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Seira Shiryu
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Developed by Seira Shiryu
Price: Tier 5 or 1 WP
Habitat: Rions can be found wild in the Stormlands and throughout Rharne as pets.
Forum Location Rharne Development Forum
Lifespan and Development: Rions can live up to 15 arcs as pets if they are well cared for. In the wild, they usually live for 7-9 arcs. At 1 arc, Rions are adults, and can be bred. A female's gestation period is 30-35 trials. A litter ranges from 5 to 13 young with 9 being average, and they are weaned at 75 trials. Female rions can give birth to three litters per arc.
Diet: grass, hay, fresh vegetables (especially dark leafy greens), and some kinds of fresh fruit
Temperament: Timid in the wild, but very affectionate when kept as pets.
RPG Abilities:
Ability 1 Rion fur is very soft, and it changes color with the rion's mood. 1) birth color (white, cream, black, brown, grey, multi color; content/calm, 2)birth color with a pearlescent shimmer; happy, 3) blue; sad, 4) red; angry, 5) green; scared - the darker the color the stronger the emotion
Ability 2 When using the fur as either an alchemical reagent or a luxury material (color changing and extremely soft), only the shed fur can be used because killing the rion will cause the color changing quality to be lost.
Ability 3 when angry or afraid they make a sound like a lion's roar
Weakness 1 lack of physical strength
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Idalos: Competent
Wealth Tier
-- Rharne: Tier 5
-- Idalos: Tier 7
Sell/Buy It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Rharne: Common
-- Idalos: Rare
Finding It
-- Rharne: Novice
-- Idalos: Expert
Collecting It
-- Rharne: NA
-- Idalos: NA
Using It
-- Pet
-- Alchemical (fur)
-- Shed fur (a luxury material)
-- Meat
Killing It
-- Novice
Capturing It
-- Competent
-- low
Tending It
-- Competent
Last edited by Seira Shiryu on Fri Mar 29, 2024 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 324
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Re: Rion

Hey I love this piece. I just have a few issues but they're minor.

1. Pining themselves to death when not loved/mistreated? I don't see it for a run of the mill fuzzy mammal. Yes any animal if mistreated enough may become sick or hurt, but we can just remove that as a weakness otherwise? Thanks!
2. Since they only require competence to handle or train, it'd be around tier 5 for their value, unless they're a very rare animal. But they're not, they're common in Rharne. So I'd set their price in Rharne accordingly to tier 5... maybe Tier 7 for other places at the most as I could see this being a highly coveted and tradable animal.

Thanks for the entry!
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Seira Shiryu
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Re: Rion

I think that I made all of the changes you asked for.
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Re: Rion


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