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Melrath Player Development Discussion Thread

Melrath Player Development Discussions
Hello fellow Melrathi!

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Re: Melrath Player Development Discussion Thread

Name of Location: Fensalir City Districts


Fensalir City Districts

The Map of Melrath is here
The Wiki's current overview of Fensalir is here

Layout Overview

Fensalir is the second biggest city in McIlrath. It contains several main city districts. The city is sprawling, with a roughly crescent-shaped layout. It is concave to the south and convex to the north. This means that both end tips of the crescent shape point to the south.

Due to a height difference in nature, the city has two levels. A ridge divides the crescent-shaped layout lengthwise in two twin-crescents. The northern part of Fensalir, named Upper City, consists of the two districts. Those are Aspenglade and Juniper Hills. The southern part, named Lower City, consist of the three districts. These are The City Center, Pinegarden and Springwater.

The main street named Crescent Street runs trough Fensalir from end to end. It follows the ridge between the upper and lower city, on the lower side. This is the biggest street in Fensalir. A network of other streets connects to it. It covers the whole city and offers a plethora of optional routes.

Fensalir has grown in an organic manner. They built the city in harmony with Nature. This means that the streets are often meandering. This is to spare the trees and the ground unnecessary impact.

Outside of the city proper, south of Springwater you find Fenmoor. This is the small outlaw district where the few criminals of Fensalir dwell. To the northeast, there are old ruins of unknown origin.

Juniper Hills

Juniper Hills is one of the two districts in the upper city. It is a rustic outdoors-man district where people with wilderness occupations and the military thrive. It's a fresh and active place.

The single cottages or mall groups of only a few houses in Juniper Hills are often a bit isolated. Trees dominate the cityscape. The exception is Ydalir Village. This is a military camp with many wooden cottages. There's also military training grounds and buildings. Juniper Hills is a favourite district to live in for hunters, foragers and Ydalir.

Juniper Hill is essential for the defence of Fensalir. In case enemies attack Fensalir people in the other district may flee to Juniper Hills.

The population during times of peace isn't high, but the district can house more people in case of unrest. Many Ydalir members live here, with families or without. The district is popular among hunters. There are also people who keep goats and other hardy livestock. Some forage berries, nuts and edible wild vegetables.

Goods and Services
The Ydalir’s work is a service of major importance to Fensalir and Myrkvior. Businesses in this district are often revolving around the Ydalir's needs. There are for example local general shops and some taverns.

Typical goods are a high-quality weapon made by renowned smiths and bowyers. Other businesses make winter clothing and wilderness equipment for Ydalir and civilians alike.

There are small scale businesses which produce foodstuffs. Fensalir goat cheese comes in many variants. The district provides the city with smoked venison and fish. Condiments and jams made of wild berries are also produced here. Small anonymous home distilleries make “Forest Star”. This is a legendary strong alcoholic liquor from Fensalir.

Noteworthy landmarks
The military camp named Ydalir Village is the main landmark here. It rises as a natural fort in the middle of Juniper Hills, on a big plateau that is the highest area in Fensalir. Natural ridges surround it and give it an irregular shape. Manmade stone walls reinforce the gaps in the ridges.

The Ydalir Watchtower is a high and sturdy wooden tower. It sits on the very highest point of Ydalir Village. You can see the whole city from the top of the tower and you can even see all the way to The Gates of Melrath.


Aspenglades is one of the two districts in the upper city. The population is higher than that of Juniper Hills, but Aspenglade is still a fairly calm district built in the mainly deciduous forest. The many leafy trees and small cottage gardens make the district lush in the warmer seasons but in the winters it's one of Fensalir's greyest, palest places.

In Aspenglades you find a plethora of Houses of Knowledge. They provide Fensalir with traditional education. In Fensalir the importance of this is considered very important.

Contrary to the university in Raelia, Fensalir's scholar education is focused on what the scientist of Raelia call hedgewitch and alternative knowledge. Active practitioners teach traditional knowledge in many fields. Relia tends to not respect Fensalir knowledge institutions in certain areas (like for example political writing) but then Fensalir is known for high knowledge about the wilderness/herbal and botany areas.

This is the main district for healers and other businesses related to knowledge. Lovely district, but also the place where for example dubious alchemists and other “esoteric” people like to live and work.

Typical goods produced in Aspenglade medicines and herbal preparations, alchemic potions and elixirs, spiritual artefacts and amulets. Books about Fensalir history and folklore are also popular goods. Small booklets about select pieces of traditional knowledge can often be bought used as well as new.

The Houses of Knowledge provides a wide range of education and knowledge services. A plethora of healing services revolving around body and soul can also be found in this district. They range from physical treatments to spiritual and esoteric practices, all of it founded in old Melrathi folk knowledge and traditions.

Noteworthy landmarks
There are many and diverse houses of knowledge in Aspenglades. Many of them are small. From a major landmark point of view, three places stand out.

The House of Tales is the centre for Fensalir’s education about history and traditions. It’s a big, high and beautiful wooden building in the very centre of the district, near the local Ydalir Cottage.

The Houses of Healing are of medium size and each of them offers knowledge in different kinds of healing. The cluster of healing houses is mainly located in the eastern part of the district not far from Juniper Hills. They are practical and robust buildings and serve as infirmaries as well as training centres.

The House of Spirits to the west is not one house but a temple area with several buildings. This is the place where people can learn about the spirits and the Fensalir esoterica. As a landmark, it stands out due to the many colours of the painted facades and the biggest number of spirit carvings anywhere in Fensalir.

The City Center ("Aurelien Town")

The Central District, or “Aurelien Town” in popular speech, is one of the three districts in the lower city. The Center is located in the middle of the lower part of Fensalir, flanked by Pinegarden to the west and Springwater to the East.

Aurelien Town is Fensalir's trade and government district. The atmosphere is active and people are looking busy. The houses are often more than one floor and sometimes as high as three or four floors. There is little or no space between the houses that line the bigger streets, except for narrow small streets and alleys between blocks of houses.

It’s also a very tidy district. All bigger streets are paved with stone and so are the main side streets. But, as this is Fensalir, there’s still a lot of trees too. Those are often growing in green back-gardens or on rocky impediments where it would be hard to build a house.

This is the political and commercial nexus of Fensalir.

The population is mixed, but many are merchants or people who are involved in the government of the City.

The district is all about services and sales, not so much about the production of goods. They sell all kinds of wares here and there are almost always people in the taverns. A plethora of services is available.

Noteworthy landmarks
The AurelianArch has mysterious origins but stories suggest that it was there before the city itself was ever founded. The Arch is made from a soft coloured golden marble that is carved with almost inhuman levels of precision.

The City Square is an open square framed by the famed Aurelian Arch. This is also a market place where residents come to relax, shop and peddle their wares. Leatherworking and woodworking are prominent wares for sale here as there is a high demand for leather armour for the local Ydaliri along with beautifully made bows.

Around this central area is also a large outdoor amphitheatre made from stone with a shallow but wide stone pool at the centre on a plinthe. Here the leaders of the town come to speak to the people during civil gatherings.


This one of the districts in the lower city. Pinegarden is located near the river, with a harbour area for the boats which transport goods and passengers between Fensalir and Raelia in the seasons when the river is open. The district is known for its lumber mills and other businesses related to construction and woodworking. The architecture is often simple and so are the local taverns and many small workshops and shops.

Pinegarden is essential for the production, export and import of goods. It has a major impact on the economy of Fensalir.

The population is mixed and fairly high. The lions part of the people who live in Pinegarden work with jobs related to lumbering, wood-working, construction, engineering, crafts, trade and transportation.

Goods and Services
Typical goods produced in Pinegarden are timber, sawed wood and other wood-working products. Typical services are construction, engineering and services related to trade and transportations.

Noteworthy landmarks
Pinegarden Landing with its docks and warehouses along the river is an unglamorous zone. It’s very important for the boat traffic on the river and the city’s import and export of goods. The boats transport all kinds of goods and also passengers as long as somebody is willing to pay for the shipping.

A bit north of the port the biggest sawmill in Fensalir, Aurelien Timber and Mills, dominates the cityscape. Being an industrial building it is functional but not particularly beautiful. The same goes for other bigger workshops in the area around the landing.

Moving farther into the district and a bit uphill, you enter the neighbourhoods where many of the people who work in Pinegarden live. The houses are mostly one or two floors and if of the ordinary Fensalir style that is prevalent in the whole city. It’s a rustic but not shabby environment. Most houses are homes but there’s also a plethora of small local shops and taverns.


Springwater is a very cosy district in the lower city. It's characterized by its many small artisan workshops, taverns and entertainment. The district is a bastion of tradition. The festival meadow of Fensalir is an important area for celebrations and ceremonies. In the early spring, the meadow tends to be flooded and that's the reason for the district's name. All kinds of new businesses start up here, succeed or fail.

Springwater is the bastion of Melrathi national romance with the special good old Fensalir touch.

The people in this district tend to be particularly fond of the good old lifestyle of Fensalir. Springwater is especially loved by artisans, artists, musicians, festival-goers and other fun-seeking people. It’s not a highly populated district, but it has many visitors and so, it’s often lively.

Typical goods produced in spring water is traditional handicraft and other artisan products. The beautifully decorated traditional chests, boxes, kitchenware and furniture are well known not only in Fensalir but in the whole of McIlrath. Other products of importance are traditional home-woven cloth and ribbons, traditional clothing for all occasions, traditionally knitted sweaters with colourful and intricate traditional patterns, all kind of traditional leatherwork items.

Typical services are, for example, painting of ornamental decorations on demand, recitation of stories and other cultural services. The taverns offer specialities with secret recipes in a typical good old traditional locations with a lot of Fensalir atmosphere.

Noteworthy landmarks

The people who live in Springwater have a preference for beautiful small houses and picturesque atmosphere. There are no big buildings that stand out as landmarks. Springwater is instead something of an intricate one-floor labyrinth. A mix of cosy cottages in particularly beautiful gardens, small artisan businesses, small shops and taverns line meandering streets which follows the terrain. It’s easy to lose your way in Springwater.

The Festival Meadow is as the name says, a forest meadow where the citizenry of Fensalir can have fun at festivals or go on picnics with family and friends. In early spring it’s often flooded.


Criminality is low in Fensalir, but it exists. Fenmoor is Fensalir’s small den of crime and sin, located outside the nice crescent shape, south of Springwater. It is a small, shabby and sparsely populated settlement in the shadows of dense and dark old forest. Fenmoor is often not recognized as a real part of Fensalir.

It would be a lie to say that the lawful people in Fensalir find Fenmoor important. The impact on Fensalir consists of crime.

Some are born and raised there and members of families who have been living outside of the law for generations. These often feel that they own Fenmoor and are entitled to rule over it with their own codex. Other inhabitants ended up there for some reason or another. The native criminals despise the newcomers for being losers and often take advantage of them. Potential honest people in the district are seen as naïve oddballs but are cherished for being useful living proof that Fenmoor people can be good guys with hearts of gold, deep down.

The people in Fenmoor aren’t known to produce any goods except for the infamous low-quality liquor named “Fenmoor’s Blight” in popular speech. In Fenmoor it’s only called “The Drink”.

The drink trade is under control of a small group of outlaws who call themselves “Fenmoor Boys”. Those dominate their part of the Fenmoor and oppress their neighbours.

It’s not like the inhabitants of Fenmoor are service-minded, but they do provide certain services. These services range from storage of goods and creative writing of papers to protection of all kinds and elimination of problems. There are few a few taverns and some obscure shops with illegal wares

Noteworthy landmarks
Nothing is noteworthy in Fenmoor. The opposite. People in Fenmoor aren’t looking to make their homes stand out, at least not on the outside. The houses look anonymous. Everything looks the same wherever you go. No signs reveal what’s going on inside any buildings, except for when its taverns.

It’s hard to find your way in the settlement. For people with an errand in Fenmoor, the best tactic is often to pay one of the locals to guide you. Strolling around without the protection of your guide is not recommended.

The Old Ruins.

This is not a modern city district in today’s Fensalir, but a place in the wilderness outside the city, to the northeast. It’s abandoned. Like the Aurelian Arc, it’s a mysterious inheritance from Fensalir’s unknown past. The old ruins remain to be explored. According to tales from the old times when Fensalir was colonized weird things happened there. The people of Fensalir decided to stay away from the ruins. The exact size of the zone is still unknown. Again, according to tales from the old times, there are ruin locations under the ground as well as above.

The Old Ruins is a mystery. The tradition is to let the ruins rest in peace and not disturb what spirits may have their home there.

Most people never go near the ruins. But, hunters have seen wild animals run away and disappear into the ruins like they are at home there. Some believe that the animals moved in when the unknown previous inhabitants were gone and so, the ruins became a safe haven for the wildlife. Many find that plausible. Other stories, about crazy hermits and bizarre beings and undead living in the ruins, are considered to be nothing else than entertaining hogwash.

Goods and services
So far, very little is known about what you can find in the old ruins.

Noteworthy landmarks

The Entrance Portal is the most known landmark. When you approach the ruins, you can see a high archway of stone and the stairs leading up to it. That is all, for now.

Credits to: Ashling
Submitted for Development: 2019-10-25

For reference, so I can keep track of the edits and not forget any staff input, I enclose my original submission which I did in the Development Submission Thread
Original submission and staff comments
Fensalir development ideas
As you can see in the post above the player of Brent Forrester will create the map of Fensalir both OOC and IC. We're going to thread it and need to know what we can put on the map.

I’d like to (eventually) develop more content for Fensalir. I already have a few locations brewing in my computer.
A map with city districts is essential to get in place first though.

Fensalir is the second biggest city in Melrath (population 1,500,000). It stands to reason that there are a number of city districts as the city is so big.

For now, I only want to give you an indication of what I’m thinking of and see what the staff finds interesting to continue with. The development of district lore can be written up depending on staff decisions. I don't expect that to be any long essays. (The existing wiki text about the center is approximately 150 words.)

Links to current wiki texts.
Melrath Demographics

Melrath Locations > Fensalir

Suggested Addition to the Wiki: Fensalir City Districts

Possible pictures. I played around with the colour scheme of Oracle's Aurelian Arc picture.


Existing District: The City Center: The trade and government district. Aurelian Arc, Arena, City Square, Market. This is described in the existing lore text. An optional name could be, for example, Aurelian Town.

New District: Pinegarden. The industrial district. Lumber Mill, Construction/Woodworking related businesses, Local taverns and small crafter workshops/shops, mixed population but many are working as lumberjacks, builders and carpenters.

New District: Aspenglades. This is the main district for healers and other businesses related to knowledge. Contrary to for example the university in Raelia where they focus on Melrath's modern science, the Fensalir education is provided by a plethora of Houses of Knowledge with specialties in hedgewitch / alternative knowledge to the Raelian approach There, active practitioners teach traditional knowledge in many fields. Raelia tends to not respect Fensalir knowledge institutions in certain areas (like political writing, etc.) but then Fensalir would have more developed in wilderness/herbal and botany areas ... as an example. Lovely district, but also the place where for example dubious alchemists, ensorcellers, and other “esoteric” people like to live and work.
Edit 25/10: I replaced institutions of education with houses of knowledge and added staff comments about the nature of the education in Fensalir.

New District: Juniper Hills. A rustic and outdoors-man district where people with wilderness occupations and the military thrive. A fresh and active place. The training grounds and other premises of The Ydalir are located here. A favourite district to live in for Hunters, foragers, Ydalir...

New District: Springwater. A lively district characterized by its many taverns and other places for entertainment. There’s the festival meadow of Fensalir. In the early spring, the meadow tends to be flooded and that's the reason for the districts name. All kinds of new businesses start up here, to succeed or fail in this creative district. Loved by artists, musicians, festival fans and other fun-seeking people.
Edit 25/10: New name, with a reason for it.

New District: Fenmoor. A very small criminal district, located a bit outside the neat crescent shape of the city for added obscurity. Criminality is low, but it exists.

New District: The Old Ruins. This is maybe not a city district in today’s Fensalir, but a place in the wilderness outside the city. It’s abandoned. There’s a lot of old times stuff to explore here. Like the Aurelian Arc, it’s a mysterious inheritance from Fensalir’s unknown past.
 ! Message from: Strange
 ! Message from: Ashling
edited with the staff's comments, 25/10
 ! Message from: Strange
Please move this discussion to the following thread: viewtopic.php?f=417&t=20163

Unless it is ready to be submitted for addition to the Wiki, in which case, please resubmit with a brand new post following the appropriate template. For an example of what this could look like, you can refer to this submission. Thank you.
Comments from Strange 15 October 2019:
Hi Brent and Ashling,

This is a neat undertaking to play out in IC as well as OOC.

Pinegarden sounds perfectly suitable, as does Juniper Hills, Darkwater (not sure about the name there, sounds neat but is it on the River-side then?).

Not sure about Aspenglades, just as I wonder if most scholar pursuits might go to Raelia (like political pursuits go there as well), however, if it is described in more of.... a hedgewitch / alternative to the Raelian approach of such scholar professions and stuff. It makes sense that Fensalir would have an education center of some kind, especially since travel is restricted during the Cold Cycle - but there'd probably be some kind of Raelia vs. Fensalir attitude in a scholar-setting where maybe different theories are prevalent and Raelians might not respect Fensalir institutions in certain areas (like political writing, etc.) but then Fensalir would have more developed in wilderness/herbal and botany areas ... as an example.

Fenmoor and the Old Ruins sound awesome, I'd personally like to see development of those through IC explorations finding/developing things in those areas. Especially if there's some mysticism stuck away in the Old Ruins to be discovered.

Other than those thoughts, it all looks great. Ashling, the picture you put together looks nice - kinda like a Fensalir postcard. Map is coming along nicely (I'm assuming the crescent moon symbolizes actual perimeter walls?) .

Approval-wise, you can include all these districts to the map, just consider what I suggested about Aspenglades for the write-up.
Last edited by Ashling on Wed Dec 25, 2019 1:35 pm, edited 38 times in total. word count: 3804
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Re: Melrath Player Development Discussion Thread

Hi Ashling,

Thanks for moving this over to the thread, and using a template that'll easily transfer onto the wiki when the time comes. I did a very brief glance, and personally wouldn't mind a bit more development added to Fenmoor. Maybe a "Goods / services available here" would be good for each section since they are city districts...

Anyway, Fairytale will be running Point on the Fensalir development from here-on. So direct any and all questions/links/etc. about this to Fairytale.
(that goes for the Fensalir map as well, Brent if you read this)
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Re: Melrath Player Development Discussion Thread

Good decision.

Right now, I don't have any immediate questions to the staff about the current stuff I work at. The baseline is clear and I have already edited in the first staff input from october 15. We players saw no problems with that. Our attitude is overall flexible. People are free to comment and give ideas on their own accord if they so wish. The goal is to contribute to the development of Fensalir for all players in the community, now and in the future.

I'll PM Fairytale when there's new content to discuss.
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Melrathi Mersheep

Name: Northern Mersheep
Description: Fluffy, blue-green, and muscular sheep.
Location: Noatun and many Northern, Coastal Areas around the Western Continent
History: Melrathi Mersheep were specially bred sheep with a love of swimming. Generation after generation, Biqaj breeders trained their sheep to swim, selecting for those who were able to endure the chilly waters, and build high fat deposits in their flesh. In time, an especially fluffy and buoyant breed was developed, one with a talent for floating, endurance, and swimming long distances through the water, in order to evade land predators.
Appearance: Fluffy, blubbery, blue-green sheep with a lot of fat and muscle.
Lifespan and Development: Slightly longer lives than ordinary domestic sheep, with the same fertility period.
Diet: They thrive on kelp and other underwater vegetation. They can also subsist on green grass.
Temperament: Fully domesticated, herd animals.
Abilities: Their wool can be woven and crafted into clothing that keeps swimmers warm and dry, even in ice water. Mersheep longjohns are a favorite of sailors, and a sweater of mersheep wool is a status symbol among fishermen. They can also hold their breath for over a break, long enough to grab seaweeds and kelp from the shallow lagoons. They only have to wait to chew the vegetation until they surface.

Credit: Rorom
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Re: Melrath Player Development Discussion Thread


Name Mersheep Wool
Overview A chill and water resistant fabric, that keeps sailors and swimmers warm in ice waters and cold weather.
Appearance Blue, to turquoise wool.
Availability /Frequency Common in coastal areas, uncommon-rare elsewhere.

Additional Headings Might Include
Side Effects: Watch out for wool allergies.
Uses: Cold weather swimwear, and clothing.

Credit to: Rorom
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Re: Melrath Player Development Discussion Thread

I finished the first draft of Fensalir City Districts.

PM with info and a request of feedback & edits sent to Fairytale 11/6/2019.

This is the post

Resolved with Strange and posted in the Development Submission Thread.
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Re: Melrath Player Development Discussion Thread

I have two city maps ready to be finalized.

The Fensalir map I've been working on with Ashling's input. And the Alivilda map I had some input from Jasper. The Fensalir one is here in case there are any final comments (I've also submitted it to Strange). And I'm going to link Jasper here to confirm the Alivilda map.


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Re: Melrath Player Development Discussion Thread


The Alivilda map looks very good. I don’t have any objections to this.

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