• Out of Character • The Imperial Army: Progression

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The Imperial Army: Progression

The Eternal Empire
Army Progression

Progression through the Imperial Army is the same across each branch of the military. What follows is the method of progression, per rank.

Private: Meet basic health requirements, (I.E., can see, hear, and won't die if someone sneezes on you) and volunteer to join the Imperial Army.

Stalwart: Serve at least one full cycle as a private, performed well in at least one battle or skirmish as a private. Competent in at least one skill relevant to your branch or specialization.

Warrant: Serve at least one full cycle as a stalwart, performed well in a least one battle or skirmish as a stalwart. Competent in at least two skills relevant to your branch or specialization, novice Leadership.

Corporal: Serve at least one full cycle as a warrant, performed well in at least one battle or skirmish as a warrant. Competent in at least three skills relevant to your branch or specialization, competent Leadership. Must have passed the Trial of Arms. (non-moderated is fine.)

Sergeant: Serve at least one full cycle as a corporal, led well in at least one battle or skirmish as a corporal. Expert in at least one skill and Competent in at least two skills relevant to your branch or specialization, competent Leadership and Tactics. Must have passed the Trial of Arms. (non-moderated is fine.)

Lieutenant: Serve at least one full cycle as a sergeant, led well in at least one battle or skirmish as a sergeant. Expert in at least two skills and Competent in at least one skill relevant to your branch or specialization, competent Leadership, Tactics, and Logistics. Must have passed the Trial of Arms. (non-moderated is fine.)

Captain: Serve at least one full cycle as a lieutenant, led well in at least one battle or skirmish as a lieutenant. Expert in at least three skills relevant to your branch or specialization, Expert Leadership, Tactics, and Logistics. Must have passed the Trial of Arms. (non-moderated is fine.)

Major: Serve at least one full cycle as a captain, led well in at least one battle or skirmish as a captain. Master in at least one skill and Expert in at least two skills relevant to your branch or specialization, Master Leadership, Tactics, and Logistics. Must have passed the Trial of Arms. (Must be moderated, guest mod is fine.)

Sentinel: Serve at least one full cycle as a major, commanded well in at least one battle or skirmish as a major. Master in at least two skills and Expert in at least one skill relevant to your branch or specialization, Master Leadership, Tactics, and Logistics. Must have passed the Trial of Arms. (Must be moderated, guest mod is fine.)

General: Serve at least one full cycle as a major, commanded well in at least one battle or skirmish as a major. Master in at least three skills relevant to your branch or specialization, Master Leadership, Tactics, and Logistics. Must have passed the Trial of Arms. (Must be moderated, guest mod is fine.)

Marshal: Serve at least one full cycle as a general, commanded well in at least one battle or skirmish as a general. Grandmaster in at least three skills relevant to your branch or specialization, Grandmaster Leadership, Tactics, and Logistics, Master Politics. Must have passed the Trial of Arms. (Must be moderated.) Must have been approved by Raskalarn. (These positions are very rare.)

Below is a list of all PC's with military rank.

Lorogh Lerake: Corporal

Balder: Stalwart

Russel Kandor: Stalwart

Kalif Elmdor (Kalortah): Stalwart

Erryn: Private

Illuvia: Private

To be added to the list, or to have your rank increased, please post to this thread using the template below.

Code: Select all

[style= margin: auto; background-image:url(/gallery/image/22180/medium); background-repeat: repeat; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 2px #000000; border: 5px solid #e9e9e9; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 30px; color:#e9e9e9]

[b]PC Name:[/b]

[b]Rank Desired:[/b]

[b]Battle Thread (or recruitment thread if joining after character creation, CS if joining as a private on a new PC):[/b]

[b]Trial of Arms Thread (If Corporal or above):[/b]

[b]Relevant skills (Note, Leadership, Tactics, Logistics, and Politics are not considered branch skills):[/b]

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Re: The Imperial Army: Progression

PC Name: Lorogh Lerake

Rank Desired: Stalwart

Battle Thread (or recruitment thread if joining after character creation, CS if joining as a private on a new PC): Skirmish with bandits on the road & Magma Beast.

Trial of Arms Thread (If Corporal or above): none needed

Relevant skills (Note, Leadership, Tactics, Logistics, and Politics are not considered branch skills): Competent: Shield, Siege weaponry, and Strength.
 ! Message from: Basilisk
Lorogh is approved to receive his chains and be a Stalwart starting in the Hot Cycle 722. =]
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Re: The Imperial Army: Progression

PC Name: Russel Kandor

Rank Desired: Stalwart

Battle Thread (or recruitment thread if joining after character creation, CS if joining as a private on a new PC): The Magma Beast

Trial of Arms Thread (If Corporal or above): n/a

Relevant skills (Note, Leadership, Tactics, Logistics, and Politics are not considered branch skills): Stealth (Competent), Combat: Blades (Competent), and Hunting (Competent).
 ! Message from: Basilisk
Russel is approved to receive his chains and be a Stalwart starting in the Hot Cycle 722. =]
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Re: The Imperial Army: Progression

PC Name: Balder

Rank Desired: Stalwart

Battle Thread (or recruitment thread if joining after character creation, CS if joining as a private on a new PC): viewtopic.php?t=29026

Trial of Arms Thread (If Corporal or above): N/A

Relevant skills (Note, Leadership, Tactics, Logistics, and Politics are not considered branch skills): Mount: Horse
 ! Message from: Basilisk
Balder is approved to receive his chains and be a Stalwart starting in the Hot Cycle 722. =]
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Re: The Imperial Army: Progression

PC Name: Kalortah (now going by the alias Kalif Elmdor, which he signed under)

Rank Desired: General (but seriously, Private)

Battle Thread (or recruitment thread if joining after character creation, CS if joining as a private on a new PC): Recruitment

Trial of Arms Thread (If Corporal or above): n/a

Relevant skills (Note, Leadership, Tactics, Logistics, and Politics are not considered branch skills): Air Cavalry: Flying: Expert, Combat (Blades): Expert, Athletics: Competent, Intimidation: GM, Combat (Unarmed): Competent, Strength: Competent, Endurance: Competent, Mount (Air): Novice.
 ! Message from: Basilisk
Kalif Elmdor has been added to the Imperial Army ranks.
word count: 98
~ Image ~ Image
Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
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Re: The Imperial Army: Progression

PC Name: Kalif Elmdor (Kalortah)

Rank Desired: Stalwart

Battle Thread (or recruitment thread if joining after character creation, CS if joining as a private on a new PC): A Farceful Force (Briefing and strategy thread), Ocean drinks you or something (Battle/duel/helping out with nomads)

Trial of Arms Thread (If Corporal or above): N/A

Relevant skills (Note, Leadership, Tactics, Logistics, and Politics are not considered branch skills): Combat: blades (expert), Endurance (Competent), Strength (Competent), Flying (Expert), Mount: Air (Novice).
 ! Message from: Basilisk
Kalif is approved to receive his chains and act as a Stalwart starting Cold Cycle 722.
word count: 100
~ Image ~ Image
Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
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Re: The Imperial Army: Progression


Promotion Requested

PC Name: Lorogh Lerake

Rank Desired: Warrant

Battle Thread (or recruitment thread if joining after character creation, CS if joining as a private on a new PC): Mowing the Lawn

Trial of Arms Thread (If Corporal or above): None required.

Relevant skills (Note, Leadership, Tactics, Logistics, and Politics are not considered branch skills): Combat: Siege Weapons (Competent, Engineering (Competent), Endurance (Competent), Combat: Shield (Competent)

 ! Message from: Basilisk
Approved. Lorogh now has his ankle chains as well.
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Re: The Imperial Army: Progression

PC Name: Erryn

Rank Desired: Private (Infantry - Archer)

Battle Thread (or recruitment thread if joining after character creation, CS if joining as a private on a new PC): viewtopic.php?t=31351 New PC

Trial of Arms Thread (If Corporal or above):

Relevant skills (Note, Leadership, Tactics, Logistics, and Politics are not considered branch skills): Blades (Comp), Ranged (Comp)

 ! Message from: Basilisk
Approved, welcome to the army, Private Erryn.
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Re: The Imperial Army: Progression

PC Name: Lorogh Lerake

Rank Desired: Corporal

Battle Thread (or recruitment thread if joining after character creation, CS if joining as a private on a new PC): A skirmish in the Hotlands Border Zone

Trial of Arms Thread (If Corporal or above): trial of Arms

Relevant skills (Note, Leadership, Tactics, Logistics, and Politics are not considered branch skills): Engineering (expert), Combat: Siege Weapons (Expert), Combat: Shields (Competent), Strength (Competent).

his leadership will be competent once the threads have been graded and knowledge awarded as requested.
 ! Message from: Basilisk
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Re: The Imperial Army: Progression

PC Name: Illuvia

Rank Desired: Private is the starting rank, it seems.

Battle Thread (or recruitment thread if joining after character creation, CS if joining as a private on a new PC): Enlistment thread

Trial of Arms Thread (If Corporal or above): N/A

Relevant skills (Note, Leadership, Tactics, Logistics, and Politics are not considered branch skills):
Master: Hone, Combat (Blades)
Expert: Meditation
Competent: Strength, Endurance, Athletics
Novice: Discipline
 ! Message from: Basilisk
Approved, welcome to the Imperial Army, Private Illuvia.
word count: 79
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