• Memory • Caught Blue-Handed (Yolande)

When an accusation falls on Maebella, she needs allies to help prove her innocence

Stronghold of education and learning, this fortress is in one of the coldest areas of Idalos and home to many knowledge seekers in a variety of disciplines. However, unknown to most, below the city are those who suffer for the sake of science. While all are welcome, not everyone will be treated as they expect.

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Caught Blue-Handed (Yolande)

39 Saun 716
"I had it here only a few bits ago," Maebella insisted, questing through the sorting shelves for the particular tome.

"If you had then it would still be here unless you shelved it, which isn't the case," the man explained coldly, arms crossed over his chest, his gaze sharp and accusatory. His presence made her nervous and his displeasure only worsened the situation, his stare creating a prickling sensation on the back of her neck while she was turned away from him.

It was rare and highly unusual that a text on arcana would be left on the standard sorting shelves. The shelves were many for staff use but students would often leave books there when they were done with them, leaving someone else to take care of them. However, the arcana texts were highly restricted and the notion of someone leaving them where anyone could get ahold of them - visitors included if they sought them there - was unimaginable. Typically, those who studied arcane topics kept themselves to the third floor. It was there that the entrance to the Griseous Wing could be found, there that special shelves were put aside to prevent just anybody from getting their hands on it and it was there that the books were normally left. In fact, Maebella wasn't really supposed to handle the texts herself. She would have carried it upstairs and left it on the appropriate sorting shelves and nobody would have known of the unusual occurrence. Of course, she wasn't destined to be so lucky.

"As soon as the book came into your possession, you should have informed someone! It should have been brought upstairs immediately. It shouldn't fall to me to realise that something of such import is missing. If I hadn't wanted to take it out then goodness knows what would have happened! I thought it was a long shot that it was brought down here but now you tell me that you've lost it. Truly the height of incompetence!" the arcana lecturer blustered, his voice rising to an uncomfortable level. At this rate, everyone in the Prime Atheneum was going to hear how the Eídisi girl had screwed up.

It wasn't where she'd left it. She knew it wasn't there but she still searched for it, even though this wasn't the first time and she already knew the outcome. However, she also knew that there was no way that she could have misplaced it. She'd hardly moved from this spot, she hadn't moved the book and she knew with complete certainty that this wasn't her fault. Unfortunately, despite the lack of explanation, she also knew that it was her fault and her fault alone. She'd been responsible for it and it had gone missing on her watch.

The blue-skinned young woman faced the lecturer once more, drawing herself up to her full height as she smoothed down her clothing. There was the niggling threat of tears but she was too proud to let this man see her reduced to such a useless display of emotion. "I don't know where it is but it isn't my fault. Someone must have taken it, perhaps it was the person who put it here in the first place. I'm fairly sure that a few people came or went since I saw it last. You said it yourself that it wasn't signed out, which means that it's strange that someone came down here specially to leave it here. Don't you think that it's strange?" she questioned, eyeing the human closely as she waited for her words to sink in. If he examined the situation logically then surely he'd see that there was something unusual going on here.

"Perhaps the person who left it here picked it back up again. Maybe they brought it upstairs again, I don't know but don't you think that you should check?" she added, watching the man's face redden.

"Do you presume to tell me my job? If you'd done yours then we wouldn't have this mess! Someone could have stolen it and taken it out of the Prime Atheneum altogether but you have the time and the insolence to act as if this is just a simple misunderstanding!" he snapped back, making her wince. They'd drawn something of an audience at this point and the girl could feel her face heating further under the stares.

There was clearly nothing that she could do in this situation because any attempt would simply aggravate this man further. What she really needed was for someone to come to her aid but Maebella didn't have any allies, neither here nor anywhere else.
word count: 804
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Caught Blue-Handed (Yolande)

39th Saun 716th arc

Yolande peered intently at the book that currently lay in front of her, and looped a 'p' at the end of the sentence she had just finished writing. Her intentness was somewhat forced, due to an argument occurring just a few desks away from hers, that was intruding on her study and making her wish she'd sat somewhere else. A woman's voice, quietly hushing an answer to an irate man. She listened without meaning to, the words of the book blurred as she focussed instead on the argument currently under way.
"and taken it out of the Prime Atheneum altogether but you have the time and the insolence to act as if this is just a simple misunderstanding!"

Yolande stood up, and turned in the direction of the voices. There, standing under the indignant gaze of a human man that she presumed was at least somebody of importance, was an Eidisi woman. She looked closer, quickly studying the woman's face. Something about her struck her as familiar... Nevertheless, they were the source of the argument, and thus the noise. She had no choice but to intervene. She quietly shut her study book and tucked it carefully under her arm, leaving the textbook on the table for her to pick up and take elsewhere once she'd dealt with the commotion. With that, she flipped her long hair over her shoulder and walked up to the two.

As she approached, she cleared her throat, and the man looked up from staring the flustered woman down. She must have looked at least a little authoritative, because he opened his mouth to exclaim something with a look of relief. Maybe he had even thought the book under her arm was the missing one, but it was not to be. Before any of them could say anything, Yolande spoke with a soft voice befitting the library, and tersely told them, "Myself and my fellow students and researchers would greatly appreciate if you took your argument... discussion... to a more secluded section of the library. It's hard to concentrate with all this squealing going on. And if you cannot go elsewhere, and you cannot resolve your difficulties without resorting to childish arguments, then perhaps to speed to process along I can be of assistance."

She took a breath, and looked once more at the Eidisi, who really did look familiar. She tried to place her, and failed as a list of the few acquaintances flickered without recognition through her mind. Yolande looked from one to the other, and when she was sure they had calmed a little, she continued. "What is it that I can do to get this issue resolved? But make it quick. I have a book with my name on it that should not be left long."

The Eidisi woman beckoned the man and the woman further to one side and away from the desks as she listened carefully to what they had to say. Once they were done, she contemplated it with a gradual frown descending down like a lazy snowfall across her brow. Both were right... and both were wrong. The issue was a tricky one, and despite her better judgement she found herself drawn into their dilemma. First she addressed the lecturer, wondering how best to avoid treading across his delicate disposition. "I'm willing to help the assistant find what has happened to this book. Does that satisfy you, or would you like to take this higher?" After a slight pause when an idea hit her, she continued, "After all, by the time we found this woman's superiors, it will get harder and harder to find out what exactly has happened to this tome. I'm confident with both of us searching, and with this woman's knowledge of the workings of the library, we should be able to find it in no time at all."

She wasn't as confident as all that, but it didn't hurt to reassure the man, even though she did wonder what she was getting herself into. But the other Eidisi woman had a look of innocence about her, enough to make Yolande feel somewhat at ease that it wasn't her that had done something illegal with the missing tome. Finally, swallowing unease, she questioned the Eidisi, "Tell us your suspicions. We have to start somewhere. Let it be an informed start to this search, rather than blind guesswork." If she was being controlling, she didn't realise, notice, or even care. It was Maebella's job, but Yolande was naturally independent and with that came an inherent sense that someone had to be in control. If it wasn't her, then whatever task was at hand probably wouldn't be completed to how she would like it to be. So she stood gazing somewhat accusingly at the other Eidisi as she waited to hear what she had to say for herself.
word count: 832
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Caught Blue-Handed (Yolande)

When an Eídisi woman approached suddenly, Maebella thought that what she'd anticipated was finally happening: someone was coming to complain about the noise. Her eyes closed briefly, a small sigh escaping the girl as she steeled herself for a further bout of berating. This wasn't her fault. She hadn't lost the book, she wasn't to blame and what was more, she hadn't asked for this idiot to make all this noise; if she could shut him up, she would.

When she re-opened her eyes, she found that the woman had come to a halt before them, a tome in hand that drew Mae's gaze quickly, wondering if it was the missing book but no, the woman's demeanour was wrong and her words soon confirmed it. Her hopes hadn't gotten up particularly high but her shoulders still sagged a little as the quiet tongue lashing came, a slight wince drawn from her at the mention of "squealing". Despite that, she was quite glad to have someone sensible enter the situation. This was certainly the best sort of ally that she could have hoped for, someone who was ready to approach things logically rather than simply denouncing her.

As the other's white gaze shifted to hers, the young woman had the niggling feeling of recognition although she couldn't understand how this Eídisi was known to her. She regarded her closely, trying to determine something about her. She thought that she was probably older than her for she carried herself with a greater authority, like someone sure of themselves. No matter how highly Mae liked to think of herself, she always had that small amount of doubt related to her age and maturity, a fact that affected her demeanour slightly. It was probably too subtle for many to notice but she suspected that one of her racial fellows would identify it. In that case, if she was older, Mae had no idea why she was familiar. Someone her own age would have made sense - a past classmate perhaps - but if she was older, there was no way of telling. Perhaps she'd been around one of her brothers?

She was so preoccupied with her own thoughts that she remained silent until the other beckoned herself and the entirely unreasonable arcana lecturer to one side. Of course then she had to keep her mouth shut because the man was so intent on hearing the sound of his own voice that she'd never get a word in before him. Sure enough, he began speaking rapidly almost immediately, managing to call Maebella every variety of stupid and incompetent while failing to divulge details at anything like a reasonable pace. Considering how long it took him to explain the situation of the book ending up in such an unusual place and subsequently going missing, the Eídisi youth was more than ready to smack him. Perhaps a good slap across the face would calm him down; he was almost hysterical.

When his flow of words finally came to a halt, the young woman sighed, smoothing her blouse as she drew herself up to her full height. "A book on the arcane ended up in the sorting section on this floor. Arcana books aren't supposed to be here, they're supposed to be effectively restricted to the third floor, except under very particular circumstances. You need special permission to leave with such a book and thus, it's fairly pointless to carry it down from the third floor to this one," she explained levelly, keeping her information concise and to the point. "I was sorting books and I left briefly. When I returned, the book was here. I went to leave another book somewhere else with the intention of carrying the arcana book up to the third floor but it had vanished when I returned. I never touched it so I can't have misplaced it."

Pleased with her oration, she felt a flicker of annoyance when the other Eídisi didn't sensibly point out that she wasn't at fault. Instead, she seemed intent on appeasing the lecturer. Worse still, she was speaking in a way that barely acknowledged her presence. Apparently, this other considered her so far beneath her that she might as well be an unassuming furniture.

Her lips pursed together in something of a pout, gaze fixed woodenly on the floor until she was addressed directly, a fact that took her by surprise. She remained silent for a moment, considering the matter carefully. "It isn't clear how long the tome in question has been missing but apparently," here she looked to the lecturer, "no one has sought permission to remove it from the Prime Atheneum recently. Hence, no one was returning it but too lazy to ascend to the third floor. That means that someone carried it down here and left it here for some reason. Perhaps they preferred to use a study space on the first floor even though they weren't supposed to do so and couldn't be bothered going upstairs. If that's the case, they might well have had a change of heart and returned it upstairs after all."

She paused, chewing her lip, unable to stop herself bristling a little under the other's accusatory gaze. She lifted her chin defiantly. "I suspect that the same person left it here to begin with and then took it away again. People don't tend to scan the sorting shelves and if they do, it takes time. I know I wasn't gone long enough for someone to come across it by chance. I think they knew precisely where it was. Thus, I think it'd be wise to check the third floor again. It's quite possible that Mr Talon here passed the student as they were heading upstairs and he was heading down."

"I didn't pass anyone!" the lecturer interjected with a snap. "No one went by me. Well, someone came to the second floor when I reached it but they didn't go further upstairs."

The Eídisi turned to him with raised brows. "You were paying enough attention to notice that despite not having reason to be interested in those you passed?" she questioned. People didn't tend to pay that much attention without cause.

His mouth opened and snapped shut again before he blurted out indignantly, "Of course, I noticed! I'm not blind!"
word count: 1087
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