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Character Profile

Kyryk mac Domnhaill of Clan Valendale

Name: Kyryk mac Domnhaill of Clan Valendale

Race: Lotharro

Date of Birth: 19th Trial of Saun 683

Marks: None

Factions Joined: None

Languages Spoken: F: Haltunga B: Common


Kyryk was born to be a warrior. All Lotharro were, and Clan Valendale nurtured prowess in combat over all else. This is evident in his frame. Though shorter than some Lotharro, Kyryk is well-built with a musculature honed from hard nights outside the walls of Uthaldria. The nomads of Valendale taught their kin from a young age that battle is life, and Kyryk is a prime example of that. Thick, coarse hair covers his six and a half foot frame, and powerful legs are topped by the cut stomach of a lean diet and constant exercise. His face is covered in a beard, long and braided, and the eyes of those of a predatory cat stare from deep sockets.

Last edited by Kyryk on Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:12 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 170
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Kyryk is, at his heart, a Hero. But nature always wins out. From monsters the Lotharro were made, and as monsters they exist. Kyryk is harsh and open, brutal and honest, and has few lasting friendships because of it. He doesn't care though. To him, every new day is a learning experience, and the more he learns to struggle, the more he learns to overcome. Weakness, in his eyes, is death.

Last edited by Kyryk on Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 73
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Some Lotharro are born from the remains of their previous selves, Reborn from their fallen bodies, but not Kyryk. Kyryk was born from the coupling of a Valendale warrior and his concubine, a human woman. From his birth, the hyper-elite warriors of the clan looked down on him as inferior, poking and prodding him as an oddity. In a society of warrior bred to be so, Kyryk's humanity was his weakness, and weakness wasn't tolerated. So as he grew, so too did his desire to prove himself. While the Reborn were taught how to fight from the moment they could stand, Kyryk was shunned and made fun of. That only spurred him on harder.

When he was young, he picked up an axe, practising on tree stumps and mounds of dirt. The first axe broke, and he found another, and another. By the time the other boys were preparing to go on hunts with the clan, Kyryk was trained enough to accompany them. The brutal creatures in Gauthrel were tough, and Kyryk knew that to be accepted as a Valendale, he needed to prove himself. One monster at a time.

On their first hunt, Kyryk helped to kill a monster, and immediately earned recognition from the other boys his age. Now, he was invited to train with them, to wrestle and fight and rough-house. He grew stronger, just as they did, and a kinship was born. Bred or not, he had become one of them, and he was happy. But nothing gold could stay, and when his closest friend, Havvar, died on a hunt, Kyryk knew that the world was as cold and lonely as he felt, and he vowed to take his revenge.

Now a young man, Kyryk trained tirelessly, hoping to become powerful enough to subjugate the monsters of Gauthrel one at a time. He exercised every day, he grew stronger, but also, he grew more and more obssessed with killing. He spent more times scouring Gauthrel for straggling monsters than with his clan, and soon found himself cast out. It was after this that he met a man on the road, traveling from Uthaldria to Quacia, who looked exactly as Havvar had.

This man, Donnechad mac Murchada, was an exiled Lotharro as well, one who had studied the magics of the world. A master of Becoming and Hone, Donnechad took Kyryk under his wing as they traveled. During one such adventure, Donnechad offered Kyryk the powers of magic, to which the eager young Lotharro agreed. Cutting from his right hand the pinky, Donnechad helped Kyryk to create his first Totem, his Self Totem, and explained the nature of Becoming, the permanent transformations. He left out the drawbacks, but Kyryk wouldn't have heeded them anyway. He was hungry for power, hungry for the power to subjugate and dominate.

After Becoming, Donnechad offered Hone. Physical enhancement, the power to push past his limitations, and again, Kyryk eagerly accepted. The two men parted ways soon after, with Donnechad saying he had a mysterious adventure to attend to, but that he would return when the time was right. Kyryk, saddened by his loss, continued on to Quacia to train and become the Hero he always wanted to be. If only the rage and anger inside him would let him do so.
Last edited by Kyryk on Fri Jan 04, 2019 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 556
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Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Skills & Knowledges

Skill Total Points Proficiency
Becoming (15/250) Novice
Endurance (20/250) Novice
Hone (5/100) Novice
Strength (15/250) Novice
Weapon: Axes - RB/FT (25/100) Novice



  • Initiation (SP)
  • Making a Totem (SP)
  • The Three Sovereign Substances: Blood, Hair, Bone (SP)


  • Axe Fighting is Hard Work
  • Training to a Warriors Body


  • Runic Magic (SP)


  • Working as a Team


  • Working Through a the Loss of a Friend


  • Example

Weapon: Axes

  • Swinging an axe in combat (SP)


  • (SP) Immortal: Thetros
  • (SP) Layout: Quacia
  • (SP) Location: Uthaldria
  • (SP) Laws: Quacia
  • (SP) Customs & Festivals: Quacia
  • (SP) Monsters of Gauthrel

Last edited by Kyryk on Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:04 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 108
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Skill Point Ledger

Here is where you record all the skill points you receive (Startup XP, CS Approval Rewards and, of course, Thread Reviews!) and all the points you spend on your skills. Again, below is an example which you can edit.

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Running Total
Starter XP +50 50
Becoming -15 35
Hone -5 30
Strength -15 15
Endurance -15 0
CS Approval +5 Endurance 0

Code: Select all

[td] Link thread or Name of Skill [/td]
   [td]  Point Adjustment[/td]
      [td] New Total[/td]
Last edited by Kyryk on Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:05 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 92
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Becoming - Novice
  • Witchmark: A shimmering scar appearing as the claws of a beast across his chest
    Mutations: None yet
  • Blending:
    • A technique one learns as a Novice that sets the stage for Borrowing. Blending is simply using two totems from the same animal family to 'blend' features and Become a shape that is neither one nor the other, but a composite of both. Many Becomers use this ability to steal the shapes of the dead and mix it with their own to create entirely new identities. Blending can be used between different species of animal and even those closely related. A dog’s features could be combined with a wolf.
    • A Novice technique that is a shadow of what eventually becomes Adapt, Echo borrows senses and minor special abilities from a totem and overlays them with your natural form. The changes are always subtle and usually temporary, such as seeing in the dark, leaping with the grace of a gazelle, or tuning into the echolocation of a bat. One trait may be echoed at novice, with two at competence. At expertise, three traits and four at Mastery and six at Revealed. These traits are fairly easy to manifest, costing little ether to summon, and very little to maintain. Upon reaching Expert, they are able to maintain 1 Echo permanently, 2 at Master, and 3 at Revealed.
    • A Novice ability, Devour is a method of acquiring a temporary becoming form. A Becomer can consume the three sovereign substances of a creature while also mixing their own ether into the consumption. This allows the Becomer to take on a temporary transformation to the creature they Devoured. Because this form has no totem, it cannot be altered with other abilities, nor can it be recalled after changing to another form. It is a one time use transformation. Additionally, without a totem to hold the form together permanently, the form falls apart, reverting the Becomer to the last form they transformed from, assuming they still have the totem. This ability lasts for 1 Trial at Novice, 2 Trials at Competent, 3 Trials at Expert, 4 Trials at Master, and 5 Trials at Revealed.

Self Totem

Kyryk's totem of self, in his original form. Made from his pinky, his blood and his hair

  • Witchmark: Self-rune of his name on his throat
    Mutations: None yet
  • Resistance
    • Runewright Passive Ability - When initiated into Hone, all Runewrights gain a unique physical resistance that allows them to enhance their bodies without causing dangerous amounts of undue harm to themselves. A normal person might shatter a limb if they they are granted the power of a Strength Rune, but a Runewright’s body has become resistant to most damage that they might bring upon themselves. This does not mean that Runewrights are immune to the Runes of others. They are only resistant to their own abilities and Runic enhancements. Be aware that sloppy application of Runes can still cause harm to the mage’s body, but most of the time that harm is negated simply by this passive effect.
    • It is possible for a Runewright to reclaim ether from either an unused Rune if it has been tied to a trigger that has yet to be activated or if it is a particularly long lasting Rune. Instant use Runes that are not tied to a trigger immediately begin using their ether from the moment they are created. Once the ether begins to be used,the initial amount can never be fully reclaimed. Dismissal is done by being in close proximity to the Rune and drawing in the ether that resides within. This is similar to the process of Flaying, although it comes with no ill effects since the Runewright is only reclaiming their own unused ether.
    Rune of Strength
    • The Rune of Strength has the ability to increase the power of a body’s muscles for a certain amount of time. This effect is limited to the body part that the Rune is interacting with. It is considered wise to ensure that your body is in balance when enhancing your strength, otherwise an inexperienced mage who places a Strength Rune on a single leg might find themselves walking strangely or catapulting themselves forward without intending to.
    Rune of Touch
    • While it is often a forgotten sense, the ability to feel your way through the world with the barest touch and sensation is not to be taken lightly. A hand bearing the Rune of Touch can pick up the most delicate undulations in sand to detect the faintest of tracks. Adversely, there have been cases of some Runewrights placing this Rune on individuals before torturing them in order to increase the pain that is experienced.
Last edited by Kyryk on Fri Jan 04, 2019 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 794
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  • Set of Clothing
    • Coat, shirt, pants, undergarments, boots
  • One Set of Toiletries
    • Soap, A comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste
  • Waterskin
  • Two sets of eating utensils
  • Worn hand axe ( treausred possession, poor quality )
  • Tinderbox

400 sq ft. Houses include one bed, two chairs, one table, two knives, a set of six plates (assorted), one chest, and a fireplace in Quacia
Last edited by Kyryk on Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:48 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 63
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Wealth Ledger

Item Adjustment Total
Starting Package +100gn 100gn
Example Purchase -0gn 100gn
Total Currency: 0 ON, 100 GN, 0 SN, 0 CN

Code: Select all

[td] Link to thread / Item [/td]
     [td] Adjustment [/td]
          [td] Total  [/td]
Last edited by Kyryk on Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 40
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Renown Ledger

The person who approves your CS will award you "Starter Renown".

Useful Information : The Renown System Guide: here
Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown (determined by approving prophet) ...
When you gain more renown, just add the following to the table above, after the last /tr] and before the /table].

Code: Select all

[td]Link to thread where renown is gained [/td]
    [td] Amount Rec'd [/td]
          [td] Total  [/td]
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Well done! This is the end of the CS. This post will be used to record past and current threads.
Just before you apply for approval, think about the following:
  • Do you want to apply for any NPCs? guide here! . Once your NPC is approved, you must record them in your CS, but you can put your character up for approval before, during or after the process of applying for a NPC
  • Are you going to apply for a Mark (Immortal Blessing / Curse) via the PSF? You can put your CS up for review before that is approved, or before you apply!
  • Have you thought about what job your pc would like? Read about that here , but it's not part of the approval process.

    Once you've completed your CS you can post here and put a link to this thread - showing that your Character Sheet is ready for approval.

    You are allowed to post IC as soon as your completed CS is up for approval. You won't be able to get any rewards from finished threads until you're approved, though.
word count: 186
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