• Out of Character • Orm'Del Sea Roster

Cold Cycle, arc 720 - Sign up, ya scurvy rats!

The Orm'del Sea is an ocean that separates Eastern and Western Idalos. It is said to have many horrors awaiting those that wish to travel through its waters.
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Orm'Del Sea Roster

Sea Roster: Cold Cycle 720!
Hello and welcome to the Orm'del Sea, and possibly even the moving city of Blackbrine, amid the central ocean waters of Idalos. Please make sure you have read all of the stickied information before writing in this area so that you will best understand the dangers to be found here. We would appreciate if you would take the time to fill in the information below to provide us with a better understanding of the whereabouts of your character during their time at sea.

Be warned, prophets are free to jump in with "mod bombs" on any thread they like posted at sea, so watch out. If you have noticed that your past entry on this roster has been deleted, fear not, it can be found in the "Left in the Wake" section below. Enjoy and thank you!

Code: Select all

[center][font size=150][b][u]The Cold Cycle 720 Census[/u][/b][/font][/center]

[b]PC Name:[/b] 
[b]Age, Race & Gender:[/b] 
[b]Purpose of Being at sea:[/b] 
[i](If a Blackbrine ship, which one? If traveling, from where to where?)[/i]
[b]How long you will be at sea:[/b] 
[b]Likes to Thread About:[/b] 
[b]Anything off limits?:[/b] 
[b]Additional Comments:[/b] 

Left in the Wake
Hot Cycle 716
The Hot Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Malcolm.
Age, Race & Gender: 419, Mortalborn, Male.
Profession: Knight / Teacher.
Purpose of Being at sea: Sailing to Ne'haer.
Location you are traveling to and from: To Ne'haer from Rynmere.
How long you will be at sea: Sixty-three trials.
Likes to Thread About: Almost anything.
Anything off limits?: Try me.
Additional Comments: I hope Malcolm doesn't' get seasick, or eaten by a giant squid, or find a rat foot in his stew.
The Hot Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Oscar
Age, Race & Gender: 25, Human, Male
Profession: Acolyte of the Seekers
Purpose of Being at sea: Being transferred to the Ne'haer Seeker Cell
Location you are traveling to and from: To Ne'haer from Rynmere as of the 40th of Ymiden
How long you will be at sea: Sixty-Three Trials
Likes to Thread About: Pretty much anything, special love regarding magic.
Anything off limits?: Absolutely nothing.
Additional Comments: What could possibly go wrong? This ship is unsinkable! Have I tempted fate enough you think?

The Hot Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Bronik.
Age, Race & Gender: 27, Biqaj, Male.
Profession: Shipwright, Fishermen.
Purpose of Being at sea: Travel.
Location you are traveling to and from: To Rynmere from Ne'haer.
How long you will be at sea: 63 days.
Likes to Thread About: Pirating, stealing, building.
Anything off limits?: Other than death, nope.
Additional Comments: Nope.
Cold Cycle 716
The Cold Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Nell
Age, Race & Gender: 28, Human woman
Profession: Mercenary
Purpose of Being at sea: Mercenary job
Location you are traveling to and from: From Rharne, to Andaris and back.
How long you will be at sea: 64 trials at sea
Likes to Thread About: Combat, action, stuff.
Anything off limits?: Uh. Death? Even that is negotiable.
Additional Comments: Only here to get paid, son.
The Cold Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Freya
Age, Race & Gender: 24, Biqaj, Female
Profession: Drug Trafficker
Purpose of Being at sea: Traveling
Location you are traveling to and from: To Rharne from Ne'haer
How long you will be at sea: 68 Days
Likes to Thread About: Anything
Anything off limits?: Don't sink my ship... Or else...
Additional Comments: Read the above.

The Cold Cycle 716 Census

PC Name: Sabine Qe'azour
Age, Race & Gender: 23, Mixed Race (half human, half biqaj)
Profession: Journalist
Purpose of Being at Sea: Traveling to Rharne!
Location you are traveling to and from: Traveling from Andaris to Rharne
How long you will be at sea: 32 trials (10th Vhalar - 42nd Vhalar)
Likes to Thread About: Drama, adventure, conflict, murder, mayhem, & whatever else you'd like to pile on.
Anything off limits?: Nope!
Additional Comments: Sabine will be traveling to Rharne with Vincent D'Ordyn. Bring on the drama!
The Cold Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Vincent D'Ordyn
Age, Race & Gender: 28 Human Male
Profession: Mercenary
Purpose of Being at sea: Traveling to Rharne
Location you are traveling to and from: Between Andaris and Rharne
How long you will be at sea: 32 trials
Likes to Thread About: Action, adventure, brooding while on roof tops at night.
Anything off limits?: Not really
Additional Comments: Uh, nope.

The Cold Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Wendell.
Age, Race & Gender: 34, Mixed, Male.
Profession: Slave?
Purpose of Being at sea: Man-napped!
Location you are traveling to and from: Ne'haer possibly?
How long you will be at sea: 80th onward.
Likes to Thread About: Not dying.
Anything off limits?: Sadly no.
Additional Comments: Hello twelve years a slave.
The Cold Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Patrick
Age, Race & Gender: 30, Human (Possibly Mixed?), Male
Profession: Bartender, Courtesan
Purpose of Being at sea: Travel, Rescue!
Location you are traveling to and from: Rharne to Ne'haer
How long you will be at sea: 115 onward
Likes to Thread About: Drama, Mayhem!
Scandalous smut!

Anything off limits?: Um... the sky? Unless you can fly.
Additional Comments: Seeeeeea siiiiickness. Blargh!

The Cold Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Valkan Korr
Age, Race & Gender: 30, human male
Profession: Drug Trafficker/Sword-for-Hire
Purpose of Being at sea: Travel
Location you are traveling to and from: to Rharne from Ne'haer, Rhakros from Rharne?
How long you will be at sea: 68 trials
Likes to Thread About: All the fun stuff
Anything off limits?: Rainbows and unicorns
Additional Comments: Salt water feks up my hair.
The Cold Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Rei
Age, Race & Gender: 27, Sev'ryn, Female
Profession: Healer and Gardner
Purpose of Being at sea: Rescue mission
Location you are traveling to and from: Rharne to Ne'haer
How long you will be at sea: 68 trials Vhalar 114-115th onward
Likes to Thread About: Adventure and romance
Anything off limits?: Dying?
Additional Comments: Ready for action

The Cold Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Bronik.
Age, Race & Gender: 27, Biqaj, Male.
Profession: Builder/Fisherman.
Purpose of Being at sea: Fishing, duh.
Location you are traveling to and from: From Rynmere to wherever the wind takes me.
How long you will be at sea: Who knows.
Likes to Thread About: Being weird.
Anything off limits?: I like my arms... toes too, gorgeous toes.
Additional Comments: Watch out.
The Cold Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Zyanya
Age, Race & Gender: 32, Biqaj, Female
Profession: Leather Worker and Fisherman
Purpose of Being at sea: Traveling
Location you are traveling to and from: Traveling the sea itself no particular place
How long you will be at sea: Vhalar 716 onward
Likes to Thread About: Adventure, illegal acitivites, seduction, being free-spirited
Anything off limits?: Dying!
Additional Comments: :)

The Cold Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Ti'niva
Age, Race & Gender: 18 arcs old, male, Sev'ryn
Profession: Hunter
Purpose of Being at sea: Returning to Desnind after questing for his Familiar.
Location you are traveling to and from: Ne'haer to Desnind.
How long you will be at sea: 42 trials, assuming no delays (41st- 83rd of Zi'da).
Likes to Thread About: Freedom, self discovery, and anything else really.
Anything off limits?: Only Death really, I would like Ti to survive the journey.
Additional Comments: Nope. Just hoping not to run into any big scary sea monsters.

The Cold Cycle 716 Census

PC Name: Tirta
Age, Race & Gender: Female, Mixed, 29 arcs
Profession: Pirate
Purpose of Being at sea: Heading for Etzos
Location you are traveling to and from: Scalvoris to Etzos
How long you will be at sea: One thread for the travel.
Likes to Thread About: Candy, socializing, romance, etc.
Anything off limits?: Nothing.
Additional Comments: Let's play!
The Cold Cycle 716 Census
PC Name: Kovic.
Age, Race & Gender: 6, Mortalborn, Male
Profession: Parasite
Purpose of Being at sea: Traveling from Ne'haer to Etzos.
Location you are traveling to and from: See above! ^^^^^^
How long you will be at sea: Not sure. He'll arrive at Etzos by the 20th or so, so I expect the journey to have began the last season.
Likes to Thread About: Errithing. Bring it to me.
Anything off limits?: His fries. Never try to take some of his fries. CRABS! I HATE CRABS!
Additional Comments: Seriously, I hate crabs. They are the most terrifying creatures ever created. Kill them, I say. Kill them all.
Sadly, there was no attention given to attendance for a year. :(
Even more sadly, very few were missed this way anyway. Hopefully, this will change.
Rebirth Cycle 718
PC Name: Pash Raj'oriq
Age, Race & Gender: 26, Biqaj, Male
Profession: Seafaring musician/tankbard/accidental adventurer/etc.
Purpose of Being at sea: Traveling with Kali'rial, Delta, and eventually Juniper. Kali'rial is following the call of her Familiar. Pash is living his life. Delta has been dragged along for some internal healing (she objects, I'm sure). And Juniper is to be rescued. We may also be meeting some folks at sea for plots, but that is in development.
Location you are traveling to and from: Scalvoris to Ryn to who knows where?
How long you will be at sea: A long time.
Likes to Thread About: Everything.
Anything off limits?: I'd rather not completely destroy the boat I just bought in Zi'da. Other than that, no, Pash never has limits.
Additional Comments: LET'S HAVE SOME FUN. <3

PC Name: Kali'rial
Age, Race & Gender: Cylus 28, 694 (23 rn). Sev'ryn. Female
Profession: Hunter/Wolf-Walker
Purpose of Being at sea: Traveling with Pash, Delta, and eventually Juniper. Kali'rial is following the call of her Familiar. Pash is living his life. Delta has been dragged along for some internal healing (she objects, I'm sure). And Juniper is to be rescued. We may also be meeting some folks at sea for plots, but that is in development. (Kali goes where Pash goes basically)
Location you are traveling to and from: Scalvoris to Ryn to who knows where?
How long you will be at sea: A really long while
Likes to Thread About: Everything. Absolutely anything.
Anything off limits?: Nope not really
Additional Comments: Come play with me! :D

PC Name: Delta
Age, Race & Gender: I forget, Mortalborn & Female
Profession: Your guess is as good as mine, at this stage.
Purpose of Being at sea: Dragged there by Pash...
Location you are traveling to and from: Scalvoris to lands unknown
How long you will be at sea: o.O
Likes to Thread About: Anything and everything! ...except excessive combat :P
Anything off limits?: Some things, PM if necessary.
Additional Comments: Halp.

PC Name: Juniper
Age, Race & Gender: 6, Tunawa, Female
Profession: none
Purpose of Being at sea: To go on adventure!
Location you are traveling to and from:
How long you will be at sea: Not sure (Not even sure if she's still on the sea in Cylus but assuming so)
Likes to Thread About: Adventure. (not really fighting.. as i'm not good at it... kind of need to develop that skill)
Anything off limits?: Just no dying.. not yet.
Additional Comments:(Forgot to do this For Zi'da, so i'm putting this here now because i'm not seeing anywhere else to put it)
Hot Cycle 718
The Hot Cycle 718 Census
PC Name: Eliza Soule
Age, Race & Gender: 235 Arcs (Appears to be around 20 arcs of age). Mortalborn (Ymiden/Human mother). Female.
Profession: Hopeful Artist
Purpose of Being at sea: Travel to Etzos
Location you are traveling to and from: Viden to Etzos
How long you will be at sea: Sixty some odd trials
Likes to Thread About: Most anything
Anything off limits?: TBD
Additional Comments: N/A
The Hot Cycle 718 Census
PC Name: Ellen'wyn
Age, Race & Gender: 23 arcs, Avriel and Sev'ryn mix, female
Profession: Huntress
Purpose of Being at sea: Travelling and also being marooned!
Location you are traveling to and from: Etzos to Desnind
How long you will be at sea: Uhhhh I don't remember, like 60 trials or something?
Likes to Thread About: Everything, yaaaay!
Anything off limits?: Nah... you already mod-bombed so... I'm expecting the worst kind of torture.
Additional Comments: *sobs* I'm sorry, have mercy.
The Hot Cycle 718 Census
PC Name: Enrick Maze
Age, Race & Gender: 28/29 (Saun 15 baby), Mixed, Sevryn/Biqaj, and Male
Profession: Fisherman
Purpose of Being at sea: Voyaging to Desnind
Location you are traveling to and from: Left Scalvoris Ashan 60, so quite a ways along the Eastern/Southern continent shores.
How long you will be at sea: Ashan 60-Ymiden 39
Likes to Thread About: Practically anything
Anything off limits?: Nurp
Additional Comments: Since you already threatened me with a modbomb, here's my stinkin registration form. :P
Cold Cycle 718
All the threads were just continuations of Hot Cycle threads. No new PCs this cycle.
The "Twists and Turns" thread is an Immortal Focus thread and not really told at sea.
Rebirth Cycle 719
Yarr! We had a small crew o' scallywags what evaded me roster for this cycle. Chief among 'em Kasoria, Ricky and Llyr.
If'n it tweren't fer the fact as I knows whar they be bound, and what's as await'n 'em, I'd'a hanged 'em from the rail as bait fer the Merfolks.
Hot Cycle 719
<insert pirate-themed flavor test here> Continued with Kas and Llyr's trip to Etzos.
Also had some memory threads by Mathias Blackwood, but they did not technically take place in the Hot Cycle of 719.
I realize I dinna' update the Calender's heading with the current cycle, but ya still coulda' confirmed yer presence, and then boxed me ears a time or two for motivation!
Cold Cycle 719
<Perhaps a sophisticated-but-evil British accent, per Pirates of the Caribbean's East India Company personnel, would be a nice change of pace from the usual "Yarrr..."s and Polly wantin' a damned cracker!>
Alas, it is only to give maritime ambiance to a trio of newly begun, yet seemingly abandoned, threads. No posts on the roster?? For shame!
Other than those, there is the conclusion of "Kas and Llyr's Excellent Adventure", begun back in the Rebirth Cycle.
Rebirth Cycle 720
Avast ye swabs! the current is takin' us into the current arrrrrrc.
Well, we have Arlo and Vega putting up a respectable number of posts in a thread; yet no eyes for the roster. Is it any wonder I forget to update it?
Amnyway, that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!
Hot Cycle 720
And here we are now! All caught up to date! Praetorum, I could hardly judge you worse than those slipping by my notice in the last few cycles. But maybe it would change our poor lonely roster's fate if you were to craft an entry marking your arrival upon the briny deep.
Rorom, Yeva and Darius Baer? You three have as well placed threads upon my sea, yet failed to make your presence official with a roster entry.
Shame on you!! :evil: I may have to punish you with mod bombs!
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Re: Orm'Del Sea Roster

The Cold Cycle 720 Census
PC Name: Zemos (formerly Nzi'Fuma)
Age, Race & Gender: 27, Sev'ryn Yithnai, Male
Profession: Poisoner, weaver.
Purpose of Being at sea: Crossing from Rharne to Etzos
Location: Uh, Orm'del Sea?? at around the beginning of Vhalar 720
How long you will be at sea: 4 days before he hits Foster's Landing, then he heads south.
Likes to Thread About: Anything
Anything off limits?: I'd like to not die please.
Additional Comments:
word count: 80


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: Orm'Del Sea Roster

The Cold Cycle 720 Census
PC Name: Rakvald
Age, Race & Gender: 30 Lotharro Gestalt of Mer, Male.
Profession: Monstrous Mage.
Purpose of Being at sea: traveling.
Location: From Foster's Landing to Rharne on the back of his King Crocodile, accompanying a ship.
How long you will be at sea: 4-10 trials.
Likes to Thread About: Open to most things as Rakvald.
Anything off limits?: No detours plz.
Additional Comments: Arrr
word count: 72

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Re: Orm'Del Sea Roster

The Cold Cycle 720 Census
PC Name: Thomas Karver
Age, Race & Gender: Human, Male, 23
Profession: Ship's Captain
Purpose of Being at sea: Business ventures take Karver and crew across the Orn'del quite often.
Location: Orn'del, various ports, Querencia Brig, home port Ne'haer
How long you will be at sea: Indefinitely, with brief calls to various ports
Likes to Thread About: Adventure, social development, seafaring, magicky stuff, immortaly stuff
Anything off limits?: Please don't break my ship :)
Additional Comments:
word count: 84
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