Soren Kvistson

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Soren Kvistson
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Soren Kvistson

Soren Kvistson

Name: Soren Kvistson

Race: Mixed Race, Human/Qi'ora

Date of Birth: Ashan 12, 669

Marks: None

Languages Spoken:
Fluent = Common
Fluent = Gravokian (Competent Linguistics Bonus) (1)
Broken = Rakahi (1)
Broken = Xanthean (Novice Linguistics Bonus) (6)
Broken = Yari Common (Novice Linguistics Bonus) (2)
Empty Language Slot 1
Empty Language Slot 1
Empty Language Slot 1

Business: The Ox's Bellow Tavern


Soren is tall and lean, built more like a whip than a mountain. His hair is dark brown, though very little is left, so he keeps it closely cropped about his crown. His face is beginning to show the lines of aging on them and his eyes are a crystalline blue. His skin is the sun-kissed hue of a pale man that has traveled much in the sun. He wears simple clothing, never going much for personal adornment. He tends to keep himself impeccably clean when possible, though he does work often.
Last edited by Soren Kvistson on Thu Oct 10, 2019 1:27 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 157
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Soren Kvistson
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Soren always has a story to tell and always has time to hear one out, though he tends to prefer to be working during the process. He doesn't tend to talk about himself or his stuff in direct terms, preferring to give them out in story. Otherwise he tends to his business and keeps to himself. He maintains healthy relationships with his customers, but he doesn't appear to have any close times.

Things Soren likes

Stories, drinks, food, hand crafted goods, children, small dogs.

Things Soren dislikes

Lazy people.

Last edited by Soren Kvistson on Tue Sep 17, 2019 2:44 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 92
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Soren Kvistson
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5





Soren was born to a traveling merchant family, the eldest son of six. His mother, Kvista, a Qi'ora from the Hotlands, was the shrewd merchant leader of the caravan and his father, Sora, a human from Yaralon, ran the animals, wagons, and the food wagon. The merchant caravan consisted of a couple dozen permanent members, some of which were family, others that were not. But the caravan always swelled in population when leaving cities with newcomers wanting some safer travel.

As eldest, Soren was always in the company of his mother anytime she made business dealings. He learned how to haggle, manage money, and read people through this. And when he wasn't with her, he was under the tutelage of his father, learning all the day to day operations of maintaining a healthy and functioning caravan. He learned to cook, handle animals, navigate the lands, make camp, etc.

When he became an adult, he became a merchant of his own right, but stayed with the caravan, making his own dealings as they traveled over the entire world. In his late twenties, Soren set out on his own, though he always kept in contact with his family through letters left behind at their favorite places in various cities and when the travel lined up, he came back home to swap stories.

In his late 40s, he settled down in Melrath, opening his tavern, The Ox's Bellow. He runs his tavern efficiently and cleanly and mainly keeps to himself, except to share stories with any who have them.
Last edited by Soren Kvistson on Tue Sep 17, 2019 2:44 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 260
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Soren Kvistson
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Skills & Knowledges

Skills & Knowledge

Skill - Points - Knowledges - Competency
Negotiation - 155/250 - 39 - Master

Business Management - 150/250 - 50 - Expert

Intelligence - 70/250 - 43 - Competent
Linguistics (FT) - 30/100 (+3) - 18 - Competent
Mixology - 29/250 - 14 - Competent
Storytelling - 26/250 - 16 - Competent

Resistance - 15/250 - 10 - Novice
Attunement - 10/250 - 1 - Novice
Socialization - 10/250 - 20 - Novice
Unarmed Combat (Brawling) - 5/250 - 2 - Novice
Woodworking - 5/250 - 1 - Novice

Acting: - 0/250 - 5 - Unskilled
Appraisal - 0/250 - 3 - Unskilled
Butchering - 0/250 - 1 - Unskilled
Cooking - 0/250 - 2 - Unskilled
Deception - 0/250 - 6 - Unskilled
Detection - 0/250 - 4 - Unskilled
Discipline - 0/250 - 1 - Unskilled
Endurance - 0/250 - 4 - Unskilled
Etiquette - 0/250 - 11 - Unskilled
Field Craft - 0/250 - 1 - Unskilled
Interrogation 0/250 - 1 - Unskilled
Leadership 0/250 - 19 - Unskilled
Navigation - 0/250 - 1 - Unskilled
Politics - 0/250 - 2 - Unskilled
Seduction - 0/250 - 1 - Unskilled
Strength - 0/250 - 1 - Unskilled

Skill Knowledges
Acting: Putting flourishes on pouring booze from a nice bottle
Acting: Using the accent of Xanthean to obscure your voice in Common
Acting: Changing your voice in the presence of a blind man
Acting: Using truths to embark real emotion
Acting: Smoothing back your hair to show worry
Appraisal: Differentiating real silverware vs lesser metals using the glass test
Appraisal: Fuchsite arries a fake sparkle but not true iridescence
Appraisal: Recognizing potential in an old building
Business Management
Business Management: The value of a nel
Business Management: Keeping a starting routine
Business Management: Doing work yourself before employees arrive
Business Management: Business Deal with Goran Johannson's
Business Management: Deal with Brent Forrester
Business Management: Using one business deal to create another
Business Management: Knowing when to outsource for help
Business Management: Partnership agreement with Navyri
Business Management: Making a deal with a devil
Business Management: Making an offering to entice someone to the negotiating table
Business Management: There's more to business than money
Business Management: Creating a new position for a discrete partner
Business Management: Too much overtime leads to breaking even
Business Management: Giving free samples to lure out a purchase
Business Management: Cleaning so your employees don't have to
Business Management: Conducting an interview
Business Management: Putting bounties out on criminals
Business Management: Not allowing your business to be disrespected
Business Management: Leaving your partner's half of the business to them
Business Management: Not turning away strange customers who can pay
Business Management: Making special accommodations for special needs customers
Business Management: Planning to crush a competitor
Business Management: Forming a plan to destroy Sigviind Laukrsund completely
Business Management: Recognizing a profitable relationship to be made
Business Management: Scheduling a meeting with a potential business contact
Business Management: Running seasonal events to spur on interest
Business Management: Warning customers about possible danger in a product
Business Management: Letting customers name new products they try
Business Management: Capitalizing on people who are popular in the moment
Business Management: Giving things to customers who've been disturbed
Business Management: Not tolerating even one copper nel to be stolen without consequence
Business Management: Making concessions to deal with disabilities
Business Management: Purchasing Old Man Arne's Playhouse
Butchering: Cleaning a river trout
Cooking: The taste of an Athartian omelet
Cooking: Panfried trout
Deception: Not telling the whole truth to your mother
Deception: Signalling a silent partner
Deception: Speaking to two people with the same words
Deception: Using a fake name
Deception: Using the truths about other things so as to not lie
Deception: Using a recent story in vague terms to enforce a point
Detection: Identifying crimson eyes
Discipline: Overcoming the fear of the Crimson Eyed Woman
Endurance: Working several long days and nights consecutively
Endurance: Being hit in the face by snowballs
Etiquette: Always introduce yourself to new people
Etiquette: Thanking people for giving information
Etiquette: Appeasing to a person's peculiarities
Field Craft
Field Craft: Moving through a pitch black forest
Intelligence - Contact: Alora, the demoness smithy apprentice
Intelligence - Contact: Goran Johannson, the master smithy
Intelligence - Contact: Hilda, bartender at The Ox's Bellow Tavern
Intelligence - Hilda: Pregnant after a foursome with the triplets
Intelligence: Testing information you've received discretely
Intelligence - Alora: Gave out the location of Augiery to the gossiping river
Intelligence - Contact: Gunter Smitsson, gate guard
Intelligence - Target: The face of the Naer that threatened me about Alora
ntelligence - Contact: Alexandra McKay, lone traveler (Vluharqih, unknown)
Intelligence: Speaking in hints
Intelligence - Contact: Gurnvild, Distiller and husband to Shelly Belly
Intelligence - Contact: Kisaik, Knight of the First Tree, Warden of the Mud Burho
Intelligence - Contact: Mrs. Torstold, widowed mother of three
Intelligence - Contact: Brent Forrester, crippled cartographer
Intelligence - Contact: Nedward, fruit seller
Intelligence - Contact: Ashling, the ash skinned traditionalist Melrathi
Intelligence - Ashling: Has a soft spot for dogs
Intelligence - Contact: Valyria, an assassin in Andaris (Vluharqih, unknown)
Intelligence - Contact: Agneta Stormsdotter, former assistant to a powerful noblewoman
Intelligence - Agneta Stormsdotter: Knows the business workings of her former boss
Intelligence: Make sure to get names
Intelligence - Agneta Stormsdotter: Knows local politics well
Intelligence - Agneta Stormsdotter: Fancies her former boss
Intelligence - Contact: Hart Eda'quoat, the thief who stole coffee
Intelligence - Hart Eda'quoat: Is a sailor
Intelligence - Hart Eda'quoat: Is from Rynmere
Intelligence - Hart Eda'quoat: Is poor
Intelligence - Hart Eda'quoat: Has a magic book
Intelligence - Navyri: Able to whisper from a distance
Intelligence - Contact: Unnamed leatherbound man with skin condition (ULM for short)
Intelligence - ULM: Can mimic the voice of Soren's dead wife
Intelligence - ULM: Has a unique accent
Intelligence - ULM: Clearly a thief
Intelligence - Contact: Old Man Arne, owner of the playhouse
Intelligence - Hart Eda'quoat: Has magic hands
Intelligence - Hart Eda'quoat: Is special, possibly magical
Intelligence - Contact: Tristan Venora, Rynmeren Duke, sculptor, alchemist
Intelligence - Tristan Venora: Friends with Peake Andaris
Intelligence - Contact: Lianne, Tristan Venora's bodyguard
Intelligence - Lianne: Used to work for the Rynmeren Queen
Intelligence - Tristan Venora: Can make statues move "magically"
Intelligence - Agneta Stormsdotter: Visits the Tea Trader cafe every morning
Intelligence - Contact: Eihr, formerly Hart, a Mortalborn
Interrogation: Toying with a person to make them feel less than
Leadership: Always bring a subordinate to watch your back
Leadership: Contacting your specialist in matters
Leadership: Being polite when speaking to subordinates in public
Leadership: Ordering someone you've paid to run an errand
Leadership: Ordering a subordinate to do things you could do
Leadership: Acknowledging when the truth has been spoken
Leadership: Referring to people by their many titles
Leadership: Not tolerating disloyalty
Leadership: Not tolerating lying
Linquistics (Rakahi): Spoken by Biqaj and merchants
Linguistics (Yari): Lots of R's
Linguistics (Yari): I's become Oirs
Linguistics (Ulehi): Unknown sound made by Alex
Linguistics (Ulehi): The sound for the word 'no'
Linguistics (Xanthean): Matsakaici means drowned
Linguistics (Xanthean): Ìlä’porowhita means chopped wood.
Linguistics (Xanthean): Ìlä'fkip means wood chip
Linguistics: (Xanthean) - mchängïäjï sämuwär akọsilẹ means "spot river fish" or "trout"
Linguistics: (Xanthean) - Ïgbọ ioi means 'trade woman'
Linguistics: (Xanthean) - Ïgbọ kukuru means 'trade man'
Linguistics (Gravokian): The word for Death
Linguistics (Gravokian): The seductive sound of the Naer language
Linguistics - Tree Talk: Kisaik's song
Linguistics - Tree Talk: Can be used to speak to birds
Mixology: Grog - Any drink made of water and rum
Mixology: The taste of Yari Bonemeal Lager
Mixology: The taste of Athartian Blood Wine
Mixology: The taste of Gold Water
Mixology - Recipe: Gold Water - fermented potatoes and grains with caraway, cardamom, aniseed, a couple types of fennel, cumin, and a special touch of amber
Mixology: The Taste of Noatun Blue Stout
Mixology: Hadelwiz Mead
Mixology: Mix ingredients with beer during the initial pour
Mixology: The Taste of Ashan's Twilight (White Wine)
Mixology: The Taste of Vithella (Red Wine)
Mixology: The Taste of Low Hanging Zimoni (Red Wine)
Mixology: The taste of Patren, a liquor from Ne'haer
Mixology - Recipe: The Sunny Sticky, made of ginger schnapps, flesh of the fermented resin cactus, stirred
Mixology: The taste of Slurry, the leftover booze from many drinks
Navigation: How to get to Augiery by any means
Negotiation: Never complete a deal without haggling
Negotiation: Putting a person off balance before bartering
Negotiation: Starting with an outrageous offer
Negotiation: Finishing with a fair offer for everyone
Negotiation: Not showing discomfort at being naked during a meeting
Negotiation: Not rushing into business
Negotiation: Setting the mood with a comfortable atmosphere for negotiations
Negotiation: Starting off with payment for information
Negotiation: Buttering up someone first
Negotiation: Proposal to Mama Gee for the Gofrith-Crovan Wedding
Negotiation: Proposing a business idea that is near to someone's current model
Negotiation: Helping someone who is considering a deal
Negotiation: Punishing disloyalty
Negotiation: Rewarding loyalty
Negotiation: Rewarding skill
Negotiation: Starting a negotiation with a gift of coin
Negotiation: Taking the advice about someone you're negotiating with
Negotiation: Bringing a helpful third party into the discussion
Negotiation: Being patient during discussions
Negotiation: Playing on the worries of a caring person
Negotiation: Subtly questioning a man's condition so as to stir up his pride
Negotiation: Apologizing so as to make your opponent look worse
Politics: Being particularly accommodating to nobility
Politics: Foreign nobility don't matter much to local nobles
Resistance: Tolerance to Athartian Blood Wine
Resistance: Tolerance to Yari Bonemeal Lager
Resistance: Tolerance to Gold Water
Resistance: Tolerance to Noatun Blue Stout
Resistance: Tolerance to Low Hanging Zimoni (Red Wine)
Resistance: Tolerance to Vithella (Red Wine)
Resistance: Tolerance to Ashan's Twilight (White Wine)
Seduction: Acknowledge a lovely night
Socialization: Rambling nonstop in order to stall
Socialization: Quickly stepping in to translate and make introductions
Socialization: Going along with a joke about someone
Socialization: Not correcting prominent people unnecessarily
Socialization: Showing interest when genuinely interested
Socialization: Recognizing when Navyri is upset
Socialization: Apologizing for assuming things about a friend
Socialization: Enjoying the jests of another
Socialization: Asking about a tenant
Socialization: Not being upset when people call you a bastard
Storytelling: The Tale of Gunter's Virginity
Storytelling: The Tale of the King's Fallen Son
Storytelling: The Tale of the Knights of the First Tree
Storytelling: The Tale of Brent Forrester Becoming a Forrester
Storytelling: The Tale of Nedward the Unyielding Fruit Seller
Storytelling: The Fable of Moseke and Lisirra
Storytelling: Listening is most important
Storytelling: The Tale of Carolina and the Monster
Storytelling: The Tale of the Girl at Zuroni's Animal Sanctuary
Storytelling: The Death of Valyeria's Friend
Storytelling: That Time I Had Dinner with an Assassin in Andaris
Storytelling: The Tale of Agneta Stormsdotter's Boss
Storytelling: The Tale of Sigviind Laukrsund
Strength: Carrying a Barrel of Ale
Unarmed Combat (Brawling)
Unarmed Combat (Brawling): How to make a proper fist
Woodworking: Creating a simple barstool

Non-Skill Knowledges
Location: Melrath
Location: Nashaki
Location: Viden
Location: Scalvoris
Location: Rharne
Location: Yaralon
Location: Rynmere
Location: Desnind
Location: Etzos
Location: Ne'haer
Last edited by Soren Kvistson on Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:51 pm, edited 28 times in total. word count: 1826
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Soren Kvistson
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Skill Point Ledger

Skill Point Ledger

Skill - Change - Total
Starting Package +50 = 50
Racial Bonus +25 to Business Management = 50
Linguistics -5 = 45
Mixology -5 = 40
Negotiation -25 = 15
Storytelling -5 = 10
Unarmed Combat (Brawling) -5 = 5
Woodworking -5 = 0
Whispers in the Water +15 = 15
Intelligence -15 = 0
A Leaky Tap +15 = 15
Negotiation -15 = 0
All Around Me are Familiar Faces +15 = 15
Mixology -15 = 0
Can You Distill Joy from Sunshine? +15 = 15
Resistance -15 = 0
Another Day, Another Stool +15 = 15
Storytelling -15 = 0
All That Glitters is Bold +15 = 15
Business Management -15 = 0
A Mistress of Shadows (Part 2) +10 = 10
A Mistress of Shadows +10 = 20
Intelligence -15 = 5
Linguistics -5 = 0
Hadelwiz Hazard +15 =15
Inteliigence -5 = 10
Socialization -10 = 0
The Man Without a Plan +15 = 15
Mixology -9 = 6
Storytelling -6 = 0
At the Bottom of a Tankard +10 = 10
Intelligence -10 = 0
The King in his Castle.. +15 = 15
Intelligence -15 = 0
Surprise Guest +15 = 0
Intelligence -15 = 0
A Breakfast of Champions +15 = 15
Nuit Blanche +15 = 30
A Night for Those That Grow +15 = 45
Sing a Song of Sixpence +15 = 60
A Snowy Rat's Nest +10 = 70
Negotiation -70 = 0
The Smell of Buns in the Morning +15 = 15
A Snowy Rat's Nest II +10 = 25
A Snowy Rat's Nest III +10 = 35
A Snowy Rat's Nest IV +10 = 45
Negotiation -45 = 0
Renown Reward +100 +3 Linguistics[/url]
The Beginning +15 = 15
An Artist's Arrival +15 = 30
Getting Ready for the Road +15 = 45
The Dark Mother's Forest +15 = 60
The Trial of Bairns and Tots +15 = 75
Negotiation -15 = 60
Business Management -60 = 0
Why Hello There Greta +10 = 10
Business Management -10 = 0
Knock Knock +10 Attunement = 0
The First Heavy Snow +15 = 15
Business Management -15 = 0
The Morning After with a Venora +15 = 15
In "Honor" of Hart +10 = 25
Business Management -25 = 0
Last edited by Soren Kvistson on Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:53 pm, edited 24 times in total. word count: 326
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Soren Kvistson
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5




Business Deals

Another Day, Another Stool - Established an agreement with the PC Brent Forrester, to purchase his maps in bulk in order to resell. Agreed to frame and post a larger version of his map(s) in the tavern. Agreed to only buy in bulk and to pay up front. Brent has agreed to give a 30% discount due to this.

A Leaky Tap - Established an agreement with Goran's Smithy that in exchange for Goran providing all metal work at material cost, all employees of Goran's smithy can receive 1 free drink per trial, for as many trials as they wish.

All That Glitters is Bold - Established an equal partnership in business with Navyri.

A Snowy Rat's Nest IV - Purchased a playhouse and established a work agreement with Arne, Alva, Katya, Ben, and the other 4 children
Last edited by Soren Kvistson on Sat Oct 26, 2019 3:39 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 140
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Soren Kvistson
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5




Possessions & Housing

Business - The Ox's Bellow - Tavern
Heirloom - Wooden Longstaff
Other such things that come with Wealth Tier 5
+1 shiny gold coin - The coin is polished like a mirror and has the emblem of a serpent on one face and on the other is the face of a laughing Mer man.

Business - Tier 10 Playhouse - A Snowy Rat's Nest IV & PSF Approval


Soren lives in the largest of the rooms within his tavern, in Raelia, in Melrath. Other tavern owners might reserve such rooms for wealthy or renown guests, but Soren prefers it for himself.
Last edited by Soren Kvistson on Sat Oct 26, 2019 4:33 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 99
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Soren Kvistson
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Wealth Ledger

Wealth Ledger

Item - Change - Total WP - Tier
Starting Package +66 WP - 66 WP - Tier 5
4 Masterwork Outfits -2 WP = 64 WP
Ymiden and Saun 719 +3 = 67 WP
Vhalar 719 +3 = 70 WP
Hadelwiz Hazard +7 = 77 WP
Surprise Guest +7 = 84 WP
2 Masterwork Outfits -1 WP = 83 WP
A Night for Those Who Grow +7 = 90 WP
Tier 10 Playhouse Purchase -22 = 68
The Beginning +7 = 75
An Artist's Arrival +7 = 82
For A Coin +7 = 89
Last edited by Soren Kvistson on Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:15 am, edited 11 times in total. word count: 81
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Soren Kvistson
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Renown Ledger

Last edited by Soren Kvistson on Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:54 pm, edited 18 times in total. word count: 143
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Soren Kvistson
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Thread List

Vhalar 719
1st - A Night for Those who Grow - Completed - Wealth Points Thread #4
1st - All That Glitters is Bold - Completed - Wealth Thread #3
3rd - Getting Ready for the Road - In Progress - Wealth Points Thread #5
4th - Hit the Road, Jack - In Progress
4th-21st traveling to and from Ochojobon.
7th - The Dark Mother's Forest - In Progress
22nd - The Beginning - In Progress - Wealth Points Thread #6
23rd - Surprise Guest - Completed - Wealth Points Thread #7
25th - The King in his Counting-House - Completed
25th - Sing a Song of Sixpence - Completed
27th - At the Bottom of a Tankard - Completed
28th - A Breakfast of Champions - Completed
28th - The Trial of Bairns and Tots - In Progress
29th - The Destruction of Sigviind - In Progress
31st - For a Coin - In Progress - Wealth Points Thread #8
32nd - The Smell of Buns in the Morning - In Progress
57th - Singles' Night - In Progress - Wealth Points Thread #9
58th - An Artist's Arrival - In Progress - Wealth Points Thread #10
60th - Svarielle Harvest Festival - In Progress
79th - The First Heavy Snow - In Progress
87th - A Snowy Rat's Nest - Completed
87th - A Snowy Rat's Nest II - Completed
87th - A Snowy Rat's Nest III - Completed
87th - A Snowy Rat's Nest IV - Completed
88th - A Snowy Rat's Nest V - In Progress

Zi'da 719
6th - Nuit Blanche - Completed
7th - The Morning After with a Venora - In progress - Wealth Points Thread #11
Past Seasons
Saun 719
1st - Imair's Feast Night - In Progress - Wealth Points Thread #3
6th - Throw a Fist, Buy a Beer - In Progress - Wealth Points Thread #2
18th - A Leaky Tap - Completed - Wealth Thread #2
21st - Whispers in the Water - Completed
39th - Can You Distill Joy from a Sunbeam? - Completed

Ymiden 719
31st - Another Day, Another Stool - Completed - Wealth Thread #1
43rd - Hadelwiz Hazard - Completed - Wealth Points Thread #1
Saun 5th, 681 - Desnind - Mistress of Shadows - Completed
Saun 5th, 681 - Desnind - Misteress of Shadows (Part 2) - Completed
Ashan , 690 - Quacia - Pig's Swill - In Progress
Vhalar 89, 710 - Andaris - The Man Without a Plan - Completed
Ashan 4th, 711 - Eternal Empire - All Around Me are Familiar Faces - Completed
Ymiden 12, 713 - Melrath - Waltzing on Sunshine - In Progress
word count: 363
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