The Longest Night of Cylus

The Council Convenes in an Emergency Session

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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The Longest Night of Cylus


There was a familiar face here, and a familiar scent. Volker watched as Amaris noticed him...and abruptly decided to study the tablecloth. Volker ignored that. It was good to see someone he knew here, instead of the strangely tense feeling of not having anyone he knew. He felt a little satisfied feeling from Oor. He liked the terror Amaris was projecting and he was savoring it. Volker nibbled a little more of his apple while the others spoke.

Then the authority arrived. A woman in a foul mood who came in and told the other civilians present that the meeting didn't concern the docks. At least the meeting didn't include the deaths that he had inflicted on the city, and even better it seemed they had been completely overlooked in light of the cultist attack. Volker didn't move. This was a good thing, but now he was curious. He finished his apple, core and all, and wiped his knife clean. He settled in to listen.

He was surprised to hear Amaris mentioned, and glanced at her. He had thought her afraid of any sort of adventure. She had quailed under his tutelage and had vomited several times. He didn't think she'd want to venture outside of her home and her cats much let alone outside of the city. Color him surprised, which didn't happen often. By what he was feeling from his Harvester, Oor was feeling much the same. He tuned back in to hear about the matter of Rynmere. It seemed another city had theirs by the soft bits, and there had to be some recovery of the Portal Stones. Interesting. What was even more interesting was how much attention Oor was paying to this little exchange. The Harvester had never been a big advocate of Domain magic before, nor had he taken any interest in preserving it.

For some reason the stones had aroused Oor's fascination. Volker was more interested in the threat of force. If Rynmere declared war on Scalvoris then his little safe haven for murder and butchery would be at an end. Much as Volker killed, he had no interest in staking a flag in a true battle. Even worse, someone proposed that Scalvoris troops be reserved to protect the city, and they'd be under heavy alert. Not only that, all of the drifters displaced from the attack, Volker's quintessential meat larder, was being rehoused. Ergh. It was time to get the hell out of dodge.

He'd follow Amaris. He needed to speak to the woman. He would not harm her, nor any of the council members, but his Harvester clearly felt invested in this and he had no reason to stay in Scalvoris. He cleared his throat. Volker's voice could be loud if he needed it to be, he could project over the mutterings of the civilians around him. "Who will be going on these delegations?" he questioned the council. "It is our duty as citizens to be aware of where our council will be going and what happens if they do not return. If Rynmere threatens war for religious or some other reason, we must be aware."
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The Longest Night of Cylus

Of the many individuals in attendance, Padraig noted that besides Faith, he only knew a few of them fairly well. Kura, Amaris. There were a few others with familiar faces but names he wasn't necessarily familiar with. Then again, some held political positions in and around Scalvoris and the circles they moved in rarely intersected his own. Just as well, if politics happened to be catching, like a virus, he'd rather avoid any but the most infrequent exposure.

Still, he was there because Faith was there, because he'd been asked. And there was no question that the topic was interesting enough. the portal stones were many things to many people. As a physicist his interest in them wasn't related to any sort of magic. But from a scholarly, scientific standpoint, he was plenty interested.

Of course the stones and the risk of the portals being closed was important. But surely, he thought, even if the meeting had been called before the events that had cause the deaths of so many of their neighbors, surely there were things that took precedence over others? Weighing the loss of life against politics and concluding that politics would rule the trial...Well, he couldn't to say he agreed. Although it didn't surprise him in the least that the Elements had figured heavily in what happened, and not in a good way. How many times had Faith been attacked and abducted right from under their noses, after all? More than once was too many.

But back to the stones and Rynmere. The portal had apparently been closed, and it appeared that Cassander and his advisers were superstitious twits. And dangerous ones too, if the rumors were true and they were busy burning mages alive. It didn't just impact Scalvoris but Viden too. That much went without saying. The last thing Padraig wanted was to travel to Rynmere as part of a delegation. Viden? Possibly, if he was asked.

As for whether or not it was possible to recover the stone on their own, he frowned and lifted a shoulder. "Possibly. If physics and magic were combined somehow..." he said, though the science behind such an undertaken would be a complicated trick to work out, and an even trickier one to explain to a group of people who lacked an in depth knowledge of physics. It was all conjecture anyway. If it was possible, he'd need time to sit down over the topic with a number of other experts in their own field. "In my opinion however, such a move ought be reserved as a last resort. Or nearly one, should all other attempts at diplomacy fail." And only then, considered very carefully.

"Whatever magic properties the stones have however, isn't the sort that most of us are familiar with. Ancient magic is more likely the case. I'd have a much easier time explaining the physics related to the functioning of the portals themselves." Which might just be the key to getting the stone back. A much easier task however, had the portal not already been closed. He smiled though when Faith spoke up, as always admiring her spirit and willingness to assert herself. The meeting might not have been called to address the disaster. But that was no reason not to discuss what might be done.
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The Longest Night of Cylus

- common / murnasian

Had they been paying any sort of attention something other than the table, perhaps they might have noticed Lavana’s gesture. They were more intent on ignoring a particular person, but it would seem all others would also fall to the wayside until they left the room. Or unless he left. Lips pressed together, Amaris nearly jumped out of their skin at Faith’s greeting. Eyes widening for a trill, they breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the woman, but they didn’t have much time to offer a greeting in return.

Kura walked in and thus the meeting began. They had not been well versed in the incidents of the docks, and they would not be after the evening unless they spoke to someone else about it. Instead, the meeting was focused on something else entirely that would be just as pressing. Amaris had not been too interested in the relationship Scalvoris had held with Rynmere for some time, focused on other things. But now it was of the utmost importance. A short shudder thrilled through them at the possibility of what this could mean, as explained by Kura.

The debate was no small thing. Amaris was not up to par with the political prowess of others in the room. They remained quiet as others spoke, until attention was directed at them. Domain magic was not their area of expertise, but suddenly it would seem like it needed to be. They were saved momentarily by Faith speaking up. A delegation was definitely a good solution, but unprotected? Even with any sort of capability with a weapon, what would they do should they be outnumbered? The hope was that the journey would remain uneventful in the sense that they would be safe.

There was a lot of mention of last resorts. A scary thought. They blinked, passed over once more as others spoke again. If it came to it, they wouldn’t mind being sent where they were needed. Traveling to Rynmere would be a longer journey without the use of the portal stones, and would require more preparation. They had never been off of Scalvoris, and they’d also never been on a ship either. But it wasn’t likely that they’d send the mixed blood when there were people with definite ties to Rynmere available.

The one person they would have liked to remain quiet spoke. They stiffened as Volker inquired about who would be going. Faith had already made her suggestions, but there were just that: suggestions. These delegations could be open to just about anyone and he could easily slip into one if he was chosen. They hoped he wouldn’t be. Wetting their lips, they glanced around before speaking for the first time since the start of the meeting.

“With these delegations, I think we should choose a leader for each,” they suggested, picking their words carefully, “These leaders can choose who they see fit to join them and move forward from there. Perhaps someone who may have already established some sort of reputation for themselves in these places should be best to lead. As Kura is our chair for foreign affairs, would it not be best for her to handle Rynmere?” They fell silent once more, dropping their gaze back to the table. Had they successfully averted a crisis of a murderer slipping into the groups? They hoped so.
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The Longest Night of Cylus

The moment James Witchbane started talking, Kura let out a breath. Did the Scalvoris Council truly not realize how weird they were, politically? Perhaps not, she thought as the debate continued. She herself had noted that Scalvoris under the Pirate Lords had not had a concrete government, nor any sort of training. She was usually one of the top politicians in any room, but in this case it was even more pronounced than usual. She did, however, give him a brief glare at the mention of religious ignorance, but she looked away after a mere trill. He was foolish, perhaps, but she doubted he meant any disrespect. Even if he had insulted her mother.

Still, she kept silent as the council had a back and forth over mercenaries, how to respond, and completely forgot the humanitarian issue involved. Well, most of the council. Faith spoke right up about it, as Kura had suspected she would. "I support Councilor Augustin's proposal. The welfare of our citizenry is our concern, and we can do this for them at the least. We can hunt the scum responsible for the kidnappin's and the placin' of the explosives on the dock once we have a trail to follow. But our innocents are homeless, cold, hungry, and injured. We can remedy this, and we very much should." she said, speaking up to lend her voice to Faith's aid. When the young woman spoke up regarding Cassander as well, Kura was surprised to hear she knew the boy King of Rynmere. "The letter was not written by Cassander's own hand, but by a scribe. It is exceedin'ly rare for the person in charge of such things to handle them personally. I handle all our foreign affairs matters to date because I have no one I can bring to handle smaller details, though I would have handled this myself admittedly. It is entirely possible the wordin' is a clerical error. It may also be a test of our resolve." she said, her voice calm.

She didn't speak on the religious matter, though she smiled slightly. Albarech Brandel, so far as she knew, was the only member of the Council besides herself and Faith to be aware of her lineage, and she didn't like to share it to everyone when it was more useful a secret. She did, however, consider the suggestion of sending a small but capable team of diplomats to Rynmere. She pondered that as Padraig and Amaris explained what they knew of the Portal Stones, though she logged the old man's comment as well. At the end, she finally spoke again.

"Yes, it is best if I lead the Rynmere delegation. I am...not unskilled in politics or combat, should the latter become necessary." she said, smiling to herself. "As for the Viden delegation, I nominate Professor Augustin. His knowledge of the Portal Stones will speak to Queen Yvithia, for her appetite for knowledge and information is insatiable. In addition, he bears her Blessing, so he has met her before." she said, looking around the table, smiling slightly at Padraig and Faith, before looking out into the stands for thought. "And yes, it is best we make the information of who is goin' on these trips common knowledge. If Professor Augustin accepts, I'll let him pick who he's takin', but for myself, I know of two civilians on Scalvoris who are more than competent enough to provide me adequate security from your average street thug. If we wind up facin' down the whole Rynmere army...well, that'll be a touch tricky, but I'm confident I can avoid that hot water." she said, smiling slightly again. "I would like to take Lavana Tharn and my sister, Ela Mareth." she said, looking around the room to see if there were objections.
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The Longest Night of Cylus

Sidhe'nn Fraear smiled as Faith quickly took charge on offering up money to pay for much of the damages at the docks. He knew before the meeting began that this would eventually come to fall upon the Council's purview, and she'd given him a free ten-thousand gold reprieve. Perfection. Scalvoris would profit from this under his own lead. With all the kickbacks provided to the construction crews that would gain the bid for this job, for the supplies he had access to at rock bottom prices, this was a ten-thousand gold investment into the city. He was figuring at least a 50% return on that in under an arc. Could most certainly live with that. So he spoke, simply, "I support Councilor Faith's proposal. We can afford it. I'll have to toil at it to make ends meet, but this is necessary. I will see to it the money is provided. Thank you Councilor, and please extend my thanks to the rest of Isonomia for the more than generous contribution in this trying time. I will have everything in order prior to the next meeting, where I will give my report." There would be no toiling, this was child's play for him. But it was never good to let people know just how much money was available.

Merchant Francis continued to remain quiet, but could see profit in her future. Faith's words were sound. A small delegation wouldn't disrupt trade. Rebuilding would spur it on. All of these were good things. She could see that Academic James was dead silent after being put in his place by the healer. He deserved it. Speaking without thinking it through was a high crime in her eyes. All eyes were on Padraig as he spoke, at the very least understanding that physically moving them seemed to be the only real option. Theoretical physics and magic was most certainly not something that could be relied upon. Many things would have to fail before that was something to even truly consider.

And it seemed Councilor Amaris had just nominated Councilor Kura to lead the Rynmere delegation. There was no objection to this from Sidhe'nn, Francis, Rand, James, Brandel or Leigh. None of them could think of someone better suited for such a potentially monumental, and disastrous, task. Brandel spoke, "That is sound logic Councilor Amaris, one leader each, trusted companions of their own choosing. I second your nomination of Councilor Kura." And he was pleased as Kura herself agreed.

She also nominated Professor Augustine to go to Viden. And again, it seemed that there were no objections to that as well. "I second Professor Augustine's nomination as well, though I do suggest another of us go with him, to act on behalf of the council and provide him any aid or insight needed. Professor, is this agreeable with you? And for this, I nominate Councilor Amaris. If there are any objections to these nominations, or to the processes as laid out, give them now."

Brandel waited, to hear the concerns given, but he could feel the sentiments in the room, and he began to hand out assignments. ""Councilor Sidhe'nn, ensure that both delegations are provided with the appropriate funding for their journeys. Councilor Francis, I will want a report from you on the possible impact upon our trade this could incur should it go poorly. Councilor Rand, secure your fastest mode of travel for the Rynmere delegation. Councilor James, prepare the university in whatever needs to be done in order to receive the Portal Stone if that becomes the case. Councilor Leigh, coordinate with Councilors Faith and Sidhe'nn for a report on the rebuilding of the docks and have it ready for next meeting. Councilor Kura, please provide whatever a list of whatever you will require to Councilors Rand and Sidhe'nn."

He looked around the room, his eyes tired, but his gaze firm and strong. "We have much work to do. Let's get it done, and done right. If there are any more questions or concerns to be raised, do so now."
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The Longest Night of Cylus


'Well that's wonderful. They answered your question and ignored you at the same time. Are all councilors suffering from severe rectocranial inversion or is it just me?' Oor muttered. 'I didn't know Amaris was a council member. I guess it suits her, because we both know the medical stuff doesn't. Doesn't mean I wouldn't mind giving her a refresher course.' Volker shook his head a bit. Oor talking like that made him uncomfortable. He did want to travel with Amaris to Viden. He would keep her safe. He knew how much of that height was a lie; she folded so easily given the slightest bit of violence. Mercenaries he didn't trust either; they were far too easy to dispatch and cared only about one thing: coin. If someone offered them a slightly better deal to ditch Amaris and her troupe in the middle of the journey they would without question.

'And it would give us some time to get out of dodge until everything cools down.' Oor suggested. 'I wouldn't think hunting in Scalv right now with all the unrest is a good idea.' Volker had to agree. If the cultists struck again there was no guarantee he wouldn't be caught in the crossfire. Or that heightened security would hasten him to the hangman's noose.

Volker didn't just speak this time. He stood and approached the table without any compunctions at all. They couldn't ignore him if he was literally standing next to them. "I propose that I join Councilor Amaris on the journey to Viden. I am more than enough to handle whatever is thrown at her. I have met her before, and I believe she could benefit from it. She is not brave enough to handle the journey even with mercenaries at her side. It is well-known that they only have loyalty to their pocketbooks. Not to people."

'Great. You rehearse that in the 30 second walk over here? Sometimes being that honest isn't the smartest thing on the planet.'
Oor grumbled caustically. 'You have no idea how much I want to appear and actually explain this.'

Volker wasn't about to back down, either. In his usual fashion he stood stock still, staring, until he received his answer.
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The Longest Night of Cylus


They had come to an accord and Faith smiled, pleased. They could begin to get the relief effort underway and she had put forward the very clear proposal that she would co ordinate it. That meant that she would be using the resources known to the faction, Isonomia and although she did not know it was the plan, she was not going to be lining anyone's pockets. If there was one thing Faith was, it was scrupulously honest. Isonomia enjoyed significant discounts because of its nature and status and Faith would use it.

The suggestion that Padraig and Amaris went to Viden together was good, Kura would take Lavana and Kura's sister? Faith nodded, and then the man who had asked the question spoke up, again. This was not the way that the council worked, but that was not what irritated Faith - and irritated was exactly what she was and quickly. What caused her to feel a flash of emotion was that this complete stranger walked down, started throwing around insults and then made a demand.

"With all due respect," Faith said to the man, Volker, and she turned steely silver eyes on to him. "The proposal is that Professor Augustin and Councillor Amaris go. Professor Augustin is a very well trained swordsman who has worked with Councillor Amaris previously, in the very expedition which led to the discovery of the Eclipse Portal." She was a diminutive individual who stood all of five foot four and was tiny of build. However, Faith had a quiet and calm presence about her which came from over an arc of being a professor herself, not to mention her business and charity endeavors. "Where Councillor Amaris more than demonstrated bravery. In fact, as a fellow member of the Order of the Adunih and a member of this Council, I am more than confident that Councillor Amaris is perfectly suited for this role. If you had been paying attention," which he obviously had not was the very clear inference. Faith was seething that this man had insulted her husband and her friend and she was having none of it. "then you would have noted that the suggestion of mercenaries was suggested for the expedition to Rynmere. There is no need for such to Viden. Two people is quite sufficient, especially when they are two people who are well known, well respected and with a proven track record." Faith was good and riled, but her voice remained calm and she spoke to the man very clearly, slowly and politely. "I do not know who you are, but I am unaware of any such track record and I would urge the council that we do not send someone to stand in front of Yvithia and deal with such issues who is unable to ascertain important details such as where the suggested mercenaries were going to be sent and who can stand up in a council meeting and insult at least four people within a three sentence speech, which they should not be giving."

Turning deliberately from him, she looked again to the Council members. "Both Professor Augustin and I have met Yvithia, him more than I. Such improprieties and imprudent behaviour would be, in my opinion, highly detrimental to our cause." Plus, he'd insulted Amaris and Padraig... Padraig in that little speech. Besides, Faith knew and understood just how twitchy Yvithia was - they had met her, after all. The last thing they needed was a loose canon on a delicate mission. "I'll get started on the relief effort. Those citizens who wish to help," she didn't look at Volker but it took all her self control not to do so, "can assist with the finding of survivors and, later, the clearing away and rebuilding. There will be plenty to do here."
word count: 639
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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The Longest Night of Cylus

After much deliberation Lavana had heard enough, and while tempers flared around her Lavana kept herself steady on the task at hand, as shed steady her nerves to cut herself a piece of the pie as she carefully measured the goodies on the table.

Shed strategised her plan albeit being shoddy and not thoroughly worked out it was at least a foundation for the preparation of something much bigger, much grander as she saw the wasted resources and potential within grasp of her finger tips.

The male elements were destined to be fucked over and hated; and no matter how you rolled the dice there time was over. Lavana would seize power for herself, she hated everything about what happened, but... were the ones on house arrest the bad guys? How many of the male elements left behind had anything to do with what was going on? It took discipline to look past the dirt and shit that was caked on its name and utilize a resource destined to be thrown away. Lavana was smart enough to recycle and cultivate her own war machine. Disheartened men could be swayed, could they not? There leaders scorned and abandoned them while the people they served spit on them, and yet they themselves had done nothing wrong; was this what Sephira saw? Trust and commitment she would become there beacon of hope in ~there~ time of need and they would flock to there shepard that had not lost faith on them, the beginnings of her own force!

Lavana got up and spoke, but she wasn't a politician shed make her demands as they requested the empress's daughter's aid in there problem. And while shed oblige begrudgingly, she wasn't a charity she expected payment and not some paltry purse you'd pay a mercenary.

"My terms are simple!

I not only want the Yaralon Mercenaries, but I also want the Male elements. They are wasted doing nothing, and I shall not see myself unprotected again. They are mine and I will not see myself at Rynmeres Gates with no less then a substantial military force.

I also demand compensation for the Twins and Maxine, who saved my life that evening.

This is not a request!

It is not up for debate!

Unless Kura you think they will open the gates for your false crown. They can't refuse me, but they can and will, refuse; you! I'm not your puppet! If you want a princess in your fold then pay for it, or go there and get rejected"
like my mother rejected me. there was a look in Lavanas eyes that managed to say the last sentence.

"Let's be clear I don't trust you to keep me safe we saw how well that worked at the party, when I was disrobbed, disarmed and humiliated before being tossed into a hole to murder people for the cultists amusement before they planned to sacrifice us.

So I demand adequate security, as I will not blindly walk into a trap without enough soldiers at my side to fight my way out or die a legend against a foe of a thousand swords. "

Lavana took her seat, she said what she needed to say as she made a grab for power as a wolf In sheep's clothing. A substantial force was a requirement, shed try to take it all as shed put her feelings behind her and rolled them off her sleeve to attempt to gain her objective; hurt her mother. Shed use her birthright as leverage and shed demand payment to the three women that saved her.
word count: 609
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The Longest Night of Cylus

For the most part, Padraig had been content to observe quietly, thoughtfully, provide whatever information or opinions were asked of him directly and otherwise leave the rest to the politicians. These things, even in his limited experience, tended to spiral into disagreement and chaos given the least provocation, directly in tandem with the number of participants involved. He'd hoped this night would be the exception. But nope, he thought dryly, there it went as more and more others stepped forward to speak. As for Kura, when she nominated him and suggested he go to Viden, he was happy to do so as long as the others were in agreement. And had she not been nominated by another, he would have suggested that Amaris accompany him. She'd been there after all, in the ice caves then they'd stumbled across the portal stones.

And another scholar and expert besides, perhaps one with political experience? He had no objection to that either. So now he was looking forward to this business being adjourned, so the real planning could begin. Dumb luck wouldn't have it that way. And perhaps dumb wasn't such a poor description of it either. Though he was happily treated to the sight of his wife turning on a silver into scrappy, and it was perhaps worth a great deal. On the other hand, so far as he was concerned, there was a great deal of madness afoot. Or at least ego and drama and hotheaded aggression, and insult gone wild. And he was vindicated. This was why he hated politics and the more space between it and him, the better. Politics and a lust for war seemed to go hand in hand, far too often and he frowned, shook his head and realized he couldn't remain silent. Not least because of the insults leveled at Amaris, a woman he knew to be plenty capable of taking care of herself.

"With all due respect," he said to Volker in particular. "You speak as if the journey to Viden is a long, hard and treacherous one. It is not. It's a portal." Picking up a sheet of paper in front of him, he created to holes at opposite ends of it, as if one represented Viden, the other Scalvoris, and the rest, the distance between them. But then he bent the paper in half for the man to see, lined up the two holes and slid a pencil through them both. "We leave at dinnertime, we arrive before the first course is served. The biggest risk to life and limb would be if someone tied your shoelaces together before you stepped through." If a volunteer was needed to do that for Volker, Padraig would be the first to raise his hand.

"I'm very familiar with Amaris' abilities, and she is more than capable." As was he for that matter. "If I am to play any real part in what is to be a diplomatic mission to Viden, I have no intention of showing up with a bunch of mercenary hotheads at my back." He had a connection to the Immortal in question, blessed by her, and he could only imagine the level of insult she'd take was it to be the case. And as for hotheads, ego and aggression? There was a woman he'd never seen before. He didn't know her name, wasn't aware of her position or status. But ultimately he wasn't concerned with that. Volker had insulted a few, then Lavana raised insult and madness to new levels. In his humble opinion at least.

"I realize that if my assignment is to attend Viden, I may have no input into the journey to and arrival in Rynmere. But I have been under the impression that this was a diplomacy first undertaking, not an armed invasion. It's not my area of expertise," he admitted. "But if cooler heads are intended to prevail at least until they no longer can, showing up at the gates with an army of militia men already spoiling for battle, doesn't sound to me like the most agreeable place to start. Ample security, yes, and the expertise to avoid falling into a trap. But a substantial military force showing up at the gates? That's an army." Especially one with an undeniable hothead leading their ranks.

If he was Cassander or his advisers or in any way the recipient of that kind of reception? He'd be hard pressed to be convinced that his visitors wanted anything but an armed confrontation from the outset. And even though he was to go to Viden and not Rymere, well, he wasn't sure at all that he was willing to be associated with something that more and more, at least if one or two had their way, was beginning to sound like a call to aggression first, diplomacy second if aggression failed.
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The Longest Night of Cylus

Alberech Brandel cocked an eyebrow as the man that claimed to know Councilor Amaris spoke. And spoke without really knowing her it seemed. Brandel was about to retort when Councilor Faith stepped up first. Brandel relaxed, he knew he could trust her words. And he had to contain his smile as she spoke. It wasn't often that Faith's fire came out, but it sure was a pleasure when it did. Though it had been happening more often in recent seasons, he found himself wondering if there was something bigger going on with her.

And it seemed that would be the end of that. One out of line civilian could be forgiven, it was a trying time, emotions were high, and many people didn't normally attend these meetings so they weren't aware how things were supposed to be. And the Albarech relaxed.

A relaxation that lasted but a moment.

Some woman, one who claimed to have been one of those captured in the Elements plot, stood up and gave... something. It was a speech, sort of, but it was really just ranting and raving, clearly born of the trauma this woman had experienced. She was not well. Once she'd finished, there was some clearheaded speech from Professor Augustin, until finally Albarech got to speak. And he started with only four words.

"Guards. Remove this woman."

A handful of armed Elements, women, approached Lavana, two with weapons ready, two with their hands free. And those latter two grabbed Lavana by the arms, and yanked her from her chair. Their arms were steel, their eyes daring her to give them a reason. A spear and a sword were kept pointed on her person as they dragged her toward the door, "Wait." Albarech looked over at Lavana, "I truly am sorry for what has happened to you. You are not well. Please, go get help. I'm sure the Order would be able to help, or even those over on Faldrass. But this council does not take demands from anyone. We are here for discussion, for the good of everyone. Please, get some rest. You clearly need it."

With that, he turned away from her, and the Elements dragged the mortalborn from the building, and threw her into the snow. The Elements stood by the door, weapons at the ready. "Get outta here, princess. Maybe learn to shut that clap trap of yours."

Back inside, Albarech continued, "Professor Augustin, Councilors Amaris and Faith, and all others present, I apologize for this meeting having been disturbed. Clearly emotions are running high. This is why we must exercise discipline and restraint. Decisions founded on heavy emotion lead to failure, lead to embarrassment, lead to division. Let us finish this meeting, and get to work. We have a long arc ahead of us."
word count: 471
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