[Rynmere] Plot Check

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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: Start a rebellion and place herself as Supreme Lord.

Or just offing the Empress and marrying the King. Or vice versa.

These are obviously longstanding plots and ones that could easily change. Nobility breeds ambition and double for empathy, right? Alice isn't close to inheriting the duchy of Endor (she doesn't want it, but still) and I'd love for her to be in a place of power and influence (because Robin is a loser obsessed with dirt and I need a PC with dreams). On her way to power, I see her revealing in Empathy while collecting other magics to supplement her own power. She was never given a sword to defend herself so she learned other ways to control the people around her, and besides magic, I'd love to see her increase politics, leadership, discipline, meditation, rhetoric, persuasion, negotiation, and intimidation.

Bow dowwwwwn.

Goals: So I touched on this (or skills I'd like Alice to have) above. Besides eventual tyrant-hood, I'd love for Alice to meet people she can trust (or who can make her think they trust her) and develop some rivals. I would love to see her get involved with some gross groups (coven, the seekers, a mercenary group) in a cheap bid for power.

Interest Check: Yes to politics. I'm down for throwing Alice into any kind of Endor sanctioned negotiations (any need a marriage? Hit me up).

Comment: First time playing a noble! Yay.
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: Though I'm not going to be in Ryn this or the coming season, I do plan on returning as soon as this plot I'm currently executing is finsihed. So. Yana's mainly trying to rise throught the ranks of the Iron Hand, and eventually get herself in a sufficiently high position as she believes her tactical abilities should warrant. At the moment I'm not sure if I want for her to try and convice the higher ups to send her to the Colonies to oversee the start of an Iron Hand branch over there. Not sure if there's one already, but still.
Goals: I mainly just want Yana to feel a sense of fullfillment when doing what she knows/or thinks she knows she's good at. I suppose that eventually I want her to get in a position of power within the Hand, so she probably needs to connect with some dirty nobles for the purpose of having connections in high places.
Interest Check: Politics... well, I was planning on having Yana get involved/dabble in it sooner or later, when she'd gotten to a position where it was expected of her. Though that's probably a long ways off.
Comment:As stated before, Yana's not in Ryn currently, so ehh... do I still count?
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[Rynmere] Plot Check


Main Plot: Darcyanna is currently in a poor state, she has been since her violent encounter with her own sister four arcs prior. Fear and loneliness turned her to narcotics, and she has developed a dependency on them, reevi her most easily accessed drug. She doesn’t want this though, her aims are much higher. Before the attack she was bright and happy and ready to embody the family motto: Beauty, Grace, Duty. Now she’s lost. A wreck in the evenings and a quiet shell of herself during the days. She pours herself into her musical studies and medicinal research.

More recently, she has developed a relationship with Caius Gawyne who seems to be deadset on dragging his good name through the mud for her petty sake. Darcy both craves his companionship but also doesn’t want him to be damaged by her own self destructive tendencies. Long game son, looonnng game.

Goals: To clean herself up and re-engage with her brother. She desperately wants to be the Rose that he expects her to be, and hates herself for not being that. She’s also keen on building this relationship business with Lord Gawyne and making the Venora name great again.

Side note: she would love to confront and bring down Pythera and the goons too, but she is currently petrified of her sister and in now way able to do anything to her. Maybe if she was able to be the White Rose of Venora she could build herself an army on the love of the people and stand with her brother and future husband (looking at you Gawyne).....GoT style yo!

Interest Check:Anything. I will literally thread about anything. Just ask!

Comment: Rynvival baby!
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Ivy Gawyne
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: Ivy currently is still rather set apart from other nobles and the powers acting in Rynmere. No real specifics on the plot I want to follow.
Goals: Start gaining some political power/actually interacting with other living beings. Stop being a house hermit. Interact with the other noble houses and just kind of see where the character goes. Perhaps become a little more important to the Gawyne family since Ivy has always just kind of existed. There's no better way to describe her life than just sitting there and existing for the last couple of arcs.
Interest Check: There are very few things that I don't like
Comment: Honestly, I'm really down for anything when it comes to threads and getting involved in other people's plots. I haven't really had enough time to think about my own and I'm honestly pretty sad I haven't had the biggest chance in the world to use Ivy. I put a lot of effort into her character but I haven't found anything to motivate me to play her, let alone play her over some of my other characters when my time is limited.

A husband would be nice? Maybe? Yes? No? No one? Okay :'3
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: At the moment, I am mostly getting used to Kirei as a character. She is an ex slave, and while she was treated gently by her masters, suddenly being free means that she essentially has to relearn who she is, and what she wants out of life. Also, while she was born in Rynmere, she has spent many arcs in other cities, so she has to discover what Rynmere is like now (and learn how different her current circumstances are compared to the semi street kid she was the last time she was here.

Goals: Kirei is ruled by two equally strong desires. She wants to be strong enough to defend herself, and what she cares about because much of her life has been spent feeling helpless for a number of reasons. She needs to be strong, and will be looking to learn at least one weapon (likely more) as a means of defending herself. Equally strong in her is the need to learn new things. She has a passion for learning languages as well as several other things. And she will be pursuing this as well. Starting to study at the University is a definite possibility.

As a longer term goal, Kirei has no idea that she is a daughter of the Rowan merchant family. Eventually, she will discover that she is, and what that may mean for her.

Interest Check: Kirei has no interest in nobles, or politics. As a child, the nobles might have well been Immortals, as far above her existence as they were. Some of that feeling still remains. She simply feels that she would be of no interest to them since she is a commoner. Likewise, she has no interest in them because she doesn't run in those circles.

Comment: I hope to see interesting things this season! XD
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: The last few seasons exist as a series of place holders for Lei'lira at the moment due to real life keeping me busy. I will be catching up on those as I can. Last season, Lei'lira was kidnapped out of her own farm in Warrick, and help captive for most of the season. It wasn't posted in the Impact thread because none of it has actually been written yet. This season, she is in Rharne, recovering from the trauma of her captivity. She will be traveling for the next few seasons before returning to Rynmere.

Goals: Lei'lira is a noble by birth, but if you were to ask her, she would tell you that she is a farmer. Her greatest dream in life is to build a horse breeding farm, and raise her kids (biological and adopted) in peace.

Interest Check: She has no interest whatsoever in politics, and feels uncomfortable around nobles in general as it is a reminder of what she is "supposed" to be.

Comment: Even though Lei'lira won't be in Rynmere for a while, I will be keeping an eye on what happens here as time permits. :)
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: Nathaniel Endor is the only son of Maderson and Cameron Endor. Since he was started last season, he's main plot is still in the early stages. The main focus revolves on the relationship between House Endor and House Krome. Nathaniel was betrothed to Velaine late Vhalar. The agreement was that additional nel from the production within the mines would be shared with House Krome to feed their people and pay off their debts to House Venora. The end of the season brought a blatant realization that the production has gone down to an unknown disease that has been killing the criminal miners (starter quest) . Nathaniel has been investigating this issue as well as getting to know his betrothed. This season, he will be continuing his investigation by going into the mines to identify the source of the hallucinogenic worms that have been infesting his men and causing them to go mad.

  • Love on Velaine and have fun arguments relating to bedroom problems (previously discussed with her)
  • Make more noble friends
  • Attend whatever gala Oliver Venora has planned
  • Investigate the mines (modded or mod-bombed thread with Djinn)
  • Give a gift via the Saoire event I haven't signed up for yet
Interest Check: Surprisingly, I have been having a lot of fun with the politics between Krome and Endor. Although I have no interest in the throne at this time, I am curious what relationships will develop and who Nate will support as the aspiring King/Queen. At this time, he supports the crown completely and loathes any that believe Zvezdana and Veljorn were in the right. He is a rule follower and wants to bring Rynmere back to it's former glory.

Comment: I am looking forward to the roles that Nathaniel will play in the coming seasons. As a former noble that had been hell bent on destroying Rynmere, maybe Zvez RIP, I am excited to be in support of the crown and on the "good guy's" side. Hopefully I won't get corrupted too quickly. Here is to be the future Duke of Krome alongside my betrothed! P.S. Thanks Velaine for helping me be inspired this last season. I needed it.
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot:
Velaine had just returned to Rynmere two seasons ago because her brother, Xander, will soon marry and become an Andaris. This means that she is now the heir of her parents' barony. Since last season, her focus is to stabilize her house's state of affairs. The first giant step to that is getting betrothed to dear Nate <3 Hopefully, with Endor's help she can return Krome to what it was supposed to be. She'll also be pretty focused in trying to make sense of her relationship with her newly betrothed - pretty excited about that. She might even get involved in Endor's mine problems since that's her money too now. Probably will try contacting the Merchant House Cobb to make a deal about supplying Krome with food.

Velaine's end game is, of course, to gain the title of Duchess as soon as possible. She always had the idea that she would get everything she wanted and show people what she can do by gaining more power.

So far, her plan is to make people see, including the current Duke of Krome, that she is very much a competent leader, while her parents aren't fit to rule. Velaine plans on exploiting the fact that her father had became extremely paranoid since someone attempted to assassinate him. How? By improving her Empathy and slowly drive him into madness, of course! I am sure I'll have to find a more thought out plan for that, but that's all I got for now XD I also want her to associate with more nobles, gaining friends and rivals. She has some trust issues, but that will hopefully change!

Interest Check:
Politics is my main interest for now, I think, considering Velaine wants to rise to power. So I am always looking for opportunity to scheme and make everyone believe that Velaine is the perfect noblewoman. Other than that, I like to imagine that one day she will get tangled up with the anti-mage problem in Rynmere, since she's secretly a mage.

Just finished ALL of my exams so I should have much more free time and I need plots to fill them up!!
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Andráska Venora
Main Plot:
Andráska's story was a bit distorted since the trial and has been a headache to try and recover. However, with some effort both IC and OOC, Andraska has made it his top priority to recover the Venora name. The next seasons, Andraska will be working hard on being the leader his family not only needs, but deserves. He is training himself in politics and etiquette, and pursuing work to strengthen the kingdom and unify the people with his support. A warrior with a penchant for trying to do the right thing, his strong moral code and passionate personality have lead him to a position he never expected but now finds himself wanting. Whether overseeing a collection of troops or an entire land mass, this noble wants to end the suffering of the kingdom.

Get married - Andraska has had little interest in settling down, but as the third born, had always expected he had a relative chance of marrying for love. Now with Alistair's disappointment, and the untimely death of his sister, Andraska must think of what is best for himself and his remaining family. With the help of his grandmother, the young protector is finally on the market.
Top Secret Missions - Ha. As a member of the King's Guard, I enjoy the ideas of going on missions for the kingdom and being a sort of "Black Ops" kind of PC. A leader in the streets, a secret agent in sheets?
Be A People's Politician - Andras wants to go back to his roots before he joined the Hand. Go around town, helping the common folk. Andras has a history of donating to charities and has rebuilt the Venora Orphanage. He has stopped an assassination, saved Rharne from a Sessfiend, given public speeches after halting a terrorist attack, and in his eyes - came back from the brink of death. These are the things that bring him his greatest satisfaction and could very well be his downfall. Hopefully, he doesn't spread himself a little too thin.
Get marked by Pier & Pre - These immortals have already shown a great deal of interest in Andraska by saving his life and now have admitted to expecting great things from him. They saved his life because his work was not through, and I think discovering what that means IC and alongside their support would be an interesting plotline.
Get marked by Ilaren - Alternatively, I could see him also getting marked by Ilaren. Having essentially sacrificed himself to save the Lightening City single-handedly, Andraska has had a history of alcohol abuse and is legendary in unarmed combat. I wonder if that is enough to get her attention yet?

Interest Check:
Yes, I would be interested in politics. I don't write them as well as some of my colleagues, but it's now a top priority for my PC. As for "secret organizations"... whatcha got in mind? ;)

Friendly reminder that Andraska does own a Sigh - an enormous black bird capable of being ridden and a master of silence (perfect for espionage and/or quick travel). Fully grown, it would be a very... intimidating animal. Other than that, he's also been hiding his nephew away in his barony and creating secretive alliances with Faith to send Alzorn away if his safety is jeopardized in Venora.

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Celeste Andaris
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: Celeste's main plot at the moment is political rise. She's married to Xander, which she really didn't appreciate as an arranged match. The match was arranged by her parents and his - she assumed that he was going to be a total bumpkin, but he isn't and she and him have lots of plans. She's pregnant, currently, due to give birth next season. She is a scheming, vicious beast of a woman who somehow loves Xander and is working with him. They're just about to become Duchess and Duke of Andaris (thanks to a fab moderated thread with Djinn)

Goals: Become Queen - ensure that Andaris is back on the throne - protect her family / family name. She's not a good guy, not at all. She's after political power, she's driven to get it. However, since Xander wants to do this whole be a good guy thing and she's made her allegiance with him, she's in it.

Interest Check: Love this pc, but I'm having some motivation / writing issues with her. I've had a lot of stalled plots, and that's been frustrating. I'm delighted to see Ryn getting some love - would love to write with any / everyone.

Comment: Looking forward to an interesting season!
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