• Information • [Rynmere] Nobility Information

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[Rynmere] Nobility Information

Rynmere Nobility Table of Contents
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[Rynmere] Nobility Information

Starting A Noble
Currently, players are able to choose from any Baron or Baroness (with special permission), and any of their offspring within the seven major houses. These characters have no real power unless they manage to work their way up the ranks. These Lords and Ladies can live completely normal lives separate from their noble families, but if a higher title is passed onto them through the death of a family member (usually parent, or older sibling), they must return to their region to oversee everything, or pass on their title to the next sibling in line, naming them as their successor, only to have themselves and any of their children stripped of any chance of future noble titles.
Using the House Warrick line as an example wrote:
The Duke of House Warrick is Alston and the Duchess is his wife, Isabel. Their children (Baron or Baroness), are Jared, Victor, Wren, and Ned. Their grandchildren (Lords and Ladies), are marked by blank lines (or blue links to character sheets where a role has already been filled by a player). If you find a blank position you would like to fill, please discuss this with a Rynmere Prophet.

One of Alston and Isabel’s children (Jared Warrick), is deceased, therefore both of Jared’s Offspring take the title of Baron or Baroness (Lazuli and Lei'lira have become baronesses in this instance). If in the event that Jared’s wife had passed away but not Jared himself, neither of his children would gain a new title.

If Alston were to die, Jared would take his place as Duke, and all of Jared's children would receive the title of Baron or Baroness, cutting Victor, Wren, Ned, and any of their children out of the picture (not entirely though, as if Jared's offspring where to pass away before producing heirs, leadership would fall to Jared's siblings, and eventually, Victor's children). In this case, however, Jared is already deceased and his wife (being married into the line), is Warrick only in name and not in power. Title falls to his children, Baroness Lauzli and Lei'lira. If Alston were to pass away, Lazuli would become Duchess, her children would be barons and baronesses, and theirs, lords and ladies. This currently puts a huge target on Lauzli's back, with her father dead and her grandfather already well aged, were Vcitor a power hungry man, would surely have his nieces killed off.
Players can play in positions of power as high as Duke, Duchess, Emperor, Empress, or even the King and Queen. These positions of power take lots of planning and writing to earn. Talk to a Rynmre mod for more information.
You must consult with a Rynmere mod to gain a noble position.
Two nobles per player, anyone found abusing this rule will lose all noble accounts.

Code: Select all

[b]Character Name[/b]: 
[b]Approved CS Link[/b]: 
[b]Written approval from existing Members[/b]: (siblings, parents, grandparents if in play)
[b]Secret Plot Ideas or Aspirations[/b]: 
Rules For Out of Character Activity
There is no doubt that, by opting to be a pc from a Noble House, there are a number of advantages. Each house has access to resources, lands and wealth which are simply not available to other pcs. Furthermore - there are a very limited number of noble pc "positions" available.

Therefore, the rule is that, should a noble pc go inactive for more than 3 months, they will become an NPC. Whilst all concerned will be asked to utilise this NPC to a minimum amount, in order to facilitate the hopeful return of the player, it is not reasonable to expect other players to suddenly ignore that your pc ever existed.

We feel it is only fair to create a clear rule - if someone is playing a Baron(ess) or above - if they are inactive for three months, (without telling us etc - there are always exceptions) - they are stripped of rank. Not of noble name or anything, but the price for players having more power is we need them to be active. Any concerns about that, let us know!

Lord/ Lady pcs can NPC their parents in domestic situations only. Grandparents can make a quick cameo, but can not play an active role in any thread unless you have permission. Baron(ess) level players can NPC their parents in “domestic” situations as before - and those who are the heir can NPC them in “political” situations - with prior prophet consent (PM all three of us, please)

The calendars each season will stop including imports / exports and start including information on the Noble Houses. Noble pc’s and non-noble pc's post any and every thread which might impact their standing / status in the “Impact Threads” and we then do an overview, per house of:
Perception: how this family are seen by Commoners and Nobility
Economic: any impact on the family economy (eg: lots of giving to charity will increase reputation and decrease funds)

If you have any questions, please speak to a Rynmere moderator.
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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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[Rynmere] Nobility Information

Title Information
Each region (known as a duchy) in Rynmere is governed by a Duke or Duchess, who oversees all of the dealings that go on in and around the outpost. These Dukes and Duchesses are summoned to Andaris City to sit in court at Andar Castle, sending a representative (Baron or Baroness) in their place if they cannot attend. It is a Duke’s job to advise the king and keep him informed as to the happenings in each region. Dukes are treated like generals and have their own forces and personal guard to command, ensuring that their assigned region is kept trouble free. A Duke of Duchess is a very powerful position to be in as these fourteen people help guide the King and Queen about all matters concerning the Kingdom of Rynmere.

The children of a Duke and Duchess claim the title of Baron or Baroness. They oversee large areas of land (barony) within the region and settle disputes, land claims, bylaws, and help their parents keep the region (duchy) in order.

The children of a Baron or Baroness are called Lord or Lady. They have no real power but are the next in line to claim power should their parents or grandparents pass away. The oldest Lord and Lady in a line, for example, would become the Baron and Baroness of that line if their parents were to meet an untimely end.
King and Queen: The rulers of Rynmere, an inherited title passed on from one generation to the next.
To be addressed as: "Your Royal Majesty" and thereafter "Your Majesty"

Crown Prince and Princess: Future rulers of Rynmere, inherited through the bloodlines of royal families.
To be addressed as: "Your Royal Highness" and thereafter "Your Highness"

Prince and Princess Consort: The spouse of a crown prince or princess.
To be addressed as: "Your Highness"

Emperor and Empress: The rulers of Rynmere law, not an inherited role, are elected into the power by the Ducal Senate. (Current empress is a sev’ryn woman)
To be addressed as: "Your Holiness"

Duke and Duchess: A keeper of a duchy, and their spouse - also the leader of a Great House.
To be addressed as: "Your Grace"

Baron and Baroness: The holder of a large farmstead or tract of land, their spouse, or the offspring of a duke and duchess.
To be addressed as: "My Baron/Baroness" or "My Great Lord / Lady" and thereafter "My Lord / Lady"
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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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[Rynmere] Nobility Information

House Andaris
Members of the Andaris House are proud, arrogant, and wealthy. They usually run businesses near the ports or in the top tier of the city. They have a history of getting what they want and when it comes to advising the king, they are trusted for their sound battle tactics and skills in politics and negotiation.

♚ = King
♛ = Queen
♔ = Duke/Duchess
✤ = Baron/Baroness

Andaris City
The Barony of Astedia - Ruled by Celeste Andaris

Thomas Andaris (67, Duke of Andaris, human male)
m. Hellen Andaris (nee Sands, 69, deceased Duchess of Andaris, human female)
Benji Andaris (47, human male, abdicated to Peake Andaris)
m. Mary Andaris (nee Grigori, 50, deceased human female)
Peake Andaris (28, presumed dead, human male)
Quincy Andaris (NPCed, 25, missing, human male)
Leeson Andaris (23, human Male)
Celeste Andaris (20, first in line, human female)
m. Xander Andaris (24, mixed blood male)
Lily Andaris (46, human female)
m. Hector Andaris (nee Moons, 47, human male)
- Damon Andaris (NPCed, 23, human male)
- ________ Andaris (21, human male)
- Odessa Andaris (NPCed, 19, human female)
- ________ Andaris (17, human female)
Gavin Andaris (44, human male)
m. Rah'lyn Andaris (nee Valley, 46, sev'ryn female)
- ________ Andaris (19, mixed blood male)
- Daliane Andaris (NPCed, 17, mixed blood male)
- ________ Andaris (15, mixed blood female)
Andaris and Rynmere
Current Relationships
Venora | Excellent
Warrick | Good
Burhan | Poor
Krome | Poor
Gawyne | Good
Endor | Good
An egotistical and self-satisfied family the House Andaris are held in a highly favoured position by the royal family. As the producers of a quarter of the country’s food and wine they take a very fine eye to attention to detail, revel in the finer luxuries of the world and are proud of their heritage. Loyal to the throne, the ambition of the Andaris family has lead them to make up the majority of the royal guard, knights by their blood they work hard to keep their family name and honour. When not found protecting the King, their other duties are held amongst the docks where they organise the goods coming to and from Rynmere.
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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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[Rynmere] Nobility Information

House Burhan
A seafaring, spirited people known for their lavish parties and great sense of humour, House Burhan are navigational experts, brilliant sailors, designers, and merchants. They are not afraid to travel, love wholeheartedly, and enjoy nothing more than a good story.

♚ = King
♛ = Queen
♔ = Duke/Duchess
✤ = Baron/Baroness

None yet

Baako Burhan (72, Duke of Burhan, biqaj male)
m. Paige Burhan (nee Howard, 70, Duchess of Burhan, biqaj female)
Pavoo Burhan (54, first in line, biqaj male)
m. Caelan Burhan (nee Summers, 50, human female)
- Edmund Burhan (27, excommunicated, mixed blood male)
- Elyna Burhan (25, mixed blood female NPC)
Octavia Burhan (49, biqaj female - NPC)
m. Gaius Burhan (nee Lael, 51, biqaj male)
- ________ Burhan (24, biqaj female)
- ________ Burhan (24, biqaj male)
- ________ Burhan (21, biqaj male)
- ________ Burhan (19, biqaj female)
Naoko Burhan (45, biqaj female)
m. Unn Burhan (nee Val, 47, biqaj male)
- ________ Burhan (23, biqaj female)
- Lorena Burhan 21, biqaj female)
- ________ Burhan (20, biqaj male)
Raakel Burhan (43, biqaj female)
m. Jalen Burhan (nee Wayne, 47, human male)
- Valeria Burhan (22, mixed blood female)
- ________ Burhan (20, mixed blood male)
- ________ Burhan (18, mixed blood male)
Keiyiri Burhan (39, biqaj female)
m. Overyn Burhan (nee Kithaln, 41, deceased, human male)
- ________ Burhan (17, mixed blood male)
- ________ Burhan (17, mixed blood female)
- ________ Burhan (15, mixed blood male)
Veljorn Burhan (37, deceased, biqaj male)
m. Zaeila Burhan (nee Ithera, 34, deceased, human female)
- Veiyro Burhan (17, deceased, mixed blood male)
Burhan and Rynmere
Current Relationships
Andaris | Excellent
Warrick | Excellent
Venora | Good
Krome | Poor
Gawyne | Excellent
Endor | Good
The people of Burhan are famous for their ability to make ships and survive in an inhospitable habitat. The harsh nature of their surrounds somewhat simplify the general outlook on life. Drink, dance, be merry, see the world, lose yourself to love and live. The people of Burhan are the folk equivalent of carpe diem (“seize the day”), if the Noble line is not also somewhat tempered by the creed of silence and a desire to seek knowledge.

Burhan’s are generally considered to be easy going and with an excellent sense of humour and hold less stigma to lower social classes, given the necessity to rely on one another to survive. For this reason there is a certain level of expected friction between Burhan and Andaris. Nothing that has come to blows for several decades at least, but it’s an uneasy truce.

Since Rynmere’s creation House Burhan and House Warrick have had a strong alliance. They back each other in politics and war and it is said that the two houses are the powerhouses of Rynmere, Burhan with their shipbuilding and command over the majority of the Sailors in the country, and Warrick with their Skyriders and their champion livestock (horses).
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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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[Rynmere] Nobility Information

House Endor
The noble men and women of Endor are business experts and are often put in charge of setting up trading alliances across Rynmere and around the world of Idalos. Known as 'the children of the dragon' for their underground dwellings and secretive ways. House Endor is perhaps the most mysterious of them all, underestimated and often forgotten, these people are hard to silence.

♚ = King
♛ = Queen
♔ = Duke/Duchess
✤ = Baron/Baroness

None yet

Cage Endor (88, Duke of Endor, mixed blood male)
m. Tanya Endor (nee kelp, 84, Duchess of Endor, human female)
Ted Endor, (59, first in line, mixed blood male)
m. Kee Endor (nee greene, 58, mixed blood female)
- ________ Endor (31, mixed blood male)
- ________ Endor (28, mixed blood male)
Cameron Endor, (57, mixed blood male)
m. Maderson Endor (nee Cymelle, 59, human female)
- Nathaniel Endor (30, mixed blood male)
Caleb Endor, (55, mixed blood male)
m. Hannah Endor (nee Song, 52, human female)
- ________ Endor (26, mixed blood male)
- Alice Endor (24, mixed blood female)
- ________ Endor (22, mixed blood male)
- Madelyn Selene Endor (21, mixed blood female)
Endor and Rynmere
Current Relationships
Andaris | Good
Venora | Good
Warrick | Good
Burhan | Good
Krome | Good
Gawyne | Excellent
House Endor is built upon a foundation of politicians, democrats and pen pushers these sharp witted individuals pride themselves on their political prowess. Many secrets hide within the house of Endor and if it’s information you need, they are the most likely to be able to provide it. Although not as frequent in their endeavours to enjoy merriment, they occasionally throw or attend parties to keep their political presence known. “Knowledge is power," and none know this better than House Endor.
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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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[Rynmere] Nobility Information

House Gawyne
Perhaps the most humble noble house, the people of Gawyne's line are historians, philosophers, poets, and mathematicians. They enjoy studying the stars and have been called 'the fortunetellers of the north'. House Gawyne are most akin to House Warrick, and the two usually form strong alliances that see them to power sooner or later.

♚ = King
♛ = Queen
♔ = Duke/Duchess
✤ = Baron/Baroness

None yet

Jason Gawyne (70, Duke of Gawyne, mortal born male)
m. Hope Gawyne (nee Serf, 68, Duchess of Gawyne, aukari female)
Fredrick Gawyne (44, first in line, mixed blood male)
m. Jade Gawyne (nee Tide, 45, mixed blood female)
- Hunter Gawyne (NPCed, 26, mixed blood male)
- Caius Gawyne (23, mixed blood male)
- Ivy Gawyne (20, mixed blood female)
- Robert Gawyne (19, deceased mixed blood male)
- ________ Gawyne (17, mixed blood male)
- ________ Gawyne (15, mixed blood female)
Ryan Gawyne (41, mixed blood male)
m. Sonnet Gawyne (nee Venora, 48, human female)
- Cassian Gawyne (NPCed, 21, mixed blood male)
- ________ Gawyne (20, mixed blood male)
- ________ Gawyne (19, mixed blood male)
Snow Gawyne (39, mixed blood female)
m. Jenson Gawyne (nee Pact, 42, human male)
- ________ Gawyne (18, mixed blood male)
- ________ Gawyne (16, mixed blood male)
Gawyne and Rynmere
Current Relationships
Andaris | Good
Venora | Excellent
Warrick | Good
Burhan | Good
Krome | Poor
Endor | Excellent
Philosophers, poets, and masters of mathematics, House Gawyne are known for their high level of intelligence and underground history keeping archives. They are honest, humble, and somewhat naïve, taking most people or situations at face value. Though they are not quite as confined as House Endor, they do tend to prefer their own company and seldom attend regional get-togethers.
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[Rynmere] Nobility Information

House Krome
The men and women of Krome are brash and unrefined. They enjoy fighting for sport and make fearsome opponents on the battlefield. House Krome is one of the richest houses in all of Rynmere and don't tend to spend their coin on flashy clothes or items. Non-materialistic and lovers of the land, those with Krome blood in their veins are difficult to buy, fool or persuade, and are never trusted to keep their word.

♚ = King
♛ = Queen
♔ = Duke/Duchess
✤ = Baron/Baroness

None yet

Andre Krome (84, Duke of Krome, biqaj male)
m. Emma Krome (nee Antler, 82, Duchess of Krome, human female)
Vanessa Krome, (64, deceased, mixed blood female)
m. Malcolm Krome (nee Vri, unknown, mortalborn male)
- _Marcus_ Krome (31, excommunicated, mixed blood male) -special permission
- _Vaughn_ Krome (27, excommunicated, mixed blood male) -special permission
Sophia Krome, (57, first in line, mixed blood female)
m. Jersey Krome (nee Fisher, 59, human male)
- Velaine Krome (21, mixed blood female)
- Zara Krome (18, deceased mixed blood female)
- Vincent Krome (NPCed, 17, mixed blood male)
- Xander Andaris (24, mixed blood male)
Journey Krome, (55, mixed blood female)
m. Morgan Krome (nee Sethon, 60 human male)
- ________ Krome (32, mixed blood female)
- Victoria Krome (NPCed, 26, mixed blood female)
- ________ Krome (24, mixed blood male)
Riki Krome, (52, mixed blood male)
m. Toni Krome (nee Woods, 54, biqaj female)
- ________ Krome (25, mixed blood female)
- ________ Krome (23, mixed blood female)
Krome and Rynmere
Current Relationships
Andaris | Poor
Venora | Poor
Warrick | Good
Burhan | Excellent
Gawyne | Poor
Endor | Poor
In recent arcs, House Krome has been very friendly with Burhan and Warrick, but it wasn’t always that way. Krome and Endor have always been known as the mercenary houses; they are unscrupulous and often set up deals that benefit them or underhand other houses. Perhaps best epitomized by their house sigil, they are the lone wolves of Rynmere.

Despite their lack of materialism the House Krome are known for their more tribal approach toward festivities and throw many large hearty feasts, war dances and ceremonial burials in an attempt to build stronger relations with those whom they wish to ally themselves with.
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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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[Rynmere] Nobility Information

House Venora
Members of the garden region, the Venora line produces some of the most beautiful people in all of Rynmere. Known for their striking looks and graceful exchanges, House Venora is famous for its beauty, musical and artistic talents, and skills in persuasion.

♚ = King
♛ = Queen
♔ = Duke/Duchess
✤ = Baron/Baroness

The Barony of Novilane - Ruled by Alistair Venora
Willow Venora (50, Duchess of Venora, human female)
m. Kaleb Venora (nee Fate, 51, Duke of Venora, human male)
Alistair Venora (27, excommunicated, NPCed, human male)
Zvezdana Venora (24, human female) Deceased
Andráska Venora (first in line, 22, human male)
Kalani Venora (49, human female)
m. Manu Venora (nee Talon, 53, biqaj male)
- Oliver Venora (30, mixed blood male)
- Darcyanna Venora (22, mixed blood female)
- Pythera Venora (Valkyr) (21, mixed blood female)
Noah Venora (47, human male)
m. Shannon Venora (nee Meadow, 54, human female)
- Tristan Venora (21, human male)
- ________ Venora (19, human female)
- ________ Venora (18, human female)
- Theodore Venora (17, human male)Deceased
Venora and Rynmere
Current Relationships
Andaris | Excellent
Warrick | Excellent
Burhan | Good
Krome | Good
Gawyne | Excellent
Endor | Good
Within Kingdom affairs, the Venora tend to maintain positive relations with other Duchies and Great Houses. It is said that at least a quarter of the food in the Kingdom is drawn from Venora's fields, and so positive relations with the house can be seen as quite the necessity, especially in times of war, strife and famine. To begin with individual houses, it is said that for a long time since the formation of the Houses, there has been tensions with House Krome. It makes sense that such a practical and artistically deprived house would find themselves in tense relations with a family that values beauty and grace above all other things, and as a result, the Lords of the two Houses have been exceptionally distant since the time of the first Kings.

Most houses are neutral to Venora, or merely cordial. While many nobles from Warrick to Andaris adore the Duchy's wines, songs, painters and parties, the common men of Rynmere often find Venorans to be prissy and posh. Their reputation is thus as a Duchy of overly-sensitive artistic types with little grasp on the hardships of the world, especially as starvation is something you will rarely find in a land filled with lush and ripe fields.

Burhan and Venora have been historically cordial, if not quite friendly. It would make sense that the lavish party throwers would always have room at their tables for the Kingdom's most skilled musicians and artists, that both families would enjoy one another's refined stories, and often is a happy couple made from a Burhan and Venora betrothal. They have maintained positive trade relations for as long as many can remember, and often Burhan merchants are involved in the sale of tens of thousands of bushels of Venoran crops.

Venora and Andaris have always been greatly close, as well. They have a longstanding alliance that has endured the test of time. House Andaris has power in the Capital that Venora has always sought after, as the family has had a long standing aspiration of royalty, even if merely as the spouse of a reigning Andaris King. Furthermore, Andaris has possessed many great generals now and in the past, fit well to lead the always swelling manpower of the fertile region of Venora. The two of them have had a military, social, political and trade alliance for as long as any living man can recall, and while bumps in their relations do sometimes occur, friendship between the two remains both important and necessary.
High Fashion in Venora
The ducal crown of Venora
Women's Aristocratic Fashion
The fashion of women in Venora is exceptionally diverse and highly sophisticated. Silk is of course unrivaled in need for any noble lady to wear, and it goes beyond merely the fabric and the expertise - dresses are practically that of art collages, with flowery ornaments, ribbons and other such things lining the bottom to the middle of the dress. Women often wear shawls or thin overcoats made of animal fur above their dresses, as this shows a level of sophistication and wealth. Adornments and accessories are almost always that of a flowery design, with many of the aristocratic houses of Venora being represented by a different flower: Venora the Rose, Graysons the Lilacs, Desmond the Tulip, Furdan the Primrose, Guiliani the Dahlia, so on and so forth. These flowers - whichever they are - will often be worn in the form of elaborate jewelry for women.

For women of lesser noble families, such as those with no relatives of the rank of Count, singular or small arrays of flowers are to be worn in the hair of the women, a fashionable design that compliments their hairstyle as well as promoting the Venoran ideals of growth, devotion, beauty and elegance. The flower in the woman's hair that represents their noble house is to be worn up until they are married, at which point they will often instead wear this flower as an icon in their jewelry and replace the flower decorating their hair with that of their husband's noble house symbol, even if this means wearing a miniature boat in her hair. If a woman is to marry a lowborn man, she discards the flower decorating her hair entirely, displaying that she is disgraced. It is fashion, beauty and artistry that dominates the social hierarchy of Venora. As such, to be stripped of the beauty of one's adornments is to be relegated to the lower brackets of the social and political hierarchy. These pressures exist to ensure that men and women of high birth marry one another, rather than commoners.

Women will usually not wear the ducal crown even if the reigning ruler of Venora, instead wearing the Rose of Nora, a large diamond accessory in the shape of the rose that curves around the head and is to be worn similarly to a tiara.
Men's Aristocratic Fashion
Men's fashion in Venora is often dominated by colorful and exceptionally high quality brocade vests, as well as luxuriously designed silk trousers and a variety of accessories that display his unique aspects. While men in Venora do not wear quite as much fancy attire as women, their brocade vests and silk trousers, as well as the silk clothing they wear as their undershirt are expected to be of impeccable style, quality and elegance. Before marriage, the color of their vest is often that of their house's flower - thus the Venora men will often wear red to public occasions, Graysons a sort of light indigo, Desmonds a golden hue, so on and so forth. The colors worn by Venoran men are thus often bright and noticeable when they are young, displaying that they are young and ready for marriage so that mothers and fathers may watch their behaviors and see if they are suitable for their young daughters. When they become married, they often tend to wear darker colors - a shadowy purple, dark blues, black, to display that they are unavailable.

A man will often wear several rings - one displaying his marriage (often a gem styled into that of his wife's noble house), one displaying his talent (a ring cut to appear as a paintbrush for example), one displaying his chosen Venoran virtue (beauty, elegance, devotion, growth, nobility) in a symbol that the man will often draw himself before bringing it to a jeweler, and one signet ring that displays his family's crest, which is very often of course a flower.

The patriarchs of noble families tend to wear low collars that reveal the beginnings of their pectorals and a pendant running down them displaying their crest. The men of House Venora are expected to be attractive and presentable and even after marriage they will almost always wear their red brocade vests, the leader of the house complimented by the Crown of Lamonte, their ducal crown.

Outside of the Duchy
As Venora is the land of beauty, elegance and art, their fashion often inspires the clothing industry of nobles and middle-class citizens across Rynmere. Men and women across the Kingdom often advise their tailors and designers to style their vests and dresses similarly to that of a Venoran outfit, though many outfitters in Rynmere are incapable of the artistry required of one of their trade working in the duchy of luxury. As such, Venoran tailors are in exceptionally high demand and are often contracted to work for noble families outside of their home duchy, which is a profitable outcome for the duchy itself as they often bring home the money they gained from places such as Andaris, Warrick, Burhan and Gawyne.

Credit: Alistair
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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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[Rynmere] Nobility Information

House Warrick
Twins are common in this bloodline, and those of this house are known for their fertility. Warricks come from a long, proud line of hunters, farmers, and skyriders. They are a hardy people who know the land better than most and seldom die young. Warricks are famous for their bravery, trustworthiness, and wisdom. They know The Burning Mountains better than any and often use this to their advantage.

♚ = King
♛ = Queen
♔ = Duke/Duchess
✤ = Baron/Baroness

None yet
Alston Warrick (74, Duke of Warrick, human male)
m. Isabel Warrick (nee Howard, 63, Duchess of Warrick, human female)
Jared Warrick (44, deceased human male)
m. Sar’eiris Warrick (nee Ashan, 41, sev’ryn female)
Lazuli Warrick (NPCed, 21, mixed blood female)
Lei’Lira Warrick (21, abdicated to Victor Warrick, mixed blood female)
Victor Warrick (42, first in line, human male)
m. Alice Warrick (nee Wade, 43, human female)
- Charlotte Warrick (26, human female)
- Violet Warrick (NPCed, 23, human female)
- John Warrick (19, deceased human male)
Wren Warrick (36, human female)
m. Garrett Warrick (nee Pace, 43, biqaj male)
- Olivia Warrick (NPCed, 21, mixed blood female)
- Vivian Warrick Shiryu (Excommunicated) (20, mixed blood female)
- ________ Warrick (18, mixed blood male)
- ________ Warrick (17, mixed blood male)
Ned Warrick (34, human male)
m. Ray Warrick (nee Black, 37, human female)
- ________ Warrick (17, human female)
- ________ Warrick (17, human female)
- ________ Warrick (16, human male)
- Rafael Warrick (15, bastard, human male)
Warrick and Rynmere
Current Relationships
Andaris | Poor
Venora | Good
Burhan | Excellent
Krome | Excellent
Gawyne | Good
Endor | Poor
Producing over half of the country’s food and wine makes House Warrick one of the most decisive votes when it comes to politics in Rynmere. They have a long standing relationship with House Burhan, and have in more recent arcs signed an agreement with House Krome. Marriages between these three houses are common and friendships formed with the members of House Warrick are said to be steadfast and reliable.

In terms of force, Warrick commands the loyalty of the Xiur Skyriders, most of whom hail from the region. They are wise, trustworthy, brave, and always make the right decisions when push comes to shove. It is said that House Warrick has no enemies, but in reality they have little faith in both House Andaris and Endor who they find far too greedy and or secretive.
word count: 390
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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