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Name: Nir'wei.
Age: 24 Arcs.
Sex: Male.
Race: Mortalborn - Sev'ryn Mother, Immortal Father.
Domains: Affinity, Loyalty, Unity.

Date of Birth: 46th of Zi'da 694th.
Place of Birth: Desnind.

Height: 5'3.
Weight: 110 lbs. (7.8 stone)

Eye Colour: Blue.
Hair Colour: Chestnut Brown.

Profession: Councillor of Natural Affairs, Scalvoris Council.
Housing: None.
Partners: None.

Marks: Velduris (Champion), Sojourn (Adored), Telka (Favoured), Nalos (Favoured), Rusalkis (Favoured).
Magics: None.
Renown: 742 Points Bank: 125
Points Bank Ledger

+ 150 + 1125

- 500 (1 Male Hyx)
- 500 (1 Female Hyx)
- 150 (1 Scython)
Languages Spoken: Xanthea [Fluent], Common [Conversational], Rahaki [Basic], Pailtic [Basic]
Last edited by Nir'wei on Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:27 pm, edited 96 times in total. word count: 200
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It's quite obvious that Nir'wei has never really cared for his style, nor what anyone else thinks about it. His hair is never combed and rarely clean, often tangled in dirty clumps that tumble over his face and chest whenever his head tilts the wrong way. When it's tied back in a messy lump-like bun, the shape of his face is shown to be rather soft, almost effeminate, with smooth cheeks and a round chin. His eyes, thanks to his Velduris mark, have become a bright animalistic flat blue very much resembling his first wolf Greyhide. They stare coldly from under thick black eyebrows that match a smattering of grisly facial hair, still emerging in late adolescence from above his top lip and around his jawline. His teeth are clean and straight, but his canines are elongated into sharp fangs capable of ripping flesh. In all other aspects, though, he almost entirely takes from his mothers heritage.

He stands slim and short, barely brushing above the five-foot mark at around 5'3, and somewhere on the lower end between 120 and 130lbs. For now, spending barely any time doing strenuous activity, he shows little muscle mass or defined tone to his body.. but a steady diet of foraged food mixed in with the occasional small animal every few days means he keeps a rather lean, if scrawny shape overall.

In terms of clothes, he usually sticks to loose and baggy outfits wherever possible, although again he can hardly afford to be picky in terms of style. As long as it's something comfortable and it fits around his body, it's good enough for him. The only time he wears anything a little tighter is when his trousers are too baggy and end up sliding down around his ankles, which happens more often than one would think. That's when he bothers to wear any clothes at all, though. Back in Dresnind, a few bits of cloth around the waist were all he needed to wear.. and it was usually what everyone else wore too.

One thing he does take pride in, however, are the numerous colourful tattoos dancing across his upper arms, middle and lower back, down his legs and parts of his stomach. They started out as a small smattering of branches and roots from an old tree at a small patch of his back, just above his hip, but over the years they have grown to extend in thick, tropical flower-adorned branches rising up his right side, as well as down both legs in deep-brown roots. The designs are obviously still unfinished, with small animal heads peeking out from between portions, waiting to be expanded upon. The one exception is a large, blue bird that sits between his shoulder blades, looking behind his left shoulderblade. Normally, the designs taken on by his people would hold some symbolism to their life. However, with little to fixate his life on, there is no symbolic meaning to the flowers - he chose them because they look pretty.

Nir'wei works, plays and lives rather simply - for the most part, if he wants to do something, he does it. If not, he doesn't. Many people would think this leads to an incredibly hedonistic, selfish and slothful lifestyle. However, in truth, Nir'wei doesn't really aspire for all that much other than spending time with his family and friends. There's very little pleasure to be had from expensive clothes, fancy trinkets and least of all servants, so he shuns extravagance in most cases, except when there's an occasional plate of particularly delicious food. He's also built up small hobbies, mostly including the tending of small animals wherever possible - he finds animals in many cases much easier to talk with than other people. After all, they are much better at listening.

For the most part, he is a gentle soul, although this does lead to a lack of conviction or concentration on any particular field. If something does not interest him, it becomes incredibly difficult to focus on that thing.. and normally just leads to it never happening. Immediate importance, things that are potentially life-threatening to himself or others, of course will have his undivided attention.. but everything else leading up to that point can very quickly be forgotten, or simply ignored. Sometimes this can lead to quite a bit of trouble, if previous experience is anything to go off, but at the end of the day, if something was meant to be done, it'd be done.

Time spent for so long living with those that care so deeply as Nir'weis relatives did for his mother, even through her troubling mental state, has made Nir'wei much more forgiving towards others than is likely healthy. Being a forgiving person, of course, has its perks - rarely does he ever focus on race as a defining factor of a person, nor their profession or family. Everything is defined by a person's attitude and actions.. although, even those have exceptions, he admits. Although, there are limits to even the loosest bonds. When it snaps, there truly is no going back. Grudges can last very long indeed with a person who believes in reincarnation.
Last edited by Nir'wei on Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:15 am, edited 125 times in total. word count: 916
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Nir'wei was originally born in Desnind, the homeland of Sev'ryn, to a young mother known as Tau'sith in the cold grip of Zi'da. As soon as he was born, he was taken away from his mother and kept at arms-length, however. Tau'sith was known to follow a dark path - shunning Moseke for shackling their twisted souls together, forcing their bodies back to unnatural life and, in her words, tainting their purity with her influence. It's claimed this happened after she was unable to find her spirit animal and although she reached near-death herself in the struggle of the journey, ultimately she failed in her quest, and the spirit animal died. Knowing this, other close friends and family members struggled to pull her back to a path of spirituality, while looking after Nir'wei themselves in her absence. For the first few years of his upbringing Nir'wei was juggled between first his grandparents and his mother's sister, before passing along to close friends and eventually complete strangers as they all pooled their efforts into returning her to their family. At age six, Tau'sith left Desnind unannounced. Searches were sent and after a few cycles, they found her remains on the outskirts of Rhakros. She'd returned there to die as she was supposed to. In the time the body had spent fermenting in the toxic jungle, it had bloated with poisons that made it deadly to even come close to it and Tau'sith could not be returned to Desnind for a proper burial ritual. The news was devastating when Nir'wei finally learned it several arcs later, when the lie that she'd gone on an adventure to find his father broke down.

Nir'wei's father had actually disappeared soon after conception, heading west for Ne'haer for reasons that he refused to mention to anyone, before there was a chance to tell him that he would soon have a son. All that was ever said about him to Nir'wei whenever he asked was that he was an incredibly brave man called Ka'lars, strong in heart and spirit, guarded by a lion who's eyes turned his mane gold. Sometimes the stories seemed to exaggerate far too much, but his elders knew more than he did, so there was no point arguing the fact. He was always told by his grandparents, those that he spent the most time with, that his father would return soon. However, seventeen years after Nir'wei's birth, when the first visions of his spirit animal arrived in his sleep, there was still no sign of his father to wish him good luck as he started his venture to hunt down his spirit animal.

Before his venture, Nir'wei spent most of his time in Desnind caring for small animals with one of his mother's friends, who'd regail him with stories of his mother's youth and the adventures they had together. As he grew older and was forced to care for himself, he took up felching and soon decided to use some of the crude bows he made to hunt down small animals when coin ran short. All the rest of the time was spent quietly meditating alongside his fellows in the fields of their land. One of his favourite past-times was joining them in group sessions where they would lie on their backs, staring up at the giant trees and making up small stories of what went on beyond the clouds. Nir'wei was always the least imaginative, but he enjoyed listening to their tales of sky-dragons breathing great swathes of clouds across the sky like the paintbrushes of the heavens. One day, he knew, he would come back to the city and pass on even better stories.

Because he is constantly moving between nations, and between the various regions of those nations, Nir'wei has rarely found the time nor the inclination to buy a house for himself. Though he owns a small square of land in Rynmere, he has not visited it in some time. For the moment, he lives out of tents and in whatever temporary accommodation he can find for himself; be that living on the floor of a friend's house, in the local inn, or even out of a tent. He possesses enough understanding of survival techniques to function for a few days outside of civilization, but he does not remain there long for his own safety and comfort, preferring to dance in and out of cities on a regular basis, depending on the current temperature, weather conditions and his own mood.
Last edited by Nir'wei on Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:15 am, edited 24 times in total. word count: 817
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As of the UCP update, the skill list has been archived and has not been updated.
Archived Skill Information.
SkillPoints AcquiredKnowledgesProficiency
Animal Husbandry265/25060Grandmaster+
Animal Training265/25060Grandmaster+
Mount (Sohr Khal)151/25038Master
Ranged Combat (Shortbow)151/25040Master
Field Craft*100/100 40Master
Business Management27/25019Competent
Siege Weaponry (Ballista)26/25011Competent
Unarmed Combat (Feral Wolf) 26/25023Competent
Blades (Longsword)26/25011Competent
*Fast-Track Skill.
XP Ledger
Starting Points + 50 50
- 15 Animal Husbandry 35
- 15 Animal Training 20
- 15 Ranged Combat 5
- 5 Hunting 0
Racial Bonus + 25 25
- 25 Meditation 0
Completion Bonus (BK) + 10 40
- 5 Fletching 5
- 3 Hunting 2
- 2 Animal Husbandry 0
Bitey Little Buggers, aren't they? +6 6 6
-3 Animal Husbandry 3
-1 Endurance 2
-1 Etiquette 1
-1 Persuasion 0
An Unexpected Rescue. +14 14 20
-5 Animal Husbandry 9
-5 Fletching 4
Stranger Danger? +15 19 35
Chasing a Headline! +15 34 50
-25 Fieldcraft 9
-9 Animal Training 0
Stray of the Pack. +14 14 64
-10 Animal Husbandry 4
-4 Animal Training 0
Cheers! +15 15 79
-12 Animal Training 3
-3 Hunting 0
Asking the Big Questions. +10 10 89
-10 Animal Husbandry 0
I Did It For Art. +15 15 104
-15 Animal Husbandry 0
Punching Above Your Weight. +10 10 114
-10 Animal Training 0
Wagon Woes and Friendly Foes. +15 15 129
-15 Animal Husbandry 0
Destiny, or as it's otherwise known, Luck. + 15 15 134
Destiny, or as it's otherwise known, Luck. + 2 DW 15
The Killing Fields. + 15 30 159
The Killing Fields. + 2 DW 30
- 25 Linguistics 5
- 5 Mount 0
Lessons in Logic and Seminars in Sewing. + 15 15 174
Lessons in Logic and Seminars in Sewing. + 2 DW 15
A Guided Tour. +15 30 189
Beautiful. +15 45 204
- 45 Animal Husbandry 0
It's Not All Smiles and Dragon Rainbows. + 10 10 214
- 10 Animal Training 0
The bored ward snored, Faith sawed the gorde. Good lord! + 15 15 229
- 15 Animal Husbandry 0
A Light in the Darkness. + 15 15 244
A Monumental Task. + 15 30 259
A Monumental Task. + 2 DW 30
- 30 Animal Training 0
A New Journey. +11 11 270
The Diagnosis. +14 25 284
The Great Hunt. +15 40 299
Unwelcome News. +15 55 314
It's Not Rocket Science, It's Brain Surgery! +15 70 329
- 64 Animal Training 6
- 4 Animal Husbandry 2
- 2 Fieldcraft 0
Another Day In Andaris. + 15 15 344
- 15 Animal Husbandry 0
Dolphin's Cry +15 15 359
Off The Beaten Path +15 30 374
Lending A Hand +15 45 389
Getting On Top Of Things +15 60 404
It's Cold Outside +15 75 419
The Animal Master +10 85 429
In The Cemetery With A Lead Pipe + 15 100 444
A Safe Landing + 15 115 459
- 96 Animal Training 19
Beneath the Veil. + 10 29 469
Just Another Trial At The Office... + 15 44 484
Saltwater Contemplation. + 15 59 499
- 10 Mount 49
- 25 Leadership 24
Sanctuary. + 20 49 529
- 10 Ranged Combat 39
- 14 Hunting 25
How is it this Hot? + 15 40 544
- 10 Ranged Combat 30
The Grand Hunt. + 10 40 554
- 10 Leadership 30
What's Wrong with Eating Horses? + 15 45 569
- 15 Mount 30
Counting Clouds. + 15 45 584
- 20 Tactics 25
Raising Spirits or Raising Spirits? + 15 40 599
Old McFaith Had a Farm. + 15 55 614
- 20 Ranged Combat 35
- 20 Leadership 15
The Grander Hunt. + 10 25 624
- 25 Siege Weaponry 0
Velduris Skills I + 3 Animal Husbandry 0
Mixed Messengers. + 20 20 644
- 10 Ranged Combat 10
- 10 Mount 0
The World Beneath The World. + 15 15 659
- 10 Ranged Combat 5
- 5 Mount 0
Spending Spree. + 10 10 669
- 2 Hunting 8
- 7 Tactics 1
Take My Hand, Erase The Past Forever. + 15 16 684
An Early Wedding Gift. + 15 31 699
- 26 Endurance 5
- 5 Investigation 0
The Return I. + 10 10 709
- 10 Mount 0
The Return II. + 10 10 719
- 10 Mount 0
The Adventurous Birthday Girl. + 15 15 734
- 12 Investigation 13
- 1 Siege Combat 2
Familiar Company. + 15 17 749
- 3 Ranged Combat 14
- 13 Mount 1
Leader Of The Pack. + 15 16 764
Flowing Like Time. + 15 31 779
The Forgotten Alpha. + 10 41 789
Unseen Enemy. + 15 56 804
- 27 Business Management 29
- 27 Discipline 2
Choosing A Side + 10 12 814
- 11 Fieldcraft 1
The Return + 10 11 824
Stormwaste Woes + 10 21 834
Running with Horses + 15 36 849
Wings and Things + 15 51 864
Empty Moons + 15 66 879
Inquisitive Initiates + 15 81 894
Through the Fire and the Flames + 20 101 914
- 99 Animal Husbandry 2
Stormwaste Woes II + 10 12 924
The Next World + 15 27 939
Hitting The Books + 10 37 949
Welcome to the Thunder Den! + 15 52 964
- 51 Hunting 1
Stealthy? I don't think so. + 15 16 979
Spitfire. + 15 31 994
Puppies, Pegasus, Padraig and Potatoes. + 15 46 1009
Fireborn, Airborn. + 15 61 1024
(CiTW) The Waiting Place. + 25 86 1049
(CiTW) The Waiting Place. + DW Initiation
- 76 Mount 10
(CiTW) Endgame 4: Oblivion. + 20 30 1069
Three Wise Wolves. + 10 40 1079
The Invasion Begins. + 15 55 1094
- 26 Stealth 29
(CiTW) The Brave. + 15 44 1109
(CiTW) The Dead 2. + 15 59 1124
- 21 Leadership 38
Thundermaw Stampede. + 15 53 1139
Prologue: Shadows Awaken. + 15 68 1154
The Siege of Storm's End. + 15 83 1169
Brace for Impact. + 15 98 1184
- 1 Meditation 97
- 73 Ranged Combat 24
The New Chaos. + 10 34 1194
The New Chaos II. Requiem's Memory. + 10 44 1204
The New Chaos II. Requiem's Memory. + 2 DW 44
The New Chaos III. Requiem's Riddle. + 10 54 1214
The New Chaos III. Requiem's Riddle. + 2 DW 54
The New Chaos IV. Requiem's Curse. + 10 64 1224
The New Chaos IV. Requiem's Curse. + 2 DW 64
Poor Choby. + 15 79 1239
A Wolf, a Ghost and a Baby. + 15 94 1254
Storm Roc Training. + 15 109 1269
- 49 Tactics 60
- 49 Endurance 11
Lady Mercy Won't Be Home Tonight. + 15 26 1284
- 26 Detection 0
Velduris Skills II + 6 Animal Training 0
Renown Reward +3 Animal Husbandry 0
Renown Reward +3 Animal Husbandry 0
The Pain Of Saying Goodbye. + 10 10 1394
The New Chaos VII. Ichorous Edge. + 10 20 1404
The New Chaos VIII. The Sixth Being. + 10 30 1414
Loose Ends. + 15 45 1429
Keep Calm and Carry On. + 15 60 1444
Descent to Asphodel. + 50 110 1494
- 26 Teaching 84
- 26 Negotiation 56
- 26 Blades: Longsword 32
- 26 Unarmed Combat 6
The New Chaos V. The Thing From The Stars. + 10 16 1504
The New Chaos VI. Otherworldly Alliances. + 15 31 1519
The New Chaos XII. Ascendance. + 15 46 1534
The New Chaos IX. Order Manifest. + 10 56 1544
The New Chaos XI. The Empyrean Gateway. + 15 71 1559
No Haven For The Guilty. + 15 86 1574
+75 Tactics 11
Siege of Zuudaria. + 20 31 1594
Solid Ground. + 10 41 1604
Council Meeting: Rebirth 720. + 20 61 1624
Down By The River. + 15 76 1639
+50 Detection 26
The Real World. + 15 41 1654
A Long Night Out. + 15 56 1669
A Dire Dilemma. + 10 66 1679
Market Mayhem. + 15 81 1694
Nir, Far, Wherever You Are. + 15 96 1709
A Chance In Hell. + 15 111 1724
+50 Meditation  61
+26 Carpentry 35
We're All Going On A Dragon Hunt. + 15 50 1739
We're All Going On A Dragon Hunt 2. + 15 65 1754
+50 Stealth 15
A Curious Celebration? + 15 30 1769
Almund's Missing Children + 15 45 1784
Forged in Fire: Fighting. + 30 75 1804
+75 Leadership 0
Forged in Fire: Basecamp. + 15 15 1819
Forged in Fire: Group A. + 15 30 1834
Nothing Personal. + 10 40 1844
The Green March. + 10 50 1854
The Branched Paths. + 10 60 1864
+49 Fieldcraft 11
Burial Rites. + 10 21 1874
Forged in Fire: Group B. + 15 36 1889
In Our Spare Time. + 15 51 1894
Cylus Dusk. + 20 71 1914
+5 Persuasion 71
Keeping a Promise. + 15 86 1929
A Bedtime Story. + 20 106 1949
When Predator Becomes Prey. + 15 121 1964
Salting the Wound. + 15 136 1979
Keeping a Promise. + 15 151 1994
Finding Von Smooglenuff. + 15 166 2009
Home Is Where The Heart Is. + 15 181 2024
Consulting the Expert. + 15 196 2039
Three Men Walk Into A Barony. + 20 216 2059
The War of Slags Deep: Exposition 4. + 20 236 2079
+83 Tactics 153
+75 Detection 78
+49 Discipline 29
+26 Politics 3
Velduris Skills III + 9 Training 0
Life Forged, Death Forged. + 20 23 2099
[The Forging] Souls. + 20 43 2119
Saoire's Heroes: The Air Table. + 20 63 2139
Ruin's Dawn: Conquering Hive. + 25 88 2164
Ruin's Dawn: Ascension. + 25 113 2189
Lean-tos for Lean Times. + 15 128 2204
Saoire's Heroes. + 15 143 2219
The Heart Burns. + 15 158 2234
Outside The Box. + 15 173 2249
Forward Facing. + 15 188 2264
Reinforcements. + 15 203 2279
Skill Scale Down 2021 XP Pool
SkillPoints AdjustmentXP Pool
Fletching 10XP to Pool 10
Negotiation 26XP to Socialisation 10
Persuasion6XP to Pool 16
Tactics16XP to Tactics 0
Last edited by Nir'wei on Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:14 am, edited 356 times in total. word count: 1646
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The knowledges contained within have been arranged both according to the original description-based format and the modern number-based format.
As of the UCP update, these knowledges have been archived. Please refer to the Tier 2 list of knowledges for all specific knowledges relating to Tier 2 progression.


Athletics (10)
1 - Acrobatics: The Day Gravity Defeated you and Squirrel Snark was Right.*
2 - Acrobatics: Not Falling When you Awaken on Your Feet.*
3 - Acrobatics: Sliding away from a Zephyrus battling a Shadowhound.*
4 - Acrobatics: Jumping down a full story and landing on your feet, mostly.*
5 - 8 - Acrobatics x4.*
9 - 10 - Athletics x2.*
Animal Husbandry (60)
Animal Husbandry (Jacadon) (3)
► Show Spoiler
Animal Husbandry (Volareon) (18)
► Show Spoiler
Animal Husbandry (Horse) (4)
► Show Spoiler
Animal Husbandry (Maluid) (4)
► Show Spoiler
Animal Training (65)
Animal Training (Jacadon) (3)
► Show Spoiler
Animal Training (Volareon) (16)
► Show Spoiler
Animal Training (Horse) (5)
► Show Spoiler
Animal Training (Sohr Khal) (8)
► Show Spoiler
Animal Training (Wolf) (19)
► Show Spoiler
Animal Training (Zephyrus) (4)
► Show Spoiler
Animal Training (Dog) (2)
► Show Spoiler
Animal Training (Miscellaneous) (8)
► Show Spoiler
Appraisal (1)
1 - Appraisal: Judging a settlement.*


Blades (Sword) (11)
1 - Blades (Sword): Handling the weight of a blade.*
2 - Blades (Sword): Charging stab.*
3 - Blades (Sword) : Two handed slash.*
4 - 7 - Blades (Sword) x4*
8 - 11 - Blades x4.*
Business Management (19)
1 - Business Management: The importance of keeping notes.*
2 - Business Management: Records aid efficiency.*
3 - Business Management: The best locations get the best customers, apparently.*
4 - Business Management: The importance of providing an atmosphere.*
5 - Business Management: Setting aside a workplace.*
6 - Business Management: Maximising profit of available land.*
7 - Business Management: Doing your research before beginning your ventures.*
8 - Business Management: Taking the first steps to building a farm.*
9 - Business Management: How to plan a business proposition.*
10 - Business Management: Considering supply lines.*
11 - Business Management: Weighing the value of different crops.*
12 - Business Management: Determining aims for a business venture.*
13 - Business Management: Discussing plans for a Franchise.*
14 - Business Management: Turning your strengths into a unique selling point.*
15 - Business Management: Balancing profit with personal interest.*
16 - Business Management: Weighing the benefits of a business partnership.*
17 - Business Management: Weighing the benefits of profitable unique benefits.*
18 - Business Management: Using a diverse program to provide a range of services.*
19 - Business Management: Expanding into multiple markets simultaneously.*


Caregiving (12)
1 - Caregiving: Keeping your animals warm while away.*
2 - 4 - Caregiving x3.*
5 - 8 - Caregiving x4.*
9 - 10 - Caregiving x2.*
11 - 12 - Caregiving x2.*
Carpentry (16)
1 - Carpentery: File the shaft when making arrows.*
2 - Carpentry: How to assess wood quality.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
3 - Carpentry: Finding damages on a carriage.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
4 - Carpentry: Identifying sandpaper.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
5 - Carpentry: Cut and sand with the grain.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
6 - Carpentry: Salvaging scraps of metal for makeshift nails.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
7 - Carpentry: Joining two halves of wood together.*
8 - Carpentry: Angling nails to provide a better seal.*
9 - Carpentry: Fitting complimentary pieces.*
10 - Carpentry: How to restore a shattered door.*
11 - Carpentry: Nailing ceramic to wood.*
12 - Carpentry: Making adjustments on the go.*
13 - Carpentry: Filling a hole on a surface.*
14 - Carpentry: Applying in a pattern.*
15 - Carpentry: Working in tandem with part of a team.*
16 - Carpentry: Measuring out the correct amount of material needed for the task.*


Dancing (1)
1 - Dancing: Celebratory dance.*
Deception (4)
1 - Deception: Deflecting from your envy with a lie.*
2 - Deception: Using comedy to hide emotions.*
3 - Deception: The best lies are made with inklings of truth.*
4 - Deception: Attempting to fake your own death.*
Detection (91)
1 - Detection: Peer into the dark.*
2 - Detection: Spotting the small details.*
3 - Detection: Spotting Canenula.*
4 - Detection: Spotting Valerian Root.*
5 - Detection: Spotting Passion Flower.*
6 - Detection: Noting Changes in Tone, Facial Expression and Nervousness.*
7 - Detection: Feeling eyes on you.*
8 - Detection: One Orb for Each Person Present.*
9 - Detection: Thetros' Candle Worked.*
10 - Detection: Picking out particular weather patterns.*
11 - Detection: Following what others are watching.*
12 - Detection: Selecting high-profile targets from large crowds.*
13 - Detection: Using familiars to see more than you normally would.*
14 - Detection: Picking out notable broad features of the environment as confirmation of suspicions.*
15 - Detection: Noticing which door leads to the most important room by the elaborate designs on it.*
16 - Detection: Searching the face for key features of a race.*
17 - Detection: Looking for any signs of weapon on a person.*
18 - Detection: Picking out important details from snippets of conversation around you.*
19 - Detection: Filtering out the colours and noise of the background.*
20 - Detection: Searching for flaws and openings on a surface.*
21 - Detection: Picking out identifying details of the Untold dimension.*
22 - Detection: Picking out identifying details of an animal's species.*
23 - Detection: Working out ratios by eye.*
24 - Detection: Identifying a ghost.*
25 - 30 - Detection x5.*
31 - 33 - Detection x3.*
34 - 37 - Detection x4.*
38 - 41 - Detection x4.*
42 - 46 - Detection x5.*
47 - 49 - Detection x3.*
50 - 54 - Detection x4.*
55 - Detection: With all the senses in the world, people can still sneak up on you!*
56 - Detection: Even memory has details to spot.*
57 - 59 - Detection x3.*
60 - 63 - Detection x4.*
64 - 65 - Detection x2.*
66 - 67 - Detection x2.*
68 - 70 - Detection x3.*
71 - 74 - Detection x4.*
75 - 76 - Detection x2.*
77 - 81 - Detection x5.*
82 - 86 - Detection x5.*
87 - 91 - Detection x5.*
Discipline (61)
1 - Discipline: Breathe in through your mouth to avoid chucking up at bad smells.*
2 - Discipline: Say what needs to be said before emotion overwhelms you.*
3 - Discipline: Thinking of something else to distract from pain.*
4 - Discipline: Staying calm after being told of looming death.*
5 - Discipline: Not crumbling in the face of a terminal diagnosis.*
6 - Discipline: Holding on to the shred of hope.*
7 - Discipline: Not flinching away.*
8 - Discipline: Not running.*
9 - Discipline: Doing what needs to be done, despite danger.*
10 - Discipline: Resisting an overwhelming urge to sit and stare.*
11 - Discipline: Accepting help from friends is not a sign of weakness.*
12 - Discipline: Forcing yourself to focus on what is important.*
13 - Discipline: Get Fully Prepared Before You Begin.*
14 - Discipline: Staying calm when surrounded by charred corpses.*
15 - Discipline: Resisting the urge to hang out with friends over your duty to your companions.*
16 - Discipline: Ignoring the nattering in your head to focus on the things at hand.*
17 - Discipline: Strict discipline is vital to the smooth running of large organisations.*
18 - Discipline: Facing the end and accepting it.*
19 - Discipline: Speaking out, when you've kept something quiet too long.*
20 - Discipline: Facing the fear of betraying a friend.*
21 - Discipline: Doing what you know is right, even when you don't want to.*
22 - Discipline: Keeping on topic, no matter how uncomfortable.*
23 - Discipline: Focusing on the big picture, even when you are facing your friend.*
24 - Discipline: Focus is exponentially harder.*
25 - Discipline: Shock news.*
26 - Discipline: Recognising your emotions.*
27 - Discipline: Not showing your surprise when you're snuck up on!*
28 - Discipline: Dealing with regrets.*
29 - Discipline: Force yourself not to descend into despair.*
30 - Discipline: Finding out that it is personal.*
31 - 33 - Discipline x3.*
34 - 37 - Discipline x4.*
38 - 41 - Discipline x4.*
42 - 43 - Discipline x2.*
44 - 45 - Discipline x2.*
46 - Discipline: Standing in the presence of Induks.*
47 - Discipline: Standing in the presence of Immortals.*
48 - Discipline: Not being overwhelmed by Cassion's story.*
49 - Discipline: Being focused, even in a flurry.*
50 - Discipline: COntinuing, even when you've been battered.*
51 - Discipline: Trying not to growl.*
52 - 54 - Discipline x3.*
55 - 56 - Discipline x2.*
57 - 61 - Discipline x5.*


Endurance (60)
1 - Endurance: Everyone has limits.*
2 - Endurance: Riding on a Volareon hurts your bottom.*
3 - Endurance: Bearing witness to a revolting display.*
4 - Endurance: Catching your breath.*
5 - Endurance: The pain of the Rot.*
6 - Endurance: The final moments before unconsciousness.*
7 - Endurance: Emotional torture.*
8 - Endurance: Keeping reserves of energy.*
9 - Endurance: Applying constant pressure over long periods.*
10 - Endurance: Losing a lot of blood, but not a lot of sweat.*
11 - Endurance: Sudden extreme dips in temperature.*
12 - Endurance: Motion sickness.*
13 - Endurance: High speed and altitude.*
14 - Endurance: Small, sharp claws.*
15 - Endurance: Having a strange wind elemental pestering you.*
16 - Endurance: Surviving being thrown onto your ass.*
17 - Endurance: Walking off the deafening sound of an explosion.*
18 - Endurance: Taking a quick breather to restore your focus.*
19 - Endurance: Blows to the back of the head are no laughing matter.*
20 - Endurance: Holding your breath under waves of smoke.*
21 - Endurance: Enduring the heat of flames.*
22 - Endurance: Fighting off the effects of a spiked drink (for a little while).*
23 - Endurance: Powering through with the help of the threat of imminent doom.*
24 - Endurance: Shaking off a concussion.*
25 - Endurance: Braving a fatal wound for as long as possible.*
26 - 31 - Endurance x6.*
32 - 35 - Endurance x4.*
36 - 39 - Endurance x4.*
39 - 40 - Endurance x2.*
41 - 42 - Endurance x2.*
43 - 44 - Endurance x2.*
45 - Endurance: The Forging.*
46 - Endurance: Standing in a maelstrom.*
47 - Endurance: The wrath of Qylios.*
48 - Endurance: The toll of a very long day!*
49 - Endurance: Giving your own MB energy.*
50 - Endurance: Fracturing.*
51 - Endurance: Sharing a fracture experience with others.*
52 - 54 - Endurance x2.*
55 - Endurance x1.*
56 - 60 - Endurance x5.*
Engineering (2)
1 - 2 - Engineering x2.*
Etiquette (18)
1 - Etiquette: Holding your tongue to avoid confrontation.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
2 - Etiquette: Leave conversations until an appropriate time.*
3 - Etiquette: You are expected to dress for the occasion.*
4 - Etiquette: You should know someone's name (or title) before offering them a lift.*
5 - Etiquette: Gentle teasing among friends.*
6 - Etiquette: "And... you" - it's a good job it was Saoire.*
7 - 9 - Etiquette x3.*
10 - Etiquette: Manners cost nothing.*
11 - Etiquette: Politely addressing Induks and Immortals.*
12 - 14 - Etiquette x3.*
15 - 17 - Etiquette x3.*
18 - Etiquette x1.*


Fieldcraft (40)
1 - Fieldcraft: Making use of all available materials.*
2 - Fieldcraft: Repair before you replace.*
3 - Fieldcraft: Scavenge ideal pieces first.*
4 - Fieldcraft: Using spare canvas as a makeshift roof.*
5 - Fieldcraft: Trees make good anchoring points for structures.*
6 - Fieldcraft: Picking the best location to set up camp to leave plenty of room.*
7 - Fieldcraft: Mark the territory of your camp to warn predators of your presence.*
8 - Fieldcraft: Arranging stones into a makeshift fire pit.*
9 - Fieldcraft: Tents make you less aware of your surroundings.*
10 - Fieldcraft: Enclosed spaces between trees can hide your camp.*
11 - Fieldcraft: Scattering branches over the roof of your camp acts as basic camouflage.*
12 - Fieldcraft: Using wolf body heat to regulate temperature.*
13 - Fieldcraft: Using your surroundings to protect your camp from detection by predators.*
14 - Fieldcraft: Using overhanging trees to shade your tent in hot conditions.*
15 - Fieldcraft: Preparing weapons nearby in case of ambush.*
16 - Fieldcraft: Organising your camp into sections to make it easier to navigate.*
17 - Fieldcraft: Tapping trees with a spiggot for a close-by fresh water supply.*
18 - Fieldcraft: Relying on your animal companions to hunt and scavenge for food and water.*
19 - Fieldcraft: If you want to conserve resources, don't invite strangers to your camp.*
20 - Fieldcraft: Using the body heat of others to warm yourself on cold nights.*
21 - Fieldcraft: Definitely don't get naked in a field if you don't want hypothermia.*
22 - Fieldcraft: You can't fall asleep on frozen soil without padding and insulation.*
23 - Fieldcraft: Stretching one tent to make it fit five.*
24 - Fieldcraft: Making a windbreak to shield your campfire.*
25 - Fieldcraft: Bringing friends with you means more mouths to feed.*
26 - Fieldcraft: A fresh water supply is more important than food.*
27 - Fieldcraft: Arranging a large bonfire for the best heat.*
28 - 30 - Fieldcraft x3.*
31 - 33 - Fieldcraft x3.*
34 - 36 - Fieldcraft x3.*
37 - 40 - Fieldcraft x4.*
Fletching (2)
1 - [SP] How to craft a small arrow.
2 - Fletching: Arrows need feathers.*


Hunting (24)
1 - [BK] Basic tracking skills.
2 - Hunting: Sense of smell is important.*
3 - Hunting: Owls are useful - aerial views.*
4 - Hunting: How Warm is their Trail? Their Dung can let you Know.*
5 - Hunting: Knowing when you Have Cover from a Larger Quarry.*
6 - Hunting: Working in tandem with other hunters.*
7 - Hunting: Working in tandem with animal companions.*
8 - Hunting: Corralling herds into bottlenecks for traps and ambushes.*
9 - Hunting: The more you know about an area, the better your chances of success in hunting its grounds.*
10 - Hunting: The more you know about what you hunt, the more chance you have to take them down.*
11 - Hunting: Hunting by yourself is much more difficult than hunting in packs.*
12 - Hunting: Fast hunting prevents prey from escaping.*
13 - Hunting: Injured prey become weaker the longer the hunt is drawn out.*
14 - Hunting: Scent-hunting using a canine companion.*
15 - Hunting: Hunting humans is much more difficult than hunting animals.*
16 - Hunting: Footprints in snow.*
17 - Hunting: Knowing fresh tracks from old tracks using the medium they're pressed into.*
18 - Hunting: Gauging the threat of your prey from the remains of your prey's prey.*
19 - Hunting: Long-distance hunting is better done slowly and methodically.*
20 - Hunting: Don't spend too long waiting for the right moment.*
21 - Hunting: Stalking feline prey.*
22 - Hunting: Don't overcomplicate things.*
23 - Hunting: Chasing based on scent.*
24 - Hunting: Leading the pack instead of following the wolves.*


Intelligence (6)
1 - Intelligence: Few Beasts Want to Kill People All the Time.*
2 - Intelligence: Some Magics Don't Work Well in the Misty Miasma.*
3 - Intelligence: The Orbs Avoid Their "Target" Contestant.*
4 - 6 - Intelligence x3.*
Interrogation (1)
1 - Interrogation: Wanting to know what's being done to you.*
Intimidation (8)
1 - Intimidation: Speak softly and travel with a Sohr Kahl.*
2 - Intimidation: Trading Threats with Robin Stark.*
3 - Intimidation: Threatening with a promise of violence.*
4 - 6 - Intimidation x2 *
7 - 8 - Intimidation x2.*
Investigation (59)
1 - Investigation: First you must gather the clues.*
2 - Investigation: Speak to key witnesses.*
3 - Investigation: Seeking out fungus in all the best places.*
4 - Investigation: Eavesdropping on background conversations to build a picture of current events.*
5 - Investigation: Using known interests to hazard a profession.*
6 - Investigation: Asking around the workplace after a colleague.*
7 - Investigation: Listen to both questions and answers to ensure you get the full picture.*
8 - Investigation: Listening to conversation can lead to clues for gifts.*
9 - Investigation: Use invisible animals to gather information.*
10 - Investigation: Find people by surname.*
11 - Investigation: People speak more honestly when they think they're alone.*
12 - Investigation: Gather all the evidence possible.*
13 - Investigation: Unlikely sources can still bring important information.*
14 - Investigation: Don't rely too heavily on one source of evidence.*
15 - Investigation: Eavesdropping on conversations about yourself tells you what people don't want you to hear.*
16 - Investigation: Spirit animals make great eavesdroppers.*
17 - Investigation: Locating and identifying people based on their scent.*
18 - Investigation: Looking at all the possible outcomes of a situation.*
19 - Investigation: Working out the key facts in a case.*
20 - 25 - Investigation x5.*
26 - 28 - Investigation x3.*
29 - 30 - Investigation x2.*
31 - 33 - Investigation x3.*
34 - Investigation: Explaining what seems out of place.*
35 - Investigation: Questioning why someone knows something they should not.*
36 - Investigation: Consider motives for behaviour.*
37 - Investigation: Interrogate the actions of people who seem insignificant to the story.*
38 - Investigation: Bare basics needed to track.*
39 - 41 - Investigation x3.*
42 - 46 - Investigation x5.*
47 - 53 - Investigation x7.*
54 - 59 - Investigation x6.*


Leadership (58)
1 - Leadership: Offering solutions.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
2 - Leadership: Instructing a slave on where to start.*
3 - Leadership: Taking command where nobody else will.*
4 - Leadership: Taking advice from others.*
5 - Leadership: Working as part of a team.*
6 - Leadership: Telling your superior that they're wrong.*
7 - Leadership: Knowing when to do when you're told.*
8 - Leadership: Giving instructions under pressure.*
9 - Leadership: Leading a small team.*
10 - Leadership: Clear instructions.*
11 - Leadership: Sound confident.*
12 - Leadership: Explain the parameters of your instruction.*
13 - Leadership: Knowing when to intervene in a situation.*
14 - Leadership: Addressing insubordination.*
15 - Leadership: Act first, question later, in the heat of a battle it only slows things down.*
16 - Leadership: Saying the right thing at the right time can turn the whole battlefield.*
17 - Leadership: Give broken men a purpose and it can unite them again.*
18 - Leadership: You don't need to work with everyone. Sometimes they can be a burden.*
19 - Leadership: Seeing it in others and manipulating it to your advantage.*
20 - Leadership: Know what you're doing and people are more likely to listen.*
21 - Leadership: Working in a two-party team.*
22 - Leadership: Never abandon a friend when they're down.*
23 - Leadership: Vowing before an Immortal.*
24 - 26 - Leadership x4.*
27 - 30 - Leadership x4.*
31 - 33 - Leadership x3.*
34 - 38 - Leadership x5.*
39 - 40 - Leadership x2.*
41 - Leadership: Making your voice heard in a large group.*
42 - Leadership: Working in a team.*
43 - Leadership: Ensure that everyone in your group knows what your strengths are.*
44 - 46 - Leadership x3.*
47 - 49 - Leadership x3.*
50 - 51 - Leadership x2.*
52 - 54 - Leadership x3.*
55 - 58 - Leadership x4.*
Linguistics (6)
1 - Linguistics: The same language can have different dialects for different regions.*
2 - Linguistics: Andaris accents are different from that of other regions of Rynmere.*
3 - Linguistics: Universally-understood signs can convey a wide range of phrases and directions.*
4 - 6 - Linguistics x3.*
Logistics (32)
1 - Logistics: Considering consequences to actions.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
2 - Logistics: Explaining the limits of the Hunt.*
3 - Logistics: Distances and how Far Reinforcements Are Away.*
4 - Logistics: Rationing and planning.*
5 - Logistics: Preparing for an unknown situation.*
6 - Logistics: Have contingency plans.*
7 - 10 - Logistics x4.*
11 - 15 - Logistics x5.*
16 - Logistics: Dealing with large groups of people.*
17 - Logistics: Organising expeditions.*
18 - Logistics: Ensuring that everyone has appropriate equipment.*
19 - Logistics: Considering the work involved in creating a settlement.*
20 - Logistics: Look at everyone as an individual - consider what they can do as a whole.*
21 - Logistics: Team management requires integration.*
22 - Logistics: How to work as part of a group, but keep your individual role.*
23 - Logistics: Working out where your focus is best sent.*
24 - 27 - Logistics x4.*
28 - 32 - Logistics x5.*


Medicine (10)
1 - Medicine: Valerian Root: Sedative.*
2 - Medicine: Passion Flower: Sedative.*
3 - Medicine: Total cleanliness important.*
4 - Medicine: Brain-poking can help.*
5 - Medicine: Dislocated joints.*
6 - Medicine: Setting joints.*
7 - Medicine: Pain relief.*
8 - Medicine: Field medicine.*
9 - Medicine: Using previously injured muscles.*
10 - Medicine: The speed and effects of hypothermia.*
Meditation (34)
LOST - Meditation: Holding onto the trance, even in pain.*
LOST - Meditation: Blocking out all exterior distractions.*
LOST - Meditation: Simplifying your thoughts.*
LOST - Meditation: Letting your body do all of the thinking.*
LOST - Meditation: Ignoring your body to focus on your mind.*
LOST - Meditation: Doesn't always need sitting down to perform.*
LOST - Meditation: Performing active meditation.*
LOST - Meditation: Can be done without thought.*
LOST - Meditation: Easiest to slip into during calm.*
LOST - Meditation: How to first slip into the trance.*
1 - Meditation: Really helps to calm the mind.*
2 - Meditation: When circumstances are horrible think of something else.*
3 - Meditation: Work on your mental defences.*
4 - Meditation: Focus on better, less disturbing things.*
5 - Meditation: Slipping into that other world.*
6 - Meditation: Keeping calm when it's impossible to.*
7 - Meditation: Preparing for death.*
8 - Meditation: Accepting the options, stepping forward bravely.*
9 - Meditation: Keeping your calm in mortal danger.*
10 - Meditation: Focusing through the pain, because it's the right thing to do.*
11 - Meditation: It's easier to be calm in a safe and familiar environment.*
12 - Meditation: Taking a break is important in coping.*
13 - Meditation: Accepting that you have a problem.*
14 - Meditation: Keeping calm when breathing exercises simply aren't possible.*
15 - Meditation: Making snap-decisions for the greater good over personal safety.*
16 - Meditation: Remaining calm in the security of your position.*
17 - Meditation: Contemplate the nature of the soul to bring your troubles into perspective.*
18 - Meditation: True happiness comes from accepting yourself.*
19 - Meditation: Stability is not a state of mind, it's a state of being.*
20 - 23 - Meditation x3.*
24 - 25 - Meditation x2.*
26 - 31 - Meditation x6.*
32 - 34 - Meditation x3.*
Mount (6) (49) (3) (7)
Mount (Horse)
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Mount (Sohr Khal)
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Mount (Volareon)
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Mount (Zephyrus)
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Navigation (14)
1 - Navigation: The Route to Grimvale has Changed in Appearance.*
2 - Navigation: From the Wilds to Desnind and back.*
3 - Navigation: Desnind's Streets.*
4 - Navigation: Using alleyways to cut down on distance travel.*
5 - 7 - Navigation x3.*
8 - 10 - Navigation x3.*
11 - 13 - Navigation x3.*
14 - Navigation x1.*


Persuasion (11)
1 - Persuasion: Sometimes, shouting persuades people.*
2 - Persuasion: Shouting often doesn't persuade people.*
3 - Persuasion: Pleading for gifts with puppy dog eyes.*
4 - Persuasion: Making a case for your life.*
5 - 8 - Persuasion x4.*
9 - 11 - Persuasion x 3.*
Philosophy (2)
1 - Philosophy: Quirks are not charming.*
2 - Philosophy: Happiness does not come when you ignore what makes you sad.*
Politics (25)
1 - Politics: Planning to peacefully free slaves.*
2 - Politics: Backing changes in legislature with a personal army.*
3 - Politics: Always think about the bigger picture.*
4 - 7 - Politics x4.*
8 - 10 - Politics x3.*
11 - Politics: Political leaders are not the only type of leaders.*
12 - Politics: Make sure that everyone knows what is expected of them.*
13 - Politics: Tell people what their roles are, and what to expect.*
14 - Politics: It's polite to include everyone.*
15 - Politics: Teamwork is vital for success.*
16 - Politics: How to include an Immortal in your planning.*
17 - 21 - Politics x5.*
22 - 25 - Politics x4.*
Psychology (17)
1 - Psychology: Even when you know something, sometimes it's important to say it.*
2 - Psychology: Epiphanies happen in the strangest of places.*
3 - Psychology: Competitive Cooperation Can Not be Trusted.*
4 - Psychology: Easy to Blame Robin for the Wind Problem.*
5 - 8 - Psychology x4.*
9 - 10 - Psychology x2.*
11 - 12 - Psychology x2.*
13 - Psychology: Induk psychology is different.*
14 - Psychology: Immortal psychology.*
15 - Psychology: Order and chaos are fundamental opposites.*
16 - 17 - Psychology x2.*


Ranged Combat (40)
► Show Spoiler
Research (7)
1 - Research: Libraries are the best source of reliable information.*
2 - Research: Judging the appropriateness of books by their title and cover.*
3 - Research: How to skim-read.*
4 - Research: Picking out important dimensions and details in pictures.*
5 - 7 - Research x3.*
Resistance (2)
1 - 2 - Resistance x2.*
Rhetoric (9)
1 - Rhetoric: Implying a hidden meaning.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
2 - Rhetoric: Smothering potential arguments with affection.*
3 - Rhetoric: When in doubt, just tell the truth.*
4 - 7 - Rhetoric x3.*
8 - 9 - Rhetoric x2.*


Seduction (1)
1 - Seduction: Avoid running around groping people.*
Sewing (4)
1 - Sewing: Use of a thimble.*
2 - Sewing: Sew from the inside.*
3 - Sewing: Pinch the fabric.*
4 - Sewing: Tie off at either end.*
Siege Weaponry (11)
► Show Spoiler
Socialization (16)
1 - Socialization: Communicating can be Difficult with Danger Nearby.*
2 - Socialization: Getting to know your Velduris Wolf.*
3 - 9 - Socialization x7.*
10 - 12 - Socialization x3.*
13 - 14 - Socialization x2.*
15 - 16 - Socialization x2.*

1 - Negotiation: Making a mutual decision.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
2 - Negotiation: It helps negotiations when you understand each other.*
3 - Negotiation: Setting the opening offer.*
4 - Negotiation: Letting passion guide your words.*
5 - Negotiation: Even the underdogs can emerge victorious.*
6 - Negotiation: Sometimes, there's a time to take the first offer.*
7 - Negotiation: Unreasonably high offers are made with the intention of bartering.*
8 - Negotiation: Keep your options open for later.*
9 - Negotiation: Balancing out your rejections with approvals.*
10 - Negotiation: Using white lies to soothe opinions.*
11 - Negotiation: Appeal to human decency.*
12 - Negotiation: De-escalating a tense situation.*
13 - 16 - Negotiation: De-escalating a tense situation.*
17 - 21 - Negotiation x5.*
22 - 23 - Negotiation x2.*
24 - Negotiation: Best to up front - especially with an Immortal.*
25 - Negotiation: State your weaknesses and strengths.*
26 - Negotiation: Be clear of your bottom line.*
27 - 30 - Negotiation x4.*
33 - Negotiation x3.*
34 - 35 - Negotiation x2.*
Sociology (1)
1 - Sociology: You Can Smell when someone’s done a Good Day’s Work.*
Stealth (27)
1 - Stealth: Avoid cluttered environments.*
2 - Stealth: The best attacks are on unsuspecting prey.*
3 - Stealth: There's a time where it's necessary.*
4 - Stealth: When in dense foliage, avoid snagging branches from bushes and low trees.*
5 - Stealth: Be aware of where you stand.*
6 - Stealth: Crouch to keep a low profile and make yourself seem smaller.*
7 - Stealth: Roll from ball to heel with your steps to reduce noise.*
8 - Stealth: Keep distractions to a minimum to avoid losing concentration.*
9 - Stealth: Stand absolutely still when you think you've been caught.*
10 - Stealth: Hold your breath to make no sound.*
11 - Stealth: Sacrificing your visibility to maintain your invisibility.*
12 - Stealth: Harder when you have company.*
13 - Stealth: It's different depending on your environment.*
14 - Stealth: Hiding underwater has its drawbacks.*
15 - 18 - Stealth x3*
19 - 22 - Stealth x4*
23 - 26 - Stealth x4.*
27 - Stealth x1.*
Storytelling (7)
1 - Storytelling: Passion adds to the story.*
2 - Storytelling: The story of the demise of Smooglenuff.*
3 - Storytelling: The best stories are filled with emotion.*
4 - Storytelling: Details are important.*
5 - Storytelling: Telling the truth can be telling a story.*
6 - Storytelling: Stories have power.*
7 - Storytelling: Watching Cassion's story.*
Strength (25)
1 - Strength: Lift with your knees.*
2 - Strength: Knowing where to apply force.*
3 - Strength: Proper positioning of your feet.*
4 - Strength: Distribute force evenly across the body.*
5 - Strength: Bracing with your shoulder.*
6 - Strength: Adding to existing momentum.*
7 - Strength: Working with objects larger and heavier than yourself.*
8 - Strength: Struggling to move your muscles.*
9 - Strength: Lifting dead weights.*
10 - Strength: Lifting a corpse.*
11 - Strength: Giving an extra-hard squeeze when hugging dear friends!*
12 - Strength: Working your biceps and back through boxing.*
13 - Strength: Pushing at heavy blocks of stone.*
14 - Strength: Using the risk of near-death as a powerful motivator.*
15 - Strength: Distributing tension evenly.*
16 - 18 - Strength x3.*
19 - 22 - Strength x4.*
23 - 25 - Strength x3.*
Swimming (7)
1 - Swimming: Doggy paddle.*
2 - 4 - Swimming x3.*
5 - 7 - Swimming x3.*


Tactics (91)
1 - Tactics: Assessing Your Manpower vs Your Target.*
2 - Tactics: When to Call in the Cavalry and When to Wait.*
3 - Tactics: Consider your environment.*
4 - Tactics: Divide and conquer.*
5 - Tactics: Take every advantage you can.*
6 - Tactics: Forward thinking is the backbone of a good strategy.*
7 - Tactics: Knowing your weaknesses is paramount to building your strength.*
8 - Tactics: Mounting an unceasing offensive.*
9 - Tactics: Intimate knowledge of the field of play gives significant advantage.*
10 - Tactics: Anticipating ambush positions.*
11 - Tactics: Making predictions based on your environment.*
12 - Tactics: Planning a peaceful revolution.*
13 - Tactics: Plans to defend freed slaves.*
14 - Tactics: The element of surprise is a powerful tool.*
15 - Tactics: Always have a secondary weapon.*
16 - Tactics: Pick your most advantageous fight first.*
17 - Tactics: Holding back to gauge the wits of your competition first.*
18 - Tactics: Every additional set of eyes is an advantage.*
19 - Tactics: Acknowledging and addressing weaknesses in your chain of command.*
20 - Tactics: Over-reliance on one source can become crippling in emergencies.*
21 - Tactics: You can't individually control every member of a team the way you'd like.*
22 - Tactics: Maintaining a closed group formation.*
23 - Tactics: Using smoke for cover.*
24 - Tactics: Working with animals to corral targets.*
25 - Tactics: Pulling together a full frontal assault from multiple angles.*
26 - Tactics: Staggering the arrival of your forces to not reveal your hand to your enemy preemptively.*
27 - Tactics: Sometimes you need to use everything at your disposal, regardless of your intentions or pride.*
28 - Tactics: Never underestimate an aerial advantage over ground-based foes.*
29 - Tactics: Always have a few people you trust unconditionally.*
30 - Tactics: It's not about how many you pay off, it's about who.*
31 - Tactics: Thinking laterally.*
32 - Tactics: Always keep a few abilities hidden for surprise moves.*
33 - Tactics: Instant communication is vital for emergency situations.*
34 - Tactics: Know when it's time to retreat and call for backup.*
35 - Tactics: Leave the all-out assault for the end of the road.*
36 - Tactics: Making a literal split-second decision.*
37 - Tactics: Seeing the big picture in a given situation.*
38 - Tactics: Knowing when something is beyond your pay-grade.*
39 - Tactics: Make sure that threats are dealt with.*
40 - 42 - Tactics x3.*
43 - 46 - Tactics x4.*
47 - 51 - Tactics x5.*
52 - 54 - Tactics x3.*
55 - 60 - Tactics x6.*
61 - 63 - Tactics x3.*
64 - 65 - Tactics x2.*
66 - Tactics: Play to your strengths.*
67 - Tactics: Animals can make excellent guards.*
68 - Tactics: Recognizing when you've put everything into a combat.*
69 - Tactics: Meet violence with violence.*
70 - Tactics: Sometimes individuals just can't be reasoned with.*
71 - Tactics: Look at relationships.*
72 - 75 - Tactics x4.*
76 - Tactics: Taking individual parts and making them into a whole.*
77 - Tactics: Aiming for peace.*
78 - Tactics: Creation balances a Diri of Destruction.*
79 - Tactics: Ensure that you consider all options.*
80 - Tactics: Use all resources.*
81 - 86 - Tactics x6.*
87 - 91 - Tactics x5.*
Teaching (16)
1 - Teaching: Explaining what a familiar is.*
2 - Teaching: Lead by example.*
3 - Teaching: Explain why you do what you do.*
4 - Teaching: Give all the options.*
5 - Teaching: Encouragement goes a long way.*
6 - Teaching: Clearly Explaining how to Handle a Carrier Bird.*
7 - Teaching: Giving basic instructions.*
8 - Teaching: Practical instruction.*
9 - Teaching: Sometimes, demonstrations are better.*
10 - Teaching: Everyone learns at their own speed.*
11 - Teaching: Everyone learns in their own style.*
12 - Teaching: How to adjust techniques to suit individuals.*
13 - Teaching: A bit easier when the student is eager.*
14 - Teaching: A guided tour to assist in explanations.*
15 - Teaching: Start from the beginning and explain the basics.*
16 - Teaching: Use relative real-world examples to elaborate.*


Unarmed Combat (41)
1 - Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Backwards headbutt.*
2 - Unarmed Combat (Brawling): A well placed kick.*
3 - Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Harder when you start from the ground.*

1 - Unarmed Combat (Boxing): Defensive stance.*
2 - Unarmed Combat (Boxing): Corkscrewing your punches for extra power.*
3 - Unarmed Combat (Boxing): Keeping your shoulders squared for stability.*
4 - Unarmed Combat (Boxing): The smaller the profile, the harder to hit.*

1 - Unarmed Combat (Feral Wolf): Fighting in zero gravity.*
2 - Unarmed Combat (Feral Wolf): Fighting as part of a wolf pack.*
3 - Unarmed Combat (Feral Wolf): Timing attacks to match openings in the opponent's concentration.*
4 - Unarmed Combat (Feral Wolf): Leaping bites.*
5 - Unarmed Combat (Feral Wolf): Doesn't work well when fighting alone.*
6 - Unarmed Combat (Feral Wolf): Use three-dimensional space to outwit opponents.*
7 - 11 - Unarmed Combat (Feral Wolf) x5.*

1 - 5 - Unarmed Combat x5.*
6 - 9 - Unarmed Combat x4.*
10 - 11 - Unarmed Combat x2.*
12 - 15 - Unarmed Combat x4.*
16 - 17 - Unarmed Combat x2.*
18 - 21 - Unarmed Combat x4.*
22 - 23 - Ranged Combat x2.*
Tier 2 Knowledges
Animal Husbandry:

Animal Training:

[SP] Rynmere: Basic geography.
Rynmere: Andaris: The Skye Verath Lodge.*
Location: Skye Verath Lodge.*
Location: Hunter's Grove.*
Hunter's Grove: Also called 'Stone Forest'.*
The role of a Skyrider.*
The role of the Iron Hand.*
Bandits: In the Grimvale.*
Lowtown: Damaged.*


[SP] Desnind: Basic geography.
[SP] Desnind: Basic culture.

Aster (PC):

Aster: A wild Jacadon hunter.*
Aster: Quite determined.*
Heath: Aster's owl.*

Ayda (PC):

Ayda: Arrogant, but courageous.*

Crimson (PC):

Crimson: A Sev'ryn.*

Elyna (PC):

Elyna: A Skyrider.*
Elyna: Sergeant.*

Faith (PC):

Faith: Venora slave.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
Faith: Born in Athart.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
Faith: Has had 4 owners.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
Faith: Has a dry sense of humour.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
Faith: A good cook.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
Faith: Sleeps with her master.*
Faith: No longer a slave.*
Faith: Embodied slave mindset more than anyone.*
Faith: Happy to be free.*
Faith: Grateful to her master.*
Faith: Lives with Padraig.*
Faith: Wants to serve people.*
Faith: Will always be your friend.*
Faith: Very grateful to you.*
Faith: Loves her Master but cannot be IN love with him.*
Faith: Wants you to think kindly of her Master.*
Faith: Wants to make you proud.*
Faith: Loves Padraig.*
Faith: Wants to start a charity.*
Faith: Wants to fund the charity with profits from a nice restaurant.*
Faith: Wanted to do good all her life.*
Faith: Feels cared for by Padraig.*
Faith: Wants to get sponsored by the King and Empress.*
Faith: Enslavement held her back.*
Faith: Chef.*
Faith: Catering event for a noble and his ward.*
Faith: Is her boss’s scapegoat.*
Faith: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down.*
Faith: Loves you like a brother.*
Faith’s Master: Loves her.*

Juniper (PC):

Juniper: Not a Fruit.*
Juniper: Fell from a tree.*
Juniper: Like the berry.*
Juniper: A small friend.*
Juniper: Can ride on my shoulder.*
Juniper: Doesn't like being held back.*
Juniper: Giggles... A lot.*
Juniper: Hard to keep up with.*
Juniper: Not scared of much.*
Juniper: A little weird but that's okay.*

Kylar (PC):

Kylar: A Lotharro.*

Malkin: The wolf.*
Malkin: The disjointed person.*
Malkin: Can see Archailist.*

Padraig (PC):

Padraig: Loves Faith.*
Padraig: A Chemist.*

Poppy (PC):

Poppy: Wonders if there’s something going on with you and Faith.*

Pythera (PC):

Pythera Venora: The notorious noble.*
Pythera Venora: Responsible for many murders.*

Vivian (PC):

Vivian Warrick: Says she doesn't usually hit people on first meeting.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=192&t=1488&start=20]*[/url]
Vivian Warrick: An airman with the Skyriders.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=192&t=1488&start=20]*[/url]
Vivian Warrick: Rides a horse.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=192&t=1488&start=20]*[/url]
Vivian Warrick: Knows about spirit animals.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=192&t=1488&start=20]*[/url]
Vivian Warrick: Believes in structure and the order of ranks.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=192&t=1488&start=20]*[/url]
Vivian Warrick: Wants to protect Rynmere.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=192&t=1488&start=20]*[/url]


Moseke: Statue maker?*
Moseke: Goddess.*
Moseke: Common Goddess to worship in Desnind.*
Moseke: A life like Statue in The Temple of Life.*
Ymiden: Common God to worship in Desnind.*
Ymiden: Statue in the Temple of Life.*
Xiur: Some worship him in Desnind.*
Xiur: The Temple of Life has a statue of him.*
Gaspard: Works at the Skye Lodge.*
Gaspard: Can't be serious about this bounty?*
Gaspard: Is serious about this bounty.*
Poppy: Works at the Sky Lodge.*
Poppy: A happy worker.*
NPC: Gaspard and Poppy are siblings.*
Barris Burrowbee: Jacadon expert.*
Bandits: Looking for a chest.*
Bandits: Think you have the chest.*


Archailist: Not always helpful in a crisis.*
Archailist: That's one challenging squirrel.*
Archailist: Feels what you feel, is what you are.*
Archailist: Wants you to be everything you can be.*
Archailist: Much more than he seems to be.*
Archialist: A voice of reason.[url=http:///viewtopic.php?f=196&t=2815&p=19494]*[/url]
Archailist: Pops up in the most unusual places.*
Archailist: Unnatural appearance in Emea*
Self: Feeling estranged from the family.*
Self: Understanding family problems.*
Self: Not wanting to go home (But doing so anyways).*


Jacadon: Keep you hot.*
Jacadon: Withdrawn.*
Scorn: Five times bigger than any other Jacadon.*
Scorn: Gaspard says there are a lot of rumours about him.*
Volareon: Can throw off riders that are unbonded.*
Volareon: Obey whistle commands.*
Volareon: Saddles are finicky.*


Inanimate objects: Not your friends.*


Disease: The Rot.*
The Rot: Slow, Degenerative Disease.*
The Rot: Life Expectancy of 30 Arcs.*
The Rot: Etzori Treatment.*
The Rot: Treatment Plan.*
The Rot: Not Just A Bad Dream.*
People: Protective of their campsites.*
How to pack a wagon.*

Not Important:

Nature: Not always a friend.*
Aerial saddles must fit properly.*
Don't jump on a spooked animal's back.*
Bounty: Wild Jacadon Hunt.*
[BK] The loss of one can break a person completely.
Time flies when you're having fun.*


Language: Common, greetings.*


Language: Curse words.*
Last edited by Nir'wei on Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:13 am, edited 235 times in total. word count: 8656
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Approved Character
Posts: 998
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:38 am
Race: Mortal Born
Profession: Councillor of Natural Affairs
Renown: 922
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5




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Mortalborn Abilities

Mortalborn Domains: Affinity, Loyalty, Unity, Sacrifice.
Affinity: Disclosure
Understanding and acceptance are the first and most important aspects of gaining true affinity with another person. A comprehension that goes beyond words or actions, but goes down to the root, the cause of it all. This is why the Mortalborn of Affinity holds this source with such high regard - and why he must first see a person for all of what they are. He must feel the relationships that they hold, not just with other people, but with things and concepts. The affinities they feel.

Once every five trials, at a touch and with intense concentration, the Ashanborn can feel a person's soul and the aspects acting on it at that given moment by initiating skin contact and holding it as they channel their power through the subject. Since this ability lacks refinement, so only the most powerful forces will be felt. These can be aspects such as love for another person, if the individual is thinking about that person or they are nearby, but only if this is a deep, true, intense love, such as soulmates, married partners or close family members; these can be intense passions for a particular skill or profession, if the person is thinking about, currently performing, or has recently performed said skill or profession; these can be goals, aspirations or intense drives, as long as the person is thinking about those drives or currently acting out those drives. Due to the nature of the Spark and Immortal Marks and their actions on the soul, the Ashanborn is able to feel the presence of a Spark or an Immortal Mark, but cannot discern the Domain of this Spark or the Immortal of the Mark unless he has used the same ability on an individual with this Spark or Mark and is aware of it (has knowledges specifically relating to its feel under Disclosure) nor can he determine the strength of their Spark or Mark.

These aspects appear to the Ashanborn in sensations, as he touches each link to the soul in turn and shares in the feeling. The longer the touch, the more information can be pulled, but the longer each subsequent connection will take to decipher (i.e., the first connection may take only one bit to understand, but the second will take two bits, the third will take three, and so on) as the Ashanborn's body struggles to keep his own affinities and those of the subject separated. The order in which the Ashanborn will discover the affinities of the subject is mostly random, however significantly powerful affinities take priority over others (a smith at work will be thinking more about their love of smithing at that given moment than the love of their wife, and therefore the Ashanborn will interpret their smithing affinity before their wife).

This ability does not require the consent of the subject, and the ability can be stopped by breaking skin contact. However, it is also extremely uncomfortable for the subject, often causing flashes of memory and vivid hallucination with every connection felt, along with a general powerful sense of nakedness and exposure as their very essence is scrutinized.

Should the Ashanborn spend longer than approximately fifteen bits (minutes) attempting to understand the subject's soul, their affinities will become entangled. From this moment, for the rest of the season, the Mortalborn will suffer with bouts of memory loss and confusion, as his soul is tugged with an intense love for a person he has never met before, or a love of a craft he has never practiced. These affinities, powerful as they are, will compel him to perform for them, constantly pressing on his thoughts and filling him with melancholy, depression and restlessness while he does not act on the enthralling tugs at his soul.
Loyalty: Stalwart Companion

Nir'wei is able to place his hands upon those he is truly loyal to, and draw any ailment that they are suffering from within them to himself instead. This can include wounds, up to fatal wounds but not removing the effect of death upon the original recipient, poisons or toxins, diseases, effects derived from magic, or effects derived from Immortal Marks. When these effects are transferred to him, he feels them in full - meaning that removing a fatal injury will cause that same injury to open on Nir'wei, or removing poisons or toxins will mean that the full dosage of those poisons or toxins are removed from the subjects body and enter his own instead. Nir'wei is also able to have these effects removed from himself by those that hold true loyalty to him in exactly the same fashion.
Unity: Coalescence

Nir'wei no longer exists as an individual within his own body, but as a network of individuals unified under a gestalt identity known as Nir'wei, that shares the body of each being that makes up its network equally. Nir'wei does this by creating a special link to others known as an Alignment. All beings that are Aligned to Nir'wei are also Nir'wei in every sense of the word. Aligned beings do not lose their independence or personality, and are still capable of full independent movement and thought, but become a part of the collective identity of Nir'wei - meaning that Aligning a violent individual will cause Nir'wei to become more violent in a way that cannot be merely suppressed by himself or other parts of his consciousness, but can be soothed via Meditation, Discipline, or through conflict resolution and rational thinking under pressure.

Beings that Nir'wei shares a permanent, direct and complete mental and/or spiritual link with naturally gain Alignment to Nir'wei. This includes spirit familiars such as those granted by Immortals and Immortal Marks (but not the Immortals themselves unless they create a permanent mental link of their own), spirit familiars (but not the Induk granting those spirit familiars unless they create a permanent link of their own) or beings linked to Nir'weis mind and soul through other supernatural means. Temporary links, for example those made through the magics of Attunement or the Immortal Marks of Celarion or Yvithia, will not create Alignment, as an Alignment can only be permanent.

As Nir'wei is considered to be all Aligned individuals, Nir'wei also gains the supernatural abilities of all beings that he is Aligned with, barring abilities that are granted to the Aligned by other sources, such as Immortal Marks, Domain Magics, spirit powers, etc. These abilities must be specifically outlined in the write-ups before they can be utilised. These abilities follow the same rules and restrictions as those the Aligned is bound to, and using time-gated abilities such as once-per-season use abilities will count as using the ability for both Nir'wei and the Aligned.
Unity: Conjunction

Nir'wei is able to create an Alignment with other living beings, adding them to his collective consciousness. In order to do create this bond, Nir'wei and the chosen being must create symmetrical thought patterns, sharing for a brief moment the same goals, aspirations, fears and loves - essentially, Nir'wei and the being in question must understand one-another intimately enough that the differences between them begin to disappear. Sentient beings are significantly more difficult to create an Alignment with to non-sentient beings, for this reason - and willing or unresisting beings are much easier to Align with.
Unity: Gestalt Soul

Nir'wei shares his mind across many bodies. With a chosen few, his bonds become so strong, the essence of his soul is changed by them. Under the consent of both parties, Nir'wei is able to form a permanent connection that modifies his own soul to include aspects of them. For example, should he do this with a willing Immortal, he would become their Mortalborn, as though he had always been conceived of their body. If he forms this bond with a wolf, it will be as though he was always partially wolf, from birth. These are accompanied by appropriate changes of physical form and mental state to match the being he has unified with, and he gains whatever innate physiological or supernatural abilities that comes with them - such as attaining the racial abilities of other races, or a faster running speed should he form a bond with a cheetah.

This ability can only be used on beings that Nir'wei is able to form an Alignment with (via his second Unity ability, Conjunction), and requires an Alignment to already be made with this being to be activated (via his first Unity ability, Coalescence). Since it is a powerful ability, it can only be performed after a storyline of significant length and value (to be determined by a moderator) to form a close and personal bond with the being, and its use requires moderator oversight, or a PSF approval.

Each activation places massive strain on his body and mind, and significantly reduces his lifespan, earning a Fracture scar. He can only use this power four times in his life. He is incapable of using it a fifth time, but if it was to ever happen, he would Shatter.

Approved here.
Immortal Marks

Those who possess the blessing of Velduris are generally somewhat quiet, reserved people more at home in the wild than in cities or towns. The Blessing itself manifests as a set of fangs on the bottom and top of the character's teeth. They also obtain the eyes of a wolf; the color dependent on the users preference. This is a symbol that the character is now apart of Karem's 'pack'.
Favoured Abilities
Pack BondThe Favored is granted an omega wolf familiar, a constant companion. The wolf is significantly more intelligent than regular wolves and is somewhat bigger. In addition, this spirit can communicate not only with it's companion, but with other wolves of its pack. Karem can, at any time, contact any of the wolves her blessing grants, but they can only contact her if she chooses to listen. If the wolf is too heavily drained or badly injured it will revert to a spirit form until it is either rested or healed. The wolf can also choose to revert to spirit form at will, though they generally only do so in crowded cities and such. The blessed can still communicate with their wolf in spirit form. The wolf can tell when someone else has been blessed by Karem, and will always be able to find others who bear Velduris.
Sense of PreyA skill that allows the blessed to tell where a prey animal may be found nearby, allowing the wielder to always be able to find food at need. They can also tell whether people around them have weak combat skills or are easily intimidated.
Velduris Skills IThe blessing of Velduris enhances the bearer's survival, hunting, and animal skills, raising any one of the following skills by three points: Animal Husbandry, Animal Training, Fieldcraft, Ranged Combat, Thrown Combat, or Trap Making. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.
Predatorial InstinctsA skill that grants the favored the patience and calm needed to effectively hunt, as well as allowing one to tell when their prey, whether animal or human, has taken notice that they are being hunted.
Taste of PreyWhen the marked has tasted blood or flesh of their intended target, this forms an immediate and lasting bond. While only one 'prey' can be designated at basic marked, each level thereafter increases the amount of prey a marked can have. Once a prey has been chosen, the marked will always be able to find them. Over sea, desert, forest, or even through the air the marked can track down their prey to any corner of Idalos. This manifests as a smell or taste on the air that inevitably leads the marked in the direction of their chosen prey. In return this ability can be shared with the wolves in ones pack.
Sense of SurvivalThe favored is able to tell what will help them survive in the wild, from what trees are safe to burn and what food is safe to eat and more. However, this effect does not work in more civilized land and it still falls upon the favored to be able to use what they find.
Regulate TemperatureBeing too hot or too cold can both be fatal, and this skill allows the bearer a way to prevent that. By concentrating, they can restore their body temperature to it's natural level, whatever may be affecting it on the outside. This can allow the favored to survive anything from a wildfire to an arctic blizzard, at least as far as heat and cold are concerned. However, the hotter or colder the favored is, the more they have to concentrate.
Lupine SensesThis ability allows the bearer to share in their wolf companions senses for a time, no more than half a break. This lets them hear, see, and smell what their companion does in addition to what they themselves sense.
AlphaEven the basic marked of Karem has authority over all canines in Idalos. They can sense the marked has been chosen by the master of the Hunt. A marked can issue simple commands to any canine that the canine will follow as though it had been issued by an alpha. Canines sent to track the mark will turn away from the scent fearfully and will not visit their wrath. A marked can pass safely among a wolf pack who even may be gracious enough to share their kill. They are not, however, so easily persuaded by the wolf companions that accompany the blessed. In addition, if the canine the Blessed is attempting to influence already has an "Alpha", such as if they are part of a pack or if they have a rider, master, or trainer, they will obey the orders of their "Alpha" over those of the Blessed. They will still defer to the Blessed and follow orders, but if the Blessed attempts to order them against their Alpha, or if the Alpha gives a contradicting order, the canine will follow their own Alpha. The Blessed can overcome this by defeating or driving off the canines existing Alpha.
Adored Abilities
Loyalty of the PackThe adored is granted a second omega wolf familiar and a single beta wolf that will take charge of the small pack when the adored is otherwise occupied. The beta wolf is stronger, faster, bigger, and has keener senses. The bond to the pack grows stronger and lesser wolf familiars and wild lone wolves will answer the beta wolfs call in battle.
Soft TreadThe tread of the adored grows near to silent, allowing them to move all but silently through virtually any terrain, allowing them to go undetected by those they hunt.
Velduris Skills IIThe character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Animal Husbandry, Animal Training, Fieldcraft, Ranged Combat, Thrown Combat, Hunting, or Trap Making. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Enhanced SensesA skill that enhances the hearing, sight, and smell of the adored to the level of a typical wolf, though not quite to the level of their familiar. The adored gains sharper teeth and can eat raw meat without fear of being poisoned. (Earned here.)
Form of the WolfThe marked can seamlessly transition between human and spirit wolf form with only a break of concentration. There is no limit on how long the marked can remain in this form and some choose to remain this way for trials and even cycles at a time, hunting and building the pack relationship with their spirit wolves. The Marked is limited in this form insofar as they cannot dissipate themselves as the true spirit wolves, but do find their sense abilities heightened. They always take the form of a much larger, stronger wolf. (Earned here.)
Tough SkinThis skill works on two levels, a passive and active level. The passive form increases the durability and resistance of the Adored's flesh, making it harder for environmental hazards like thorns, sandstorms, or extreme heat or cold to have a serious effect on the Adored. The active version grants the bearer a temporary wolf pelt that enhances the effects of Tough Skin even more. (Earned here.)
Scent of the AlphaWhether men believe it or not, many ascribe to similar hierarchies as wolves. An adored can smell a leader on the skin of a slaver or the armor of a knight and track that scent to whomever truly has the allegiance of those beneath him. Alternatively, the Adored can sense when one is a leader in their own right or an omega with no allegiances at all. (Earned here.)
Tracking ShotThe bearer can infuse their will, at a cost to their energy into their ranged weapon, whether it be an arrow or crossbow bolt, or thrown weapon, allowing it to track the target they fire at, even around corners and other obstacles. (Earned here.)
Pack MirageAt a drain to wolf familiar, it can create a mirage of an entire wolf pack. The illusions aren't real, but the familiar can trade places with the illusions to lend an air of unpredictability to its attacks and making it even harder to deal with. (Earned here.)
Exalted Abilities
Mastery of the PackThe exalted is granted a third omega wolf, a second beta wolf, and finally, an alpha wolf. The alpha is the leader of the pack when the blessed is incapable of taking command, and is the largest and most fearsome of the wolves, standing the size of a horse and being stronger, faster, and possessing keener senses. Lesser wolf familiars and whole packs of real wolves will answer the call of this alpha wolf, for only Karem and her personal familiar are greater than these exalted familiars in the world of wolves.
Natural CamouflageThe exalted naturally blends into the terrain, becoming hard to spot unless one has keen senses and is skilled at locating that which is not easily spotted. This blending into the terrain masks both the physical and olfactory senses of the blessed.
Velduris Skills IIIThe character is granted an extra nine skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Animal Husbandry, Animal Training, Fieldcraft, Ranged Combat, Thrown Combat, Hunting, or Hunting. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
WeatheredA marked of Karem has an innate mastery of survival techniques. Thrown into the worst of what Idalos can visit upon them, the marked can somehow thrive in the most dangerous conditions. This ability is an encompassing change, giving the marked the ability to control their body temperature, find restful sleep wherever they lay, and most remarkably, to resist succumbing to both thirst and hunger for twice as long as any other of their species. (Earned here.)
WerewolfWerewolf draws upon the champions connection to the wolves of Idalos to transform them into something similar, their form a mix between that of their mortal self and a wolf. This form lasts for up to a break and enhances the strength, speed, and senses of the champion even further, as well as giving them razor sharp claws and fangs. The form cannot be taken again for a full trial. (Earned here.)
Enhanced CapabilityThe exalteds strength, speed, and reaction times are increased to beyond that which is normally attainable by mortals, though effective use of these enhanced abilities requires practice so as not to tire oneself out or accidentally damage something or someone they'd rather not. The blessed grows visibly leaner and stronger, and their eyes match those of their first familiar. (Earned here.)
Spirit ShotThose who have reached this level are never unarmed, for they can generate arrows, bolts, and thrown weapons at will. However, these weapons dissipate after use and cannot be lit aflame, poisoned, or given other such alterations, so one wishing to use such effects are advised to keep a supply of physical arrows, bolts, or thrown weapons on hand. (Earned here.)
Champion Abilities
The Wild HuntA skill limited to Karem's Champions as it requires the ancient language to use, The Wild Hunt pulls both the champion and their enemies into a spectral, golden forest filled with animals both predator and prey, ruled over by the great golden hind. This realm is a part of Karem's personal realm, isolated Predators in this forest do not seek the flesh of the prey animals, but rather that of the intruders to this forest, the enemies of Karem's Champion. Only the champion can cancel The Wild Hunt, anyone else who wishes to leave this forest must either slay the champion or the golden hind.
Part of the PackA skill limited to Karem's Champions as it requires the ancient language to use, Part of the Pack grants up to twenty individuals the benefits of being part of Karem's pack. Their strength and speed will increase, their bodies becoming more resilient to damage but perhaps the most important change is that their minds will be linked to the pack. Each member of the pack has perfect awareness of what the other is doing. In terms of battle strength the link of this ability makes a Champion's pack the most well organized and reactive unit in all Idalos. This ability can only be maintained for a few breaks before ending, but it can decisively turn the tide of a battle if used correctly. There is no level of cooperation stronger than that of the seasoned pack working in tandem and Karem's ability temporarily allows others to feel the power of that.
Custom Abilities
Sonic HowlNir'wei (or any of his Velduris wolves connected to his Karem bond) are able to produce a loud, sonic howl at will to stun their prey or affect large groups. This sound will create a ringing in the ears of anyone nearby that hears it inside a 30ft range, disorienting them and potentially throwing them off-balance if they have a low Athletics skill (competent or below). This ability can only be used once per break, by Nir'wei or any of his wolves, and this cooldown is shared between Nir'wei and all of his animals. Adored Level power.
Cassion’s marks are perhaps some of the rarest. This is not because the Immortal has no regard for mortals and their accomplishments, but simply because he prefers to mark those he has shared time with on the road. Those who come into Cassion’s company are fortunate and often in for a perilous adventure. Provided they live and acquitted themselves with courage, cunning, and strength of character, Cassion will mark them in the way he does all his chosen. For Cassion, the mark is represented as a scar along the body, in a visible location (Most often the forearm) where Cassion cut his own skin and bonded blood with his chosen. The wound closes instantly, leaving a vivid, worn scar that bypasses any attempt to hide or heal it from then on.
Favoured Abilities
Blood SonThe first ability in Sojourn comes with the blood that is shared of Cassion. The marked is forever changed, transformed a small measure divine by the Immortal’s own blood and commitment. The blooded of Cassion find they are no longer satiated by stagnancy. To be a chosen of Cassion is to have your home always on the horizon. Sojourners tend to be adventurers, thrill seekers and wanderers. The Blooded of Cassion are vibrant people flowing with life. Each is gifted with enormous appetites and the ability to subsist on substandard food. So long as it is edible, they can thrive upon it. Each one heals half again as fast as another member of their race and can often push the limits of the endurance that a member of their species might have. By virtue of their divine nature, Sojourners can always recognize each other on sight and any object or person touched by Cassion.
Skills of the RoadThe character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Discipline, Fieldcraft, Seafaring, Storytelling, Cooking, or Navigation. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Journey's MealA Sojourner must prepare many meals on the road between adventures. Most often, they are accompanied by others. This ability can only be used once a trial but allows any meal prepared for a Sojourner to satiate both themselves and their companions, no matter how little there was to prepare in the first place. In order to work, the Sojourner must do their best to make the meal as appetizing and filling as they have the material to provide. This Meal can feed the Sojourner and up to three other companions (including animals). Those who eat the meal will find the taste vastly improved, so long as the Sojourner explains either the origin or the process of making such food available as they are enjoying it.
Surrounding AreaThe character is granted a map which always remains centered on them. It shows a basic, but accurate, map of the surrounding area (up to 3 miles) - even if the area in question is unseen or unknown to the Sojourner. The Sojourner can see the map on any flat (ish) surface. In order to be seen by others, the Sojourner may summon the map to any piece of paper which the character has with them. (Earned here.)
JourneymanCassion’s chosen often have a much easier journey than those who do not bear his mark. Inclement weather, obstacles and other dangers tend to be much less disastrous to the marked and travel time is reduced by 25%of what would be the usual time for that journey by that means / mount. Note that this only works against natural obstacles etc. (Earned here.)
Safe CampThe character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills:Discipline, Fieldcraft, Sailing, Storytelling, Cooking, or Navigation. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.By marking an entrance over the course of ten bits, the Sojourner can create a comfortable extra-dimensional space with a warm roaring fire in the hearth that will burn all eve if willed to. No object from this room can be taken from it . This space is comfortable and roomy enough for up to five people. A side effect of the ability is that it naturally draws non-aggressive travelers to the location, but repels any outsiders seeking to enter the extra-dimensional space for a hostile or aggressive purpose. (Earned here.)
Heroes MealWhen they use this ability to feed a small group (up to 10 people), the Sojourner imparts a minor healing ability to those who eat the fare. For the remainder of the trial, those who have eaten this meal will heal at double their normal speed and will regain stamina at twice the rate, etc. This ability may be used once per trial and the cooking must be RP'd. (Earned here.)
Minor Plot TwistOnce a season in a small moderated thread or a calendar event, the Sojourner may contact the city mod for a "Plot Twist". This effectively allows a change in the narrative of the story. The plot twist is decided by the mod and will be either modnoted in a non-moderated thread, or will become part of a moderated thread. It allows a surprise turn of events in a story, centered on the Sojourner. This can not impact seasonal events or larger (3+ players) moderated threads. Please note that this will not 'solve' a situation - it will change one. Cassion is not prone to giving a 'deus ex machina' ending, but he loves a good story. This ability changes the narrative. (Earned here.)
Tales To EndPart of the role of a storyteller is to have a whole wealth of stories to tell. Upon receiving this ability, the Sojourner may choose one Event (Storyteller or GST) and, with the permission of the mod (can be gained via PM) will know the tale of the event. The mod must modnote the review request, or the thread. This ability may be used once per season. (Earned here.)
Adored Abilities
Hidden TaleThe Sojourner now can travel to hidden places on Idalos. If there is a rockfall, they can find a way around it, if there is an underground cave, they can locate the entrance. All the Sojourner has to do is seek to find a way through or around and they will do so. This does not allow them to enter buildings which are locked, but would impart the ability to discover ancient ruins, etc. This ability works on Idalos only and does not extend to the Beneath, Emea, or beyond the Barriers at the edge of the world. The more cut off or inaccessible the location is, the more difficult it is for the Sojourner. If trying to gain access to a completely cut off area, they must get local mod approval.
Shared Adventure IOnce per arc, a Sojourner may designate one person or animal as their companion. That person shares a connection with the sojourner which allows them to work together in harmony. While they are sharing an adventure (not necessarily combat, but non-mundane circumstances) the pair function together more effectively and communicate without speaking. Only the Sojourner can break this bond.
Skills of the Road IIThe character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills:Discipline, Fieldcraft, Seafaring, Storytelling, Cooking, or Navigation. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Saoire's Blessing is one of the rarest on Idalos, due to the high, if somewhat unique, standards Saoire expects of those who may earn it. Saoire does not bless those who do great deeds, or who advance some overarching cause, or who create great works of art. Saoire is, first and foremost, a teacher, and it is only teachers who can earn her Blessing. Specifically, she will only Bless those who not only serve a term as a teacher at her school, but who show a particular aptitude for teaching. This is also the only way she will grant higher ranks of her Blessing, though individual powers within each rank may be earned by teaching elsewhere.

As for the Blessing itself, it manifests as an image of a turtle shell on the back of the Blessed. As the Blessed advances through Saoire's Blessing, the pattern on the shell will become more colorful and varied. No two of Saoire's Blessed have the same pattern to their shell.
Favoured Abilities
Mentors BoonSaoire's Blessed are those who have served a term as a teacher at her school. As such, Saoire's Blessing reflects their skill as mentors to those around them. For any skill the Blessed has at least a Captsone in, those around the Blessed will find that they are better at those skills while in the presence of the Blessed, operating at one level above what it would normally be.
Turtle ShellOne of Saoire's most famous traits is her legendary defense, and her Blessed begin to share in that defense very early on. Saoire's Blessed can call upon this ability to create a barrier around themselves that repels all physical attacks, making the Blessed immune to mundane harm as long as the barrier stays up. This power can be used once every Break and lasts for a single Bit.
School GatewayAny who have served a term as a teacher in Saoire's school are welcome back in her Dream at any time. While the normal gateways in and out of Saoire's Dream are only open at certain times, this power allows the Blessed to open a private gateway to Saoire's Dream at any time, from any location. When they wish to leave, this same gateway will return them to their starting point, though they may use the standard gateways to go elsewhere if they wish.
Mentor's AssistantEven the best teachers will find themselves in need of an assistant from time to time, and there isn't always one available through normal means. This ability allows the Blessed to call on a Spirit of Mentorship that will be as skilled as the Blessed in the skills they are trying to teach, guaranteeing the Blessed will never be without help if they need it. This ability only works when the Blessed is genuinely trying to teach a skill to another person.
Gift of CheerSaoire's domain of Gifts is not merely one of physical goods, but of the happiness and joy that comes with both giving and recieving a well meant gift. This ability allows the Blessed to give both themselves and anyone they're with a feeling of joy and good cheer, banishing negative feelings like sorrow, anger, and fear.
Catch and ReturnSometimes, merely stopping an offensive strike is not enough render it harmless. In such cases, all that can be done is to make sure it doesn't harm anyone besides the one who attacked. Catch and Return creates a temporary Gateway that takes in any attacked and rebounds it towards the attacker. This is most effective against ranged or supernatural attacks, but it does bounce back physical melee attacks as well. This ability can be used once a break.
Turtle's HomeSaoire was, in her youth, a wandering teacher, and she knows that some of her Blessed follow in her footsteps and prefer to go find students, rather than waiting for students to find them. This ability ensures that her Blessed are never without a home while they travel. Using this ability, the Blessed creates a small, cozy cottage wherever they are. It is a one room building, but contains a comfortable bed, a small kitchen, a warm fireplace, a couch big enough to sleep on, a small table, and all the tools needed to make proper use of the cottage, barring things like food. The cottage itself lasts until the Blessed turns off the ability, wanders more than 10 miles from the cottage, or an outside force destroys it. The Blessed can have no more than one cottage at a time.
Mentor's KnowledgeThe greatest effect of mentorship is that the student learns quicker than they would on their own. This ability enhances this effect. For any skill that the Blessed has a Capstone in, when they teach that skill to another PC, the other PC's can claim an additional 5 knowledges in that skill. When the thread is reviewed, include the skill being taught and this ability in the review request.
Turtle's Skin (Minor)A passive ability that aids in the Blessed's ability to endure attacks, this ability makes the skin of the Blessed immune to commonplace injuries like moderate bites and scratches. Weapons and severe bites will still harm the Blessed, however, so they cannot go blithely into a fight without a care in the world.
As with all endeavours from Xiur, the Blessing of Nalos exists merely to give mortals an easier time of it as they struggle through the harsh realities of the world. He is not discriminatory towards any mortals wandering through Idalos. He will even support the Naerikk. However he will not allow his mark to be shared with Audrae's. If a prospect has her mark, he will not grant his; and if she grants her mark to a willing recipient that already possesses his, he will remove his. Physically, the blessing is not obvious at first. It starts as a small white spot, which as joined by others as devotion grows. These spots become connected by lightly glowing lines to form one of the four "constellations" listed below. Which one is dictated by the aptitudes and attitudes of the Blessed as they advance in his service.
Favoured Abilities
OptimismThe character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Etiquette, Navigation, Psychology or Teaching. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Flow of MoraleThe Blessed is able to bring a brief surge of hopeful resolve to those around him. Within 10 feet, this lasts for eight bits; to 20 feet, it lasts for five bits; to 30 feet it lasts for two bits. At "Adored", double either the range or duration. At "Exalted", double both.
Calming OvercastA tense situation suddenly undergoes a dusky graying light, and the attitudes of everyone within 50 feet are affected as if the current hostility instead happened the day before, and everyone has had the time to cool off.
Night TorchThe Blessed can touch any item and cause it to glow with a bright, starry light. This light can be directed away from the holder, so as not to dazzle night vision. If no other Nalos abilities are used, this can be maintained as long as the item is held by the Blessed.
Fog BankThe Blessed can generate a concealing fog to aid an innocent or threatened person to escape harm. If the target is instead genuinely guilty of some wrong, for which he was being pursued, the fog will instead leave trail behind him; as well as a revealing nimbus around him for a number of breaks equal to the Blessed's Etiquette skill. The target will have to run through the fog bank to activate this trail. During this time, placing this fog a second time will immediately dispel the current one.
Shooting StarA Bow can be blessed to emit a ray of star light in a path that displays the trajectory of the arrow nocked upon it. This does not affect the shooter's ability to maintain this aim, and if the light moves from the target upon release of the arrow, the shot will still miss the mark. This effect can be called upon three times a trial.
Cooling/Warming TrendThe Blessed can impart an actual rise or drop in local temperature, to bring relief and encourage good moods. This can be up to a 15-degree effect in a single building; a 10-degree effect over a city block, or a 5-degree effect over a small village. At "Adored", raise the effect by an additional 5 degrees, and make the new 5-degree area be the size of a large town. At "Exalted", add another 5-degrees, and have the new 5-degree area be the size of an entire city. This effect will remain for an entire trial, but can not be generated again for another three.
Eyes of DuskThe Blessed can impose the stark contrasts of lighting that are typical of dusk on one target. Shadows are much darker and lights much brighter by comparison than at any other time of trial. The effect this has is to render an adversary stricken by visual impairment, as if their eyes are never truly able to get used to the light. In game terms, appropriate skills are reduced by a tier equivalent when used. For instance, if a PC in a fist fight has 10 points into Master Level Unarmed Combat, this will reduce his skill to being Expert instead. This lasts for as many bits as the Blessed's Psychology skill.
Dry Ice CloudThe cold of the void between the stars infuses this ground-level cloud with a near paralyzing cold. Joints grow stiff, hands grow numb on weapons, movements and communications are hindered by shivering, weapons and armor may become brittle. This has essentially the same game impact as "Eyes of Dusk", but is an Area-of-Effect power that covers 100 sq.ft. At Adored, it covers 200 sq.ft. At Exalted, it covers 300 sq.ft. The Blessed is unaffected by this cloud.
Known as "Rusalka", those who bear the Blessing of Rusalkis are few and far between, due to Chrien's dislike of humans. However, even the bitter Immortal of Storms knows she needs mortal agents to get her work done, and thus was born her practice of taking those who had nothing to lose and making them her servants, giving them her Blessing. However, there is one consistent to the Rusalka, and that is that Chrien only has one Champion. The blessing manifests as an image of moving image of a hurricane on the Rusalka's torso.
Favoured Abilities
Turbulent WatersAn ability that works on any body of water deep enough for the Rusalka to swim in, Turbulent Waters causes the water to toss and turn, rage and roar as if a storm had risen, even if the day is as clear as can be. In addition, there are strong and uncontrollable riptides under the waves. For an unskilled Rusalka, Turbelent Waters can be dangerous to use, but for the skilled, it is a dangerous and deadly ability. This is due to the fact that while the Rusalka is safe from the waters themselves, they are not immune to any effects the waters have on other things. This ability can only be used once a trial at full strength, more often if the Rusalka affects a smaller area. The power affects an area up to three nautical miles in diameter and lasts for a break.
Favourable OutcomeAn ability that allows the Rusalka to affect the odds of things like dice rolls and card draws, or any thing of a similarly small nature, so that they fall in the Rusalka's favor. The skill can be used as many times in a row as the Rusalka desires, but each consecutive use is less likely to succeed than the one before it, though going a whole Trial without using the ability will reset it.
Rusalkis Skills IThe character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Swimming, Seafaring, Torture, Polearms, Gambling, or Hunting. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Seed of SpiteA surprisingly subtle ability for the usually operatic Chrien, Seed of Spite allows the Rusalka to plant the beginnings of a grudge in a target, a seed that can grow into a deep seated resentment and anger. Seed of Spite has been used in the past to ruin friendships, destroy loves, and topple dynasties, for such a small thing is so easily ignored. The seed is planted by touch, and will grow according to the victims natural inclinations, though the Rusalka can sort of "aim" a grudge by whispering into their hand what type of grudge they want the target to have.
Root of DissentLike Seed of Spite, Root of Dissent is a subtle skill, mainly for use in information gathering. Root of Dissent allows the Rusalka to tell what the cause of any given grudge is at any time, as well as being able to tell when someone is holding a grudge. A skill with a myriad of uses, heroic Rusalka's have used such information to heal breaches, while more villainous Rusalka's have used the knowledge to cause entire families to tear themselves apart.
Tier 2

Animal Husbandry.
Gateway Ability: Grovetender
Approved here.

Nir'wei has a natural way with animals that no longer requires conscious effort or thought to affect his surroundings. His small actions, such as feeding birds or rats his spare breadcrumbs or allowing birds to nest in his hair, causes a snowball effect on all species of creatures in his nearby area, making them multiply in number and mature at rapid speeds. This includes the development of both predators and prey, and can include increasing the amounts of pests and vermin in a city just as much as increasing the volume of their cattle and livestock. Since this is an entirely unconscious and involuntary effect, he cannot turn it off, nor can he direct it to only affect certain species. This ability grows more effective the longer he remains in one area. The amount of time before Domain becomes effective depends entirely on location (ie., it will take longer to propagate the wildlife found in a desert than it would within a jungle) but in general this will become effective to Nir'wei after 5 IC threads within the same location in a single season for the duration of the season, and will become significantly effective after 10 IC threads within the same location in a single season for the duration of the cycle.

Through this, he is able to have access to a significant amount of animals wherever he goes, and the local area will be able to support a larger array of life than would normally be possible (since there will be a large variety of prey animals to support predator populations).
Animal Training.
Gateway Ability: Wildspeak
Approved here.

Wildspeak: Nir'wei has attuned to the sounds of the animals around him and is now able to understand the noises that they make and reply in their tongue, dubbed Wildspeak. This does not allow him to form full conversations with the creatures around him, since most of them are not capable of it and their range of noises is limited, however he can infer basic information from their calls, such as asking about his surroundings or significant events nearby. This can be useful in defusing hostile situations, training animals, fostering friendships or more.
Gateway Ability: Huntmaster's Senses
Approved here.

Huntmaster's Senses: Fine-tuning his senses is nothing less than essential when it comes to locating and pursuing his chosen prey. To this end, Nir'wei has honed his senses to the point they have all begun to blend together, in something similar to asynaesthesia. Each of his five senses is able to provide information as though it represented all five - i.e., he can gather information on what something is likely to look like, sound like, taste like and feel like, from just its smell. This does not grant him the ability to sense something in a way that would simply not be able to be sensed this way - determining what something sounds like from its appearance will not make him able to hear this thing if it is not making any sound. These also do not work multiplicatively, making his senses stronger than they otherwise would normally be, such as collecting information on scent alone using all five senses; it only allows him to use his senses interchangeably for the purposes of detection and other detection-related abilities.

Animal Husbandry.
Dire Evolution
Approved here.

In his journeys across Idalos, Nir'wei has worked with a large assortment of exotic and unusual animals and mounts, most often while assisting military groups in order to keep them ready for their riders. As a result of his large amount of experience and by combining the techniques learned across Idalos, he has discovered a way to use a combination of diet regulation, exercise regimes and pristine hygiene maintenance to rapidly boost an animals development, allowing them to grow to a much larger size than they normally would do in the wild. Animals under his direct care for more than 80 trials will become significantly and very noticeably larger than their wild counterparts, as well as significantly stronger and more durable. This difference is drastic enough to earn the moniker 'Dire', though this is not to be confused with any existing 'Dire' creatures, nor does it represent any other understanding of the word. This ability can be used in tandem with Alpha Evolution.
Alpha Evolution
Approved here.

Much in the same vein as Dire Evolution, as a result of his large amount of experience and by combining the techniques learned across Idalos, he has discovered another way to use a combination of diet regulation, exercise regimes and pristine hygiene maintenance to rapidly boost an animals development, allowing them to grow much more capable than they normally would do in the wild. Animals under his direct care for more than 80 trials will gain significant and very noticeable increases to its strength, speed, endurance and intelligence, giving them more than they normally would have in the wild. This difference is drastic enough to earn the moniker 'Alpha', though this is not to be confused with any existing 'Alpha' creatures, nor does it represent any other understanding of the word. This ability can be used in tandem with Dire Evolution.
Approved here.

Nir's experience working with larger creatures, especially mounts, has given him a particular knack for understanding what weaknesses make them vulnerable in times of crisis. Through mental treatment and stress therapy, Nir'wei can effectively remove these vulnerabilities. Flying animals are able to stay in the air despite the harshest conditions; sea mounts can swim through whirlpools; and land mounts can fight on the most unstable conditions.

This doesn't directly contradict the natural weaknesses of the animal in question, nor does it allow the animals to perform supernatural feats such as horses running on lava, but acts as a buffer to make their weaknesses less detrimental to the animal and their rider. This also only works on mount-sized animals or larger.
A True Family
Approved here.

Nir'weis relationship with his animals is more than that of a simple master and pet - they are all family. Nir'wei is able to tap into this connection to help his family grow. When animals under his care that he holds a significant relationship with choose to reproduce, the numbers of offspring they produce in a single litter is double above the maximum could normally be produced by members of their species, and the offspring will reach maturity in half the time of counterparts found in nature.
Animal Training.
Master of Monsters
Approved here.

Nir'weis abilities to tame and control exotic creatures means that his animal training ability and techniques can now be applied to all non-race creatures with less than human intelligence - giving him the potential to control creatures that to anyone else should be untameable.
Heart of the Pack
Approved here.

Nir'wei does not train one animal at a time, for a specific length of time. He lives as part of his pack, surrounded by animals more often than he isn't, and the commands and behaviours he imprints are made all the stronger for their constant reinforcement, and watching the same commands imprinted within their peers. Whenever Nir'wei trains with a team of animals, his unique techniques means that those animals will be able to function more cohesively as part of that team. Each individual creature that makes up that pack, regardless of their species, will be able to fight twice as hard and twice as effectively when surrounded by other members of their group, and since Nir'wei is adept at working amongst large teams of beasts, the group as a whole will be stronger and more cohesive with the more animals included in it.

To benefit from Heart of the Pack, the group must be larger than a team of five. Once given training by Nir'wei, these animals will retain Heart of the Pack without Nir'weis presence, but they must be kept together for it to remain active, and without the minimum number of beasts present within the team, Heart of the Pack will disappear until that number is bolstered to the minimum again. Once Nir'wei has infused a team of animals with Heart of the Pack, it will take a Master of Animal Training to add new members to that existing group, but if the original team is separated, the effect is removed, unless Nir'wei personally oversees it and adds that animal to the team.
Friend to All
Approved here.

Nir'wei naturally creates a calming presence around himself that prevents hostile or disruptive action from non-race creatures. If targeted by another Grandmaster Animal Trainer, Nir'wei and the trainer will become locked into a continuous battle of will to force the beast to attack Nir'wei until either Nir'wei is unable to stop the beast, or the beast is rendered unconscious or incapacitated.
One of Us
Approved here.

Nir'weis level of control allows him to immediately befriend animals, controlling and commanding them with basic commands without the need for prior training. Animals befriended by Nir'wei, or under existing or prior training, are able to befriend other animals in the same manner, however without direct instructions from Nir'wei, all animals befriended this way will continue the orders given to the first befriended animal. Animals not befriended by Nir'wei cannot befriend other animals in the same manner. Creatures trained by a Master are resistant to this effect, and creatures trained by a fellow Grandmaster Animal Trainer are immune to this effect.
Approved here.

At any moment, Nir'wei can designate a single target within his immediate sense radius (sight, sound, or smell) that he can pinpoint the exact location of, as his 'Prey'. As long as they remain within either his sight, sound, or scent, he will always know exactly where they are, and as long as he has some lingering trace of them, either by last known sight, sound or scent, he can follow the traces left behind by their movements to find them again. This ability lasts until Nir'wei either designates a new target or the original target falls outside of his immediate sense radius and there are no lingering traces of their last movements.

In practical application, once an individual is designated 'Prey', Nir'wei is able to follow their movements unless they are either able to both completely break from beyond Nir'weis sense of sight, scent and sound and hide all traces during their movement so that Nir'wei has nothing to follow, or the person designated 'Prey' completely changes the way they look, sound and smell.
Wild Walker
Approved here.

Spending time around animals and in the wilderness has left him with very keen insight into unusual fauna. Nir'wei is able to acutely pick apart the details of any animal he finds, including those that he has not seen before, to visually break down important details on their proportions and physiology to deduce important details, right down to its possible strengths and weaknesses, its likely unique abilities, and hostility in the wild based on behavioural ticks. Simple surface details can be deduced with a glance, while more complex and nuanced details like unique abilities may require a few bits of observation.
Approved here.

In combat situations, Nir'wei much prefers to work with animals over humans, and rarely engages in combat against other animals, instead relying on his extensive training ability to subdue his opponents. As a result, Nir'wei is highly skilled in creating devastating results in a very specific situation. When fighting using forces consisting of nothing but animals, and when he is facing fighting forces consisting of only playable races, Nir'weis is able to twist the situation to his advantage by exploiting the weaknesses of the races of Idalos and maximising the potential of each animal in his arsenal to deal the most damage. This can work in anything from single combat up to full-scale armies, and through this effective use of Nir'weis animals in exploiting the weaknesses of sentient beings, Nir'weis forces become capable of taking down significantly larger and more combat-trained foes.
Feral Insight
Approved here.

Nir'wei is practically part-animal, and his mental state accurately reflects that. He assesses situations as a wolf would a hunt, and therefore the strategies and thought processes that he follows on a daily basis are incredibly difficult to predict and disassemble by anything that isn't also an animal, or has an insight into animal psychology. It is also considerably less effective on those of a higher skill level.
Approved here.

Nir'wei's signature style of strategy has been elevated to a practiced methodology. Prioritising speed and aggression in his strategies over self-preservation or defence, he can plan his offensive actions such that there is no delay in between the planning of them and the execution. These are very difficult to deal with by any but the most savvy strategist or combatant - with the intent on forcing them on the defensive or into retreat when facing head-on. In single combat, and when utilised in group tactics, he is able to facilitate a methodology that limits the window between each of their attacks (the speed of which is limited to the combat skill levels of those he uses, or his animal's current level of training when using animals).

The downside of this strategy is its lack of defensive or protective measures or fighting a prepared opponent - while instead focusing entirely on neutralising the opponent before they can counter-attack or protect themselves.

Forest Orb: earned here.

Allows Nir'wei to "connect" and see through the eyes of squirrels within 1 mile of himself. Use of this orb, however, has a cumulative nature-corrupting effect that spreads from any squirrels so targeted.

Against The Wind: earned here.

Granted by exposure to the spiritual confluence at the heart of the Stormwastes, Nir’wei has gained a slight immunity from the effects of violent winds. This effect allows him to stand strong against even the strongest winds, and though it will not diminish other storm effects such as rain or lightning or ripping sandstorms, the winds will split and break before Nir’wei. Nir’wei may resist an Defier wielding air magic up to the expert Level techniques.
Last edited by Nir'wei on Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:00 am, edited 99 times in total. word count: 9839
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:38 am
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Profession: Councillor of Natural Affairs
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Nir'wei has acquired a large number of magical and non-magical artifacts of significant importance throughout his life.

Magic Sword: "Tooth"
Valtharn's Unnamed Sword - renamed by Nir'wei: Tooth.

An ugly longsword that, on the surface, has seen considerable use and wear. Ornate designs have been snapped off the guard and hilt, the leather of the handle is worn nearly smooth, and there are scratches along the flat of the blade from battles and swings. Despite its unassuming appearance, the blade retains a keen edge and is very sturdy, practical, and well-balanced. An apt representation of 'battle-hardened'.

The weapon has also been permanently stained with Valtharn's influence. Anyone wielding the blade or cut by its edge will be infected by a unique, potent poison that at mild doses causes headaches, slight disorientation, and feeds negative feelings of anger. At moderate doses, or left without treatment, it causes intense migraines, removes inhibitions, and dulls pain in the rest of the body, making it difficult to distinguish how injured or in danger the individual is. At high doses, or left without treatment, can induce psychosis, making it difficult to distinguish between allies and enemies, and a searing pain in the head. If further left without treatment after a high dose, the individual will eventually black out from pain. The poison is non-fatal, however.

The same effect is inflicted upon the wielder from the moment they touch the handle and will gradually progress the longer they hold it. However, when the blade inflicts damage to another in the form of a cut, the poison is not only held at bay for the wielder, but it actively builds their Resistance, granting +1 additional knowledge in Resistance for each solo where the blade is used to cut others, or +2 in a collaborative thread. When the wielder naturally feels anger or any of the emotions associated with the blade's poison before or during wielding it, the blade itself becomes molten hot to the touch - though it does not change in appearance - thus inflicting more damage. Approved here.
Magic Knife: "Claw" (Exalted)
Presented to Nir'wei by Marshal Lyall, from Raskalarn's Armory, Subjugation - renamed by Nir'wei: Claw.

A black-hilted, slightly jagged and unsightly but sturdy and well-balanced knife, useful as an incredibly close-quarters weapon or as a balance for a second one-handed weapon. Originally used as a training tool for maintaining discipline in the ranks, with more ceremonial than effective battlefield use due to its enchantment, Nir'wei took a liking to this weapon in particular due to its unique enchantment.

From the moment the knife is held, it begins to create a gradually increasing pain in Nir'wei, starting in the palm that grips the handle and gradually spreading up his wrist and arm, before spreading out across his chest and back. As this pain grows to severe levels, he will find the pain manifests itself into physical wounds opening across his body, spreading out from the weapon in much the same way - if he has any wounds already, they will grow worse, splitting wider and cutting deeper into his body than originally inflicted.

To mitigate this effect, one must deal damage with the blade. Wounds inflicted by the weapon's blade will cause lancing, explosive pain to shoot from the site of contact, many times stronger than the pain Nir'wei is currently suffering from - for example, turning a moderate pain into severe and severe into extreme or blinding - causing all injuries currently inflicted upon the recipient to cut deeper, split wider, and grow more severe and intolerable, until it completely incapacitates the opponent. This effect can only work if Nir'wei is currently suffering from either the effects of the blade or injuries sustained in the fight - it feeds directly from his suffering and amplifies it in the recipient.

When the blade inflicts damage to another in the form of a cut, Nir'weis pain is not transferred or reduced, but his pain tolerance is temporarily heightened by the blade and his body becomes more resilient to trauma, allowing him to temporarily withstand more damage inflicted by his enemies or the blade. Earned here. Approved here.
Magic Shortbow: "Eternal Hunt" (Exalted)
Based on the notion of "Survival of the Fittest", this hunting short-bow is of exquisite quality, made for slow draw-times in exchange for higher power. It is imbued with the sentience and personality of a former Champion of Karem who previously wielded it and wishes to serve Karem once more, named Karesh who can communicate with Nir'wei telepathically and is aware of everything that he and his wolves see. The bow does not do more damage than any other, although its quality alone means that it is deadly. However, the true power of the bow is in the fact that it heals Nir'wei and replenishes his energy in complete balance with the amount of damage done by it or the arrows that it fires. Should he deal a fatal blow it will heal him of even life-threatening injuries. It will not resurrect but that is the only limit, and can potentially maintain replenish Nir'wei beyond the need for food, water or sleep as long as he deals a fatal blow every four hours. Earned here. Approved here.
Storm Quiver
A quiver that never seems to run out of arrows. The quiver is made from a supple gray leather with silver fittings. The arrows within are a bright pewter hue and are fletched with the indigo feathers of Storm Rocs. These are arrows blessed by Ilaren herself and will produce a moderate electric shock to those that they strike. If Nir hits a limb or non-lethal area, the shock will numb the area it impacts for a single break. Earned here.
Coat of Many Small Animals (Tier 9, Major Enchantment)
An oversized, thick, surprisingly heavy and warm coat that comes down past his knees. Every inch, both inside and out, is filled with pockets - both open and with buttoned flaps, even inside the sleeves and around the back and collar, some quite obvious but many more hidden. These pockets are capable of carrying many small-sized animals (smaller than a cat, for example) safely, with extra room for animal feed and specially coated in oils so that animal mess never clings to it (with proper maintenance).

The coats enchantment makes it "bigger on the inside". It is not a bag of holding, and has a hard limit of 50 creatures at any one time - but as long as creatures are held within his coat, they are fed, warm, their waste is handled, and they are otherwise provided with the necessary conditions they need to be comfortable for as long as they wish to remain there, or until Nir'wei reaches a hand in and scoops them out to serve a purpose. As long as they are within the coat, they will not be damaged even if Nir'wei is, though damage to the pocket they inhabit will damage the creature in question. Earned here.
Ascension's Fall
A ring made out of a broken piece of the Ascension, given just enough juice by the Immortal of Conquest to have a limited effect. The ring drains Immortal Ether, making it more difficult for them to use their Domains, though it doesn't affect physical ability, knowledge, or skill. Earned here.
Magic Negation Ring (Tier 2)
A ring with 4 charges per season - each use negates 1 "level" of spell. So, to negate an expert level casting, he has to use three charges, novice uses 1 charge, etc. So in one season he can negate 4 x novice spells or 1 x master spell. Earned here.
Tiara of Raskalarn
A tiara that, when worn, grants Nir'wei two Adored abilities of Raskalarn's mark, Krorros: Commander's Boon and Ignore Pain. Earned here.
Charm of Life Detection (Tier 8, Moderate Enchantment)
A small charm made of old wood, woven into an intricate knot that feels faintly warm to the touch, as if itself is constantly alive. While Nir'wei wears this, the charm will grow suddenly warmer if he comes within 50 feet of any mortal being or animal. It also allows him to sense the general shape and size of the creature (i.e., if the creature is two or four-legged, if it is small or medium sized, etc). Earned here.
Charm of Anonymity (Tier 7, Minor Enchantment)
A small silver charm that hangs from a leather loop, with the appearance of a blank mask. Creates an illusion that shuffles the features of the wielder, changing their jaw line, nose size, eye size, lip size, creating and removing defining features like scars, moles and other things, in just the right ways to disguise their identity. This is slowly, continuously shifting, meaning casual glances just see another random face in the crowd. This gradual shifting will also create an entirely new face every five bits (minutes).

Anyone engaged in conversation with him for more than five bits will see the shifting features and the illusion will be broken for that person. This also has no effect on his clothes. The effect can be switched on and off at will by stroking the inside of the mask with his thumb. Earned here.
Treid's Charm
A charm from Treid. This little trinket is always cold to the touch. Once per trial, closing your hand around it and warming it with your body heat will create an aura of perfect peace within yourself and within the hearts of anyone you can touch, eliminating anyone's desire for violence or retaliation. This peace lasts for one break and can be overcome with exceptional Discipline or Meditation skills. Earned here.
Tiny Sculpture
On the 1st Ymiden, 719, Nir'wei finds a tiny little sculpture of himself - at just the size he was. It's always watching him... except, every now and then it points in a different direction! Once a cycle, it leads Nir'wei to an adventure / some other sort of trouble. Often, if he follows it, he will notice that these situations are completely out of his comfort zone. Earned here.
Ring of Knightly Thanks
A golden ring bearing emblem of Rharne (A fist clutching lightning bolts). This ring can be used three times a Cycle to gain favors from the Lightning Knights or the Thunder Priestesses. This can mean having them do something such as forgive a crime or investigate an issue of importance to you. You now have some sway with the government of Rharne. You must only show this ring to an official of either faction and they will know what it means. These request or favors must be reasonable, so use common sense. Repeated over-use of this reward will merit consequences. Earned here.
Wolf's Howl
A wolf shaped whistle granted by Karem that, when blown, lets out an ethereal wolf call. This whistle can be blown once per cycle, and only when the user truly needs help. However, when they blow it, the help they need will come. Earned here.
Friend Stone
A pair of stones given by Saoire that act as portable Gateways. Nir'wei can give one to another person and keep one himself and they'll always be able to visit. Earned here.
This is a ball of yarn that, when one end of it is touched to a location, will leave a "clue" of apparent string visible only to the owner, tracing the route the owner takes, for a distance of up to a mile. the visualized thread is not a physical object that can be obscured, severed or damaged in any physical way. It will seem to extend through doors or panels that might get closed to shut off the character's route. In addition to enabling the owner to retrace their steps, once a season the Get-a-Clue can be activated to teleport the owner back to the starting location. Earned here.
Dragonfly Figurine
This figurine will activate if a structure the character is in is in danger of collapsing; the dragonfly will take flight and guide him or her along the best route to the nearest safe exit. Unless the collapse is very sudden and unforseeable in onset, the figurine will always activate in time, albeit just in time, to give the character the opportunity to escape. If there is not an exit available, the figurine will guide the character to whichever part of the building/tunnel/etc. is least dangerous. Once a season, the character can also activate the figurine to get it to show the nearest safe exit even if a structure is not in danger of collapsing (for example, if the character is merely lost). Earned here.
Breathing Necklace
A necklace of glass beads that can, once a trial, be activated to provide the owner with a bubble of breathable air around his or her head. The bubble will last for half a break. the beads will pulse and flash faintly about five bits before the time is up. And yes, it can be used underwater. Earned here.
Screeching Hound Alarms
Four ornamental doorstop-like figures. Made from what seems to be ice, they are the screeching hound creatures Nir'wei saw. These can be placed at a perimeter or point where they act as an alarm. When there is movement within a 40ft radius of one of them, Nir will hear an alarm. The alarm can only be heard by Nir'wei (and his animals / familiars etc in direct contact with him) and up to four other people he designates. He can remove access to hearing the alarm at any time, but can only give access twice a cycle. Each figure functions independently and may be accessed by different people if he chooses. Earned here.
Pure Water Decanter
A beautiful and very delicate-looking decanter which, once a trial, will create pure, clear water. The decanter is actually very tough and will hold up to four servings. Those who drink this water will have any negative effects from tiredness, tension etc, washed away with the drink. It leaves you feeling refreshed and clear-headed. It does not, however, heal wounds etc and will not combat magical effects. Earned here.
Origami Messenger Bird
A piece of parchment. Twice a season, you may activate this and it folds itself into a small origami bird. You speak to the bird and give it a message - it "records" that message and then flies off to find the person the message is for. The message may be no longer than 30 words (contractions count for the correct number of words) and the bird will take the required amount of time to fly to the recipient. Upon arriving, the bird speaks your message (in your voice) and then flies back. If the recipient is dead or hidden by magical / immortal means - the bird will circle overhead when you summon it and not fly in any direction. Earned here.
The Very Pineapple of Usefulness
A small cut-glass pineapple which would fit in the palm of your hand. When placed on the ground it functions as a campfire in terms of warmth and providing a place to cook. Earned here.
Healing Grapes
A small bunch of 10 grapes. Each one is wonderfully sweet - eating 1 grape will heal you of minor injuries. This is cuts and bruises, scrapes and grazes etc. If you have moderate injuries (deeper cuts etc) then it will take 3 grapes. Major injuries take 6 grapes and someone can be brought back from a critical condition with 9 grapes. Please note, though - if you gave (for example) 1 grape to someone with moderate injuries, it would do nothing. You have an all-or-nothing grape situation. (10 remain) Earned here.
Favour from Daia
Nir'wei has one favour from her, should he call on her. (Unused) Earned here.
Qylios' Thanks
Qylios will speak with Nir'wei and give him a small bracelet which seems to be originally for a child. She tells him that it was a gift she gave, originally, to her grand-daughter. It will bring light in darkness, she tells him, and it will also allow him to call on her, should he need her. Looking him in the eye, Qylios speaks clearly and calmly. The actions of everyone here saved the island but Bao and Nir'wei saved her grand-daughter, and she is humbled and grateful beyond words for his courage and his strength. Earned here.
Packs & Kits:
Traveller's Pack (Starting Package)
  • One Set of Clothing (includes a coat, shirt, pants, undergarments, and a pair of boots. All clothing is standard quality.)
  • One Tent (sized to accommodate one person and their possessions.)
  • One Riding Horse (Malice)
  • One Horse-Pulled Wagon (2ft wide, 3ft long, 2ft deep)
  • 100 Feet of Rope
  • One Tinderbox.
  • Six Torches
  • One Lantern
  • One Bedroll
  • One Compass
  • One Fishing Pole, 30 Hooks.
  • One Blanket
  • Four Rucksacks
  • One Knife
  • One Waterskin
  • One Set of Toiletries
  • Two rags.
  • One Hunter's Pack, includes a Shortbow and 12 arrows.
First Aid Kit
  • Bandages for Casts (3)
  • Tourniquet Set
  • Wooden Splint Braces (6)
  • Cloth Bandage Strips (Bundle of 15)
  • Bandage Hooks (12)
  • Jar of Sealing Jelly
  • Folding Burner/Brazier Assembly
  • Boiling Pot
  • Vial of Burner Fuel (lamp oil)
  • Cauterizing Iron (5 tip sizes)
  • Needle Set (Curved and Straight)
  • 50' Spool of Thread
  • Precision Tweezers
  • Precision Scissors
  • Large Vial of Antiseptic Alcohol
  • Sponges
  • Sling
Herbalist Kit
  • Hand Shovel (small and large)
  • Hand Spade (small and large)
  • Box-Framed Sieve
  • Reinforced Cloth Gloves
  • Wrap-Around Goggles
  • Kneepads
  • Hand Hoe
  • Handsaw
  • Hand Soil Loosening Tool
  • Long-Handled Shears
  • Tool Belt
  • Pump Spray Bottle
  • Pruning Shears
  • Root Digger
  • Collection Pouch
Fisherman Kit
  • Common Pole (Treated wood for flex and strength, crank lock reel fairly reliable.)
  • Small Fishing Net
  • Trap box (Screened to allow water flow but keep caught fish inside.)
  • Tackle Box (Reinforced treated wood, with numerous fold-out compartments.)
  • Hooks of Various Sizes (20)
  • Common Fishing Line (50ft)
  • Lead Weights (20)
  • Various Spinning Lures (10)
  • Pre-made Leader Clips (20)
  • Pouch of Dried Tadpoles
  • Worm Shovel
  • Jar of Fish Eggs
Falconry Kit (Superior Quality)
  • Aba (A cloth wrap that immobilizes a bird to calm her or hold her for examination.)
  • Anklets (The leather straps which go around the bird's leg. Several things attach to them.)
  • Bewit (A small leather strip which ties light hardware to the bird's leg.)
  • Braces Straps on the hood which quickly open and close it.)
  • Brail (A leather thong used to restrain one wing on a bird.)
  • Cadge (largely open frame w/leash loops for carrying several birds at once.)
  • Chaps (Leg protectors for a bird, primarily used when hunting prey that bites.)
  • Creance (A long line or cord of 10 - 50 yds., attached to the bird while training.)
  • Creance Spooler (Spring-loaded winder to "give" when bird reaches end of creance length.)
  • Gauntlet (The classic falconer's glove.)
  • Hawk Box (Fully enclosed or small windowed carrying case for bird.)
  • Hood (The "head cap" which blocks outside stimuli from exciting the bird.)
  • Jess (Leather strips which go through the anklets so the falconer can hold the bird or attach the leash.)
  • Jess Extender (Same idea as a fishing leader, but for quick attachments to jesses. Incorporates swivel.)
  • Leash (Line for long-term stationary perching.)
  • Mangalah (Option to the gauntlet - just a thick, wide cuff, not a full glove.)
  • Perch (Obvious; can be anything from a padded stick to an elaborate showpiece.)
  • Swivel (Metal clip that allows connected jesses or leashes to spin free without tangling.)
  • Tail Guard (Sheath of lightweight material to slide over and protect tail feathers.)
  • Message Tube (for small strips of paper with brief messages.)
Animal Care Kit (Horse) (Self-made)
  • Large Horse Blanket
  • Wooden Carry Case
  • Hoof Knife
  • Hoof Pick
  • Hoof Rasp
  • Hoof Nippers
  • Hoof Scrapper
  • Saddle
  • Bit
  • Leather Bridle
  • Leather Reins
  • Halter
  • Body Brush
  • Dandy Brush
  • Mane and Tail Comb
Faith Care Package
  • 1x knitted thick wool hat. (no bobble!)
  • 1x knitted thick wool cardigan.
  • 1 x knitted thick wool scarf.
  • 1 x pair of gloves - two layers to them, underneath is a knitted thermal fingerless glove, above which is a full glove. The top layer can be peeled off if small or detailed work needs to be done.
  • 2x pair of thick socks. (all the above made at master level skill)
  • 2 x pots of home made jam.
  • 1 x selection of home made biscuits/cakes/jam tarts. (made at legendary level skill)
Camping & Travel:

2 x Large Saddle Bags
3 x Large Waterproof Heavy Canvas Bag w/ Straps


Mastercrafted Shortbow
Mastercrafted Longbow
Mastercrafted Hand Axe
Mastercrafted Dagger
Mastercrafted Longsword

Prized Possession:

Meditation Balls. A set of painted hollow wooden balls with small metal chimes on the inside, showing two dragons circling one-another. Often used in meditative practices - a small trinket of little worth given to Nir'wei at a young age. These were actually one of the few possessions left behind by Nir'weis father after his disappearance, although he's never been told this.
Last edited by Nir'wei on Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:22 pm, edited 49 times in total. word count: 3546
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RP Medals





GN Ledger
Starting Pack +25 GN 25 GN
4 mugs of ale - 4 SN 24 GN, 6 SN
Wages of Ashan 716 + 123 GN 147 GN, 6 SN
Living Cost of Ashan 716 - 7 GN 5 SN 140 GN 1 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Ymiden 716 + 664 GN 804 GN 1 SN
Living Cost of Ymiden 716 - 33 GN 2 SN 770 GN 9 SN
Ymiden Rynmere Tax - 26 GN 6 SN 744 GN 3 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Saun 716 + 320 GN 1064 GN 3 SN
Living Cost of Saun 716 - 20 GN 1044 GN 3 SN
Saun Rynmere Tax - 16 GN 1028 GN 3 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mastercrafted Dagger - 24 GN 1004 GN 3 SN
Mastercrafted Short Bow - 80 GN 924 GN 3 SN
Mastercrafted Hand Axe - 120 GN 804 GN 3 SN
First Aid Kit - 22 GN 782 GN 3 SN
Herbalist Kit - 45 GN 737 GN 3 SN
Fishermans Kit - 35 GN 702 GN 3 SN
Superior Falconry Kit - 70 GN 632 GN 3 SN
Canteen - 5 GN 627 GN 3 SN
3 x Large Waterproof Heavy Canvas Bag w/ Straps 5 GN 4 SN 621 GN 9 SN
2 x Large Saddle Bags - 24 GN 597 GN 9 SN
Large Horse Blanket - 20 GN 577 GN 9 SN
Wooden Carry Case - 15 GN 562 GN 9 SN
Hoof Knife - 4 GN 558 GN 9 SN
Hoof Pick - 6 GN 552 GN 9 SN
Hoof Rasp - 10 GN 542 GN 9 SN
Hoof Nippers - 12 GN 530 GN 9 SN
Hoof Scrapper - 7 GN 523 GN 9 SN
Saddle - 25 GN 498 GN 9 SN
Bit - 4 GN 494 GN 9 SN
Leather Bridle - 15 GN 479 GN 9 SN
Leather Reins - 8 GN 471 GN 9 SN
Halter - 6 GN 465 GN 9 SN
Body Brush - 5 GN 460 GN 9 SN
Dandy Brush - 4 GN 456 GN 9 SN
Mane and Tail Comb - 1 GN 455 GN 9 SN
Large Dog - 75 GN 380 GN 9 SN
NPC Upkeep - 10 GN 370 GN 9 SN
Wages of Vhalar 716 + 1353 GN 1723 GN 9 SN
Living Cost of Vhalar 716 - 135 GN 5 SN 1588 GN 4 SN
Vhalar Rynmere Tax - 54 GN 2 SN 1534 GN 2 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Acre (Outside City) - 800 GN 734 GN 2 SN
Wages of Zi'da 716 + 1302 GN Pending Approval!
Living Cost of Zi'da 716 - 130 GN 2 SN Pending Approval!
Zi'da Rynmere Tax - 52 GN 1 SN Pending Approval!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Cylus 717 + 0 Missed
Living Cost of Cylus 717 - 0 Missed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Ashan 717 + 0 Missed
Living Cost of Ashan 717 - 0 Missed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Ymiden 717 + 0 Missed
Living Cost of Ymiden 717 - 0 Missed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Saun 717 + 566 GN 1300 GN 2 SN
Living Cost of Saun 717 - 56 GN 6 SN 1243 GN 6 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mastercrafted Long Bow - 120 GN 1123 GN 6 SN
Mastercrafted Longsword - 200 GN 923 GN 6 SN
Wages of Vhalar 717 + ??? 923 GN 6 SN
Living Cost of Vhalar 717 - ??? GN 923 GN 6 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Zi'da 717 + ??? 923 GN 6 SN
Living Cost of Zi'da 717 - ??? GN 923 GN 6 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Cylus 718 + ??? 923 GN 6 SN
Living Cost of Cylus 718 - ??? GN 923 GN 6 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Ashan 718 + ??? 923 GN 6 SN
Living Cost of Ashan 718 - ??? GN 923 GN 6 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Ymiden 718 + ??? 923 GN 6 SN
Living Cost of Ymiden 718 - ??? GN 923 GN 6 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Saun 718 + ??? 923 GN 6 SN
Living Cost of Saun 718 - ??? GN 923 GN 6 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Vhalar 718 + ??? 923 GN 6 SN
Living Cost of Vhalar 718 - ??? GN 923 GN 6 SN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wages of Zi'da 718 + ??? 923 GN 6 SN
Living Cost of Zi'da 718 - ??? GN 923 GN 6 SN
Total Currency: 0 ON, 923 GN, 6 SN, 0 CN
Wealth Ledger
Current Wealth Tier: 5
Current Wealth Points: 73
Current Wealth Points Earning: 12 x Season.
Grandfathering In: Here.
Last edited by Nir'wei on Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:19 am, edited 39 times in total. word count: 670
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Renown: 922
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RP Medals






15th of Ashan, 713: The Adventurous Birthday Girl. with Juniper.
16th of Zida 714: Feathered Friends. Solo.


Rynmere, 2nd of Ashan: Bitey Little Buggers, aren't they? with Ayda. (Job Thread)
Rynmere, 3rd of Ashan: An Unexpected Rescue. with Franz.
Rynmere, 11th of Ashan: Stranger Danger? with Istil.
Rynmere, 21st of Ashan: Chasing a Headline! with Elyna and Andraska.
Rynmere, 33rd of Ashan: Stray of the Pack. with Asher.
Rynmere, 66th of Ashan: Cheers! with Vivian Warrick.
Rynmere, 98th of Ashan: Truth and Lies. with Others.

Rynmere, 3rd of Ymiden: Asking the Big Questions. Solo.
Rynmere, 20th of Ymiden: I Did It For Art. with Nivasi.
Rynmere, 25th of Ymiden: Punching Above Your Weight. Solo. (Job Thread)
Rynmere, 37th of Ymiden: Dolphin's Cry. with Vakhanor.

Rynmere, 4th of Saun: Another Day in Andaris. with Others.
Emea, 6th of Saun: The Killing Fields. with Mal.
Rynmere, 13th of Saun: Wagon Woes and Friendly Foes. with Faith.
Emea, 14th of Saun: Destiny, or as it's otherwise known, Luck. with Uiyaejn.
Emea, 16th of Saun: Lessons in Logic and Seminars in Sewing. with Faith.
Rynmere, 20th of Saun: It's Not All Smiles And Dragon Rainbows. Solo. (Job Thread)
Emea, 40th of Saun: A Monumental Task. with Niv.

Rynmere, 23rd of Vhalar: A Guided Tour. with Kylar and Crimson. (Job Thread)
Rynmere, 29th of Vhalar: Getting On Top Of Things. with Ashira.
Rynmere, 36th of Vhalar: When One Door Closes... with Faith and Andraska.
Rynmere, 53rd of Vhalar: In the Cemetery with a Lead Pipe. with Faith.
Rynmere 55th of Vhalar: The Great Hunt. with Yrmellyn.
Rynmere, 56th of Vhalar: The Bored Ward Snored, Faith Sawed the Gorde. Good Lord! with Faith.
Rynmere, 58th of Vhalar: Lending a Hand. with Aeon.
Rynmere, 60th of Vhalar: A Light in the Darkness. with others.
Rynmere 67th of Vhalar: Spending Spree. Solo.
Rynmere, 92nd of Vhalar: An Otter in a World of Ferrets. Solo.
Rynmere, 105th of Vhalar: A New Journey. with Others.
Rynmere, 123rd of Vhalar: Beautiful. with Faith.

Rharne, ?th of Zida: The Pain of Saying Goodbye. Solo. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 6th of Zida: A Safe Landing. with Faith.
Rharne, 7th of Zida: Off the Beaten Path. with Ivy Gawyne.
Rharne, 90th of Zida: The Diagnosis. with Faith.


Rharne, 4th of Cylus: Unwelcome News. with Faith.
Rharne, 6th of Cylus: It's Cold Outside. with Caedhe.
Rharne, 15th of Cylus: A Long Night Out. with Andraska. (Unfinished)

Scalvoris, 40th of Ymiden 717: This Isn't Rocket Science, It's Brain Surgery! with Faith.

Scalvoris, 1st of Saun 717: Hitting the Books. Solo. (Unfinished)
Scalvoris, 4th of Saun 717: Saltwater Contemplation.
Scalvoris, 17th of Saun 717: The Real World. with Vega.
Scalvoris, 20th of Saun 717: Animal Master. Solo.
Scalvoris, 23rd of Saun 717: Beneath The Veil. Solo.
Scalvoris, 25th of Saun 717: Just Another Trial At The Office... with Pegasus.

Scalvoris, 12th of Vhalar 717: An Early Wedding Gift. with Faith and Padraig.
Emea, 14th of Vhalar 717: The World Beneath The World. with Robin.
Scalvoris, 17th of Vhalar 717: Leader Of The Pack. with Tio Silver.
Scalvoris, 18th of Vhalar 717: The Forgotten Alpha. Solo.
Scalvoris, 19th of Vhalar 717: Unseen Enemy. with Qit'ria.
Emea, 20th of Vhalar 717: The Twelvefold. with Warren, Sarafaynha and Max. (Unfinished)
Desnind, 62nd of Vhalar 717: Take My Hand, Erase The Past Forever. with Others.
Misty Miasma, 121st of Vhalar, 717: Mixed Messengers. with Others.

Desnind, 40th of Zi'da 717: The Return I. Solo.
Desnind, 41st of Zi'da 717: The Return II. Solo.


Rynmere, 4th of Ashan 718: Familiar Company. with Sinnamynn.
Rynmere, 5th of Ashan 718: Flowing Like Time. with Sinnamynn.
Emea, 12th of Ashan 718: Keep Calm and Carry On. with Others.
Rynmere, 30th of Ashan 718: Running with Horses. with Val.
Rynmere, 82nd of Ashan 718: Empty Moons. with Alistair.

Rharne, 70th of Ymiden 718: Spitfire. with Finn and Leeson. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 75th of Ymiden 718: Through the Fire and the Flames. with Arlo and Lynessa. (Unfinished)

Rharne, 29th of Saun 718: The Next World. with Faith. (Unfinished)

Rharne, 3rd of Vhalar 718: Market Mayhem. with Geminus Rose. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 11th of Vhalar 718: Choosing A Side. Solo.
Rharne, 14th of Vhalar 718: Fireborn, Airborn. with Finn. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 19th of Vhalar 718: Stealthy? I Don't Think So. with Cail. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 20th of Vhalar 718: Inquisitive Initiates. with Aneka.
Rharne, 23rd of Vhalar 718: A Chance in Hell. with Varlum. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 24th of Vhalar 718: Wings and Things. with Nightshade.
Rharne, 40th of Vhalar 718: A Bronze Bar Brawl. with Patrick. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 28th of Vhalar 718: Welcome To The Thunder Den! with Yavanna. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 60th of Vhalar 718: Storm Roc Training. with Vivian. (Unfinished)

Rharne, 35th of Zida 718: Cold It Blows, So It Goes. with Alistair. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 69th of Zida 718: Stormwaste Woes. Solo.
Rharne, 70th of Zida 718: Stormwaste Woes II. Solo. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 88th of Zida 718: Prologue: Shadows Awaken. with Yavanna and Lynessa. (Unfinished)


Rharne 4th of Cylus 719: Down By The River. with Auya.
Rharne, 5th of Cylus 719: The Invasion Begins. Solo.
Rharne, 7th of Cylus 719: Puppies, Pegasus, Padraig and Potatoes. with Faith.
Rharne, 11th of Cylus 719: Lady Mercy Won't Be Home Tonight. with Others.
Rharne, 20th of Cylus 719: Poor Choby. with Qit'ria.
Rharne, 23rd of Cylus 719: The Siege of Storm's End. with Lynessa and Faith. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 25th of Cylus 719: A Wolf, a Ghost an a Baby. with Qit'ria. (Unfinished)

Rharne, 4th of Ashan 719: Nir, Far Wherever You Are. with Geminus. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 9th of Ashan 719: Thundermaw Stampede. with Faith. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 12th of Ashan 719: Loose Ends. with Faith and Lyn. (Unfinished)
Rharne, 28th of Ashan 719: Three Wise Wolves. Solo.

Rharne, 43rd of Vhalar 719: A New Light. with Alyssia.

Scalvoris, 9th of Zi'da 719: We're Going on a Dragon Hunt! (1) with Tio and Alyssia.
Scalvoris, 10th of Zi'da 719: We're Going on a Dragon Hunt! (2) with Tio and Alyssia.

Scalvoris, 43rd of Zi'da 719: Almund's Missing Children. with Oram and Balthazar.


Scalvoris, 1st of Cylus 720: We're All Going on a Dragon Hunt! (3) with Tio and Alyssia.
Scalvoris, 30th of Cylus 720: A Curious Celebration? with Darius, Oram and Balthazar.

Scalvoris, 2nd of Ashan 720: A Dire Dilemma. Solo.
Scalvoris, 3rd of Ashan 720: Nothing Personal. Solo.
Scalvoris, 4th of Ashan 720: The Green March. Solo.
Scalvoris, 4th of Ashan 720: The Branched Paths. Solo.
Scalvoris, 5th of Ashan 720: Burial Rites. Solo.
Scalvoris, 19th of Ashan 720: When Predator Becomes Prey. with Kirei.
Scalvoris, 60th of Ashan 720: Bird vs Wolf. with Kalortah.
Scalvoris, 65th of Ashan 720: In Our Spar(e) Time. with Darius.

Scalvoris, 1st of Ymiden 720: Lean-tos for Lean Times. with Oram.
Scalvoris, 2nd of Ymiden 720: Keeping A Promise. with Ari'sora.
Scalvoris, 5th of Ymiden 720: Finding Von Smooglenuff. with Balthazar, Ari'sora and Darius.
Scalvoris, X of Ymiden 720: Salting The Wound. with Balthazar and Oram.
Scalvoris, 12th of Ymiden 720: The Heart Burns. with Balthazar and Darius.
Scalvoris, 17th of Ymiden 720: Home is Where the Heart is. with Yeva, Ari'sora and Darius.
Scalvoris, 22nd of Ymiden 720: Consulting the Expert. with Ari'sora.
Last edited by Nir'wei on Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:32 pm, edited 28 times in total. word count: 1261
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:38 am
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Category One Osẹ-bori Familiar
The first spirit that ever became bound to Nir'wei is the other half of his soul, which calls himself Archailist, or Arch for short. He appears as a small chubby red-and-brown-furred squirrel with pale milky-white eyes, oddly suggesting that there is some kind of tarnishment on his soul, although neither Nir'wei nor Archailist knows what this could be referring to. He is an old being that has embraced senility; the squirrel-like appearance resembles the energy he once had, though in modern times he appears grim and only manifests to point out flaws in thinking or plans, occasionally offer snide remarks and quips with a complete disregard for the severity of the situation.

For the most part Archailist gets along well with the other spirits, holding a stiff respect for Greyhide and his unwavering devotion to Nir'weis safety. He and Cyshe however are frequently at odds, with the two clashing head-on due to their very different places in the world.
Sev'ryn Bond Story: The First Step.
The First Step

The first dream was the most jarring. Nir'wei had been drifting through blank unconsciousness - a dreamless, thoughtless sleep that he'd passed through many times before. Then, abruptly, he jolted as though something sharp had pushed through his skin, but he didn't wake. Instead of the ceiling of his aunt's makeshift hut somewhere near the edge of one of the fields of Desnind, a milky-white sky without a sun or moon hung overhead when he opened both eyes. There were no trees on the horizon and no grass under his feet. All around there was only stone, carved and chipped and weathered, turned into a great box that surrounded him on all sides, constricting him, making it hard to even breathe. Then a shadow fluttered overhead. Nir'wei looked up, coming face-to-face with a small squirrel balanced on the edge of one of the walls, peering over with curious dark-brown eyes.

It didn't say anything, but two words suddenly came to his head, said only once but constantly revolving in his head as images rapidly flashed before his eyes, of castles and village houses and knights and nobles, forests and fields, ships and dragons. The pictures were too fast to focus on, cascading down over his head, drowning him with a loud, heavy rushing in his ears that was near-deafening. Somehow, through the intense sensations, one simple command echoed back through his head, suddenly causing his head to snap back. "Find me."

Nir'wei awoke in a cold sweat, shivering, with his aunt draping an animal pelt over his naked shoulders. "What's wrong?" Her face showed concern. "Did you dream of your mother again?" The memories brought a lump to his throat but the boy swallowed it and shook his head mutely, still struggling to catch his breath.

Instead, he spoke of his dream. Of a squirrel, high on stone walls, surrounded by nobles. Unnervingly, his aunt's face only seemed to become more grave as she nodded along to his words, eventually turning away and staring at a wall for several long minutes, as she was prone to doing at the most inappropriate of times. She hung there just long enough to make the boy think of asking what she thought, before she cut off the words still in his mouth. "It's time," she said reluctantly, as if she was forcing the words. "Your familiar has called and it cannot be ignored. If.. if only your mother was here to guide you," she mumbled with a sniffle, wiping her nose with the back of one hand and drying her eyes quickly. "D-Doesn't matter. You'll do her proud."

The next days were spent preparing and learning. Everyone had some wisdom to part, no matter how small or inconsequential. Supplies were gathered for the journey and packed into bags, food and water wrapped in neat little bundles, little farewell gifts and well-wishes. By far, the best advice was from his father's half-brother just as he was passing through the Itọju. The brash man clapped one arm around Nir'weis shoulders and leaned down, whispering, "Don't be afraid.. and head north." That was the last time he saw his home city, or any of his remaining family. Nobody would accompany him, his only guide would be a squirrel and there was no telling when he would return home again.. or what he would be like, when he did.

There was only one way to head north. Nir'wei caught a boat to Strosdyn, where he struggled for answers on the city his dreams had spoken of. Nobody could even understand the words that came from his mouth. Struggling at the very first hurdle of this seemingly-impossible quest, another vision came during his dreams that night, speaking of a port city where men and women walked on one leg. A few days later, a boat left for Ivorian with half-human, half-snake fisherman on board.. as well as Nir'wei.

The city was beautiful. Rharne, even more so, as he continued north, pressed and pushed by every night as his dreams were almost haunted by the squirrel and its cryptic messages. The young boy was close, though. Rharne's bustling city, filled with drunk revellers all too eager to regail anyone within earshot of their journeys, finally gave Nir'wei all he needed to know. His final destination was an island even further north, practically on the other end of the ocean.. and as far away from his homeland as it was likely possible to reach. The Kingdom of Rynmere. Why this land had been chosen, the boy would never truly understand, but all that mattered was that soon he would finish what his mother had never started.

From the bow of the fishing boat he'd caught a ride with in exchange for what little manual labour he could offer, the castle-city looked even bigger and more grandiose than his dreams. Despite the glaring lack of trees or other natural life amongst all the pale grey stone keeps, its sheer stature was jaw-dropping for a Sev'ryn that had spent all of his years under the gentle shade of trees, running through fields of grass and skipping over narrow streams of forestland with nary an occasional boulder to climb, let alone... this. Basking in its size almost white-washed the fact that it just meant he'd have even more to root through in search of his spirit animal. Even worse, he would have to do it without any further guidance.. because, for the first time since his quest had begun, his dreams did not include the squirrel. At first, he thought nothing of it; the hardest part of his quest was finished now. All that was left, was to find his familiar, wherever it was.

A season passed, with no success. Another followed, and a third after that. Still, no dreams.. still no guidance. It felt as though, to Nir'wei, he would never find the squirrel - he didn't even know where to look any more. He almost stopped looking completely half-way through the third season. Nothing felt different.. Moseke was still as beautiful as ever and he was happier than ever to just be alive at all. That in mind, he cut work for the day and instead took a break travelling out to one of the surrounding regions: Burhan. In some parts of the dense woodlands, it almost felt like he was back in Desnind. "It almost feels like home," the young boy said to himself quietly as his feet carried him deeper into the forests, down unfamiliar paths.

Unwittingly, he'd followed a river upstream and back to a powerful waterfall guarded by thick-trunked Redwoods. Occasionally a large log tipped over the edge of the thick stone high above, toppling down into the grooves below and splashing back into the rushing water's full force.. and the calls of men further upstream felling more trees for the carpenters would echo down in muffled yells.. but otherwise, it seemed as secluded a place as he would find. Just being there, next to wrathful cascade of water, bordered by blooming plants and trees the likes of which he would likely never see again after returning to Desnind, brought some kind of deep calm and gaiety. It compelled him to sit, but he took it one step further and sprawled over the damp moss at the edge of the water, arms and legs spread like an incredibly-content starfish.

For what had felt like arcs but was probably longer, ever since the first dream, Nir'weis mind had been clouded with doubts. After all, his mother had failed in her journey. Not even the combined efforts of everyone he knew and loved, as well as many he'd never met before in his life, could stem the pain that it had brought her. What if he failed? What if he never found his familiar, never bonded.. what if he simply died along the way? All questions without answers, frightening thoughts, nightmares and worse that plagued every hour of his days, gnawing like tiny dark monsters with many teeth. For the first time, though, all those things seemed to wash away. Maybe it was the water, or the warm air, or the sounds of wildlife chirping in the trees above.. but time seemed to blur and melt in its presence. He might have been sleeping, or meditating, or a little bit of both, because he couldn't remember exactly when he closed his eyes. When he did, though, there was a squirrel stood on one of the smooth rocks beside the waterfall. Unthinkingly, Nir'wei smiled and slowly reached a hand out, beckoning it closer. There was a pause, but he didn't pull back. Then the tiny brown-furred creature hopped forwards a few steps, cautiously, then crawled onto the back of his outstretched hand and settled there.

Funnily enough, there was no bright flash of light, no sparks of fire, no cool chill, as he'd heard happened so much from the others. An intense calm washed down over all of his muscles, as if a part of his body he'd never knew was lost, had suddenly been restored. Nir'weis smile widened a fraction and he looked down with half-lidded eyes into the squirrel's milky-white gaze. "There's much to do," it said.

"Later," Nir'wei replied, "later." It almost floated across his mind, in an afterthought: the running waterfall nearby felt exactly like the first dream. All those images, pictures, flowing like water.. the rushing noises. The answer, for all this time, had always been staring him in the face. He'd just not acted on it until he listened to his uncle's words.
Current Abilities
Telepathy (Meditation: Novice): All Osẹ-bori and their bonded are capable of communicating with each other upon the initiation of the bond through telepathy. As the bond grows, the distance of their communicating abilities grows. Initially, the bonded can only communicate in close proximity. Through In Character progression and development of the bond, this distance can increase substantially until the telepathic bond can be through buildings and several blocks over where the bonded are not even in sight of one another.

Connection (Meditation: Competent): Shortly after the initiation of the bond, the Sev’ryn or half-Sev’ryn can meld their soul with their Osẹ-bori for special adventures. This requires deep concentration and a safe place to keep the person’s body while they are having their out-of-body experience. The combined Sev’ryn soul and the Osẹ-bori will cause the familiar to take on the physical appearance of their spirit form. The Osẹ-bori and its bonded will then be able to run freely as an animal through Idalos. The Sev’ryn or half-Sev’ryn will have the luxury of understanding what an animal feels through a Connection; however, with each gift comes danger. If the body were to be destroyed while the person is having a Connection, the soul will be unable to return to the physical world. Eventually it will wither away and die, untied to Idalos through normal means.

Telekinesis (Meditation: Expert): An Osẹ-bori can eventually develop the ability to have an effect on the physical world. Basic effects may be brushing against someone that is not their bonded or creating a sound that is audible in the mortal world. Advanced effects can include jumping onto or alongside another person causing enough wind to make them stumble or fall. Many will think that this is a trick of nature and blame their surroundings before coming to terms that a spirit is playing with them. Only the bonded will understand their Osẹ-bori’s shenanigans.

Diri of the Lovalus Lake Wardens

Earned here
Approval here
Made entirely out of water, she often takes on entirely abstract shapes, including different animals and expressions to suit her desires and situation, and her confessed "true" form is little more than a floating sphere of water with rings of droplets hanging around the perimeter. She also regularly changes her colours, which range from an algae-hinted green and muddy brown to a vibrant blue with hints of purple. However, her preferred form is that of a stumpy four-legged creature somewhat similar to a dragon lacking wings, with two dew-drop antennae hanging from the front of her head and a long whip-like tail ending in a leaf-shaped tip.

Cyshe is about as close to a kindred spirit with Nir'wei as one can probably find. She is soft and kind-hearted that relishes every opportunity to admire the beauty of the natural world and all life in it. Quick to help and admittedly slow to hurt, she radiates a natural calm and peace, like the still water she technically is, and despite her youthful sound and outward appearance, there is a hidden wisdom to her words that hints at a true mentor, though she strongly believes that good Wardens are not made through training - they always were, and just need time to discover and accept their true selves.
Current Abilities (84)
0 Points: Flameborn’s Bane: You are all now fairly resistant to the fire of a Flameborn and you are capable of injuring them with your weapons. The power within you will grant you a burst of endurance and strength when in the presence of one of these creatures. This ability will also apply somewhat to any servant of Faldrun, you will be some more resistant to their flames and will be given a cool burst of endurance when combating them.

20 Points: Brightgleam Oasis: It is in the purview of the Induk of Lake Lovalus to call water and life into existence anywhere. Once per trial a Warden may summon forth a magically infused spring that will eventually form a small pool over the next five bits. The water that is summoned has healing abilities and will slowly heal anyone touched with it’s water while in a fifty foot proximity to the spring. The water will have a faint turquoise glow and will rapidly heal flesh wounds that are soaked or doused in the water within five bits. This water can also be weaponized as weapons dipped in it will be highly effective against Flameborn and any other servants of Faldrun. Arrows will sink deeper, and blades or bludgeons touched by the Brightgleam waters will burn and scald opponents that are cut or hammered by them. The Oasis can also be planted and used like a trap to lure enemies of Faldrun into, this will cause intense scalding pain and will weaken them.

40 Points: Font of Life: Brightgleam Oasis may now be enhanced by the Warden by placing a drop of their own blood within it. When this is done the Oasis will expand over the next trial into a pool that is a couple feet deep and that will begin growing plants and trees around it. The healing effect of the waters will vanish once the blood is added and instead will cause the growth of plant-life nearby allowing a Warden to slowly transform a dry and lifeless area into a beautiful oasis over the course of the next thirty trials. This ability is used to restore land that has been harmed by the forces of destruction. Font of Life may be used once a trial.

60 Points: Spiritborn Armor: Due to the bonding between the Warden and their Diri via the Heart of Lovalus, the Diri now gains useful ability of growing and shape-shifting into a suit of armor for their bonded. The Warden can still hear and speak with their Diri but they will become a suit of armor that is almost a second skin across the Warden’s entire body. The Armor will appear like plate mail that is crafted from raw spiritual ephemera often possessing icy embellishes around the helm and shoulders depending on the tastes of the Warden. It will possess the strength to dull physical strikes and reduce the effect of magical attacks by half, making the Warden far more resilient in combat. After five bits the Spiritborn Armor will begin to crack if continually attacked. The Warden may take cover for another five bits in order to give the Diri time to regenerate its strength. This will allow the armor to continue functioning for another five bits before requiring time to recharge. If continually attacked for over five bits the armor will begin to fracture before shattering. If this happens the Diri will go silent, unable to be contacted for at least three trials. During this time the Warden will have a great deal of difficulty using their abilities, some may even be impossible to use. During these three trials the Diri is healing and recouping its strength. The Spiritborn Armor may be dismissed at any time prior to it breaking and the Diri will take their original form. It takes one bit for the Diri to transform into the Armor.

80 Points: Spiritborn Weapon: The bond with between the Warden and the Diri have now become seamless. The Diri can now physically shift into any weapon that the Warden needs or desires. This weapon will behave as if it is made of masterwork material, blades will seem as if made of adamantite as they will cut cleaner and sharper than steel. Bows, arrows, and the like will be equipped with an endless supply of equally sharp arrows that appear out of thin air. These projectiles seem to be made of spiritual energy. Bludgeoning weapons will also feel light as feathers but hit opponents like they are made of solid metal. One weapon may be summoned at any given time and any of these weapons will seem to cause an additional searing pain to those struck by them that are enemies of the Warden. If dropped the weapon will vanish into thin air and the Diri will reappear in their normal form. They can transform into a new weapon once ten trills have passed. The Warden must hold out their open hand in order to summon the weapon. You may use Spiritborn Armor and Spiritborn Weapon at the same time as the Diri is still connected to the body of the Warden the entire time.

Diri of the Faldrass Fireforged Wardens

Earned here
Approval here
Using flames to give off a soft, fluffy appearance, Gaddwin appears as an orange-and-red-hued bird, with a shape similar to that of a wren or sparrow. Its notable features include a feathered ruff around its chest and neck, a crest at the top of its head, and three distinct feathers that stick out from its tail, narrow at the base and fluffed at the tip. Its appearance is often accompanied by the brief flare of harmless spiritual flames, and at various times it chooses to produce small wisps of floating flame in order to convey emotions or create images when words do not suffice. Though as a spirit, he does not need to, Gaddwin most commonly flies when appearing - and is fully capable of hovering on the spot and even flying backwards when the need suits him.

Gaddwin is fiercely independent, strong-willed and confident. He naturally attempts to take control of any situation, even when they do not involve him, and while he is slow to admit failure and utterly unable to accept defeat, beneath that unshakeable shell he is surprisingly mature, able to learn from the errors of the past and take criticism without personal insult. His presence seeks to inspire confidence in those around him and his unwavering spirit is that of a roaring flame that lights the darkness for his allies and blinds his enemies under its glare. This, he believes, is the mark of a true Warden; one that is not just a power for good in themselves, but one that is capable of creating and cultivating others, to carry on the torch and propagate the world until there is no corner left for the darkness to fester any more.
Current Abilities (0)
0 Points: Blazing Heart: Blazing Heart: The inner fire of Faldrass dwells within the heart of each and every Fireforged. It regulates their body temperature, keeping them comfortably warm even when in the freezing caves of Ishallr or the blazing heat of Faldrass volcano. The extremes of heat and cold will no longer have any effect upon the Fireforged. (Note: this does not protect them from damage inflicted by fire, ice or lava. It only makes them unaffected by the ambient temperature of whatever location they are in.)

0 Points: Reforged: Fireforged are not named as they are for no reason. By accepting Faldrass' deal their body is filled with his power and tempered by it, making it tougher than it was before. A Fireforged will find that their skin is like a leather armour and their bones like iron rods, making them more resistant to blunt physical damage.

Velduris Alpha Wolf
Earned here.
Greyhide is a grey wolf with piercing blue eyes and intelligence far above that of an ordinary wolf, due to the fact that he was born a human and willingly transformed into a wolf by Karem. He is naturally very protective of Nir'wei and shares a deep emotional bond forged over arcs of living together and supporting one-another through their struggles. He also seems to have a particularly protective bond with Jasper, sharing his food with the otter and curling up with him late at night. Greyhide has also become Nir'weis spirit companion via Nir'weis Velduris bond, giving Greyhide the ability to communicate with Nir'wei mentally, as well as turn into an intangible spirit at will. He is currently ranked as a Velduris omega wolf, making him slightly larger than ordinary wolves and with no significant authority beyond Nir'weis menagerie. He can tell when someone else has been marked by Karem and will always be able to find others who bear Velduris.
Originating in Rynmere, he was born a human, but after being initiated into Becoming, he was used by his mentor and subsequently betrayed when his mentor stole his human totem and destroyed it, trapping him in the body of a wolf forever. Attempting to return to Andaris and either find help or seek revenge, he was captured by farmers on the outskirts who wanted to skin him and sell his pelt, but Nir'wei stepped in, seeing a trapped and frightened creature in need of help, and bought him off them. Greyhide immediately became his hunting companion and later his close friend, protecting him and caring for him long into his succumb to Brain Rot, until the daughter of Karem, Kura Wolfsdotter, visited Nir'wei and revealed that Greyhide was not a true wolf and lacked the ability to talk with other wolves. Later, when Karem herself arrived before him, Karem offered Greyhide the option of becoming a trueborn wolf, which Greyhide accepted, transforming him into what he is today, as well as binding him to Nir'wei through his Velduris mark.
Current Buffs
Dire Evolution - Significant and noticeable increase to size, significant increase to strength and durability.
Alpha Evolution - Significant increase to strength, speed, endurance and intelligence.
Heart of the Pack - Fights twice and hard and twice as effectively when in the presence of Cold, Myrth, Squeak, Vabina and Traveller.

Velduris Beta Wolf
Earned here.
Cold is a pale wolf with a large glowing scar across the left half of his chest. The failed experiment of an old necromancer, he was abandoned inside a cave in Faldrass, Scalvoris, and left to die following multiple unknown medical procedures, including one that attempted to fit him with a well, leaving cracked shards permanently embedded in his chest. They do not function and serve no purpose, but also do not harm him and cannot be removed. After the cruelty he suffered at the hands of humans, Cold is immediately hostile to them, and while continued contact with humans in both large groups and on a one-to-one basis with Nir'wei has softened that immediate hostility, he remains constantly suspicious of them. His fur is a ghostly near-white, his eyes are dull and though a steady diet and treatment regime has begun to slowly cure the wolf of his malnutrition, he still presents a thin and frail physique. The wolf is best described as surly and angry, much like Malice, but with a deeply protective nature still deep inside that stems from a wish to never let anyone else be put through the same heartache that he faced. It is for this reason that he spends a large amount of time with Myrth, seeing her as a better life-companion than Greyhide.
Current Buffs
Dire Evolution - Significant and noticeable increase to size, significant increase to strength and durability.
Alpha Evolution - Significant increase to strength, speed, endurance and intelligence.
Heart of the Pack - Fights twice and hard and twice as effectively when in the presence of Greyhide, Myrth, Squeak, Vabina and Traveller.

Velduris Beta Wolf
Earned here.
Myrth is a deep brown wolf, found in the forests outside Desnind after his previous owner was killed in mysterious circumstances and Myrth was severely injured, left at the scene and presumed dead. Her previous owner, a devout follower of Moseke, used his last moments to heal Myrth of just enough wounds to keep her alive long enough for Nir'wei to later stumble across her. She has since become a constant companion, one of the more playful and upbeat members of the team and the most friendly to outsiders by far. Though she is more in line with Cyshe's mentality, she has instead gravitated more towards Cold, becoming a frequent tag-team partner in dangerous situations and proving herself worthy of his attention through her surprising level-headedness under serious circumstances. She is very trusting, and despite the times this has proved detrimental, she utterly refuses to deviate towards the more cold and calculating views of Grey and Cold.
Current Buffs
Dire Evolution - Significant and noticeable increase to size, significant increase to strength and durability.
Alpha Evolution - Significant increase to strength, speed, endurance and intelligence.
Heart of the Pack - Fights twice and hard and twice as effectively when in the presence of Greyhide, Cold, Squeak, Vabina and Traveller.

Velduris Omega Wolf
Earned here.
Squeak (full name Pipsqueak) is a young brown wolf, by far the youngest member of the team since he was discovered as almost a pup. He was abandoned by his original pack in the Stormwastes and left to starve until Nir'wei rescued him from a cave while on an expedition. While suffering from a rough upbringing, he is still very childish and immature at heart, enjoying annoying the others in the pack to no end, however he has eventually seen a surrogate father figure in Cold, who claims to regard the young one with cold indifference, but can always be seen hovering around him. Over time he has been forced to mature somewhat, especially during the events of the Rynmere Boat Massacre, and now turns inward more often to reflect on his attitude. Despite his occasionally rowdy and inappropriate behaviour, it is practically universal knowledge that the rest of the team, Nir'wei included, hold a special soft spot for Squeak.
Current Buffs
Dire Evolution - Significant and noticeable increase to size, significant increase to strength and durability.
Alpha Evolution - Significant increase to strength, speed, endurance and intelligence.
Heart of the Pack - Fights twice and hard and twice as effectively when in the presence of Greyhide, Cold, Myrth, Vabina and Traveller.

Velduris Omega Wolf
Castile is a dark black wolf taken into Nir'weis care after a battle with a fellow Sev'ryn wilderness explorer that was troubling the nearby villages of Scalvoris, by the name of Argua. She was originally Argua's companion, but after being injured in the fight and losing her master, she was eventually convinced to follow Nir'wei instead, and later became bound to him through the Velduris Mark as a Velduris Wolf. Having spent most of her natural life as a lone wolf, she has an impulsive and reckless manner, and is driven by the deep-seated beliefs she shared with Argua, that civilisation and conformity make humans weak and passive creatures, and that only those that survive through their own power and merits, not those of their fellow men, are worthy of survival. As such, she has a deep-seated dislike for many humans and especially towns or cities. As part of Nir'wei however, she has learned that there is some good in humans as well, and while she does not always respect them, she has come to accept Nir'weis orders through his actions.
Current Buffs
Dire Evolution - Significant and noticeable increase to size, significant increase to strength and durability.
Alpha Evolution - Significant increase to strength, speed, endurance and intelligence.
Heart of the Pack - Fights twice and hard and twice as effectively when in the presence of Greyhide, Cold, Myrth, Vabina and Traveller.

Velduris Omega Wolf
Kin is the only wolf that came with a name picked out before Nir'wei found her. This is because Kin was known as a wolf that lived on the outskirts of Gunvorton.
Current Buffs
Dire Evolution - Significant and noticeable increase to size, significant increase to strength and durability.
Alpha Evolution - Significant increase to strength, speed, endurance and intelligence.
Heart of the Pack - Fights twice and hard and twice as effectively when in the presence of Greyhide, Cold, Myrth, Vabina and Traveller.

Velduris Wolf

Sovar is a Velduris Wolf that agreed to join Nir'wei from Karem's Spectral Forest. Sovar has joined Nir'wei to act as a second conduit for his will, acting as a second-in-command alongside Greyhide, even though he is not bound to Nir'wei through the Velduris Mark.
Current Buffs
Dire Evolution - Significant and noticeable increase to size, significant increase to strength and durability.
Alpha Evolution - Significant increase to strength, speed, endurance and intelligence.
Heart of the Pack - Fights twice and hard and twice as effectively when in the presence of Greyhide, Cold, Myrth, Vabina and Traveller.

Zephyrus Spirit Familiar
Earned here.
Vabina is a 5' tall at the shoulder, 800 pound adult Zephyrus that has formed an emotion-bond with Nir'wei, and later a full spirit-bond. She was once the mount of the Thunder Priestess Karliah Strier, who died during the attack on Azurewind Market by an arrow through the chest. Following her death, Nir'wei forged an emotion-bond with Vabina in order to prevent her death from grief, using it instead to channel her rage against the Faldrun cultists responsible. Despite her military discipline and flawless instinctive battle tactics, she still occasionally struggles with the grief of her loss, and while loyal to Nir'wei, is often slightly aloof, preferring to lounge than go about the day just because he wants her to. She is very much a feline in that regard. Since becoming a spirit-animal she has remained almost entirely silent, offering very little communication with the rest of the pack and preferring to keep to herself. She allies herself the most closely with Archailist.
Current Buffs
Dire Evolution - Significant and noticeable increase to size, significant increase to strength and durability.
Alpha Evolution - Significant increase to strength, speed, endurance and intelligence.
Heart of the Pack - Fights twice and hard and twice as effectively when in the presence of Greyhide, Cold, Myrth, Squeak and Traveller.
Unshakeable - Less affected by averse conditions.

Emean Being - Maluid - Drendrite
Sage is an Emean Being, pulled straight from the depths of the Beyond, the furthest possible reaches of Emea and a place that no living mortal has any right being. It is connected to Nir'wei through a spirit-bond forged during his contact with the Empyrean Gateway, the entrance to the mortal afterlife, which also brought Nir'wei back to life, and elevated Tio Silver to his Immortal status. Though it is not a spirit, it currently retains all abilities of a spirit, including manifesting at will and disappearing to Nir'weis side when un-needed.

Sage does not speak, though has grown to understand Nir'weis will through a mixture of training commands and their imperfect mental link. The Emean communicates through violence, and can be made to understand complex topics through inflicting physical violence upon it, or allowing it to inflict violence upon Nir'wei or others. Nir'wei has also learned that it can also feel the emotions of those around it, as it exists as pure emotional sensation.

Sage also does not have all the things that a physical body should. It appears as a being of pure inky blackness, almost like a swirling ichor, around the size of a cat and with a number of arm-like tendrils sprouting from the top of its head. Though it has many purple eyes on the front of its "face" and white teeth in its "mouth", Sage resembles nothing of an Idalos creature, in that it can completely shift its body into whatever shape it requires or desires, and its organs have very little attachment to their positions, able to be freely moved around its body as though they are only floating within it, and not necessarily attached to it at all.
Last edited by Nir'wei on Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:10 pm, edited 54 times in total. word count: 5844
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