Mastemyr Kaidonis

Mortalborn of Aelig

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Mastemyr Kaidonis

Mastemyr Kaidonis
》 Son of Aelig 《


Last edited by Mastemyr on Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:18 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 8
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Re: Mastemyr Kaidonis

》 Son of Aelig 《

Date of Birth: 1st of Vhalar, 318 Age: 404
Height: VariesWeight: Varies
Profession: Hunter Profession:
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Re: Mastemyr Kaidonis

》 Son of Aelig 《

Positive TraitsNegative Traits
Curious Irascible
Individualistic Lazy
Intelligent Sadistic
Resourceful Unstable


Being the Mortalborn of the Lord of Illusion, Mastemyr's appearance has been subject to change over the arcs. From man to feline to something in between, his most consistent form is that of a male with dark hair and eyes like pools of gold, yet even that is subject to change. Currently his skin tone favors a tawny coloring, stretched tight over the lithe build underneath but his appearance like height and weight vary depending on the cat form he's used previously and the environment around him. Build wise, if he were morphing into a small house cat regularly, he'd likely be shorter and slighter than the average man (unless improved via strength). If favoring a big cat, he'd be taller and broader, etc. His complexion tends to favor that around him. A cold tundra might wash out his coloring, while the desert might darken his skin more than what is considered "normal".

These are not quick changes, but subtle ones that happen over the course of a couple seasons and he believes it to be a means of survival in a world not always open to his bloodline... Generally, Mastemyr is muscled, but not overly so, and wears easily discarded clothing or very little at all - more so to aid in quick disposal if he makes the decision to transform and less on personal style. He prefers comfort and has no preference to light or dark dyes, but seems to have an inherent grace and judgmental demeanor that unsettles the superstitious. He is strange - almost more cat than human - with nails in need of consistent grooming, and canines a bit more pointed than normal.

Yaralon's silver circle rests beneath his collarbone, on the left side of his body.
Last edited by Mastemyr on Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:03 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 312
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Re: Mastemyr Kaidonis

》 Son of Aelig 《

Pre Vhalar 718
Birth-35 Arcs
Vhalar 1st, 318-350

Mastemyr was an unusual child, plagued by surrounding magic and a loose parenting style. Independent by nature, he took care of himself more than others his age, giving his mother, Ramora, ample time to explore her experiments. This did not affect him outside of occasional loneliness, however Aelig’s watchful presence often haunted him. Sometimes appearing as human or Eidisi or something entirely in between, Aelig kept his appearance easily understandable until his son became older, speaking with him in a strange tongue that even his mother’s mortal mouth could not fully comprehend. As such, his first language became the language of the Immortals, as Aelig often reminded him, “You must speak as I speak. Do as I do.”

More trials than naught, Aelig stood silently at Ramora’s side, whispering into her ear and sharing secrets. Her work was often overseen by the Faceless One and she crafted wonderful and terrible things in his name. A bit scared and jealous of her fascination with his father, Mastemyr began to isolate himself, uneasy in his father’s presence. No one but the Immortal seemed to notice, and even he did not say anything. Arcs passed and Mastemyr began to grow, entering primary education and then second. His understanding of Ancient was reinforced and he learned the basics – Reading, writing, and arithmetic. In his free time, to avoid going home, he would sneak into the local libraries, which at the time were barely the size of tiny shops, always eager to read new tomes when they were released to the public. During his darkest hours, he daydreamed of hiding among the University's eventual collection.

Growing up held many challenges, but as his mother slipped into her obsession with her spark, he found it more and more dangerous to live at home. Her harvester wanted to flay and he felt it was unsafe for him to live under her roof. In the arc 350, the University was in full force, and Mastemyr sought out lodgings with a friend, staying there while he continued his education. During this time he pushed himself in his learning and within five arcs, had a diploma in Alchemy.

Notable Dates
Zi’da 10th 330: At twelve arcs old, Mastemyr’s first ability began to manifest, first in minor muscle pains and migraines, but by nightfall, nausea overcame him. Desperate and scared he would die, he went to his mother for help. Before she can scold him for interrupting her and "the assistant", he collapsed on the ground in agony, screaming out as his bones broke and reformed over and over, his body twisting and changing until he was the size of a black kitten. Finding this more fascinating than worrisome, Mastemyr laid weakly on the ground while Ramora researched the change. Some of her colleagues later discovered her son’s condition and granted her a new name: “Mother of Monsters."

Ymiden 3rd 350: Having lived through the experience of Viden's University coming to full fruition, his mother became adamant about his pursuant of higher education in Alchemy. Having experienced its benefits from an early age from her own practices, he knew it was a valuable skill and attending gave him a chance to get out of the house, away from her. Not sure if it was his particular path, he enrolled in the first official course and began his studies. While taking notes, he grew curious about another student - a girl named Anna that he fancied. While admiring her from afar, his interest and desire to get to know her cause his next ability to manifest - Touch of Delirum. Unaware of what was going on, he accidentally took a piece of her dreamscape, a nightmarish figure that only he could see. Horrified and confused, he realized it was only in his head and suffered the terror for twenty days before it vanished.
36-100 arcs
Having achieved an appropriate education, Mastemyr searched for a career, but found his interests varying from his studied subjects. and was considered lazy by his employers. This began an attempted period of exploration that was short lived. In the waking world, he struggled with controlling his abilities and found himself mentally and physically exhausted, often sleeping for majority of a trial, if to just escape the turmoil. Drawing attention from those in Emea without knowing it, Jesnine approached him in an effort to find out if he was a threat to her life's work. Quickly dispelling this, Mastemyr's heritage and powers were admitted to the woman who was eager to understand what illusions plagued him throughout the day. Fascinated he could bring Emean illusions, both good and bad to Idalos, Jesnine became a theme in his dreams and the two began a friendship that soon blurred into romance.

Fond one one another, when she believed she could trust him, Jesnine revealed Dreamwalking to the Mortalborn, and the two shared a deep companionship for arcs, dispelling nightmares side by side. This loyalty was their undoing. While Jesnine helped teach him to relieve his horrors of the waking world, Mastemyr was now capable of staying awake, and did so, visiting his dream darling less and less. While he missed her, it was difficult to spend his entire day asleep to be with her, and feared this weakness could be used against him. The two, as enamored as they were with one another, recognized they walked different paths in life. Still on good terms, Mastemyr still thinks of Jesnine often and hopes she will visit him again.

His paranoia of vulnerability was not in vain. One morning, while going to visit him mother, she attacked him, in what he still believes to be an effort of flaying his soul. Barely surviving with his life, he fled the city of Viden. So haunted, Mastemyr moved without direction, alternating between cat and human to survive. During the expedition, Mastemyr faced many difficulties and his third ability Crisis Cycle was discovered as a means of self preservation. Eventually and a bit accidentally, he ended up near Yaralon, fighting his way through the Run and receiving his silver circle. A bit crazed from the expedition and unfamiliar with the culture, he struggled to fit in until a smith, who would later become his first wife, befriended him and the two eventually dueled for marriage. While she died a couple arcs later, Mastemyr decided to stay within the city, and has become a well known figure within the community.
100-400 arcs
To be written via memories.
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Re: Mastemyr Kaidonis

》 Son of Aelig 《

Fast Track: Alchemy
Acrobatics 10/250Novice
Alchemy 10/100Novice
Field Craft5/250Novice
Shield (Heater)5/250Novice
Unarmed Combat/250N/A
Language Capacity: 2
Ancient Tongue Hard Fluent
Common Easy Broken
Last edited by Mastemyr on Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:06 pm, edited 16 times in total. word count: 63
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Re: Mastemyr Kaidonis

》 Son of Aelig 《


Intimidation (3)
Intimidation: Ask Questions, Fuck Pleasantries
Intimidation: Demonstrate Mortal Born Powers
Intimidation: Staring Down an Ithecal


Alchemy (4)
Alchemy: The Properties of Catnip (BR)
Alchemy: What is Alchemy
Alchemy: Types of Reagents
Alchemy: Novice Potions Enhance Normal Ability

Animal Husbandry (4)
Animal Husbandry (Feline): Watching Over a Birth
Animal Husbandry (Feline): Signs of Distress
Animal Husbandry (Feline): How to Spot a Strong Litter
Animal Husbandry (Feline): The Life Cycle of Cats

Cooking (6)
Cooking: Clean your Ingredients
Cooking: How to Slice Mushrooms
Cooking: The Taste of Sunshrooms
Cooking: How to Light a Stove
Cooking: Scrambled Eggs
Cooking: Use Butter to Flavor Food

Detection (2)
Detection: Pay Attention to Reflective Surfaces
Detection: How to Read the Intentions of Others

Discipline (1)
Discipline: Tolerating Grief

Fieldcraft (2)
Fieldcraft: How to Start a Fire (SP)
Fieldcraft: Use Diff. Forms for Diff. Environments (BR)

Hunting (11)
Hunting: How to Follow a Scent (SP)
Hunting: Prey Behavior During Rainy Season
Hunting: The Scent of Fresh Blood
Hunting: Injured Prey is Motivation
Hunting: How to Pick Your Target
Hunting: Charge from Tall Grass
Hunting: Listen for Prey Location
Hunting: Identifying a Rat's Nest
Hunting: Take Advantage of Prey Psychology
Hunting: Hunt with a Pride
Hunting: Don't Spare the Young

Linguistics (1)
Linguistics: How Language Use Can Vary

Meditation (1)
Meditation: Focus on Past Reality

Psychology (1)
Psychology: Question Your Own Sanity

Research (1)
Research: Basic Note-taking


Acrobatics (3)
Acrobatics: How to Land on Your Feet (SP)
Acrobatics: How to Find Your Center of Gravity (SP)
Acrobatics: Backflip (SP)

Endurance (1)
Endurance: The Pain of Transformation

Stealth (5)
Stealth: Feline Footsteps (BR)
Stealth: Use Rain to Hide Scent & Sound
Stealth: Use Your Surroundings for Cover
Stealth: Wait until Things Quiet Down
Stealth: Hide Amongst Foliage

Strength (2)
Strength: Allow Time For Recovery (SP)
Strength: Lifting Your Own Weight


Ranged Combat (4)
Ranged Combat (Longbow): How to Knock an Arrow
Ranged Combat (Longbow): Missing Your Mark
Ranged Combat (Longbow): How to Waterproof your Weapon
Ranged Combat (Longbow): Lubricating your Bow String

Shield (3)
Shield: Proper High Block (SP)
Shield: Punch Block (SP)
Shield: Shield Bash (SP)

Unarmed Combat (2)
Unarmed: How to Grapple Your Opponent (SP)
Unarmed Combat: Bite Into Their Skeleton


Common (3)
Common: Yari Dialect
Common: Second Language
Common: Forgoing Filler Words


Location: Viden (HI)
Viden: Customs & Traditions (HI)
Location: Viden University
Viden University: Layout
Viden University: Science Department
Viden History: University Lectures Began in Arc 350

Location: Yaralon (HI)
Yaralon: City Layout
Yaralon: Customs & Traditions (HI)
Yaralon: Laws (HI)
Yaralon: Local Cuisine
Yaralon Culture: Merchant Kings/Queens
Yaralon Culture: Unarmed Combat is Sexy



Feline (1)
Feline: Domestic Short Hair (HI)

Vermin: Yaralon Rats


Immortal: Aelig (HI)
Aelig: Illusions, Mimicry, Chaos (HI)

Immortal: Yvithia (HI)


Ithecal (3)
Race: The Reptilian Ithecal
Ithecal: Large, Imposing, and Dangerous
Ithecal: Closest Humanoids to Snakes

Character Lores


Praetorum: Likes Cats
Praetorum: Will Protect Cats

Last edited by Mastemyr on Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:47 pm, edited 14 times in total. word count: 494
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Re: Mastemyr Kaidonis

Skill Ledger
》 Son of Aelig 《

Skill or Thread Points Earned Points Spent Remaining Total
Starting Package 50 050
Acrobatics 0 1040
Alchemy 0 535
Climbing 0 530
Endurance 0 525
Hunting 0 1015
Shield 0 510
Stealth 0 100
Alchemy (BR) 5 50
Fieldcraft (BR) 5 50
Stealth (BR) 5 50
The First Lecture 10 010
Fresh Meat for Market 10 020
A Pile of Potasquitos 10 030
Reflect on Days Past 10 040
Strength 0 2515
Endurance 0 200
Stone Eggs 10 010
Fur de Rads 10 020
Hunting 0 200
Strength in Numbers 15 015
Last edited by Mastemyr on Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:45 pm, edited 12 times in total. word count: 97
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Re: Mastemyr Kaidonis

》 Son of Aelig 《

Thread CityEarned Total
Starting Package (BR) Viden 3030
The First Lecture Viden 535
A Pile of Potasquitos Yaralon540
Reflect on Days Past Yaralon545
Stone EggsYaralon550
Fur de RadsYaralon1060
Last edited by Mastemyr on Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:40 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 32
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Re: Mastemyr Kaidonis

》 Son of Aelig 《

Mortalborn Abilities: Cats, Crisis, Delirum


While certain physical traits of Mastemyr are permanent, this Mortal Born can knowingly enhance his body to that of his feline counterparts and eventually become one. These differences could appear subtly, such as changing his eyes to cat-like slits for enhanced night vision or sharpening his claws while rough pads harden his palms for added silence and traction. Mastemyr can push these boundaries, fully utilizing this ability to transform his body into a feline of his choice at the risk of losing his mentality. Mastemyr cannot push past the physical limitations of either form and transforming is exceptionally painful. Because of this, he often favors a simple house cat for its simplicity and familiarity. Mastemyr may pick only three feline forms a season. Disease, fatigue and injury also transfer with him.

The longer he mimics a feline, the more instinctual his mind becomes, with the possibility of leaving him feral when he returns to humanity. If more than a few trials of time have passed as a cat, Mastemyr begins to lose memory of his former self and risk becoming stuck until triggered through physical or emotional shock. Afterward he is not only dangerous and unpredictable, but teetering on the brink of madness, taking anywhere from breaks to entire seasons to recover. In some cases, Mastemyr may never return to who he once was and can lose himself to the imitation.

Current Favored Form: Domestic Short-hair (Black)

Crisis Cycle

Drawn to areas where crises happen often, Mastemyr is capable of feeding off the sensation of crisis in others, giving himself boosts to the event at hand. A collapsing bridge might give him better capability in swimming, or a burning building could create a resistance to smoke inhalation or a tolerance to high temperatures. He may only keep these boosts for a single trial before chaotic poisoning sets in. When this happens, he struggles to maintain and control a form, with situations around him altering in strange and unpredictable ways. Physically, he risks exhaustion from overuse, which could result in loss of consciousness or death. To get rid of these boosts before the negative side effects can kick in, Mastemyr must find someone to pass the crisis too, often tormenting them in the process, as they become fully convinced they are about to experience the originating trauma. Those with higher discipline may resist this ability, although they might have a creeping sensation that something bad is about to happen if nothing else.

Touch of Delirium (Master)

Mastemyr lives in a state of a sort permanent sleepwalking, where reality and fantasy mix together in the waking word for the eyes of the MB only. Through touch, the MB can steal bits and pieces of the victim's personal domain in Emea or dream-scape and replace them with its own. The stolen pieces manifest in the waking world for him, allowing the MB to explore the unconscious mind of the victim. The MB will be able to comprehend the extremely vivid fantasy like no other can, allowing the gathering of information and deeper understanding of the victim’s psyche. At will, the MB can draw his victim into the waking delusion, choosing to grant understanding of his visions or not. Stolen pieces from Emean personal domains or dreamscapes last only 15 trials, and the MB must wait a cycle before stealing from the same victim again. Overuse of this ability manifests by a growing difficult to decipher the real from the fantastical - a dangerous consequence depending on who or what he steals from.

Touch of Delirium: Some Illusions Are Not Pleasant
Touch of Delirium: Be Careful Who You Pull From
Touch of Delirium: Requires Physical Contact to Initiate
Touch of Delirium: A Tricky Reconnaissance
Touch of Delirium: Not All Illusions Are Immediate
Touch of Delirium: An Emean Trade Off

Immortal Blessing | Level





Last edited by Mastemyr on Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:55 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 657
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Re: Mastemyr Kaidonis

Real Estate
》 Son of Aelig 《


Yaralon | 400 sq ft Adobe House

Mastemyr purchased his home after the marriage of his first wife. In traditional Yaralon style, the building's architecture is a single story adobe structure made of sandstone clay, rock and wood. The door is painted in shades of favorite blues, cerulean and lapis. Sparse ivy grows around the archway entrance and a open window allows bright light to filter in on rustic tile. A few trees surround the property with modest landscaping, as well as a stone brick oven and lavender flowers. A small garden is around back with a few herbs and flowers, the most abundant being catnip grass.

Last edited by Mastemyr on Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:24 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 112
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