Yeva's Mailbox

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Yeva's Mailbox


Sent Letters
Recipient Sent Delivered
Faith Augustin 20 Ymiden 719 66 Ymiden 719
Devin Thorn 3 Ashan 720 4 Ashan 720
Element Lyari 18 Cylus 720 19 Cylus 720
Darius Baer 18 Ashan 720 19 Ashan 720
Tio Silver 3 Ymiden 720 4 Ymiden 720
Darius Baer 3 Ymiden 720 4 Ymiden 720
Darius Baer 12 Ymiden 720 13 Ymiden 720
Elisabeth Angelus 58 Zi'da 720 61st Zi'da 720
Elisabeth Angelus 73 Cylus 720 74 Cylus 720
Balthazar Black 10 Cylus 721 13 Cylus 721
Kura Wolfsdotter 10 Cylus 721 13 Cylus 721

Sender Sent Delivered
Faith Augustin 67 Ymiden 719 x
Devin Thorn 7 Ashan 720 7 Ashan 720
Darius Baer 20 Ashan 720 21 Ashan 720
Tio Silver 5 Ymiden 720 6 Ymiden 720
Darius Baer 10 Ymiden 720 11 Ymiden
Elisabeth Angelus 25 Zi'da 720 26 Zi'da 720
Elisabeth Angelus 56 Zi'da 720 58 Zi'da 720
Elisabeth Angelus 72 Cylus 721 73 Cylus 721
x x x
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Re: Yeva's Mailbox

Sent: 18 Cylus 720
Received: 19 Cylus 720
Element Lyari

I debated whether or not I should write to you, but I hoped that given the stress of your occupation, words of praise may give you strength and the resilience needed during these difficult times. Your job is not easy, I have learned that somewhat first hand although I cannot claim an inkling of true understanding. You may remember me - I am Yeva, the Order member who came in to the Element Hall. We met previously, a few trials ago when the initial wave of children disappeared and I made suggestions to your map. I can't imagine the kind of stress you could be under, but it was clear you cared deeply for Scalvoris and its people.

You are a good person.

I want to thank you. I like to think it through hardship our character is revealed and I find a bit of comfort in knowing people like you are protecting the city. I would also like to extend any future assistance should you or your colleagues need it. I am not sure what I could provide, and forgive me - I am often busy with work or my studies so at this time I cannot seek formal entry to your organization- but should lives be at risk, please know you have an ally in me and I am happy to give what I can for as long as I am able.

Thank you for your service,
Yeva of Rharne
word count: 251
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Darius Baer Bottom
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Re: Yeva's Mailbox

Arc 720, 20th of Ashan

To: Yeva of Rharne, C/- Knight's Rest Inn And Tavern.
From: Darius Baer, Scalvoris Town.

Dear Yeva,

Thank you for your letter. It was a delight to receive it. I must say, you have impeccable timing! I have just returned from Ishallr, and I am eager for some rest and kind company, and yours would be quite the tonic. There is also news I would like to share with you, so I welcome the opportunity to do so over lunch.

Cookies sound like a wonderful idea, and I do not have any allergies that I know of. I am sure you are far more skilled in the kitchen than I am - my creations tend to be functional, rather than joyful - so perhaps you could teach me a few things. I can assure you that I shall be a willing student!

Dessert, too, seems gloriously extravagant, but rather than dictate the terms of such a delicacy, I would suggest we make whatever you desire.

It seems you have already found my address, so I need not give you any directions, although I should warn you to be careful when climbing the hill. It feels a lot steeper than it looks!

I shall deliver this note by hand to the Knight's Rest to ensure you receive it in time. I look forward to seeing you and breaking bread with you on the morrow.

Yours sincerely,
Darius Baer.
word count: 242
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Re: Yeva's Mailbox

Arc 720, 10th of Ymiden

To: Yeva of Rharne.
From: Darius Baer.

Honey Bee,

The timing of your letter was impeccable! It always seems to brighten my mood when you're around, and bright trials have seemed few and far between as of late. Though I have no way of proving it, the morning of the trial it arrived, I was reading your previous letter and reflecting on simpler times: casinos and home baking and awards nights.

All of that seems so distant, all of a sudden, does it not?

I am flattered by your request! I do still enjoy woodworking, and I am always seeking to hone my skills. Your request sounds like quite the challenge, and I'm eager to see if I can create these dice. Such work will be a kind distraction, I'm sure.

I am saddened to learn of your nightmares, for I have experienced my own, where I am on a tightrope that is crumbling beneath my feet. I do hope they will fade. There have been nights where I have woken up in a cold sweat. I might have to take you up on your kind offer of assistance before I set sail.

I am sorry to hear that your friend is no longer in town to keep you company. These recent trials have been challenging to say the least, and though my home is much smaller than yours, I can relate to the feeling of loneliness. I have tried to busy myself, not only by helping survivors where I can, but also by spending time with Da. I know I am fortunate to have him so close, and I feel for you being so distant from your family, which has made me wonder if I can do something to help alleviate your feelings of isolation...

As you know, I will soon be leaving for Rharne. Before our time in Faldrass, I considered the siege at Storm's Edge to be a more dangerous place than Scalvoris, but I'm no longer convinced that this is the case. I had hoped to leave Da here while I sailed to your home city, delivering the supplies that have been requested by Faith.

But since the eruption, Da and I have talked about him coming with me. He assures me that his sea legs are fine, no matter how old I claim them to be! It will provide me with much peace of mind to know that he is safe, should there be another eruption, and I dare say I can still learn a few things off the ancient mariner!

Yeva, would you consider joining us? Not only would you be safe if Faldrass were to blow its top again, but you could also visit your family in person. I could keep you company during the voyage, and you can even have your own cabin. Plus, I can assure you, there is no wider space than the ocean, with no walls to close in on you. I'm hoping it proves to be the tonic we need after being in such a terrifying enclosed space.

I understand you might wish to stay back to help the survivors. You have a kind heart and a healing hand, and I'm sure you'll be of much use here. But if you decide to join me, you'd be most welcome.

Sincerely, and ever hopeful for banana cake,
word count: 573
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Re: Yeva's Mailbox

Arc 720, 6th of Vhalar

To: Yeva of Rharne.
From: Darius Baer.

Honey Bee,

Happy 21st birthtrial!

It feels like an entire era has passed since I left Rharne, but I wanted to let you know that I made it home safely in late Saun. The journey to Scalv-Town was just as long as the one to Rharne, but with much less excitement! I enjoy the sea, but there are times when I find myself thankful for every trial that passes me quietly by.

Something I have not yet told you is that Faith asked me to join Isonomia, and it is through their use of the Eclipse Portals that I've been able to get this letter to you so promptly.

So much has happened since we met at the Everdark Casino back in Cylus. I know it has only been a handful of seasons, but I truly consider myself fortunate to enjoy your friendship. There are very few people I can trust implicitly, Yeva, and you are one of them. I count myself lucky!

With that said, it is a trial of celebration, which is why there is a small gift with this letter. (I am working on the others, and can't wait to give them to you in person!)

It is Scalvorian tradition that, once we have come of age, we no longer expect to receive gifts on our birthtrial, but to give them. I should note that this is usually reserved only for our parents and older generations, and although it is not yet my birthtrial, I think it's close enough - some rules are worth bending, don't you think?

I look forward to our next adventure, should we be fortunate enough to share one, and to giving you the rest of these dice!

Yeva's Gift
Enclosed with the letter is a wooden tetrahedron; a triangular pyramid that is smooth to the touch. The finish is fine, with clean angles. There are no numbers on the die. In their place, engraved on each face, is a letter. The four sides, when viewed in the correct order, spell 'YEVA'. The letters contain a sprinkling of stormdust that enables them to glisten with a myriad of colours when held up to the light.
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Tue Jan 05, 2021 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 381
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Re: Yeva's Mailbox

A letter was left on the doorstep of Yeva’s family home with a medium-sized box. Both were addressed with her.

Arc 720, 25 Zi'da

Yeva – Happy Ziellmas! I’m sorry this gift isn’t much, but I saw it and thought of you immediately. Know you are cared about and friendship appreciated.


Yeva's Present
When opened, the box contains one Cavani’s Cloak. The cloak shimmers a soft color in complete darkness that echoes that of the wearer’s aura. While this item does little to protect against weapons, its strange ability of heating an individual up or cooling them down (depending on the season) makes it an interesting keepsake.
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Re: Yeva's Mailbox

Arc 721, 24th of Ashan

To: Yeva of Rharne, Scalvoris Town.
From: Darius Baer, Hopetoun, Faldrass.

Dear Yeva,

I hope this letter finds you well. Astra sends her warmest regards.

Last night, I had a most unexpected visitor: Cassion!

This is the first time I have encountered him since we were with Oram and ChiChi in the bowels of Faldrass. I know he has visited you since, but I was not expecting to see him again.

He told me a most shocking fact, which I now believe to be true: Maxine is still alive! Nir'wei told me that she had lost control of her powers, and in doing so had caused the destruction of Faldrass and her own death, but Cassion insists she is alive, and who am I to argue with an Immortal?

He also said that I was left unmarked when the three of us met him for a reason. He said that he and those marked by him are blinded in a way that someone like me isn't. He wanted to know what I saw when we were within the volcano, and he has given me a book to write down every detail. Such a responsibility!

He said Chrien is angry, and Audrae thinks that I was marked by him, so presumably I know something that she doesn't want Cassion to know.

As you can probably imagine, I had a rather restless night's sleep, thinking on all of this.

But I also thought of you, and of how little communication we've shared in recent times. I did not come to Faldrass to seek power or recognition, and yet here I am, one of three barons of the House of Von Smooglenuff. I have yet to get used to this idea of a noble meritocracy - and I'm still not convinced that I belong here, but Cassion seems to think I have a story worth telling. Titles do not come naturally to me. I'm only just becoming comfortable with the crew of the Libertalia calling me 'captain'!

Regardless, the vast majority of my time this cycle has been spent with the people of Hopetoun and helping to build and grow the settlement. In doing so, I fear I have not been a very good friend. Opportunities for enjoying your company have not been forthcoming, and I would like to apologise for burying myself in this work and not putting enough effort into our friendship.

If you would ever like to visit Hopetoun, you will always be welcome. Although I should warn you, it is a far cry from the mansion that once graced the island. But we have built some homes, and we have discovered a few Faldrass curiosities, too. The people here are hard working and loyal, and they deserve to be proud of what they have accomplished.

Even if you are unable to come, please know that I still value our friendship and I hope we can see each other again under more peaceful skies. I'm sure we both have much to catch up on.

Yours sincerely,
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Re: Yeva's Mailbox

Dated 60th Ashan 721

Addressed to:
Yeva of Rharne
Dear Yeva,

On behalf of Baron Darius Baer, it is my pleasure to invite you to a feast at Hopetoun. At dusk on the 1st Ymiden, we will be hosting a feast to give thanks for all that has been achieved in our community. It is our aim to give thanks to Saoire, to Xiur, to every one of you who has brought us hope, and to look to the future.

We look forward to seeing you.

Vega Creede,
word count: 89

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Yeva's Mailbox


Ashen 40 721

Dearest Yeva

I hope that you are doing well and recovering as well as possible from events last cycle. I am also sorry that we didn’t really get a chance to get to know each other before you went to Scalvoris.

I am writing to you to say that the order members here in Rharne wish to honor you for your work in during the war. To that end I wish to reward you with two Sigils. The first is Healers Blade for helping during the war. The second is the Adunih of Ultimate Service.

I will actually be in Faldress late next season. If you are still some where on the large island I would love to meet up with you.


Gennadiya Lyosha

(Two sigils are delivered in this letter. The Healers blade appears to be a scalpel with a pound back ground.

The second is a six pointed star with one triangle in black and the other in white.)
word count: 166
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