[Rynmere] Plot Check

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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Hello players of Rynmere!

While we attempt to make this a more character driven place, I am in desperate need of information. You all have not been using the impact thread/seasonal events catalog like I'd hoped you would so I would like any active Rynmere player to please post about their plot expectations this season. Please write anything you are planning to do or would like to do! Rynmere needs direction and you all make a difference as to where it goes!

Main Plot: Please give a summary of what you plan to do with your character this season. Any adventuring? Engagements? Social Gatherings? Murders? What's happening with your PC right now?
Goals: Do you want to write with more people? Do you want to hit a total number written for this month? Do you want your character to have a blessing or curse? What are some goals that I can help you achieve story wise.
Interest Check: Would you be interested with getting involved in politics? Or running a particular secret organization or faction? Where are you hoping to see your character in the future or next season?
Comment: Feel free to make this as long or short as possible. You can list any concerns, if you need any moderator assistance, anything approved or if you're looking for locations that aren't made. Anything that may help you with your story in Rynmere, please let us know here.

Code: Select all

[b]Main Plot:[/b]
[b]Interest Check:[/b] 
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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

I'll get the ball rolling :)
Main Plot
My main reason for having Freya in Rynmere is because she got washed off her lover's ship during a storm, hit her head, and now has amnesia. She's currently in the Luther's household, being manipulated to think that she is Valentina Luther, Martinn Luther's daughter. This is completely false and the only one who knows who she really is, is Andraska Venora. I'm hoping to pick up her story somehow and I'm open to anyone trying to step in to jeopardize Martinn's plans. Freya DOES have a bounty on her head so, with a bit of research, this is easily accomplished!

My main goal is for Freya to get her memory back and realize what's happened to her and seek revenge. I don't plan to have this happen for a little while though, so in the mean time, I want to invest in making her the perfect "pretend noble" I can. I want her to learn a different language and be able to hide her accent better. I also want to be involved with more Rynmere folks, nobles or commoners. I would REALLY love some kind of social gathering thread. I enjoy things like that. Another goal is to marry Andraska Venora.

Interest Check
I would be interested with getting involved in some position of power, I'm just not sure what would fit my character in her current state.

So I really like Rynmere but I feel like a lot of players have poofed and it makes doing any kind of plotting really hard. I don't want this region to die or seem dead, so I'm open to threading with just about anyone, for any reason or plot. I'd also like to see more players guest story-tell for some threads, as I know the moderators are busy.
So here I am! If anyone would like to RP with me, this is my plot for my character and I would love to fit yours in somehow! Please PM me, I want to be active so help me be!!!!!! <3 :D
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: Currently, Warren is in Etzos tracking down Navyri for the bounty on her head. Hopefully, he'll blackmail her and drag her back to Rynmere. I might be posting this a bit too soon, but one way or another, Warren will be back in the Kingdom to settle the illegal slave pit that he was held captive within Krome territory. So any Krome nobles looking for plots this season, PM me! There will definitely be a lot of plot involved in tracking who is blackmailing guards to keep this place hidden and who/how people are being kidnapped and made to fight within this place. During Vhalar, Warren was kidnapped from Ne'haer and made to fight in the pits every day, so it'll be an intense plotline that will involve investigation skills, fighting, problem solving, and anything else we can think of.

Goals: My goal this season is to catch up on Warren. I didn't write with him for the season of Vhalar and I still need to do his expenses/JT and other stories. Then my goal will be to make him a master at some kind of combat and have a bunch of knowledge cause, why not?

Interest Check: I'm not interested in the politics of Rynmere. Warren has a goal to shut down the illegal slave pits. He won't be joining any guards or anything like that.

Comment: I don't have much to add other than Warren won't be in Rynmere until MAYBE the end of Zi'da, so if you're looking for plots, we won't be able to do any until then. Even if you're interested in RPing something silly, I'm open for anything.
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Oliver Venora
Main Plot: After the ridiculous dog-and-pony show that Venora has been the last year and half, Oliver's main goal is to restore their name and fame to the common citizens of Rynmere. He intends to do this through charity events, public outreach, and good old fashioned being a decent human being. Granted, nobody is perfect, and that rascal Gawyne is eyeballing his sister a little TOO much.

Goals: To organize at least two events this season: One, a charity gala, the second, a sort of tournament or competition. The gala is much more fleshed out in my head.

Also, to maybe grow his sphere of influence a hair or two. Maybe.

Interest Check: Currently, I'm open to anything. Common-on-noble hate crimes, inter-nobility intrigue, smutty smuts with the ol' lady. Whatever, just fire me a PM.

Comment: This is the Rynvival, people. Pay attention, because we're all movers and shakers here.
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: Tristan is currently trying to make the people of Oakleigh like him better. He is aware that his becoming a duke is controversial. So far he has financed Aeodan's expedition, bought a lot of surgical masks when people were suffering from a mysterious illness, and he has also promised to donate all the money he made during Vhalar to the poor. He recently found out that his daughter Ayla is probably a Mortalborn. He is trying to protect her from Aelig and his allies and making sure that she doesn't become too depressed because she is aging so quickly. Furthermore, he has started to sculpt again, took part in an art exhibit and is experimenting with alchemy. While searching for an alchemical reagent, Aoedan and he actually ended up in the Misty Miasma where they met a talking cat that walked on two legs!
Goals: My main goal is to catch up on Tristan. I was sick/busy for most of last season. I would like for him to get more Elithem abilities or perhaps a second blessing, become a better alchemist, maybe try to court Ilaren - and meet some of the other nobles.
Interest Check: I would love to write more political threads - and, as I wrote above, interact with the other nobles some more (especially the Venoras!). Besides that, I'm open to pretty much anything. Let me know if you want a thread!
Comment: Nothing!
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: Charlie is new and honestly is here to just be a good noble. She'll be getting married and doing her duty, but she's also determined to reinvigorate the military beyond them just being fanciful guards. One day she'd like to be General of the Skyriders.

Goals: Marry politically (looking at you, Oliver), rise through the ranks, and also just be a nice person. So many of the nobles are self obsessed and self serving; Charlie is genuinely a good person.

Interest Check: IC Charlie is more focused on becoming the best Skyrider she can (she's a Sergeant currently), but OOC I would like to delve into plots that make her realise as the oldest daughter in her line, she can't just abandon her family. So political plots, military plots, marriage plots (AGAIN, OLIVER), etc - hit me.

Comment: As Charlie is a new PC, I'm really down for anything and everything. Testing reactions to things in thread is good, and I get to practice her voice!
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: Honestly I'm trying to figure out what to do with Hart. He's (read: I've) gotten him into something of a pickle with unfinished moderated threads, and I'm not certain how his plot can progress right now. I didn't get to write him last season except for the global event, so I'm hoping to do more with him in Zi'da, including some fallout from the trouble he's in. He may or may not have a (potentially large) bounty on his head and is, let's be honest, totally unprepared for it. He'll mostly be skulking around trying not to be recognized (unlikely, that) and trying to figure out what in the hell he's going to do.

Goals: I don't tend to have really concrete goals for my characters. I just want to get Hart started again. I think I'll probably focus on getting him into some shenanigans with the law. He's a butterfly, so I'm sure those will go splendidly.

I've also considered trying to up his physical skills (mainly running, endurance, strength, and swimming, though the later is unlikely in Zi'da) so if anyone wants to do threads based on those that would be awesome. He's most likely going to be traveling all over Rynmere and the Eastern Settlement this season, for various reasons.

Since he's met Edasha, depending on the end of the global thread, I want to perhaps begin exploring his mortalborn-ness for the first time. I just really want him to try running through walls a la the men who stare at goats.

Interest Check: I'm not exactly certain where Hart will be going in the future. I want him to find his lost ship, the Jovy Akor and potentially begin traveling to other cities (you know, in part to avoid that whole maybe-bounty-thing). I think I want him to become a cartographer, and it's likely he'll find his ship in Rharne. I'll probably want to get him involved with Edasha again at some point. He'd like to meet his father someday though the chances of that, especially now, are looking infinitesimally small.

It would be cool if I could figure out how to give him some redemption from past misdeeds. I'm still thinking about that one. Anyways, that's all I have rn.

Comment: If I could I'd like to talk to a mod about where Hart's at right now. Just so I have a more concrete idea of what I can do with him and how much trouble he's in.
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: Oh goodness me. Well, in the last few seasons, Edalene has seen a remnant of the old gods of the Shay (an Induk), found one of their temples, fallen in love with her brother, agreed to marry him, attempted to break a known mage out of jail (still don't know how that happened), been marked by Vri and Ralaith, and become best friends with a Mortalborn. Oh, and she doesn't have a heart. Literally. Because she died. And came back to life. So my main plot right now is developing her relationship with Aeodan and delving further into the mystery of the Shay.

Goals: As mentioned, the Shay and Aeodan, but those are handled. Further character goals I have are for her to continue in her devotion to Ralaith. I really really want her to be Champion of Ralaith. Vri, she respects, but she was more marked by him as a product of circumstance (re: dying & coming back to life). Ralaith, she really, truly believes in. She also wants to delve further into the mystery of the Shattering. On a more day to day note, I'd love for her to get further involved in noble politics.

Interest Check: Besides the Shay and religion stuff, Edalene's main focus has always been in the history of Rynmerian nobles. Her knowledge OOC doesn't really reflect that rn, but I'm really happy to do memory threads around that, or delve more into her thoughts on nobility as a commoner. Etc etc.

Comment: I really really love writing Edalene, and I've been having a really hard time lately, so I'm actually going to be prioritising this chick because writing with her makes me happy. So. Hit me. Thread with me. You know you want to.
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot: Xander has aspirations of taking over the kingdom and ushering in a new age in Rynmere, he is currently close to moving up to the position of Duke alongside his wife Celeste in Andaris. He very much a "goodguy" but of course good and evil are based on perspective and I am sure some people would think him satan spawn with his aims for the country.
Goals: Well to eventually become King, Xander is currently trying to gain as much support as possible and to prepare himself for the hard journey ahead. He will not make the same mistakes a certain Burhan did on his attempt to take power. I like to challenge Xander so I am happy to find some enemies along the way with his search for allies, his views are arguably quite radical after all.
Interest Check: Always interested in meeting more nobles and discussing politics, gathering support is important when you are planning to overthrow a king. Of course I always welcome combat threads as I always enjoy them but don't get to write many unfortunately. I would like to meet more non noble citizens of Rynmere too, the support of the people is also necessary.
Comment: This place should be picking up again and I am excited to see that, bring on the Rynvival, I welcome it with open arms and I hope none of you have daggers for me behind your backs :P
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Caius Gawyne
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[Rynmere] Plot Check

Main Plot:
Caius is obviously in Rynmere at large because he's a noble from the House of Gawyne, the second son of Baron Frederick and Baroness Jade Gawyne, who are the first in line for the Dutchy. He's in Andaris specifically to study both Religion and Printmaking at Rynmere University, and he's not even above working at the Rynmere Gazette as assistant printmaker in order to pay the bills (because daddy doesn't really see the need for him to be studying anyway and cut the purse strings). His motivations for being away from Fort Gawyne are in his CS, but to sum up here: he's a reluctant politician, much more interested in academics and the arts (yes, both) than really taking the reigns from his father (although Hunter is technically older than him, he's an NPC and there is probably some potential for future RP there as I'd like Caius to take over one day).

What does Caius plan to do this season? Well, he's becoming somewhat obsessed with a strange tidbit of information about Treid's Sanctum somewhere north of Viden, which was part of his starter quest (Djinn-moderated quest to come!). Supposedly, it's a source of true knowledge, and, as a Gawyne, it's an understatement to say it's piqued his interest. By the end of Zi'da, he'll find out more about it whether he actually wants to or not.

He's also working, studying, spending far too much (somewhat scandalous) time with a particular Venora (Darcyanna, aka future Gawyne but shhhh that's much later), and generally doing his father's bidding as a political face in Andaris for the House of Gawyne (at least his face is pretty even if his mouth is not).

There's 90 to 91 other days of Zi'da to fill with studying, working, socializing, and other such activities. Parties? Fine.
I always want to write with more people. I never say no and you all know this by now.

Some rivals, drama, conflict (fight me), scandals, nerddom, and friendships are welcome. I'd really like to form a circle of friends, build some skills, and deal with the life. Those are pretty much my main goals always. Hit me with plots—political, relational, academic. I want them alllllll.

Darcyanna has a wee bit of a drug problem (but is worth all the trouble), so Caius will be dealing with that. He wouldn't mind not going that solo (looking at you, Oliver), but at the same time, he's really quite working class about his propensity for doing the work that needs to be done. Ahem. Take that as you will.

He would also like to reconnect with his sister (IVY!!!!), please.

My goal for Caius is to begin to turn his interests toward the state of Rynmere (he's disillusioned by his own status as a noble, not to mention the way the country is run), and begin to move him into considering an advisory role. This can perhaps come through spending time with other movers and shakers amongst the nobility, others who are listless and thoughtful, and others who can see through the sass and actually hear what Caius is trying to say. He's not stupid, obviously, but he doesn't have the best political bedside manner. This needs to change. Carefully.

My overarching plot goal (read: long game) for Caius is somewhat inspired by the Immortal who has influenced the Gawyne line, Ziell. Peacemaker. Prophecy. Those are key words I'd like to plant seeds in through RP and begin to create some internal change in calloused Caius toward someone perhaps more mature but still full of swears.
Interest Check:
Caius is reluctantly interested in politics because he is far from satisfied. He rubs shoulders with the people, hearing first-hand all that goes on throughout Andaris and the rest of Rynmere because he works at the Rynmere Gazette. He's true to his House and obsessed with knowledge, with wisdom, with learning more and stretching the limits of his personal understanding.

Through Darcyanna, Caius will also become interested in dealing with Valkyr, her sister, and that criminal organization where all the bad guys' aliases start with V. And by dealing with, I mean ending. This is obviously a long game as he's not at all equipped to do that yet. But, he will be! Bring it!

Taking a more hands-on approach to the way the kingdom is run is in his future, but so is more printmaking, more studying, and more whatever else. I'm in it for the long game, so I'm happy to plot with folks for some story goals that cover several seasons in the making.
Insert witty comment here, you sarding arsehole.

P.S. Licensing rights for hashtag Rynvival are pending. ;)
P.P.S. 100th post!
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