Sylvaine Luceran

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Sylvaine Luceran
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Sylvaine Luceran  [Approved CS]

Sylvaine Luceran


Race: Human
Age | DOB: 22 Arcs | 76th Trial of Ashan, Arc 701
Marks: None
Factions Joined: None
Fluent | Common
Broken | Rakahi


Sylvaine stands at 5’6” with a slender frame that holds soft features. Her face is framed by the fiery, red hair that cascades down her shoulders to the mid of her back. Her eyes are upturned and as blue as the sky that is above her home on the sunniest of trials. Her lips are full and often unpainted and left in their natural, pink color. A smattering of freckles dusts her face, adding a playful contrast to her otherwise serene expression. The peacefulness of her appearance makes Sylvaine quite approachable to even those of an anxious manner.

Last edited by Sylvaine Luceran on Mon Jun 19, 2023 5:33 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 125
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Sylvaine Luceran
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Sylvaine is a soft-natured person, valuing compassion and tenderness over any vicious manner. She is a very kind and empathetic person, often going out of her way for the comfort of others and lending a helping hand to anyone in need. However, her kindness is often taken for weakness, leading to many taking advantage of the young woman. This has caused Sylvaine to develop a lack of trust in people she doesn’t share a strong connection with. Newcomers into Sylvaine’s life are met with weariness.

She is also very organized and detail-oriented, which makes her great at planning and executing tasks. Though, she has to put extra effort into being heard due to her soft nature.

Likes: Helping others, being needed/wanted, nature, meditation
Dislikes: Arrogance, snobs, closed spaces
Quirks: When nervous or anxious, she will pace back and forth while digging her nails into her palm.


Sylvaine Luceran was born on a warm Ashan evening in Arc 701, inside a small cottage in Melrath. Her parents, Petyr and Kalleia Luceran welcomed their new baby girl into the world and promised to always love and value her. Her mother worked as a seamstress, while her father was a Ydalir Ranger.

Growing up, Sylvaine spent most of her time listening to stories about the spirits of the land from her mother and father. Her father being a Ydalir ranger, provided her with the best stories of the great Induk of Melrath and other spirits. Her interest in them would only grow larger from there. Aside from countless stories, she lived the life of a typical Melrathi child. Her time was spent with schooling, and learning the art of needlecraft from her mother.

During a cold Cylus day, Sylvaine sat at the foot of her mother’s bed, watching her lay there ill. Her mother had been ill for a few weeks and progressively worsened daily. This day, seemed to be the end. After breaks of taking care of her sick mother, she watched as the life safely faded from her body.
The hardship of watching her mother pass away left her devastated. A 14-year-old girl, left without a guiding mother to help her through her adolescence. She still had he father, which was something to be grateful for, but the connection between mother and daughter was unmatched. As time passed, the more time she spent grieving with her father, the closer they became. She was able to return to thinking about some of her own dreams and passions. Through her stories with her father, she learned of the art of Defiance, and how some of the rangers used it to deepen their connection to the spirits. She learned much from her father - including the current state of politics in Melrath and the difference between traditionalists and modernists in the city.

On her 20th birthday, her father gifted her with her mother’s favorite necklace and enough saved wealth for her to move out on her own into the city of Raelia. It was there that she could have more opportunities to learn about the world around her and form her own views. Although she was hesitant at first, she eventually gained the courage to leave home. Pursue politics, become more attuned to the spirits, learn magic - that was only the beginning of what she wanted to do. There would be plenty more to pursue.
Starter Quest
Sylvaine is enthralled by the tales of elemental mastery and communion of the Defiance mages, but it's quite another experience to see its consequences firsthand. Should she inform her father of her interest in pursuing the knowledge of Defiance, he will get a solemn look on his face. If pressed what his expression means, he will tell her the tale of Flayer's End, how a Defiance witch once drunk on her own power and the ether drained from the souls of the living, used her power to enact vengeance upon her just pursuers. She unleashed a power unlike any seen in recent history of Melrath, destroying an entire Lake, and cursing the earth upon which she burned into nothing.

He will sadly inform her that she's an adult, and can make her own decisions, but whatever happens, he asks that she be prepared to fight the temptation to subjugate the elemental spirits, rather than commune with them. He says no more of it, leaving her perhaps to wonder what or where this Flayer's End might be.
Last edited by Sylvaine Luceran on Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:28 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 753
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Sylvaine Luceran
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Re: Character Profile


*Updated in UCP


Wealth Tier: 5
Wealth Points: 66
Starting Package: City Dweller
Tier 7 Necklace: A gold necklace with variscite: A stunning blend of elegance and nature. The vivid green color of variscite is beautifully complemented by the radiant yellow gold. This necklace has been passed down from mother to daughter for many generations in Sylavaine's family. It marks the daughter’s true coming of age, when she finally sets out on her own.


Current City: Raelia, Melrath
Residence: Sylvaine lives within the walls of Raelia in Melrath. She lives in a simple three-room cottage with average-quality items for her wealth tier.

“At Tier 5 a PC lives on a budget. They will have multiples of necessary items such as kitchenware, dishes, and utensils, candles or lanterns and oil, a washing basin or tub and soap, as well as simple bedding such as a pillow, sheets, and blankets. They may have some basic gardening tools, as well as additional items which are unnecessary but common. Examples of additional items include simple toys for children, a journal and writing utensils, or a modest collection of books. All items are of average quality.”
word count: 200
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