• Mature • [Venora] Memory: Balls Aren't for Me.


The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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[Venora] Memory: Balls Aren't for Me.

Arc 712 | Ymiden

Dazzling under the light of the crystal chandeliers, the metallic sheen of vibrantly coloured dresses glimmered in the dim reflection of House Venora's marble floors. Visiting from her home in the wilderness of Burhan, Lorena would have been excited at the prospect of a party if there was more to keep her entertained. Of the Venora family she knew, the boys' company was somewhat grim and the heir of the house despite his arrangement to marry her cousin had always made the lady uncomfortable. His little brother equally so and their Grandma, Lady Ebony never failed to watch her like a hawk. It appeared that her reputation proceeded her. Known as the more spirited of the families, she among all of the Burhan house was known to be the most rambunctious.

Adorned in her favourite pink gown, the girl had sought to at least try to impress the heads of the Venora household. After all, it was a social gathering held to honour the trade between the families and everyone knew how much the Venora family liked to throw parties. Conversation over the breaks had also began to lack, there was only so much she could take of randy middle aged men and clucky, obnoxious old hags. Anxious to escape the Burhan girl inconspicuously crept her way toward the table to grab some of the punch from the neatly laid table blocking the corner, she shouldn't have been having any of course due to the mild amount of alcohol it contained. It had however slipped passed most people's noses, which for the most part had made her life much less boring.

"Would you care to dance my lady?" the voice of a handsome young man, dapper in pink and silver offered his white gloved hand. Pointedly turning to the individual she gave him a puzzled expression and bit her lip, if not for their amazing bodies and finely chosen brides Lorena might have thought the Venora family a tad queer. Their choice of decor was flawless with beautiful rose garlands draped across the walls, accentuating the stain glassed windows. Even the table was a picture of awe, neatly laid with cloths of the finest embroidery she had ever seen. Accompanied arrangement of flowers around the generous and somewhat over extravagant arrangements of food, She could even see her reflection in the silverware!

"What do I get out of it?" Lorena asked, the edge of her mouth lifting into a coy smile. Not very well versed in the way of wooing, the girl had watched others before her and wondered if coaxing them toward you was a better way to seduce them than just going for it.

"My time," he replied curtly, his emerald eyes fixed upon as he stepped toward her "and maybe more." Having worked a little to well, Lorena was taken aback by his forwardness and bumped into the side of the table.

"Sorry... sir," she hesitated, placing a hand to his chest to ease some distance between them "Would you please excuse me? I think I need fresh air." Breaking away from the fierceness of his stare, she averted her eyes toward the floor.

"Very well," he replied with a confused smile, noting her reaction to him. Pursuing her in such a public place would be an offence and although he was a man, had no power over her in the presence of many. He finally let her go and she ran, longing for the touch of fresh air against her flushed cheeks.

Rumour had it that the Venora gardens were a sight to see, at least amongst the flowers she wouldn't have to feign enjoying dull conversation focused around the political woes of the aged. Rushing past the elegantly carved hedges, she could not help but slow to admire the sculpted works of over five Venoran generations. Pace by pace taking in the marvel until she finally stood at the base of a fountain, exhausted of breath. Heels were not the the finest choice of footwear to run in.
Last edited by Lorena on Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 680
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Tristan Venora
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[Venora] Memory: Balls Aren't for Me.

Tristan absolutely loved parties – just not the kind of parties that his grandmother arranged. The food was excellent, of course, but the music was the wrong kind and the guests were all so boring that he was tempted to just try and drop dead to end his suffering. On top of that, his grandmother had insisted that he wear pink – the color of their House. He’d asked her why it had to be pink, why she couldn’t just change the House color to something bearable like red, but she had told him that it had always been that way and that he should respect tradition, and that had been it. So he had gone with the least amount of pink he thought he could get away with and put on a white suit with a pink cravat. And if the old woman complained that his outfit was unacceptable and that he needed to get changed into something pinker, he would just get undressed right there and give her a heart attack!

"Would you care for something to drink, my lord?" one of the slaves, dressed in pink of course, asked him and presented a tray with shimmering crystal glasses filled with a red drink to him. Tristan grabbed a glass, immediately drained it and put it back, sighing as he did so. There had been too little alcohol in the drink. He was just about to grab the bottle in the center of the tray when he heard an unfortunately quite familiar voice behind him. "Lord Venora! Here you are!" His heart stopped for a moment as he turned around, and his eyes widened. He opened his mouth, but no words came out, so great was his shock. It was her!

Her name was Anya, and she came from a minor branch of a noble family, he didn’t know which one and didn’t care to find out either. She was about twenty, over six feet tall, sixty pounds overweight and had a large wart on her nose and hair that was so blonde that she looked as if she didn’t have any eyebrows. In her flowing, pale pink and completely unflattering dress she reminded him of a beached whale, and she had pursued him relentlessly since the party had started. She had set her mind on marrying a pretty Venora and thought he would be an easier target than his cousins Alistair and Andráska.

"No, I’m not here!" he insisted and looked for somebody or something that was big enough to hide behind. "You are mistaken! Lord Venora is over there!" He pointed in a random direction, but Lady Anya was not so easily deceived. "You are so funny, Lord Venora! Would you like to dance with me?" she asked him. Tristan raised his hands defensively and backed away until he hit the wall with his back. "You know that I’m practically underage, right?" he tried, but she only laughed. "You are seventeen, aren’t you? That’s old enough to get married and certainly old enough to dance. If you don’t dance with me …"

"Fine", Tristan interrupted her. "I’ll dance with you. But I need to use the bathroom first. It’s really urgent! Wait right here for me!" He tried to smile at her, but failed miserably. She narrowed her eyes and informed him, "No, I think I’ll walk with you and wait for in front of the door." Tristan was horrified as he heard that and even more horrified as she extended her arm. Since she was much taller and heavier than him and was likely able to overpower him, he had no choice but to take it and walk to the bathroom with her. Maybe he’d be able to buy some time in there and fake diarrhea or something equally unpleasant that would make her not want to dance with him anymore …

With that thought in mind he disappeared behind the bathroom door as if a whole army of bloodthirsty mutated mages were chasing him and slammed it shut. It was then that he noticed the window. Would it be big enough? He opened it and stuck his head out. Yes, he would probably be able to fit through it. He looked around to make sure that nobody was watching, climbed through the window – and jumped.

He landed in a bush a few meters behind the fountain where Lorena was standing. For a moment he just sat there, rubbing his sore behind. "Ouch!" he murmured as he stood up, removed a twig from his hair and looked around. As his gaze fell on Lorena, his eyes widened for the second time in a handful of bits, but then he just grinned at her and greeted her, as if men jumping out of windows were an everyday occurrence in Venora, "Hello! Isn’t the weather nice today?" He strolled over to her and informed her nonchalantly, "I was bored of always using the door, so I tried the window this time. It was fun. So what’s up?"
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[Venora] Memory: Balls Aren't for Me.

A wistful breeze blew over the extravagant garden and Lorena had rejuvenated her composure. She felt like she were in a fairly tale as the pleasant aromas of the flowers filled her senses with a gentle warmth, what she have given to have a garden as grand as this one. That thought shattered by the sound of breaking glass, she turned and silently stood waiting for the villain who boldly took an exit from the Venora's house window to unveil himself. He did and handsome he was. In front of her stood a tall, thin man with dark features, clad in a silver suit and a pink collar. A Venora? he looked the part.

"Quite," she agreed, folding one hand over the other. Pedigree meant something to the people in this household and although charming she refrained to make herself look like a fool by pertaining to like small conversation.

"Tristan!" a voice followed his speech and she turned to look to see a finely dressed and rather chubby individual fuming at him behind broken glass, was that why he was running? She almost looked like she was crying. Guilty for the girl Lorena sympathised, no woman liked to be rejected and much less run away from... even if she could understand the boy's reasoning.

Old coot Ebony was quick to follow, the wretched old bag. Lorena could not help but then feel sorry for the young man that stood before her and took it upon herself to help him. Upholding the utmost grace she tread toward him, heart pounding in her chest as she played the part and took his hand "You owe me one," she breathed, lifting onto her tip-toes to press a light, tender kiss to his rose laden lips for those at the window to see.
word count: 303
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Tristan Venora
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[Venora] Memory: Balls Aren't for Me.

"Tristan!" he heard the nightmare in pink call out to him and made the mistake of looking up, towards the window where she stood. Their eyes met for a moment, and then the young nobleman abruptly pulled his gaze away. How dare she cry and make him feel guilty! She was ugly, she was rude and she was creepy, stalking him like that. Why, the other trial she had her slave bring him a bunch of flowers. The poor guy had been forced to recite a cringe-worthy poem in which she had proclaimed her eternal love for him!

"Tristan!" he heard another unfortunately very, very familiar voice and froze. All color drained from his face. Gone was the cheerfulness. His heart seemed to stop for a moment, and he could barely breathe. He desperately wished that he were able to become invisible. Couldn’t arcanists do that? Why hadn’t he learned arcana instead of sculpting? Granny Ebony would punish him severely, she would hurt him, she would whip him like she whipped her slaves – unless he quickly found a way out. "Save me!" he pleaded with the girl (who happened to be very pretty, which definitely didn’t hurt).

Fortunately she did just that. As she came closer and placed a tender kiss on his lips, the young man instinctively put his arms around her and returned the kiss before he looked up to the window again and winked at the two women who were still standing there. Lady Anya’s face was a brilliant shade of red, as if she were about to explode. Granny Ebony on the other hand just looked shocked which made him wonder who exactly he had kissed.

He let go of Lorena and gave her a sign to walk with him, as if they were two young lovers that were desperate for some time alone. Hopefully Lady Anya and Granny Ebony wouldn’t follow. He really didn’t want to see them for a while. Surely his grandmother was too old to chase him?

"Thank you", he said honestly. "You might just have saved my life. That woman is terrible. If there’s anything I can do for you apart from kissing you again which I wouldn’t mind at all by the way, just let me know." He paused for a moment and grinned slightly. His good mood had returned. "To whom do I owe this pleasant and very unexpected rescue?"
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[Venora] Memory: Balls Aren't for Me.

Lips against wretched lips she could not help feel intoxicated in Tristan's allure, her instincts naturally drawing her closer into their embrace until the facade came to an end and they parted. Quiet in the presence of everything that conspired around them, Lorena was content watching the boy's misery with his family, it was rare to find another who shared the same pains that she went through. "Lady Lorena Burhan," she finally replied, awkwardly curtsying with a coy smile "and you must be called Tristan Venora."

Saving a boy from a heffalump was all in a days work, she was sure that the larger girl probably meant well toward the boy but as much as she wished she were a better person, vanity got the best of Lorena. "For each kiss you owe me a little bit more," she muttered, lowering her head to the ground as the soft flush of rose entered her olive cheeks "unless you would be happy to be indebted to me?"

If there was something another person wanted never do it for free, at least that is the advice her grandmother gave her which in her mind made a lot more sense than whatever nonsense came from her mother's mouth. Twirling freely along the pavement, Lorena was unable to refrain giggling at the boy as she boldly closed the space between them and lightly touched his hand in a gesture to take it. Lorena was not void of love, she had for a long time had feelings for a boy much older than her... but he was older and although they shared a special bond the young Burhan often felt lonely and like him, trailed on a path to self destruction. It was nice to flirt with a boy her age, even if he were a little strange.

"Between you and me. I think we could be so much worse," she said, lifting onto her toes to press a light kiss against his cheek. Up close like this she could smell the perfumed scent of roses on his clothes, the intensity of his eyes churning a knot in her stomach that she struggled to rid of "...if you want to be."
Last edited by Lorena on Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 369
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[Venora] Memory: Balls Aren't for Me.

“Oh“, Tristan made as his mysterious saviour told him that her name was Lorena Burhan and laughed out loud because he definitely had not expected to hear that. “That explains why Grandmother Ebony looked at me so strangely when we kissed. I wonder if she was angry or happy about it though. With her, you can never tell for sure. She might try to lock me up for the rest of my trials – in which case I’ll just jump through the window again and run – or she might already be planning a wedding.“ He frowned a little as he said that, but smiled again a moment later. Surely Grandmother Ebony would not do that – or would she?

“Being indebted to another person has never been so appealing“, he informed her and made a step towards her again so that they were standing very close to each other. Unlike Lorena he didn’t blush at all, nor was he being shy. On the contrary, he was completely in his element – or so he preferred to think. There was no better distraction from his family problems than a girl with beautiful brown eyes in his opinion. “I’d happily play the part of your servant or your slave if it meant that I would get to kiss you again. How much would I owe …“ he began, but broke off abruptly as she touched his hand.

He hesitated for a moment before he wrapped his fingers around hers. Her skin was warm and soft, and she smelled so much better than Lady Anya who had probably jumped into a bath tub filled with obnoxious perfume fully clothed and rolled around in it. As she kissed his cheek, his eyes widened slightly, but a moment later he whispered in her ear, grinning slightly as he did so, “Shall we go somewhere where they won’t be able to find us? I’m just not into balls, I’m afraid, neither into those where you dance nor those that are attached to a man, and I would rather not go back again. There’s a gazebo in the garden where I go when I’m tired of it all. I think I still have some wine and sweets hidden nearby.“

“Or we could steal a horse, ride away and experience an adventure that neither of us will ever forget. What do you say, Lorena Burhan? Would you give me permission to steal you away?“
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[Venora] Memory: Balls Aren't for Me.

Unguarded Lorena released a shallow breath as she became enraptured by the promise of running away into a corner of their own world, without politics or rules. Each honey whispered word made her heart beat a little faster. "Permission granted," she whispered the soft spoken words into his ear "I'd like to run away." Lorena pressed for another kiss and for those brief tender moments, she existed in his touch.

Withdrawing for breath Lorena's dark Burhan eyes trained on the elegance of the Venora boy whose body was pressed so close against her. Heat rose through her body and the colour of cheeks darkened into a rose red. She reminded herself that she couldn't indulge Tristan too much, at least not yet. "I wouldn't worry about your Grandmother," the sweetness in her voice turned sour "Nobody in the seven nations wants their son to marry me, I'm too wild." At least that was what her mother had told her, that no man would ever fall in love with her. Vaughn , her heart cried out as the images of the older man's face entered her mind, haunting her even in the moments they weren't together.

Shaking her head Lorena caught herself in the act of drifting into a sullen daydream. No, I'm with Tristan right now. For all his graces, Vaughn was not there. "Pardon me," the young woman said, squeezing his hand and beaming with an impish smile "the woes of the shrivelled are far too boring for my liking."
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[Venora] Memory: Balls Aren't for Me.

He could definitely get used to this, Tristan decided. As Lorena pressed for another kiss, he didn’t hesitate, but wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. For a moment the world around them ceased to exist. He forgot his grandmother, the terrible Lady Anya and Aunt Willow who was probably plotting and scheming again and generally being a nuisance. The only thing that mattered, the only thing that really existed, was that girl next to him.

“Oh, I don’t know. I like wild girls”, he informed Lorena as she told him that nobody in the seven nations wanted their son to marry her and grinned. “And I won’t ask my mother or my grandmother for permission when I want to get married or wait for them to pick a wife for me. I’ll marry who I want, on my terms. There’s nothing worse than being stuck with a dull and arrogant noble girl in my opinion – and that’s who my grandmother will choose if I leave it up to her, like a good little noble.”

“You are right. That’s boring”,
he agreed with her on the topic of shriveled things and shriveled people and briefly let go of her before he took her hand and attempted to pull her along. “Let’s do something fun instead!” She wanted to run away with him, at least for a while, so he decided to lead her to the stables where his grandmother’s prized horses were, laughing as he did so because he hadn’t had so much fun in a long time.

He looked left and right to make sure that nobody had followed them before he opened the door, slowly so that it would not make a sound and ushered Lorena inside. It was nearly dark there, and it smelled of fresh hay. A few of the horses neighed, confused and perhaps mildly alarmed by the sudden interruption. “There’s this beautiful black mare that I always wanted to ride, but grandmother never let me. I’m not sure if she was more worried about me or the horse. I think I’ll borrow her tonight”, he informed Lorena before he retrieved the horse from its box and saddled it.

“This”, he said, self-confident as always, and extended his hand to help her climb onto the horse’s back – if she needed help. “Will be a night you’ll remember for the rest of your life, Lorena Burhan.”
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[Venora] Memory: Balls Aren't for Me.


Acting: Pretending to be a pair of young lovers
Cosmetology: Pink isn't for everybody
Deception: Lord Venora is over there!
Persuasion: Save me!
Persuasion: Let me steal you away
Politics: Wear the colour of your House!
Running: Running from an unwelcome suitor
Seduction: Wild girls are great!
Stealth: Looking for something to hide behind

Lorena Burhan: I kissed her

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: Small (+10)

Points 15

Comments: I'm not going to lie, it was mildly shocking to see Tristan acting so . . . well, affectionate towards... Lorena. I never knew they had something, even if it were for a brief time! He was so gallant and romantic; very odd to read him like this, though he played the charming Venoran prince very well!

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Re: [Venora] Memory: Balls Aren't for Me.

Lorena Burham
Acting: Pretending to be in Love
Etiquette: Avoiding Awkward Conversation
House Venora: Rose Family Crest
Negotiation: An offer isn't always desirable
Negotiation: Trading Favours
Psychology: Men are less attracted to larger women
Seduction: Teasing
Seduction: There is warmth in embrace
Stealth: Sneak past while others are distracted.
+5 for kissing a Venoran heir in front of his grandmother!
15 (solo/collaboration; this was a collaboration)
Couple word mix-ups but otherwise grammatically sound. Lorena is so forward! It was a very cute little noble thread; it's a shame it didn't get to be finished.
Please edit your grade request.

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