• PM To Join • [The Docks] Etzori Arrivals

The Etzori Delegation makes landfall at Scalvoris Town. Definitely not with Max. Max? Nope. Never heard of her.

20th of Cylus 724

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Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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[The Docks] Etzori Arrivals



There was no mistaking the excited whooping from one of the Scalvoris Town natives manning the ship’s crew.

"Home at last! Ain’t she a beaut!”

The other island-born men began to whistle and whoop their appreciation. A thick buzz grew in Maxine’s head. While the sailors smiled at the modest skyline of familiar roofs and the dock beckoning their return, the Rusalka found herself reeling in slow, backward steps from the rail she leaned upon. Every fiber of her beings screamed one command.


She could feel her heart involuntarily hammering in her chest, her pores opening despite the cold in time with the dilating of her eyes, and the tunneling of her vision as the ship merrily eased toward port. Her hand moved to grip the safety of her sword hilt.


Maxine nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the voice so close and the arm fall over her shoulders. It was Vaul of course. There was a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he gauged her reaction. Max folded her arms across her chest.

"Look at ‘em all, all merry like!” Vaul’s smirk grew when she shrugged his arm off, but undeterred, he pointed at one especially joyous sailor in particular. "Betcha he’d give you’s a grand tour! Y’know, you’s bein’ a virgin to this island and all.”

"Keep it up and I’ll turn you back into a virgin, Vaul,” Maxine hissed at him between grit teeth, voice low.

"Nah, Ophelia would never! I quite like her. She’s so quiet and profess’nal, and minds her tongue. Unlike that stuck-up bitch M—urghhhh!”

Vaul groaned quietly and started to buckle at the knees, lips pressed together and face red. Max didn’t break her expression even though the snap of her fist into Vaul’s groin brought her considerable joy. No one seemed to notice save for the High Mark of course.

"Say that name while we’ll here, Vaul, and it’ll be your neck instead of your balls. I swear it.”

"So she ain’t all gone,” Vaul observed through a grimace as he forced himself to straighten. "An’ yer fer real ‘bout this charade then?”

"I should not be here.”

"Alright, alright.” Vaul started to gesture toward her visage. "Just ole Ophelia when you’re in the get-up. We got it. Morty’s cunt…that hurt.”

"You wanted a reaction and you got one.”

"Least you’s quit tremblin’,” Vaul scoffed half-heartedly. "Can smell the guilty conscience. Lock it up, wee monster. Or the plain Jane look won’t hide ye none.”

As Vaul walked away, adjusting himself, Max forced herself to stand up a little straighter herself. He was right, loathe as she was to admit it. Her instinctual adversity to this place wasn’t serving her so long as she let it show. She exhaled the rush of self preservation impulses sharply through her nostrils. The captain rotated the helm, guiding them into port.

Sailors shouted and scurried like rats atop the deck. Sails were neatly tied up and ropes were getting tossed toward the dock. She felt the resistance as the boat slowed to a halt. As her eyes roved the Scalvoris Town Docks, she noticed the wood was marred and discolored. It had lost its shine since Faith and her volunteers restored what collateral damage Sephira had annihilated.

Maxine’s hand fished into the pocket she knew had been empty of Ambrosia, Katomise, or any other vice for a little while now. Old habits died hard, and her nerves were so on edge it elicited the involuntary tick. She sniffed and yanked the hood over her head. Even with the enchanted gem granting her this bland appearance, with the straw hair and plain features of this “Ophelia” disguise, paranoia remained.

Max moved to stand beside Kasoria. Delegates huddled among themselves, reviewing their notes on Scalvorian customs, culture, and language. A couple others stood with wonder and this novel capital. The rest of their work force was moving their cargo and animals to the top deck to make unloading as efficient as possible.

"Knights Inn is a nicer inn the knobs would like,” she murmured. "It’s popular though so it leaves plenty of discretion to be desired. The place I know is starkly the opposite but too risky. If you want something in between, we might have to send one ahead to shop a little. A lesser inn or something.”

Now that Kasoria was back, the burden of leadership was off her shoulders. Raand’s mere existence and comfort as Kasoria’s right hand was a godsend. To play her new role here, she had to relinquish all identity of self. She could only be Kasoria’s second in the form of a silent shadow. It was best that way.

"I shouldn’t be here, but I am," she sighed, glancing over her shoulder. Then she focused her vision on the town before them. "I know this place, it’s people, and the powers here. I’ll help you however I can, but you can know no name of mine but Ophelia. I mean it. For now.”

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Re: [The Docks] Etzori Arrivals

They were all dressed in their best, whatever that might be. The delegation was in pressed tunics and cloaks and breeches, boots cleaned of dirt. The previous night had seen bath water go from clear to brown as every man of Etzos scrubbed themselves. The Band was no different. Last to wash, perhaps, but they had other things to attend.

Swords. Axes. Armor. Arrows. Tools of the trade, no less than scrolls and quills and marques of trade.

The deck was flush with them. A parcel of foreigners, all wanting to take in the sight of a new port hovering into view. Starting off as just a suggestion on the horizon, flanked by dark cliffs that narrowed into a flaming maw of population. All of them wished it were not Cylus, and they could take in the proper majesty of the sight. They'd been told Scalvoris Town rivaled Etzos in size, almost a million souls all laboring and scheming and striving. Kasoria felt a sting in him when he was told that. Etzos that was, perhaps. No longer. Not for a long time.

That's why we're here. In part, anyway.

"Glad they all speak Common, f'nothin' else," rumbled Raand, shoulders wrapped in furs he'd purchased from Harvadr. "Beats that monkey shite the Yari spoke in."

"Aye, m'sure Miki will be happy fer that," Belial said with a smile, earning him an obscene gesture from the hulking man in the bronze breastplate. "What was that word you told us to avoid, Ambassador? Picky?"

"Pingke," Fagan Manclin said, enunciating in a way only a born academic could. He looked ready to receive an emperor, swaddled in his finery. "It's quite the insult, if used incorrectly."

"Ain't like we'll be talkin' much," Vaul chimed in, thumb running over the top of the hatchet at his hip, an old stroking gesture he mindlessly fell into when restless. "Gonna be talkin' t'the nobs n' the merchants, aye? All we gotta do is look scary."

"Shouldn't be too difficult fer us."

Kasoria spoke and the rest of The Band gave a low chuckle. The man himself stood next to Manclin, where he belonged. Bedecked with weapons obvious, and other unseen. His eyes were roving constantly over the ships and boats clogging the dark water, sailing to and fro like this dark season was of no concern to them. That was encouraging, he thought. Trade, commerce, business... it didn't stop just because of a little thing like Cylus. An island nation, after all, needed so many things.

The woman was a strange face joined them, and had her little chat with Vaul. Kasoria suppressed a sigh. That was always the bastard's problem, when he had nothing to do. He found something, and usually it was with a mean glint in his eyes. There was a grunt and a scuffle and Belial giggles. Miki gave a chuckle like rocks falls into a lake. Raand just rolled his eyes and shook his head. The one they called "Ophelia" took her place next to him.

"He'll learn, one trial," he murmured to her. "Jus' not this'un."

She spoke of where they could stay and Fagan bobbed his head as he listened. He'd leaned on her quite a bit the last tentrial, absorbing all he could about Scalvoris, its settlements, people, customs, trade, history. He'd bled her dry, asking endless questions, clarifying murky points and jotting it all down. Then he'd disseminated them to his underlings, giving them all an impromptu course in what protocol Ma... Ophelia could pass along.

"We'll see what the Knight's Inn can offer us, and if it's good enough, that's where we'll stay," he said eventually. "I do hope we make a good enough impression for one of the worthies in this town to put us up somewhere... a little more suitable."

Suitable. A loaded word. Kasoria heard it as "bigger, nicer, emptier of riffraff, easier to defend and do business from". They'd gotten used to such accommodation since they'd set sail from Etzos: every city beyond the Orm'del had wanted to make a good impression, flatter the Etzori nobles with coin to spend and deals to make. Kasoria didn't know if word had spread all the way to Scalvoris. But he didn't speak to it: Fagan was in command, not he. He'd inspect this Inn, and if that was all they had available, by the Fates they would make it suitable.

M... Ophelia spoke again. Just to Kasoria. The same fears she'd put voice to since they'd left Viden. This was a place that wanted Maxine's head on a spike (whoever that was). The bounty was still good, and unlikely to be rescinded. So she'd had to adopt this face, keep it plastered to her, change her voice, her mannerisms, erase all she was and knew and hated and loved. The little man with black eyes nodded slowly. He was naught but a guardian to the delegation; she was naught but a sellsword under his command. And her name was-

"I know yeh will, Ophelia," he said, name rolling out without any pause this time. "Stick to yer duties. Do what's asked. Anyone else wants t'stick their nose in-"

Mikiros' hands moved in a series of short. Sharp gestures. Tapping his nose, then a knife hand slapping into his palm.

We cut if off.

The big man favored the woman with a wink of his good eye. Kasoria's words had not changed either, and they went for all The Band. They were there for her. She was one of them, regardless of her face and name. Yet still, as the Dolphin's Horn docked and he swept a gaze over the party meeting them at the bottom of the gangway, two words niggled at him. Kept tugging at his mind as he walked next to Fagan Manclin and they greeted the neat, presentable, bearded fellow with tanned skin standing on the pier.

For now.

"Greetings, Etzori! My name is Erik Ki'Ufnaj, Harbormaster of Scalvoris Town. I welcome you to our city, and our fine island."
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Re: [The Docks] Etzori Arrivals


Ophelia fought the grimace from crossing her expression. The Knights Inn seemed to be the clear choice for now, loathe as she was to accept it. She only shrugged at the hope a politician of some sort would put them up in something better in a gesture of good will. She wasn’t going to hold her breath. If Rorom’s talk of pirate attacks and hidden explosives was anything other than hogwash, she was inclined to believe impressing some Etzori delegation was low on the list of Council concerns for the time being.

Make it work, whatever we have.

She could smell the scent of the docks, fresh last she saw them now worn down by the boots of harbor workers and foreign travelers alike. Without taking a step off the ship, she knew exactly how the boards would feel beneath her. Every cobble beyond the docks and into the city proper knew her stride. The modest skyline of the city looked over her like a haunting silhouette against the Cylus black.

No turning back now…

Kasoria offered her some kind, reassuring words she knew were meant to bolster her spirit to task. She frowned. He didn’t mean to, but he only highlighted her fears. She didn’t want to bring trouble and mayhem and blood. The problem with that was Maxine had a terrible knack for heralding that trio.

"Let’s hope it won’t come to that,” was the best the disguised Rusalka could muster.

She flashed Miki a smile in particular though her words were mostly for Kasoria. The brute, for whatever reason, had taken a liking to her. Mikiros, the gentle and rendered-mute giant, was the best of them. The only thing she wanted for him, and every other member of The Band, was their safe return to Etzos where they belonged. Even Vaul. If Miki thought he knew what he was defending in defending Max, he was wrong. His blood was not worth spilling over the likes of her. No one’s was.

The ship pulled forward to the dock. It pushed her closer toward nausea. The whooping of excited, home-sick sailors intensified. Ophelia remained at the rear guard of the procession off the ship. Kasoria and the delegates moved to be greeted by the Harbormaster. Once the pleasantries with the Etzori were concluded, the locals had their say.

"Oi! Rik!” one boldly shouted, squeezing past the Etzori to clap the Harbormaster on the shoulder.

"Tarvin,” Erik returned the man’s enthusiasm with a handshake. "I see you managed to keep the rigging from falling apart this time.”

"Ah, he jests!” Tarvin waved the comment off, blowing a raspberry. A handful of other locals off-loading from the Dolphin’s Horn whistled or spoke their hellos to Erik before passing on, dragging Tarvin with them.

"Anyways,” Erik returned his attention staunchly back upon the foreigners. A broad smile painted his face. "Happy to see some new faces, especially those that sail into my harbor by a ship with flags flown by friends. Please, be welcome! I’ve dock hands for hire if you require help dismounting your belongings, sirs.”

Ophelia stiffened.

You loaded your four-legged friends and precious cargo already, air holes and all, remember? Watch the box move but all will be well.

She had to tell herself the lie. Good had become especially active on the ship the closer they sailed for what he knew to be something of a home. Barghests, especially of his pedigree, weren’t exactly common. Good was seen plenty at Maxine’s side at the Red Hand when she doled out her own brand of enforcement in her place of business. She couldn’t afford his posturing to give her away. So, until they got to the inn and shored it up, he was crated.

Ophelia swallowed at the sound of another gangplank sliding down from the ship to the dock. She tightened her jaw and stepped along it at a casual pace. Then she planted her heel for the first time in Scalvoris in arcs.

Her hands came up to let her fingers curl into the collar of her heavy overcloak. She rooted herself in place for a moment and took in the sight before her with new eyes. Ophelia resurged, remembering her role, and swiftly fell back in line with The Band. Already, the belongings of the entire travel party were being carried efficiently off the boat and toward the Knights Inn. Ophelia looked to make affirmative eye contact with Kasoria before gravitating toward the couple crates she had a vested, personal interest in for the walk.

The city started to swallow them.

Hold the identity. Keep your fucking shit together.

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Re: [The Docks] Etzori Arrivals

"What a fascinating little place!"

"Ah. Emphasis onna 'little'."

Fagan rolled his eyes at Kasoria's predictably sour grumble. Honestly, the man just did not know when to let go his paranoia. Admittedly, that made him quite the efficient bodyguard, yet at the same time... how could he not appreciate such a place? Regardless of its ability to be fortified or cordoned off, number of exits or entrances, windows he'd be counting and marking, the tavern was truly something...

Charming. Aye. That's the word.

The Etzori delegation were gazing about the main area of Knight's Rest, doing everything but gawp like children and waving signs saying "Tourists: Please Fleece Us". Little of the place's business stopped when they walked in, but every pair of eyes took them in as they arrived. A dozen emotions and reactions, ranging from surprise to curiosity to opportunism to... other things. Kasoria drummed his fingers on the hilt of Shadowslayer. Quite openly.

Never the most popular folk, are we?

"Ahhhh... I can hazard a guess at who you'd be!" Something huge, loud, and bearded stomped over to them, crowd of punters parting as he came. Mikiros raised an eyebrow as the redhead's shaggy face split into a wry smile. The man was nearly as tall as him. "Word travels, don't ya know. You would be the Etzori delegation, hmm?"

Kasoria couldn't help the smile that made his lips squirm for a moment. Whit injected just enough satire into "delegation" to let them know just how ridiculous he thought it was. Not them, not their people, just that one word, running around Scalvoris, getting more pompous and bureaucratic with each lap. Never one to be easily offended (he'd be a poor diplomat if he was), Fagan Manclin gave a chuckle and offered his hands.

"Merely travelers tired of hammocks, hard tack, and watered booze, ser. None of those here, eh?"

Whit laughed and his hand engulfed Fagan's. "I should bloody well hope not! Got a reputation to maintain. Although you-" he looked clean over Manclin's head and swept his gaze over the group "-strain our capacity, I'd say."

"We would, of course, pay above normal rates. The Knight's Rest comes highly recommended, wherever we go. Not just it's food and drink and sheets but its... discretion."

Kasoria watched the man's reaction carefully. This was a former Knight, so it was said. Not some sellsword or scratcher, a man with a code who still held to it. Intimating that they planned to use his business, his home, as some sort of immoral roost would ruffle those red feathers beyond repair. But... there was the other possibility. Reality, if one saw it that way. They were a diplomatic group. They carried and traveled with and conducted affairs that were secret, known only to the Council back in Etzos. Security would have been the better word to choose; somewhere no eaves would be dropped nor noses stuck in. But every diplomat was entitled a slip-

Fuck me, old man, when did you start critiquing the man?

"They say that, do they?"

He hoped Manclin caught the edge to that bass rumble of a voice. The warning hiding behind the mild words. The Etzori smiled and spread his palms.

"Nothing untoward, I assure you. But we come about the business of our homeland, and we'd rather not have it sung to all while in our quarters." He leaned in closer and Whit's shadow seemed to cover him completely. "It'll be hard enough to keep our affairs quiet in the first place, I'd wager."

Whit Freidston straightened up and surveyed the party. That was the best way Kasoria could think to describe it. He seemed to be weighing and measuring every man and woman of their group, like it was a simple matter of pounds and ounces. Too many, too much, not enough room. But he stroked that long beard thoughtfully, gleam of potential profit in his eyes that any Etzori would recognize in a heartbeat. Delegations always traveled with coin, valuables, gems, items easily made into the currency of whatever realm they arrived in. There was many of them, yes, enough to fill every spare room he had, and he guessed it wouldn't be a short stay. But still...

Money to be made, bills to be paid. Way of the word.

"Above normal rates, hmm?"

Fagan smiled and winked. "Comfortably."
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Re: [The Docks] Etzori Arrivals


Maxine, crawling within the skin of Ophelia, dutifully followed the progression through the streets to the Knights Rest. There were some nervous fidgets she recognized she still needed to work out. Too often she found herself tugging the hood firmly over her features as though she didn't trust its design meant to hide the wearer, or adjusting her shirt collar just in case the catsuit hidden beneath could be spotted. All of it was symptom of dreaded paranoia. She set her jaw and reminded herself of her ultimate task regardless of the identity crisis she was managing.

The child-like curiosity of the delegation members, especially the younger scribes and aids to the more experienced politicians, drew some mirth at least. She found herself wondering if she looked anything the same when she first landed here: gawking at the uniquely Scalvorian structures and craftsmanship or basking in the strong sense of self the youthful island possessed. A couple of times she spied their widening eyes or pointing fingers when they approached something of interest. She deigned the same, feigning the occasional look of appreciation or wonder as Ophelia The Untraveled.

Before long they pushed through the doors of the Knights Rest. She took one look at the familiar giant that was Whit and turned on her heel just a moment before he noticed his foreign newcomers. Ophelia was out the door, back into the night like a shadow cast away from the bright lights of the inn. She ground her teeth but shifted her position to the waiting cargo of supplies and...other things...the crew was letting rest outside the inn until they were blessed with lodgings officially. She crossed her arms and took a post at the corner of the buildings where she could eye the delegation's belongings and the street traffic.

You're fine. This is still natural: a mercenary of sorts guarding supplies for a high profile client.

Her head snapped to the sound of a trio of men, sailors no doubt, having a laugh with a drunken swagger to their noisy steps. Her hand grasped the hilt of her sheathed sword. She scanned their faces before quietly cursing herself.

Settle. Down.

The pedestrians passed but she couldn't divorce her hand from her weapon. Even from outside she could hear Whit's booming voice. Whether he was greeting a guest or handling a knave he wanted out his doors, he remained boisterous even for a "resting knight." The Knights Rest was a bit too classy for the likes of Maxine. She usually kept her misbehaving elsewhere. Usually. Either way, she wished not to risk failure when they'd only just walked off a dock. Whit was a businessman now as much as he was a warrior before that. Between Kasoria penchant for succeeding in violent encounters and Manclin's golden tongue, they would likely fair just fine without Ophelia for the moment.

"Hey! O'!" It was Raand's voice cutting through the dark. "Knobs bought the lot out."

"That was fast," she commented with a gentle raise of a brow. "Every room?"

"Aye, jus' 'bout." Raand whistled for the resume of the movement of supplies. He looked about the dark streets of this new, larger city and then back to Ophelia. "Alright?"

"Mmm." Ophelia pushed off the wall and moved quietly beside Raand, eyes on one crate in particular. "Let's get all this moved in, shall we?"

Raand gave her shoulder a pat but said no more. He pulled the door open and nodded at eat crate a workhand carried inside for the delegation. Before long the belongings they arrived with were spirited inside and secured in their paid-for lodgings. She weaseled her way back within the ranks of The Band again, pleased to find Whit was busy ensuring his robust customer service earned him favors and the promised coin.

"I'll be thrilled when all the sea travel is over," a young scribe murmured to an attendant.

"Aye," the attendant moaned quietly. "After all this, I still get sea sick every time we sail. My mum told me sea legs don't run in the family!"

"I'll never get the stink of salt and sweat out of my nose. S'pose they'll let us bathe before we get straight to business?"

Ophelia smirked idly at the overheard banter. She watched the two scheme before winning a nod from one of the delegates. They promptly went up the stairs, sniffing under their arms and tugging at their locks needing liberation from unwanted sea salt. Miki chuckled beside her. The giant tapped Ophelia, making a shape of a box with his fingers and then clenching his fists so his biceps swelled.

"Yeah, maybe now is a good time," Ophelia agreed with the mute. Miki beamed at that, glanced about, and made a small petting motion on one of his palms. Ophelia laughed quietly. "Sure. You get them out, you can pet them. Just keep them quiet and no prying eyes. Please?" Miki signed an "X" over his heart and his smile widened. Then he went up the stairs toward the room he watched the crate with holes get carried into. Before long, as swiftly as he nailed it closed for her, Miki would have the crate open. She trusted the Barghest, Good, and the dragonet Malice in the gentle giant's care. He seemed to enjoy the responsibility plenty anyways.

"Well done," Ophelia said when she found Kasoria. "Whole place, minus the diners and drinkers downstairs, and without any bloodshed. Sometimes I forget what coin and...privilege can get. Then again, more often...I don't." She glanced about the mix of locals and travelers seated throughout the first floor of the Knights Rest. Not all seemed friendly but none seemed overtly cloak-and-dagger to her eye. "Locals seem to have the mind that the island isn't safe anymore. Been a while. It was never safe for me but...maybe they're right. Should probably watch the sea as much as we watch the inn."

Her eyes roved the new place they'd call home for a while. Time hadn't really seemed to pass here. Everything was the same in her memory as it looked now.

Can that be said for the rest of the island? And the people living here?

"There's something to weigh here, too. Your decision." Ophelia shifted in place and gave a shrug. "No one knows this place better than I do. I know the streets, the people, the powers, and the lower city. I know when something is wrong. here. If you'd have me keep the inn locked down I'll do it...but it might be worth the risk to drag me along outside of our stronghold we're making."

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Re: [The Docks] Etzori Arrivals

Kasoria didn't often peruse the interior of The Chest. That's what they called it. Not just The Band, or The Delegates, all of them. It had become part of their shared reality now, boiled down into two words easily remembered and instantly understood. There were always plenty of chests, and boxes, and bags, and crates. But there was only one "The Chest".

The one with all the shiny stuff.

"Getting somewhat depleted, I'd say."

Kasoria cocked an eyebrow as he looked up from the interior of The Chest - which sparkled and glinted in the lamplight - into Manclin's pensive face. The diplomat saw the question there and gave a smile.

"We have to get back across the world, remember? It's hardly a small sum to do so, especially considering lodgings, food, pack animals, the various... greasing of the wheel, one needs to indulge in-"

"Aye, yeh made yer point," the little man said, watching the ambassador lock up The Chest thrice over and heave it under his bed. In the other corner, Vaul sat whittling a stick, listening with idle curiosity... eyes never leaving The Chest. "Jus' remember it bein' full t'burstin' once. Din't seem long ago."

Manclin caught the wistful one in the bodyguard's voice. Strange that was how he saw him now. Not as a sellsword, or assassin, or even the "scratcher" term he'd heard bandied about by The Band. Even the specter of the Raggedy Man seemed distant and unlikely... most times. Then he would remember those times Kasoria had proven how he'd earned all those stories and carved his legend into the living stone of life. To the extent even mentioning his name would make hard men quiver and mages soothe their frightened Sparks.

Well, maybe that's a little much. Poetic, though.

"Two arcs, Kas, or thereabouts. Be almost three by the time we get home, I'd say." The noble shook his head and sat down on the edge of his bed. His room was amongst the best appointed, naturally, and the two mercenaries were taking advantage of that. "Every nation East of the Orm'del, bar a couple of notable exceptions. But the important ones, for certain. I'd wager few delegations of Etzori have traveled to far and seen so much in... well, ever, I'd say."

Kasoria made an appreciative face, accompanied to a small smile. That sounded an odd thing to be remembered for... but he didn't dislike the idea. Fame in his world was married to blood and terror as standard, wealth and cunning next. Simply traveling, moving around the world, meeting people... he hadn't realized there was a pedigree in such things. That books might be written, plays made, histories composed-

Easy, old man, rein it in. Only mention you'll get is the ugly sod they found to guard them.

"F'um lucky."


Fuck, he'd just let it slip. Another joy of aging. Kasoria shook his head and rose upward with a grunt. Around them he could hear boots stamping and voices calling and packages large and small being heaved around. The delegation was settling in, shoving all of consequence into a convenient place and scrubbing off the mud and getting ready for-

He inhaled, and suppressed another smile. Boar. Wafting through the floorboards. Fates, how long had it been?

"Gonna make one more lap a'fore we eat. Vaul'll stay wiv' yeh."

The leader of The Band tossed the scarred little ganger a firm nod and got one back. He left, and for a moment it was like a scene from noble's nightmare. A helpless blueblood, in a sumptuous room, trapped with a monstrous, flint-eyed killer... until the blueblood waggled his eyebrows.

"Another game?"

"Yer down three t'me already, aul'son," the ganger said, smiling broad enough to make his scar tissue pucker and whiten. "Ain't yeh in deep enuff?"

Fagan Manclin pointed to the table and loosened his cravat. "Set up the board, and find your purse, old man. Get ready to observe a remarkable recovery..."

He made the rounds, like he said. Beat his feet across the boards until his muscles started to remember as much as his mind did. He started from the basement and worked his way up. Windows, doors, shafts, the little platform that ran up through the tavern to deliver food or laundry to each floor. He studied them all. Marked them all. Once he got to the top floor he was able to build a map in his kind that he transferred to a piece of parchment in his room.

It was a rude and haphazard thing, but he found it helped to set his hands to purpose, make what he had seen real. Visible to naked eye and not just that of his mind.

That was where Maxine found Kasoria. Hunched over a charcoal map that looked like a child's drawing. Glancing up at her with a wry half-smile.

She always knows where to find you, old man.

"Money speaks all tongues," he said, quoting something old and appropriately cynical from his home. "An' dere's always someone t'lissen. Leas'ways we're makin' it work for the good a' all rather than jus' a few rich cunts." He looked up a her after that, and if he saw a surprised expression, would give a shrug. "Aye, yeh heard right. An' I, I know Etzos ain't short a' rich cunts. 'spose dats why dey keep bastards like me around... make sure they 'member their place."

That would have been a nice thought, but Kasoria was too old in this ugly world to truly believe it. He'd always been a threat, a weapon, a sword, a dagger in the darkness. Not a means to build something better, but keep those already afraid and oppressed under the heel. Vorund was but the basest and clearest example. Now he was working for the Council, the worthies, the nobility... and he knew few of them were worth those words. But a future had to be made for his home. Etzos needed to heal, and to thrive beyond that healing. He was where he could do the best for his people, even if the rest of his life he was hated as being still and forever the Raggedy Man.

He sighed, looking back down at the map. Fates, but he was maudlin in his old age.

"We'll watch wherever danger comes from," he said simply in response to her next comment. He tapped at the map with his charcoal stick. "Main entrance, side entrance, servants'. One set a' stairs inna' reception, 'nother fer the servants... an' one on the backside a' the building. Problee fer fire or leftover from the old days." He rested his forearms on his knees as he studied the map. Letting the flat drawing become a full image in his mind. "Over 'ere, onna' right? Only building close enuf fer someone t'cross, wiv'out magic, anyway. Belial'll have t'find a perch. Mayhap not even here, but a block away. Dis ain't like Rharne, or Yaralon. We got the floor, not the whole place. Can't do as we please..."

He got up and walked over to the window, still talking. Warming to the subject.

"We'll 'ave a man onna' main stair at all times, two more patrollin' through the floor. You an' me, we'll be on escort duty. At least one a' us. 'tween me magic an' yer... Mark-" a least he could bring himself to spit the word; that was a form of progress "-we're the mos' useful. Rest'll stay here, stay close. Whatever shite's makin' this place sick, I dun' want it messin' wiv' us. Any visitors, they can meet us up 'ere, not downstairs. One of us inna' room at all times."

"There's something to weigh here, too. Your decision. No one knows this place better than I do. I know the streets, the people, the powers, and the lower city. I know when something is wrong. here. If you'd have me keep the inn locked down I'll do it...but it might be worth the risk to drag me along outside of our stronghold we're making."

Kasoria had found his pipe while she talked. Sat in a high-backed chair, carefully out of sight from the window in the room, he packed and lit it as he listened. This... was something he knew had to come up, sooner or later. She wasn't a burden, or a passenger, or a curse. She was a part of The Band. She had purpose and duties and none of them would treat her as anything less. Even here, in a city so riven with hate for her that they had to use magic to change everything about her. Maxine was an asset, plain and simple. Smart, skilled, enhanced by her Marks... and she knew the city. She would be able to find intelligence on what could threaten them faster than any.

And she has a new face on top of it all.

He knew all of this. He wasn't a fool, and wasn't so sentimental to try and protect her forever. But he remembered how he found her, back in Etzos. Pissing her life away one bottle, one snort, one tincture at a time. Lost in that endless despair and self-loathing that had clung to her like a womb-forged disease. Was he ready to set her loose back in the city that sickness had truly taken hold of her? Was he about to trust her enough to undo all the good work she had already done, the progress already made? He sighed and exhaled slowly. Eyes scrutinizing her carefully through the curtain of grey smoke. Finally he sighed, gust of billowing breath rolling through the air.

What did you tell her on the ship? Everyone has their path. She has to choose hers. Make her own way... own mistakes. And your first loyalty isn't to her: it's to the people you fail to serve if you don't use every advantage you have.

"Dun' be too loud about it," he said eventually, perhaps surprising her with his wordless acceptance of her logic and use in Scalvoris. "Ask aroun', anthin' 'bout the troubles on the island, anythin' that could be pinned on Etzos. In fact, any talk a' us or the delegation at all. Find out what you can-" he pointed at her with the pipe "-but only when it comes t'what I jus' said. No reopenin' old wounds. No diggin' where it ain't t'purpose .Y'ain't runnin' solo, girl. Y'work fer me. We clear?"
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Re: [The Docks] Etzori Arrivals


Ophelia peered at Kasoria’s crude little map. It was crinkled and the charcoal had smeared where he busy hand had moved hastily across the paper, trying to commit to tangible image what his short memory held. A smile twitched at the corners of her lips. At the very least, judging by his creation, everything was just as her hazy memory recalled of the place.

Familiar. One of the very few things here left unchanged. Don’t get used to it.

She had nodded in response to the concise nature of Kasoria’s ideas on security. By now The Band gathered each member’s strengths and weaknesses, for the most part. Belial knew he needed to find a litany of perches to rain arrows, only because he already gathered the inn itself was perfect for finding feminine distractions. Miki needed to find the best positions for his intimidating presence. Vaul had already surely noted the best shadows for his dagger to jump from, and Raand was busy organizing the lesser logistics of handling the delegates beneath that of a High Mark.

One thing was for sure though. Kasoria was right. This was not like Rharne or anywhere else they’d been before. This would be different even if their roles and mission remained unchanged.

When The Old Man pondered her most pressing question and observations, however, she folded her arms and waited in the tense silence. Her thoughts threatened to run and it was all she could do to keep a leash, any leash, on them while she waited for his decision. It came soon and it came with wisdom. She exhaled a breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

But was it a breath or relief or…something else?

Some part of you will always long for the safety and isolation of chains, even as violently as you fought them, hm?

Maxine considered the instructions, because that’s what they were: instructions meant for Maxine, not Ophelia. She nodded slowly and looked to the ground with distant eyes for a moment.

"I can do that,” Max answered from Ophelia’s lips. "I can try. If I’m going to try though…I’ll need something from you. A favor.”

Careful now. That’s a dangerous word…

When she was much littler he had warned her of such things. She apparently never learned the lesson: the perils of playing the game of favors and falling indebted to anyone at all. That was the pitfall of addiction though, especially the nature of hers. She always owed someone something, and the debt often grew into a monster she could never repay with coin. Even with him she knew the request should taste like acid on her tongue.

But what is the alternative?

"If I shan’t be baited, I’ll need you to drive the blade into the old wound so I won’t dig into it myself.” She lifted her eyes from the floor to meet his. "I need you to find out what happened on Faldrass those arcs ago. I need to know the truth of it, the whole truth, and how much of the fault rests with me.”

Kasoria would know what she spoke of, she had no doubt. Of their many stubborn talks of regret and indignation and sins long past, she had spoken vaguely of it. She had an idea of the horrors that happened but she was gone before the totality of the bloodshed and destruction had concluded. Her mind, a bit adled, also hasn’t retained a full recollection. Something within demanded the uncut truth. Yearned for it, always hanging in her mindscape like one of many wraiths that haunted it.

"I need to know. Do this, and I can better keep myself sullied to what we need to do here.”

Her eyes softened just a bit on him.


She swallowed hard. This ask was not without great cost. Sometimes knowledge was not power but poison. If he agreed and succeeded, that would also mean he knew the truth too.

Kasoria would be confronted with what she had been trying to tell him she was.

And his ire and hateful for immortals and their servants would be reaffirmed tenfold.

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Re: [The Docks] Etzori Arrivals

It wasn't a demand. She wasn't holding anything back, withholding any service. No-one would have thought otherwise, especially with their history. Wouldn't he be more likely to help her, given that? For such benefits given to himself and his mission, all she asked for was him to learn something about her. Things that weren't necessarily even hard to discover. She'd mentioned Faldrass and "the island" more than once. Never in detail, nothing more than snippets of the story, like breaths of text from a novel taken from pages torn at random... but enough for him to understand its importance.

Kasoria knew of guilt and shame and the stain of foolish action forever changing you. He was sympathetic... but she still didn't quite understand.

"I'll go lookin' for dese answers y'need," he said after a few bits of contemplation, and maybe his cold tone tipped her off that something less amicable was lurking in his mind. "F'yeh need t'know what happened... I can find out. Makes sense it wouldnae be youse goin'. Even a new face, new voice... people might twig it. 'specially wiv' magic inna' works, an' cunt's wi' Marks..."

He massaged his closed eyes with his free hand at the last words. Magic, Marks, complicating fucking everything, and he said that as a man with three Sparks crammed inside him. All the material and logical rules that ordered life were tossed out when you threw those two into the equation. No disguise was proof against one who could read minds; no mimicry could survive against one who could dispel falsehoods with a wave of a hand. Kasoria loved the power and advantage magic afforded, and part of him had become... fond, of his almost-sentient Sparks... but a larger, older part of him kept that same Etzori attitude.

Suffer not. Trust not. Stone, steel, and blood. Might as well have been carved into the flagstones.

He got to his feet and walked over to his backpack. Without turning or speaking, he started to unpack his Lighthouse in front of her. Maxine had likely seen them before, and certainly his, back in the old trials. It might have surprised her to see the replacement set: the shelves, the candles, and the items belonging to his family. He'd Transmuted them arcs before, losing the originals forever between the siege and the chaos that surrounded it. They were not the originals, but they were his mind's image of the memory. If their ghosts came back tomorrow, and he gave them over, they would think them the same items. The significance was there. That was what mattered.

"Lemme clear summin' up fer youse. Fer the future."

He spoke just as he heard her start to shuffle, maybe get ready to leave. Still focusing on his task, setting up the altar. Words cold and implacable, on an edge of anger but noticeably so. Obviously so. As if he were showing her just how lenient he was being.

"Yeh work fer me, an' by dat blood, Etzos. We dun' do favors fer each other, not when it comes t'the job. Anythin' that gives us an edge here, anythin' that could keep them nobs safe, that ain't a fuckin' favor. Dat's somethin' you do, because it's yer fuckin' job."

The Entrance. The top shelf, where the comb, the bracelet, and the abacus went. Sister, mother, father.

"I put meself, an' my past, above the job, back in Yaralon. I didn't lissen t'yeh. An' look what happened. Cuz I forgot me place 'ere."

The Window. Middle shelf. Three white stones, pure in a way that his callused, scarred hands seemed never to mar. White for purity, and goodness, souls deserving only of passage through the veil of souls to their resting place.

"Dis gonna be hard fer youse. I know dat. Comin' back 'ere, seein' an' smellin' an' feelin' all dat history rattlin' in yer blood... but yer not here t'right the past, nor t'fight it. Yer here wiv' me, wiv' us. So no more favors."

The Lighthouse. The bottom shelf with a single candle, burning lowly so the heat wouldn't set the above ones alight. A spark in the vast expanse of the spirit world, but in such unfathomable darkness, a spark blazed like an inferno. It would be seen. The petition would be heard.

So runs the theory.

Kasoria stood up, half-turning to Maxine. Letting her see the little altar she didn't even know he carried. Had for some reason decided to make plain now, under the window, where any entering his room could see it. Why now? What had changed? He didn't elaborate. The mellow, even nature he'd exhibited on the voyage over had thinned, revealing the man she recognized from before. The Old Man who put the mission, the purse, the kill, the life ahead over everything else. Who would do and demand anything, even of a waif barely ten arcs old in the world.

He was still that raggedy man under the change of the arcs. When he needed to be. When he decided it was needed.

"Only a couple more stops after here, a'fore we're back home," he said to her, voice a shade lighter. Almost encouraging. "I'll keep me head, like I shoulda' done under Yaralon. Youse do the same."

He didn't ask about what he might find. Didn't think it would matter. He was inured to horror, after all. He had seen and done so much, stained his blade with that of children and innocents, stood aside why even worse men slaked their hateful lusts on them. When he died, made his own Crossing, he knew a legion of souls would be waiting for him. Accusing and indignant. Most with a legitimate fucking point.

He was beyond redemption, and already knew Maxine was Marked by those mutants he'd hated all his life. Yet that unpardonable sin, he'd made peace with, if only because she was collared and conned by that counterfeit deity when mentally shattered and thus easy prey. He didn't hate her for that. He didn't hate her at all. What could he learn than would change that?

"Study the layout," he said, nodding to the map. "Make a lap yerself. Den eat, an' sleep. T'morrow... we'll both start huntin'."
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Re: [The Docks] Etzori Arrivals

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Thread: [The Docks] Etzori Arrivals
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Comments: First of all, I’m impressed by the detail in both of your posts that made this thread very enjoyable to read.

I’m aware of some of Max’ actions on Scalvoris. To me, it’s understandable that every fibre of her being screamed for her to run while the Scalvoris Town natives were excited to finally return home.

I didn’t know that she had stopped taking drugs. I’m impressed by the way you play a recovered drug addict!

I really enjoyed the interaction between Kasoria and Max. It’s obvious that they have a long history.

The NPCs that accompany Kasoria are well-realized. The scene where they looked at the inn with an almost child-like curiosity made me grin, for example. You made the NPCs – and Scalvoris itself – feel alive, Kasoria!

That being said, I look forward to reading more about Max’ and Kasoria’s stay on Scalvoris.

Enjoy your rewards!

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