• Closed • Well, that's not good.

33rd of Vhalar 720

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Well, that's not good.

33rd of Vhalar, 720
Vivian was looking over files in her office when Snuffle, Vega's Warden partner, sped into the room through the window and handed her a rolled up piece of parchment. Vega didn't write except at need, so Vivian took the parchement with some concern. "Wait a minute, Snuffle. I may need you to tell Vega something when you get back to her. Eat or drink or whatever if you need it, though." she said as she opened the parchment and frowned slightly. If they ever got into a pitched battle where Vega was present, Vivian was assigning her sister a scribe to write for her. She, personally, had no issues with Vega's writing, but was difficult to read. But after a moment, she started reading it out loud and then everything came horribly, distressingly clear. "Son of a BITCH!" she snapped, her voice rising to a shout as she stood up from her desk.

A second later, her secretary popped open the door but Vivian had turned to him before he could even speak. "I need three knights with flying mounts in here now! At least one of which needs to be able to carry a second person and make a round trip." she ordered. Her secretary left at a run, and Vivian turned to Snuffle. "Which watchtower were you two at?" she asked, and when the little water spirit replied, Vivian nodded. "Get back to her, tell her to stable her horse if she brought one and wait at that tower. We need to meet in person, and I don't have time for her to walk or ride back, so I'm sending someone to pick her up." she said, her voice as calm as she could make it.

Once Snuffle was gone, Vivian sat down at her desk and started to write, very quickly, three different notes. Partway through the third, however, she paused, then nodded to herself. Sending troops into those tunnels was a death sentence and she wouldn't entertain it. If they could collapse them, though, that would be better. Then, after another moments thought, she wrote another note and dropped it in the Echo Box so it could take a shortcut to Rharne proper. She had ordered knights with flying mounts stationed at Command Central for just such occasions.

When her secretary returned with three Justicars who had flying mounts, Vivian looked at her secretary. "You stay there. I'll have more orders in a minute." she said. Her secretary nodded and she turned to the three Justicars. "Who can best make a round trip and carry a second person on the way back?" she asked. When one of the knights stepped forward, she nodded and gave him the tower Snuffle had said they were at. "Go there and pick up Sentinel Vega Creede. You know who she is if you've been here any amount of time. Bring her back here, fast as possible." she said. The Justicar nodded, then hurried out at her dismissal. "Next, which of you has a mount with good stamina, because one of you has a long ride." she said, and nodded when another one of the Justicars stepped forward. "Take this to each of the Watchtowers. Go as fast as you can without wearing out your mount." she said, handing him the first note she had written. When he left, Vivian turned to the last Jusiticar and handed the knight the last two notes. "Take these to Rharne proper and deliver them in person. The one in the black binding goes to the General in charge of the Stormlands barracks. The one in the white binding goes to the central supply depot." she said, nodding when the knight left.

With the notes dispatched, she turned to her secretary again. "Put a lookout on the tower. As soon as the first knight is spotted returning, I want to know about it. I'll have more orders then." she said, and when her secretary left, Vivian sighed and sat down. Fortunately, she already had guards in the basements of Storm's Edge, since they'd already been breached once. There'd been no trouble from that direction, but she wasn't about to let her guard down. Still, she couldn't make a move until Vega returned, so in the meantime, she opened the personnel files. Since she had arrived, she had ordered files kept on not only the knights and priestesses in Storm's Edge, but also the Order of Adunih members and the civilian volunteers. Finding the Ithecal that Vega had mentioned in her letter, Praetorum, was easier because of those files than it would have been without, and she was very glad she'd given the order. Once that was done, she ascertained the rest of the people she wanted to speak to were in Storm's Edge, then settled down for a very stressful waiting period.

When her secretary arrived and gave word that Vega and her escort had been spotted, she nodded. "I need see her as soon as she lands. In addition, I need to see Sergeant Varlum Onarmus, Gennadiya Loshova of the Order of Adunih, and the civilian volunteers Elisabeth Angelus and Praetorum." she said, before pausing. "And tell the cooks I'll want dinner for six in my office as well." she said, getting a raised eyebrow from her secretary before he left. When the others arrived, she nodded to them in turn, then directed them to seats. "I'm afraid we don't have time for proper introductions if you all don't know each other, but in short: Sentinel Vega Creede and Sergeant Varlum Onarmus are my field leaders. Gennadiya Loshova is in charge of the healers here in Storm's Edge. Elisabeth and Praetorum, you're both here on Vega's recommendation." she said, gesturing to each in turn. "Now you're all here because Vega was investigating the Watchtowers and found something important. Vega, could you explain what you found, please?" she asked, her tone a forced calm. Vivian had read Vega's letter, yes, but she wanted Vega to explain it herself just in case the letter hadn't been comprehensive.
Watchtower Note
From: Agent Vivian Shiryu, Commander of Storm's Edge

Evidence of Flameborn tunnels have been found under the Watchtowers. By my order, secure the bottom floor of the Watchtowers. More danger from below than from without. Reinforcements coming as soon as possible, means of dealing with the tunnels coming as soon as prepared. Do not attempt to breach the tunnels, no knowledge of forces in tunnels.
Barracks Note
From: Agent Vivian Shiryu, Commander of Storm's Edge

Flameborn tunnels have been found under the Watchtowers. Request that three full squads of Guardians, one of Justicars, and one of Stewards be sent to reinforce each Watchtower with all haste. If they fall, Rharne and all it's people are exposed. Means of sealing the tunnels will arrive at the Watchtowers as soon as can be prepared. Do not attempt to breach the tunnels, no knowledge of forces in tunnels.
Supply Note
From: Agent Vivian Shiryu, Commander of Storm's Edge

Flameborn tunnels have been found under the Watchtowers. Will be sending demolitions teams to supply to pick up materials to destroy the tunnels. No explosives kept in Storm's Edge due to frequency and nature of Flameborn attacks.
Command Note
From: Agent Vivian Shiryu, Commander of Storm's Edge

Sentinel Vega Creede has found evidence of Flameborn tunnels under the Watchtowers. No knowledge of forces within the tunnels, but an assualt of the tunnels is almost guaranteed to end in failure, with a high death count even if we succeed. I have sent a note to the barracks requesting the Watchtowers be reinforced. I am also requesting that a demolitions team with all needed supplies to collapse the tunnels be sent to each Watchtower, with a demolitions expert sent to Storm's Edge. Due to the nature and frequency of the Flameborn attacks, we do not keep supplies of explosives in Storm's Edge at this time, so I have alerted the central supply depot to expect demolitions teams. Intent is to collapse the entire tunnel system and bury the Flameborn in their own caves. More information may follow.
word count: 1388
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Re: Well, that's not good.

33rd Vhalar, 720.
She'd been flown back in style, for which Vega was grateful. Because they had work to do. There was no doubting it, Vega was nervous about this, but as always her nerves translated in a specific manner. She said nothing as they flew and, as they landed and a Lightning Knight walked up and briskly informed her that she was wanted, immediately, in Vivian's office, Vega nodded. "I'm on my way," she said. She'd taken the time to tie her unruly hair back in a braid as they had made their way back here, and so the young biqaj took a brief detour to the library where she grabbed a map, then she jogged up the stairs and knocked the door to Vivian's office, which she walked in when she was bidden to enter.

There were others there, and Vega's eyes glanced around. She saw Varlum, Gennadiya, Elisabeth, Praetorum and she nodded. Vega had a bruise on her face, another on her shoulder, but she paid no heed to either of those things, instead looking at Vivian and giving just the slightest smile.

Vivian wanted her to describe what she'd seen and, to Vega's mind that was more than sensible. "Of course," she said with a nod to Vivian. Then, she turned and pinned the map to the wall, pulling a pencil from her satchel as she did. "It's important that everyone understands a little background, though. Right back at the beginnin' of this whole nonsense, Vivian, Gennadiya, Varlum an' I fought some... I think they were dogernickels, I don't remember, but they were in the basement here in Storm's Edge. An' we had a situation previously where Ramernickels came from a hole in the ground which appeared in the courtyard, an' collapsed behind them." Looking around, she made sure that they understood that bit. Then, "Varlum, Praetorum, Genna, Vivian an' I were in the stormwastes previously, last season," she thought it was last season. She put a mark on the map where it was. "We fought a Doomernickel, An' in there we found a device, it was blue crystal an' it hummed. They're researchin' it, apparently, still. But it were underground, in a gateway. The Doomernickel spoke, in a language what I could understand, because of a necklace." Tapping that, she frowned and said. "An' in that place, we learned that they will throw everythin' they had, to protect that Gateway. The words I learned were Separate, Ambush, an' Close The Gateway." She said each of these words, carefully so that they could hear them.

"Then," she continued, "Varlum, Gennadiya, Elisabeth an' I went to the Umbral Caverns," she said. "An' there we found another chamber, this time with an obelisk-lookin' thing what also hummed with energy. More attacks, an' more words in the same language." She marked where they'd started. "But there, we found also that there were a lot of tunnels. We fell through the ground about here," she marked again, "We were already underground, but we fell or climbed into tunnels below that one. An' the chamber we found was roughly here."

Pointing there, she said. "There were a Bob, an' a bunch of wormanickels. This time, it were Bob who was commandin' them, an' he said Protect The Tunnels an' Collapse The Tunnels." The map now showed two distinct places. "So, there's tunnels an' there's tunnels underneath them an' there's hummin' things. So, I decided that I'd go have a look in one of the Watch Towers, to see if the stars show me anythin'." In case anyone didn't know - she was fairly sure that Praetorum didn't, for instance, Vega tugged at the button of her blouse, revealing the glowing pattern of starlight in the shape of a dragon on her chest. "I'm twice marked by Xiur, an' he's kind enough to give me abilities as part of that." The glowing band of Qylios was on the arm which revealed her Xiur-mark, while the silver lightning around the dragon and the flaming heart mark in the center of the dragon, where Vega's heart was, showed that she was also blessed by Ilaren and Daia. "One of which means that I can ... well, I can see by the light of the stars, an' know where I should go - starlight kind of forms a shape an' informs me, or directs me. Anyhow, I went up one Tower, used this ability, an' I saw this path. That was weird, because it were wiggly, an' I usually see where I should end up or the direction I should go in. But, it jus' showed me another step. So, I went to the next Tower, an' then the next one."

Each place, she marked on the map, or encircled it if it was already there.

"At first, I saw it, but in a broken way. I had to go to them to see it more clearly. Tunnels. Much further than I could see in jus' one place. From here," she marked on the map, "to here. The Mire to the Umbral Caverns, there's tunnels an' chambers. The chambers are roughly here," she marked each one. "The tunnels go deep underground, further than I could see, even by Xiur's light. But the thing that seemed odd - really odd - was that there were no entrances, no exits. There was no where where the tunnels," she was drawing them on to the map as she spoke, the ones she recalled, marking them out, "where they came up to the surface. Until I looked closer. The situation we had in the Umbral Caverns, where we were in one tunnel, but the real deal was underneath us, an' we dropped through?" Vega looked at Varlum and the others who had been there with her. "Well, those are under the Watchtowers. Like. Directly beneath them. We know they're under the Umbral Caverns like that, too, an' I suspect the Tower, with it's buzzin' energy nonsense is the same." Vega looked at them and her smile was slight, tense, concerned. Her eyes swirled in an array of colours and the shifting changing hues moved quickly. "They're able to listen in, to spy on our movements, an' to erupt out of here at a moment's notice. All under our noses. All under our feet."

Looking at Vivian then, she said, genuinely. "I don't know if there's any other Xiur marked knockin' around this place, but I suggest that we take the fastest flyin' mount an' tonight I go an' work out what's goin' on under the Tower an' we work out the full extreme extent of this. Mark down every chamber, every tunnel. We need to discover the extremes of this, the outside of it - an' I suspect that Volta is involved, because of how weird that place is. Once we have a genuinely detailed map, then we can plan. Until then, plannin' is useful, but I think we have to know exactly what we're facin', an' where it ends. So, I'd like to go tonight - it's got to be by star light, an' I'd like to take two folks with me who map what I'm tellin' them I see. Jus' in case one person misses somethin'. That work?"

word count: 1242

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Well, that's not good.

"All of you keep training, work hard. Any of you slack and you spar with me next time" he grinned, all the knights chuckling to themselves as Varlum turned and leaned down, being told to see Vivian as a matter of absolute urgency. Without a moment of hesitation he nodded, grabbing his axe from the wall it was leaning on and made his way out of the courtyard to Vivian's office. Walking past small crowds, Varlum arrived to see his sister and gave her a small nod, kneeling down inside of her room and waiting for all of the others to arrive one by one. With each face entering the room he felt more comfortable, having worked closely with everyone here. A trial prior him and Prae had been training together and talking, before that he had worked relatively closely with the whole group. At least he had that going for him.

Once Vega arrived, however, Varlum simply listened. Hearing himself called a Field Leader gave him a small moment of pride, but with the situation as tense as it felt he didn't let that smile spread across his face. Instead, he gave his full attention to what Vega said, kneeling himself down to be closer to the same height as everyone else. As she explained each mission they went on Varlum simply nodded, having been a part of all of them. So many pieces to put together, he had thought through them all. Yet none of the pieces matched in his mind until now, until her explanation. It all made sense. The tunnels led directly to them but the creatures weren't just making them for no reason. They were listening and waiting. But for what? What did they want to wait for?

Once Vega had said her piece, the Ithecal glanced to Vivian for a moment. "I'd offer to help Vega, but I'm not exactly an artist. Drawing out maps wouldn't work. So what do you need the rest of us to do?" he asked, deciding she likely needed blunt and honest questions right now. All of the work at Storm's Edge was taking a toll on them all. "Just give me the word and we can change the guard spots and patrols of every knight, mercenary, and volunteer in this place. I imagine we need more security at those tunnels and towers if we're going to prevent a full assault from within?"

After those questions Varlum simply waited and let everyone else speak, glancing around the room and making sure everybody was alright. As usual, his Inspire was active, ensuring that everyone could ignore and avoid their fears and doubts. Now was a time for calm more than ever. This was more than just a threat to them, truth be told, but it was an opportunity. If Vega's findings could be weaponized against the enemy they would be able to cut them off at the root and force them to make a move. While tactics had never been Varlum's thing he understood the basics of warfare, at least in its simplest form. Provoke the enemy to make the move, back them into a small corner and if they rush too aggressively they die. Only problem was that some people panicked in small corners, and creatures like this could do a lot of damage on a rampage.

They had to be ready.
word count: 573
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Re: Well, that's not good.


Gennadiya was in her office talking with one of the green cloaks who had been sent down for the season. The young woman was keeping them rotated as the experience was good, but to much battle could jade a healer. Genna was currently holding a young healer who wasn’t equipped to handle this type of situation. The young woman had helped one of the surgeons with an amputation a dozen trials back. The head of the local branch had seen the report, and beyond reading it and feeling sorry for the young man, hadn’t given it another thought.

In all honesty she wasn’t really concerned about the actual surgery still, the knight was alive, and actually could make a excellent recover. Sorry for the man still, but this young lady appeared to be the true casualty of the even. She was having nightmare about the event, and having a panic attack every time that she saw the poor man. Genna had listened to the story and the problems that were occurring with the young lady.

As she cried in Genna’s arms she made several decisions, but before she could act on them a messenger arrived with an urgent summons from Vivan. Genna gentle pushed the young woman away and said. “I need to go to this meeting, but I want to help you. Please go to your room, drink some tea and try and mediate or do something that makes you happy. I will come and we can continue this conversation.” She smiled at the girl, who didn’t look happy but nodded and made her way out of the room. Genna retrieved her note book and pen and then left the room. Naylie hummed softy as she sat in Genna’s hair currently invisible to regular people. Her hum was a sad sort of piece. Genna’s mood reflected the music. The woman was bright, but this wasn’t the first of these break downs. Now Genna would need to see where else she would serve, maybe in medical research.

The booted healer had arrived by this time to Vivian office and stepped into the room. She smiled a greeting at the others in the room, and gave hugs were appropriate before taking her seat. She knew everyone in the office, some more then others, but everyone had become close to her. Her sapphire blue eyes watched with interest but a calm.

Soon the purpose of this meeting was made clear. The enemy had tunnels everywhere, but they were using the towers as their bases. Genna remembered the various events referenced and she agreed that there was evidence to support that. The young woman felt like smacking herself, the clues made sense now. Genna kept her expression attentive though, and focused on what was being said instead of beating herself up.

Once there was a lull in the conversation. Genna said. “I am not much of a drawer but I can write descriptions, and attempt to draw the map.” She offered but thought for a moment and looked at Vivian and spoke. “Sometimes in healing you come across something challenging choices with the body.” She remembered the conversation she had already had today. “You might find a wound so infected, or so damaged that the safest course of action is to remove the limb.” Her voice, “I would suggest that while we discover the extend of these, we also prepare to remove the infect limbs.” She tilted her head and said. “I would also suggest that we don’t do it anywhere near the towers since they can spy on the towers. Maybe ships in the river that then can come a shore when we are ready to move. Also maybe lets leave them false clues about maybe a planning a major assault on say the Umbral Caves so they prepare differently.” Genna’s eyes hardened. “The little monsters have been playing us, lets use their game to our advantage.”

"Genna", "NPC"
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Re: Well, that's not good.

"The commander?" Prae asked, somewhat puzzled. The messenger nodded hurriedly, and quickly rattled off directions, before running off. Prae frowned after the man for a moment, then headed in the direction of the commander's office. He didn't know what this was about, but Prae knew an order when he heard one.

The commander, it turned out, was a familiar face—one of the other humans who he'd seen in the fight against the doomernickel. Varlum, who he'd only spoken to a trial prior was here as well, and Prae gave him a friendly nod, before settling as well on the floor to be closer to level with the humans. Of the others who arrived, Vega was the only other one he was familiar with, but a quick round of introductions matched names and roles to faces.

Then Vega spoke, and Prae frowned, troubled. Attacks in the basement of Storm's Edge, a literal spy network of tunnels under tunnels that reached all the way to the watchtowers, humming things that they didn't understand... This was an incredibly thorough operation; how long had those tunnels been there? Maybe if they cross referenced messages sent to the watchtower with nickel attacks... Well, he wasn't sure it mattered anymore, except maybe to get a better idea of how long this enemy force had had to grow. 

"I might be able to help with the map." Prae reached into the domain bag at his side, and pulled out a book. Opening it up, the pages within began to expand and fold themselves into a 3D map of Storm's Edge—but only the parts that Prae had been to, leaving several rooms blank. "This map only displays what I know, not the truth, and I can't make it permanent, but it could help translating what Vega describes into Gennadiya's drawings. I can also detect movement in the elements at a range of around 200 feet, so I can also double as a lookout. Can't help with figuring out the tunnels unless something is moving along them though."

Folding up the map, Prae tucked it back into his bag. "As for what to do about the tunnels... We should wait until we have a fuller picture, but right now I'm having a hard time thinking of a situation where we wouldn't want to remove the limb, to use Gennadiya's words. The ideal would be to fool them right up until we act, but there's a chance that ship has already sailed, or soon will. If they were watching when Vega investigated the towers, and then left in a hurry, or if they're still watching when we return and start mapping. And tricking them would mean not reinforcing the watchtowers with more men until we're ready, which, given their placement..." Prae grimaced. "Might be safer just to strike hard and fast instead of quiet and careful."

"As you say, Vega, we should save the real planning for when we have a map of the tunnels, but it couldn't hurt to start gathering the things we might need while we're out there. If we end up needing to close off their tunnels, how would we do so? How many explosives can we muster? Could we flush out the tunnels before we collapse them?

Alternatively, if we don't wish to do that for whatever reason, do we have the manpower to set guards over each tunnel without compromising the safety of the rest of the region? And how do we stop—"

Prae's eyes widened as an idea occurred to him. "The Augustin's command center! We should make sure that they haven't been compromised as well, given how much information they've been gathering. And if they haven't, perhaps we should adopt some of their safety measures, if at all possible."
word count: 654
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: Well, that's not good.

33 Vhalar, Arc 720.

Elisabeth had just returned to the fortress the trial before and was still a bit exhausted. After the cavern mission, she had gone back to Rharne to make sense of everything that had happened and figure out what her place was in the larger picture. It was difficult, this new world, and she felt as though she would larger navigating it on her own. Of course, she could have asked for help she didn't want to be a bother to anyone, so she struggled through the process best she could. Truthfully, Balthazar had helped. The young woman had needed a distraction and helping him through his trials during the Copper Prince challenge had provided that. Plus, she had gained a good friend in the process.

When the messenger found her, she was on her way to get something to eat. Commander? Oh, Vivian. Elisabeth had met her on her first trial at the fortress, when she had met Vega and had been sent out on the mission with Vega, Varlum & Gennadiya. Making her way to where she had been instructed to go, she found others there as well. Saying hello to everyone and exchanging hugs with Gennadiya, her sapphire eyes cast around the room, noting the only person she didn't know was the other civilian involved in the meeting - an Ithecal named Praetorum. Finding a spare chair next to him, she went over and introduced herself quickly before the meeting began.

Vivian made quick introductions and ceded the floor to Vega, who quickly outlined the specific history that brought them all there, which was extremely helpful for the young woman as she had only a vague understanding of the events that had transpired before the Umbral Caverns. Opening her notebook, she flipped to the pages with her notes, making a few quick ones while Vega was talking, not wanting to forget anything. That's when she hit the heart of the matter with the tunnels and watchtowers. Damn. That information changed a lot of things for her. Quickly scribbling a few questions and thoughts, she continued to listen as each person spoke.

Varlum followed up with some notes on increased security and changes to be made to the rotation and that triggered a thought in her mind - one she needed to share when the time was appropriate. Genna spoke of removing infected limbs and using whatever means the Flameborn had to spy on them to their advantage. It was a smart idea really although tough to know exactly how to convey that message.

Praetorum had some interesting thoughts as well. Vega had started the thought of mapping what they could and he followed up with insight of his own. But his mention of the Command Center sent a shiver through her spine. Damn! She had seen for her own eyes the type of information they had there and how damaging that could be to their cause. Elisabeth knew there were things protecting the building but she didn't know specifically what so there was no way for her to know if it was truly in danger...but it made her think of another chilling thought.

I agree with the thinking that mapping the expanse of the tunnels and getting a better idea of what we are dealing with is a sound idea. More detailed planning can happen from there. I have a more immediate concern though. We now have a rough idea of the scope of the tunnels. Vega, you said that there have been skirmishes with Flameborn even here at the fortress. I'm wondering if we aren't dealing with a much bigger problem. Is it possible that the tunnels run underneath the fortress and maybe even to Rharne itself? I think it would be prudent to try to investigate that possibility as well because if it's true, we will have to devote attention to that as well. If they are inside Rharne's walls, the ship has already sailed, horse bolted and whatever else means we are already behind." The idea that the Flameborn might already be in Rharne made her mad but she couldn't discount the possibility. They had already misjudged the expanse of tunnels before. Who knew how long they had been at it. Fiddling with her necklace, she considered the next topic.

"As for their spying on us, I agree that if we can figure out how they are doing it, it would be an advantage in our favor. Use their own system against them. This humming energy theme that Vega mentioned keeps repeating. Padraig, Faith Augustine's husband, mentioned that he felt the Spire was doing something similar - collecting energy and storing it. We've had a theory that the crystal that was taken from the obelisk in the caverns did the same thing considering when we arrived there, the room we found it in was long abandoned...and the obelisk/crystal was still humming along. There have been a few more theories along the way - communications device, conversion device...but the truth is we don't know what they do yet." Many theories had been floated but the truth was still waiting for them.

" I willing to help with the mapping as well. I know you already have two volunteers. I'm not good at drawing but I'm good with notes and research. I could take notes while someone else maps so they don't have to do both? Just an idea..."

word count: 919
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Re: Well, that's not good.

Vivian listened quietly as Vega gave her full report, then listened to the suggestions from both Vega and the rest of the group. Varlum's thinking ran along her own lines, and she smiled slightly at that. Gennadiya's response was offensive minded, which was a slight surprise but again not off base from what Vivian had planned out. Praetorum had a very impressive map, and some good tactical points. Vivian was, in fact, already assuming the Flameborn were aware they knew about the towers. The point he, and then Elisabeth, made about Rharne and the Command Center were well thought of and Vivian nodded. When they had made their suggestions, she looked at the group as a whole and grinned slightly.

"Good thoughts, all of you. I think, however, we are at risk of overstating our enemies espionage capabilities. Quite simply, if they were listening in on us the whole time, they most likely would have collapses the Umbral Caverns Tunnels before you got there. There was nothing secret about that assignment, after all." she said, her tone calm. "However, the point about investigating whether there are tunnels under the Command Center or Rharne is well taken." she said, before turning to her sister. "Vega, I agree you need to be back underway tonight, but I'll be sending you to those locations before the Spire. Command Central is protected, there's an...enchantment around it that Doctor Augustine set up when the place was built. It's also got a moats worth of Brightgleam Oasis'. That said, I still want to know if there's tunnels under there. As for Rharne, if we lose the city itself, we'll all die." she said, her tone calm.

Then she looked at the group as a whole again. "As it stands, I've pre-empted some of your points. Orders have already been sent to the Watchtowers to guard against attacks from below. In addition, I have requested that sizeable reinforcements be sent from Rharne to each Watchtower." she said, before she gave a cold smile. "As to the tunnels themselves, given how we've been fighting this war, the most obvious thing to do is try to clear out the tunnels, yes? Send knights in to exterminate our enemy with sword, axe, and lance?" she said, before shaking her head. "That's a suicide run, and not what we're going to do. I've also sent a request that Rharne proper send a demolitions team to each Watchtower with enough explosives to completely collapse the tunnels. With, ideally, enough force to collapse their entire underground cave system." she said, her smile turning to a savage grin. "My intention is to bury them in their own caves and let any who survive the rocks and soil collapsing on them suffocate to death." she said, her tone more cheerful than such an action warranted. "Now, since we can't collapse the tunnels directly beneath the Watchtowers without destroying the Watchtowers, what I want is to know where a good place to blow them all back to Faldrun's pits is. How far back from each Tower do the explosives need to be?" she said, her tone and expression calming. "So, thoughts?"


Vivian sighed for a moment as the aftermath of Vega's report and the following discussion wound to a close. There were no tunnels beyon the Watchtower, and her initial plan had been amplified by suggestions from the others. Still, it was her command, and the final orders were hers to give. "All right, I think we've gotten all we're going to get from this. The demolitions teams will prepare as much explosive ordnance as they need to collapse the tunnels and drop the Watchtowers on top of them. Snowflakes will be requisitioned from Scalvoris, unless you feel like donating Vega, so that we can freeze the Oasis water. A skilled rupturer will be brought on board so we can drop water on the more centrally located areas as they collapse.

In the meantime, the Wardens will create and store as much Brightgleam Water as they can. I will work with a mathematician to see how much we can flood with the water we'll have available at the time, and with his help, work out the best time freeze the waters. In addition, signals will be set up so that we can evacuate the Watchtowers, set off the bombs, and drop the snowflakes all on command.

Once everything is in place and ready to go, I will give the order to evacuate the Watchtowers, which will be guarded during the interim. Once the Watchtowers are evacuated, the order will be given to set off the bombs. Then, once enough time as has passed to be sure we'll get the best out of those snowflakes as possible, we'll drop them and free the waters. The initial wave of waters will be stored in the Watchtowers so that it'll be dropped into the tunnels when the towers collapse. Vega, when the areas away from the Watchtowers start to collapse, our rupturer will make the portal we need and we'll make the big Oasis.

Finally, we can't operate on a guarantee of success. I want you all to be prepared in case something goes wrong, so that we aren't caught flat footed and helpless. The enemy haven't been stupid to this point and I wouldn't be surprised if the leader at least had some kind of out. As Gennadiya suggested, I'll have knights with flying mounts in the air when things start going off, so that we know of any escapees.

I'll have the orders sent out. In the meantime, you're all dismissed to regular duty until the time comes." she said, her tone firm. They had a solid plan, and she had, after some internal debate, destroyed the information on the defenders that had been found in the Umbral Caverns. Investigation had been, and was, still to risky to undertake given the current precarious position of Storm's Edge. The discover of the Watchtowers had only bolstered that belief. Better to destroy it and keep the very existence of such information, as well as how thorough it had been, a secret until they firmly had the upper hand in the fight. As far as Vivian could tell, they had every possible advantage they could get. With Ilaren's grace and a bit of luck, they were going to win this.
word count: 1098
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Re: Well, that's not good.

33rd Vhalar, 720.
Vega listened to Vivian, to the others, too, and she nodded her head. Then, she spoke. "If we've got a rupturin' mage, then we need to consider the non-combatants here, too. I think we'll all fight better knowin' that the children are safe. I certainly will." That said, she looked at Vivian and said, softly. "I can keep up to five children - which is people under the age of eighteen arcs, safe. As long as I can see them when I activate the ability, they'll be taken to a place not in this world, far as I can tell. It's a tent, where there's a woman who'll look after them, where no one can harm them, where there are beds and warm food an' kindness." Vega's eyes were solid, unmoving purple as she spoke. "The little girl we rescued from the Umbral Caverns gets a place. Then, there's a place for Tiddle an' Wink." Determined eyes regarded Vivian as she said that. Vega had no doubt that Vivian could put aside her worries, but it was better that she didn't have them. So. "Those girls are important to me. That leaves two places left, an' frankly, I'd rather it if there weren't two children in this place to fill them. But if there are, lets put them there."

There might be questions, Vega knew, but she would answer them before asked - hopefully. "They're able to leave any time they want, the Matron there is more'n a match for anyone, an' it's a nice place. They'll be able to practice, to play, to rest. " Glancing around, Vega shrugged. "Alright then, time to come clean, an' get prepared. We could all now go off an' individually get ready, but I've got an ability what allows us to work together, as a team, as though we're all bonded by Qylios."

She sighed slightly. "We need to make sure that we've all got a full an' complete supply of Brightgleam Water, too. Individually coatin' blades an' frankly turn up to battle soggy. Also, jus' before we do this, I can boost us all, in terms of skills, make us better, more focused. On whatever aspect of what we're doin' you are individually doin'. " There was no doubt, Vega considered, that would be useful.

"We've got a few trials. I suggest that we practice. Out in the open, an' in the courtyard. We work hard, an' we practice tactics. Then," she said, and she glanced at Varlum. He knew why she said this. "An' up here, jus' us an' with no one else's knowledge, I suggest we plan somethin' entirely different. We don't know how long they've been watchin', but just in case, lets feed them false information."

She shrugged slightly. "So. My vote is that we get the kids out of here, an' then we practice in a way which is a lie, an' plot the truth." Glancing around she gave a slightly rueful smile. "What do you all think?"

As they left, Vega gently touched Gennadiya's arm. Lifting a finger to her lips, Vega handed Genna a small wrapped package. The young red head had obviously planned this - she didn't hide that she was giving Genna something from anyone there, but the message was clear. Then. Just to make sure.

"An' also, if we're known for doin' certain things or havin' other things? We need to think about that. Lets not be what they expect, eh?"

With the items was a carefully, painfully slowly written note, explaining what they were - and adding. "When this is over, I want them back. From you. Stay alive. I don't have enough friends to lose any. Vega."
Items She Gave Genna
Saoire's Kiss - A small snow-globe that, when shattered, will instantly summon snow clouds and transform the surrounding area into a winter wonderland for the next trial. During this time the player will always find food, the cold will not find them, they will leave no tracks in the snow or scent to follow, and ice will never shatter beneath their feet. It is as if they are temporarily exempt from the dangers of winter. They can only use this item once, but the effect will last for an entire trial and cover the entire city they are in. here

Dancing Shoes - Red leather ankle boots made from soft, supple leather of Good + Quality. When she wears them, they appear to be normal shoes - however - whenever she dances, the music that she is hearing in her head / imagining is heard, playing for all. This can be very quiet or up to the volume of a full orchestra - depending on what Vega is imagining in her mind.

Upon hearing the music play - which continues as long as Vega is dancing - those who are allied to her are afforded a boost. In order to be affected by this they must be allied with her, AND be working towards a common goal. If that is the case, then she and her allies will find themselves surrounded by an individual armour which functions as full plate, but is weighless, totally flexible and invisible to the naked eye other than a ripple of air waves which it is, in fact, made up from.
word count: 904

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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The plan was set and Genna sat listening as the final preparations were made. In cases like this she had offered suggestions but others were more informed on these subjects then she was but she had offered what suggestions she had from her own experience and training.

As the finalized Genna spoke up and said. “We don’t know how many healers we will need on hand and suddenly pulling all healers on staff on that day will make it fairly obvious so I will adjust the schedule and have everyone on schedule for the next ten trials that way for anyone looking then they can’t guess when we actually need the surgery fully staff.” Genna said with her plans. It was a fine line but she was going to let people possibly die because she didn’t have enough healers staffed but she was willing to play a game of false trails.

Gennadiya focused as Vega gave her instructions about the sanctuary for children. The young woman agreed that children should be safe. The little girl they had saved wouldn’t be separated for long from any of the three of them. Though Faith had a special connection that no one could really replace. She nodded and and spoke. “I am not aware of any other children.Though with how long the siege has extended we do have a few women who based on the conditions should be removed to the one of the villages.”

As the finished wrapping up the plan and Vega pulled her aside. Gennadiya nodded her head and thought for a moment before handing over a bandage. She said “to confuse them here is Moseke Bandage, and went to explain how it works. Wasn’t difficult. It would keep any wound clean though. It only does that once per clean.

"Genna", "NPC"
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Re: Well, that's not good.


Points: 15XP

Logistics x2
Tactics x2
Leadership x2
Writing x1
Discipline x1

Warden Points: +2 for thread, +2 for each other person involved. 12 total.

Renown: 10


Points: 15XP

Logistics x2
Tactics x2
Discipline x2
Endurance x2

Warden Points: +2 for thread, +2 for each other person involved. 12 total.

Renown: 20


Points: 15XP

Tactics x4
Discipline x4

Warden Points: +2 for thread, +2 for each other person involved. 12 total.

Renown: 10


Points: 15XP

Logistics x3
Tactics x3
Discipline x2

Warden Points: +2 for thread, +2 for each other person involved. 12 total.

Renown: 10


Points: 15XP

Tactics x3
Logistics x3
Discipline x2

Renown: 10


Points: 15XP

Writing x4
Tactics x4

Loot: None.

Renown: 10


This was a little bit of a hasty one due to the fact that the event was running at breakneck speed during this time - as such I think it was unfair to not provide full rewards because this would have been stretched out for considerably longer if not for my poor planning. Hope you enjoy, if there's anything I've missed, please let me know!
word count: 195
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