Profile Flair Legend


Character of the Month

A character selected every month by the Prophets for excellence in roleplaying.

Contributor of the Month

A medal awarded every month to someone selected by the Prophets for their contributions to the site.

Guest on Live Chat!

This medal is awarded to players who have volunteered to be put on the spot in Standing Trials Live Chat.

Story of the Month

Awarded for outstanding plot, character interaction, and quality.

Reviewer's Choice

Awarded by nomination of Peer Reviewers to players who write stories that are a pleasure to read and review.


Let Me Tell You A Story

Completed a thread as a Guest ST

And the story continues....

Complete 5 threads as a Guest Storyteller

Best of the Guest

Complete 10 threads as a Guest Storyteller

3.2 Tester

Awarded to those who reported bugs in the move to 3.2 boards

CS Reviewer!

Awarded to those who have reviewed 50 Character Sheets

A Hundred CSes!

For reviewing 100 CSes!

A Hundred Reviews!

Awarded to those who have reviewed a hundred threads!

Reviewer Extraordinaire

For reviewing 500 threads!

The Untouchable Reviewer

Review 1000 threads!!

Squishification Maestro

For testing the new site before move 2018

Bug Buster

For testing the Mirror Site before host move 2018

Constructive Worker!

Awarded to players who make constructive, useful suggestions and / or provide constructive site feedback

LA Population Purge

Thank you for taking part in the Lore Analysis Population Purge of 2019! We appreciate your contribution

World Developer

This medal is given to those who've shown lots of time and dedication to developing Standing Trials.


For those who have provide development pieces to help flesh out the world of Standing Trials

Peer Reviewer

Designates an official Peer Reviewer!


Artsiness Award!

Painting With Words

This medal is awarded to those who have put time and dedication into their writing and consistently capture the attention of readers on the site.

Dungeon Master

For organizing fun activities.

Vlogger Extraordinaire

For spending time in front of a camera and releasing words from your mouth.

Guild Master

Awarded to those who create and maintain player-run guilds, organizations, or groups.

Shop Keeper

This Medal is awarded to those who have acquire approval for their business and have had it functioning for two seasons.


Awarded to players who have proven to be helpful and friendly when assisting players on Standing Trials.


The medal is awarded to those who support the site by spreading the word about the role play, advertising it, and/or bringing in new members.

Known Critic

This medal is awarded to an individual who has taken the time to provide player feedback for 10 characters or more, where the feedback is thoughtful and constructive.


Awarded to those who donate $5 or more to Standing Trials.

Alpha Testing

Awarded to those who accepted early changes to the game gracefully.

Beta Bot

Awarded to players that helped test the Fame System

Review Master

Awarded to players who have completed peer reviews for thirty threads.


For finding one Guide during the Guide-Finding 2022.

Frequent Guide Finder!

For finding three Guides during the Guide-Finding 2022

Master Guide

For finding five or more guides during the Guide Finding 2022!


Massive thanks for providing feedback to Tech Guy! He says thanks!

Testing, Testing, Bugz Be Squashed!

Minions of Tech Guy - thank you for giving up your time to test new features!!

Wiki Worker

You support our world, by working the wiki. Wiki Worker.

Etzori Contractor

For those who helped keep Etzos open another day, by giving their time to updating the lore, locations, and wealth system of Etzos.


Been There, Died There

Die and be resurrected / returned to life

Revealed Mage

Awarded to those mage PCs who have revealed in at least one magic.


For PCs who have been awarded Effigy from a Dragon

Land Baron

PC owns 5 separate properties/lands/houses at a time.

Sea King

PC owns 5 separate sets of ships/boats (refer to the shoppe for what constitutes a 'set')

Local Name

Achieve Tier 1 Renown

National Treasure

Achieve Tier 2 Renown

Regional Fame

Achieve Tier 3 Renown


Achieve Tier 4 renown


Be in collaborative threads with 20 distinct PCs

Just The Beginning

Murder of 1 unique PC

Serial Killer

Murder of 5 unique PCs

Serial Legend

Murder of 10 unique PCs

It Was Nothing!

Save the life of 1 NPC

You're Welcome

Saved the life of 10 unique NPCs

Just Doing My Job!

Save the lives of 100 unique NPCs

I'm Not A Hero

Saved the life of 1 PC

Probably A Hero

Saved the life of 5 PCs

Definitely A Hero

Character has saved the life of 10 unique PCs

The Silver Spear

Operating a Tier 1 Mercenary Company

The Gold Spear

Operating a Tier 6 Mercenary Company

The Onyx Spear

Operate a Tier 11 Mercenary Company

The Little Voice In My Head!

Acquire a spirit, familiar or other companion that speaks to you mentally

One Arc Later...

Awarded to those who have managed to stick around Standing Trials for a whole year!

Terrible Twos

Awarded to those who have stayed on ST for 2 years!

Three Arcs

For being on Standing Trials for three years! Wow!

Four already!?

For those accounts who have been with us for four years!

Another year! Another!?

For each year past 4 that you stick around ST!

Can't Keep Getting Away With It!!

The PC has committed the unique murder of 100 NPCs


Receive this level of qualification from Viden, Rynmere or Scalvoris


Receive a certificate level qualification from Viden, Rynmere or Scalvoris


Receive a qualification of this level from Viden, Rynmere or Scalvoris


Receive a qualification of this level from Viden, Rynmere or Scalvoris


Receive this level of qualification from Viden, Rynmere or Scalvoris


Awarded to those pcs who have been modbombed 10 times!

Living Legend

Awarded for getting a skill all the way to Legendary!

In Your Favor

Awarded to a character who manages to acquire a Favor from an Immortal in a moderated thread.


Awarded to a character who manages to rise to a position of great power.


Awarded to players who obtain three Blessings from an Immortal.


A compensation prize for the unlucky souls who accumulate three Curses from an Immortal.


Awarded to those who are the first to accomplish unique things.


Awarded to players with vast treasuries. In the Wealth System this means any PC with Wealth Points over the threshold for Tier 10.


Awarded to characters who die in thread. Won't be of much use where you're going!

Dragon Rider



This award is given to a character who receives 10 or more player reviews.


This medal is given to characters who are wanted for a bounty price 1 onyx nel or greater.


You're an approved character now! Does this mean you've leveled up?


You've been a part of our 15000th thread in the In-Character Forums, well done!

RP Medals

How The Mighty Have Fallen

Fall from a position of great power

She Sure Can Drink!

Have a drink with Ilaren!

He's A Great Listener

Tell Cassion A Story!

Me Gooseta

Write a haunting passage


Awarded to PCs who have donated to a player faction or business (to which you are not affiliated) or another pc a gift or donation to an amount in excess of 15 wp

Foggy Headed

Awarded to PCs who have visited the Misty Miasma (must be RPd)

Chrien's Watching

Survive a sea battle!

Land Lubber

Awarded to a pc who undertakes their first thread at sea!

Ahoy Matey!

Awarded to a pc who has completed 5 threads at sea.

First Mate

Award to a pc who has completed 10 threads at sea

O Captain, My Captain!

Awarded to a pc who has completed 20 threads at sea

Ew! Bugs!

Awarded to a pc who completes their first thread in the wilderness.

Survival Skills

Awarded to pcs who complete 5 threads in the wilderness

When Nature Calls

Awarded to PCs who have completed 10 threads in the wilderness

Call of the Wild

Awarded to PCs who have completed 20 threads in the wilderness.

On The Dark Side

For those pcs who betray another PC or NPC.

High Society

Awarded for attending a high class event IC

Met A Dragon!

This PC has met, interacted with, chatted too, or run away from - a Dragon!

First Love

Awarded to any PC who falls in love (reciprocated) with another PC or NPC for the first time.

Bow Chicka Wow Wow

Awarded to PCs that have participated in a steamy RP.

Right In The Feels

Awarded to those who write a Tear-Jerker

True Love

A PC to PC IC relationship that has lasted a whole year.


Awarded to PCs that get married to another PC or NPC (must be RPed).

Travel Bug

Awarded to those who have lived in five different cities for at least a season each.

First Kiss

First kiss must be RPed.


Given to a PC that is notorious for breaking the hearts of others.

Call A Medic

Permanent loss of limb.


Awarded to a PC that loses or breaks up with a loved one, be it NPC or PC.


Given to a PC that is able to kiss or woo 4 other PCs into their arms in the course of a single thread.


Awarded to a PC that has done a 180 from whom they started as.

Starting A Family

Having your first PC or NPC child.


PC has been drunk in at least five threads.


Given to a PC who has murdered another PC or NPC.


Awarded for actively playing 5 PC accounts


Awarded to those who spend at least 1 onyx nel in a single thread.

History Repeated

Awarded for 10+ memory threads

Enemy of My Enemy

Awarded to characters who work in collaboration to eliminate a common enemy.

Mission Complete

Awarded to Aukari who see their mission through till the end


Awarded for outstanding plots

Immortal Lover

Awarded to PCs who gain the love interest of an Immortal

Immortal Slayer

Awarded to any PC who kills an Immortal or Mortalborn


Awarded to players who have completed ten dream threads.

Party Animal

Celebrated an IC birthday (must be RPed)

Bounty Hunter

Caught a wanted PC

Puppet Master

Host an event, be it major or minor, worldwide or city specific

War Hero

Awarded to a PC who has fought in a battle between two nations

Keep it in the Family

Looking for love in all the wrong places.

Stay High

Awarded to characters who have tried five or more drugs (must be Rped).

Boba Fet Wannabe

A character that has completed 15 bounties successfully.

Pen Pal

Receive ten letters from other characters.


Write ten letters to other characters.

Legend In Waiting

Hoard 251 unspent skill points.

The Most Famous

For earning enough Fame points to be Internationally Renown.


You're a dirty cheat.

House Owner

Have your own house location written-up and approved!

Property Mogul

Own 10 separate properties / lands / houses at a time.

Commendable Commodore

Write and complete 50 threads at sea.

Admirable Admiral

Write and complete 100 threads at sea.

Starting from Scratch

Awarded to players who complete their first thread in a settlement

Building the Basics

Awarded to players who have completed 5 threads in a settlement

Settling Down

Awarded to players who have completed 10 threads in a settlement

Village Life

Awarded to players who have completed 20 threads in a settlement

Sea Dweller

Own your own boat.


Given to the brave who manage to lure a dangerous monster.



Modbomb 10 threads!

Lore Analyst

A member of the Lore Analysis team


A staff member who deals specifically with storytelling.


A staff member who deals specifically with developing lore for the site.

Holy Tax Accountant

For approving and providing feedback on player business plans.

Keyboard Monkey

For moderating 15 threads!

King Kong

For moderating 30 threads!



You've survived the character creation and approval process! Congratulations on becoming an Approved PC!

Lol Worthy

Awarded to those who write a post or thread that makes others laugh out loud.


Ymiden 716

Awarded to all players who participated in the Ymiden 716 Quiz

The Maze 718

For all players who took part in the event "The Maze" in Arc 718

Into the Unknown 718

Players who took part in the "Into the Unknown" Event in 718.

Crack in the Wall 719

Players who took part in the Crack In The Wall Global Event 719

Through the Fire and the Flames

For taking part in the "Through the Fire and the Flames" event in Rharne

When Lightning Cracks the Sky 718

For those who took part in the "When Lightning Cracks the Sky" event in Rharne

FireForged 720

A medal for all those who were in the "Fire Forged" event on Scalvoris in Arc 720

ScalvHunt 720

For all those who took part in the Scalvenger Hunt of 720

ScalvHunt Winner

A prize given to the winners of the ScalvHunt.

War of Death & Souls 719

For those PCs who took part in the War of Death & Souls.


For those who took part in Saoire's gift-giving event for 2020.

The Forging

Awarded to all PCs who took part in the Scalvoris seasonal event "The Forging" and who, by their bravery, saved the island!

Ruins Dawn: Ascension

A medal for those who participated in the "Ruin's Dawn: Ascension" thread.

Ruin's Dawn

A medal awarded to those who participated in the 721 Global Event: Ruin's Dawn

The Feast

This PC was part of the Saoire's Feast thread in 2021.

ScalvHunt 721

For PCs who participated in the ScalvHunt of 721

Vhalar 716

Awarded to players who participated in the Vhalar 716 Shadow Event

Idalos Awards 2016

Awarded to the nominees of the Idalos Award for 2016.

Winner Idalos Awards 2016

Awarded to the winner of each of the ten categories for our annual awards.

Holiday Event 2016

Awarded to those who completed the 2016 Holiday Event

Cylus 717 Thread Challenge

For players who completed the thread portion of the Cylus 717 Writing Challenge.

Cylus 717 All Star

For players who completed all of the Cylus 717 Writing Challenge!

Cylus 717 PC/Dev Challenge

For players who completed the development and character portion of the Cylus 717 Writing Challenge.

Crush The Reviews! 717

Awarded to Peer Reviewers who helped grade outstanding reviews we had! Thank you!

Crush The Reviews! 15+

For those who helped crush outstanding reviews and did 15 threads or more!

Crush The Reviews! King

A special thanks to the person who did the most reviews during this event!


Took part in "Cassion's Gambit" - the Global Event 2017 / 2018

Endgame 2018

Awarded to all player and moderators who took part in the thread "Endgame" marking the end of the Global 2018


Awarded to the player who won "Cassion's Gambit" the Global of 2017/ 2018

Event Medal

For completing an event on the site!

Writing Challenge 2022: Character Challenge

For completing the Character Challenge aspect of the Writing Challenge 2022.

Writing Challenge 2022: Development Challenge

For completing the Development Challenge aspect of the Writing Challenge 2022.

Writing Challenge 2022: Thread Challenge

For completing the Thread Challenge aspect of the Writing Challenge 2022.

Writing Challenge 2022: All Star

You completed all three aspects of the Writing Challenge 2022! Have a medal!

Player's Choice

Participation in a thread that was nominated by another player for exceptional writing.

Moderator's Choice

For players involved in threads that have been nominated by their moderator's for exceptional writing

All Star of No-Mo-Nano

You met all three of your personal goals in No-Mo-Nano! Congrats!

Green Star of No-Mo-Nano

You've achieved your Green Tier goal for No-Mo-Nano! Congrats!

Amber Star of No-Mo-Nano

You've achieved your Amber Tier goal for No-Mo-Nano! Congrats!

Red Star of No-Mo-Nano

You've achieved your Red Tier goal for No-Mo-Nano! Congrats!