A Leaky Tap (Alora) (Graded)

The cities and villages of Melrath are as varied and diverse as they come. The capital of Raelia is the the jewel of this western kingdom, playing host to a merchants, artisans, Aesir priests, as well as a cut throat political landscape dominated by the nobles of Raelia. To the south in the depths of the Myrkvior Forest lies Melrath's second largest, and oldest city, Fensalir. Here people have learned to live alongside spirits and the natural world by maintaining their loyalty to traditions laid down the first Melrathi. To the east lies the small fishing village of Noatun, and to the western mountains rests the Mer city of Verimeer, the brewing town of Alivilda and the alpine village Vormund.
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A Leaky Tap (Alora) (Graded)


"You are free to choose,"

Saun 18, 719

Soren woke early, as he always did, eyes straight upward at the rafters of his room. He had not deviated from waking at this hour since his childhood. Back then, it was his responsibility to help his dad take the animals for their morning water and feed. And so, at the fifth bell, he was awake and alert. He slipped to the edge of the bed, sitting there, letting the hot Saun air wash over his naked skin.

He looked down at his hands, feeling the mild pains of age creeping into the joints of his fingers. They were long fingers, calloused and scarred from years on the road, from building this tavern and working everything from the taps to the pen. On his left wrist, a leather cord with a series of complex knotted engravings brought back old memories. Memories that made the man smile softly, a smile that was paired with soft, sad eyes.

A deep sigh and a slap on the thighs, and Soren was up. And so, his routine continued. He looked out the window, seeing that the suns were giving off enough light. He parted the curtains and let the warm glow flood in. He moved over to his mirrored basin, and began. He washed his face, trimmed and shaved his beard, trimmed his hair. He then washed his skin, scrapping it with a sharp stone to get any leftover grind, oil, and old skin off. He washed his teeth and trimmed his nails and went through the entire remaining process.

He dressed simply, appropriate to the heat, a white billowy shirt and a loose pair of trousers. He moved from his bedroom out into his common room. There, just inside the door, was the ledger from last night, as well as the chest of coins. It was left there by the closing bartender, as it was every night. He carried both across to another door, slipping inside his office. He sat down at the desk, and began recording last night's take into his own, separate ledger. He counted the coins that had been claimed and was pleased that everything added up, like it always did. He had hand picked every single employee and only picked those he could trust. It helped that he didn't sweat them over the food and drank they took while on shift. It helped to keep them happy.

Once the day's take was recorded, he split the coins into various pouches. He stashed them in various hidden areas of his quarters. It was never wise to keep all of your coin in one place. Two pouches came with him, one tied to his belt and resting in his pocket, and the other wrapped tight and hidden in a special compartment in the boots he was pulling on at the door. He grabbed his key and locked his door on his way out and down the steps to the kitchens.

It was quiet down here, as it always was. This first hour of the day was his hour. The opening staff would be here at the sixth bell, and not one minute before, or after, with the first customers shortly behind them. Soren went to the side door, unlocking it, finding the day's delivery of eggs and milk waiting there. He carried the crates of both inside and put them away. He poured a bowl of mixed grains and dried fruits and poured milk over the lot.

Carrying his bowl in one hand and snagging a spoon with another, he moved through the doors to the front room and sat upon the only stool at the bar that was left empty every night, right at the very end of the bar, out of the way and not much desired. His spot. He ate there, enjoying the silence and the sweetness of the fruits planning his day out.

Drip. Tap.

Between bites, he'd heard it. He swallowed and stopped moving, listening closely.

Drip. Tap.

He sighed, then chuckled. Another leaky tap. Must be a new leak, the bartenders would've taken care of it if they'd noticed it. He finished up his grains, then took the bowl back into the kitchen and washed them in the basin. He grabbed one of the leather aprons there and pulled it on, tying it snugly. He rolled up his sleeves and moved to the bar. Six large barrels rested there on their sides, and the fourth one over was the leaking culprit. The mead. The more expensive than the other barrels mead.

He crouched down next to it, inspecting it closely. The drop was coming directly off of the tap, not the barrel's lip. He felt around the corked end, finding it dry there. So the seal was intact. That meant it was the tap itself. He grabbed an empty flagon, holding it beneath the tap. He opened the tap, filling the flagon halfway, and then shutting it fully. Then waited.

Drip. Plop.

Well, it wasn't a loose handle then. He guessed that there was a crack in the tap somewhere. He filled the flagon up the rest of the way and set it upon the bar. He then opened one of the cabinets behind the bar, pulling out a mallet, spare tap, and small, flat basin. He placed the basin beneath the tap. Then he took the spare tap in his right hand, and grabbed the leaky one with his right. One deep breath. There was a sharp twist and pulled, and golden mead was dumping down into the basin for a moment before the next corked tap was jammed into place. Soren twisted and pushed until it was snug.

He grabbed a rag and dried the leaky tap, setting it upon the bar next to his flagon. He picked up the basin, pouring it into the day's Slop Barrel. That barrel always made him smile, even more so that there were customers who actually preferred it despite being able to afford proper drinks. He wiped down the barrel, tap and floor until there was no indication that anything had occurred. He ran the empty basin back to the kitchen and washed it.

He grabbed his flagon and took one long swig, enjoying the sweetness. Waste not, want not. Plus, a little honey in the morning was good for the soul. Then he heard the door to the kitchen open and heard his opening employees chatting among themselves. And so, another day began.

After a quick meeting, where the employees told him about their previous shifts and various thoughts, issues, and such on work, they set to it. Moments later, the Ox's Bellow was opened to the public. Not long after, customers renting rooms began trickling down for breakfast. Soren moved about, managing his team and gladhanding customers, smiling and making conversation. As the day reached the eighth bell, he hung up his apron, turning to one of his bartenders.

"I'll be back after a bit. Heading to the smith to get that tap looked at."

Billiam just nodded at the boss and continued his work, which was taking inventory of the booze, as he only had one person sitting at the bar, a man nursing a hangover with a little hair of the dog. Soren grabbed the tap and made his way out into the street. It was already hot and humid out, but Soren was more than used to that. He didn't dawdle, making a quick path toward the smithy he preferred to use. The man had a large workshop, hiring temporary and traveling smiths often.

Soren pushed through the door into the shopfront, and waited.

"But you are not free from the consequences."
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Re: A Leaky Tap (Alora)

Time of Day/Night: See above.
Weapons: Piece of graphite and paper.
Armor: Casual work outfit and apron.
Injuries: Recently amputated left forearm.
Illness: Manic Depression (Currently waxing depressed)
Ether Reserves: light use.

Part of the deal that Alora had made with the Valkyrion upon setting off on her sabbatical, was that she was going to tend to her wounds and actually rest while off duty. There was still a lot of heat ongoing, from the rumors of stormtouched flaying innocents. Stormtouched mages like Alora. Her forehead's plate horn was sore from the bar fight she'd gotten into the night before. Some place called the Ox's Fortune or the Ox's Bellow or some such. She couldn't remember. She found that the plate horn on her head was useful for the odd brawl she got into. It'd sunk into the cartilage of the man's nose pretty well, when she'd fought him. She'd have to try the technique again sometime. She needed every leg up she could manage in a fight, now being minus one left arm.

Speaking of her left arm, it was time to put on her ointment, to prevent further infection. She sighed, slipping out of her cot in the Inn, and swiping the jar full of unguent. The unguent she took with her hand and began smearing it over the cut-off stub that'd been left in the wake of her battlewound. Once it was suitably covered with the stuff, she corked the jar once more, and placed it back in it's cabinet.

From there, she went over to the wash basin to begin scrubbing off the grime accumulated over the past day.

Once she was done washing up, Alora reflected on what her day would be. There was a local smithy down the way, on the outskirts of Raelia, where the warrior had been assisting in menial tasks and work of an apprentice. She was still learning her way around the smithy, but was coming along nicely. Perhaps before long she'd be the one wielding a hammer and beating the metal. The most sophisticated items she'd been working on were little more than carpentry nails and so forth. And most of those had been brittle.

She left the inn, and headed over toward the smithy. The structure itself wasn't quite like the grandest among Raelia, with their blue marble edifices. The smithy itself was an unassuming lodge-like structure, the roof and upper levels of which might have been crafted from the remains of a capsized longship. Inside, the smells of burning coals were pervading.

Alora had to cough as she entered, shielding her face with her one good arm. "Something wrong with the exhaust, Master Grimkegn?"

Without waiting for an answer, she began channeling the intention of the wind, and willed them to funnel out of the main room, and into the exhaust vents of the roof. She looked up as the smoke cleared, and saw there was some crystalline structures filling the vents, inhibiting their effectiveness.

"Aye, Alora, barely noticed. We just got started with the forging. Be a good girl and fetch me the broom..." He locked eyes with another apprentice, and cocked his head up toward the roof, signalling that the lad should clear out the crystals and build up in the ventilation system above.

She grabbed a broom, and handed it over toward one of the other apprentices, who swiftly went to work at the dust on the floor of the smithy.

Alora's job was mainly to man the front desk, and take any orders. Her disability inhibited her in many ways that she had not anticipated. Although she could fight as long as she could handle a weapon, work that she'd often taken for granted, work that was designed to be done with two hands, was a great challenge that needed handling with the help of more than one person. It made her feel almost useless in these settings. Yet she persevered. There was no other option.

She looked up as the door opened again, with a man entering the store. Alora smiled at him as best she could, fixing him with her glowing orange eyes. The newly minted tattoo of a mage was on her neck from the days before, angry and red from the tattooist's needle.

"What can we do for you, Sir?" She asked, laying her one hand on the counter. There was graphite and paper nearby for the taking of orders, in cases where they were overtasked. But early customers were better served, and often given precedence over even those coming lately on the previous days, depending on the complexity of their work.
word count: 793
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Re: A Leaky Tap (Alora)


"You are free to choose,"

Soren hadn't expected to see what most people could only describe as a demon to be greeting him as he entered the smithy. And the woman certainly looked the part. But there was no hint of fear or judgment in Soren's eyes. Merely curiosity. He knew there would have to be a treasure trove of stories behind this woman. He smiled politely and stepped up to the counter. He saw the mark of a mage, and could only assume she looked this way because of whatever magic she used. Soren had heard the many whispers over his long life time of magics. He'd even seen some fantastical things, so he knew magic was a real thing.

But he didn't know the details of any of it, nor did he really care to learn them. At least, not right now. Right now, it was time for business. He set the tap on the counter. He looked the woman right in the glowing orange eyes, strange color choice, if it was a choice, in his opinion. "One of my taps has begun leaking. I've confirmed that it wasn't the seal nor the cork. I was hoping that I could get the tap evaluated first, and if possible to fix, given a quote for the cost." He pushed the tap closer to the woman, maintaining his comfortable smile.

He gave her some moments to write down anything she needed to write and time to take the tap, before he continued. "Can't say I've seen you around here before." He stuck out a hand for a shake, "I'm Soren. Soren Kvistson. I run the Ox's Bellow down the way. I seem to be here every other tentrial for something or other. What's your name, if you don't mind my asking?" He didn't push it, people would tell their stories when comfortable and on their own time. It never helped to try and force a story.

He sniffed at the air, noticing it was a little smokier than usual, though he typically only came in the mornings around opening. "Forge fire up early? Seems smokier than it typically is." He didn't mind it, and his face showed no displeasure at it. He'd lived in multiple conditions far worse than this. He stopped talking, not wanting to overwhelm the woman, nor to interrupt her work. He didn't know if she was one was one who didn't care for chatter or not. A lot of outcasts tended to be fairly guarded and withdrawn, and typically people that look like monsters were often outcasts. It was a shame. It helped to have monsters as friends sometimes, for the same reason it helped to have heroes as friends too.

And so, he took a moment to step away from the counter and give her space, while eyeing the goods on the walls and shelves, goods he'd eyed many times before. It was more polite than hovering.

"But you are not free from the consequences."
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Re: A Leaky Tap (Alora)


"Yeah, stories are something aren't they." She yawned. "I'm Alora."

"Hmmm..." Alora looked at the fixture that the man was showing her, pretending to know what it was supposed to be, taking it in hand and inspecting it. She nodded, and then went on back to the Blacksmith. "Hey, smithy. Do you know which part of this spigot has to do with smithing?"

The smith took it in hand, and grimaced, then looked at Alora with a weary sigh. "Why don't you sweep up the iron dust and coals, honey. I'll deal with the man in front."

Shrugging at the honey comment, Alora took a broom, couching it under her one arm and sweeping with one hand. Some of the other apprentices snickered behind their hands, while others looked on in pity. For Alora's part, she just swept up the dust without regard for them. She didn't give a shit.

Momentarily, the master smith arrived from the back of the smithy, to approach Soren. "So, leaky tap? We can deal with that for you. What's say you send me a small cask of rum, and we'll give you repairs of any hardware, free of charge as long as you're keeping the rum flowing?"

The smith was hopeful he'd take his offer. In any event, he was ready to barter or negotiate. The thought of bartering some small repairs here or there, or maybe a replacement nail or spigot, was a good trade for his smithy, and would likely keep spirits high in teh business. He hoped that Soren would go for it.

 ! Message from: Alora
Feel free to wrap up here with the master smith. Thanks for the thread.
word count: 288
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Re: A Leaky Tap (Alora)


"You are free to choose,"

So her name was Alora. Soren cataloged it to memory. He liked to pride himself on being able to remember names. This woman should be fairly easy. It wasn't like he knew many demons to be confused with her. Alora the Demoness Smithy. He watched her look it over, a bit perplexed it seemed. Her disappearing into the back without a word only confirmed it. She was going to someone with more experience. At least she'd had the decency to do that, instead of failing to do the job and giving it back.

As the smithy came out from the back, Soren moved over to speak with him. It was polite after all, instead of making the man come to him. Instantly, the master smithy was trying to negotiate a deal with him. Soren was always one to barter and haggle, he'd grown up on it. But there was more than one way to skin a cat, and Soren was going for one that benefited him more. He thought about just how much he'd paid in recent trials for the taps, as well as over the last few arcs for smithing work in general.

But before he continued negotiations, he had to set the ground work, like any proper merchant. He stuck out his hand, "Soren. Soren Kvistson, this might be the first time we've actually met," Soren knew this was the case, "I've only ever had the pleasure of meeting your staff."

The smithy looked a bit surprised at this sudden change in conversation, almost sheepish at his lack of etiquette that was quickly pointed out to him. Good. Soren wanted the man on the back foot for the haggle. The smithy wiped his hand on his apron, and stuck it out. The hand was just as solid as the steel the man worked with, and dwarfed Soren's own. But Soren was no slouch. He gave the man a firm handshake, a skill he'd mastered long ago. The man said his name in the process, "Goran Johannson."

Now that pleasantries were exchanged, Soren quickly ran the math of a cheap cask of rum versus his smithing costs. The smithy would definitely be getting the better end of that deal. Soren knew he could probably talk the man down to grog, but he was not a delivery service. He ran a tavern. So he had a better idea. "How about this, Goran?" He decided to slip into a more working class dialect, not so hard for him, but it would make the man more comfortable, again, to keep him off balance, "You gimme the names of all who work for you, and I'll pass those names along to my staff. Anytime I need work done, whoever shows up or makes a delivery, will get to drink for free for that day."

It was a ridiculous offer. That was very much intentional on Soren's part. The smithy never did any of his own deliveries or running, so he'd never benefit from this personally. Such an offer would almost be insulting. Almost as insulting as going so heavy handed on the one Goran had given. "Wha? Nah mate. How about anytime I come in, I drink for free? I like your tavern. Nice atmosphere, good and rowdy in the back."

Soren smiled, "We may not have met before, but I have seen you in my tavern. You drink like a whale. It's impressive. You'll have me shutdown in a tentrial, and that's not good for either of our businesses. Tell you what. Just for you, gimme that list of names, and anytime any of you or your employees come in, the first drink is on the house. For as long as they work for you. In exchange, you do all the work I need done, but at cost of materials."

He saw the smithy thinking about it, and to tip the scales, Soren nodded at the doorway behind the man. The man looked, just in time to see a pair of eyes dart away quickly to get back to work. An employee had been listening. Now they would know if they missed out or not. It was a fair deal, for both parties. The smithy spat into his hand and stuck it out, "You gotchyarself a deal." Soren spat into his own palm and clasped the mountainous hand, sealing the agreement.

"Be sure to bring a receipt when you drop off that spigot. And, as a personal favor to me, teach that woman who greeted me how to fix it, please. She was good to me."

The smithy chuckled, nodded, and headed into the back, and Soren left, taking a moment to wipe his palm on the edge of the doorway on his way out.
"But you are not free from the consequences."
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Re: A Leaky Tap (Alora)


So after the smith came back from the front, he laid the spigot, handle, pipe, and all in front of Alora. She stopped sweeping when he did so, and quirked an eyebrow.

"So if you can tell me what's wrong with this spigot, I'll let you know how to fix it. Smithin's not all about making things to bash heads in, and armor to stop bashing the heads in. Without metal and smithin, there wouldn't be a civilization worth fightin' over."

Alora shrugged, she'd always left the making of things to others, and had only taken the job as the smith's assistant in order to make ends meet. Fighting bandits required periods of convalescence, afterall. And Alora hated to be still for too long.

She took up the spigot with her one hand, after setting the broom aside, and looked at it. With her one hand, she made the handle to turn, until she could see forgelight through the other end. Probably wasn't the handle that was loose, causing a leak. And there was no fluid on the tip of the tap.

So she turned it around, and looked at the base of the pipe. It looked worn. "The base of the pipe has a small fissure in it." She finally said.

The smith seemed astonished for a moment that she'd picked out what was wrong there, and nodded. "Now I'ma teach ya to fix it. We'll need some of that metal dust you've been sweeping. No need for fancy soldering or welding material here. We're going to cut off the part of the pipe that is faulty, and weld a new, good pipe on. That's where the tin and other kinds of metallic dust come in."

"Why not use the iron at the bottom of the forge? It's all waste metal..."

"That's pig iron lassy! It's poisonous. Don't want our customers to come back to us with a problem like that. No we need useable metal."

Alora tucked that bit of knowledge in the back of her head, and shrugged. She wondered what pig iron was, but let it go for now.

In time, they flattened out a new set of piping, to match the same kind of metal from the existing tap. Then curling it around, and fusing it togeher.

Alora used some of her defiance and mark to raise the temperature of the metal, to make it quicker to weld. The smith thanked her, when he realized what she was doing, and set the pipe into shape. Once that was done, they fused the pipe to the tap, and made sure it could run fluid through without trouble.

So he attached it to one of their casks they had in house, removing the tap from it and placing the new one in. All while the cask was lifted upright. While a tavern owner might not mind losing some mead, the smith was far more protective of his precious commodities.

The tap was fastened, and then set horizontal on the counter. The handle was turned, and the tap came out clean. He turned the handle , and examined the rest of the tap, making sure there was no more leakeage or any otehr anomalies. It was perfectly functional now. That would save Soren some issues. Just in case, he had his messenger send along a spare tap, to thank him for the generous barter he'd offered.
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Re: A Leaky Tap (Alora)

Review Rewards


Points awarded: 15

Smithing: Smithing isn't all about making weapons.
Smithing: Smithing isn't all about making armor.
Smithing: Smithing and metalwork are a cornerstone of civilization.
Smithing: Minor tools that are taken for granted, are thanks to smithing.
Smithing: Pig iron collects at the bottom of a blast furnace.
Endurance: Enduring the heat of the forge, while dealing with customers.
Strength: Manipulating a complex object in one hand.
Strength: One-handed grip on a broom.

Loot: Free booze, on condition she works! Soren will be the judge of that...

Renown: 5 points, for being a wee bit noticeable


Points awarded: 15

Business Management: Business Deal with Goran Johannson's
Business Management: Keeping a starting routine
Business Management: Doing work yourself before employees arrive
Intelligence - Contact: Alora, the demoness smithy apprentice
Intelligence - Contact: Goran Johannson, the master smithy
Negotiation: Putting a person off balance before bartering
Negotiation: Starting with an outrageous offer
Negotiation: Finishing with a fair offer for everyone

Loot: Get yerself a deal! Watch out the thirsty wanker don't try to abuse it...

Renown: 5 points, for getting your name out in the local business community

Fuck me, I turn around for a second and suddenly part of the map goes all Scandinavian! This really felt like a proper medieval roleplaying sorta thread. In the low fantasy, realistic understanding of the term. Not everything is dragons and crusades and magic, after all. You of course included magical mentions here and there, but that just seemed to spice up the story as a whole. This was ordinary people, holding down jobs, and you both wrote them so well. I look forward to reading more. Adios!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns in regards to this review, feel free to PM.
word count: 304
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