The language change caught Zvezdana off guard, and she furrowed her brow in confusion. What language was that? Her mother was a different race. A Sev’ryn was it? Maybe this was her language? Or maybe something Lazuli picked up from a farmhand. Before she could ask, Lazuli continued to lay out her weaknesses. Zvezdana smiled when the young girl, perhaps unknowingly, offered up a compliment. That in itself was a skill not many could control right off the bat. Slipping in subtle compliments was an art. Making it look like it wasn’t intentional was a developed skill. Something that Zvezdana believed Lazuli did not need to be taught due to her naivety. When the comment of about talking to men came up, Zvezdana couldn’t help but bust out laughing. She lifted her hand to her lips, the strong laugh tapering down to a pleasant sound as she controlled the abrupt sound to a giggle. It was then she stood up. The sun had started to come out from behind the clouds. She took off her cloak, draped it over the back of her chair, and beckoned Lazuli to follow her. ”Come child,” The way Zvezdana said the word ‘child’ was endearing and warm, not superior in any means.
Together, the two stepped out of the little house, into the cool day. It was still early in Ashan, and the bite that Cylus had brought was just beginning to slip away from the lands of Rynmere. This was the first bit of sunshine Zvezdana was feeling on her neck since the season had started. It felt good. ”Look around you Lazuli. Does this farm make you feel safe? Are you confident in your ability to work the soil and bring forth food?” Zvezdana looked about as well, taking in the scenery. The dog had even perked up to see what was going on, curious and protective of its master.
”Confidence is a mask. That mask is built on what you feel on the inside and the outside. If you are comfortable with the outside, you will feel better on the inside. I am not comfortable in a place like this. I wouldn’t be able to tell one farm tool from another. But I imagine it as a ballroom. The color of grass peaking up from the earth is but a carpet for my shoes to step on. The wind in the trees are dresses spinning in circles.” Zvezdana practically sang as she spread her world before Lazuli, manipulating what she saw into something she was familiar with. Her hands were folded neatly behind her traveling, wool skirt, the light shirt she was wearing dirty from the adventure. She probably looked less like a noble than Lazuli would have imagined, dressed like this.
”When you don’t feel comfortable, remember your farm. Remember your sister and your dog. They will give you strength to carry yourself in a way that no one will understand. That is confidence. That is you."
Together, the two stepped out of the little house, into the cool day. It was still early in Ashan, and the bite that Cylus had brought was just beginning to slip away from the lands of Rynmere. This was the first bit of sunshine Zvezdana was feeling on her neck since the season had started. It felt good. ”Look around you Lazuli. Does this farm make you feel safe? Are you confident in your ability to work the soil and bring forth food?” Zvezdana looked about as well, taking in the scenery. The dog had even perked up to see what was going on, curious and protective of its master.
”Confidence is a mask. That mask is built on what you feel on the inside and the outside. If you are comfortable with the outside, you will feel better on the inside. I am not comfortable in a place like this. I wouldn’t be able to tell one farm tool from another. But I imagine it as a ballroom. The color of grass peaking up from the earth is but a carpet for my shoes to step on. The wind in the trees are dresses spinning in circles.” Zvezdana practically sang as she spread her world before Lazuli, manipulating what she saw into something she was familiar with. Her hands were folded neatly behind her traveling, wool skirt, the light shirt she was wearing dirty from the adventure. She probably looked less like a noble than Lazuli would have imagined, dressed like this.
”When you don’t feel comfortable, remember your farm. Remember your sister and your dog. They will give you strength to carry yourself in a way that no one will understand. That is confidence. That is you."