was a baroness. Such things were so far removed from her life that it was easy to forget. She had a farm to run, after all. She hoped to be able to open a breeding farm one day, and she was taking steps down the beginning of that road. Fancy dresses, and fancier parties had no place in her world. Lei'lira wasn't even entirely certain of what a baroness was supposed to do.

But today was different. The Andaris family was hosting a party. Lei'lra didn't know what they were celebrating. Nor did she especially care. She wasn't certain that they needed a reason. What did matter was that as nobles, either she, or Lazuli had to go. If they didn't, people might be upset, or get offended. And that would be bad. Lei'lira didn't know why the other nobles would care if they went, or not. But they did. And Lazuli was busy, so it fell on her to go.

As Lei'lira approached the gates slowly, the guard eyed her skeptically. She couldn't blame them. The kind of people that belonged at parties like this wore fancy dresses made of insanely expensive materials that were so fragile that they tore when you looked at them too harshly. She was dressed in clean, sturdy work clothes. Sensible clothes.

The guards moved to stop her, but they were not unkind when they explained that the party was not for the likes of her. Lei'lira longed to be able to leave it at that. They weren't wrong. She had no place being here. And yet...people might think badly of Lazuli if she didn't go. So she showed the guards her invitation, and explained who she was. The name Warrick seemed to explain her appearance to them, because they nodded, and let her through.

The house was huge. And fancy. Lei'lira couldn't help but wonder how many families could be fed for a whole arc on the money it took to pay for all of this. Someone introduced her as Baroness Warrick, but thankfully, people seemed to be occupied with a commotion of some kind. Several women among the crowd were dressed in outfits that were far too revealing for her taste. Not that she could say anything about inappropriate clothing. Some of the dresses that she saw people wearing probably cost more than she earned in an arc.

It didn't take long for Lei'lira to become hopelessly lost. Lei'luna stood nearby, looking as uncomfortable as she felt. Lei'lira wondered how long she had to stay before she could slip out and make her escape. But she was shocked out of her train of thought when she saw someone hurl a watermelon at someone else. Soon afterwards, she heard a familiar voice insulting someone, possibly the person who had thrown the melon.

Relieved to find that she knew someone at the party, Lei'lira made her way in the direction Vivian's voice had come from. She did her best to stay out of everyone's way, inching along as best she could. Someone offered her a glass of wine from a tray, but Lei'lira politely refused it. When she finally reached the center of the room, Lei'lira found an out of the way spot where she could watch what was going on.
word count: 586
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Honoring the Andaris

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


  • Story: +3
  • Collaboration: +3 (2 posts)
  • Structure: +5

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Discipline: Confronting the Troublemakers
  • Etiquette: Thank The Coachmen
  • Etiquette: Wait to be Announced Before Entering
  • Politics: Noble Prestige is a Rug to Sweep Things Under
  • Politics: A Uniform is Suitable Formal Dress
  • Sociology: Accept Apologies Gracefully
  • Tactics: Act Passive to Gain the Element of Surprise
  • Unarmed Combat: Kick Them While They're Down

Loot, Loss, Devotion:

Nothing to speak of


Perhaps, if the thread had continued. :o

Fame: +5

The one who confronts Peake



  • Story: +2
  • Collaboration: +1 (1 post)
  • Structure: +5

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Detection: Conflicting Perfumes Means a Gala is Near
  • Discipline: Maintain Courtesy to Those Doing Their Jobs
  • Intimidation: Hard-Nosed Guards Can be Useful
  • Persuasion: Dropping the Family Name
  • Persuasion: Make Yourself as Presentable as Possible

Loot, Loss, Fame, Injuries, Devotion:

Nothing to speak of



  • Story: +2
  • Collaboration: +3 (2 posts)
  • Structure: +5

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Caelan: Trying to Find You a "Suitable" Husband
  • Cosmetology: Dark Khols and Powders
  • Cosmetology: Eye Liner
  • Cosmetology: Where Cosmetics Fail, A High Collar Will Hide a Bruise
  • Detection: The Prostitutes Arrived with Peake
  • Levinia: No Title, But as Noble as Any
  • Peake: At Odds With Younger Brother, Quincy
  • Stealth: Find a Niche in Which to Hide at a Boring Gala
  • Vivian Warrick: Stepped up to Berate Peake to His Face

Loot, Loss, Fame, Devotion:

Nothing to speak of


Looked like you were on the path to getting some :lol:



  • Story: +2
  • Collaboration: +1 (1 post)
  • Structure: +5

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Discipline: Meeting Unpleasant Political Obligations
  • Persuasion: Dropping the Family Name
  • Politics: Gala Events Show Disregard for the Poor
  • Politics: Those Not Suited for Titles Should be Free of Them
  • Psychology: Preferring the Simple Life

Loot, Loss, Injuries, fame, Devotion:

Nothing to speak of


Okay, Quincy - Your CS is way out of date.
Qaerris - is now an NPC MB.
Peake - has famously retired. :(
Levinia - Has not visited in close to a year.

Vivian has been fairly inactive, but I could not really see evidence of an out-of-date CS *shrug*

So, I gave Viv the extra story point, for being the one to step up to Peake.
Obviously this story was about to begin to develop into something great, but sadly, didn't. It could have been epic. 8-)
Collaboration points per post as per the guide.
Technically, I could have withheld Structure on the basis that no one finished it up before turning it in.
But since there were so many, depending on so many, for anything to be completed, I could not in good conscience, penalize you.
PM me with any comments or concerns :)
word count: 485
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