
Elyna can't sleep - Qaerris

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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In her inebriated condition she felt the urge to push him away playfully, or even laugh as he made such a game of telling her the secret to life. When the words were ushered into the dim room, she closed her eyes, letting the ideas sink in. His breath moved over her ear and she swayed a little toward him. Was it so simple? New things, new people, new memories. She swallowed, wasn’t that what she was doing already? Learning new skills, moving forward with her life. Perhaps it was the truth, but if there were changes to be made, she couldn’t see them, not so late at night and not with her brain so muddled.

She lifted her chin as his fingertips moved over her skin. It was when he moved back that her eyes opened again and she pushed him playfully in the shoulder, “none of that,” she warned him, waving a hand, “you can’t just…with the words and the touchy feely – things don’t just work that way,” she gave another serious nod.

“I like stories,” Elyna stretched out her legs, lifting her feet onto the low table before them. Tilting her head to onside she looked up at him, “wha’s yours?” Learn new things he’d said, make new friends’ he’d said. Maybe she was even less sober than she’d thought, but didn’t tomorrow start yesterday, or today…or something?
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It was quite amusing for the harlot to recall that less than five drinks before, this woman had been spewing vile words at him. Now, she seemed quite content with his familiar touch, a touch that certain... others found so satisfying. But in the moment, it mattered not, the harlot quite satisfied spending whatever time he could to find the game he so loved to play played, Elyna the willing-yet-not victim to his ministrations. A chuckle parted the Mortalborn's lips as she pushed him away after he had already released hold of her. She seemed quite conflicted in regards to what she wanted, but to the Mortalborn, it was so obvious. She'd been spurned by a lover, that much he could figure by what little he knew of her story. Did that make all others impossible to allow? Qaerris found himself quite intrigued by the standards this woman held herself to and what limits they imposed on her. Yet, in his drunken state, he couldn't properly articulate, even to himself, the nature of this whim.

Rather, the Mortalborn instead listened to her question, a slight shrug moving his shoulders. What was his story today? Regardless of how drunk he was, there was no telling her the truth. Not the full one, in any case. What he could spin into a tale worth hearing was his arrival in Rynmere. Letting a soft 'hm' escape his lips, a coy smile materialized upon his features, the son of Zanik leaning forward as if to divulge a secret.

"My story? My dear, that's something I shouldn't share with you. Not here, anyway. It's too... intimate for public ears to eavesdrop upon."

Qaerris was quite intent, in his drunken mind, in seeing just how far he could take his game with this mortal. After all, she'd hated him mere hours before. What a victory over the human spirit it would be to so thoroughly change that perspective. Qaerris' lips, as he whispered in Elyna's ear, could not help but brush along the skin of her earlobe, though he pulled away, a drunken laugh parting his lips as he reached for the nearly empty tankard and raised it to his lips. Two more sips drained the entirety of it, the Mortalborn letting it fall from his grasp as he noted,

"Plus, I don' even know your name yet, madame. If you want to hear more, we need to get better acquainted."

This should be interesting.
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He had almost, almost pulled her completely in and under his spell. The touch of his lips against her ear made her shiver, there was no denying the sensation. But his less than subtle suggestion that they retreat to a less public arena caused her to smile, the spell cracked and she tilted her head, eyes opening once more. She watched him reach for his drink and turned to face him, “stop,” she laughed, “stop all that…” she leant towards him, resting her hands on the chair arm between them and knelt up, knees on the fur that lined the chair.

“We could be friends, you and I,” she nodded, searching his face, “but you would be a terrible lover,” her smile dimmed and she thought back over what she’d just said. That hadn’t come out right, “no, no I mean it would be awfu-…” she let out a sigh of frustration. Alcohol and conversation did not mix well, “you’re very charming…you’re sure you won’t believe that Quitina is my name? I don’t’ believe Quentin is yours…?” she tilted her head to oneside and her hair fell in front of her eyes.
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Busted. However...

Never one to miss a beat, the Mortalborn was one who was quite used to thinking on his feet. When this woman retorted with her suggestion that he would be a terrible lover, Qaerris let a grin materialize upon his features. She'd stumbled yet again over her words, leaving behind every single sign that his ministrations had left their mark. The shiver that had manifested within the woman, how her words seemed to completely reveal her thoughts to him... it was as if there was magic at work that let the Mortalborn see through this being to her very soul. However, Qaerris would not dare employ such tactics against her, for it was in bad sport to give himself such a wide, unfair advantage. Rather than rely on such sorry means to accomplish his design, he preferred his own wit and charms to do what he sought in the game.

"A terrible lover? I don't understand where that came from..."

Qaerris' grin faltered for a moment, the Mortalborn letting him delve into a persona. He did so love to portray and misdirect, and impersonation was by far one of his favourite means to an end. However, with nothing to impersonate, he'd simply rouse the illusion of surprise. Qaerris leaned forward once more, closing the gap between both himself and Elyna in its entirety. In his drunken state, personal space was no longer a necessary thing, for the body quite preferred the warmth of another so close by.

"I assure you that I meant nothing by what I said."

The grin returned soon enough as he continued to listen to her, nodding slowly. Fingers moved to trail along Elyna's jawline, gently caressing the woman's cheek as he held her gaze. Qaerris took pride in the intensity of his stare, for it, in his experience, could disarm quite efficiently. Out of all of the things Qaerris shared in his father's appearance, it was his eyes that were identical. The Immortal of Seduction held his wild nature in his gaze, whiskey orbs that were mirrored in his offspring quite capable of taking those who looked into them into another world. Qaerris sought to emulate the sensation, his fingertips playing lightly along the flesh of Elyna's forearm.

"Sadly, I do not. I think that you should tell me your real name, for Quintina is a falsehood that would quite injure me to bestow upon you. Surely, your name is as lovely as its bearer, and I'd very much like to call you by it."

Let her forget about her misgivings about my name. If anything, I can always tell her later.
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"A terrible person to love,” she corrected herself finally. It was still hard to hold onto her thoughts. He seemed almost offended that she had read so much into his words, and then he lent in again and his fingers brushed over her face. Her gaze narrowed playfully, “you don’t know where it came from? You have no idea?” Her eyes widened with false innocence before she smiled turned wicked. This was fun.

“In one breath you deny any advance, and the next you’re here…” she lent her head inward, allowing her forehead to rest against his. She held his gaze and focused on her own breathing and not the sensation of touch. It had been a long time since she’d been in a similar position, and wouldn’t deny that there was something intoxicating about it. Her heart pounded in her chest and yet, she drew back, confident that she was in control. At least of herself. He was very alluring and it was hard to pull away, but there was no mistaking the warnings in her heart. Danger. Danger, danger. Don’t get pulled in.
“You’re doing it again,” she warned, her voice more breathless than she would have liked, “you’re lacing your words with sweetness as though there is no danger to them,” Elyna inhaled and sat up, breaking their gaze.

She paused for a few moments, gathered herself and tried to pull her meandering thoughts out of the gutter, “right…..” she glanced at him, “Ely. My friends call me Ely.”

“Are you going to be a friend Sir?”
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Qaerris couldn't help but feel the satisfaction of his work laid out before him. Not only did he rile Elyna up to the point that her breathing was no longer under her control, but he had also gotten her to tell him her real name without needing to reveal his own. Truly, the Mortalborn could come to the conclusion that his charms could be used as weapon to those whose words and reputation could betray them, but in this instance, there was no need for such an ulterior motive. For him, in this moment, Qaerris was simply enjoying himself, and perhaps, the mortal he shared his company with was, as well.

When the two syllables that comprised of Elyna's nickname ushered into the Mortalborn's ears, a smile cast upon his features. Did he want to be her friend? In truth, he knew not if he was capable of such a thing. But, in truth, there was no harm in trying. Deceptions would remain in place, his identity needing to remain secure for there were so many who would see a Mortalborn and seek to capitalize upon that identity for their own purposes. No, Qaerris need not answer to any will but his own. Qaerris sought to lean forward once more to whisper into the woman's ear,

"There's only danger if you seek to misconstrue advances as romantic interest. If we understand that fun is fun, and a friendship is simply that, then there is no danger at all."

However, Qaerris would leave that at that, pressing his lips lightly to the flesh of Elyna's neck, a parting, teasing gesture that he very much wanted to see the reaction to before he smiled and nodded as if nothing of note had occurred.

"Of course I'll be your friend, Ely. You need not call me Quentin. My true name is Qaerris."
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He lent in, pressing the kiss to her skin and as he retreated she squirmed, pressing her shoulder to her ear as though it had tickled her. But the smile she paid him in was genuine. For all that if she had been sober, she wouldn’t be here now, talking to him – it was still a true smile. One reserved for a few rare individuals at that point.

“Qaerris,” she sounded his name out, testing it. It sounded better then Quentin and she nodded believing that he had provided a true name. “Well, Qaerris….friendship is usually fun…” she raised a hand quickly, waving a finger at him “and not the same kind that occurs between sheets or…other places,” she swallowed and stood up. With a quick straighten of her shirt and looked around the near empty bar and sighed, “however….my friend I fear that I am done for this night. But, I will hope that we meet again before too long,” her smile stretched into a grin, revealing a row of even pale teeth, “I need a partner for drinking, someone who can keep up.”
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Observation: 3
Socialisation: 5
Endurance: 2
Rhetoric: 2
Disguise: 1
Flirting: 2
Logic: 1

Skyriders: The importance of routine.
Location: Blacksmith Arms
Drinking numbs the pain.
The sweet burn of alcohol
Qaerris: Frequents the tavern often
Qaerris: A gracious man
Qaerris: Would make a terrible lover

Disguise: Using a false name to deceive
Socialisation: Accepting an apology gracefully


Endurance: 1
Gambling: 1
Observation: 3
Rhetoric: 2
Socialisation: 4
Teaching: 1
Philosophy: 1
Flirting: 1
Persuasion: 1
Seduction: 1
Etiquette: 1

Location: Blacksmith Arms
Elyna: Fetching
Elyna: The Skyrider
Elyna: Hostile
Quintina: Obviously not a real name
Elyna: Enjoys stories

Friendships never last, people are so fickle
Philosophy: Forget unfortunate experiences by creating new ones
Persuasion: Liquor loosens lips[/columns]

Notes: Beautifully written you two, enjoyable to read and quite clever the way you worked different skills in without making it too obvious. In future if you mention your characters drinking, etc, please edit your ledgers to include the cost of the drink (see drinks lists at one of the taverns on the link map) and link the purchase to the thread.
word count: 192
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