[Approved by Pig Boy] Makar Hollowbreak

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Makar Hollowbreak
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Makar Hollowbreak  [Approved CS]

Makar Hollowbreak

Name: Makar Hollowbreak

Race: Human/Biqaj mix

Date of Birth: 42nd of Ashar, Arc 700

Marks: None (useful link here!

Factions Joined: None

Languages Spoken: TFluent = Common. Broken = Rakahi.


Makar isn't a tall fellow, in fact he's just about average as he stands between 5'7" and 5'8" inches in hight. His frame was rather lanky and were it not for the callouses on his hands, the dirt on his face and just the general look of someone worn out would assume he'd not work a day in his life. His eyes are a shade of hazle brown matching the brown of his hair which he kept long and flowing down to the nape of his neck. Beneath his simple clothing lies a lean and lanky frame, as if a gentle wind could knock him over.

Last edited by Makar Hollowbreak on Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:41 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 158
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Makar Hollowbreak
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Makar is one of those who just seems live day by day. No ambition to speak of, no grand desires or dreams. Just someone who seems to live groundedly in the moment. His thoughts leaning towards more like 'better get that hole in my shirt patched' or 'wonder whats cooking in the pot today' and 'Oh hey, a toad. Neat." In his mind thinking on complicated matters is just asking for delays instead of getting on with things; worried about your next meal? Go grab a pole and just fish. Worried about the pack of vicious animals trying to take a bite out of your hide? Just kill 'em, or run if you've not the stones for it. No shame in that. He's no care for grand designs unless it starts harshing his own living, at that point he'd be inclined to tell someone to shut up and just let him get on with his own troubles.

Things Makar likes

Animals- While he hunts their hide and meat as part of his living, he's actually rather fond of them. Shame they don't seem to like him back.

Warm milk- what? It can get cold out there, and milk good for the body or so he's heard.

Walking- be it near the water, the forest, or some inhospitable hellscape, it keeps his thoughts focused. Plus he does a lot of walking anyway so good thing he likes it.

Things Makar dislikes

Complicated things - or perahps more accurately making things more complicated. While he can admit some things aren't black and white, he hates it when it can't be solved with simple solutions. This also applies to puzzles, because they puzzle him and he doesn't like being puzzled.

Animal Urine- it would seem to be an obvious thing to dislike, but if you know, you know.

Animal Cruelity- A sin to him. His beliefs and work revolve around animals, even the nasty ones. Needless harm to them is anathema to his mind.

Last edited by Makar Hollowbreak on Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 340
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Makar Hollowbreak
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Re: Personality

Born the son of Aldin Hollowbreak and Mirai Danib, a logger and a ranger respectively in the town of Darbyton. Makar had a rather straightforward life, or as straightforward as can be in a land that was at the time ruled by pirates. Dabyton had simple needs and a stubborn self reliance to fulfill said needs. As such as soon he was deemed able, the young boy was set about to chores helping his busy parents which often involved household chores. Helping clean the clothing, sweeping out the dust, sometimes helping his da move the firewood to the shed, and sometimes helping his mother dress her most recent hunt. When not doing chores he was just hanging about other children his age, although admittedly he'd have a diffcult time forming deep bonds with them. Nonetheless they peeked at strangers coming through the town, played hide and seek and just generally made nusiance of themselves.

By the time he reached the age of 10 however, he'd began an apprenticeship of sorts under the tutelage of his mother. His mother always had a practical view of things , which he supposed he kind of got that from her. She'd always taken a point of pride that while Aldin may have provided the heat with his lumber work, it was she who brought in the food they'd rely on to survive. And now she was passing it on to her son in the form of ranger training.

Games of hide and seek he'd played with children became tracking games with his mother, who taught him to study the shape of the tracks and their depression in the dirt or the displacement of dust. Games of catch became archery practice with a toy bow at crude cutout of nimals and where to shoot them for a clean kill. Helping to field dress one of his mother's hunt become hand on practice on how to do it himself and to safely skin an animal without rupturing the bladder or other such organ that could taint the meat.

Even his father had gotten in on it, as while no hunter he did know bits of Fieldcraft which was useful in his logging work. Teaching his son how to rough it in the wilds until inevitable his mother took him to an actual jaunt into the woods for practical lessons. Birthdays, mercifully, were still a pleasant time where he'd recieved gifts from his parents and friends of the family and soon he'd found himself very appreciatve of getting new clothes.

When adulthood came at the age of 15, he was his own man then. Or at least he supposed he himself was. In truth during all those years he'd not a single ambition in his mind for things of the future, which he supposed made him grateful for the things he'd learned. Especially since by the time the Mists came and the Shadow Beasts attacked, followed by the disappearance of the Pirate Lords and all other changes that followed, losing his mother in the process amidst it all, he'd not known what to do for himself or his father.

For now, even in the current day, he just lives bit by bit, cycle by cycle.

word count: 549
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Makar Hollowbreak
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Re: Makar Hollowbreak

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word count: 54
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Makar Hollowbreak
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Re: Makar Hollowbreak

Here you list the possessions from your Starting Package .

Useful Links
The Shoppe here
  • Weapon
    • Average Shortbow
    • Average Hand-axe
  • Clothing
    • 3 brown hunting outfits of average quality, largely just brown shirts and trousers complete with a simple cloak and leather boots.
    • Average quality white shirt and dark trousers with simple brown shoes meant for casual wear.
  • Armor
    • Tier 3 master class armor leather armor.
  • Skill Kit
    • Average fieldcraft skill kit.

A resident of Darbyton, Makar lives in a simple house that was utterly uniform in design. Though with how often he moves about there's hardly anyone there.
word count: 102
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