Closed [Stormwastes] Answers, Burned Away

Yeva and Varlum meet for the first time, paired up to investigate the secret of the Storm Wastes.

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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[Stormwastes] Answers, Burned Away

81 Ymiden 720

It was a place of death.

A great expanse of scorched earth and sulfuric waters. Made up monsters, bandits, and thieves. Yeva had heard the stories, the warnings. As a girl, she had never so much as ventured off the paths in its direction, and now as a grown woman, she feared it still. Most did. Few Rharnians would venture to its borders and for good reason. It was a place of sorrow and unpredictable danger, where Faldrun himself burned away the land, a place where life feared to return. And now she marched to seek it out.

Sitting atop her mount, Yeva gripped the reins, looking over at the mighty Ithecal that traveled with her. He was, by all intents and purposes, a terrifying creature to behold. Standing over twelve feet, he made her feel slight, even atop her hafrein, a creature as large as a horse with great antlers that rose to the sky. Varlum dwarfed them both considerably. In another context, she might have even been scared to be near such a formidable individual, unfamiliar with his race, but knowing that they were working at the same objective soothed her girlish nerves. It was comforting to know that the biggest thing around was on her side.


Not hers. Rharne's.

"Faldrun burned this place; Long ago, he had intended to destroy the city,"
she had never wondered why, until now. Yeva wondered what could have driven the fire god to show such fury, "Ilaren and the Lightening Knights met him for war. It is said she drew the entirety of her power to drive him back, a battle fire and lightning," With the attacks on Storm's Edge, was it possible another war was on the horizon? Stroyski continued his walk, hooves beating against the packed dirt. The grass had begun to thin, in the distance, the greenery faded. They were getting closer, "My mother and father used to warn me about coming here."

The redhead gave a tug of her reins but Stroyski paid her no mind. She frowned, pulling harder and he shook his head in annoyance. Determined not to be ignored, Yeva persisted and with a stubborn halt, she managed to climb down from her saddle, checking the bags for the notebook she had replaced last season, "We should probably search for signs of the Flameborn, although it might be difficult..." she began to walk in front of the animal, eyes trailing down to the grass that had all but disappeared. The color of the dirt had turned amber and an uneasiness made her glance wearily at her companion. Their mission was one of research, of scouting. Record changes to the geography, seek signs of the unusual. Why did she feel the urge to turn back?

"Varlum," Yeva's voice was empty, speaking the Ithecal's name for the first time since introduction. Her throat wished to steal its whisper, a shout in the otherwise silent expanse. Hundreds of miles laid before them, creviced and cracked. And nothing... Nothing beyond the border...

Nothing was alive. He must have seen it, heard it. But she spoke anyway, her breath an echo on the battlefield, "Look."
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Date: 81th of Ymiden, Arc 720
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Praetorum wasn't quite sure how, but somehow he'd ended up being conscripted into kitchen duty. He'd objected at first that he had no experience in cooking, and that none of their human sized knives would fit in his hand, but no one seemed particularly concerned.

"That's alright." One of the chefs had boomed, slapping Prae on the back. "We just need an extra pair of hands to lift things." Someone coughed conspicuously behind him, and the chef sighed. "And we need someone nearby in case those headernickles pop up again." He admitted. That was fair enough, Prae thought. He hadn't seen one of them yet, but he'd heard horror stories of moving, screaming flames appearing anywhere there was a fire, and the kitchen certainly had a lot of fires. So Prae donned his leather armor, checked the scabbard was still tucked under his greaves, and headed off to go help in the kitchens. 

"Right," Prae grunted, arms wrapped around a stockpot filled with water, "where did you want this?"

"Over here." Chef Marius walked towards an unlit stove, and started to fill it with firewood and kindling. "Figured since we just had a shipment of fresh veg, we could go for a nice beef and tomato stew."

Prae nodded absentmindedly, carefully setting the pot down on the stove. "That sounds nice. You should probably stand back, just in case."

His tail unknotted itself from around his waist, and a tiny flame appeared at the tip of it; he dipped it into the pile of kindling in the stove, setting it alight as Marius backed away, trying too hard to not look nervous. 

They both watched with bated breath as the fire grew larger and larger, until it was crackling merrily in the sooty metal box, filling the room with warmth instead of screams. 

Marius let out a sigh of relief. "That's probably alright then."
Last edited by Praetorum on Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 338
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Getting the point....


"So, the thing is," Vega said to Gennadiya as they sat side by side, "I think it's important to know what sort of arrowhead yer usin', an' feel it as you shoot." She and Gennadiya had been discussing training together, working on their bow-skill and somehow they'd meandered into discussing specifics of arrow heads. The pair of them had been training with bows, and had agreed that it was time to break and have some food. That was all well and good, but they'd gotten to chatting and thoughts of food had gone out of the window. Vega was currently working on restringing a bow for Gennadiya which would suit the woman's level of strength. Vega rated it as slightly below noodle, but she didn't say anything. Yet. "I jus' don't see the point of practice arrows with blunted tips an' stuff. I mean, to my mind it's like usin' a broom handle to practice sword with." And whilst Vega was not adverse to beating someone to death with a broom handle, should the situation warrant it, if it was down to her preference, she'd use a sword.

"They've got their uses, mind," Vega said, and paused her work to pull out a handfull of arrow heads, which she laid on the table. She made her own arrows and always seemed to have bits and bobs hanging around. So, after a rummage in her pockets, there were a few of them to show Genna. "This one, it's like a flat-head, almost? It's good if we're huntin' an' don't want to damage the animal pelt. Knock them flat, an' then kill them. Works on irritatin' boys, too," she added with a grin. "These ones are broadhead arrows," she handed it to Genna and nodded. "That's for killin' an' nothin' else, that's for sure." Looking at it, she considered.

"I was told once, that if someone's got an arrow in them, it's best to snap th' head off an' then pull it out." Swirling biqaj eyes looked at Gennadiya and asked, quite seriously. "Is that right? I mean, I know not to yank them back, because they do more harm than good, but that's about it." Then, she handed Genna the bow and nodded. "Try that, see what you think?"

Whatever Gennadiya said, Vega couldn't help herself. "An' honestly, you need to get some strength in those arms. I know it's not ladylike an' all the rest of it, but I've seen you an' you're a hard worker," in fairness, there was very little that was higher praise from Vega. "If you want, I could help you train an' stuff. Maximum gain for ... well, quite a lot of pain, but you know." Vega positively beamed as she said - and quite meant - "If it isn't hurtin', then you're not tryin' hard enough. But seriously, though, when I were broken an' shattered an' Arlo pulled me out of the rubble in Scalvoris, I'd died, been burned alive, an' my legs were shattered. If it weren't for you, an' people like you, I wouldn't be able to walk." She nodded her head. "You're appreciated, is what I mean to say." But of course, Vega was who she was, and she couldn't leave it there.

"Don't let it go to your head though, or you'll start to righ' flibberty my gibbet," she said, putting the arrow heads back in her pocket. "And there's not no-one who wants that."
Last edited by Vega on Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 607

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Gennadiya Lyosha

It was a beautiful Ymiden trial and Gennadiya was glad to be spending the time out side and enjoying the sunshine and the weather. The young woman had learned from her own time in Storm’s Edge that anything could happen at any time. So it was that she had opted to wear the leather armor she had purchased for the war of Souls and then brough with her. Upon coming into the courtyard Genna found herself at the archery range practicing. One thing led to another and Vega and her had found themselves talking and working on archery practice.

Soon they sat down for lunch and began to work on the actual equipment used in archery. Genna was looking over a pair several arrow heads that Vega had been explaining their uses. The Lysorian woman listened as the first type of arrow was presented. Genna was quickly beginning to understand that Vega though it best to just use the real thing and not this practice equipment. In all honest Genna had never used a practice weapon when she was taught how to use her war fan. Because of that she had always respected how dangerous it could be. Genna nodded her head in understand as Vega joked about beating someone with a broom. It was true that it couldn’t really kill you but get hit with that in the wrong place or even enough of them and they could due damage. Genna had unfortunately seen her share of people beaten with “brooms”. The point Vega was making though wasn’t lost through the analogy.

Genna picked up the other two arrows. She looked at the flat head and then at the broad head. Taking notes on the way they were crafted and also mental picturing what kind of damage they could do. She could see how they would do exactly what Vega said they would do. Genna turned from the sharp instrument and pondered the other woman’s question.

“It depends on at what part of the body you were shot, how deep the arrow is, and how close you are to medical supplies.” Genna said with a half laugh. “If the arrow is in any of the fleshy part of your body where it is mostly muscle and skin,” She touched her upper arm, and thighs. “I would still suggest waiting until you have bandages, but you can break off the shaft, and the best is just push the arrow through since there is mothering vital and as you said pulling it out would tear it up worse. Oh course if you have a some with surgery training then still have them do it.” She paused and picked up the broad head, and pointed to the barbs at the ed of the arrow.

“Now if say it hits bone or doesn’t get past the barbs you can just pull it out , or if there are no barbs then you could try and risk it. Breaking the shaft as long as you don’t jolt the arrow head would relieve pressure on the would, but do a full evaluation first. The other issue is depending on what organs it is next to. If its close to the heard or a major artery getting it out might actually cut into either and then suddenly they are bleeding out. In those causes if you really have you can try and cut it out but that takes a steady hand.”

Genna then took the bow and tested in and nodded her head that it was a tension she could pull back. “That is much better.” Genna carefully released the tension on the arrow as Vega “suggested” that Genna build up her personal strength. The healer couldn’t argue with the woman’s suggestion. In the city usually she had others to help lift things if need be, but out here she was seeing the value in having some upper body strength.

“I am not afraid of some pain. I would be willing to get some training as it would be nice to feel like I am helping with stuff needs to be moved.”

Genna continued to listen and then smiled broadly at Vega’s compliment. “Thank you. I appreciate your recognition,” she laughed then, “I won’t let it go to me head. That is part of why I work hard is because there is so much more to still learn, and the moment I think I know it all or can’t get better then I am failing.” Genna smiled. “I also wanted to thank you for all that you do. You help us all to smile each trial with the hope you bring each trial. I can’t really explain how you do it, but you do and I appreciate it.”

Human Female

25 Arc old
Platinum Blond Hair, Blue Eyes
Ymiden and Moseke Mark

Blouse and Skirts Today
Single braid

“Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.”
~ Jerry Cantrell
Last edited by Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor on Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 839
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Vivian looked up at the sun and let out a sigh as she pulled Raio to a halt. "What do you say, buddy? Time to for a quick break?" she said, dismounting the large cat, who simply shook himself. "Fins, give us an oasis, yeah? Might as well start building these up around here. Good rest stops for scouting parties, and if they get destroyed, we'll know there's Pumpernickel activity in the area." she said, getting a nod from the little shark dog, who dove into the ground to start the process of the Brightgleam Oasis. While the Oasis was readying itself, Vivian started to gather lightning under her feet as she checked over her Runes. She wasn't sure if Hone Runes ever went bad, but she liked to keep hers relatively fresh, and since there wasn't a crisis at that particular moment, she fed her Spark with her Palenon Blessing. It was slower, making new Runes this way, but it didn't drain her ether reserves.

It took five bits for the Brightgleam Oasis to fill, and longer for her to drain her old Runes and apply new ones. Raio drank from the Oasis in the meantime, and eventually, Vivian had applied her desired Runes. She had Chained Strength and Endurance Runes on her arms, legs, and chest, taking up five of the Runes she could apply at any time. The last Rune, given where she was and low likelihood of needing a sensory Rune, was an Endurance Rune on her head. Once she was satisfied with her Runes, she called Raio over.

"Come on you, let's get your horn charged as well." she said, gathering lightning at her feet again for the Zephyrus to absorb into his horns. The Zephyrus's stun wasn't the most powerful thing in the world, but it could help against an enemy even so. After all, a momentary stop could be all that was needed to fell a foe. Once the big cat's horn was charged, Vivian walked over to the Oasis and took off her gauntlet, using a dagger to give herself a light cut on the finger and dropping the blood into the oasis, turning into a Font of Life. Once she was certain her Mortalborn powers were healing the shallow cut, she wiped her finger off and put her gauntlet back on. Then she pulled a hunk of beef out of her saddlebags alongside a pair of wrapped sandwiches and an apple. "Lunchtime, Raio. Let's get some food in us before we go back to Storm's Edge." she said, her tone cheerful as she set down the hunk of beef for Raio and sat down on a nearby rock to eat her own lunch.
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Re: [Stormwastes] Answers, Burned Away

81st Ymiden, 720
Varlum had never much liked the Stormwastes. After everything he had seen unfurl here, the Flameborns first attack and the lives lost, why would he? Every time he had been here there'd been death. Death of those that didn't need to die, or deserve to. Now, he was coming back - and this time would be different. Nobody would die, not on his watch. He was stronger now, able to tower alongside Flameborn at will should he want to. Cast Defiance far superior to what he had been capable of when he had first fought them. A Vanquisher in the ranks of the Wardens.

As he kept his head focused, Varlum glanced to Yeva, who he had barely had time to introduce himself to before they had departed. It wasn't uncommon for the Ithecal, he'd spent a lot of time going on missions with people he barely knew, but he always remained cautious. After Kane had stabbed him in the back and killed those around him, all for a deep hatred towards the Aukari, Varlum knew that anyone could have ill intent. Yet he remained civil, even outwardly kind. Until someone gave him a reason to be cautious, he'd treat them with no difference to anyone else. Besides, Yeva had come to help too. They had at least some similarities, some determination to protect and help those around them. That was enough for him.

As Varlum walked alongside the mount he listened, glancing to Yeva and giving a small nod. "Sounds like Faldrun" he said with a tone of spite, the name bitter to his tongue as wisps of smoke came out with every word. It was still a goal. Still a target. Faldrun himself. His cruel, sadistic father that had taken the lives of many and would gladly watch many more burn. "First time I came here the first Flameborn was spotted in Arcs. I was barely a Knight, had only just arrived in Rharne, but I volunteered. Our Commander's mount was killed in an ambush, the commander followed just trills later. But they were unprepared. We're not. There's nothing here that we're not ready for now" he said with assurance. He believed it, there was no lie. After everything Varlum had fought he was ready for whatever this world threw at him now.

But being ready for everything didn't prepare him. Not when they saw nothing. Nothing at all. An empty, desolate wasteland. It wasn't uncommon for the Stormwastes to feel hollow and desolate, but this was more. This was dead, as if the land itself had died and taken everything else with it. After a moment of pause he turned to his other side, Ivarn appearing around his arm, wrapped like a serpent over his shoulder. The Diri, a gift from Lovalus when he became a Warden, glanced out. "If you detect anything, tell me. No matter how small." Varlum said, giving a sharp order as a bear spirit appeared beside him, a wide range of colours weaving to form the shape of a bear, showing itself to Yeva with no fear or regard.

See? Prepared" he said as reassuringly as he could, drawing his axe. It would add some weight to the travel, but it would also mean he couldn't be caught off guard. As he took another step forward Varlum felt his Defiance spark, covering as much area as he could to feel for any flames he could not control - a sure sign of a Flameborn.
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Re: [Stormwastes] Answers, Burned Away

81 Ymiden 720

Varlum's deep voice sounded like a rumble, substantial in the vast quiet. He gave recountenance of his past experience, which followed by his verbal confidence, should have reassured her. But, hearing about the mount's death caused her small hands to reach out and stroke the hafrein on the snout for comfort, "We're gonna be okay," she confirmed, thinking of all those at Storm's Edge seeking answers. So many people had worked hard and kept their head up in moments where doubt would be an easy answer. She would be just as strong. As unwavering.

Yeva guided the animal and tilted her head back to peer at the merciless sun. Before the events of Faldrass, wearing her Adunih cloak might have wore her down in the shade-less expanse, causing her to sweat and drag, but she showed no signs of discomfort from the elements. It was a strange thing to get used to, and she was about to ask Varlum if the temperature bothered him at all given his armor, but the Ithecal began to summon proof of his former statement, manifesting a familiar in the shape of a bear. Its body was an array of colors, shifting and endless and the words left her mouth as she admired its beauty. There was a beat of silence as he spoke.

"See? Prepared."

Her brown eyes flickered up to smile at the enormous reptile, "You have one as well?"

She had only thought those who were Fire-Forged and Sev'ryn had spirits willing to accompany them, and this revelation was something of a relief. There were more like her. More like Baskara. His was different and she could feel the interest and curiosity playing across their bond.

"Let us help you search," she said after Baskara gave her mental wash of approval.

"Shall we?" the feminine voice whispered, its words in Scalveen, "Fight fire with fire?"

Yeva nodded, although it appeared to be to herself. She lifted a palm and held it face up between them, waiting for Baskara to reveal herself. Then, slipping from the medic's neck and stretching downward, a small tendril of flame slithered like a curl come alive, sliding down her shoulder, her arm. With each curve of it's body, the length of Baskara grew until it passed through Yeva's fingers, a pool of fire pouring to reform upon the scorched earth. Brighter, bigger.

She searched Varlum, eager to explain before he could accuse the spirit of being Flameborn. Whatever those things were, they were not of Faldrass, who had - if she remembered correctly - spoke of Lovalus when addressing Nir'wei. Or had one of Nir'wei's many voices mentioned the Induk? So much had happened, too much to remember. Yeva was still learning, "She is not an enemy. This..."

Yeva stepped back, allowing Baskara to take on her favored form, although every time she saw it, it sent a mix of fear and awe down her spine. The once tiny garden snake of fire burned to a basilisk, feeding on tinder it did not need, "This is Baskara."

The basilisk curled around the duo in a large arch, visible to Varlum, although Stroyski, Yeva's mount, did not seem to respond. The familiar tasted the air, a little flicker of light between her closed maw as it followed the search. Baskara stayed close as they walked deeper into the Wastes. Once again, the quiet began to unsettle her, "What are we looking for?"

And what could they find? In a place without hope?
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Re: [Stormwastes] Answers, Burned Away

Varlum's eyes watched as Yeva summoned her own familiar, one of fire. Naturally, his heart paused a beat, watching a flaming spirit of any kind. Faldrun, the Flameborn - they were all he had seen of fire. Yet he waited as she explained. Baskara was it's name, and it was admittedly impressive. Varlum couldn't help but wonder where such a spirit came from, though surely others wondered the same of Ivarn. Now wasn't the time for questions or concerns like that. Now was the time for them to act.

Never had that been more true, Varlum realised, than when Ivarn returned to his side.

Ivarn whispered into the Ithecal's ear before allowing himself to quietly coil around Varlum's arm. "Apparently this place isn't quite as barren as it looks" he said, gesturing off ahead of them and starting to walk. Whatever it was Ivarn had sensed was apparently strong, as if something had been in that direction recently. Something the Ithecal was hoping had left since. Fighting Flameborn would be easier now, especially thanks to his magic being stronger, but that didn't mean he wanted to. There were risks, someone could get hurt. If Yeva or her mount were attacked, Varlum would protect them with all he had, even if it meant injuries. But if the Flameborn came in a bulk there was only so much he could do.

After another short walk, they found it - a deep hole in the earth. Dark and smooth, no handguards on the sides, big enough for a man to small in yet otherwise unassuming. Staring down found nothing but black, a seemingly endless abyss. "They've been here. The trace is still strong" the Diri said, remaining coiled around Varlum's arm. The Ithecal knelt down beside the hole, picking up a small stone and dropping it down. He waited for trills, trying to hear the stone as it hit the bottom - only to hear silence. No impact. Nothing. He glanced over to Yeva. "I think we found something worth reporting. But whatever this hole is used for, it was used recently. Something went into it - or left it. Neither is something we should face on our own, not unless you want to wait and see what happens."

Whatever her answer, Varlum would stand and step back a small pace, looking to the hole with an ounce of worry. Whatever had been here was still close by. He had to stay alert.
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Re: [Stormwastes] Answers, Burned Away

The hole was small, and dark. No light could pierce its depths, not far enough to see what lay at the bottom, or along its curved inner walls. Yet a stone, casually dropped into the chasm, was met with silence. Of course the hole wasn't actually bottomless, though nobody could blame Varlum or Yeva for thinking such. The stone had just struck something soft, hiding deep in the cool shadow.

The ground beneath them began to quake and shift, loose stones bouncing by themselves and kicking up clouds of dust, before fissures split the earth surrounding the hole, opening it wider and filling the air with acrid sulphur. The thing that they had awoken did not so much emerge from the portal that they had disturbed, than seep slowly from its edges in tongues of orange and yellow flame. What did emerge soon converged at a single point approximately ten foot overhead, growing steadily larger as more tongues of flame added to its central mass - and with more energy, more details began to take shape. Giant upward-turned spines, resembling perhaps a crown, or the mane of a lion, above and behind what could charitably be called a 'face'. Two orbiting rings of molten flame, flashing with symbols and runes beyond Varlum's comprehension,Novice Linguistics but to Yeva seemed to make up words in a pair of sentences that had no beginning or endExpert Linguistics spun around its mass, though the purpose of these details was still unclear. The pure concentration of flame grew from nothing at all to roughly six feet in diameter, not including its orbiting rings, in five seconds. Its heat was so intense that trying to stand anywhere closer than five feet to the sphere's closest point to the ground would feel searing to VarlumCompetent Endurance, and unbearable to Yeva.Novice Endurance

It paused for exactly two seconds. Enough time to decide whether to stay, or run. Then it screeched such a high, piercing note, so loud that even Storm's Edge would hear it.

The Sentry would protect the Gateway at all costs.
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Re: [Stormwastes] Answers, Burned Away

81 Ymiden 720

The stone dropped and Yeva looked to Varlum.

There had been no echo of collision or rock on rock, or even the sizzle of lava consuming substance like what she had once heard in Faldrass. Nothing that she could hear, and she stepped closer to Baskara, whose tongue flickered to taste the air, "I'll prepare the report," she began in agreement with the Ithecal, turning to face Stroyski, who snorted and beat his hooves. Yeva felt a sense of unease at seeing the animal's discomfort but did not know how to soothe him when she herself felt similarly. Could he sense her fear? She had heard of such things, 'It's alright,' the redhead thought, unaware of what would happen next, 'We'll be leaving soon. This place gives me the creeps too.'

Her hand extended towards the mount and he began to backpedal, a sound of panic stemming from the hafrein's chest, "Stroyski-"

"Yeva!" Baskara roared, a great hiss erupting as the monster began to bleed from the crevice. Stroyski reared up, and the smell of sulfur permeated her nose, making her gasp and gag. Images of Faldrass came rushing back - not the great entity, but the desolate pit of burning fire where she had once so precariously balanced - and she spun, witnessing as the great thing (she knew not what to call it) formed and grew, each lick of fire burning brighter. Hotter. Yeva stumbled backwards as fear pierced her heart as true as any arrow.

Behind her, she was vaguely aware of the sound of Stroyski's hooves beating as he bolted. Yeva cried out, covering her eyes, her face, trying to move before the flesh melted from her bones, but each movement felt heavy. Laden with awe and trauma, she watched as a crown formed and symbols floated, on and on, without end. They were familiar in a way. Runes, she realized, but none that she knew. They shimmered and swirled, the world around the monster caught in a mirage of heat. Sweat pooled upon her brow, she felt weak, delirious.

She needed to get to Storm's Edge, she needed to warn them.

"Get up!" Baskara flew towards her and Yeva clawed at the ground, "Get up now!"

The medic should have thought of Varlum, but her body moved on its own accord. 'Run. Run. Run.' Her boots kicked up a flurry of dust and pebbled rock as she ran full speed in the opposite direction, watching helplessly as Stroyki gained further distance between them, "Baskara, guide Stroyski! We have to get to Storm's Edge!"

The diri shot past her, unhindered by limb and body. She glowed brighter, the basilisk twisting and winding through the air, coming up the side of the horse to attempt to steer its path and keep it from desolate wilderness, "Varlum!" Yeva did not stop, her lungs beginning to ache as she looked back once, the name lost in the great screech. She yelled, stumbling in a poor attempt to cover her ears, pain exploding in her head. Focus was lost, she tried to catch herself. She had to tell them - tell them what?

Yeva did not know.

Instinct guided her now, eyes searching for anything to aid her. Nothing caught her attention. She wanted to do something more - would its cry rally more flameborn? Was this the beginning of another battle in the war? Would help arrive in time?

Yeva ran for her life.
word count: 582
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