Returning to the Beginning...

50th of Ymiden 720

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Returning to the Beginning...

50th Ymiden, 720
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"So," Faith said, her face a study in concentration as she looked down at the task she was busying her hands with. "We need to work this out."

Since they'd got back, earlier in the season, Faith and Padraig had spent their days reconnecting with their children, catching up with his grandfather and Katie. "Your mother is coming for dinner tomorrow," his mother, the Immortal, his mother, the Immortal she worshipped .... his mother, the Immortal whose Champion Faith was. The house was so clean that dirt might be afraid to enter."And I think that she will expect us to have some answers," Faith said softly. "About what next, the next step." She was sitting with him, in the garden and what she wasn't saying, of course, was as loud and clear between them as what she was. In her hands Faith held an almost-finished dress for Rose, their eldest child. That they both worried about Rose, about the consequences of what had happened to her, went unspoken between the two. They both worried, of course they did - but they both knew that the best thing for Rose was for her to be part of a family and to be a normal child.

So, consequently, she spent a lot of time asking questions. She had a sharp mind and Faith delighted in the fact that Rose spent a lot of her time with Padraig. Questioning, experimenting, learning. Father and daughter spent time together being scientists, exploring the world and it made Faith's heart swell with delight.

"We've got a lot to work out, and it feels big," she said, and motioned to the creature which had come home with Padraig. "I think we are in agreement that he is a very intelligent creature, and you two have a specific and very unique bond?" There was no doubting that, in Faith's mind. "I think we need to focus on what we can," she said with a smile. "And I suggest we start with research. Lots of it, in lots of places. All angles." Considering her words, she launched into her ideas.

"The libraries, of course. Scalvoris, Viden, here, the Institute," The Institute of Innovation, the place she had created, founded, and was now Dean of. Faith chewed her lower lip and considered. "But more than that . I think we should ask Famula, Yvithia. We need to go and see Treid, anyhow, and make sure that he's doing alright." Stopping, she looked at Padraig and she smiled, lowering the dress down to her lap. "Do you remember, when we met Famula for the first time? That night in Andaris?" Her gaze on him was almost shy as she spoke. "I was so in love with you, yet so unsure of how you felt." With a quirk of her eyebrow, she smiled as she looked back down at their daughter's dress. "Then again, you brought your mother on a date. We were stargazing, I was telling you my deepest secrets..... at least, that's how I recall." Teasing one another, back and forth, it was their way.

"However," she continued, her tone more businesslike and back on track. "I think that we need to exhaust every possibility. I think we should go to the Spire, here, remember where your girlfriend lives?" There had never been a more awkward visit than that one - poor Padraig, Faith thought. Silver eyes flicked up to him and she grinned. "I have never wanted to poke someone's eyes out quite so much." But that would be a good place, she thought, to look at specifics.

"I suggest that we do everything we can to gather information, come up with working theories and then test them where we know the people are friendly." That made sense to her. She tied off the thread as she finished sewing up the hem and held it up - the dress was pretty and shifted in colours. She nodded, sure that Rose would like it. "In Rharne, then, it's the Institute and the Spire. Anywhere else here? And we need to think about all the things we need to research." First and foremost to her mind was finding out ways of him not dying once they were beyond the barriers. "We also need to work with this blood. If I put it in vials and make it all very scientific and not at all gore-filled, will you help me?"

Frowning, she considered. "I want to ask your mother, but I feel like we should know what we're asking first. Shall we make a list, Professor?" Her eyes danced with amusement as she added. "You know how I love a list." But then, as her thoughts moved with their usual speed, Faith's expression shifted, just slightly, and a tiny hint of panic took her voice.

"What shall I cook for her, Padraig?"
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Re: Returning to the Beginning...

Inside the realm of married life and cohabitation, it wasn't such an unusual thing to say. 'Your mother is coming for dinner.' It fell into much the same category as being asked to pick up bread or milk at the market on the way home from work. The fact that Padraig's mother was, as he once was once or more known to refer to her as the Immortal of Doom and Gloom, an Immortal, just put an entirely new spin on it all. One's immortal parent, he didn't think, didn't just drop in for a quick chat and a cup of tea. There would always be more to her visits than that.

"I imagine she will," he said in regards to questions, as he sat beside Faith in the garden, his legs stretched out in front of him, one boot propped over the other. Kaldvind was a strange and unique addition to the menagerie of other companions out in the garden and pastures. The horses hadn't quite gotten past their natural skittishness when confronted by a creature that could only be a predator, if one seemingly made of ice. But Cosmo seemed more interested in play than confrontation.

Padraig watched Faith work on the dress for a long few trills, and smiled before turning his mind to the matter at hand. There was no question that Rose's return from the family was an interesting process, but it couldn't have pleased him more than she appeared so interested in his work. "Well we've been to the edge of the world and kept going, discovered a civilization unknown to probably anyone currently alive on Idalos, and have rubbed elbows with dragons." Big, indeed.

As for his bond with his new companion, he nodded thoughtfully. "I tend to think he knows me better than I do him, just yet." He said. But that could be because Padraig was wired differently than Kalvind. The creature's instincts were more likely far more developed than his. "All of those places, yes," he said, regarding where they could go for their research, and he could hardly think of any more just then. As for the Immortals, agreed. As many as could be or who were willing.

He grinned when Faith mentioned the Spire. In particular, the woman they crossed ways with while there. "Maybe we can manage a trial for our visit while she's on a break. Not there. I'd hate to get caught up in a scuffle while there or have to explain to the authorities why my bride poked someone's eyes out while there." As for the blood, well, the less she could make it appear to be blood-like and gore-like, the more willing he'd be to handle the stuff.

"I'm particularly interested in the history of it all. The timeline," he said. "It seems like it might have all come to be so long ago that even the Immortals would struggle with knowing. But maybe my mother heard stories and legends and the like that might be connected," Padraig suggested and then grinned again. "You mean you don't already have a list?" She always had a list after all. As for the menu, it was hardly his area of expertise. "I can hardly boil an egg. I think anything you prepare for her would please her, so long as I had no hand in it."
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Re: Returning to the Beginning...

50th Ymiden, 720
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"While that's true," Faith replied, although he hadn't spoken, "you have to accept that the last time you popped out for bread and milk, you bought a house" she said and, although her words might sound accusatory, her eyes twinkled with amusement. "And you forgot the bread and milk. Insult to injury, that was." The marks and bonds they shared meant that, often, his thoughts were as clear to her as his spoken words - and vice versa - and there was no complain from Faith about it. No complaint at all.

They chatted, back and forth, and then he asked a question which caused her to grin mischievously and look a little shamefaced all at the same time. "Well, I did draft up a few notes," Faith admitted. Pulling a neatly-folded piece of parchment from her pocket, she handed it to him.

  • Place to visit
    • Person or place there
      • -- task
  • Rharne
    • Home
      • Research the blood
      • Check our books
    • Institute
      • Books from the library
      • Speak to other academics
      • Investigate blood
    • Spire
      • Speak to the staff there
      • Library
    • Knights & Priests
      • Any legends
      • Library
      • Lovalus / Wardens
      • Library at Storms Edge
      • Ask Lovalus
      • Heartmourn
  • Viden
    • Academy
      • Books
      • restricted books
      • academics
    • Yvithia
      • Library
      • Ask her / Treid
  • Scalvoris
    • University
      • Library
      • Academics
    • Immortals Tongue
      • Shrines
      • History
      • Vri - Cassion
    • Ice Caves
  • Zuudaria
    • Records
    • Wisps
    • Famula
  • Desnind
    • Moseke
    • Library
  • To Do List
  • Topics to Research
    1. Barriers:
    2. Dragons:
    3. Ithecal and Dragons:
    4. Blood:
    5. Survivingr beyond the Barriers:
    6. Kaldvind:
For all of the above:
  • Look at / research:
    • Legends
    • History
    • Stories
    • All barriers - sea-legends - anything / everything.
She gave Padraig a withering glance, but said nothing more. Once he'd read it, she said - entirely seriously, and with a most earnest expression on her face. "It's just a few thoughts, really. I'm sure there's more. I suggest that we go to Scalvoris next Cycle - and Viden. In the meantime, we can do what we can here." Sighing slightly, she folded the paper back up and returned it to her pocket. "You're no help," she teased. As for what she'd make for his mother? Well, Faith hadn't expected any help there and, besides, she'd got some ideas. "I think that, the only thing we can do is to be honest with her, you know. Just ... tell her all of it. Shall we get going on this blood in the mean time?"

What she wanted to do with the blood, she explained, was to perform an analysis of difference. "I've studied the blood of pretty much every race on Idalos," or, at least, she thought she had. So, Faith knew what she was looking for. "If I give you my series of diagrams for the composition of each race's blood beneath the magnifier, and then put a sample of dragon-blood, then of the blood from the people we got there, could you do an analysis? I want similarities and differences - between all three." That kind of thing required an attention to detail and it was quite clinical so should be right up his street. "Specifically, I want to compare the Dragon blood with the Barrier-mortal blood - and then with every race on Idalos, but in three states. Mages, marked, and base. So - dragon to barrier-mortal, then to human mage, human marked, human base - after that, it's biqaj mage, biqaj marked... and so on." Faith was nothing if not meticulous and she knew that, in his work at least, so was he.

"How is it," she wondered, as the pair of them started to make their way indoors, to where they could begin this, "that you're so careful in work, but seem unable to put your used socks in the wash basket?" Her hand slipped into his and she grinned at her husband.
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Re: Returning to the Beginning...

"Oh I take full ownership of it," Padraig responded with a slight, crooked grin when Faith reminded him of his impulsive purchase in Scalvoris. "In fact," he confided, though it was far from the truth, "it was all in the plan. I have to keep you guessing. Keep things interesting. What better than a house in the clouds?" Even without the milk or bread to put in their cooler.

And "Of course you did," he teased, grinning wider and chuckling when she finally surrendered her list of things to do and contemplate. No matter how incomplete it might be. "I'd have been shocked if you hadn't." Nonetheless Scalvoris and Viden. Good plan. "It's been a while since we've been to Viden. There first?" he wondered aloud. "I have to wonder how much Famula will tell us, however," he said, though he had no doubt that his Immortal mother would be interested. "Some things she might know and be able to share. But others? I would suspect that there are things that we mortals, or mortalborn, are generally discouraged from knowing. For one reason or another." Need to know basis, perhaps. Trade secrets.

But yes, the blood. "I can do an analysis, yes," he confirmed. Though it wasn't his specialty, as an alchemist he'd discovered that in a sense, to do it well one must become a sort of jack of all trades when it came to science. As for the wayward socks? He adopted a serious expression as they walked indoors, as if Faith had inadvertently stumbled into an area reserved for sacred knowledge.

"That my dear, is one of those...need to know sort of questions. It delves into the realm of ritual and magic, and at the least, requires a quite complicated equation in physics that would tangle up even the most scholarly minds. So then, so far as our investigative tour is concerned, should we begin in Viden? We might get lucky and find Yvithia there." He'd come face to face with her once in Scalvoris of course. Back then, they'd spoken about his first completed expedition to the edge of the world, and what he might share of that experience with others. She'd offered advice for him to carry along, once he chose to return. But overall, Viden seemed a more likely location to find her.

Either way, here where they were, they already had the resources to begin their study of the many blood samples that Faith had collected. The same was true for Padraig, where it concerned the blood of Immortals. A well laid up lab up in the turret, and all of the equipment they needed to conduct their research. Easier to do it here and now while they had what they needed in place, than to try and improvise once they'd arrived in Viden.
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Re: Returning to the Beginning...

50th Ymiden, 720
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It was all in the plan? Faith said nothing, but the gentle smile on her face told him all she needed to. All in the plan, indeed. The entirely faked righteous indignation saw her through his grin at her list and she maintained a silent air of superiority. But of course the teasing was put aside as the conversation turned more serious. Famula might not tell them? Faith considered it and she nodded. "If she knows things but does not wish to tell us, that's more than alright. We all have secrets, after all." It was true, they did.

But, as for the second bit? "Something being discouraged from being known sounds like the perfect reason to find it out, I'd say." Faith grinned at him and her eyes shone with delight. "Oh, what have I become? A rebel, in all ways." Faith was far, far from rebellious, but equally she was absolutely determined in all ways. They had things to do and they'd do it. Impossible wasn't something she let beat her. So, as they made their way back to the house, Faith chuckled at his explanation of the socks. "The sock mystery is too much for my poor, fragile brain. I understand," she said with a slight shake of her head. But where they went? "I think ... lets get everything done here that we can, and then from there go to Viden. But Storm's Edge is being attacked and we need to help there. Rharne helped us, after all. And, it's the right thing to do and those creatures are fascinating." Up the stairs to his turret and there, they could get to work on the blood.

Dragon blood first.

"I want to analyse this as fully as we can," she said. "Put your thinking cap on, Professor," and while that might seem like a flippant thing for a woman to say to her husband, in Padraig's case, she meant it. He had a magic thinking cap. "And, once we've looked at it and drawn it, lets get those spectacles of yours and goggles on it, too. I'll use my mark abilities, and we'll do everything we can." Silver eyes turned to look up at him, and Faith was as earnest as always. "And come to that, unleash that Domain of yours too. It's very handy being married to the Mortalborn of Investigation, so it is."

For her own part, Faith turned her attention to the blood. Looking at it carefully, she asked Padraig to do the analysis of it by comparing similarities and differences between it and the different kinds of mortal blood. Then, once they'd looked at it in relation to other blood, she started to test it when exposed to ether - first Divine and then, depending on what happened, Magic. But each step was a careful and meticulous process. Check, check again, make sure that there were notes and diagrams. Faith knew that they had one chance with this and so, she took every precaution she could.
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Re: Returning to the Beginning...

Hey all! So, let's see what you learn from the blood. Let's start with the Dragon blood first.

On a scientific level, Frosvinndur's blood bears a passing resemblance to the blood of an Ithecal. However, it appears to carry a much higher than average amounts of platelets and white blood cells, while carrying only the typical amount of red blood cells that an Ithecal would carry. In addition, the composition of the plasma is different, carrying significantly less salt and protein, but the same levels of water as an Ithecal. None of this should scientifically work for a creature of Frosvinndur's size, and there's a general feeling that the composition of the blood as a whole is deliberate. A bit of thought will carry you to the realization that Frosvinndur's blood works faster on illnesses or poisons, and clots or scabs wounds faster, but that he doesn't need nearly as much oxygen running through his system as his size suggests. In addition, he doesn't need the food, salt, or water intake that his size would suggest is needed to maintain a healthy bloodstream.

In addition to all this, Frosvinndur's blood runs at a much colder temperature than blood usually does. In fact, if left to its own devices, it is well below the normal freezing point for blood and doesn't freeze even if they attempt to manually freeze it. Trying to heat the blood only gets it up to just slightly above freezing even with their best efforts. If they are able to convince their Kaldvind to donate blood to their researches, they will find that its blood contains the same oddities, but on a much smaller scale.

On an etheric level, Frosvinndur's blood contains an extreme amount of self-replicating ether. That is to say, they can tell that Frosvinndur has no need for any connection to Emea to maintain his own inherent ether supply. In addition, his ether supply is significantly vaster than anything the pair have encountered on Idalos, so much so that when coupled with his constantly self-restoring ether, he would constantly be leaking ether. So much ether, in fact, that if they did the math based on a rough estimate of how much blood Frosvinndur must have in his body, he would be leaking enough ether to routinely fuel a small creature for a substantial length of time.

However, it's not just that his ether supply is immense, it's also incredibly powerful. Powerful enough, put bluntly, that neither Faith nor Padraig has, as of yet, invented anything that could handle the sheer raw power of Frosvinndur's ether, let alone harness his specific ether type into something useful. For reference, if they tried to use Frosty's blood to power the trackers they made with Karem's blood, it would overload the trackers and break them. (To break out of purely fantasy concepts for a moment, for a rough analogy, if the Karem trackers ran on AA batteries, using Frosty's blood would be like trying to stick a D battery in them.) When other ethers are applied to Frosty's blood, they have no effect. Dragon blood is entirely unchanged.

When Pad tries to view the history of Frosvinndur's blood, he gets a lot of information, most of which makes no sense due to his own limited knowledge. Frosvinndur is ancient, so ancient that Padraig simply cannot comprehend the time scale that the Dragon is working on. He does see Frosvinndur's past, with a small number of other Dragons being born at around the same time. There was a war, against other spirits and large insectoid beings that bear a faint resemblance to the massive insectoid form that Lisirra took at the battle for Tried's Tomb. These were defeated and some went to the northern mountainous area that is pretty clearly where they wound up when they went through the barrier, but less developed and with no barrier. Frosvinndur went with them, and the Barrier was raised after, ensconcing them behind it. This memory, and the sadness and determination that accompany it, is the clearest that Padraig gets.

Then a lot of time passes with not much happening and eventually humans show up out of nowhere. Literally, Frosvinndur has no idea where they came from, how they got there, or why they suddenly showed up. But they're not really suited for the weather and he and the spirits and insectoids in the area, who have made peace because they don't want to fight when there's so few people up in the northern barrier, start to guide the new humans. Eventually, another race turns up in Frosvinndur's memory as well, a group of bear-like people.

Eventually, there's a resonance in the Barrier, and Padraig sees what is clearly his first attempt to pass through the Barrier, though due to a then-incomplete understanding of how to pass through the barrier, he only made it partway through and saw an amalgamation of everything that was behind all four barriers. (OOC: Sorry if that bit is a bit of a retcon, there was no clear plan when Padraig first attempted to get through the barriers, and some unclear communication on our end regarding whether or not he made it all the way through when what was behind the Barriers was being worked out. I tried to make it make sense, but it was wonky.) Then, the memory stream ends with their meeting of Frosvinndur and getting the blood and all that happened after.

One quick note is that after the Global, and after he's had time to process the events of Ruin's Dawn and think back on this memory stream, he can clearly recognize Deabrutoa, the Styx, and the Lethe as being part of the small group of Dragons that Frosvinndur remembers from his origins. If he researches the other five Dragons that were released during Ruin's Dawn, he can also see what is clearly Artere and its Dragonlings/Dragonets. However, while he sees Dragons that bear similarities to Vindecaldra, Vielkrontier, Kuvarakh, and Drathaidir, they are very clearly not the same Dragons.

On to Adalsteinn's blood.

On a scientific level, Adalsteinn's blood is that of an ordinary human. There is nothing unusual about it on a purely scientific front.

His memory stream is much shorter and more comprehensible than Frosvinndur's as well. He grew up in a small village, his mother makes fur clothes, his dad (Hallvardur) works in some sort of ranger-like organziation that Adalsteinn himself eventually joined. They worked alongside the local bear-people and some people who clearly have Kaldvinds and appear to have taken on some fairly draconic traits of their own. There were also fights against creatures that live on the mountains, and it appears that due to the extremely vertical nature of the Vetrarstig, most of that fighting was done on the sides of the cliffs, finally explaining why their climbing gear also looked like weapons: They literally were their weapons. Adalsteinn's memory stream ended with their taking his blood and all that had happened to it since (which wasn't much as blood didn't generally lead an interesting life). In the end, if Padraig counted the arcs, Adalsteinn was about his own age. The oddest thing, however, was that there was not a single memory of Adalsteinn ever having dreamed.

On an etheric level, however, things were very different. Adalsteinn's blood had almost no ether at all, as if he had never gotten his own ether supply. What was there had a clear source, however, because it was Frosvinndur's ether, probably taken in from the constant etheric leaking that would happen around the Dragon, given that there were only trace amounts of the Dragon's ether in the humans blood. However, when ether was applied to Adalsteinn's blood, it took it on as naturally as any other human blood did, having identical reactions. For all intents and purposes, Adalsteinn was hematologically identical to any other human, barring the extremely low quantity of ether in his blood.

Hopefully that answers all your questions. I had to play fast and loose with Frosvinndur's memory stream because a lot of that isn't actually developed yet, which is why it was so vague. I'm going with the sheer timescale of Frosvinndur's life making it hard for Padraig to really parse it, especially for the parts where he has no context for what he's seeing. Lemme know if there's any more questions I can answer here.
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Re: Returning to the Beginning...

51st Ymiden, 720
1 trial later.

It had been such a lot of information and they'd spent the rest of the trial and most of the night working through it. It took Padraig some time to sort through the memories of Frosvinndur, and it took them both a long while to fully come to grips with everything they were seeing. Both of them were incredibly bright people, but the sheer size and enormity of what they had discovered was more than enough to give them pause.

So, they'd worked together carefully and meticulously, going through each and every available angle. It would take time to get to the very depth of everything, but Faith was sure that there was a lot now that they could bring to the dinner with his mother - the Immortal Famula.

Looking down at the notes she had made, Faith determined that this was sufficient. It was the best they could do at the very least, and so she hoped that it was enough for Famula. She had summarised everything she could and so all that remained for them to do now was to try and duplicate the effect of Frosvinndur's blood. Faith didn't want to risk working blood alchemy here, she and Padraig had agreed that they'd try this first. Using the blood of Padraig's Kaldvind, she was trying to duplicate the effect.

The alchemical potion Faith was making was one which she understood on a good level - it was blood and she understood blood. She needed to mitigate the side effects, potentially, with working with such a volatile and unknown substance. Medically, Faith understood entirely what her blood could - and could not - take. Then it was just down to the Science. Putting the Kaldvind blood into a neutral solution would allow a good dispersal and Faith put it in some of her own blood as a carrier. This liquid would be something she injected, Faith thought. It gave her more control and, in this circumstance control was exactly what she needed.

So, she put the blood into her own plasma, a drip and a time and measuring it carefully. She made meticulous notes and then, when it was done, Faith did not inject it in to herself yet. Assuming that she managed the Kaldvind injection, she would do the same with Frosvinndur's blood, significantly reducing the amount with the aim of duplicating the ether-regeneration both times. She kept a careful eye on the blood itself and, when she was happy that it was stable, she kept it at a very cold temperature. Aware of the nature of Frosvinndur's blood, she felt that it would be better likely to succeed if she did that.

Either way - she worked carefully and slowly, with Padraig hovering around. She wanted to have the two vials ready to go so that when Famula came to the house later, Faith would be able to show her what they'd done and ask the Immortal of Blood if she thought this might work.
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Faith has the following relevant skills:
Master Alchemy
Tier 2 Medicine
Master Science
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Re: Returning to the Beginning...

It was almost too much to comprehend. So much information to sort through and make sense of. Some of it seemed so fantastical that Padraig wondered if they'd ever wrap their heads around it. He'd do his damned best, in that regard. And as for that trial and into the night, regular deliveries from the kitchen and mugs of strong coffee certainly helped.

Much of his time and focus was spent on looking back into the past, and at least making enough sense of it in order to pass on to Faith as they went. As for the blood work, that was all her. And it wasn't just his aversion to blood. It was the fact that this was her area of expertise, and not his. As for the ether? It might seem so much as to be inconceivable, so far as how it might be harnessed and used for some fantastical seeming, greater good. But for that too, somehow he'd be looking for a way. The possibilities were endless, and not just fanciful imaginings either.

But where he came up short in the field of medicine, he'd be sure to lend his aid with the numbers and attending formulas and calculations, the chemistry and even alchemical means at whatever point they might be required.

Collecting the Kalvind blood just might be a little trickier than just walking up to his ice-like companion, mount and protector, and asking nicely. Naturally he'd spent some time with the creature, attempting to deepen the bond between them and so forth. But he figured this might be a fairly big ask. And so he'd agreed that the sample would be useful, and vowed to do his best to convince the creature to oblige. But when it came to actually taking the sample? Well, "I'll let you know when I've talked him into cooperating," he'd said, a forewarning that it wasn't him that would do the actual drawing. Besides, it wasn't just the sight of blood that he tended to recoil from. It was the needles.

And so out the garden he'd gone, and had spent some time rubbing elbows, sort of, with his icy friend. Who knew if the kalvind actually understood the nature of what he was asking, or hoping to do? Who knew the extent of the language barrier between them or whether thoughts could be read. Eventually though he called on Faith, and judging by the dusting of garden soil that had been tossed or snorted all over him head to toe, the negotiation at some point had probably gotten a bit tricky.

Either way, Faith had her samples and from there she was free to work with it, while he watched over, all the while.
word count: 469
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Basilisk Snek
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Re: Returning to the Beginning...



15 EXP
0 Renown (all of this took place behind closed doors)

Alchemy x 3
Medicine x 1
Research x 4


15 EXP
0 Renown (See above)

Alchemy x 4
Research x 4

Results of the Alchemy: Blood-Ether Potion creation is partially successful. The potion does give whoever takes it an ether regenerating effect. However, there are two downsides to the current iteration of the potion. The first is that the effect doesn't last for very long. One potion only lasts for six hours, as the ether regeneration quickly burns itself out in a mortal or mortalborn body, as they can't sustain it. Second, it also overclocks abilities that use ether. While Blessings aren't effected due to the Blessing itself acting as inhibitor, Domain Magic and Mortalborn powers have no such inherent safeguard. Anyone using Domain Magic while under the effects of this potion will have a significantly increased chance of Overstepping, and anyone using Mortalborn powers will have a significantly increased chance of Fracturing.

Dragon Blood, and Draconic Ether, is still very new to them, however. As their understanding and experience with Dragon blood as alchemical agent grows, they may be able to improve the potion.
word count: 204
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