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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Hi hi,

Recently returned to ST, after a blah period irl, and now I'd like to introduce my new PC to anyone interested in 'new blood' to RP with.

This PC, Ivan Yakob, is not exactly sweet as sugar, even if he'd act like one. Give his CS a quick read if you want to get an idea of what the PC is about and if the concept happens to strike your fancy for a thread, please let me know. :)

Some stuff I personally like to rp about are: Mystery, thriller, suspense, drama, conflict, etc etc
But actually anything can be made fun to write/read about, al though I'm not (usually) a fan of combat training threads.

Looking forward to rp'ing here and hope to get to know many nice people and fun writers. :)
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Sintih wrote:So, I found this little note under the Andarian law on Arcane: "The only people who are allowed to use arcane magic in public are mage knights and members of The Seekers." But there is no mention of these mage knights anywhere else. How do I become one of these mage knights? Do I simply qualify if I have 30 points in a magic, instead of melee or ranged combat?

Secondly, where would one go to sign up to become part of the Andarian military (the Moseke knights specifically)?

Thanks in advance for your help.
All magic info for Rynmere is old and needs updating but isn't going to get an update until the magic rewrite is finished.
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Time to vote. You can vote if you participated in the side challenge. You cannot vote for your own story. The winners will be announced once all votes are in. Please send your vote to me via PM. I will hand out the rewards then. :)

Completed stories:

Crossed Swords by Doran & Aeon
Left Hook, Right Hook by Aelius Callistus & Faith
To Tutor A Tutor by Yanahalqah & Padraig
Swords, Axes, Daggers Oh My by Quio & Lei'lira
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Kingdom's back, Kingdom's back!

/prances around and hides the broken toys

Btw, welcome to Rynmere, Ivan! Your character sounds like he'll be a blast to write with. If you'd like to put out a broader request for people to write with, you may want to post an ad on the Looking for Companions forum. :) Looking forward to seeing him in action!
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Thanks for the welcome, Rumour. :)

But to be fair, I was doubting the fun I would have writing with Ivan, I came to the conclusion after VERY rigorous training and meditation to the point of floating a little bit...That I really enjoy light-hearted and inquisitive PCs...So, Logik Nji'Hadi was made.

Really looking forward to roleplaying with him!

Even the Dalaï Llama couldn't jedi handwave it out of me, that's how excited I am.


Seriously though, Logik! :D
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Not quite, have to survive these three flights today and a three / four hour drive, then pick up the furbabies and get home quite late. Last spot of internet before then so I've answered all my PMs and I'll see you lot tomorrow most likely :)
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Be safe - see you soon!

<casually stands in front of broken things and hands them to Rumour surreptitiously>
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

I've been looking at the seasonal calendar for Vhalar and I was wondering if anyone was interested in joining Sintih for some of these events? The king comes out a few times so security will be high and many knights and squires will be working overtime for those trials. There is also a bunch of Qe'dreki to hunt down and bandits are always around as well.

26th of Vhalar: A new drug called Heat is circulating the streets of Low-town. Nothing starts a season off like an episode of CSI Andaris. If anyone is interested in investigating this and possibly rounding up some (low level) dealers, Sintih is your guy.

47th of Vhalar: King Cassander holds an event open to the public. This means high security, lots of knights and squires patrolling or standing guard. A lot of potential for a good scrimmage here. Sintih is looking for fellow squires to be given boring tasks with or a knight willing to take him on a more important task.

54th of Vhalar: The Iron Hand begins hunting down Qe’Dreki rebels. This means lots of fighting and chasing rebels. Also, high requirements for tactics so Sintih is looking forward to this one. Anyone interested in a good fight outside of the city is more than welcome. A lot of squire jobs like cleaning armor and taking care of horses will also be required for those of you looking for non combat work.

67th of Vhalar: A shortage of horses in the kingdom. There will most likely be a lot of horses roaming around after the battle and after the hunting of rebels. A good opportunity to gain some mounted experience. This shouldn't be too difficult. It might even involve some bandits.

96th of Vhalar: "A Royal Tragedy", the new play by Tristan Venora, premieres at Rynmere Theatre. If the rumor about the king being present is true, there will once again be a need for security. We don't want a Lincoln happening at the premiere. Again, any knights or squires looking for something to do this season, Sintih is up for it.

If anyone is interested in writing for any (or all) of these events with Sintih, send me a PM or post here. Everyone's welcome, the more the merrier.
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Hi Sintih

Just to clarify - Tristan Venora is a pc and will be having a thread for that play - so any queries about his play should be directed to him.
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Rynmere OOC Social Thread

Hello, everybody!

I'll try and start the thread for the play next weekend. As you know the king will be there, so let's hope that everything goes smoothly, and we don't suddenly find ourselves without a king!
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