Rebirth Cycle Calendar

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Prophet of Old
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Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


Rebirth Cycle Calendar

Rebirth Cycle Calendar 720: Viden

Weather: 1st: With the darkness the ice of the city gets worse making the stones extremely slick and easy to slip on

13th: a freezing rain storm hits the city making the ice on the "roads" worse and harder to move around on

28th-30th: a fog rolls in early in the morning breaks; it lasts until the end of the cycle

1st: Beginning of the cycle everything seems calm now that the war beyond the Viden boarders has quieted down

4th: Anagennisi: Celebration of Treid allowing the sun to return. Also about "Rebirth" and the continued hope that Treid will be revived

10th: Herds of the local wildlife are moving around the city boundaries, it makes hunting much easier than usual for the Rebirth cycle

18th: the darkness of the city makes it hard for the guards to keep the peace. Several frozen bodies are found with large jagged cuts all over their bodies. A call for help is issued by the head captain. They want the thread to be destroyed quickly to bring peace once again.

30th: the end of Cylus has arrived with the end of a fog that seemed endless


Weather: 1st: with the sun out the ice begins to thaw out some or what is normal for Viden

13th: After the festival snow begins to fall very softly as if the Immortal is celebrating

25th - 31st: a fog rolls in over the city. it is light at first before getting thicker as time goes on. it lasts for six trials before fading away

60th: the sun shines brightly all day long without a hint of a cloud any where in sight

1st: With the start of Ashan the sun shines and begins to start melting some of the ice around the city.

10th: a pack of timber wolves can be heard howling outside of the city mid-day. the citizens are encouraged to stay within the city boundaries until the pack moves on their way

12th: Kryoma: when spring returns, and Ziell returns to the northern region, passing through Viden around the 12th day of Ashan, the citizens of the city leave their homes and venture out into the freezing streets to welcome him home. For this day, which can vary each arc, depending on the immortal's movements, all are there to congratulate Ziell on a successful winter cycle for the rest of Idalos, and to thank him for keeping them humble and reminding them of the hardships of living. It is a relatively subdued festival with far less exuberance than those for Xiur and Yvithia, but it suits the immortal of peace and winter well

20th: The Rehsarkan are in full blown mating season. The adverse weather of Cylus seems to have not bothered them in the least

30th: Trader ships come into port and word spreads that they contain items never seen in Viden. There are several items advertized to have magical properties to them. (A roll on discord with a mod present will determine what of the ten items you find. Please note that some could be fakes among the real items)

60th: With the help of a citizen the previous cycle, the Frezana flower has been found. There are all kinds of rumors about its abilities, but no proof. Several are brought back to the academy for study. Upon the discovery many older citizens keep their grandchildren far from the retched flowers as if something darker were involved with them

80th: A somber feeling has been settled over the city since the expedition to bring the flowers back was a success.

123rd: The last day of the cycle, the city prepares itself for the "Hot" cycle to begin

word count: 627

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