[Exposition] Bellesoir Charity Soirée

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Celeste Andaris
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[Exposition] Bellesoir Charity Soirée

Celeste was getting to the point of her pregnancy where this was bordering on torture. Xander would know, after this she would need to rest for at least two trials, because by the end of this evening, she would be absolutely exhausted. But that did not deter the young heiress, and so she walked in, next to her husband. High fashion was not, and never had been, of interest to Celeste. She did not follow trends, she was a dragon not a sheep. So it was, and had always been. Glancing at Xander, her eyes raised to the hat in question and she smiled at him, the kind of smile that only he ever saw, in truth. "It is a very fine hat. The feather quite completes the look." Without pausing, or seeming to even notice, she added, in a soft whisper, "when you tug at your collar like that, it makes you look about twelve. Do behave, darling." Her brown eyes twinkled mirth even as they stepped forward and Xander paid for them both.

It had been a tedious thing, to have to buy new clothes, but it was a necessity and so Celeste was wearing a new blue velvet gown, suited to her very pregnant shape. It was warm and comfortable, beautiful in it's own right and with delicate trims. She leaned on Xander's arm whilst trying to appear that she didn't and, as he turned to ask her, Celeste smiled and shook her head. "Don't fuss, I'm fine."

Once they got in, Celeste looked around with a slight smile on her face. In truth, she'd be glad once the pregnancy got to the point that she could no longer attend these sorts of things and she thought this would probably be her last public appearance for a while. The young woman was very obviously uncomfortable, by this point, and the size of her suggested a multiple birth, the doctors all said. Still, she had a smile and turned to Xander. "Yes, indeed we should greet our host and thank him for the invitation. I would like to mingle as much as we can, it's good to meet people old and new." Her expression told of some mischief there, but Celeste said nothing more.

How many of the people they knew would be there, she wondered. Andraska, Hunter, those sorts of people. Of course, Alistair wouldn't be here, which was no great loss as far as she was concerned. Perhaps Tristan Venora would be, she thought and she smiled at Xander and leaned towards him, whispering so that only he could hear. "I love you, Xander Andaris. Let's go mingle and we'll see if we can't divest you of that dreadful burden of heaviness you're carrying. I can only begin to imagine how you are suffering, carrying around all that extra weight." One hand moved, in a rather telling way, to her swollen stomach and Celeste shook her head. "You, my love, are adorable. Come on, then."
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Dress in ledger and deducted etc
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[Exposition] Bellesoir Charity Soirée

49th Trial of Zi'Da, Arc 717

She had to be fast if she didn't want to get caught in someone's garden and squashed like a bug. She had an idea for the apparel for this evening's event that she would be going to. Feeling that the humans would appreciate at least the sentiment that she tried to be well, formal?She wasn't really sure on anything else but to figure out something to wear. Sure she had some doll clothing, but none of it seemed right to her, and it wasn't exactly comfortable for her to move in. Like most of her people, she preferred to wear items from nature, but the normal way she'd do it wouldn't cut it. That's what she thought at least. She was going to a gala of sorts after all. She had heard about it randomly as she roamed the streets, a charity ball to help the season go out with a bang. She liked that idea, well kind of.

It wasn't really that she wanted to go, but that she had nothing else to do and she had a GN to spare for the chance to find someone to be of use to. Or at least, someone to talk to? Since she met Zane, she felt like her world turned more upsidedown than when she met that magician that one day. She couldn't quite remember when it was, or the name of the man, but he'd been a mage, she knew that much.

Sinna had started realizing just how alone she really was, just how much she wished to be of use again, and how going home to Megani wasn't going to happen. Not with her memory. Besides, the Great Waters made her nervous, so why risk it if she didn't have to?

Looking around the garden she was in she smiled. Ideas for different, fun outfits popping into her mind, but one specific thought came to mind. She should try and figure out some sort of dress. She wasn't quite sure how she was going to accomplish this, her sewing skill wasn't really that great. Well to be honest it was non-existent. Not only that, she didn't really have the materials for that, or the time to try and find somewhere that sells them. Sighing she took another look around the garden, she was going to have to solve this problem another way.

She gasped and smirked to herself, it would take a bit of effort, but she was going to make it work. Glad that she'd brought Avery with her, because she was going to have to get into the trees, glad she'd picked this garden, everything she needed was here. She smiled as she started towards the first flowers, she was really lucky it was Zi'Da at this moment. She took a deep breath and picked 2 flowers, one orange, a Rynmere Marigold, and one multicolored flower, a pansy. She took a deep breath and brought them to Avery.

She was going to have to get this on the first try, she didn't have a good way to carry these while on Avery's back unless she held them herself. And she still had one more thing to get, Mistletoe, a wonderfully white berry, unlike winter berries which are bright red in color. She was going to use it as a natural adhesive along with anything she could find that was sharp.

Taking a deep breath she asked Avery to take off, directing her to a branch in one of the tree's that had the white berry hanging from it's limb. She carefully got off. Making sure the lead was holding the flower's down somewhat before she slowly walked down the branch and looked up then down, the ones above her would probably be the easiest to get. She took a deep breath and reached for it on her tippy toes. Yanking down on the stem with three berries on it. Sighing with relief as with a bit of a twist it came off pretty easily.

"Good, now," She turned to Avery, "We'll have to make the dress before walking in the door." Avery gave a small screech and Sinna smiled at her, petting her head softly before getting on her back again carefully, now carrying all the items she needed for the gala. Including the coin she'd need.


After some time, and a bit of Avery misbehavior, Sinna finally made it outside of the estate that the event was occuring. Landing Avery out in the field a bit away from the crowd she gave a whistle after taking specifically what she needed. Avery would be free to hunt on her own this night. She just hoped the bird wouldn't fly off on her. She still didn't know how good of a relationship she had with Avery yet. It was always a mystery to her.

But that wasn't what mattered right now. Quickly she set out her materials and started to get to work.taking 6 petals from the Rynmere Marigold, and then four of the 5 petals from the pansy. 2 of each pattern. She smiled and took the biggest berry off the vine and dug into it, it's guts coming out. She took a deep breath, only praying that this would work the way she wanted to. Starting to rub the guts of the berry onto herself quite briskly in the spots she wanted to be sticky, grabbing more when she needed to.

Carefully, she pastes two of the orange petals to her torso, pressing hard to make sure that they stick to her bark like skin and the juices and guts of the berry. From there, she proceeded with the skirt, being quite generous with the sticky Mistletoe berry guts. She knew that this wasn't going to last more than tonight, but that's all she needed it to work. She took a deep breath and piece by piece made the semblance of a bell shaped silhouette with the petals along with a strange layered effect. And it was definitely asymmetrical, which was as much nature as her inexperience in this type of thing.

She kept fiddling with it all until she was happy with it, and then used one more round of berry juice to add a bit of glisten and make it even more sticky. She figured she wouldn't FEEL sticky by the time she got to the door. She rubbed her hands on some grass nearby and grabbed her 1gn, taking one more deep breath, wishing she had a mirror or some water to look in.

No, she was fine, she was a Tunawa, even what she'd done was probably considered too much effort by others of her kind. She put on her biggest smile and started heading for the entrance. She was glad she'd left early, so she could get all this done. She paused though and walked back to the berries and smiled, Using the vines to tie the berries to hang from and over her hair.

Finally satisfied, she walked to the gala, glad that since it was winter there weren't really any bugs to well, bug her. She hummed a bit, eventually making it to the door. She sighed in relief, taking a moment to stop to breath off to the side of the walk, so that she wouldn't be trampled on. After all that work, it would be a shame.

A moment later she was walking into the large building, a bundle of nerves growing in her small chest as she hugged the single gold nel to her chest. Slowly looking back and forth to see if she could find the person to give it to. She saw some people handing their nels to a specific guard. Looking both ways before crossing the path she rushed to the other side of the entryway and cleared her throat, raising the gold nel above her head. "Here sir! Sinnammyn the Tunawa here with a gold nel for her entrance fee. It's probably but a pittance compared to what others have paid but, please do accept this as my tribute to the event." Her voice shaking even as she was trying to project her jingling voice.

Lucky for her the guard had noticed her, He bent down for her and grabbed the coin from her gently with a nod of thanks and made an ushering motion into the building, where the event was to be. The guard had mentioned how nice she smelled and she had thanked him. Glad that at least one person liked it, hopefully more people would appreciate her effort. As Tunawa's don't normally dress up in clothing, but again, she felt it necessary for such a big event.

Sinna took a deep, deep shaky breath. Would she find purpose here? Or would she still be lost like a ghost, forever afeared of abandonment, loss and lies. She clenched her small hands and lifted her chin, walking in confidently, but also cautious of giant feet. Knowing she was going to have to find some higher ground to be at least a bit safer. That was going to be her first goal. Find a way onto one of the tables. Her second goal, was to avoid all candles, or that would spell for big trouble.

Eventually, she just asked for assistance from one of the wait-staff to get up onto the table so she could get some food. Glad that they didn't find her request appalling, maybe due to her size and what she was. She was placed on the drink serving table, and was even asked if she wanted a small glass of anything. She pointed to one of the shot glasses and smiled at the server asking for water and they placed it in front of her. She looked around now, hoping that someone would strike up conversation with her or that someone would get close enough for her to strike one with them. Patience, she needed patience, and she needed to not be so nervous. She was going to do this. Though it might take a bit of time. She did have all night. Maybe she would get to meet quite a few of the people here tonight.

1 gn to be subtracted from the ledger.

And my drawing of the dress for those who wish to know what it looks like

Last edited by Sinnammyn on Tue Apr 17, 2018 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1777
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Andráska Venora
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[Exposition] Bellesoir Charity Soirée

70th Trial of Zi’da, Arc 717
Polished leather shoes lead him forward, and the noble sighed deeply as he dropped the golden entrance fee into the collector's hands. Without a word, he slipped inside, not interested in idle chatter, or really attending at all. Yet, he had to. He had to do everything he hated. Go to this, come to that. Read these papers. Sign this by morning. Review old contracts, discuss the distribution of Venoran goods, hold commentaries. Each and every responsibility that had belonged to his siblings and his parents now rested solely him and the guiding hand of his grandmother. Not to mention the Guard... It was maddening, and the lack of sleep was beginning to take its toll on the young man.

It was for a good cause, he reasoned. Think of the people. Thing of the good this money could do, instead of collecting in his pockets and weighing him down. He did not need to touch Venora's wealth - he had enough of his own. No, instead he thought of the Rose Garden, Venora's orphanage that he helped renovate. He thought of Tina - the poor girl that he had given his apartment, and who wished to be his squire. He thought of the monks he have saved from death, and those that could not save themselves. This.... This was for them.

In a more political approach, eyes would be on him, and he needed people to see that he was flourishing; that Venora's personal affairs did not conflict with the betterment of the its people. Surely that would be an easy task to manage for most, but he was a fighter first, and only more recently a practicing politician, "Stay close," he muttered to the woman behind him. She did just that, but he kept ahead of her so that it did not appear that they were together. While such an observation wouldn't have bothered him in the slightest, he needed Tasar to look unsullied by Venoran clutches to public scrutiny - so that the slave could garner what information she could. It occurred to him that perhaps their review before the gala had not been enough. He had taken her from a submissive mouse and tried to dress her up as one of the vultures. When he stopped and she nearly collided with his back, and tried not to flinch and a dazzling smile lit up his face, "Careful," he warned lightly, eyes watching her steadily to hopefully send a soothing message, "You wouldn't would to fall so early in the evening."

Helping the woman regain her footing, he released her quickly as any stranger would and began scanning the room for familiar faces. It was show time. As the first in line, he gave a wave of his fingers and watched as two of his personal servants came through the door, a chest carried between them. To both, he gave a grateful nod, followed by instruction, "Find who's collecting the donations and take this to them. I'll meet with you shortly."
-40gn (Entrance Fee for him and the woman)
-5000gn (for Charity)
Last edited by Andráska Venora on Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 528
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[Exposition] Bellesoir Charity Soirée

eing here, accompanying his employer, all dressed up like he was, it all reminded Sintih why he'd been sending Iemes out to keep an eye on the Duke of Oakleigh every time the man left the estate. While many things had changed in Rynmere, many things had not and as he looked around at all the nobles gathered here and all the commoners trying to look like they belonged with the nobles, Sintih realized that none of the things he disliked about the nobles had changed at all. Possibly, probably, the only noble he could actually stomach was right beside him, walking towards the entrance to the building that hosted this oh-so great event.

Between Iemes, Thetfretr, Lianne and himself, the Duke of Oakleigh had a 24 break guard on him. Thet's inability to communicate properly with the Duke made it difficult for them to be alone while on duty so he'd been out for the count from the start. Instead he was looking after their horses and carriage, which had brought them here. Iemes had been following the Duke around for the past few trials and was due for a good night's sleep. With Ayla being present as well, Lianne was the only one who seemed capable of looking after her when the Duke was busy attending to his noble job. That left just Sintih for tonight. The disapproving rumbling in his throat was drowned out by all the ambient noise around the entrance.

Being that his employer was all dressed up for tonight's event in the best his tailor could provide, Sin had dressed up as well. At least he enjoyed wearing the clothes, otherwise this would have only been so much worse. The chiffon outfit, colored in an olive green and black, matched to a certain extent the colors the Duke had chosen but their fashion was already three seasons out of date. The red, fur trimmed cloak, a gift from the Duke before they'd ever met, kept the cold at bay. As far as Ronan remembered he'd only ever worn this outfit twice and both evenings had turned into raging successes with the ladies. Tonight, however, he was working so he wasn't here to please the ladies. That and the memory of Saeri's sternest Steward look she could give him. What would she be doing now? Etzos was quite a ways away and Sin missed her.

From his belt hung two separate coin purses. One was small and light, containing twenty golden nels exactly. The other one was heavy, filled to the brim with golden nels. That one would come into play later on, if he managed to find a moment where Tristan was stationary enough for him to gift it to the cause. On the back of his belt he had his short sword, ready to be drawn in defence of his employer. While it was in plain sight when seen from the back, from the front it was more difficult to spot. The accepted manner of sword carrying had people overlook this rather strange way of keep the blade which caused potential attackers to think he was unarmed long enough for them to be dead. It worked out for everyone that way.

He pulled his focus back to the here and now, onto the Duke who just started talking with one of the greeters. Twenty nel to get into this waste of time? Sin remembered the invitation but he didn't remember if the duke had read it to him or if he'd simply done so himself once he was aware of it. It didn't matter. What he did remember, quite distinctly, was that commoners only had to pay a single nel to get. Typical nobles... As if you needed to have some fancy title or name in order to be able to afford twenty nel. He dropped his own twenty nel in the man's hands and followed in after Tristan. "Ser..." He'd wanted to as him about his plans and tell him not to run off on his own but he was already further up ahead than expected. The Duke's step had picked up a little pace once they'd gotten inside and Sin had to quicken his step to keep up. Something here was drawing Tristan forth and he knew the man well enough by now to know it wasn't the noble chit-chat that was about to happen.
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[Exposition] Bellesoir Charity Soirée

Tasar was completely out of her depth. Dressed up in the clothing of a dead noblewoman, the slave felt like a fraud as she arrived in tow with her owner, the Baron Andráska Venora. Never had she worn something so fine… instead of feeling beautiful, Tasar was embarrassed, as if she were fooling the world, pretending to be something she was not. It was a lie…

But it was how she had been ordered to dress and the slave would not argue with that. Making matters worse, there was the high chance that her disguise would fool a good number of the other guests present; the high-collared dress she had been given for the evening covered her neck. Out of the four make of slavery Tasar had, two of the brands were normally visible: the Athartian oval on her neck, and the Venoran rose on her shoulder. Both were covered by the collar of the dress. Tasar had not left the Baron’s property since being gifted to him, so she was unlikely to be recognised as his slave unless he had spoken about her to his contemporaries.

The slave was quiet as she waited for Andráska to pay the entrance fee, completely out of her depth and unsure of herself in this environment. Where she here serving, Tasar would have been fine, but she was not. She was, as far as she had understood from her Master’s instructions, to be a guest at the event, accompanying the Lord and even socialising with Rynmere’s elite. Tasar, of course, had some knowledge of how these events worked… at least in Athart and Viden…and Rynmere couldn’t be that different, surely.

It went without saying that Tasar knew something of formality and etiquette, and how to serve these people. But the slave had never paid much attention to how the other half acted at such functions. When Andráska spoke to her, Tasar did nothing more than nod, pained by the lack of respect she was displaying to her owner, though aware that she could not use his title tonight.

Her Master’s calm, steady gaze and voice was enough to relax her. He seemed to have faith in her, and she would not let him down.
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[Exposition] Bellesoir Charity Soirée

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[Exposition] Bellesoir Charity Soirée

Your Thread Review is Here!
Oliver Venora
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Solo or Collab Solo +6 Skill Knowledges
How many posts? 1 +0 Skill Knowledges
How many requested? 6 --
Are all posts greater than 250 words? 1740
Is the thread greater than 1500 words? 1740
Knowledges appropriate? --
Loot appropriate? N/A --
Fame appropriate? N/A --
Injuries appropriate? N/A --
I quite enjoyed your use, and Oliver's interactions with the NPC staff, particularly Gustauv. I love him already. I enjoyed your easy reading coupled with your simple, yet elegant, descriptions. Not too much, not too little. Well done, I hope the party is a blast.

Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me. Also please add the provided stamp to your review request found here and please update your CS with all of this information.

Code: Select all

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points +10 --
Magic Points available? N/A --
Fame N/A --
Injuries N/A --
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Politics: Picking the Perfect Place to Hold a Party
  2. Logisitics: Party-planning
  3. Logisitics: Calculating the space necessary
  4. Endurance: Running on little sleep
  5. Politics: Preparing your staff for a party
  6. Politics: Greeting guests as they arrive

Non-Skill Knowledge:

Pre Review Checklist
Requirement ✓ or X Comment
Approved Character Super minor note. You still have the WIP symbol attached to your CS despite being approved.
Updated Thread List for Previous Season ✓* PC was not active during previous season
Updated Skill Point Ledger (Raw, Adjusted, Thread Earned) ✓✓✓ --
Updated Purse (Seasonal Expense, Wage, Thread deductions) ✓✓✓ --
Updated Fame Ledger & Table for threads ✓✓ --

Requirement Fulfillment Comment+
Solo or Collab Solo +6 Skill Knowledges
How many posts? +0 +0 Skill Knowledges
How many requested? 6 --
Are all posts greater than 250 words? 1702
Is the thread greater than 1500 words? 1702
Knowledges appropriate? --
Loot appropriate? N/A --
Fame appropriate? --
Injuries appropriate? N?A --
This was fun, I enjoyed experiencing Sinnammyn's lack of purpose and direction, as well as her creative inventiveness. It's always fun seeing those who wish to belong trying so hard, particularly when everything is against them. Well done.

Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me. Also please add the provided stamp to your review request found here and please update your CS with all of this information.

Code: Select all

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points +10 --
Magic Points available? N/A --
Fame +4 Discover a new crafting technique +2 (Flower Dress making?) Supporting a popular cause +2 (The Charity Gala)
Injuries N/A --
Flower dress 1 Will be disposed of at the end of the party
Mistletoe berries 2 will be eaten by the end of the night or destroyed
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Field Craft: Finding flowers
  2. Field Craft: Harvesting Petals
  3. Field Craft: Harvesting Berries
  4. Field Craft: Berries For Adhesive
  5. Field Craft: Building A flower Dress, Zi'da flowers (Pansy, Rynmere Marigold)
  6. Acrobatics: Balancing on Tree Branches

Non-Skill Knowledge:
  1. Oliver Venora: Host of the party
  2. Tunawa: Not normally in Clothing
  3. Rynmere Flora: Pansy.
  4. Rynmere Flora: Rymere Marigold.
  5. Self: Nervous around Nobles
  6. Orm'Del Sea: The Great Water's
  7. Self: Hope to find a new home.

Remaining Members to Be Reviewed Once Requested
  1. Oliver Venora - Review Complete
  2. Nathaniel Endor
  3. Velaine Krome
  4. Tristan Venora
  5. Charlie Warrick
  6. Valeria Burhan
  7. Darcyanna Venora
  8. Caius Gawyne
  9. Zane
  10. Xander Andaris
  11. Celeste Andaris
  12. Sinnammyn - Review Complete
  13. Andráska Venora
  14. Sintih
  15. Tasar

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