• Location • Winston

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Name: Winston

Age: 20

Race: Cadouri

Date of Birth: 6th of Saun 702

Marks: None

Factions Joined: None

Languages Spoken:
  • Common (Fluent)
  • Common Sign (Broken)
  • Fairy Speak (Broken)
Wealth Tier: 5


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.

Situated attached to a local Bee farm, run by an elderly Caldouri and her grandchild, Winston lives in a modest wooden cottage with an attached smithy. From the outside it's appearance is that of a single-room dwelling, but the truth is that the visible structure is just the outer entrance. The bulk of the house is beneath ground, dug-in and reinforced to make a comfortable home, with lounge, kitchen and bedroom for a single ferret-sized inhabitant.
Last edited by Winston on Mon Dec 12, 2022 8:42 pm, edited 15 times in total. word count: 189
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First favoured by Saoire ~ First three powers issued.
Second favoured by Saoire ~ Next two favoured powers issued.
Third favored by Saiore ~ Next four powers issued.
First adored by Saiore ~ Next four powers issued:
  • Adored 1: Tireless Teacher
  • Adored 2: Turtle Barrier
  • Adored 3: City Gateway
  • Adored 4: Turtle's Classroom
First adored by Saiore ~ Next four powers issued:
  • Adored 5: Gifting Gateway
  • Adored 6: Turtle's Skin (Moderate)
  • Adored 7: Remedial Lessons
  • Adored 8: Emean Gateway
Ethelynda: Favored ~ Mark of Taithir

First favored by Taithir ~ Next four powers issued:
  • Favoured 1: Serpents Hood
  • Favoured 2: Enduring Scales
  • Favoured 3: Protective Skills I: Endurance
  • Favoured 4: Honor's Shield
Ashan: Favored ~ Mark of Loshova

First favored by Ashan ~ Next four powers issued:
  • Favoured 1: Springbringer Skills I: Meditation
  • Favoured 2: Spirit Cloak (Minor)
  • Favoured 3: Peer Through The Pool
  • Favoured 4: Ephemeral Sustenance
Cassion: Favored ~ Mark of Sojourn

First favored by Cassion ~ First three powers issued:
  • Favoured 1: Ready for Adventure
  • Favoured 2: Hunger's Bane
  • Favoured 3: Skills of the Road (Cooking)
Next three favored by Cassion:
  • Favoured 4: Surrounding Area
  • Favoured 5: Journeyman
  • Favoured 6: Safe Camp
Last edited by Winston on Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:48 pm, edited 28 times in total. word count: 193
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Winston's Personality

Ferreting: To search for something or someone, by looking in many places or asking many questions.

Broadly speaking, this is Winston in a nut-shell. He is a friendly but tenaciously curious being, that is quite amiable, with a chronic inability to know when 'no means no'. This nature has gotten him into trouble many times and as a result of his naivety and the question "What's the worst that could happen if I just..." he has more than his fair share of close shaves with authorities and thugs alike.

Most days he can be found either making something, searching for something to make things out of, or exploring something he probably should not be.

Things Winston likes

  • Things he does not recognize.
  • Making and mending things.
  • Giving gifts.
  • Food, cooking, eating... anything related to food really.
Things Winston dislikes

  • Hunters... I mean, he eats meat right... but he wishes people would stop trying to eat him by mistake.
  • Dogs.
  • Sweetcorn... seriously, I mean anything that comes out looking the same as it went in is your bodies way of telling you "Stop eating this".
Last edited by Winston on Mon Apr 18, 2022 4:34 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 187
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Winston was well of age enough to explore the world and in an effort to satisfy his endless curiosity he set out to Scalvoris. "Weh betta tuh duh dis den Scalvoris?", he said to himself. Sure enough though, the city was full of diversity in people, places and things, but there was several problems.

The first was size. Everything, the places, people and things, were all enormous. This was not only a challenge in the physics of being too short, but also in the nature of people. They never looked down. Event if they did, all they would see was a pet or pets and his every interaction started and ended with a kick, being hit with a broom or generally speaking shooed away before he really even got the chance to say hello.

It was for this reason that he started to wear clothes and developed his 'super hero' pose. Having decided that his problem boiled down to a failure in first impressions, he set about making this first glimpse of him be that not of a pet or pest, but an individual of tall stature... if not height. As such, he spent his time practicing his stride and whenever making a new introduction, would strike his pose, jutting out his chest, fists firmly clenched on his hips and his head held high. This worked in so much as those he met now paused long enough on seeing a ferrets pretending to be a super hero for Winston to speak. At which point the pause became 'aghast' as the 'not-pet/pet' spoke words and all in all, it was his 'in-road' to conversation and he took it.

It might not be the best way to manage ones introductions, but it worked better than the alternative for a one foot ferret and he embraced it, embellishing his appearance with sward and chest plate before he eventually moved on.

His other problem was in his particular flavor of curiosity, or more specifically his inability to recognize the difference between borrowing and stealing. He was not oblivious to the difference between right and wrong, far from it. He firmly believes that stealing is wrong, however his interpretation of stealing simply fell some what short of what the legal definition was, or most notably the difference between being inside private property and outside of it while borrowing.

Truth is, he would only ever intend to look at something, perhaps have a quick 'play' with it, though the more someone might insist there was nothing to see, would only convince him further that there was something to hide.

It was not long before is presence behind closed doors and drawn curtains lead to the inevitable attention of the law.

At this point Winston decided that it was time to remove himself from temptation. Thus he went out to find a quiet occupation in one of the surrounding areas of Scaldaris, if only to avoid coming up against a sticky end with the law or (perhaps worse) a thug.

The small bee farm in the Sweetwine Woods was the perfect location. Just far enough away from the bigguns to avoid daily temptation, but not so far that the prospect of going back some day was out of mind, once he'd mastered a little self control and perfected his hero poses.

He's been working on the farm now for a few seasons. Mending, crafting and developing a growing love of the meads and wines of the local producers. As with most of his kin, crafting and creativity is a 'comfortable' past time. For now, his smithing and woodworking is put to good use on the farm, even if they are of no good to the bigguns... he's heard rumors of fairies in the area and it is by the power of perhaps divine intervention he's resisted the urge to go in search of such beings... almost certainly something that is of his very great benefit.
Last edited by Winston on Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:25 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 666
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First initiated into the Songforged

See forged details here

Clarification on the Crechendo power being able to turn into tools and not just weapons.

Custom Powers

Fairy Sanctuary

Winston’s affinity with Sweetwine, its Fairies and with Ol’Tuck themselves is such, that wherever he goes, he is able to extend a little part of Sweetwine's influence. When he chooses a place, around him, fairy foods and other abilities that usually might not work outside Sweetwine, continue to do so, even beyond the confines of Sweetwine, via his connection with the Induk.

The affect can only be instilled into a single location at any one time and extends over said location and the area immediately surrounding it.

Inside this area, Winston and other people usually able to see invisible spirits are able to see visiting Fairies. These fairies are not really there and so have no physical presence. They are a projection of sound and light into the awareness of the spirit-touched, channeled through Winston's connection with Sweetwine.

Systematic notes:
  • So currently, just about everything Fairy themed has the caveat that it does not work outside Sweetwine. This includes, but is not limited to Fairy Food affects, some of the Blackberry Picking magical items that turn you INTO a fairy, etc. These would now work around the location Winston 'chooses', on the condition of course that he can find a connection to his Induk.
  • In practice IC, this will almost certainly manifest as Winston choosing Chest as said location, so wherever Chest goes, Fairies can project to. Allowing them to come into Chest and be around the immediate vicinity of Chest in the form of an incorporeal spirit image.
  • This is not a summons spell that MAKES fairies come to his aid. While it opens the door for them to do so if RP goes that way... It's not actually THAT.
Approved here.
Last edited by Winston on Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:59 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 318
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Winston's Possessions

Starting Pack - City Dweller:
  • A single-dwelling home in Sweetwine Forrest with a basic smithing workshop (Tier 5 smithing skill kit).
  • Shortward - Tier 5 (for Hero posing)
  • Chest Plate - Tier 5 (for Hero posing)
  • Heirloom: A Dapper Tuxedo - Yeah baby! (Tier 7)
Echo Scrolls:
Significant other belongings:
  • Looky Hoop - Gifted to him by his close friend Kisaik, this small wooden hoop allows the wielder to place the hoop on a surface in order to see clear through it to the other side. Only light may pass through the small portal. Acquired here.
  • A Fairy Coin which allows the holder to understand any fairy and to sense diri (invisible or otherwise) within 100ft.
  • A bag of multi-tool: A small satchel that holds enough small tools to fit through the opening of such a bag. From it, once a day, you can draw items needed for any crafting skill kit. This doesn't include appliances like large furnaces/gurneys/large medical devices, or crafting materials. These hand-held tools will automatically be appropriate to your current wealth tier.
  • A bag of glass marbles which will explode in glitter and attach their contents to .... you. If Winston is within a 10 mile radius of this, the glitter will find him. If he's not, it'll attach to the next available ferret. If there are no ferrets, it's just glitter.
  • An average quality, polished, Embersteal/Copper Sand Alloy, ferret-sized, hinge-lidded lunchbox with a simple clasp to hold it shut. Food kept and then consumed from within this lunch-box have its flavour improved due to the properties of the Copper Sand invested in it's construction.
  • Bloodcap, Radiant Bloom, Etherbane,Firebloom, Exodial Lotus, Star Lillies , also Bubblebloom, Rancouthsrane, Yorksha's Spine, Vlahardrum, Bloom of Axies - samples of these, ready to grow, to Isonomia, to the Order and to Kura (please note that Faith also has all the plants from the Ice Caves of IShallr Expedition identified (as such in this thread ) and they'll have samples of those too. All from Faith's Will
  • The deed to some land in Rharne on the shores of the Lake Lovalus and the materials needed to set-up a restaurant.
  • Wisp-wish Bloom from this thread.
  • A sample of all 5 fruit/seeds from Rynmere, as detailed here.
  • A basket of fairy cooking ingredients. It's things like glitter which changes colour, an orange that tastes like a lime, things like that. Weird. Wild. Wacky. Enjoy.
  • A very pretty, yet sturdy, glass bottle which is perfectly sized for Winston. Its got fresh water in it and no matter how much he drinks from it, it's always (at least) half full.
  • The following selection of berries from the Blackberry event:
    • Blueberries - Turns you blue.
    • Huckleberries - Causes hiccuping and bouncing in the air.
    • Cloudberries - Makes you completely weightless so that you might float and even blow away in the breeze.
    • Youngberries - Turns you into a child, around a few archs old, just out of toddler stanges. Changes your size/mass to that of an average child of your race.
    • Bearberries - Turns you into a giant, stuffed teddy-bear.
    • Elderberries - Ages you to within a few months of your race's natural maximum life span, with all typical ailmnets (e.g. poor eye'sight and/or things like arthitus).
    • Wolfberries - Turns you into a wolf. Your size/mass does not change.
    • Buffaloberries - Turns you into a waterbuffalo. Your size/mass does not change.
    While in Sweetwine, these berries act as Fairy Food as per their descriptions above, but once outside Sweetwine, they're just berries. It would be possible to grow them. (If you do, the fruits from them will have the same thing - Fairy Food while in Sweetwine, normal berries elsewhere.)
  • A book titled "Idalos, Saoire's Dream and the Realm of Bob" By Cage Snurdlepond. Split into three sections, this is a book of maps and then short, but informative, write ups of key places. It's entirely accurate for both Saoire's Dream and Idalos (although remember that this is written by a fairy - they describe the temple of Delroth, for example, as "the place for poo-poo heads"). It also has the same for the Realm of Bob. Where it is, or how you get there is unclear, but by all accounts it's a very nice place - a large island with gentle hills and a single city (Bobville). There are bear people there, too. Biiiig bear people.
  • A thank you card from the orphanage ~ Winston is given a thank you card from the children at the orphanage. It is large, and it took a lot of time (and glitter) there are drawings of him, of varying degrees of accuracy, and lots of squiggles and signatures. It's so bright and cheerful that it's positively hideous, but it's also entirely endearing.
  • A fine blue, fully tailored suit for Winston.
  • Masterwork
    Cloak of Minor protection
    Quick Facts
    • The cloak itself can be recharged by being exposed to magical energies. If it is not, then it must be recharged alchemically:
    • Once a cycle if not actively used
    • Once a season if actively used for a few breaks in a season

      Note: A 'Use' means active triggering of it's abilities. Just wearing it around and letting it be as it is without triggering it's dormant properties is not considered to drain the item considerably.
      The regents in the clasp need to be replaced once a cycle (as they don't 'power' anything, as such, just tigger things).

    • When activated using the dial, the cloak gives off trail of light, floating flitter that trils behind the cloak as the wearer moves.
    • Is a Masterwork (human scaled) quality sturdy, hooded cloak.
    • It is made of a heavy cloth that keeps out the weather, but does not affect the wearer's agility due to its masterwork craftsmanship.
    • When it is struck/receives impact, or that dial on the clasp is set to the appropriate setting, it provides the protection of solid Embersteel armour for the duration of the strike (or until the dial is switched off again).
      Can be the colour of rainbow sand, grave gold, purple cloth, emerald green cloth or brown cloth (controlled by a small dial on the clip that fastens the cloak to the wearer).
    • Absorbs magical energies directed at it, having an affect that:
    • Recharges its alchemical properties (it does not offer any additional protection from magic that a normal cloak would not otherwise provide).
    • Mends damage done to it, even replacing torn sections of cloth.
    • Is always warm (as in it gives off warmth even when it's freezing cold).
Library: Furnature and decor around his home:
  • A medium-sized drawing of Winston coughing up a berry and the flower head falling off.
  • A large drawing of all of the embarrassing moments from the Blackberry Picking event, put together like you did them all in a group. So that is:
    • The back and behind of naked Oram with the criss-cross marks of having been in a hammock.
    • Winston coughing up a berry he's choking on and splattering a flower head
    • Balthazar with his hands clamped over his mouth and a group of fairies around him all looking very very shocked
    • Kisaik holding a whistle, which he's looking at in complete incomprehension, with fairies fluttering around him, clutching their tummies and laughing
    • Elisabeth, mid fall with her foot stuck in the ground, an exaggerated expression of shock on her face and a half dozen fairies all looking shocked too
    • Nir'wei, standing in front of a chalk board pointing at a diagram. The board has the words "Sex. What it is and why we do it" and the image is of a couple having sex. There are a class of fairies all making notes
    • Zoro is standing in front of a group of very bored looking fairies - some are visibly sleeping - reading from a book with the title "Zoro's Boring Kitten Mittens"
  • 4 ingots of Euvomine. Each one contains the potential of a different one of Saoire's Domains, including Turtles, Mentorship, Gateways and Gifts. Any item made with these ingots should be PSF'ed to ascertain what the specific item end's up doing :-) The power level of the power manifest is based on the Crafting Skill used, e.g. Comp/Favoured, Exp/Adored, etc., etc.
Spent/Used/Lost Wells
Alchemical Ingredients
Minor Magical Creations
  • A crude Alchemically charged stick of Pheonix Wood that is hard as steal and blends in with its surroundings as pre Minithelite when in contact with soil. If not recharged once a Cycle, it will sloose these properties. Created here.
  • 2 x Small Miragestone items, made of iron and a Class 1 Miragestone. Created here.
Alchemical Creations
Rainbow Explosives

These can and will do no harm, they simply explode with a little popping sound with impact and create a blast radius inside which everything is turned rainbow coloured. The radius is not large, but increases with volume. A cup of the stuff would be enough to colour a room if it exploded.

Created and approved here
Glowing Sound Food

This food is most affective in the dark. When sound is detected, it glows in various colours, in accordance with the desires of the alchemist during creation.

In the dark, the food glows, illuminating its surroundings.

created and approved here
Rainbow Brownie Crackers

These rainbow coloured crackers smell and taste of freshly baked brownies and when consumed turn the person all the colours of the rainbow. Further to this the eater farts rainbow coloured glitter for a short period of time after eating them.

They are extremely delicious (Cooking GM) to both people and Fairies/Spirits (thanks for Winston's Fairy Ambrosia Capstone), as he took the care to ensure the ingredients contained something that spirits would like.

Created and approved here
Rainbow Rice

Rainbow rice, as per the sand from which it gets it colourful appearance, is all the colours of the rainbow and when a spoonful is taken, it transforms from whatever colour it had been while in the dish, to again display all the colours of the rainbow in itself. This will cocure down to the last individual gain of rice, i.e. if you remove one grain, it too will then change to include all of the colours of the rainbow until it is returned to the dish with the rest of the rice.

Created and approved here
Floaty-light Chews

This delicious little sweets are light blue and shimmer slightly in the light. When consumed they grant the individual the ability to turn weightless while in contact with a specific Alchemical Agent made of Peganot and Copper. The effect can be used for several breaks.
Current Supply: 11 x Floaty-light Chews
Created and approved here
Iron-skin Chews

These chewable and delicious sweets increase the density of the person that eats the Chew, making them mildly resistant to harm. It can be considered to be similar in affect to a Heavy Leather Armour.
Current Supply: 2 x Iron-skin Chews
Created and approved here
Superior Iron-skin Chews

These brown, chewable and delicious sweets (Cooking GM) increase the density of the person that eats the Chew, making them mildly resistant to harm. It can be considered to be similar in effect to a Heavy Leather Armour. They also offer the consumer fire resistance and will remain fresh and usable for an extended period of time thanks to their preservative properties. When consumed, the individual momentarily shimmers all the colours of the rainbow and for the duration of the chew (which is a few breaks) whenever the individual is struck, the area struck flashes with a rainbow-coloured shimmer.
Current Supply: 12 x Superior Iron-skin Chews
Created and approved here
Super-Stealth Chews

12 x Super-Stealth Chews: These Alchemical 'chews' are delicious (GM Cooking) and give the person that consumes them the ability to blend into their surroundings, becoming odorless and hushed for a short period of time, even when moving. The affect is not absolute and the individual is far from invisible, further more, moving without care would make the individual obvious to most once again. This being said, they make the consumer untrackable by scent and far less likely to be heard even when moving through tricky terrain.

  • This will increase you Steal Skill by one competence level.
  • Make it impossible to track you by scent (as you don';t have one).
  • Reduce any noise made when moving, resulting in an almost silent passing even though mild obstructions.
Current Supply: 11 x Super-Stealth Chews
Invented and approved here
Stealth Chews

These Alchemical 'chews' are delicious and gives the person that consumes them the ability to blend into their surroundings for a short period of time. The affect is not absolute and the individual is far from invisible, further more, moving without care would make the individual obvious to most once again. Mechanically: This will increase you Steal Skill by one competence level.
Current Supply: 6 x Stealth Chews
Invented and approved here
Lesser Alchemical Healing Chew

These chews harness the healing capabilities of the Emperor Bat to heal up moderate wounds. The process is slow, taking several bits to complete fully, but the healing effect begins to stabilizes the wound and the patient from the moment it is taken. Warning: The process is debilitatingly painful, preventing but even the most resilient of individuals (Expert Endurance) from doing anything during the healing process.
Current Supply: 0 x Lesser Alchemical Healing Chew
Invented and approved here
Greater Alchemical Healing Chew

This recipe makes a single healing chew that is capable of healing Major wounds and even regrowing a recently lost (within 10 breaks of the loss) limb. The process would still be extremely painful were it not for the sedative affect of the chew that puts the patient to sleep throughout the process. After a single Break (hour) or rest a single limb can be restored to a living creature.
Quick Facts
  • Completely restore ONE lost limb per chew.
  • Limb(s) must have been lost within the last 10 trials.
  • Puts the victim to sleep for around one break (hour).
  • The creature must be alive to have it's limb restored.
Requirements to make:
  • Alchemy (Master)
  • 1 x Emperor Bat
  • 1 x Single portion of Moukou Beans
  • 1 x quart of fresh animal blood
  • Access to a supply of other Tier 8 Regends for Flavour Binders and Accelerants, etc.
Current Supply: 0 x Greater Alchemical Healing Chews
  • None
Invented here
Cake flavored metal

This metal tastes of exquisitely well made birthday cake (GM Cooking) and never rusts thanks to the alchemy used in its creation. It also has acoustic properties thanks to the Blue want glass alloy that means that it enhances sound made by it.

Created and approved here

Last edited by Winston on Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:05 am, edited 11 times in total. word count: 2833


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Winston's Fairy Bell

Winston's Blackberry Trinket
Name: Fairy Bell
Approved: here

Issued here: [Seasonal Event] Blackberry Picking!

This small golden bell gives off a gentle tinkling sounds when range. Its delicate design offers a small ring at the top, which allows it to be fastened securely. Winston often keeps the bell well tied with a small pice of cloth to ensure it does not tinckle constantly everywhere he goes while on the farm.

  • Winston can summon his fairy companion from the Blackberry adventure to him at any time, using this bell.
  • The holder can resist the effects of fairy food. This is always on, as long as the bell is being carried.
  • You may turn into a fairy, once a trial. This lasts as long as you wish but it only works in Sweetwine. If you leave Sweetwine, you are no longer a fairy.
  • Once a cycle, when rang with intent, the holder of the bell can create a ringing in the ears of a single person within line of sight, that only that person can hear.
Last edited by Winston on Mon Dec 19, 2022 11:05 am, edited 10 times in total. word count: 176


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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NPC: Shinwa Sato

Shinwa (To be quiet) Sato (Assistant)

Race: Human (Ghost - Tier 3 Wisp)
Date of Birth: 14th of Ashan, Arc 613
Anchor(s): Winston
Languages: Common (Fluent)

Shinwa's every waking moment was in service of his masters and his personality reflects this subservient role in death. With a quiet and reserved demeanour that might seem to some to be totally unshakable (Discipline Expert), he presents as a collected and leave-headed man, even amidst the throws of chaos. He never takes the lead in a situation unless it is unseen, to serve or to protect his masters or their needs.

His positively uncanny ability to anticipate the needs of those he cares for and to ensure they are met (the combination of Caregiving/Expert, Detection/Competent, Intelligence/Expert & Logistics/Expert) manifests as a preparedness that never fails to impress.

Humble to a fault and in fact humble into death, his Giri to serve comes before all other concerns. There is never a thing he does or has done that he would admit deserves recognition or acclaim and he spends his trials now, helping Winston with his various endeavours.

Were it not for Shinwa these days, his Cadouri master might not eat, sleep or attend any of his commitments and those that enter Chest while Winston and Shinwa are in residence, are met with a cool and accommodating welcome.


In life he had dark brown eyes, pale skin, black hair and was/is 5 foot 2 inches tall. His attire at his passing and so now forever in death, is that of a butler / servant from the household of a noble family. His appearance is immaculately maintained and his uniform always perfectly trimmed and proper.


Skill Type Level Points
Intelligence Standard Skill Expert 51
Detection Standard Skill Competent 26
Etiquette Standard Skill Expert 51
Caregiving Standard Skill Expert 60
Discipline Standard Skill Expert 60
Endurance Standard Skill Competent 26
Cosmotology Standard Skill Novice 7
Logistics Standard Skill Expert 51
Mathematics Standard Skill Competent 26
Appraisal Standard Skill Competent 26
Syphon Ghost Skill Novice 20
Materialisation Ghost Skill Expert 56

Cause of Death

In service to the family he served, Shinwa was killed in an assault on the household, during which he remained behind while the family escaped. In committing this final and mortal sacrifice for the masters he served and fulfilling a Giri that left him own family without a husband, father or provider, he now exists as a Ghost searching for a new form of service.

Relationship to PC

He volunteered, via Faith, in the thread "A ferret friend's lost love" to provide assistance in their search for Kisaik's lost love, finding this purpose, above his own dislodged and 'masterless' existence after death, in service to this noble cause.


Death Remnant: Bloody End
Shinwa is able to appear to bleed from his chest, soaking his spiritual clothing in blood. The blood is not real and leaves no marks and is entirely superficial.

As a Wisp, Shinwa has all of the abilities listed here, including:
  • Dawn’s Deception Form (Daytime Form)
    • Corpse Finding
    • Carcass Cloak
    • Dusting
  • Umbral Haunt Form (Nighttime Form)
    • Soul Tracking
    • Grave Travel
    • Palisade

Progression Log

This is a list of threads that have affected the development or progress of this NPC:
word count: 548


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Winston

Skill Capstones
Composite Applications - Level 1 (GM)
Capstone: Composite Applications - Level 1

The Alchemist at this point has a broad base of knowledge when it comes to cataloguing properties of reagents and materials, that they have learned to simplify the transference of those properties from reagents and materials to create new effects based on aspects of the effects of each reagent used.

As such, the alchemist can blend properties of two reagents and imbue them into an artifact/potion/medium with the effort it normally takes to transfer a single, unaltered property.

For example: A fire resistant property can be blended with a cold-weakness property to create one or the other of the following:
  • A cold resistance potion.
  • A potion of fire-weakness.
Note: All of the required materials to create an item remain unchanged, it is simply possible to be more flexible with the property imbued into a single artifact/potion/medium without added effort or other considerations.

Approved here
Putting the 'Super' in superficial (255 XP)
Capstone: Putting the 'Super' in superficial

Take the wimsie out of Winston and you'd not have much left and this has always come out in his Alchemy. From making everything rainbow coloured, to giving of light or sound, he's often sacrificed function for fancy in the pursuit of fun and entertainment.

As a result of this constant pursuit, he has managed to perfect the weave of the superficial affects to a point they are a trivial affair. Using this talent, he can instil any superficial affects into potions and items without incurring any additional complication to the potion/artifact he is creating.

Mechanically, this allows Winston to change the colour, smell, sound, taste etc of a potion or artifact with no additional effort. This is quite a subjective ability, but the added effect should have no systematic benefit, so blending into your background might be changing colour, however it is not superficial so would not be covered by this Capstone. Making something be rainbow coloured however would be fine.

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Ephemeral Alchemy (260 XP)
Capstone: Ephemeral Alchemy

Ephemeral Alchemy Being one to traffic in spirits, Kisaik has learned a sort of mystical process when it comes to Alchemy. He can use ambient ephemera, such as that given off by a nearby spirit, or by himself if bonded to a spirit, to act as a reagent for whatever alchemical product he's creating. This unfortunately has a similar effect as blood magic in that it can result in backlash if he oversteps and tries to draw upon an unwilling or difficult or very large spirit.

Approved here
In ALL the Gaps (85 Knowledges)
Capstone: In ALL the Gaps

When applying alchemical effects to already completed articles of clothing, armour or even objects after the fact (instead of before they are constructed), it is a common compromise for an alchemist to accept that some seams and hinges may be missed. These weaknesses can usually only be avoided by applying the alchemy to the materials used ahead of the items being created, but having worked on a wide range of applications, cloaks, clothing an armour alike, Winston has developed a method of applying alchemy by way of a catalytic bath.

With this capstone, by soaking items in the catalytic bath, the alchemy can be applied to the entire article as if it had been applied to the base materials before construction, ensuring any weaknesses that might have been introduced by not doing so are avoided.

Note: This is not a method of 'bulk alchemy'. While the method (whether it's a bath, lacker, or whatever it is) might involve soaking an article in what would be enough liquid to apply the process to multiple items, 'the alchemy' is absorbed from the 'catalytic bath' (or whatever it is) leaving the remnants inert, requiring a new alchemical process with all requisite regents before they could be applied to the appropriate quantity of items again.

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Stretching the Larder (GM)
Capstone: Stretching the Larder

Winston's ability with cooking has allowed him to utilise his ingredients to their absolute maximum. This means that he is able to stretch the contents of his larder to an amazing degree. He has the capacity to take what most chefs would use for one portion and turn it into a full meal for four. This has a consequence for his restaurant and means that he makes 25% more profit because he does not need to buy the amount of ingredients to stock the supplies. As per the Wealth System Update, this will allow any business he creates that uses his cooking skill to have a 25% reduction in the Base Cost as per the business guide.

Approved here ~ Sourced from here
Fairy Ambrosia (255 XP)
Capstone: Fairy Ambrosia

Winston has such experience in using fairy foods and crafting with fairies, and for fairies, that he's able to infuse ephemera into his foods. Mechanically this can make it possible to heal spirits and ghosts. Anything that feeds on ephemera can gain sustenance from his food where they might usually not.

He is able to identify food that has been touched by the ephemeral in the subtle details in its texture, weight or smell and so has the lingering energy about them that he can use.

It should be noted that ephemera can only feed Ghosts that are capable of turning ephemera into ectoplasm through the use of The Syphon skill (which does exactly this).

Approved here
The Voice of Hunger (85 Knowledges)
Capstone: The Voice of Hunger

The chef has been working with, for and against the hunger and nutritional challenges of their patrons for so long now, they have developed an uncanny intuition toward it. This intuition is fueled by a wide range of things, from physical symptoms, behaviors and bowl movements to conversations held with a person and even just good old fashioned 'hunches'. Anything that can give the chef an insight into what the individual 'needs' in their diet and within a short period of study, they can guess at the perfect ingredients to satisfy a hunger a person or creature might have.

This ability is so fundamentally intuitive, the chef is barely even aware they are doing it and as such, it cannot be used for diagnosis or treatment of conditions or ailments. It's simply that when the chef sets out to 'hit the spot' for a specific individual, they find they fall upon 'just the right thing' for that person, perhaps even just for that trial.

Approved here
That's the Spirit (260 XP)
Capstone: That's the Spirit

Having worked with and around spirits for so long now and even managing to recognize the presence of their influence in the ingredients he bakes with, Winston has now honed his ability to preserve and even concentrate the properties of the spirit energies inside his food to the point that they are so potent they can have an impact on those that eat them.

The effects are always subtle and cumulative in nature, meaning they are easy to resist should you wish, but if not, become more substantial over time.

When this skill is used to infuse food with the energy from a spirit of a specific domain, Winston can design the food to have a deliberate impact on the mood of the individual concerned. What this means is that he can encourage emotions or inclinations associated to a particular spiritual domain in the people that eat his food. It also means the concentration of ephemera found in his food is typically a little higher now.

Some examples include making people:
Inclined to 'lean towards' a preference for Wealth/Poverty.
Systematic Note: This is not mind control or empathy and (even on NPCs) will have little more effect than a 'buzz' unless something is done to encourage the affect, just as is the case with Spirits themselves, they only stick around if their domain is present.

On another PC, it is an entirely optional flavour affect they can be resisted so desired.

Approved here

Hearts True Desire (GM)
Capstone: Hearts True Desire

With the use of a very specific phrase (only because that's how it works for Winston), he is able to encourage a single person, currently engaged in conversation with him, to tell him what it is they truly want. The following limitations apply:
  • There must be conversation happening between Winston and the target.
  • The phrase Winston uses is "What is it that you truly desire?";
  • The target must hear the phrase.
  • No one must interrupt.
  • Unless used in combination with some other capostone, this does not currently work on Induks, Dragon, Immortals or other 'Greater Beings', but most mortals (including mortalborn) are subject to its effects.
  • Other GM skills or capstones might be used to try and subvert this ability (at Mod discretion).
Note: The target does not need to like him and once they have shared their desire, there's nothing stopping them continuing with what they were doing, or perhaps even responding to the sudden and unexpected sharing in some way personal to them.

This is not mind control or telepathy. He does not read what they want from them. What is happening is that he is perceived, by the recipient of these words, as someone they would, if there was such a person, share such a deep secret with. This differs depending on the individual, perhaps they are charmed by him, or they consider his demeanor so inconsequential it seems meaningless that he knows, etc.

What they want might not be something good/bad or even possible, but it does cut through peripheral motivations and schemes, i.e. it's not a 'what they want in this moment' but perhaps 'what they want that lead them TO this moment'. e.g. they may have come to him for a sward to kill the dragon to become famouse... when what they WANT is to own a bakery, but their life 'didn't go that way'. Perhaps the villain just wants "To be loved by my mother." or perhaps they really do just want "To kill EVERYTHING!" but it is usually far more likely that they are doing things because they want something as a means to an end.

NPCs: On your average NPC this would simply invoke the desired effect, i.e. they will typically share their core/deepest desire. They might then regret that choice, but for a brief moment, the social norms, fears, barriers and/or other constructs that might otherwise not only prevent them sharing such a thing with another person (or even themselves, possibly prevent them even realising what it is), fall away and their deepest desire is shared with Winston.

PCs: Broadly speaking, this has no 'required' affect in a PC. However, if used, the target PC should consider that if there was any likelihood that there was a person or reason they might share such a thing, that Winston might be included among them... Of course, whether the PC shares anything is always up to the PC.

Note: This is not a way to instantly become a confidant. It works once, for one specific thing (their desire) and does not really change how the target feels about Winston in any lasting way. They might still hate him, perhaps even kill him, they just now do so having shared something before he's gone. :-p

Approved here
Last edited by Winston on Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:08 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1922


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Winston  [Approved CS]

Cassion's Locket

(Approved Here)
A small, rather ornate locket in the design of a door, on a short chain that will adjust to fit snugly upon anyone willing to wear it. If placed upon an unwilling person, the chain's clasp will odly refuse to lock and the locket itself refuse to open.

Any time it is opened, the opener will find a random picture of someone that previously opened the locket inside (this picture cannot be removed) and the opener's own image will be added to the collection. Once per season, when opened, it will release the chaos built-up within (it triggers powers under Power Group 3).

The locket will 'lift its skirt' for anyone brave (or stupid) enough to use it. Ownership is an immaterial concern to the fortune and chaos the locket has to offer.


Neutrality is a wonderful thing. It allows merchants to trade in war zones, generally to both sides. It lets the banker enforce peace and calm in his bank. It allows the glass maker to create beautiful works of art while the world rages around them. This ability takes that to an extreme, however, as it allows the wearer to pass through any conflict without either side noticing them. However, this ability only works so long as the wearer remains absolutely neutral. Favouring a side of a conflict will render this ability null. It also doesn't prevent the wearer from any of the side effects of a conflict, such as thrown pots, boiling oil, or stray arrows.

Making physical contact with the locket while wearing it and willing your own good fortune into being, allows the holder to affect the odds of things like dice rolls and card draws, or anything of a similarly small nature so that they fall in the holder's favor. The power can be used as many times in a row as the holder desires, but each consecutive use is less likely to succeed than the one before it, though going a whole Trial without using the ability will reset it.

Once a season, when the Locket is opened, the chaos within is released!

When this happens, small sprites, familiars, and/or wisps poor out of the locket. These summoned beings might aid, heal or hinder those around, they might just be here to watch the plot twist unfold or whatever purpose they see fit, but unless the wearer of the necklace breaks the effect of Neutrality, they will likely ignore the wearer for the most part. The summoned creatures may act according to their will and what they see as right or wrong. They will remain until they choose to re-enter the locket, or until a trial has passed. The creatures are neither angelic of malevolent, they simply are (the mod decides what happens to best fit the theme of the Major Plot Twist, perhaps they don't appear at all).

Once a season in anything up to a global thread, the opener may contact the mod for a "Major Plot Twist,". This effectively allows a change in the narrative of the story. The plot twist is decided by the mod and will become part of the thread. It allows a surprise turn of events in a story, centred on the opener of the locket, but may not nececerilly be entirely beneficial, i.e. the opener cannot be confident they will benefit from the change in plans, but who knows? Perhaps a pot of gold will fall from the sky.

The mechanics approved during the PSF request
Power Group 1
* Signature Item (Primary) - Favorable Outcome - Level: Favored
Based uppong "Favorable Outcome - Level: Favored" from wiki/index.php?title=Category:Rusalkis
Significant deviations from the above basis: None
Activation: Making physical contact with the locket while wearing it and willing your own good fortune into being, e.g. clasping it in your hand, kissing it, rubbing it, etc.
Power Description: An ability that allows the holder to affect the odds of things like dice rolls and card draws, or anything of a similarly small nature, so that they fall in the holder's favor. The power can be used as many times in a row as the holder desires, but each consecutive use is less likely to succeed than the one before it, though going a whole Trial without using the ability will reset it.

Power Group 2
* Signature Item (Secondarry) - Pass Unnoticed - Level: Favored
Based uppong "Pass Unnoticed - Level: Favored" from wiki/index.php?title=Category:Sombran
Significant deviations from the above basis: None
Activation: This is a passive ability that is simple active while wearing the locket.
Power Description: Neutrality is a wonderful thing. It allows merchants to trade in war zones, generally to both sides. It lets the banker enforce peace and calm in his bank. It allows the glass maker to create beautiful works of art while the world rages around them. This ability takes that to an extreme, however, as it allows the wearer to pass through any conflict without either side noticing them. However, this ability only works so long as the wearer remains absolutely neutral. Favoring a side of a conflict will render this ability null. It also doesn't prevent the wearer from any of the side effects of a conflict, such as thrown pots, boiling oil, or stray arrows.

Power Group 3
* Signature Item (Secondarry) - Chaotic Spirits (Minor) - Level Favored
Based uppong "Protective Spirits (Minor) - Level Favored" from wiki/index.php?title=Category:Sevrath
Significant deviations from the above basis:
* It can only be used once a season, so that it falls in line with the main power.
* Multiple summoned creatures would come out (rather than just one).
* This differs from "Protective Spirits" in so much as its intended to embody a little of 'the box is opened and chaos sometimes poors out'. So the summoned things appear to come from (or out of) the locket and might heal, help or hinder, but really they are 'the light show' before the main act (see Major Plot Twist). It is really ALMOST just fluff, to support the actual power, which is the Plot Twist.
Activation: Once per season, when the locket is opened.
Power Description: Once a season, when the Locket is openned small sprites, familiars, and/or wisps poor out of the locket. These summoind beings might aid, heal or hinder those around, they might just be here to watch the plot twist unfold or whatever purpose they see fit, but unless the wearer of the necklass breaks the affect of Neutrality, they will likely ignore the wearer for the most part. The summoned creatures may act according to their will and what they see as right or wrong. They will remain until they choose to re-enter the locket, or until a trial has passed. The creatures are neither agelic of malevolent, they simply are (the mod decides what happens to best fit the theme of the Major Plot Twist, perhaps they don't appear at all).

* Signature Item (Tertiary) - Major Plot Twist - Level: Exhalted
Based uppong "Major Plot Twist - Level: Exhalted" from wiki/index.php?title=Category:Sojourn
Significant deviations from the above basis: None
Activation: Once per season, when the locket is opened.
Power Description: Once a season in anything up to a global thread, the opener may contact the mod for a "Plot Twist". This effectively allows a change in the narrative of the story. The plot twist is decided by the mod and will become part of the thread. It allows a surprise turn of events in a story, centered on the opener of the locket, but may not nececerilly be entirely beneficial, i.e. the opener cannot be confident they will benefit from the change in plans, but who knows? Perhaps a pot of gold will fall from the sky.
word count: 1312


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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