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Character Template  [Approved CS]

"We each are our own devil, and we make this world our hell" -Oscar Wilde

Name: Netzach Embersoul

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 13th of Zi'ida, Arc of 702.

Languages Spoken:Fluent = Common. Broken = Gernevoir

Proffesson: Currently a Tavern assistant at the Copper Prince in Rharne.


At first glance, easy to miss and unassuming. He has an average build, and unkempt hair rolling over his head and face. Although not quite short (5'11ft) he has a slight slouch that makes him seem smaller than he actually is.

He has a plastered expression, and an uneasy gaze that glares from the top of his eyes. Always hiding his emotions, but not quite good at it. A perceptive individual can easily catch the slight flare of his nostrils, shortness of his breath and the flicker of emotions escaping his artificial expression.
Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with
Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.
Last edited by Netzach Embersoul on Sun Dec 24, 2023 10:06 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 215
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Netzach has a kind of deep seated anger that pervades most of what he does. The anger spawns from the lack of control and 'greatness' (however it is he defines it) in his life. It causes him to glare and lash out from time to time, almost out of jealousy for the average person's complacency to be happy with very little. He despises that he is expected to be happy with little, or to break his back over trying to achieve something more.
The only real time he is happy is when he expresses what little power he does have over things, and when he feels pride in what little he has earned.
This makes it very easy to manipulate him. All it takes is to inflame his anger, and feed his ego, and he'll fly off in a given direction.

Netzach is also incredibly petty, a result of a mix of his impulsive anger and avoidance of risk and effort.
He'll take small bits of revenge. Maybe mix the juices of a bug with the stew of a particularly nasty customer. Maybe he'll anonymously make a false report of that guard that gave him a hard time.

Due to this petty nature, he does not think about committing serious acts of evil. He has never felt the need to hurt someone unfairly, nor imagined bringing about their demise had he had the power to. Morally speaking he isn't far off from a normal person, feeling guilt, shame and empathy for some of the more terrible things that can be inflicted onto his fellow mortals. But we'll see how long that lasts

As a Rharnian, his personality is quite stark in contrast to the average person in the City. He does not like to drink (although he can be goaded into doing it from time to time, to prove his worth as a citizen of Rharne or what have you). He rarely engages in fistfights or streetbrawls or the like.
He does however have a knack for gambling, and enjoys it in his spare time. Although he knows that to walk away richer from a gamble, you need to play the long game. Due to this he avoids games that he knows are too risky, or stacked against him from the start.
Last edited by Netzach Embersoul on Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:30 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 389
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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Netzach Embersoul
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Born and raised in Rharne, he was a normal, average youth. He played with the kids his age, running through the streets of Rharne, especially the one's their parent's told them not to.
Like many kids his age, he dreamed of being a Knight, or a Champion of the Immortals, or a Hero atop a slain beast, or a great King....
Years passed, and the fantasies dulled. Their dreams came down to match their aptitude, or their efforts grew to match their dreams. His friends became bakers, merchants, herbalists, a few even took the leap and joined the ranks of the Knights.
But as the years passed, and the dreams dwindled, Netzach found no dreams left of his own. He wasn't sure what he wanted to be. In his heart he aspired for greatness, much like his childhood dreams of Kingship or Heroism. But greatness in what form? They were all far from his grasp, and the abyss in between would not be bridged by any amount of mere effort.

Slowly, he found himself trying to settle uneasily to a simple life. He ignored his friends offering to teach him how to learn to set up a stall or small shop. It seemed far too... tame. He ignored his friends urging him to apprentice under them, and learn a trade. He had no interest. He ignored his father, a Lightning Knight retired, even as he goaded Netzach to join the Military. The Lightning knights weren't for him. Too much effort, too much risk.
He learned to run odd jobs and errands, shifting from workplace to workplace. He never quite settled down, wanting something new. But he never pushed himself, feeling the effort to be straining.
Despite the lack of effort on the surface, inside he churned and bubbled. He felt an immense drive to do something, but what?

As he felt his dreams dwindle, his heart grow cold, another feeling arose in him. Like the buried corpses of his dreams slowly churning and turning into something malignant and spiteful. His gaze grew harsh and piercing, his expression fixed and cold. He felt lost, nothing pushing him forward but a strange sensation.
"I deserve more than this. I am more than this. I am no mere clerk or peon. I am meant for something far more"
His heart growing colder, he began to push away everyone close to him. Some form of grand desire began to grow in him, unknown even to himself, and he found himself having to suppress his true feelings more and more.
"They won't understand. They are too happy living their little lives, satisfied with their little lots"

He came to the startling realization; He wanted something for nothing. He felt he deserved it. It called to him from the abyss of his heart.
"If only you had enough power. If only you could do more. You have so much you want. You want more than any of these sheep. You deserve MORE"

All of this culminated with that fated day with an old necromancer.
One day at the Copper Prince, he was dared to a drinking game. His ego hurt and goaded by insults, he set himself to prove his 'Manhood' and 'Rharnian blood', whatever that meant.
Unfortunately for him, when he blacked out, he woke up in the presence of a Necromancer. Apparently he was found face down on the outskirts of Rharne and was mistaken for a corpse.
The Old man peered over him, bemused that he had spent so long trying to raise a living human. Netzach was less amused, kicking and screaming, trying to find escape. Despite not knowing how to fight, he did whatever was needed to survive, clawing, biting, thrashing like a wild animal, and rolling on the blood and flesh covered ground. The Old man laughed, intrigued by how he was not frozen by his fear and the hopeless odds, but fighting against it with everything he had. He was, however, quickly subdued and brought before the Old man. Suprisingly, what was in Netzach's eyes was not fear, but anger. Pure unadulterated hate, no longer having to be held back. A feeling of envy in his eyes, as if to say "If I had your power, It wouldn't be me on the floor right now."
So the Old man offered it to him. He offered him to be a necromancer, just like him. As he glanced through his personhood with his Attunement, he saw that Netzach was a person with a voluminous hatred for his fellow mortals for their complacency, and great ambition, measured equally with a misplaced sense of pride and arrogance. A desire, above all else, to be unique, to be powerful. Fitting, for a necromancer's apprentice.

On one hand it was clear to Netzach that if he didn't take this deal, there was a good chance he would simply be killed and turned into a thrall.
On the other hand... the Old man's words were tempting. Even as he lay there held down in the dirt by rotting thralls, the Old man goaded him and tempted him with fantasies of great power, to rise above all and be feared by all of life.
A mixture of self-preservation and dark temptation fuelled his next decision. The old man reached out his hand, and he took it....

Hod Allumos

Name: Hod Allumos
City Location: Rharne (Stormlands, Umbral Caverns)
DoB: 17th Ashan of 633
Race: Human
Organization (if any): None
Skills: Necromancy 60, Attunement 60, Ensorcelling 26, Meditation 50, Teaching 26, Research 26

Bio: Who is this mage?
An old necromancer. Both him and his master were from Rharne. However along the way he found his progress in his Necromancy halting. His old master was contacted to join the Coven decades ago. Years passed and no such invitation ever reached his lair, which in his pride he accredited it to his stagnation in growth. Now that the Coven is no more, the spiteful old necromancer looks to find what he can on Ellisin, perhaps gaining great power and ascending to become the next Lich himself, and overcoming both Ellisin and his old master in power and status. Perhaps they'll regret not inviting him in the afterlife. Certainly the Coven left behind something that would let him break through this plateau in Necromancy. What knowledge would an Immortal Lich have left behind in her wake?

What weight of impact do they have on the world or their organization?
None at the moment, at least compared to other Necromancer in the area and in the Umbral Caverns. Despite his erratic and impulsive nature, when it comes to self-preservation he is always extremely cautious not to bring unnecessary attention to himself.

And finally, Why is this mage seeking a student?
Necromancy by far is a lonely path. It is much harder to find apprentices for Necromancy than it is to find them for any other Discipline.
In addition, the undead are great for manual labor and killing of foes, but none beat the adaptability and thinking of a living breathing person.
Even more so, a Necromancer, whom if controlled essentially doubles the amount of Thralls you can commit to your horde.
And a great scapegoat if the Lightning Knights come knocking...

Appearance: Image
As monstrous on the outside as he is within. Necromancy has taken a toll on his countenance, and his erratic, impulsive and irritable movements denote that it has also taken a part of his mind as well. A permanent scowl fixed on his face, eyebrows furrowed over, layered wrinkles on his brows squeezing in, numerous like the circles of an ancient oak tree.

Relationship: His relationship with Netzach is one of pure utility. He grants him power, Netzach will eventually use that power to achieve his master's goals. It is awfully fitting too, that Netzach just so happens to be easy to goad, manipulate and lie to. His obsession with power and this warped belief that he deserves more than the world is willing to give him, puts Hod in a position of being his salvation. In addition, both Hod and Netzach know Netzach wouldn't survive without his Master. Necromancy is seen in a poor light, especially in the aftermath of the Coven. If it was known that Netzach were a Necromancer, he would in the best case be ostracized or kept watch on, preventing him from practicing necromancy at all, or worst case, outright killed, either by the Knights or by a mob. Thus it is in Netzach's best interests to learn how to keep a low profile while gaining power from an experienced necromancer.

That is not to say that there isn't some level of attachment. Many of the traits Netzach has, that in Hod's eyes make him a good canditate for Necromancy and an easy target to sway and put under his thumb, are the same traits he had when he began. Hod sees the same kind of manic hunger bubbling under his skin, calling out for release.
There is something that calls him to raise him as a Necromancer to his fullest potential.
Last edited by Netzach Embersoul on Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:40 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 1537
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Netzach Embersoul
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None at the moment
word count: 5
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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Netzach Embersoul
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Re: Character Template

His casual wear is rugged and loose, mixing comfort and durability. The durability is important as he hates having to replace his clothes, and not particularly because they see much wear and tear. The colors are often dull, a lot of browns and blacks, anything that won't show stains easily and buy him more time before he has to wash it.
Aside from his day to day clothing, his nature as a Necromancer requires him to be able to hide his identity. A scarf and loose heavy clothing layered over his person hides his frame and his face, giving him the sense that he is a little harder to recognize. This style of clothing is different enough to what he normally wears in his day to day life that he feels a sense of anonymity in wearing clothes like this.
word count: 144
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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Netzach Embersoul
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Magic Mutations

Magic Mutations
Theme: 'Grandeur'. The Spark enjoys displays of its power. It enjoys doing things mere mortals cannot. And it severely enjoys expressing its power in a manner that others are helpless to oppose it.
Persona: The spark likes to be center stage, finding great pleasure in bringing Netzach's fantasies of grandeur to life. Every step of the way it wishes to make its presence known, to mark its Dominion over life, over all life.
  • Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.
    In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
  • Mutation(Competent): "Ravenous Soul" Netzach's spark desires to rule over all. So much so that sometimes it forgets its domain is over the dead.
    Whenever Netzach has extreme anger, hate, desire to kill or any negative emotion pointed towards someone, they will begin to feel a pricking against their soul, as the spark of Necromancy pokes and prods in, trying to take control of the body but finding the soul within it still operant.
    The individual feels this as a sensation similar to the feeling of being stared, or watched, and instantaneously feels their attention drawn towards Netzach, who would be staring at them.

    In addition, as the vehicle of this mutation is the eyes, Netzach's irises are tinted red when this mutation is activated, as well as during the use of Necromancy. The redness grows to the point glowing slightly, being visible in pitch black, when he uses his power to the fullest (Whatever level he is at currently).
    The mutation requires Netzach to stare at someone. The target must be within the field of vision.
    The mutation can be resisted and controlled with discipline (Expert)

Theme: 'Introspection', fairly self explanatory, the Spark wishes to know as much as it can, especially about itself and the nature of magic. Netzach mirror's this with his fascination with the new magics he holds.
Persona: The spark is amicable with its neighbours, other Sparks, and is willing to play second fiddle if it means gaining more knowledge about magic as a whole. It desires to learn more about everything, and first and foremost, about itself and the nature of magic.
  • Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.
Last edited by Netzach Embersoul on Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:42 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 439
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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Netzach Embersoul
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A run of the mill house in the Earth quarter of Rharne, rented out at an affordable price. The landlord is a bit of a pickle to deal with, but otherwise, it is quite pleasant. The windows open to greet another morning in Rharne. And the doors open to greet a tired Netzach after a long day at the Copper Prince.
Heirloom Item: Good Quality Ensorcelling Kit
Given to him by Hod, his mentor. Wells are important to Necromancers, as it allows them to toy with the power of souls, and eventually ascend to Lichdom.
The kit is by far the most expensive thing Netzach owns, Ensorcelling being no cheap proffession. In a line of work where things can explode if a mistake is made, good quality goods are a much appreciated bulwark against danger.
Although they smell a bit like... rot. Netzach doesn't want to ask where Hod got these from
Average quality items
Knapsack with camping and survival goods.
Long dagger
Crossbow with pack of bolts.
word count: 171
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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Netzach Embersoul
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Re: Character Template

Injuries, Consequences
  • A mild headache that persists whenever you attune near people who are drinking.. This will persist into late Ymiden 724. (Gained here)

word count: 25
Generally, Red is Netzach's speech, and This color is anyone else..


The following are a list of Appearance features. This tab is for shortening space, should the tabs get too big.


Witchmark: 'Puzzle eyes', a set of striations in the eyes that all Attuners are marked with.


Witchmark: "Dead eyed". Netzach has a corpselike vacant stare. His pupils never seem to dialate, he no longer blinks nor needs to, although he can for the purposes of certain expressions, and his eyes seem to not have saccades, the tiny movements that keep the eyes jittering here and there, never fixing at one spot.

In addition, he sleeps with his eyes open, although his eyes are completely 'dead', not registering the outside world.
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