Viden Calendar: Cold Cycle 722

Old calendars, sign ups etc. OOC threads which are no longer used.

Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:08 am
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Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Viden Calendar: Cold Cycle 722

Shortened version to get something out.

Event Types
Reward Moderated Open
this thread offers some kind of reward for pcs. This might be training or items. a thread run by a Viden mod! this is a plot point which is open for anyone to use.
Guest Storytelling
We really want to encourage Guest Storytelling on Viden. Any of the "Open" or "Reward" plots can be used as a story prompt by a GST - please simply PM a Viden mod and be assured that we will be VERY happy to help!

Specific Events

Vhalar: 123 Trials
Vhalar 1:
The first trial of a new Cycle sees Viden begin to prepare in earnest for the winter ahead. People start to check their stockpile, make sure that they are ready to be snowed in for some time. In the Fortress, survival equipment is sold at a reduced rate to ensure that everyone is able to access it. Reward Survival gear and cold-weather gear can be accessed as though you were 2 Tiers above your usual Wealth Tier.

Vhalar 10
The Rangers are very visible during this time - they visit the Fortress for Synnefa, as it is the last celebration they can attend before they have to focus on the harsh weather ahead. They also take the opportunity to try and recruit more people. Open

Vhalar 11-17:
Synnefa - The stars often shine the brightest on the darkest trials and nights to descend upon Viden. The nature of the Northern Region means that the city enjoys exceptionally long days during the summer seasons. Still, it comes at a price: the winter brings very little natural daylight, and some days, the city will be greeted only by starlight to guide their way. For this, Viden holds a celebration named in honour of the Immortal of Stars, to thank Xiur most fervently, and hold banquets in his honour. The festival is an offering to him, as the Hot Cycle ends and the coldest and darkest days approach. The 11th trial of Vhalar sees the beginning of the celebrations, which last for six trials. Again, the city comes ablaze with fire, this time celebrating the light with which the Immortal of Stars blesses the citizens.Open

Vhalar 24th
The Academy announces a new programme of "Continuing Education". They will be running practical classes on non-academic topics from Basketweaving to Sculpting. This initiative will start on the 10th Zi'da and they call for people to come forward as experts. Anyone who does so will be given mentoring in how to teach and will be assigned a space and place for their classes next season. Open ~ classes will be available throughout Zi'da.

Vhalar 32nd
Throughout this trial, people across Viden - both the Fortress and outside - report seeing a ghostly figure of a man riding a horse. He doesn't interact with anyone, but he leaves a deathly chill in his wake. Open

Vhalar 50th
Temperatures plummet overnight and scientists predict that winter has come early - and hard. All signs are that this is going to be a long and difficult season and the phrase "Winter Is Coming" takes on an overtone of dread. A few people start to panic that this will be an "Everwinter" and there are scattered incidents of people standing at street corners and professing that the End Is Nigh. Authorities deal with this quickly, but it's still festering.Open

Vhalar 64th
In the Fortress, people awaken to discover that one of the grain stores has been sabotaged and the grain in it spoiled. Despite the Authorities best efforts, no trace is found of who did it or why. A rare public appeal is sent out, asking people who may have useful skills to help. Reward : PM Peg before starting this, for plot notes!

Vhalar 82nd
Viden is in the grip of a full on winter, and one of the worse it's seen for a long time. A large contingent of slaves are brought in from elsewhere in order to make sure that the fires are kept lit and the streets warm. Open

Vhalar 95th
A carefully controlled slave market is held as people historically want to purchase slaves at this time of the arc to prepare for winter. Each slave has papers, etc, and any purchaser must sign to say that they understand the laws of Viden regarding slaves (these are displayed and a copy is given to each purchaser). There are some protests - albeit small in nature - about whether slavery should be legal still, but these are very much a minority and most people see it as perfectly acceptable. Open

Vhalar 103rd
A second grain store is sabotaged and a few shops in the Fortress are defaced / vandalised. The words "Fated Reality Army" is painted on doors and windows are broken. Whoever is doing this is obviously very talented at not being caught! Open

Vhalar 105th
There is a growing sense of panic among the populace as, each night, a new piece of graffiti with the words "Fated Reality Army" appears. A public announcement is put out that people should not panic as Viden has more than enough resources to see through the winter and to ensure that these terrorists (that's the word used) will be brought to justice. Open

Vhalar 122nd
The Academy hosts a celebration in preparation for it's "Community Education" programme launch. Mulled wine and hot food are provided and it's a chance to rub shoulders with the Viden Nobility. Open
Zi'da: 93 Trials
Zida 1:
Sofíthia - Despite the almost fanatical loyalty to Yvithia, they do not often worship her in the traditional sense. Those loyal to her seek her favor almost entirely through the learning of new knowledge. On the first trial of Zi'da each year, the city comes to a standstill. The doors of the libraries and universities close, and everyone, even slaves, are invited to abandon work and enjoy the festivities. After libations are offered to the Immortal of Intelligence, there is a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturns the social norms of the city: gambling is permitted, and slaves may dine beside their masters. Bonfires are lit throughout the city, wasting precious fuel for the sake of frivolity, which symbolizes the quest for knowledge and truth.

Zi'da 7th
Viden is in the grips of one of the worst winters they've seen. Even in the Fortress, living is more difficult. Outside, the temperatures are such that the hottest part of the day sees temperatures so cold that they would kill you within minutes. Open

Zi'da 10th
The Community Education Project opens with a party - there are classes in all sorts and to-trial people sign up and get started! Open

Zi'da 19th
The skies above Viden glow all sorts of strange colours to-trial. The aurora in the sky is seen to be both very vivid and changing shape. This is odd in itself, and made more so by the fact that people report seeing strange faces and figures in there. Open

Zi'da 30th
Across the Fortress, there are reports of people passing out. When they wake up, they are confused and have trouble communicating - often getting words totally mixed up. This virus spreads quickly - anyone with medical training is asked to help out. Open

Zi'da 32nd
In an attempt to slow the spread of this "aphasia virus", people are required to stay at home. For those who are given special dispensation to travel (medical people, politicians, etc) - the streets of Viden are silent. Open

Zi'da 40th
With the enforced lock-down ending, people emerge and life resumes. Open

Zi'da 56th
A concert is held in the Fortress, celebrating Videnese culture. Children sing in choirs and solo performances and there's a chance for anyone to either join the audience or to perform Open

Zi'da 57th
During the concert last night, several smiths and jewellers were broken into. Metal was stolen, windows broken, money taken and the "Fated Reality Army" logo painted. Open

Zi'da 70th
Temperatures continue to plummet and the Rangers report that the number of deaths in outlying areas is much higher than in usual years. Even inside the Fortress, the elderly and vulnerable are in danger. Open

Zi'da 81st
The ghostly horseman makes another appearance - but this time he has company. He is seen, atop his horse holding a long lead. Behind him walk half a dozen ghostly slaves. None of them interact with anyone, but a woman in her late 30s dies when the ghost walks through her. Open

Zi'da 90th
With Viden in a frozen prison, temperatures lower than they've ever been, and a reduced grain store due to internal terrorism, there's a sense of fear over what the new Cycle holds and concern for how things will be as the darkness of Cylus descends. Citizens gather in the streets to pray to Yvithia Open
word count: 1507
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Family visiting. Send help!

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