[Moderated Thread]Mapping the Ice Caves: Trial 3

15th of Ashan 717

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon

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Lakia Amaranthine
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[Moderated Thread]Mapping the Ice Caves: Trial 3

It seemed whatever the ghost girl did with the stones worked. The shadows cleared and it seemed they could leave. She had heard Padraig's parting words to the ghost, and honestly, couldn't have cared less. Dead was dead, she didn't believe that ghosts walked Idalos, not for a moment. To her, the ghost was part of the magic of the Ice Caves, wild and unpredictable as it was, it made perfect sense to her.

She helped support Padraig as they made it back to the entrance of the caves, where Zach seemed far, far too excited to go in there. Not wanting to have to go back in to save his ass, she fixed him with a stern look. "Don't play with the altars. Don't move the stones near the pillar of fire. Don't mess with the pillar of fire. Any of those could wake things up again, and I assume you like living, so leave it off." she said, her tone abrupt and cold.

Then she narrowed her eyes. "Whatever group is sponsoring this is paying for our medical treatment, by the way." she said, before looking at Pad and letting out a long, slow breath. "And Jackson's burial. He died making sure we lived to seal the caves up and escape." she said, genuine sadness in her voice. She hadn't known Jackson very well, but she had respected his abilities, and she didn't like that he had died so that they could live.
word count: 254
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[Moderated Thread]Mapping the Ice Caves: Trial 3

The Review


Got to love Lakia! She just tromps on in there and does stuff and sometimes it works, and other times it goes wrong. Without a doubt one of the most determined pc’s I’ve seen and great fun to write with. Hope you enjoyed this event!


Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5 Fame:
+10 (Event Participation)
+10 (saved Zach et al’s life) Devotion: None


Animal Husbandry: Experimented on animal
Animal Husbandry: Frozen specimens
Arwel: Aukari
Detection: Checking frozen human remains
Discipline: Continuing with the job.
Endurance: A night of extreme discomfort
Fauna: Monster: Ice Tiger: Vulnerable to warm metal bars
Fieldcraft: Dead man’s shoes (literally)
Fieldcraft: Leaving behind the dead
Ishallr: Now has four portals
Leadership: Stating what the group should do
Medicine: Attempting to warm up a frozen hand and arm.
Navigation: Land: A good sense of direction.
Navigation: Land: Working out exits and entrances
NPC: Carla: Ghost child from the Ice Caves.
Physics: Phenomena: Ice which mutes sound
Physics: Phenomena: Material making souls visible to all?
Physics: Phenomena: Teleportation stones
Physics: Phenomena: Warm metal
Psychology: Following your instincts
Ranged Combat: Bow: Firing to the extreme of your range.
Socialization: Explaining the impossible to a group.
Tactics: Applying weird rules logically
Tactics: Choosing the most likely exit.
Tactics: Test things from a distance
Tactics: Use whatever is there and useful.


+1 Domain Bag (as per PB item)
+3 x small (pocket sized) sacks of warm sand : (link)
All clothing and equipment you chose
12 x warm bars (5 ft long each)
Payment: As recognition and with thanks, you are given 200gn.


Scar on hand: Because of the nature of this scar, it will always feel cool to the touch. Evidently, some of the ice got in there, or something. Lakia will find that, if she focuses on it, she can cool herself down a few degrees whilst in hot conditions. Nothing major, she can’t freeze herself etc. But, useful in Saun! She will also discover that, if she concentrates on it, she can make the scar glow. Just a little bit, but there we go.


I just loved seeing Padraig’s relationship with Carla in this thread! Also, who knew that physics could be used in the midst of battle. Awesome writing, fab pc – I hope you enjoyed the thread.


Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5 Fame:
+10 (Event Participation)
+3 (Finding Niv)
+3 (Caring for Lakia)
+5 (Thinking of Jackson’s family & collecting his personal effects)
+5 (Defending Carla) Devotion:
Famula: +5
Qylios: +10 (beacon of light, hope, leadership etc)


Animal Husbandry: Experimented on animal
Animal Husbandry: Frozen specimens
Arwel: Aukari
Blunt Weapons: The overhead swing.
Caregiving: Check on injured people throughout the night.
Caregiving: Small, pocket sized people need to be warm.
Construction: Door engineering.
Detection: Small details in long-dead preserved corpses
Endurance: A night of extreme discomfort
Endurance: Adrenaline doesn’t stop you feeling pain.
Endurance: Carrying on when injured
Endurance: Continuing on despite blood loss and shock.
Endurance: Having wounds treated is painful
Endurance: Shock
Fauna: Monster: Ice Tiger: Vulnerable to warm metal bars
Fieldcraft: Leaving behind the dead
Fieldcraft: Replace cold, wet clothing wherever possible.
Ishallr: Now has four portals
Leadership: Giving orders in emergencies
Medicine: Ginger root for nausea
NPC: Carla: Ghost child from the Ice Caves.
Physics: Applied to weapons
Physics: Applying physics to construction
Physics: Phenomena: Ice which mutes sound
Physics: Phenomena: Material making souls visible to all?
Physics: Phenomena: Teleportation stones
Physics: Phenomena: Warm metal
Psychology: “Home” is a powerful motivator
Psychology: The balance between interesting and scary
Tactics: Considering how to move things without touching them.
Tactics: Talking through options before doing them


+1 Domain Bag (as per PB item)
+3 x small (pocket sized) sacks of warm sand : (link)
All clothing and equipment you chose
Samples of:
3 x yellow goo: This goo is a toxin which functions as an anaesthetic
3 x purple goo: This goo is a toxin which acts as a paralytic
5 x small purple spider bits: These spiders have been touched by the strangeness of Ishallr and exist half in the world of the living and half the world of the dead.
5 x small white spider bits: These spiders are completely immune to cold
5 x spider snake pieces: This spider snake has undergone a magical amalgamation. Its pieces are intrinsically touched by the strangeness of Ishallr. Experimentation on these will show that they have been touched by rupturing.
3 x black sound-stealing ice: this ice (or water, when it melts) is black and seems to absorb sound in a 20 foot area around it. If it gets diluted, the range doesn't increase, but the effectiveness lessens
4 x wolf bits: An amalgamation of wolves, touched by the ice snowflakes. These do not defrost / melt. They have been infused with the essence of the Fracture which Scalvoris sits on. If experimented on, the effects found could be / will be very random.
4 x spider bits: An amalgamation of spiders, touched by the ice snowflakes. These do not defrost / melt. They have been infused with the essence of the Fracture which Scalvoris sits on. If experimented on, the effects found could be / will be very random.
4 x snake bits: An amalgamation of snakes, touched by the ice snowflakes. These do not defrost / melt. They have been infused with the essence of the Fracture which Scalvoris sits on. If experimented on, the effects found could be / will be very random.
4 x tiger bits: An amalgamation of tiger, touched by the ice snowflakes. These do not defrost / melt. They have been infused with the essence of the Fracture which Scalvoris sits on. If experimented on, the effects found could be / will be very random.
12 x warm bars (5 ft long each): These are bars with a Faldrunite alloy
5 x crystal snowflakes here
5 x samples of ice tiger pieces: These remain frozen and are incredibly sharp. Could be used to add to a weapon etc. Can be ground up.
1 x ice tiger tooth: This is very sharp and has a light glow to it. It has swirling mist inside it. Whilst wearing it (as a necklace, for example) or carrying it, the wearer is able to see and communicate with spirits if the spirits wish to show themselves.

Payment: As recognition and with thanks, you are given 200gn.

He has also found:
1 x wedding ring
1 x small silver locket

Padraig also finds that, in the pocket of his jacket on the side where Carla held his hand, there is a small silver bracelet. It is obviously a child-sized one and it has, hanging from it a small silver heart with the name “Carla” engraved on it. When Padraig holds it, he feels warm.


Breathing in the dust Padraig breathed in a toxic sample of dust. This is something which is going to lie dormant until Ymiden, but at some point in Ymiden (depending on your own time scale) he will start to notice mild bouts of nausea which last, off and on, for a five trial period. After that Padraig will start to experience grapheme-color synethesia.
If you wish to explore or cure this, you are welcome to do so in a solo, collaborative or moderated thread, which I’m happy to discuss.

Ice Tiger Mauling Padraig has scarring on his leg from where the tiger mauled him. He will need pretty urgent medical attention. Once it has healed, he will discover that the scars itch at odd times, usually when he’s experiencing a rush of adrenaline. If he explores this, it will become evident that, during times of crisis, he can seem to pull on greater “inner reserves” and maintain longer.


Oh, I love Amaris. This thread seemed to mark a change in the character – swing that metal bar and thwap that tiger! Great fun, as always, writing with you and I hope that you enjoyed this thread!


Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5 Fame: +10 (Event Participation)
+5 (Helping Padraig)
+5 (Saving Padraig’s leg) Devotion: None


Animal Husbandry: Experimented on animal
Animal Husbandry: Frozen specimens
Arwel: Aukari
Blunt Weapons: Basic swing technique.
Discipline: Accepting that you need something you really don’t want.
Drawing: Sketching animals
Endurance: A night of extreme discomfort
Endurance: The pain of a frozen hand
Endurance: Warm a frozen limb can be painful.
Fauna: Monster: Ice Tiger: Vulnerable to warm metal bars
Fieldcraft: Leaving behind the dead
Hunting: Giant Spider-Snake tracks
Ishallr: Now has four portals
Medicine: Emergency wound treatments
Medicine: Gauze and pressure on bleeds
Medicine: The raft: An improvement on bandages
NPC: Carla: Ghost child from the Ice Caves.
Physics: Phenomena: Ice which mutes sound
Physics: Phenomena: Material making souls visible to all?
Physics: Phenomena: Teleportation stones
Physics: Phenomena: Warm metal
Psychology: Post traumatic sleep disturbances.
Tactics: Be more wary of surroundings
Tactics: Checking things strategically
Tactics: Combat happens in split-trill time.
Tactics: Determining when there’s time to talk.


+1 Domain Bag (as per PB item)
+3 x small (pocket sized) sacks of warm sand : (link)
All clothing and equipment you chose
1 x boot.

Payment: As recognition and with thanks, you are given 200gn.


Toxic DustAmaris breathed in a toxic sample of dust. This is something which is going to lie dormant until Ymiden, but at some point in Ymiden (your choice) she will start to notice mild bouts of nausea which last, off and on, for a five trial period. After that Amaris will start to experience grapheme-color synethesia.

If you wish to explore or cure this, you are welcome to do so in a solo, collaborative or moderated thread, which I’m happy to discuss.
Frozen hand Where Amaris’ hand and arm froze will continue to be painful for some time. Careful medical attention will mean that Amaris regains full control and use of said arm. However, the arm will always have a strange appearance, with veins which look like ice is flowing through them and a general appearance of it being slightly frosted over. Bizarrely, though, the side effect of that is that Amaris will not feel the cold again. In a cold place, they can tell that it is cold, but it simply does not affect them anymore.


He’s so totally adorable! Arwel is a great pc and I love seeing him start to come out of his shell here. No one hated him for being an Aukari and the little ghost thought he was a very nice man! Hope you had fun!


Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5 Fame: +10 (Event Participation)
+5 (Helping Amaris)
+5 (Endangering yourself to help)
+5 (Defending Carla)
+5 (Helping Padraig)
+5 (Giving Padraig your stuff) Devotion: None


Animal Husbandry: Experimented on animal
Animal Husbandry: Frozen specimens
Arwel: Aukari
Blades: Sword: Attacking to defend others.
Blunt Weapons: Basic swing technique.
Caregiving: Ensuring that people don’t descend into shock
Caregiving: Quiet and calm
Detection: Determining status via clothing
Endurance: A night of extreme discomfort
Etiquette: Ask before taking, even when the person is dead.
Etiquette: Respect for the dead
Fauna: Monster: Ice Tiger: Vulnerable to warm metal bars
Fieldcraft: Leaving behind the dead
Investigation: When imprisoned, check all surroundings
Ishallr: Now has four portals
Medicine: Warm up shock patients.
Medicine: Warming up someone frozen.
NPC: Carla: Ghost child from the Ice Caves.
Physics: Phenomena: Ice which mutes sound
Physics: Phenomena: Material making souls visible to all?
Physics: Phenomena: Teleportation stones
Physics: Phenomena: Warm metal
Ranged Weapon: Crossbow: Breathing techniques.
Ranged Weapon: Crossbow: Firing to distract and annoy
Ranged Weapon: Crossbow: Using a crossbow to attach to something out of reach.
Tactics: Combat happens in split-trill time.
Tactics: Considering how to move things without touching them.
Tactics: Determining when there’s time to talk.
Tactics: Talking through options before doing them


+1 Domain Bag (as per PB item)
+3 x small (pocket sized) sacks of warm sand : (link)
All clothing and equipment you chose
1 x crystalline snowflake: here
3 x sound muting black ice: this ice (or water, when it melts) is black and seems to absorb sound in a 20 foot area around it. If it gets diluted, the range doesn't increase, but the effectiveness lessens
5 x samples of ice tiger pieces: These remain frozen and are incredibly sharp. Could be used to add to a weapon etc. Can be ground up.

Payment: As recognition and with thanks, you are given 200gn.


None! Arwel came out unscathed!
 ! Message from: Pegasus
This thread, and this adventure, is ended. I sincerely hope that all of you involved enjoyed it as much as I did! If there are any questions, comments or feedback, please drop me a PM!
word count: 2159
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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