• Graded • [Global Plot 717] In U'frek's Name

Kali'ria, Arlo, Pash

121st of Vhalar 717

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[Global Plot 717] In U'frek's Name

Yana admitted she may have made a mistake.

Perhaps she should have resisted the temptation to first play along for a brief while, and stepping up to the frame to then not solve her puzzle. When at first she’d felt a little smug about it, now frustration bubbled up in big waves as the curly-haired boy began first doodling her puzzle in his notebook, and then solve it. She couldn’t do much about it, except for trying to move so he couldn’t see the puzzle, though that was futile. Tsk. She was annoyed, extremely so, though most of it was aimed at herself. Never, ever, underestimate your opponent. It was one of the key phrases she’d heard time and time again both in the Etzos military, and in the Hand. She’d even said it herself multiple times to the Knights under her command. And now she’d fallen in the same trap.

This wasn’t going as swimmingly as she had thought it would. Activating her puzzle had been a big mistake. She’d figured only the individual linked to the puzzle could solve it, but this seemed not to be the case.

It was quite odd, but she wasn’t feeling as angry at herself, nor as frustrated at the boy solving her puzzle as she had expected herself to be. There was a certain calm instead, and Yana breathed in slowly and deeply, exhaling in the same way. Her mind was clear. Unclouded by the helpless anger she’d been feeling, undistracted by the lust for vengeance she’d been experiencing. Perhaps… perhaps she should just let it go. An odd thought indeed. Still, vengeance aside, Faldrun’s favor could be used for many other purposes.

Yet, her grief did remain. It was quiet now, lulled to sleep by the strange calmness that had swept her up into its arms. The strange sensation having replaced any aggression she had felt towards this group. Those emotions were gone for now, and they would take a while to return, surely. However, ambition remained. As did logic. As did her sense of duty. She’d made a deal with Faldrun, and though Yana often chose to be a little devious when it came to promises and deals, a deal made on her terms was not one she’d break lightly. Besides, this was an Immortal. As despicable as they might be, she had seen their power firsthand. She was not crossing Faldrun. She doubted he cared enough about her to shield her when the other Immortals were angered by her actions, but his objective seemed important to him. For now he was her only ally.

He’d spoken to Noth. He’d said that if the monstrous Avriel would put as much fire in his efforts to carry out Faldrun’s will, he would be rewarded with a favor, carried out with the same enthusiasm.

That held true for her too.

She could not allow this group to pass.

Still, was it worth dying for it?

Probably not, her rational side argued, the calm freeing her cold and calculating mind from the heat of emotion. However, she knew she would be going soon. How she knew? Even the Yludih did not know, but she just did. She could feel it clearly, the knowledge flickering to life as a candleflame. Faldrun had her back. She would be out here soon. He’d not let her die.

Of course he wouldn’t. He was smarter than sacrificing a pawn for naught.

Still, her attention was drawn to the Biqaj, his form changing and shifting. It took on the qualities of Rathaan, losing much of his bulk to appear thin… sickly thin even. His skin gained a bluish tone, his face coming to more closely resemble her fellow Yludih’s. Her brow furrowed. This wasn’t right.
It was nice to see him though, she hadn’t seen him in a long while. She hadn’t wanted to, stubbornly focused on what she knew to be self-destructive tendencies. Vengeance and rage. Avoiding people she was close to. For a moment, she was entranced—

Until he opened his mouth.

He spoke like a bumpkin, and Yana was roughly pulled back to the present, feeling pity for the man’s lack of intelligent speech pattern. She was aware he probably couldn’t help it, but it was a sad thing to hear nonetheless. Yvithia would have cried if she’d been in the same room as him.

“I would,” she spoke, sighing deeply, finding herself reluctant to do what she had to. “But I have a duty to fulfill. A task to complete.”

No matter what.

It was harder than expected, reminding her of the time she’d punched Rathaan during their sparring match. She hadn’t wanted to hurt him—this was the same feeling. Compassion for fleshlings? That was new. That wasn’t right. She hadn’t experienced this before. Not with perfect strangers, let alone with strangers that also happened to be … business rivals. The enemy.

An enemy was an enemy was an enemy.

Yana was a soldier.

Would she shoot Hannes if he became a real threat? Would she put her squad of Knights in chains if she had been ordered to? Or would she let them escape? Would she pretend to look the other way? No. She was a soldier. She wouldn’t like doing either of those. She’d be very reluctant to do either of those. It mattered not, she had to. Orders were orders.

“Do whatever you need to make them fail, I trust you will get it done."

Those were orders. They were the enemy.

Steeling herself, her hand reached out for the quiver at her hip, grabbing five arrows while her other arm calmly, though swiftly brought her bow in front of her. Five arrows. She couldn’t hold more in one hand.

Orders were orders.

She placed one arrow on her bow, holding the others in the hand she gripped the bow with. Being relaxed was best for shooting, for hitting the mark. She was plenty relaxed right now. She launched arrow after arrow, passing them from one hand to the other, saving her the trouble of reaching for her quiver every time. It also saved her precious trills. Five arrows shot in quick succession.

She’d decided to aim to kill, but she’d targeted non-vital areas.

There were five arrows.

One for the warrior woman.

One for the curly haired puzzle solver.

One for the Sevryn Huntress.

One for the wolf.

And one for the host of this room.
If he was injured enough, maybe he couldn’t let them pass.

There was none for the not-quite-Rathaan Biqaj. She couldn’t do it. Her face was a twisted mess of emotions, though most obvious seemed to be one of intense regret.
word count: 1158
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
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[Global Plot 717] In U'frek's Name

121st Vhalar, 717

As the huntress watched, her painting swirled into a scene of two people. One a man, his dusky brown hair cropped almost to the point of shaved with intense green eyes and a stern face, and the other a woman with bright periwinkle eyes and black hair, on her face a warm smile. Both of them bore a striking resemblance to the small dark haired child that sat between them on a wagon loaded with hunting gear. Kali’rial closed her eyes with a frown.

She knew them, and yet she did not. Her parents.

Turning to face the room again, she smiled at Schubert as he approached, taking his hand in hers without hesitation. As she drew it away, the brunette looked down to see a small brooch in the shape of an eight pointed star. Tilting her head curiously, the Sev’ryn wasn’t sure of the purpose of the gift, but she bowed politely to the smiling little man anyway, pinning the item to her dress. Beside her, Sarkis continued to keep his yellow eyes on Yana with a fierce intensity. The wolf had one clear and true purpose in his life, to protect his blessed and it was this that kept his focus on the stranger that Kali had yet to identify as friend or foe.

It was with a wave of relief that she saw Arlo didn’t hesitate to solve the new comers puzzle, her intentions be damned. It was almost smug, the smile that developed on the woman’s lips, delighted that their group worked as a team regardless of the hinderences they encountered. Glancing over at Pash, the brunette noticed the look on his face, and the shifting of his eyes as he looked into the curious stranger. She knew that look, it was his magic at work. The bard swept his gaze to her, a silent warning no doubt. Still, the huntress would not put her bow away, grasping the masterwork weapon in one hand whilst the other hovered near her arrows. As Arlo solved the puzzle, the picture before Yana changed and it signalled that they were free to speak.

It was Sarkis that noticed before anyone else, as Pash spoke the newcomer muttered with a sigh, moving rapidly to pull a cluster of arrows. He shifted at the same time into spirit form, moving to leap at the woman and allow the arrow aimed for him to phase past uselessly before solidifying again with jaws agape. Gasping, Kali’rial felt a surge within her to act, and whilst her lover was critically her whole world, in this place instinct drove a different decision. One that could impact the outcome of their path. Cassion had called out the importance of the Guardians, therefore her action was to call out...


Even as she yelled his name, the southerner was rolling, nocking and drawing her own bow when she landed on her knees to aim for the blue and white haired stranger who was now a clear threat, moving to reload and shoot again if time allowed.

Meanwhile before Schubert, a starry armour would appear over the fuzzy haired little being, defending him from the strangers arrow. It was hard not to look to Pash, hoping that she’d made the right choice and praying to the Immortals if he was hit, it wasn’t a death blow.
word count: 570
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[Global Plot 717] In U'frek's Name

o many things were happening at once, in this room on this trial. So much so that it became hard to follow and, for each of them, it was like time slowed down.
Arlo did not hesitate. He took advantage of Yana's mistake and he stepped forward to solve the puzzle. As he did, he glanced at his known companions and Emmaline stepped forward. As he worked he felt the woman's proximity to him, she put herself between him and the newest member of the group. Pash began the job of reading and manipulating the Eidisi's tangle, trying to understand her, to ensure that they had a peaceful solution.

Whilst this happened, perhaps surprisingly, Yana watched Arlo solve it. Unknowingly because of Pash's use of Empathy, the viper in their midst did not attack right then, and so Arlo handed the solution to Schubert, whose delight was unreserved.

Yet, as Kali'rial pinned the brooch to her, Schubert's delight was short lived.
Pash spoke to the woman who was new among them and he tried his best to keep the peace. As Cassion himself had said, he hoped for all involved to keep to the spirit of the game, for a game it was. A game amongst the Immortals, a game where the mortals were pieces in said game.

Pash's words gave Yana pause, moments for reflection and consideration ~ a consideration of who she was and what she was doing here. And for all that what Pash did worked, for all that it prompted that, Yana still made the decision to shoot.

As Kali'rial saw what was about to happen, she too spoke and the young Sev'ryn huntress made a decision; a name. Good call! unlocked. This secret objective has been unlocked by Kali'rial who will receive an additional reward at the end of the thread.
Yana raised her bow and started to fire. As she did, the soldier might notice that the arrows were not the usual ones. Far from it as they thrummed with some kind of power. Glowing white, the power was almost palpable there.

The others, of course, saw this, and they too began to react. The first few trills, though, they all (except Yana) felt a strange ... something. Like their limbs were held down, sluggish and unresponsive to them. Like they were not able to move. In fact, like those dreams.. or rather, those nightmares, where you are trying to run and can not move. Just like that. It was like they were made of lead, each of them. Made of lead, moving through treacle. And it happened in time with the thrumming of the arrows.

And then, two things happened, more or less simultaneously. The first arrow flew, straight and true. Emmaline spun, blood flying and she landed on the floor.

The second thing was that they each felt, or saw, the shells they carried start to glow slightly and then, suddenly, flash a bright light.
As the shells flashed white, Yana released her second arrow and the others in the group found that they could move again, freely. Cassion might have wanted a non-violent solution, but equally he knew that what one wants, one does not always get.

Sarkis jumped at Yana, Kali'rial too ducked and rolled and notched an arrow. Undoubtedly, both Pash and Arlo started to respond, too, maybe raising weapons or rushing in, but again, two things happened simultaneously.

First, the glowing, thrumming arrow pierced Arlo's shoulder. He felt it go through, piercing skin and tendon as Yana's blow struck true. The pain was sickening as it went straight through and the head exited the back, just slightly left of his shoulder blade. It was an incredibly debilitating and unnaturally powerful shot (likely to land him on his behind and a few paces back) and the pain was incredible. More than that (though he probably didn't notice it at the time), it burned. More than it should.

The second thing which happened was that Sarkis' teeth made a resounding, "clack" sound as they closed on the place where, but seconds before, Yana had been and was no more.
And then, of course, with two people down in the space of a few trill, the work of the saboteur was done and she had left but, behind Schubert, there was a door where there had not been before. However, Schubert was rushing forward to check out the two of them who were injured. Both Emmaline and Arlo had been shot ~ the arrow injury for Arlo was much worse, Emmaline's armour had saved her the same fate.

However, within trill, the pair of them were shivering, sweating and feeling hot to the touch. Arlo's deep wound and Emmaline's much more surface one had a nasty black spiderweb spreading out from them beneath the skin. The light from the shells made the room bright and added to the pallor of their skins, but the pair of them were in need of medical attention. Within a very short space of time they would have chattering teeth and the muscle spasms which would lead, soon, to convulsions. They were both lucid and in a lot of pain.

Schubert was on hand to help and would do whatever was asked of him. He seemed almost incapable of making decisions, but he would do everything he was asked to do to the very best of his ability. This included being a more than competent medic.

The elderly man looked at the two of them, Arlo and Emmaline and he did what might be considered a rather strange thing. Even for Schubert. He reached into Arlo's pocket, or Emmaline's bag, or wherever he needed to and he pulled out their statue. The one of themselves. He looked down at the two of them who were injured and then, the two of them who weren't and he said, most clearly. "Schubert can't help unless you ask. It's the rules." Both statues, if anyone took the time to notice, had a similar soft glow to the shells.
1. Survival focused: You have two injured companions, with fast acting poison in their systems. Save them!

2. Eyes on the prize!: You are against other groups here, speed is of the essence.

3. Solution focused: Of course, you could just leave them to die. It'll be quick..

OOC Info

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Please feel free to pm me with any questions about the NPCs. That might be important this round. I will be keeping an eye on what you post, and might drop in if something specific happens. Yana has now left the group.

There are a number of hidden objectives throughout the game. I will let you know if you unlock them.

NB: I will post again on the 25th November. Please note that I will do this even if no one has posted.

May the Immortals have mercy on you all

OOC: ok. So. This was a tricky post because Yana's arrows were at Arlo (who had already posted) and at the NPC. Because I didn't want to make you guys take another week / time of the essence etc - I assumed that Arlo was going to be moving / diving out of the way. I felt that the only fair way to deal with that, taking into account both skill levels, was on the roll of a dice. I rolled and Yana got higher, so hit. This is, I understand, not ideal, but I felt it was the best way to make sure that you weren't held back. The order was determined by Yana in her post, the first shot would always work, because of the impact of the magical arrow thingies. But that's how I dealt with the second one. I hope that's ok with all, it seemed the fairest way to do it.

In your next post

Please be aware that I will be taking into account how long you take to talk and, when determining who goes through first, that will be important.


Your NPC is a human woman called Emmaline
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word count: 1410
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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[Global Plot 717] In U'frek's Name

Time sped up and slowed down, both at the very same time. Looking back, later, Arlo would figure that Emmaline, by virtue of placing herself between him and a hostile unknown, had saved him from a worse fate that he'd ultimately suffer. Maybe. At best, the very best what happened would be a very harsh reminder that armor worn in peacetime was better, far better than none when it came time to need it. Not that he'd have bet on it preventing all.

As quickly, or as impossibly, strangely slowly as things came to unfold, Arlo might have stopped to wonder why if the woman was going to fire on them, or him, she hadn't done it while he was working the puzzle and his back was turned. Turned out it didn't matter much. As soon as he spun round to look and the intruder had drawn her bow, he reached for his pistol crossbolt inside the front of his coat, but was mysteriously unable to move nearly quickly enough to get hold of it. She didn't seem to be suffering similar effects as Emmaline was struck. Unable to reach his weapon, he opted to call o his skill as an acrobat and roll away from the next one. But even that effort was thwarted by a heavy feeling and a sluggishness not unlike the thickest molasses.

But even blinded by a flash of light and knocked on his backside, nearly blinded by the extraordinary pain of the arrow passing through his shoulder. Even down and shot with time having slowed to a crawl, there was still adrenaline pumping through his veins as usual. And when, if he was able, up on one elbow and struggling, grimacing, he still reached for his bow if he could. Call it self-preservation or a will to defend any others she might fire on, he'd planned to fire off a shot at the traitor. Unlikely, but if she was going to disappear on them, there'd be some satisfaction in knowing she'd been hit on the way out, or the bolt might even follow her through some unseen void and plant itself in her backside as a painful reminder. If only he could manage it.

But soon enough if not already, Arlo was in a state made the idea of fighting back just wishful thinking. More, his body wracked with pain, tremors and the notion of even thinking clearly a near impossibility. He was close enough to lucid still, to observe that of all of them, he'd probably gotten the worst of it. He felt he was trills away from his life passing before his eyes, and at only eighteen it would make for a very short reel. He was only vaguely aware of the statues and shells glowing, some of which Schubert must have pulled out of his sack.

It took another trill to comprehend what Schubert was saying, what with Lyova's worrying and fretting racing into and through his mind. In fact just a few more trills before then, in an effort to defend him and the others with him, the little diri had been busily darting and racing back and forth at the traitor, like a swarm of angry bees. At least a swarm of one. He had to ask? He was a split trill away from asking to be sent home, right quick, to find a proper healer or to at least die in familiar surroundings. Seemed to him there was nothing to lose, his capacity for rational thought seemed to be fading quicker than he could keep up. "Alright then," he muttered, teeth clamped together against the pain. "I could use a little help here Schubert. Please?"

Now if there was anything that could be done, and Schubert had some sort of trick at his disposal to make it happen, Arlo would be eternally grateful. He couldn't imagine there was anything inside an ordinary first aid kit that would do it. But if that was the case and he was at all able, he'd find his way to Emmaline's side. It was more than possible he owed her his life due to her actions. And whether the way was cleared or not, he wasn't leaving her behind and injured.
Last edited by Arlo Creede on Sun Nov 19, 2017 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 724
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[Global Plot 717] In U'frek's Name

ere words can kill, so they say. But so too can mere words make all the difference in all the world.

"Schubert can't help unless you ask. It's the rules." Schubert had said and as soon as one of them asked him, help he did. They could have been very specific, given him direction of exactly what to do. They might still.

However, the moment that the dying young man asked Schubert for help, then he gave him the freedom to do what he wanted to do. And he wanted to help them the best he could. So he put the statue in Arlo's hands. Both of them, which really hurt Arlo when he did it, but he pushed them together "Not sporting, not the game," the old man muttered to himself. To them. "Cassion won't like it," he added, because that was important. "She should be careful, yes yes. Will her fire lord help her if Cassion and U'frek chase her harming theirs? Oh, silly girl."

As Arlo held on to the statue, it glowed white, covering him and Schubert in bright, blinding light. When the light cleared, all that remained of his injury was a strange scar. Even the arrow had disappeared and he felt fine. "Delayed you, yes. Kill you? Not with Schubert's help." The old man slurred, exhaustion evident on his face. If helping Emmaline left them like that, they wouldn't be able to move. But then, he was old, they were young and full of energy.

Arlo's statue, though? As the light cleared, that was just dust. However, Schubert looked absolutely exhausted, his eyes drooping in tiredness and swaying where he was kneeling. Emmaline was still injured. It seemed that the light took energy, maybe.. or... who knew. Either way, they still had one fallen comrade to deal with. Scuhbert, however, was close to fast asleep where he sat.
word count: 322
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[Global Plot 717] In U'frek's Name

121st Vhalar, 717

“Damn it!” Kali’rial snapped as one of the traitors arrows plunged into Emmaline, then another into Arlo. Even as she released her bow, both the arrow and Sarkis were met with empty air, the stranger gone in a flash of white light that came from their shells.

Jumping to her feet, the huntress slung her bow over her shoulder and ran to the injuried party members, frowning down at them even as Schubert stepped into help with Arlo’s pained encouragement. As the curious little man put the statue in the youth’s hands, the Sev’ryn looked back at Pash with concern, before raising her hand to shield her eyes from the blinding glare that emmenated from the injured. When the light faded, she knelt down beside Schubert, putting her arm around the fluffy little guardian to steady him. Her golden gaze looked up at the boy.

“Arlo? You’re okay! How...it...” Looking down at the dust that had been the statue, the huntress shook her head. Clearly something magic was at work with the statues, and it sapped nearly all of the old man’s energy. Letting the elderly man down, she moved to dig through Emmaline’s bag for the effigy of the soldier, placing it in the woman’s hands and pressing them together.

“Sarkis, come here.” She called to the wolf, looking into his tawny eyes as she spoke to him.

“This magic the statues need, I think it feeds off the energy of the user, maybe whilst holding these shells. See, the statues and the shells both glow. Schubert can’t do it again, I think, and we four need to be lucid for the rest of this mission. Do you think you could...” Her silent plea trailed off as she pulled the shell from her pouch and placed it on the soft grey of his furred back, realising she was asking the wolf to give up his strength to help a stranger, but knowing he would recover much faster than anyone else when he shifted to spirit form. Sarkis licked her briefly on the cheek, before leaning forward to press his nose to the poisoned girls hands.

Kali’rial wasn’t even sure it would work, or even what it was and how to activate it, but she was morbidly aware no amount of surgery or chamomile tea would fix Emmaline. Poison, she knew from Callie, was it’s own blend of death and to know the cure was only possible sometimes with the exact right cure — an antidote she called it. The brunette southerner didn’t carry anything like that, only able to heal the wounds one could see and touch. Or the pain at least, for those one couldn’t.

The Sev’ryn was painfully aware that if this worked, if the shell was linked somehow, she may very well be sacrificing her shell for Emmaline. Hopefully, it wasn’t a one trick pony.
word count: 498
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[Global Plot 717] In U'frek's Name

Off Topic
Pegasus has informed me of the results of Sarkis’ and Kali’rial’s assistance for Emmaline, and so I’m posting that part of the actions we’ve taken with her permission. Besides, Pash is kind of standing around looking pretty this round, anyway, eh? At least he’s good at it.
Pash was still lingering in the Eídisi’s tangle, the shifting colored threads of her feelings writhing as her body tensed. She moved quickly, too quickly for the seafaring musician, and as her tangle refreshed with vibrant determination, her hands readied her bow and began to fire arrows. He saw the ripple effect of threads before he realized with a rising panic inside the hull of his chest that his attempt at staving off violence had failed.

Of course he moved to intercept, since he’d been stepping closer when he’d spoken to her and held the blue-skinned woman’s gaze, and as she drew her arrows and prepared to fire, the arrows were far from ordinary. Glowing, their power could be felt in the air, and Pash felt the urgency to move … only his body didn’t. Held back somehow, the tall Biqaj felt helpless to watch, opposed by a force stronger than himself that kept his limbs from obeying, that weighed down his entire existence with a sensation that seemed to keep an uncanny rhythm with the pulsating glow of those foul arrows.

Anger crept its way into his own tangle, the bright green threads cording thickly with fear. The first arrow hit Emmaline, their new companion, and while she was dressed in armor, there was still blood. The second arrow didn’t just hit Arlo, but pierced him through.

Bound to watch, the bright light was blinding and disorienting and unexpected, but when the light faded, their betrayer was nowhere to be seen.

Pash was already reaching for his domain bag, cursing in Rakahi things best left up to the imagination. Being able to move again surprised him, and while he staggered with rising concern and frustration toward his downed—poisoned!—companions, Schubert was moving faster. He was going through their things, their pockets, shoving into Arlo and Emmaline’s hands their little statues and informing them that he could, mysteriously, be useful.

Again, there were rules.

And useful he was, turning almost immediately at Arlo’s request and pressing the statue into both the younger man’s hands. Again, searing light filled the room and just like that, the young man was healed and their guardian was … drained?

Pash hissed in both surprise and more concern. The delay was the least of his worries—a steady sailor lived longer and reached shore faster than a reckless one in a storm. The seafaring musician looked to Kali and they seemed to have the same plan,

“Qau’ma—“ He was going to caution her, caution the wolf, and yet, well, what else was there to do? Clearly they all worked together in a way that didn’t really require conversation, a smooth motion of cause and effect put into action.

While he couldn’t hear Sarkis, it was quickly obvious that the spirit wolf understood and agreed. As Pash moved toward Schubert to check on the poor man as well as to check on Arlo, watched as the wolf approached Emmaline, licked her, and then made contact with her hands which held her statue. The same searing, bright light filled the room and in the same quick moment, their companion was also healed. Sarkis, however, was clearly just as drained as Schubert, looking toward his bonded before he began to fade from view, returning to spirit form in order to restore the energy expended.

No bandages were needed. No antidotes, but the statues for those who had been healed had turned to ash and the effort required to use them in such a fashion was a huge expenditure of energy.


And terrifying.

Pash put a hand on Schubert, “Thank you, friend. It seems we must also be more careful lest th’ game turn foul again.” Tidepool gaze drifted to the door that had opened, and he was aware they had to go through it to continue. Their delay had not been so severe, and everyone was still alive—

Fire lord? Faldrun.




—The tall Biqaj set his anger aside, hemming those threads that had attempted to take root in his tangle like so many weeds, “D’ y’ need t’ stay here, Schubert? Or can I help y’ come with us?” The strange Guardian had simply appeared between their previous rooms, so he admittedly had no idea how these games worked. He just saw how much the old man had put into keeping them alive, and Pash was willing to offer assistance if he needed to be carried.

Once everyone was ready again, Pash, in his usual fashion, was clear that he was willing to go first, whether he was helping Schubert or not. He still had his statue, after all, as did Kali’rial, and he wasn’t willing to risk the lives of the other two a second time.
word count: 861
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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[Global Plot 717] In U'frek's Name

The Third Puzzle!
right, healing light made it's way through the room and, as it did, the group experienced some strange, strange things. They had all been rendered near to immobile in a heartbeat and then an attack had been carried out on them which could, without a doubt, have killed two of their number. Yet the actions in the moments following meant that the two injured had only a few bits at most of the feeling of, quite genuinely, dying. Arlo, the first to be healed, made his weak but increasingly stronger-feeling way to Emmaline's side.

As the light from Sarkis' placement of the statue in Emmaline's hands glowed and then faded, Sarkis had no option but to retreat into spirit form ~ Kali'rial had never known her Velduris familiar be so incredibly drained of energy. But it was a situation shared by Schubert who was, by the time Emmaline frowned and then groaned as she sat up, then looked at Arlo and smiled, obviously pleased that he was alright too.

Emmaline then turned her attention to Kali'rial and she put her hand on the Sev'ryn's arm. "Thank you." There weren't eloquent speeches, but just two heartfelt words.Schubert, meantime was snoozing against the wall, muttering in his sleep to someone called Lucy. Whichever one of them checked, they'd see that there were scars on the two people. Arlo had a spider-web like pattern where his blood had seemed to turn black and Emmaline the same, but in an arrow-head shape on her.

Still, small prices to pay. The two of them were shaky, still, but that was as much to do with their bodies not quite believing. When Pash spoke to Schubert, he opened one eye and smiled at the bard. Tired but cheery, it seemed. "You go, lad. Schubert will be here." Within trill, he was snoring again.


And so, the group moved, minus their guide.

As they stepped through, they saw that they were in another room. This one was different than the others, but then that was probably less surprising. This room was a single path of water and stairs but along that path (which seemed very long) were a series of doors. As they approached, the door in front of them slammed shut and there, in front of them, stood Schubert. Much more formal, dressed in a vivid blue suit, he spoke with a cheery grin.
"Schubert can't help unless you ask. It's the rules. Schubert is the rules. Move quickly, now, there's still time." He gave a grin and then he grew more serious.
Door 1
"In order to open this door," Schubert said, his good humour not at all contained. "You must answer correctly. How many letters are in the answer to this riddlel?"

Depending on their answer, or how long it took them, they moved on to the second door.
Door 2
"In order to open this door," Schubert said, waving his hand at the door excitedly "You must answer correctly. What is this about?"
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Depending on their answer, or how long it took them, they moved on to the third door.
Door 3
"In order to open this door," Schubert said with a little dance just for them "You must answer correctly. What is your answer?"
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Depending on their answer, or how long it took them, they moved on to the fourth and final door.
Door 4
"In order to open this door," Schubert said with a little dance just for them "You must answer correctly. You must!!"
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1. Solution focused: Solve the puzzles - there's more of you so there's more of them!

2. Eyes on the prize!: You are against other groups here, speed is of the essence.

OOC Info

 ! Message from: Pegasus
There are a number of hidden objectives throughout the game. I will let you know if you unlock them.

NB: I will post again on the 2nd December. Please note that I will do this even if no one has posted.

May the Immortals have mercy on you all

For this round: You may each PM me up to four times. Each PM must have one guess / solution for the door you are currently in front of. So, until you have passed Door 1, you can not guess Door 2. I will reply and tell you the result of your guess. Then, when either you have completed both doors or used all PMs, you are expected to post in order for the PMs to take effect. Your actions will not count until you post.

In your next post

Please be aware that I will be taking into account how long you take to talk and, when determining who goes through first, that will be important.


Your NPC is a human woman called Emmaline
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word count: 1080
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Family visiting. Send help!
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Arlo Creede
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[Global Plot 717] In U'frek's Name

He was just fine, Arlo had realized when Kali'rial wondered about his newly healed state. Good as new, or at least he was getting there faster than he'd have dreamed he might. He couldn't have been more grateful to Schubert for making it happen, or to Emmaline for placing herself between him and the traitor. She'd probably saved his life and a thank you wasn't nearly enough. He owed her and wouldn't move on without her. He'd also never forget that traitor's face. Schubert though had exhausted himself in the process and it appeared that Kali'rial's familiar had made a similar sacrifice. He could only hope that each of them managed to recover fully.

It seemed to be the case, by now not surprisingly really, with Schubert. There he was again when they passed through yet another door. As for himself, Arlo had remained near Emmaline in case she wasn't fully back to herself and needed the support. A different room, but another one full of roadblocks and puzzles. No time for conversation really, they'd already fallen behind. There they stood in front of a door, the first of several in a very strange place. The young man had learned last time around, before things had turned sideways, that the best way to work, for him at least, was with paper and pencil. And so confronted with the first of several challenges, he retrieved his notebook and pencil from his sack.

For just a split trill, he frowned, confounded. Where was the puzzle? But then he grinned, realized and then turned to a blank page in his book while his pencil skated furiously across the page. And then there it was. He ripped out the page, turned it over and scrawled out a single word in the blank space before handing it to Schubert. Four. That's what it said.

Turned out, he wouldn't need his book again until they reached the third door. He'd had it ready in hand however and let his imagination roam on its own till it struck true. And then he began to write. Successfully, apparently, since like before Schubert seemed pleased when he handed the paper over without a word. The same as he had back at the first door. In fact Arlo had remained uncharacteristically silent, not speaking at all even to Lyova since they'd entered this new place. He wouldn't either, not at least until they'd passed through the fourth one. After that? Who knew? There were any number of ways of solving and telling, after all. But nice and neat, written out as quickly as he'd solved it before they were able to move on to the fourth door.

Startling - L = Starting
Starting - T = Staring
Staring - A = String
String - R = Sting
Sting - T = Sing
Sing - G = Sin
Sin - S = In
In - N = I
Last edited by Arlo Creede on Sun Nov 26, 2017 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 491
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Pash Raj'oriq
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[Global Plot 717] In U'frek's Name

Thankfully, the statues they'd been given at their first puzzle had proven themselves useful in unexpected ways. Despite their near-deadly setback, Arlo and Emmaline had been healed, and while this had drained Schubert and sent Sarkis into spirit form, it had also given them a second chance to get to their next destination. Aware that they were perhaps now behind their saboteur—wherever she'd gone—and possibly even the other groups competing, Pash gave Schubert a smile when the man promised he'd meet them through the next door.

Wincing at the snoring, the seafaring musician and his companions made their way into the next test. Their path was a hallway of water and doors. An alert and finely dressed Schubert greeted them—yes, yes he was the rules—and Pash smiled warmly. He'd come to like the strange old man, whatever he was.

Arlo was quick to answer their first door and they passed onto the second, to which the tall Biqaj answered quickly, quite familiar with what was described, "A map!"

When the second door allowed them to pass, their clever, younger male companion proved himself useful again, carefully writing his answer and passing it to Schubert. The adorable, enthusiastic guardian appeared pleased with their third answer, and then they found themselves at the fourth and final door.

The four of them read it together, but it was Kali'rial who came up with the solution.

Once the final door opened for them, Pash again offered to go first, aware that he still had his statue and his strength, though he couldn't help but admit that he almost felt the itch for a fight now, adrenaline from their interloper's attack and all of the successful puzzle solving churning impatiently in the hull of his chest. He resisted the urge to draw a dagger, though the tension of worry and the desire to please his Maker forced him to breathe slower, to calm himself and focus even as they moved onto whatever was awaiting them next.
word count: 343
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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