Character Profile

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Approved Character
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:38 pm
Race: Igelak
Profession: Warrior Pilgrim
Renown: 10
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Wealth Tier: Tier 4



Character Profile  [Approved CS]


Name: Cazuth
Race: Igelak
DoB: Ymiden 28th 722
Languages: Common: Fluent; Xanthean: Basic.

Appearance: Cazuth has deep red skin that glistens with a slight glow. There are marks of white across his body at points, but for the most part he is entirely red of coloration with black and brown eyes. He stands at around 6'1" and is lithe and muscular of build. He often wears the trappings of a travelling warrior pilgrim, under-armor garments beneath boiled leather armor plates and cuirass.

History: Cazuth was discovered, abandoned by a riverside near the forests of Desnind, by a monk in the House of Rivers, none other than Master Lee, the head of the Temple. Desperate to survive, Cazuth instinctively clung to him and wouldn't let go. Master Lee was surprised and amused by the youngling's tenacity, and decided to bring him back to the House of Rivers in Desnind. Not knowing what it was, other than a young creature in need of protection and shelter, Master Lee brought it up as a pet at first, but then realized it had a higher intelligence, and decided to treat it as a child, he its surrogate father. This was in Saun of 722. He learned quickly while observing the daily life of their clung-to surrogate. Much of the warrior's art was shown to the impressionable Igelak child, until he eventually grew large enough to stop clinging and his learning rate slowed.

Even so, by the time he grew to full measure, he was competent with a blade and general battle tactics, taught personally by Master Lee. And not a bad physical specimen either, fit and ready for a life of exercise and the practice of their revered martial art of Da'riya. Before he left the House of Rivers, called by the spiritual restlessness of his kind to find a greater purpose or power, Master Lee gifted him a Riversteel, Wooden Katana, which Cazuth carries to this day.

He left the House of Rivers, taking up the life of a wandering pilgrim, since he felt something missing in his life, a greater power that he'd yet to reckon with. Little did he know the ways of his kind, and their instinctive reverence for higher beings. But it seemed to have taken hold in the young Cazuth, as he took to wandering the world in search of someone or something to believe in.

Last edited by Cazuth on Fri Oct 20, 2023 3:59 pm, edited 14 times in total. word count: 407
User avatar
Approved Character
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:38 pm
Race: Igelak
Profession: Warrior Pilgrim
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 4




Hippety Hoppety this is my Property

Notable Possessions:
Hierloom: Irubosì

Name: Irubosì
Weapon Skill: Combat: Whips & Flails (1/2 handed)
Material: Riversteel
Weapon: Nunchaku
Quality: Good (Tier 7)

Description: The two handles on the nunchaku are carved in different likenesses. One is carved in the likeness of Cazuth, while the other is as yet a simple cylinder, waiting to be carved into something once he finds his faith/purpose. The handles are both the strongest of riversteel, while the cord is mer leather, a tough sort of treated kelp that is as sturdy as leather.
Good Quality Tier 4 Armor: mer leather armor with riversteel plates reinforcing it in sections.
Always will have a room in the House of Rivers in Desnind. (Tier 4 Housing)

Traveler's Pack:

Tier 5 Treated canvas walled tent that measures twelve feet long, ten feet wide and seven feet tall.

Tthe following items (from Wealth Tier 4):

Campsite Equipment (Pots, pans, cooking essentials, etc.)
Bedroll and bedding
Camp Knife
Hunting Bow (with 10 broadhead arrows)
Saddle bag

Last edited by Cazuth on Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:25 pm, edited 20 times in total. word count: 173
User avatar
Approved Character
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:38 pm
Race: Igelak
Profession: Warrior Pilgrim
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 4



Re: Character Profile


Cantrip: Water Walk Approved here.

As long as Cazuth doesn't exceed a pace of walking higher than 3 kilometers per hour, he can stand or walk along the surface of any body of fluid such as water. However should he pick up speed, he will sink into the water, same as anyone. He cannot walk indefinitely upon the water, but at most for a break or so, or as long as he can maintain concentration. Whether he can fight or work while walking on water is mostly a function of his meditation skill and ability to focus. He must concentrate in order to channel this cantrip.

word count: 108
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