The Between

Abaddon Plot Notes

The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.

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Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:01 pm
Race: Lotharro
Profession: Alchemist
Renown: 70
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Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 5

The Between

Quests Between Worlds

Personal Quests

Return to Uthaldria and build up the Skaldori clan, or join a new clan by finding a Kindal.

Eye Of The People
Achieve a position of power in Etzos, Uthaldria, Yaralon, or Rynmere

That Which Preys Upon My Blood
Find and dispatch the Naerikk that abducted the rest of the Skaldori clan, and liberate them.

Blessing Quests

Spirit Quest
Abaddon is on the road to finding himself torn between a world of darkness, and a world of light. It is Ashan who will help him to find the mental wisdom needed to balance upon that thin line.

Oh Cassion, My Cassion!
Achieve from Cassion a Mark, impressing him with the many stories surrounding Abaddon and his adventures, his rise to power.

Collection Quests

Where The Old Gods Fell
Visit Grand Fractures and obtain from them a treasure/Shard of the Originals
  • Know About the 7 Grand Fractures
  • The Fracture of Anox
  • The Fracture of Ati'el
  • The Fracture of Brelt'ek
  • The Fracture of Cierel
  • The Fracture of Fei
  • The Fracture of Luesco
  • The Fracture of Pieren
A Quest For Magic Rocks
Collect every kind of well, including Obstimyte, Immortantyte, and Essenthyte! These are sure to impress Kielik.

Ultimate Quests
Lay Death To Rest
Find the Domains of Famula and Vri, and destroy them.

As a Revealed in four Domains, Cherished by Kielik, and then haunt an entire region of Idalos' denizens, intimidating them into worship and reaping the divine rewards in exchange for favors and protection.
word count: 254
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Posts: 120
Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:01 pm
Race: Lotharro
Profession: Alchemist
Renown: 70
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 5

Re: The Between

On Duality, and Character Development
In Abaddon, I've ended up with something very complex that I've handled from a narrative character arc standpoint with a sort of duality, albeit loosely and poorly. I'm not too impressed with my work on Abaddon as of yet, and I'm still trying to find interesting struggle. Quacia doesn't have a lot of that for me at the moment, so I'm looking at Rynmere, Yaralon, or Etzos. This puts me in a limbo where I feel like my plots are amounting to skill grinding while I get the character up to a point where he feels cohesive in how I see him, both mechanically and in writing.

One of my goals for the next couple of months is going to be shaping Abaddon into a more kind person, someone who is in conflict with himself for the other side of his dual nature that fits more in a team of adventurers than an antagonist, as I have had no luck finding any plots for an antagonist on Standing Trials. Anyone wishing to facilitate this plot should PM me, though I should be able to handle it alone. Thanks.
word count: 199
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