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Sinna finally manages to get to Oliver

8th of Cylus 718

The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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With An Outstretched Hand

8th of Cylus, in the 718th Arc
One thing about Cylus that she always hated. Flying in the dark was a pain. She couldn't wait a whole season though, she'd already wasted so much time. By this time Oliver might have even forgotten about his proposal to her. Though something in her heart hoped this wasn't the case. She hoped she'd left enough of an impression to be remembered.

She'd decided that she was going to postpone her suicide because of this, she was hoping that it wasn't a mistake. No, it wasn't a mistake, she wasn't going to allow herself to think that. That was what put her down that scary path in the first place. She shook her head to get such thoughts out of her head.

With the early morning, biting wind in her face, she was off to find Oliver. Having finally told Zane that she was going to be moving soon kind of lifted a sense of guilt off her chest. She still wasn't sure exactly how she felt about how the conversation about it went, but she'd made the decision on her own, and after a lot of thought. She wasn't going to just stop and turn back now. She urged Avery forward. She had to get to Oliver today.

After a long and tiring flight, and after a few turn arounds because of the night time like darkness, she finally made it to Bellesoir and in turn, Oliver's Mansion. At least, she thought it was his. She wasn't sure how things were with nobles these days. Though she did know that Oliver had been hurt. At least that's what the rumor mill was saying.

She almost hoped that they were lies, but with rumors there was almost always some grain of truth to them. She whistled a few times at Avery so that she would lower closer to the ground. She was kind of hoping that Oliver was outside, that would make things a lot easier, it wasn't like she could open doors on her own. At least the doors for humans.

Avery was starting to get tired, Sinna could tell by the way she flapped her wings. "Just a little more girl, come on, we need to find Sir Oliver." She patted Avery's head, she screeched loudly. Causing Sinna to chuckle. "That's my girl."

Avery started descending further. Circling the large home. Sinna keeping her eye's open, trying to see if she would see anyone from this height, but she couldn't tell. Not in this darkness. She would have to get even closer to the ground, what would be just above head height for humans, so that she could see better.

After a few rounds around the grounds she almost gave up, that was until she saw a glint of light. She blinked and quickly moved her hands so that Avery would turn around and slow down. She gasp in excitement. A man's form sitting on a chair in the garden. They way it was sat and from what she could see in the faint light, she felt it had to be Oliver sitting at an outdoor table.

She wasn't exactly sure why he was sitting out in the cold like this, but she could question him later. Another screech from the impatient Avery made Sinna laugh. She patted the side of her birds neck. "Let's go land girl. Right on the table. Carefully okay! Not near the fire!" Another ear piercing screech that most certainly carried over a good distance as Avery descended to the table. One of her most graceful landings to date on the other side of the table from Oliver.

"Good giiiirl!" Sinna pet her head with a big smile on her face. One of those voices you'd give your dog if they fetched a ball and brought it back. Almost exactly that voice. She looked up no at the man before her, glad to see that her assumption was correct! "Oliver! Sir Oliver! My pardon for the sudden intrusion! But I needed to see you right away!"

She looked quite tired, partially due to the effects of the season, but also the fact that her hair-petals seemed to be a little everywhere. She was about to say more before she paused and took in the scene before her. "So... the rumors were true after all.." The words fell out of her lips like poison as she looked to the cane. She spat, "Humans are cruel even to their own! Vile Seven-damned fools!"

She gasped and blinked up at him. "I.. I'm sorry" She cleared her throats. "I.. shouldn't have said such things. U.. Uhm... Other than your wound... h.. how are you holding up Sir Oliver?" Forgetting her original goal entirely with her worry over him.
Last edited by Sinnammyn on Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:01 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 827
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Oliver Venora
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With An Outstretched Hand

8 Cylus 718
The cold was fierce, and even through his layers, he felt it, but he ignored it. Sitting there, the darkness of the trial wrapping him like a shroud, Oliver sat with a glass of wine, a bold and dry red from the vineyards of Sabaissant. He held it more than drank it, sitting in the flicker light of candle, his eyes far away. The mage burning the previous trial still hadn't worn off, and though he'd gone to support Caius, there was something in the loss of a life, even of a criminal, that Oliver could not get over. Since his stabbing, he'd thought of killing Pythera a million times, but after the previous trial, he wasn't sure he could strike the final blow.

Or could he?

His eyes were glazed over as he stared, lost in memory and wistfulness. He considered the pain in his hip, always present and worse in certain times than others. Beside him sat the basalt rose-topped canesword, and on his right palm bore the scabs of gashes dug by the sharp corners of the rose. He stared at it, imagining for a trill that a piece of his flesh was topping the dark stone topper, but it was not. Instead, it just sat there, the porous stone having absorbed quite a bit of his blood since its commission. It reminded him, every trial, that his road to vengeance would be paved in blood, his own and otherwise.

He looked up into the dark sky, though, seeing movement. What must have been a bat circled him, and he smiled at its boldness, coming so close to a human. It circled again, though, and as it grew closer, Oliver saw that it was no bat. Instead, it was a bird, and riding atop it, a little Tunawa. A small smile came to his lips, realizing it must be Sinnamynn. He set down the glass of wine as the bird lit on the table, and he groaned as he sat up to move the candle to avoid setting the little Tunawa on fire. His shark-black eyes had an orange tint in the flicker flame.

"No intrusion at all, Lady Sinnamynn. I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about my invitation, or had grown more comfortable with Master Black," Oliver said, his tone light and clear. He should have known she would fret over his injury. Everyone else sarding had.

"No need for concern, Lady Sinnamynn. It's merely a wound, and certainly one I can handle," he said, his voice not changing but a cloud covering his face briefly. She was right about humans being cruel, especially to their own.

If only she knew how closely her words struck the truth.

"I am doing very well, Lady Sinnamynn. I participated as a spectator in the upholding of our Kingdom's law a few trials prior, and have returned to the manor only this trial. I figured, with a nice glass of wine, I may relax yet before duty calls to me tomorrow. There is no rest in this climate." The words were dark now, as if he did not anticipate the work.

"Please do tell me you are staying for the evening? I can have Jirelle bring a saucer of water if you'd like to quench a thirst. There is a birdbath on the other side of the garden, though I daresay the water may be frozen..." He said, thinking of the Tunawa's avian mount.

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With An Outstretched Hand

8th of Cylus, in the 718th Arc
It wasn't really, worry, as she sat there on Avery listening to him, that was on her mind, it was more, she wanted to make him feel comfortable. He obviously didn't want to talk about the wound, and that was fine with her. He shouldn't have to focus on something that pained him, and very well may have changed him forever. Though the more she looked over him in the night like darkness, the more she wanted to slap him. His hand was so ruined and based on what she was seeing, it was from his cane. She didn't dare do as she wished though. Not to this man that had offered her a home and help in reaching goals that she still wasn't one hundred percent sure on herself.

She blinked, wait, she hadn't even brought it up, having forgotten about it for a moment but, he'd remembered. She looked down shyly, and would have been blushing if she could. He remembered her. But who was... Mister Black? Was that Zane? Must have been.

She froze though at the mention of the upholding of the Kingdom's law... the burnings. She shivered and held herself a moment. Thinking back to how she'd seriously thought about doing such a thing to herself. She seemed lost in thought for a moment. Empty even upon close inspection. Yet it only lasted a few trills before she looked up at him and gave him the best smile she could. Which was a quavering mess, but still a smile nonetheless.

"If you wouldn't mind, Avery just needs something to eat and to drink... I didn't let her hunt on account of how long the journey was. We did get turned around a few times because of the darkness of the season." She laughed softly. "I'm... not feeling very thirsty, but thank you for the offer. Speaking of offers...." She looked down again shyly. "I was hoping it wasn't too late for me to take you up on the offer of living here. Sir Zane and I... Let's just say the relationship between us... wasn't a, safe, one." Her choice of the word safe might have been a bit of an interesting one. She looked up at him, another one of those quavering smiles upon her tiny lips.

"You, are one of the stronger ones.. Sir Oliver. Most other Gia...Humans? Humanoids? Yeah.. Most other humanoids would be..." She shook her head and just smiled. "You are strong. An exemplary individual. I.. hope that's the right use of the word." She laughed a bit and rubbed the back of her neck. "There, is a lot I wish to learn from you." Her voice was soft, and she was having a hard time putting together her sentences now. "More than, even what I should probably hope for. But yet. I still yearn to learn from your strength and capability."

She took a deep and long breath. "I'm sorry if that came out of nowhere but...For us Tunawa, though we may feel pain, we, don't lose like you do. For Tunawa, we lose an entire limb and in the right season can grow it back in thirty trials." She laughed meekly. "But not you, you in fact gave yourself more pain." She looked directly at the rose now on his cane and his cuts. Slowly climbing off of Avery's back, walking closer to Oliver now, careful to stay as far away from the candle as possible.

She sat next to the hand that had the wounds on it, tentatively reaching out to it and gently putting her tiny hand on the hand. Careful not to touch anything that seemed fresh. Sitting down, the width of his hand was taller than her by just a bit. Sinna was, only seven inches tall. She smiled as she didn't do much more than that for a moment. Just held his hand in a moment of contemplative silence, as if she was trying to think of the right words to say next. "Pain... proof of being alive. Be it emotional or physical, though we don't always seek it, it always finds us."

There was something dark within her words, something that seemed to seep in like the sap that was her blood. Her big golden eyes looked at his hand. "These... big, and strong hands... guide so many, and hold so much." She looked up to Oliver to meet his eyes once more. "A weight that would normally crush a man, you carry and make it look easy." She paused once more and then shook her head and laughed. "I'm sorry.. I don't know where that came from. Please... Ignore my ramblings" She removed her hand and put it in her tiny lap. "And excuse my forwardness?" She looked at him and took a moment to recollect herself.

"I know nothing of you.. and I shouldn't give the pretence that I do. Though, I do mean to learn what I can from you Sir Oliver. That is, if you don't mind?" She tilted her head at him, looking as if she hadn't just given him a sagely speech about how strong he was. But that's how she felt, he was most definitely strong. Stronger than her, in body and soul. For once, the fact that a humanoid was stronger than her didn't bother her. Not that Oliver would understand if she tried to explain that.
word count: 939
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Oliver Venora
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With An Outstretched Hand

8 Cylus 718
The Tunawa was open and honest, something that Oliver was not all too familiar with when dealing with those not of his standing. The Baron smiled, though, as she asked about her spot in the estate being open. A welcoming nod and glint to the Baron's eyes told her it was indeed still available, and Oliver's voice was soft and happy, one of the few times in the past few trials it had been so.

"Of course you have room here if you'd prefer it. I would never allow you to go back to a relationship that was destructive or dangerous for you," Oliver said, smile opening his face from the sides. He knew that the little Tunawa would enjoy the luxury of the estate, and with Darcyanna marrying Caius soon, there would be nothing but space opening up in the estate. The addition of the Tunawa and her bird companion would be a welcome addition to the Baron, whose solitude was often spent considering ways to disembowel his youngest sister. A grimace approached his features, but he held it back.

Oliver wasn't strong, contrary to Sinnammyn's words. He was weak and pathetic, and he probably should have died in the frost that trial when Pythera stabbed him. But as weak and pathetic as he felt, there was a job to do, and as long as Pythera still drew breath and threatened he and those he cared for, he would not rest. The basalt rose was only a reminder of the steps until it was over, until Pythera was thrown unceremoniously from the highest cliff in Endor into a lake nobody would care to check for her remains. He gritted his teeth as he thought of her stabbing him, of the grinding of metal on his bone and shivered. To Sinna, it may have appeared that he was cold, but he was not.

"This isn't strength, Lady Sinna, but duty. I don't cause myself extra pain to prove how strong I am, only that I still bleed and every trial I still bleed, I have work to do. Since I was injured, I have spent every waking bit trying to find ways to remove this threat to my family, and I will succeed. And when I do, the rose goes. Until then, though, it is here to remind me with every wince, every scab and scar, that there is a threat out there that can take everything I love away from me, and I won't rest peacefully until it is gone," Oliver explained, his face serious and ominous in the Cylus dark.

"There isn't much to learn from me, Lady Sinna, other than a commitment to duty and honour. Pain, grief, loss... These are things we all feel, but it's through duty and honour that we survive them. I am committed to propelling House Venora back to the glory Lady Cyrene catapulted it to, and I intend to do so quickly before our king makes a mess of the Kingdom," he added distastefully, remembering the burning of the mage a few trials prior, and the burning in Vhalar. The kingdom was in a panic, and Oliver knew that it would get much, much worse before it got any better.

"But fear not, Lady Sinna, for your place here in Notrerevé is secure. Whatever I need to have removed from Mister Black's house, I will send Gustauv for in the morning. For now, let us just relax and enjoy the nice cool air, yes? Or perhaps you'd care to go inside and away from the biting cold? I do not know much about Tunawa anatomy, I'm afraid," Oliver said, a small smile playing on his lips. His eyes were still dark and stormy, the gray of the sky before a storm, but he was making an effort.

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With An Outstretched Hand

8th of Cylus, in the 718th Arc
Standing up, she frowned up at him and walked over to his hand with the wounds on it. "Wanting to bleed..." The way the words fell off her lips, it almost seemed like she wasn't the Sinna he knew. She put a tiny hand on his wounded one. She looked as if she'd shranks a bit. Her petals wilted in the Cylus air. She didn't look at him as she spoke again. "Is just proof that you are strong... For.. you have the will to live. You have a solid goal Oliver.. Sir.. Oliver.." She sighed and her hand slowly slipped off of his. Falling limply to her side.

She laughed a bit. "You have a lot more that you can teach me than you know. How to read and write.... about politics.. About why the burning's are happening, why mages aren't okay but people with swords are...." She slowly lowered herself. Leaning forwards and curling up in a fetal position. "I'm... probably more naive than a child." She sighed and looked up at the dark sky.

"Sure, you're reasons for living aren't.. the nicest right now. But you have a goal, and knowing you, you will reach it... or die trying." She looked to him and smiled. "I'm sorry I'm a bit all over the place, but I mean what I say." She was smiling, though her golden eyes were not. "Sure I've had my fair share of hardships." She scoffed. "But, I..." She shook her head and looked down at her feet.

Softly sighing, hugging her legs tighter. "I don't care where we go Sir Oliver. It's whichever you prefer." She looked up at him, and answered him plainly. "The weather affects me differently than what it does to you humanoids." She still looked, empty almost, like a shell of her former self from moments ago and even more so from her self at the party. She tried to give him a big smile again. "Though... Avery might light it better if we go inside. She seems to hate the cold."
word count: 363
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With An Outstretched Hand


Awarded Points

These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge

Socialization: Visual Queues as well as verbal.
Mount(Flying): Stubborn Mounts, just need a few extra directions
Navigation: Trying to find a place you've been before in perpetual night.
Navigation: Flying makes things just a tad easier.
Animal Husbandry: Praising for a good job even when frustrated with time taken
Animal Training: Pushing just a bit further to get the result you need
Animal Training: Well deserved rest.
Psychology: Non-Verbal Queue. Bijaq. Changes in the eyes.

Oliver: Allowing me to stay with him
Oliver: Remembers me
Oliver: Was injured.
Oliver: Adding more pain.
Oliver: Doesn't see how strong he is.
Oliver: Doesn't falter but...
Oliver: Kind, but hiding something
Avery: Total Brat in winter.

Awarded Extras

Loot & Losses Injuries
None None
Reknown Devotion
None None

Oliver Venora

Awarded Points

These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge


Awarded Extras

Loot & Losses Injuries
None None
Reknown Devotion
None None


The train of thought in this thread was… disturbing in the beginning, to say the least. But I liked where this thread was going and am sad that it wasn’t completed. Both of them seemed to need each other? :/

Oliver, if you return, please submit a request and PM me to update this.

If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 252
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