He Pulled What Out of That Hole in The Ground (Oonah)

Gennadiya and Oonah have to help a boy who failed to realized the long wriggle things are dangerous.

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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He Pulled What Out of That Hole in The Ground (Oonah)

Vhalar 3, 719

The young healer stood by one of the windows looking at the world outside of the clinic. She was wondering if she might see Xander and the girls today. It had been a little while but it would be nice to talk with them. Her sapphire blue beheld the next level below them as this window has a view down the mountain. Though from this elevations it didn’t offer the spectacular view that locations farther up in the city would offer. It was still nice that the decrease in elevation allowed for such good light on this side of the building.

Gennadiya sighed and turned away from the window and walked down the hall heading towards the main entry. She was expecting a delivery at any moment a wealthier citizen had replaced the pillows in their home and have offered the old ones to the clinic to use in there visiting rooms. It wasn’t anything big but Genna took the charity as it was offered and was grateful for it.

The Lysorian woman soon found herself standing in the main little foyer. It wasn’t actually a very large place big enough to allow traffic to flow out the main door or into one of the two doors on the side. One leading to the maternity part of the clinic and the other leading to the children’s part of the clinic. Gennadiya didn’t remain in the hall but stepped outside of the building so she could enjoy the warmth while it lasted and to be out of the way.

Her gaze looked left and right as she waited for her visitor. As she stood there Genna regretted not grabbing the wide brimmed hat she favored on sunny days to shade both her eyes and her fair skin. She wasn’t to worried though it took a while for her skin to burn. She didn’t have to wait long though before a small cart arrived. As promised there were a good twenty pillows in the cart, most of them in good condition. A simple airing was all the would need and then their patients could be more comfortable.

The generous donner was apparently rushed for time so Gennadiya found her self with a stack of pillows in the front entry and just herself to move them.

"Genna", "NPC"
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Re: He Pulled What Out of That Hole in The Ground (Oonah)

Tree Talk Xanthean Common

It was a beautiful day so Oonah had set out to walk the cobbled the streets of Earth Quarter enjoying the begining of the end of this season's sun-warmed days. It was almost time for her shift at Gennadiya's clinic so the tiny Tunawa was headed there with her green cloak pushed back from her shoulders like a cape. Looking ahead she could see the sun's shine bright upon the pale hair of her sister-healer who had a pile of ....were those pillows?... at her feet. As was her habit, Oonah whistled a "Hello!" to announce her impending arrival.

Oonah then heard the rapid slap of feet and voices coming from a side-street she had just passed. "By the blessing of Moseke he will be ok, El'sia. I just know it! The healers at the clinic will be able to save him." There was a low moan and then soft weeping became clear as Oonah's steps slowed to see whom was approaching and what help they needed.

A man in rough-spun cloth and the fleecy vest of a herder turned the corner clutching a boy turned tight against his chest in both arms. At his side, the boy's mother was carrying a weighted sack held away from her body and paced her steps with a stout walking stick. The woman clutched the swaying sack so tightly that her knuckles were white. She cried out as she caught sight of Oonah's cloak. The man looked up from his intent steps and sobbed with hopeful relief to see her ahead.

Oonah didn't want him to delay a single trill in explaining anything. "Quickly, forward to clinic just ahead. To blue cloak healer waiting..." She felt she would need to rattle the distraught mother to get any information so she fell in rapid step and barked her demand, "TELL ME."

The woman's shoulders fell as she scrambled - tap, tap, tap - after her husband and son. "Ssssnaake, miLady. Ohhhh! Bit em! Bit em good!" She shook the swinging sack into the conversation, "Beat it to death with my stick. Brought it to you." Good, the woman had kept her story short, maybe she had her wits about her better than Oonah would have expected.

Oonah had more than a little experience with snake bites and venom. In the wilderness Tunawa dealt with all types of natural poisons and she had done her share of... examinations. She had even processed various snake venoms to grow antidotes, but she didn't yet have the experience to do it quickly. Instead, they needed to identify how many bite marks there were to know how bad the tissue damage was and how much time they might have. It would help if they knew what type of snake it was, when it had happened, and how and where the boy had gotten bit. She was afraid there wasn't time for all of that.

As they reached Gennadiya getting the boy settled, Oonah commanded, pointing a finger straight to the ground, "Show snake."

The woman upended the cloth sack to shake the limp body of a yellow, red and black-banded serpent onto the stones. It was over three times Oonah's size. Looking pointedly between the snake and Gennadiya, she hoped the parents couldn't understand as she calmly recited in Xanthean, "'Red next to black, safe from attack; red next to yellow, you're a dead fellow.' It is known, a Coral Adder's venom can kill in as little as one break. One bite is bad, more is worse." A drop of shame fell into her voice in knowing, if only she had a little more exprience she could have helped this boy with her own natural talent. It was a humblingly impotent thing to have to ask, "Does clinic keep anti-venom near?"

The boy's gasping breaths became more ragged as both parents rushed forward in alarmed outcry.

Snake-Bites First-Aid
Coral Snake

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Re: He Pulled What Out of That Hole in The Ground (Oonah)

Gennadiya Lyosha

25 Arc Human Female
Plantium Blond Hair and Sapphire Blue Eyes
Favored of Ymiden and Moseke
Blue Cloak of the Adunih

Currently Preparing for War

He Pulled What Out of That Hole in The Ground (Oonah)
Vhalar 3, 719

Gennadiya was finally managing to get the pile of pillows under control and into order to more effectively get them into the clinic. Genna was torn between humor and frustration. Really just tossing the pillows there at the entrance leaving her to be an amusing sight for others to behold. The more mature and devoted parts of the healer knew that it was funny and she should and could laugh about it, but there was apart deep down inside her, the part supported her pride, that had caused her to flee to the streets that screamed with a wrath. How dare they humiliate her. Genna pictured her sister’s beautiful face and in that moment she felt that inner voice quiet down. Still there but Genna remembered what it was that she was striving for.

It was then that her rather interesting ten bits was rather dramatically interrupted. She first heard the welcoming call of her sister healer Oonah. Gennadiya paused and blew a stray feather away and looked down the street where the call had come from. She expected to see the small form of Oonah bouncing her way to the clinic. She did see Oonah but saw her swept up in the rush as a man and woman rushed towards the clinic. In their arms was a child at this distance Genna couldn’t tell if it was a boy or girl but she knew the signs. She threw open the doors since the street was a terrible place to do a medical and grabbing a couple pillows and threw them on the ground to act as a bed. She looked at the wide eyed green cloak receptionist. “I am going to need a stretcher.”

It was at that time that the panicked parents arrived. Gennadiya pointed to the make shift bed since couldn’t really figure out what was wrong with the boy, she could see that now, while clutched to his father’s chest. As they got the boy settled on the pillows Genna watched as a snake was desperately dumped onto the ground. Well that was good they brought they ugly thing. It also told Genna exactly what the problem was. Her blue eyes looked into Oonah’s as she spoke in Xanthean. She continued to look over bit there only appear to be one bit but given Oonah’s description that was enough. “Thank you sister.” Genna said in gratitude.

The boy was sick, as the venom was spreading and spreading quickly and the boy was in pain. Gennadiya looked up at Oonah her expression determined and her voice focused. “We have antivenom, but we have something else. I need to focus to do what I about to do. Don’t let anyone interrupt me.” Gennadiya closed her eyes and put her hand one the bit, then opened them up and looked at the father. “Hold your son down. We can’t him thrashing while I am drawing out the venom.” Then she closed her eyes again.

Gennadiya then focused and used her Sanctuary ability. Inside she prayed to Moseke and then turned her focus on pulling the venom out of the boy’s veins. To those watching a green light in the shape of a tree branch began to grow down Genna’s arm and then over the boy. It began to spread seeking the edges of the venom as she focused.


Hair glows slightly from Ymiden
A Green tree on shoulder blade from Moseke
Posses a magic Rose which heals scares.
word count: 631
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Re: He Pulled What Out of That Hole in The Ground (Oonah)

Gennadiya Lyosha

25 Arc Human Female
Plantium Blond Hair and Sapphire Blue Eyes
Favored of Ymiden and Moseke
Blue Cloak of the Adunih

Currently Preparing for War

He Pulled What Out of That Hole in The Ground (Oonah)
Vhalar 3, 719

Gennadiya had no clue what was going on around as her focus was completely placed upon the boy laying before her. She vaguely could sense the boy’s father close by holding him down. With her mind and her mark she began to search through the body. She could easily find the source of the venom but needed to find how far it had extended. She could feel her ability continuing it search. Genna focused on the boy and the search.

Even as she focused glowing tree spread from her arm and down across the boy the light flowing along the paths of the venom. If you knew anything about the body would could see it following the blood vessel making a path towards the heart. Gennadiya’s eyes were closed so she couldn’t see the mother standing proactively over them even as the world moved on around them.

Gennadiya couldn’t have really said how long she lay there and to those watching it seemed to take forever, but in reality the glowing quickly found the edge of the spreading venom. Then began the real battle and the dangerous part as Genna focused on gathering all of the venom and beginning to pull it back. To those watching the green glowing tree image began to pulse as it pulled the venom back towards the source where already venom was beginning to be consumed holy energy

As the farther edges become clear of venom Genna sent healing energy back so patch up the damaged left by the venom. The process continued for a couple minutes, and sweet began to appear on Genna’s forehead. Soon though all of the venom had been pulled out of the boy’s body towards where it was burned away by power of Moseke’s mark. The young woman fought the urge to relax her focus in these final stages.

Eventually the glowing green tree began to shrink returning back to the mark of Gennadiya’s should. Genna opened her eyes and looked down at the boy who was once again breathing regularly though he was now asleep. The young healer leaned forward and began to check the boy to make sure he was okay and that there wasn’t anything other than the snake bit. She slowly looked him over as she felt a bit sluggish after all of that effort to remove the posion.

“Ow is ee doin?” Can the worried question from the mother. The Lysorian woman looked up and smiled at the mother.

“We have pulled out the venom, but he still needs time to recover his strength.” She looked over at the other members of the Order who had come because of all of the commotion. She was sure she looked rather amusing sitting on the ground next to the boy on some of the pillows with stacks of other pillows around them. She looked up as the boy was picked up by his father. “We will let him sleep here so we can keep an eye on him but if all is good he can go home in the morning. Vera, a matronly blue hood, motioned for them to follow her into the building while Genna continued to sit for a moment. After a while she felt a hand touch her shoulder. The blue eyes healer looked up to find Vera standing there holding a cup of tea out for Gennadiya. “I made some for the boy’s mother to help restore her. I think you will need some more then she does though.”

“Thank you.” Genna said as she took the tea. Vera sat next to her friend on the step, and the two sat there watching the busy street while Genna drank her tea, both surrounded by pillows and neither really caring.


Hair glows slightly from Ymiden's mark
A Green tree on shoulder blade from Mosekes mark
In possession of a magic Rose which heals scares.
word count: 703
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Re: He Pulled What Out of That Hole in The Ground (Oonah)


Medicine x3
Discipline x2
Leadership x1

Loot: -
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: +5, for helping the boy
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Knowledge: -
Loot: -
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: -
Points: 15
- - -
Comments: First of all, I appreciate it that you finished the thread rather than just submitting it as is.

The ending worked well in my opinion.

I was impressed by the woman in Oonah’s post not only bringing her son, but also the snake that bit him.

Not all parents would have thought of that!

That was an interesting way for the two PCs to meet. I appreciate how focused and disciplined Gennadiya was. It is obvious that she is a very skilled and experienced doctor.

Moseke’s blessing is definitely useful in such situations. I liked in how much detail you described Gennadiya using the Sanctuary ability. That was fascinating to read in my opinion.

I might have added “Discipline” and “Leadership” to the list of skills used. There were a few occasions where Gennadiya used them in my opinion, and you requested knowledges for the two skills as well.

With that being said, enjoy your rewards!

Oonah, if you come back and want rewards for this thread, send me a PM please, and I'll edit this review.
word count: 221





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