[Approved by Pig Boy] Lento

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Lento  [Approved CS]

Name: Lento
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 1st of Cylus, 697
Languages Spoken: Fluent = Common. Broken = Common sign
Immortal Marks: None
Lento is rather short for a human male, standing at 160 cm on his tiptoes. Yet his body is in relatively good shape and lean and he carries himself with natural elegance and grace to his light steps. His black hair is long and he often has a bit of a beard on his face as well. His skin is rather pale and he needs to be careful under the summer sun, for his skin tends to burn without protection. His back has several scars on it, though Lento himself has no idea where they came from.

Lento has hazel eyes and long eyelashes and a smile that lights up his whole face when it appears upon his face. His face is soulful and he has a hard time hiding his feelings from his face and demeanour. He keeps his nails short and wears mostly black and other dark colours. Even in the summer season one rarely sees him without a shirt. He has freckles on his face and rather thick, black eyebrows.

Lento loves his life to be peaceful, surrounded by the things he loves. He is passionate about music and stories and loves to write tales down and then sing them. He also loves riding and spending time riding in the wilderness is a source of solace and inspiration to him. He carries a sketchbook wherever he goes, but his true passions lie in music and composing.

Lento does not have many memories from his childhood. He does not have a last name he could call as his own as he does not remember it. He is very caring and considerate to those that he meets and tries to avoid conflict whenever possible. He likes it when things go smoothly and is dedicated to his music. He is someone who has learned to keep his head down to avoid trouble - yet trouble seems to find him anyway sometimes. He knows his existence is a source of irritation to some people.

He seeks a harmonious life and loves to wake up early. He is a glutton for tasty foods and drinks and simple pleasures of life. However, he is also a rather messy person. His things are often disorganised and even his own appearance can be somewhat shabby. He uses his shabbiness kind of as a shield to hide himself from other people, hoping to go unnoticed most of the time. Yet he is kind and caring and a loyal friend if one gets close to him.

As far as Lento knows, he has lived his whole life in the city of Rharne. He has called the Earth Quarter his home from the age of 10, and it is from that age where his memories really begin. And they begin with him waking up in a bed in a clinic. He was not in terrible pain, his injuries having mostly healed during the time when he was in a coma - or so he was told. Yet injuries he had and scars on his back that he had no memory of getting.

Lento has no idea what happened to his real parents - whether they live or not is a question he has no answer to. He was adopted by a woodworker called Lumiaran and his wife Pisara who were childless and wanted to raise someone to carry on their woodworking business. Lumiaran specialised in making musical instruments which is what he started to teach to Lento as well. And much to their surprise, Lento already knew how to play the keyboards and some string instruments. Lento himself was very surprised by this as well and realised that even if his mind had forgotten his past, his body still remembered things he had learned before.

And then there were the dreams. Dreams of fire and screams and pain. Disturbing dreams of hazy figures hovering above him. The fear. That was something he remembers from those dreams, even if the details remain a mystery.

Everything was going quite well for the boy with his new family. They were doting parents to him and it was like that for two harmonious years. He learned a lot during those years and found out he was also good with horses. Pisara took him riding often when she visited her parents outside of Rharne who were farmers and raised horses. It was nice and Lento thought it would always be like that. But he was wrong.

Pisara got pregnant. It was happy news for the married couple and Lento rejoiced right with them because he was going to be a big brother. However, as the pregnancy got further, Pisara started to change. She started to push Lento away and distance herself from him. And Lento heard his adoptive parents talking about sending him away. It was an argument Lento did not want to hear, but he heard enough. He could hear Lumiaran defending him, but it brought only little solace to Lento, who was already on his way out from the door.

He ran away. Because that way they wouldn’t be able to send him away. So he decided to do it himself instead, because it brought him a sense of control in a situation that was out of his control. But it was also a decision made on the spot and was not well planned. And, of course, it did not really work as well as he had thought. It was night already and instead of sleeping he was wandering the streets aimlessly. He had never been out so late before by himself. He was tired and ended up finding a spot that seemed secure enough to curl up and try to get some sleep.

But the sounds of fighting yanked him out from his sleep. He peeked out from his shelter that was really only some crates that were lined against a wall. He saw two people fighting, but did not really see their faces properly. He hid back behind the crates until it was suddenly quiet. He peeked out again and one of the fighters was on the ground. The other one was still standing and happened to see him watching. And as the person came closer towards Lento, he saw that it was a man. A man with a knife.

Lento thought his days were numbered now. But the man approaching him suddenly stopped and fell down. Lento was about to bolt and run away, but the man managed to ask for his help and that was what he did. He helped the man, trying his best to support him on the way to what turned out to be the man’s house. He helped to patch up the man’s injuries and ended up staying there for several days. And the days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to months. The man did not want him gone. And Lento did not want to go, or so he told himself when he entertained the man with his musical talents and basically earned his keep by serving him. He also learned some basic sign language from him, though he did not know why the man knew sign language.

Meanwhile, Lumiaran and Pisara had their child. The child grew and the parents loved him. Yet they also missed Lento, who seemed to have vanished completely. Sometimes they thought they saw the boy but when they looked again, he was gone. Pisara missed him as well and regretted the way she had treated him when she had been pregnant. And Lento, indeed, was keeping an eye on them. He just could not stay away completely, he needed to know that they were okay. Lento managed to avoid straight contact with them for two whole years. But when the man he was living with decided to vanish completely one day, things got a bit different for Lento again. He was allowed to stay in the house and he was told to look after it until the man returned. His payment for the job was simple - a roof on top of his head. A place to call home. But he did not own the house. He did not own anything in it, not even the clothes that he wore.

So, he needed another job that would also feed him. All he really knew how to do well was music, so he started performing as a musician. First on the streets, then in taverns and sometimes in people’s homes. He started to make his own music as well. It was a chance encounter that brought him together with Lumiaran and Pisara again. They saw him performing in a street corner and confronted him. Lento wanted to run away, but at the same time he was tired of running.

Lento and his adoptive parents started to keep in contact, but Lento did not move back with them as he had a job to do now as house watcher and had his musical career as well that brought him food to the table. He sang and played and it was peaceful and tranquil. He got used to his life as a musician, eventually started partying and drinking and also started to teach music to people who wished to learn from him. Yet the dreams of fear are still there. The mysteries of his past remain unsolved. As unsolved as the whereabouts of the man whose house he lives in. Much to the dismay of the man’s relatives, who seem to be after the house. Even the house itself was mysterious. What lies behind the locked basement door, Lento may never learn.
Last edited by Lento on Sat Apr 22, 2023 4:49 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1628
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