Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile

Gennadiya Lyosha

Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile
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Gennadiya was in the supply room looking for some materials she needed. Her sapphire blue eyes scanned each shelf looking for the boxes of herbs that she needed. While it was nice to collect raw materials directly from the wilds, they couldn’t collect enough of certain ones that were in high demand, and in a case of a couple of them they just didn’t grow in these regions.

The Gold cloak didn’t realize it but she was tapping her foot as she looked for focus total on the shelves. Genna had two braided strands of hair flanking either side of her face and the rest was pulled into a bun at the back of her head in an effort to allow heat to escape. It was plenty warm during these hot trials that she didn’t feel the need to trap more heat then necessary. With that same though she wore covering clothing, but cottons and light colors that allowed heat to escape. In addition she had set aside her new golden robes of rank for a apron of the same color.

Genna waved someone down and in her clear and pleasant boive asked. “I understand we had gotten more supplies.”

“Yes Ma’am, but they haven’t finished unloading the wagon and so they are currently in the wagons in the court yard.” Said a blue cloak he then smiled and moved on to his other activities. Genna frowned at the statement mildly annoyed at the fact that supplied had just been left in the courtyard. The young healer was sure it wasn’t even the courier’s fault since honestly other then unloading their wagon they weren’t responcible for putting the stuff away.

Gennadiya turned and left the supply closet and walked out into the courtyard. She looked around and soon her gaze settled upon the wagons of supplies. It was a little hard to miss since overall the knights kept the place organized and free of obsitcal especially as they had recently rebuilt the walls and so the rubbles that was there when she arrived weren’t there anymore.

With a swish of her skirts the healer marched over to the pile of supplies and carefully began to look through it for the medical supplies that needed to be moved over. Genna very carefully moved a few boxes until he finally came upon the crates of medical supplies. These ranged from necessary herbs to bandages and even some surgical equipment.

Now they came to the hard part. Moving the boxes. Genna very carefully lifted the smaller boxes and moved them into a separate pile that would help her get all of the clinics supplies together so she made sure she didn’t miss anything. Despite her distast for the the activity her expression was calm and friendly as she moved about. Then he lifted one particually heavy box and couldn’t help but grunt as she slowly lifted it and waddled with it over to the pile of boxes she had collected.

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Re: Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile

Arc 720, 66th of Ymiden
"It's best to bend with your legs."

The male voice was deep and gravelly, but the tone was polite. Its owner, a bearded human with blond hair and dark grey eyes, was entering the courtyard from behind Gennadiya.

"You could hurt your back, otherwise."

Darius had only been in Storm's Edge for a pair of trials, and he had yet to finish unloading all of the goods. He was wearing a studded leather gambeson that had collected its fair share of dust and dirt from the roads upon which he'd brought in the wagons. His boots navigated the patches of mud that pockmarked the courtyard as he approached the wagons.

He had seen little of the person who had taken it upon herself to unload the medical supplies, but the clothing and hair suggested it was a woman. That made no difference, of course, for she was clearly no damsel in need of rescuing, but the sight of the collection of boxes made it clear that the work she was undertaking required more than a single pair of hands.

"Would you like a helping hand?" he called out across the open space.

As he closed the last few yards, Darius cast his gaze upwards at the huge fortified walls that surrounded them.

He had tried to imagine what the citadel must have been like during more peaceful times. There was no mistaking that it had been under siege, for it bore scars of battle that would not quickly be repaired, but even in its damaged state, Storm's Edge was a sight to behold. The high walls and imposing keep were certainly still formidable; the high walls of the stone sentry that guarded the surrounding land were intimidating from the outside, but from within, they felt protective, their cold, hard form wrapping around Darius' shoulders like a cloak.

And a cloak might have answered his next question, which he asked as he neared Gennadiya and realised that the boxes she had collected were all filled with medical supplies.

"Are you taking them to the Order?"
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Re: Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile

Gennadiya Lyosha

Gennaidya gave a little start when the gravelly voice behind her told her to lift with her legs instead of bending over. She carefully set the box she had started to lift and once secure she turned to look at the man who had spoken to her. He was handsome in his own rugged way, but was clearly new as she had seen most of the long term people here.

She titled her head and wondered if he was the wagooner who had brought the supplies. There did seem to be a sort of possessiveness about the wagon load. Either way Genna smiled her welcoming smile even as he drew closer. As the young man looked around Genna became convinced he was new to the Fortress.

“I would love some help.” She said resting a hand on the top box. “Since my subtle hint to some others got missed.” Her voice had a gentle laugh in it. She looked down at her golden apron as he asked if she was moving the supplies for the order.

“I am moving them to the clinic correct.” She said looking towards the door to the clinic. “Unforantly some of the other healers seem to think the stuff just magically appears on the shelves.” Gennadiya offered her hand to the young man. “I am Gennadiya, one of the healers with the Order here from Rharne.” She then waited to see if he would entend introductions.

She then turned her attention towards the box she had originally picked up and then looked it over. “Do you happen to know what is in which box? It would be nice to sort them out between herbs, and bandages and other supplies as we carry them in so it won’t have to be done later.” The sapphire eyes looked intently but kindly at her new aquantients. There was something about her gaze that was friendly, and even fairly open but deep down there was a part of herself that was buried away. “Have you been to Storms Edge before?” She asked in curiosity.

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“Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.”
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Re: Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile


Darius felt an immediate pang of guilt at the fright he gave the woman, and, as he approached, she turned to face him. The blond seafarer immediately felt the heat of a growing blush in his cheeks, not simply because he had given her a start, but she was also indubitably attractive, and he had never been as comfortable around beauteous women as he would have liked.

As always, he hoped his beard might conceal the redness, and - as always - he doubted it would do a sufficient job.

"Sorry," he awkwardly met the gaze. "I didn't mean to startle you."

Gennadiya's smile and offhand joke set him at ease somewhat, and he found himself grinning at the jest. He wagered that having a sense of humour would be quite an asset in a situation such as a siege.

He nodded politely at the woman's introduction and took the hand offered, before managing a subtle bow.

"Well met, Gennadiya," he managed less awkwardly than before, his dark grey eyes meeting the medic's sapphires. "I am Darius, here with supplies from Scalvoris."

He turned to the wagon, then, and followed his own advice, bending with his knees as he hoisted a box that filled most of his embrace. Then the medic asked him if he knew what was inside each crate

"Uh, actually, no," he admitted, feeling another pang of guilt in his stomach. "The Order just gave them to me as they are. Sorry...I might know how to lift the boxes, but I don't know what's in them!"

He managed an awkward chuckle at that, and the friendly gaze he caught from the blonde woman eased his embarrassment just enough for him to answer her following question.

"No, it's my first time here," he responded. "I arrived two trials ago, and once I finish delivering everything from the wagon train, I'll be returning home."

He looked up again at the tall towers of the curtain wall, marvelling at their size.

"We don't have anything like this in Scalv, that's for sure," he spoke in awe, before looking to Gennadiya once more with a polite smile. "Can you lead the way to the clinic?"
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Re: Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile

Gennadiya Lyosha

Gennadiya could tell that the man, Darius seemed to feel awkward about startling her. She shrugged, and said, “It is okay, I was focused on what I was doing, so I am sorry for not paying more attention.” Her tone and expression were humorous as she brushed aside. Genna wasn’t worried and didn’t want him to worry about it either.

“Well it is nice to meet you Darius.” Genna said in greeting. “You have come a long way with those supplies. I haven’t ever been to Scalvoris, what is the place like.” Genna titled her head. “Its kind of funny I know a number of people who go there regularly, but other then the name I don’t actually know much about the place.”

Genna expression was accepting when he said that he didn’t actually know how the boxes were sorted. “It is okay, we can figure it out. Besides as you said, you didn’t pack them. I imagine trying to keep track of so much cargo would be difficult. Especially with such diversity of stuff.” She said noticing that some where marked for the blacksmith and others were marked for kitchens and so on.

“Well Storm’s edge is nice but if you can make sure you get the chance to go to Rharne proper. This place is impressive, but its limiting, its purpose is to defend, but the city proper can give one so much more scope. Though while your hear if you would like a tour I would be glade to offer one.”

Genna picked up one of the boxes, bending at her knees, and began to walk towards the clinic. “Please come with me this way. It isn’t far. People for some reason feel the place with the bandages should be within easy reach.” Genna was feeling fairly humorous on this trial. Normally she didn’t joke this much. She began to wonder if she wasn’t feeling a bit confined having been stuck in the fortress for so long. It wasn’t long before they came to clinic. Genna walked over to a spot out of the way but between the herbal closet and the other supplies.

“Lets put them here.” She said. “I can get someone to sort them later.” She said and carefully lowered with her knees and set the box down. She then stood up and went back to moving boxes. It took some time, mostly just the walking back and forth, but once it was done she stopped and looked at Darius, “thank you for your help. My offer of a tour still stands if you like.”

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“Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.”
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Re: Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile


Darius had never been comfortable around beautiful women. For whatever reason, he frequently found himself tongue-tied and unsure of what to say. The exception to this was when he was with Yeva of Rharne, with whom he had formed a particularly close friendship, though he couldn't deny that the involvement of alcohol and the distraction of a game of Chase The Ace at their first encounter had helped to ease his nerves somewhat.

Gennadiya was indubitably beautiful. But the fact that they were moving boxes was a fine distraction, and her friendliness and doses of humour made the experience much more bearable for the shy mariner.

The medic's questions of Scalvoris made for a pleasant topic of conversation as they hauled one box after another, and as they talked, it seemed to make the task pass by more quickly.

"Aye, it's a fair distance," Darius acknowledged. "About a dozen trials by sea to Rharne, and then a few more to get to Storm's Edge. Still...it's much faster than swimming!"

The bearded blond managed a chuckle at his own jest, hoping the medic might appreciate his returning the favour of providing some humour. But then he took a moment to think about his home, and he ralised he'd probably been taking it for granted.

"Scalv is...a place of extraordinary beauty," he responded, thinking aloud. "We have beaches with every colour of sand you could imagine: green sand that is always cool; orange sand that is always warm; even rainbow-coloured sand, if you know where to look. And we have the islands of fire and ice: Ishallr, frozen all arc round, and home of ice caves; and Faldrass, a volcano that has arisen from the seas and is home to a fine resort."

Quite without realising it, Darius was letting his reminiscence beginning to get away from him - a sure sign that he was beginning to feel homesick. That was an unusual sensation, for he had travelled to Viden a number of times with his father, but being in a place as endangered as Storm's Edge had only served to make him long for the peacefulness of Scalvoris.

Darius was grateful that Gennadiya seemed so gracious about him not know the nature of what each box contained, and he suddenly realised that he was quite enjoying her easy-going company.

"Aye, I came through Rharne on my way here," he nodded in response to her description of the city. "Though, I must admit, I didn't have much time for sightseeing. Perhaps another time."

He smiled politely at the thought, before setting down the last of the boxes from the wagon. He looked at the impressive pile they had created and let out a sigh of satisfaction at their combined accomplishment, before turning his grey eyes back the sapphire blues of the woman opposite. She was no less beautiful, but somehow, she was less intimidating.

"Your box lifting has definitely improved," he offered with a grin, before responding to her offer. "A tour would be wonderful, but only if you can spare the time, of course."

Darius felt honoured by the offer, but he was, after all, in a besieged city. The last thing he would want was to be in someone's way.
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Re: Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile

Gennadiya Lyosha

Gennadiya had only been on the ocean once when she was original come to Rharne a few arcs back. The next time she had to cross the world it had been on the back of a flying creature. Genna laughed at his joke about better then swimming. “I would agree. I saw some of those waves when I moved from Ne’haer to Rharne. I never would have made it.” She then said. “That is a distance to travel though.” She paused. “So do you travel by ship often or mostly take supplies over land.” The young woman made the mistake of thinking Darius was a Wagoner instead of a ships captain. “I also imaging you have seen a lot of interesting places.” She asked curious.

She listened as he described the different color beaches and other physical features of the location. Genna did take note that Darius talked about the physical features of around the city, but not much about the city itself. She suspected that this Darius was the kind who preferred to be out of doors, and most likely active. Much of what she remembered about the city from what others said had to do with the education institutes in the city, but here was a description of another side of the city. “I would like to see it, though me and beaches tend not to agree with each other.” She said and indicated to her fair skin. It had a healthy glow to it, but clearly she wasn’t a sun worshiper, and took care to cover. “Though I would enjoy playing with that sand. The island sound interesting.

Genna nodded her head as he said that he didn’t have much of chance to see the city. “Well when you do wake up early one morning and climb to the upper reaches of the city and watch the sun rise. From that vantage high on the mountain it is one of the most breath taking sights I have watched.” Genna said well aware that there were plenty of other attractions in the city, but it was the one that made her the most happy and people didn’t watch.

Soon the boxes were moved and they were done. Genna grinned and laughed approvingly at his comment on her improved ability to carry the boxes. “It is all right, my shift was actually was over a while ago. I could use the break, and really should get out of the clinic and my lab for a while.” Genna said and indicated to the room around them. “Obviously this is the clinic.” She said with a half laugh and smile. She then began to move out and explained about parts as they walked by.

Her first main destination about was the watch tower where they could look out over all the fortress inside and outside. As they moved along she would smile and say hi to soldiers as they passed them. There were two type of woman who were so well known in a place like this, the most obvious was they ladies of the night, but less obvious was the friendly and beautiful doctor who had been there for most of the arc. She was greeted with friendly respect.

Once they were at the top of the tower Genna paused and allowed him to take a look at the fortress, but also had the desolation that was the stormwaste. It was a very unnatural terrain, and Genna was sad as she looked at it. “I understand once it was beautiful, but Faldrun destroyed it the first time he attacked.”

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“Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.”
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Re: Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile


Darius was pleased that Gennadiya appeared to appreciate his joke. Before he'd arrived at Storm's Edge, the concept of making jests while being besieged didn't seem possible, but he was beginning to learn that it was these brief, human moments that were among the most precious things worth saving.

Her question of his favoured method of travel made him realise that she had, of course, taken him to be a wagoner. That made complete sense, given the circumstances of their meeting but he was quick to change her mind.

"Oh, this is the first time I've been on a wagon in arcs," he smiled politely at the correction. "I travel by sea, mostly. I have a ship called the Libertalia. She's very beautiful."

Darius blushed ever so slightly when he realised he'd referred to the brig as a 'she'.

"Ships don't have genders, of course," he acknowledged, "but we sailors often think of a ship as a mother who guides us safely across the water, so we tend to think of them as feminine."

The topic seemed to shift just enough for him to recover.

"Aye, I've travelled, but not very far. Most of my trips have been around the island of Scalvoris or to Viden. The one that brought me to Rharne - where I got the wagons - is the furthest I've travelled by ship so far."

Darius realised he was letting the medic ask all the questions so he offered one of his own.

"How about you? Have you been to many places, other than Ne’haer and Rharne?"

When Gennadiya spoke of the Scalvoris sand and her fair skin, Darius let out a quiet chuckle.

"Aye, best not to visit during Saun, then," he nodded. "But there's no risk to your skin in Cylus. If you ever make it to Scalvoris, I'd be happy to return the favor and show you around."

The sincerity in Darius' voice was genuine. He was grateful to the medic for taking the time to take him on a tour, and he was proud of the island he called home. He enjoyed the idea of showing it off to someone else.

A grin formed across Darius' lips when Gennadiya suggested a fine vantage point from which to observe all of Rharne, and he wondered if Yeva knew of such a lookout. Perhaps he would tell her the next time he saw her.

With the last of the boxes having found its new home, the visitor was content to fall into line behind the beauteous blond and be led on the promised tour. His guide was, he wagered, about half a foot shorter than him, so he was able to see past her, but not get in the way of her interactions with the soldiers.

The opportunity to climb the watchtower was, he assumed, rarely afforded to people bringing in wagons of goods. If there had been an attack, of course, he would have been ushered out in no uncertain terms, so that the soldiers could defend the fortress.

Once there, the first thing he did was look back at Storm's Edge itself, marvelling at the sheer size of the walls and the protection they promised. Then, as Gennadiya's soft voice spoke of the Stormlands, he turned to look at them, his eyes widening in shock at the scale of the desolation. He had seen glimpses of it at the front of the wagon train, but their elevated position provided a much better understanding of what had become of the wilderness beyond the gates of Storm's Edge.

"So much devastation," he gasped, unable to look away from the bleak terrain. "How often are the attacks? Have you been out there?"
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Re: Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile

Gennadiya Lyosha

Gennadiya blushed a bit at the correction, but it was done very gentlemanly so she just smiled and listened as he explained about owning a beautiful ship called the Liberatalia. Genna wasn’t much of a critic in regards to ship, since she was originally from Lysoria which while it had access to a lake didn’t have ships. She was aware though of the difference between a boat and a ship. She listened to the explanation about calling ships she. Genna was worldly enough to know that most men referred to objects like ships and such as she’s though not all of them explained why the same way. Genna kept her expression curious since when she was younger she had actually asked about that and so she suspected he got that question a lot. She also offered answers to common questions before they were asked. Genna was impressed that Darius was really such a gentleman, the sailors on the ship that had brought her here hadn’t been so polite.

“I hope that I will get the chance to see your ship the Liberatalia.” Genna said sincerely. Then she listened as she explained that while he traveled he wasn’t necessary seen ever port in the world, which would make sense since trade routes tending to be a back and forth type of thing. Genna shook her head when asked about her travels. “I am originally from the city of Lysoria, but that is fairly close to Ne’haer, it would be like visiting any of the towns along the river between Rharne and the ocean.” Genna paused feeling some lysorian pride. “Though Lysoria is a small city instead of a village.”

They found there ways to the tower and looked at the wastes when he asked about how often there were attacks. She thought for a moment. “Recently the attacks have been regular, but I am sure they are holding back. If what they have sent against us is really all of there forces then we don’t have anything to worry about. The problem is that we aren’t sure where they are coming from. I suspect magic, and a lot of it is being used.” She shook her head. “I haven’t actually been out in the fields.” She smiled slightly. “Usually I don’t have to go looking for wounded. I also have been working on studying the monsters anatomy.”

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“Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.”
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Re: Why Is it Always At the Bottom of the Pile


Darius nodded eagerly when Gennadiya said she would like to see the Libertalia.

I would like that very much, he agreed. If you should ever find yourself in Scalvoris Town, I'd be happy to take you into the bay. Cities look very different when seen from a ship."[/B]

It was true. A high vantage point made for a unique view of towns, with its buildings and inhabitants made to look so much smaller than they really were, but a harbourside perspective was equally unique.

"Ah, so you've travelled from the west," Darius nodded in understanding, when the medic spoke of her origins. "I've never been there."

The mariner wondered if all people from the western continent had a similar complexion to Gennadiya - or if they were all as beauteous. Sometimes it felt as though there were beautiful people wherever he looked. Well, some were more beautiful than others...

From their perch atop the tower it seemed to Darius as if he could see the entire countryside. He'd been in the crow's nest of a ship before, which had, at that time, seemed as though he might be able to view all of Idalos, but the battlements of Storm's Edge rose even higher.

"You've never been down there?" he asked, letting his curiosity get the better of him. "Would you like to?"

There was a pang of guilt that accompanied the bearded blond's question. He didn't want to get the medic into any trouble - either with authority or with endangerment - but his curiosity had the potential to get the better of him, and perhaps they might learn a little by getting a feel for what it was like down there?
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