• Event • When Lightning Cracks the Sky [Ymiden Seasonal - Group 2]

75th of Ymiden 718

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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When Lightning Cracks the Sky [Ymiden Seasonal - Group 2]

75th of Ymiden, Arc 718

It was a warm Ymiden trial within the Azurewind Market. Saun was fast approaching and everyone within Rharne could feel it. The purveyors of the market stalls were preparing to close up for the day while the square remained packed with patrons attempting to make last minute purchases.

Azurewind Market was one of the most secure locations in Rharne. The Merchant’s Guild paid handsomely to ensure that the area was under guard during all breaks of operation. There was always a very palpable presence of Lightning Knights in the area, guarding the north and south entrances at a minimum if not actively patrolling the square.

There were even young boys and girls paid to keep the area swept and clean that could be seen hanging around the steep walls surrounding the market. You could buy almost anything you wished here, from newly crafted weapons or pets or clothes. Everything had a place somewhere in Azurewind.

Although there was indeed something or someone that was out of place to-trial, a group of robed men and women who appeared to be Aukari in appearance clung toward the edges of the market. Their faces were mostly obscured with cowls but tufts of red hair could be seen peeking out in places. The robed people spoke softly together in little tight knit circles while mostly ignoring the shoppers milling about the area.

It was odd to be sure, and the group earned a few cold looks from the merchants but there was little to be done about the loiters until they did something to disturb the peace.

However it didn’t take long before the peace was jarringly and violently disturbed…

The robed figures knelt down and pulled several small palm sized packages from the fabric of their clothes and tossed them into the crowd. There was a subtle hissing sound as the objects rolled forward beneath the feet of patrons and merchants alike. Men, women, and children walked past the hissing balls without a second glance in such a busy place.

It happened quickly and brutally as flames exploded with such force throughout the Azurewind Market that the namesake indigo banners hanging above the square were blown off their awnings and into the distance. Screams broke out across the area as limbs were blown off bodies and skin was scorched with flames. The objects the robed individuals had thrown into the crowd had been bombs…

The scene in the market had been transformed from a normal day into that of slaughter within mere trills. Wounded and dead were everywhere, as blood pooled along the flagstones of the square. The stench of burning flesh clung to the air. At that moment the remaining Knights in the market shot into action along with a few passing Priestesses.
Tobias was younger than most fully fledged Knights, but the man had been a gifted squire and his superiors had taken notice of him soon after he enlisted. At sixteen he was still a young buck and the silver and blue Lighting Knight armor looked a little silly on him but Tobias was not one to shirk from a challenge. He had been assigned to the Azurewind Market on several occasions. It was the sort of thing that newly promoted Knights did, rather than performing missions in the Stormlands or abroad with a Priestess.

It had been a trial just like any other trial, at least until a few moments ago. The Knight had been stationed at the south entrance of the market when explosions had rocked the area. Gore and carnage decorated the once peaceful plaza. Nausea threatened to make him vomit right then and there but he had to do something! There were injured civilians out there, and there was no one else more senior than him nearby to help.

His straw blonde hair was plastered with dust and grime from the explosion, and his shining armor marred by ash.

"We need help!" he called loudly with a hoarse voice while running forward into the carnage. There was a young boy, perhaps only a few arcs younger that him that was bleeding on the ground just outside the gate he guarded.

"Hang on." Tobias said with a wavering voice while he bent down in his clanking armor to place his gloved hand on the wound in the boy's side.

At that moment a woman with long red hair and sultry red lips strode up to the Knight. She was wearing a black robe like the other Aukari and she was followed by four other terrorists who had delivered the attack.

"Oh dear one, you need not worry about anything anymore. The Ring of Fire is here."

With that she reached out and flames danced at her finger tips. She was a Defier and she clearly had no intention at all of helping the young Knight at all. Tobias froze in place, as the woman summoned forth a gout of flames that wove themselves lovingly around her forearm as if waiting to be unleashed.

 ! Message from: Oracle
Welcome everyone to the Ymiden Seasonal Event!
Please pm me if you have not signed up and you would still like to join. I will allow late admissions until my second post!

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You may all ask meonequestion apiece about your surroundings prior to the bombs going off that you can use in your post.

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I will post again in roughly one week (7/3)
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When Lightning Cracks the Sky [Ymiden Seasonal - Group 2]

Vega was going to die of heat exhaustion, she was sure of it. At this point, she was moderately convinced that she was just a walking ginger freckle, so deep was her tan. She spent the majority of her time in their camp or on the Wanderlust in a pair of very short shorts and a tiny bikini top. It had got to the point that her father had asked her if she was sure that she would remain in a state of decency if there was a gust of wind and her reply had been simple. "Knickers, Papa, I bloody hope not. I'd give anythin' for a nice gust of wind whippin' round me unmentionables right about now. I've got more on than you or any other male in the vicinity, so jog on." That, of course, had prompted a laugh from her father and he had grumbled no more.

She and Arlo had come to Azurewind market to-trial, they had things to get for the camp and for the Wanderlust. Arlo wanted to stock up on supplies. Vega had decided that she was going to get some more summer frocks. She couldn't wear shorts in town, after all. So, she'd bought a few long, floaty, loose and light pretty summer cotton frocks and a hat. Piling her hair on her head, she had found, allowed the wind to blow around her neck - what little wind there was. So, she was walking through the streets with a pretty summer dress on, a hat at a suitably jaunty angle and her sword at her side and bow at her back. Everywhere they went, they ended up in trouble, or near trouble, or around trouble. So, when they'd split up to go looking for different things, Vega had kissed Arlo - uncaring of the middle of the market nature of their embrace and she'd sent Iris with him. Which meant that when she appeared to be talking to herself? She was chatting to Lyova - Arlo's unseen companion. That way, they both knew what was happening, one with the other.

She'd been very proud of the idea and, when she'd told him so, he'd smiled in such a way that Vega realised that Lyova had been going with her on trips like this for a long time. So, she punched Arlo's shoulder, called him a dweeb, kissed him once more and flounced off with a grin when Iris told her that he watched her doing so - through Iris' eyes she saw his expression when he did that and she couldn't help the bubbling delight she felt at that sight. Then, she got to shopping. When it happened, Vega was standing at a stall, looking at finely crafted pistol crossbow. Not for her, of course, but it was a beautiful piece and well made. She thought he'd like it and it was his birthtrial in Vhalar. Although, in truth, she wouldn't be able to wait until then and she lifted her head to ask the stall owner how much it cost when she heard a slight hissing sound.

And then, there was fire everywhere.

For a few trill, she simply stood, frozen in place. Because she saw the flames and she was there again. Nausea flooded through her as she saw flames in front of her eyes and she felt her knee snap once more. The taste of earth in her mouth was as real as it had been when the earth creature had dragged her through the ground and she had been snapped and crushed and broken and gasping for air. Fire. Not fire.

Please XIur. Not fire

Vega was immobile, rooted to the spot as the flames licked. "Arlo?" she whispered, her voice whimpering, hoarse and terrified like a child.

Then, the smell hit her.

No. Not again. This wasn't her, this was other people. The last time she'd smelled that it had been her own flesh burning and Vega's eyes flooded red. "You tell 'im I'm a'right, Lyova."

And then she turned to look at what was happening. There were people dying and screaming and she couldn't hear them because if she heard them, then she'd become them. But someone had done this. Someone was doing it. Like the mask wearing, flame touting loser who had burned her alive, Vega knew that his equivalent would be here and the young woman looked around as she drew her bow, and then. There.

There she was.

There was a young lad, a Lightning Knight, but a young lad nonetheless and he was kneeling and trying to save someone and there was a woman in a black robe, and four others. Vega saw it happening and she pulled an arrow and chose her target. The woman who was flinging around flame was the target, of course and Vega's aim was clear. Straight through the throat and then, immediately, she'd move on to the next one. Because Vega was terrified, because there was fire and people were burning and because of the smell.

Because these were the sights and sounds and scents which still greeted her sleep and which Arlo whispered away more nights than not. She'd fought it when it happened. She fought it every time it manifested in her sleep and by Xiur's perky nips, Vega swore. She was fighting it now.
Off Topic
Just noting here that she's bought:
3 x light cotton dresses = 9gn
1 x summer hat = 1gn
10gn deducted.
word count: 936

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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When Lightning Cracks the Sky [Ymiden Seasonal - Group 2]

Vivian had been set to patrol the market, less out of newness in her case, and more because it had been decided that she needed a slow day. Honestly, she wasn't going to complain, an easy job was an easy job and it let her spend the day just talking to the people of the city. She had noticed the group in the robe, but they didn't seem to be causing trouble, so she wasn't going to give them trouble. Instead, she had been talking to a man who was selling little wooden carved trinkets when she heard a hissing sound and looked over at the ball. It was weird enough that she decided to check it out, approaching with her shield held up.

Then everything exploded and Vivian found herself having been sent through a nearby stall. Fortunately, between her shield and her plate armor, both of the finest crafting and steel to be had, she wasn't badly injured, but the stalls around her were a mess, hiding her from view if one wasn't looking. But she was able to see through the rubble to were a few of the hooded folks, who she guessed were the culprits of the attack, were threatening Tobias. She didn't know the young knight well, but he was a comrade, he was trying to save a civilian, and now she was just well and truly pissed.

Getting quickly to her feet, Vivian gathered the lightning under her feet and into her palm. The lightning beneath her feet propelled her into the air and over the rubble. As she rose, she saw Vega prepare to fire at the woman and she changed her attack on the fly. The lightning in her palm still went for it's intended target, aimed for the fire wrapped arm of the woman, but her landing point had changed. Still, after she threw the bolt of lightning, she drew Shiryu and brought it down on one of the robed Aukari as she landed. "Tobias, stand to your feet and draw your weapon!" she called to the other knight as she stood to her full height with her shield at the ready and her sword drawn. "Fekkin' gutless cowards, I'll see you learn how we deal with Faldrun's lackey's 'round 'ere!" she snapped as she charged another of the robed Aukari.
word count: 400
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When Lightning Cracks the Sky [Ymiden Seasonal - Group 2]

The sultry Defier pursed her ruby lips in amusement as Vivian soared through the air via an arc of lightning. She even almost appeared impressed with the Lighting Knight, taking in her appearance with a measured glance. Vivian was a sight to behold, with her glittering plate armor that was radiant with images of lighting. However the mage she faced had a surprise for the Ilaren marked woman.

The Catalyst had made a name for herself of late, appearing from time to time at night on the streets of Rharne before setting homes on fire and leaving the mark of the Ring behind. Flames might be her calling sign but the woman had another trick up her sleeve.

The bolt of lightning that Vivian launched at the Catalyst split the air with a shriek of thunder, just barely passing Vega’s arrow and racing past it. The ruby lipped Defier reached out with her left and right hand. The ribbons of fire around her arm began to glow white hot while nearly invisible currents of air whipped around her left arm, fueling each other until the moment that the Knight’s lightning seemed to impact the Defier’s hands.

There was a deafening boom that was abruptly cut short.

Suddenly lightning blossomed from the Catalyst’s hands where she had been struck, and crackled wildly around her in a heated incandescent aura.

“Ilaren isn’t the only one with that in her bag of tricks.” The Catalyst hissed. Her Flame guardian rose up in a flash to consume Vega’s arrow, pushing it to the side and away from the mage. The guardian sent out a fiery wall of heat blasting toward the bow wielding woman, throwing her violently off her feet. The tips of Vega’s wavy auburn hair was singed and left smoking as she was tossed like a rag-doll to the ash and blood streaked flagstones. The pungent sent of cinders wove their way into Vega's nose, bringing back nightmarish memories of that terrible Cylus night in Scalvoris....the very night that she had died.

Tobias watched on in mute horror while the Defier continued to crackle with bright flashes of lighting that wrapped lovingly around her robed body.

“Have a taste dear, and see how you like it!” The mage howled at Vivian with a wild grin. Her scarlet locks danced around her head and were woven with tendrils of flame. There were bright flaming brands along her neck and along her palms; serving evidence of multiple mutations and potentially the markings of a master mage.

Poor Tobias was clambering to his feet at Vivian’s command when the Defier launched the charge of lighting back toward its source; Vivian. It screamed through the air in a violent display of raw power before slamming directly into the lad who Vivian had been trying to save. Tobias looked directly at Vivian for a moment just as the lighting slammed into his back; his eyes filled to the brim with fear and tears.

He was so young and so full of promise...and in that split trill...he knew he was going to die.

If it was one thing, lighting was swift and Tobias went as stiff as a board as every inch of his body was filled with that terrible energy. The light in his eyes was torn away right in front of Vivian, and she was left with an empty charred corpse at her feet.

“Stupid boy.” The Catalyst hissed before sharply nodding at her four compatriots who shot off behind her at a sprint where they proceeded to begin climbing the fallen blue banners that were now laying limp against the walls of the market behind them. They were headed up and toward the Glass Quarter of Rharne, but the Defier remained behind to ensure that none followed.

 ! Message from: Oracle
I will post again in roughly one week. 7/13

You may pm me with two questions if you would like.

Perseus and Gem, you may join in next round if you wish.
word count: 680
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When Lightning Cracks the Sky [Ymiden Seasonal - Group 2]

Things seemed to be happening around her, things that she should be part of and yet, wasn't. She'd fired her bow but the defier woman had some kind of fire-thing with her which Vega hadn't seen before and it just crisped her arrow. She watched as Vivian did something which was either fantastic or... really a completely crazy thing (and neither of those were anything but good in Vega's eyes) and then suddenly, just as she was notching another arrow, Vega lifted off the ground, the wave of heat throwing her violently off her feet.

And then, the smell hit her again.

Not the smell of people burning, this time. This time it was her and terror gripped her. Vega had been afraid in Mistral Village, she had been terrified here just trill ago when the fire had hit, but as the fumes of her own hair burning assaulted her, Vega landed and felt herself already backing away. She heard the whimper which came from her mouth and she knew that her body was trembling from her head to her feet. Yet, as much as she knew those things, she didn't feel them. If she felt them, she'd have screamed and not stopped screaming. "Arlo," she whispered, her eyes solid black as she glanced at where she thought Lyova was. Arlo was having his own bothers, though, Vega knew through her connection with Iris. Though she didn't have time to stop and look, stop and think - and she didn't want to stop and think.

Because if she thought, then she'd remember and if she remembered, then she would feel.

And all that she could feel right now was terror.

Terror would not serve her and so, crumpled on the floor as she was, she remained there for a moment and then she used one of the abilities granted to her by Xiur. Vega's thoughts were racing as she did. Xiur, I need yer help, I'm so scared, she was crying, sobbing in fear as she lifted her hands and made a pushing gesture. "I'm burnin' an' I can feel it. But it's not real, Xiur, it's not. It's not, an' I'm alive an' you won't let me die, will you? Not like that. Please don't. If I'm gonna die in fire, Xiur, do me a favour an' take me quick, cos it's... no, no I can't be there. She couldn't be there. Pushing back with her hands, she did what she had to do.

She couldn't not feel this, Vega realised. So she had to feel it and act anyhow - which meant she had to use it. Harness it. So, as she released the Dry Ice Cloud, she aimed it at the woman - and her cronies who sought to climb. As the freezing ice cloud crawled around them, Vega stood, quickly and smoothly picking up her bow and firing it. Her aim? Once again, the woman. "Broken legs an' death didn't stop me," she walked forward, into the freezing ice and with every intention of dropping her bow and pulling her sword. The crystal one which sang in beautiful melody.

Because her plan was to get to the woman and start taking bits off. Starting with her head off her shoulders, but if she needed to fight that fire-thing first? Well that was fine. Why? "An' frankly, I've beaten scarier. So you come on, Skanky McSkanky-puss." She needed this woman's attention to be on her, not on the others, not on the innocents involved. "Bring it on."
Off Topic
Nalos mark abilities used in this thread so far:
Shooting Star A Bow can be blessed to emit a ray of star light in a path that displays the trajectory of the arrow nocked upon it. This does not affect the shooter's ability to maintain this aim, and if the light moves from the target upon release of the arrow, the shot will still miss the mark. This effect can be called upon three times a trial.
Dry Ice Cloud The cold of the void between the stars infuses this ground-level cloud with a near paralyzing cold. Joints grow stiff, hands grow numb on weapons, movements and communications are hindered by shivering, weapons and armor may become brittle. This has essentially the same game impact as "Eyes of Dusk", but is an Area-of-Effect power that covers 100 sq.ft. At Adored, it covers 200 sq.ft. At Exalted, it covers 300 sq.ft. The Blessed is unaffected by this cloud.(Eyes of Dusk says: "In game terms, appropriate skills are reduced by a tier equivalent when used. For instance, if a PC in a fist fight has 10 points into Master Level Unarmed Combat, this will reduce his skill to being Expert instead. This lasts for as many bits as the Blessed's Psychology skill. " Vega's Psychology skill is 30)
word count: 842

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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When Lightning Cracks the Sky [Ymiden Seasonal - Group 2]

Vivian's eyes widened as the mage caught and returned her lightning, before the knight even had a chance to brace. But Tobias, poor Tobias, climbing to his feet on her orders, took the bolt for her without intention, dead in a second. The boy fell at her feet, Vivian's eyes wide at the sight. She heard the hiss of insult drop from the murderer's lips and Vivian looked back up at her opponent as her flunkies began to try and reach the Glass Quarter.

Vivian stepped forward, careful to step over Tobias's body. She'd attend his funeral when this was done, but for now, she had no time to mourn the dead. It was time for this mage to die. Vega agreed, evidently, freezing a rather large area with what appeared to be a Blessing of her own and giving quite the nice retort to their chief opponent. "Tobias was a good kid. His loved ones will mourn him, and his memory will live on." she said, following Vega into the cold. "No one will remember you, no one will mourn you. You're going to die today, and in a season, no one will remember you even existed." she said, her tone cold.

Fortunately, lightning wasn't the only trick up her sleeve either. The cold was affecting her armor, but she could fight still and she doubted there was enough cold in existence to do much to Shiryu. Under normal circumstances, she'd have followed the rest into the Glass Quarter, letting Vega keep the woman busy. But she had a feeling that this would take both of them to put down. She also had Three Sheets To The Wind, making her faster and boosting her reaction time. She had a feeling that was going to be the most useful thing in her arsenal in this fight. The woman wasn't armored enough to merit a strength boost. "Come on, you stupid sow. I walked through the forge of conquerors and came out stronger. Let's see if there's anything of real merit to you, or are you only good at killing children from behind?" she said, her tone far more heated than it usually was. As she spoke, the blood-red blade she wielded reflected caught the image of the flames around them and reflected it into Vega's ice, briefly turning it blood red.

Truth be told, while Vivian didn't know Vega all that well, she had absolute faith in the redhead. Alone, the mage might have prevailed, but with both of them together? It was only a matter of time now, and Vivian intended that to be short as she advanced, shield at the ready and keeping alert for any more fire or lightning.
word count: 466
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When Lightning Cracks the Sky [Ymiden Seasonal - Group 2]

The stars seemed to shine a little brighter for a moment amid the smoke and ash that crowded the market. As if Xiur was indeed watching over Vega, but perhaps it was only a trick of the light. Things did tend to look rather different when your life was flashing before your eyes.

Vega stood, fighting against her fear as she cast out a frigid billowing cloud of cold and frost that swarmed toward the terrorists that were scaling the walls. One of the escaping men slipped and his grip loosened on the banner he was climbing as the Dry Ice Cloud swarmed around him like a crashing wave. His fingers grew ridged and cold and he began to tumble downwards with a choked scream barely escaping his lungs before he fell at least twenty feet to the floor of the Azurewind Market with a wet thump. Before the cloud of bitter cold could reach her other comrades the Defier raised her hands up towards them and sent out a gout of red flames that covered their escape and burned away the frigid air pursuing them.

The three robed members of the Ring of Fire made it to the top of the market walls and raced out of sight toward the upper tiers of Rharne. They moved with a determination and single mindedness that implied that they were on a tight schedule.

After all they were paying a visit to the Bank of Rharne, and they mustn't be late.

However in saving her men the Catalyst had left herself open to attack and her Flame Guardian was slow in defending her a second time. The arrow slammed into her upper right shoulder sending the mage back a step and to her knee. Her Guardian swirled around her in a sphere of flame that flailed helplessly at the arrow that had slipped past it.

The Catalyst gasped , staring down at the arrow before her head snapped up savagely towards Vivian.

“The boy was a fool, and so are you. This city will never forget us, especially not after what comes next.”

Suddenly the mage ripped the arrow out of her shoulder with a savage motion , tossing the wooden shaft to the glossy blood stained flagstones. Her left hand snapped back up to the wound and hot embers began to fill the puncture before the skin started to knit itself back together. The woman looked a little wearier than before but she was now fully healed from Vega’s assault.

“Neither of you can stop this. The Ring will always be a step ahead of you.” She hissed.

Flaring her hands out the Catalyst summoned forth a swirling ring of scarlet fire that wrapped almost lovingly around her body before it split into two separate funnels of flame that shot out in a torrent toward Vega and Vivian.

Whether or not the Catalyst noticed, Two dozen Lighting Knights had begun to spill into the Azurewind Market...and they were slowly and carefully surrounding her.
 ! Message from: Oracle
You both have roughly 10 seconds of actions to fill. Use it wisely.

I will post again in roughly one week.

You may pm me with two questions if needed.
word count: 535
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When Lightning Cracks the Sky [Ymiden Seasonal - Group 2]

If I live through this, Xiur, I'll become a nun. Or somethin', whatever you want, I promise you. I can't... I can't give up. I won't. People's relyin' on me. Qylios. I'm tryin' to be brave, but I'm right afraid." The internal dialogue continued and far from being a distraction or such to her, it was her focus. It was her focus and her fury and her determination to live and love and save these people all wrapped up together and so Vega took all the panic and she didn't push it away, she didn't hide it or pretend. She used it.

And the very trill that Vivan's arrow hit, Vega moved. She moved towards Catalyst and she did so having dropped her bow and pulled her sword, Melody, swinging it so that the beautiful crystal blade sung its bell like tune. She moved and her aim was simple, and grew more so as the woman lowered her head and healed herself.

Vega wasn't the acrobat that Arlo was - he could work miracles - but she was damn good and better than almost anyone she'd met. That being the case, as the fire started to pour towards her, Vega leapt. Her aim was to rise above that torrent and throw herself in a forward, spinning move. She didn't hesitate because in hesitation, she would die. The powers from her Nalos mark were still working, she was filled with morale and optimism and her enemy most certainly was not. At least in Vega's eyes.

So, with a prayer to Xiur and Qylios, that was what she did. She jumped and attempted to leap over the torrent of fire, spinning aiming to put all her strength and skill into the blow and find out if Catalyst regenerated when a crazed redhead took her head off her shoulders with a slicing attack which was aimed at the woman's neck.

As she did it, her focus was complete, she was determined that she was going to live, this fire breathing she-dragon was going to die and, when Arlo told her that she shouldn't be such a crazy, reckless person, she'd be able to look him in the eyes and say yeah, but it worked, didn't it. Because he was why she did it - if she didn't stop this woman, then she might go after Arlo and Vega couldn't and wouldn't allow that. All these people needed protecting and sometimes, the only reasonable thing to do for a fellow being was end the mess they'd made of this life and hope that they were a better person in the next one.

So, with no room for doubt in her mind, Vega aimed her sword and moved.
word count: 473

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: When Lightning Cracks the Sky [Ymiden Seasonal - Group 2]

Heat and flames seemed to embrace Vega as the firebrand of a woman soared through the air toward the Defier. Her red hair was caught high in the ember filled wind and the torrent of flames roared beneath her. It was a sight, truly. The sea blue crystal sword in Vega’s hand sang out producing a clear and bright bell-like tone that reverberated throughout the Azurewind Market. It was purity incarnate, a sound that cut through the air and seemed to push back the scent of burned flesh and ash. Melody’s song crashed into the mage and seemed to make her falter, startling her and forcing her to take a step back. Her flames wavered before going out, the song causing her to lose focus on her magic; and that was the only opening that Vega needed.

The Aukari mage looked upwards; meeting Vega’s swirling Biqaj eyes as the woman came swooping down on her.
Even the mightiest of magic can be defeated by the mundane, and what came next was a testament to that fact. Vega moved with an expertise only master swords-women held, her aim was perfect and the blade of Melody sliced cleaning through the Defier’s neck like a slab of butter. Crimson liquid splattered back onto the paving stones, joining the blood that had already been spilled there.

A moment of silence passed when Vega was suddenly swarmed by a dozen Lighting Knights who swept into the middle of the scene. A tall women in silver armor with dark brown hair and blue eyes stepped forward to nudge the corpse of the enemy mage with her armored boot.

“Well done.” The Knight said to Vega as two of her men came in to gingerly pick up the body of Tobias and begin to carry the smoking corpse away.
“These Aukari bastards got the better of us to-trial.” The woman said with regret staining her words.

“It won’t happen again.”

With that the Lighting Knight captain gave Vega and Vivian a stern and appreciative nod while she and her men began to take over the Market. There was still a scuffle going on the other side of the market but the Knights seemed to have things well enough in hand.

Off to the side a small group of Thunder Priestesses had entered the market from the northern entrance. One of them was watching Vega and Vivian rather carefully, biting her lip seemingly with anxiety. The Priestess has soft brown curls and a perfectly pressed and clean purple robe. She eventually separated from her other sisters and approached the two women. Her eyes softened and without hesitation the Thunder Priestess tore off a section of her rich silken robe and dipped the fabric in a nearby bucket of water before approaching Vega to clean her burns.

“Are you alright, here let me help.” The priestess said gently before pressing the cool cloth to some of the burns on Vega’s skin.

The Priestess turned, looking to Vivian. “Knight, will you assist me in taking her to the nearest medic?”

 ! Message from: Oracle
Vega: Several mild burns across her body, primarily on her arms and shoulders. Will scar if not taken to someone with Medicine (Competent) to be treated.


Firebrand: Vega dared to rise above the flames and struck down the Catalyst. There will be an extra reward at the end.

Notes: Vivian feel free to join back in.
word count: 580
"Without the dark, we'd never see the stars"
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Re: When Lightning Cracks the Sky [Ymiden Seasonal - Group 2]

Vega was terrified.

From the top of her head to the tips of her toes, fire scared her. It scared her because it was not that long ago that it had killed her. Her legs had healed, thanks be to Xiur and Qylios for it and she had to admit to taking a certain amount of responsibility just for sheer bloody mindedness. But Vega would spend the rest of her life with shattered legs and no pain relief rather than face fire again. Arlo knew, of course - it happened less than it used to but she still woke in a cold sweat remembering the feeling of her eyes melting. It was something she might never get past, Vega thought. That thought terrified her, too and she hated being weak. It wasn't weakness, Arlo told her, it was strength and bravery, but why did those things make her feel like a child standing alone on the deck of a ship and watching her father burn, as she had once done?

And, was it just her, or was everyone and his mother messing around with flames these trials? Vega was starting to think it was a conspiracy, but she knew that in fact it was just her hyper awareness. Still, she had done what she did and she leapt towards the woman. Her internal prayers were the usual one sided conversation and her sword sang as she felt the flames wrap around her, dance with her it seemed. Just for a trill, the woman looked up and that was good, Vega thought. Good because she was going to kill the snarky gibbet and she should look someone in the eyes before she killed them.

When it happened, it was easy.

Her sword sliced through the woman, and the woman died. Blood fountained and the world stopped for a moment and then, there were people, suddenly. Lots of people and Vega looked at them. A tall woman in silver armour stood in front of Vega and spoke and the redhead frowned and reached out a hand, putting it onto the Knight's arm. "People did this. People. Not a race. I'm biqaj an' sev'ryn, but I've had Rharnian's try an' attack me cos my hair's red. I've had people spit at me in the street cos people like you talk about 'Aukari' like every one of 'em is responsible. Now, unless you're responsible for those people spittin' at me, those men who attacked me, if you're not responsible for them, despite the fact that you're both Rharnian's, then not all Aukari are responsible for this. These people are. An' the sooner this rubbish with attackin' a race for the actions of a dozen stops, especially amongst people who should know better, the happier I'll be cos it flibberties my gibbet an' it's a disgrace. Rharnian folk are attackin' people with red hair in Ilaren's city, has no one thought of that? She's as ginger as me." Vega shook her head in disgust. "It's about time you lot gave yerselves a shake an' sorted it out. An' have the good grace to have some respect for the dead, while yer at it. Yer boot's for wipin' on a step. She's someone's daughter an' for her grievin' mother show some respect."

With that, she turned away and sat down, lifting a shaking hand to her throbbing head and wishing Arlo was here. She smiled at the priestess, though and closed her eyes briefly. "That feels right nice. Thanks." She shook her head, though, and looked at Vivian with a shake of her head. Then, feeling able to do so now, she stood. "I gotta find someone, make sure he remembered to buy eggs." Vega said and nodded to them both. "Thanks, an' all, but there's more injured than me, an' there's dead that need takin' care of too. I'll be a'right. Soon as I find him, he'll insist we've gotta go to the healers any'ow." She smiled, though, to the Priestess and spoke genuinely. "Thanks, though. Really. Means a lot. An' good scrap." That last was to Vivian. But then, Vega being Vega did the only thing that she'd do. She went to find Arlo.
word count: 727

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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