[Approved by Doran] Erina Foxtrot

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Erina Foxtrot
Approved Character
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:17 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 5
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Erina Foxtrot  [Approved CS]

Name: Erina Foxtrot

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 20th Trial of Ashan, 703

Languages Spoken: Fluent = Common. Broken=Atvian


Erina Foxtrot is a woman with mid length red hair and cerulean blue eyes. Standing around 5'6" (167.6 cm), and weighing around 124 lbs (56.24 kg), she could be considered toned and athletic with a somewhat slim and lithe physique. Her skin lightly dusted with freckles. With a haunting level of beauty, she is often adorned with simple wear and clothing, wearing typically light armor if any. Her hands are not delicate, but instead, somewhat calloused, showing signs of hard labor, and is littered with light scars from working with wood, a sign of craftsmanship. While she could be considered attractive, she does not adorn herself with fineries and luxuries such as jewelry or other fancy wear.

While her dress varies, when out on more difficult excursions, she is often seen with a hunting bow with a quiver of around ten arrows, a simple dagger along her belt, and a spear of some form. She can be seen wearing a padded leather gambeson with hardboiled leather shoulder pauldrons. Her armor is simple in make, and comes as a dark shade of brown. Typically, her other wear will meet the simple and somewhat spartan standards of the Eternal Empire, of which she is currently a citizen of.


Erina is diligent, hardworking, calculating, and fiery. Passionate in anything she puts her mind to. Stubborn and prideful could be two words that would be used to describe this redhead. Ambitious. With a great desire to rise to new heights and to exercise power, she could be considered someone who aspires to reach for the stars. While she might be considered niggardly or stingy in some regards, she could be considered courteous and polite to others, even strangers. Savvy, and finding great interest in witty conversation, one might find interest in her deep rooted desire for wealth and power.

She has a strong appreciation for martial culture and excellence, and seeks self improvement on a regular basis.


Erina could be considered a very ambitious woman, with dreams of grandeur and excellence in her future. Born as the daughter of a veteran soldier turned fletcher, she had come from a fairly respectable family. Her own brothers having taken to varying careers or crafts in their own right. As a member of the Foxtrot family, or Clan as some might view it considering their considerable number, she took to her father's trade and from an early age learned how to wield a bow, as well as stave for self defense, and to a lesser extent, prepare her for a potential military career if she so sought it. Her youth had been spent roughhousing, hunting, and trapping, something she continues to this day.

Ultimately, Erina would come to leave her family's confines to make a life for herself, though is welcome to live within its confines. The young lady would learn to take care of herself, making a modest living as she made a home for herself along the outskirt wilderness, but with greater goals than living in smalltime mediocrity. In her mind, to be a citizen of the Eternal Empire is one thing, a society based on meritocracy, where anyone could potentially rise to a position of greatness. Erina looks to garner that level of greatness. To be acknowledged, to hold greatness, and power, and wealth, and every other such benefit. However, what she desires most is strength and the power to exercise it.

A goal which largely effects her goals and ambitions to this day. Hard working, diligent, and taking no nonsense, she considers her pathway and avenue of life as she aspires for self improvement.

Immortal Marks

- N/A
Last edited by Erina Foxtrot on Thu Apr 04, 2024 1:17 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 633
Erina Foxtrot
Approved Character
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:17 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 5
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




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The additional aspects of your CS are shown here: here - you can either use the boxcode there, your own boxcode or just use the headings and have no boxcode at all! A set of free-to-use boxcodes can be found here.

You must submit your full CS to the CS approval queue ( here ) before you have 5 reviewed threads. That must include the following:
  • History - Your character's backstory, either in its own post, or edit your first post.
  • Personality - Your character's personality.
  • Immortal Marks - This post will record any mark (Immortal Blessings / Curses) you might accrue as a PC and you only need to have it if your PC has an Immortal Blessing.
    • A full list of Blessings & Curses can be found here
    • A Guide to Religion & Marks can be found here
These can be in whatever order you choose - it's your CS, as long as everything that needs to be there is there - lay it out in a way which makes sense to you.
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