PC Name: Ivy Gawyne PC Location: Andaris Requested Job: Philosopher Job Wage: 4 gn a day Related Skills: Psychology(25). Possibly Persuasion(5), Deception(1), and Politics(10), but those are all up for debate. Why this job?: It's a common job for a Gawyne and it's the only thing Ivy can get her hands on right now. Even though it isn't her first choice she's doing what she needs to do in order not to starve.
PC Name: Everett Ward PC Location: Andaris Requested Job: Diplomat ( or Merchant. Merchant/trader isn't on the Professions list... ) Job Wage: 2 gn/day Related Skills: Leadership 25, Business Management 14, Intimidation 14, Negotiation 9 Why this job?: The Wards are a prominent trading family from Berwick. Because they are diamond magnates, they need a businessman/diplomat in Andaris.
PC Name:Faith PC Job: Chef (Job 1. Job 2 dealt with separately) Season: Vhalar 716 Daily Wage: 2gn + 4gn(Saun + Vhalar job thread) + 5gn (skill bonus)=11gn/2=5.5gn per day Related Skills: Cooking: Legendary Related Job Threads: Alchemical Gastronomy: She works out how to make the best raising agent for her job Expenses:None as she is a slave. Tristan pays for her
Vhalar wages: 676gn, 5sn
PC Name: Ashira Ward PC Location: Andaris Requested Job 1: Healer (Herbalist bent) Requested Job 1: Scribe Job Wage: 2gn Related Skills: 14 Gardening, 14 Medicine and 5 Writing, 9 Etiquette Why this job?:[Ashira was born a Thorn, and therefor a healer. When she married Everett and they moved to Andaris they had significantly fewer resources. It made sense for her to fill a position they would normally hire someone for and act as scribe for him when necessary as well.
word count: 82
Will be finishing existing threads with Nir'wei and Ivy so my partners can get their points. Then I'm out. As such I will not be starting anymore threads.
PC Name:Faith PC Job: Seamstress (Job 2) Season: Vhalar 716 Daily Wage: 2gn + 4gn(Saun + Vhalar job thread) + 4gn (skill bonus)=10gn/2=5gn per day Related Skills: Sewing: Master Related Job Threads: Preparation is the Key: She makes the costumes for Tristan's play Expenses:None as she is a slave. Tristan pays for her
Vhalar wages: 615gn
PC Name:Rita PC Job:Physcican Season:Vhalar 716) Daily Wage: (base 2 + skill 3 + loyalty 6) =11gn Related Skills: Medicine 51, Surgery 25 Related Job Threads: Another Day at work Expenses: 9%
Net: (11gn*123trials)*0.91tax = 1213gn 20 sn 3cn
PC Name: Odessa Andaris PC Job: Artist Season: Saun, 716 Daily Wage: 2gn base + 2gn Painting skill = 4gn per trial Related Skills: 25 Painting, 25 Sketching Related Job Threads: Mangy Mutts In Muted Muds Expenses: Earns under 5gn a day, so has no living expenses as a "beggar", and no Rynmere Tax.