A party full of faceless men (Yndira)

70th of Zi'da 718

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A party full of faceless men (Yndira)

70th Zi'da, Arc 718
The room was busy with chatter and music as the the quartet on a raised stage played in the background of the party. The event was like many of the noble parties Xander had attended, except not. He didn't recognise anyone in the room and nor did they seem to even notice him. It was like he was surrounded by an army of strangers too busy with their conversations to acknowledge his presence. It was a strange feeling as the wolf walked further into the room, scanning the blank and unrecognisable faces around him.

His purpose was unclear but he felt like he had one, he always had something he needed to do at parties, as a Lord he had duties of course. Then again the idea that his parents would have given him any felt unlikely, perhaps it had something to do with freeing Krome after all that was his dream. Badon had taught him to always have a goal, something to further his cause and he would be determined to do that if only he could find what he was looking for within the crowds. And that was when he saw her, the woman moving between the clusters of conversing people.

The woman's face was obscured from him but her petite figure was familiar and her hair fell in a way that reminded him of someone although he was doubtful he had met this woman before. Perhaps she had been at some other party, his parents had thrown an unecessarily large amount these days. Much to his frustration, it was a waste of money his house didn't have but he had to do his best to make the most of the opportunity.

So as he stood their he tracked her path across the room. Following her movements the noble set a path of intercept one that would have them meet by a window looking out onto the snowy front driveway of the Northern Krome house. The winters were long, dark and cold in the north of Krome but in this party it was hot almost too hot. Xander felt uncomfortable surrounded by all the foreign faces and the fire roaring in the fire place only added to the feeling of being inside a cramped furnace.

Still eventually he made it to the point where he would meet with the woman and offered a smile as she approached, happy with his job of plotting the course through the party. "Good evening." He looked at her, ready to finally see the face of the woman, not expecting to see what it was that looked up at him from behind the dark locks.
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Re: A party full of faceless men (Yndira)

A party. Parties were calming in that no one would ever know. Or rather, people would prefer not to know. Because what they cared about was talking about themselves. She could see that now, as the man with no face continue to ramble about something she couldn't understand. The Naer simply nodded where she thought appropriate, falling back on old habits. Or, well, not too old considering she still did it quite often. She rewarded him with a smile and followed suit in the laughter of the mash of faces around her.


She drifted away from that particular cluster to find someone worthwhile. Someone that would at least evoke some sort of interest. Maybe they would be worth eating when they'd run their course of entertainment. Glass in hand, she slithered her way through the pockets of people coupled or huddled together in superficial conversation. There was one voice louder than the other - probably do exactly what it did - that drew her attention. The man stuck close to the fireplace, nearly draped over it. But still a blob of a face. At least she could partly make out what he was trying to say with his ridiculous accent and overly delayed speech.

It was only a sip of her drink that she could endure before she had to move on. Boring. Perhaps he was getting tired of this kind of life. Dull, stimulated only by the material items she could be given and what could fill her gut. It might have been that trial in The Buried Bat that did it. Or working for Nightshade. Her nose wrinkled in disgust, and she took another sip of her drink to get the bitter tang of change from her mouth.

Weaving her way through to find a spot to sulk in silence, he was confronted with someone greeting her. But it was a voice she knew. Familiarity tugged at the back of her mind as she turned to look up at the face the voice belonged to. It wasn't an immediate recall, eyes widening slightly when she did. "Lord Krome." It was relief that colored her tone. For one, he'd proven to be interesting when last they met. And two, she could make out who he was and that seemed to mean something here. "Been long time."
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Re: A party full of faceless men (Yndira)

Yndira, a woman he hadn't expected to see again, it felt like arcs since they had last encountered although it was sure it must only have been a few seasons. The Lord did feel older though, then again he got older every trial. Bowing in a well practised manner the Lord took her hand and placed a kiss on the knuckles, a silly tradition but one he would observe at such a large party. Important people were likely watching from among the faceless men, in a position like his he was subject to constant judgement. "Indeed, it has been some time Miss, I must say I am quite happy to see you." His smile was genuine as he released her hand and stood straight once again.

"I hadn't expected to see you again, I thought maybe you would have found yourself a husband among one of the esteemed guests at the parties the nobility like to throw." He laughed, a sound that for some reason felt and sounded strange as if he hadn't done it in some time or perhaps he hadn't truly made the sound himself. A strange feeling pulled at the back of his mind, some memory trying to break through into his conscious mind although he couldn't quite place his finger on what it was. The entire situation felt odd as if something wasn't quite right, he briefly looked to the faceless men around once again before refocusing on Yndira.

Clearing his throat he spoke again. "Might I interest you in finding somewhere less crowded, a little less warm even." He gestured towards the doors over the other side of the room although to get there they would have to find there way across a dance floor. "Please?" He offered a hand to lead her into a simple dance, he only knew the basics of dancing the few things he had been taught in his noble education. Still he moved more gracefully than he remembered having done in the past not that he remembered having danced with anyone in the past or had it been in teh future? The thought confused him and so he dismissed it.

Dancing was certainly a quicker way across the dancefloor than it would have been trying to squeeze between the often crossing paths of the unknown partners. "So Yndira, what brings you to this party this cold trial?" He found himself strangely lacking the need to focus on his feet, as if he wasn't in control of them and they moved without need for his guidance. "Could it be that you were looking to escape the cold and loneliness of an empty home or are you seeking something else?"

Xander was a perceptive man, he had noticed her interest in knowledge about nobility during their last conversation. He wondered if maybe she was searching for more and he had never uncovered her motives last time. Still the woman intrigued him and the rest of the party did not seem interested in him, maybe they were meant to talk for a reason.
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Re: A party full of faceless men (Yndira)

Polite as ever, was he. Yndira appreciated that. It felt as though the people she'd interacted with recently didn't have the manners of a noble, and thus she found their company as lacking as the men of this party. There was something about his remark on her marrying that left a bitter taste at the back of her mouth, but she wasn't so sure what about it caused such a reaction. Instead, she smiled and laughed through it. "Could say same for you." Another laugh, though this one felt hollow to her, much like his own had been. Had he been married? She didn't remember asking him the first time they met. Maybe she had and had merely forgotten. There was a beat as her smile dipped, but then it was back as she forewent pursuing the idea of what she knew and didn't; she'd find out later on.

There had been a certain appeal that Yndira had noticed the first time she'd met the Krome man. Serious, but good-natured. Foolish, maybe. His invitation to find isolation was like a repeat of their first meeting, bringing some genuine pleasure to her smile. Even with the small entreaty tacked on a trill later, she would have said yes regardless. Giving him a small nod, she took his proffered hand. Dancing across the floor, they moved from the throng of people to quieter spot. This was nice, gentle. Something in it, once more, brought forth something she couldn't quite place. Agitation? Dissatisfaction? Once more, she let it go.

What brought her here was indeed a question. She couldn't remember, not past the soft tug of perpetual hunger she experienced. Maybe that was it. She inclined her head, following his footsteps with an ease that wasn't too much like her. She didn't dance. Not like this.

Her shrug was half-hearted. "Something else." It wasn't smart to divulge her dietary habits. She'd learned of that arcs ago, a distant warning from her father in the back of her mind. They'd kill you if they knew. So she never said a word about it. Her father was more a monster than she, but sometimes he'd say things that made sense. But thinking about him further would spoil her mood, so it was one more thing she was going to pretend didn't exist in the moment. "See you still no like parties."

"What has wolf been doing these trials?" She had, since their meeting, considered what the status of House Krome was like. General talk had not been good, but word of mouth was a tricky thing at best. Always good to hear it from the source. But something in her didn't really care about it as much as she had before. Something like concern crossed her expression, but was fleeting. "How you?"
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Re: A party full of faceless men (Yndira)

"No, parties are still of little interest to me. However, I still manage to find myself at them without a choice." The nobleman shrugged himself now as he smiled and removed them from the dancefloor and through the doors that seperated the hall from the lobby of the house. The stairs that ascended both sides of the room familiar as always, his younger self among some of the family portraits scattered around on the walls.

Taking a seat at the bottom of the stairs he looked at Yndira with an expression he had practised much when it came to blending in with noble society. "In truth my lady things have been quite slow in my life, a blur of unnecessary parties and unfortunate incidents." That sounded about right from what he remembered of hazy unclear memories that he wasn't sure he truly had. An altered history for him developed by the dreamscape and out of his control. "But I am well, healthy and doing my best as always." The Lord ran his hand over the banister feeling the marks and notches in the wood.

Letting out a sigh he tapped next to him with his other hand and raised an eyebrow in thought. "Please take a seat, cool off, its not as hot in here after all." It was true the lobby wasn't as sauna like as the hall, the temperature was much more pleasant. "You intrigue me Yndira, while we have only met a few times you seem to have solidified yourself in my memory." Xander scratched his chin and offered a half smile before turning himself to face her more. "Perhaps its the secrets you keep, it reminds me of myself."

"Tell me Yndira, what is it you want from me?" In contrast to their last session of questions this was more to the point, perhaps part of the waking Xander pushing their was through to the subconscious version of himself here. "Nobody shows interest in me unless they want something." Living as the son of his parents had been the perfect proof of this as he was ignored until they needed to use him for something.

The young wolf was interested to see what the woman had to say, his eyes meeting hers the piercing blue a little softer here than usual as he placed his hand comfortably on the step between them. "Forgive my curiosity, if I am being rude you are under no obligation to answer." Looking down and chuckling he continued. "Sometimes I forget my manners."
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Re: A party full of faceless men (Yndira)

Unfortunate incidents? The Naer wondered what that could be about. She could not recall hearing of anything too important since they’d last met. But it was forgotten as he pressed on, declaring himself well. Which was all for the best, she supposed. Can’t have them dwelling on nasty things at a party. Not the finest, but a party no less. “Is good.” Not much more she could say of it.

She was quite glad for the compliment - she wasn’t entirely sure if that was what it was, but she’d take it - as she took a seat beside him. Intriguing people was something Yndira strove for, after all. But likening her to him was something else. Her smile was small, soft. Oh, the secrets she hid. Xander might be repulsed if he knew. Wasn’t everyone when they found out? Not that they could speak on it; hard to do that when you’re dead.

But Xander’s directness was something to be admired. No beating around the bush. What did she want from him? That was like asking what a fox wanted from a hare, or a bird from a worm. But honesty to that degree would win her no points. Her brows furrowed, a mimicking of a pensive expression. “What do I want? Do I need to want anything? I’m quite spoiled enough as it is; don’t make it worse.” Her Common was a lot clearer, just as the jest in her tone was.

“It’s understandable, Lord Krome. You’ve assets and connections that many people would want to manipulate, but I have no need for that. I’m quite content where I am. If anything, I seek only to know you.” Oh, but he was a pretty one. Hard to miss with those nice blue eyes of his. She turned away a moment, looking in through the doorway at the party. It was like they’d been silenced by their departure, but continued moving. Actors in the background of a play.

Yndira turned her attention back to the man beside her, smile something different. Almost mischievious, but mostly with the glint of a child willing to divulge some information. She leaned in slightly, voice dropping to a whisper. “Do you really want to know my secret?” No need to specify which one, or how many there might be.
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Re: A party full of faceless men (Yndira)

Xander smiled and shook his head, letting out a camling sigh as she lloked away from him and through to the party. His eyes remained fixed on her, even as someone moved in the corner of his eye. Ignoring what he thought was the waving of a long flowing white dress in his peripheral vision he remained focused on the conversation the sound of the party distant and impossible to focus on.

As Yndira turned back to face him he too leaned in in anticipation, a half smile on his lips while he slipped his hand closer too her eventually resting it on her hip. "You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." The statement carried an air of confidence, a flirtyness to it unlike anything he had ever said in the waking world. "Besides what good is a secret if it can't be shared between friends." The lords attention was once again drawn away this time his head turning briefly to see what was passing up the stairs opposite them.

Looking past Yndira he saw nothing, as if it had been all in his imagination. Most likely he was just drunk although he didn't remember drinking anything, then again nor did he recognise anyone besides Yndira or even recall the events leading up to the party. Shrugging it off he returned his gaze to the woman before him offering a reasuring smile and nod as he encouraged her to divulge her secrets too him.

His blue eyes searched hers for any hint of what she might tell him, a clue towards what deep dark secrets she was hiding behind her innocent outward appearance. "I know what its like to keep a secret they burn large holes in your pockets until you let them out."
word count: 299
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